Tiffany Stiles ~ Energy Report


Sleep ~ yes!  Halfway through dinner I began to nod off literally sitting in my seat so I got up, flopped onto the couch and was out for an hour.  Still need more.  zzzzzzz


February 14th Energy Report Update~

SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP, are the three words coming to mind with the solar wave coming in. This kicks up melatonin production, and pineal gland (Third Eye) activations; intuition elevates. I can barely hold my eyes open right now, writing this report. You may experience body aches too as cellular restructuring occurs. Electronics are acting up too. The cellular restructuring occurring now to change old, outdated patterns, the way you handle and react to certain situations from which the portal eclipses brought forth. Cells have memory, and that is encoded in your DNA. This restructuring rewires for new, different, more positive, and higher perspectives, and higher vibrational frequency to recode your DNA.

New Moon partial lunar eclipse tomorrow, the 15th. Over the past two weeks relationships have been put to the test. Any vibrational frequency discrepancies between two people were made entirely evident. If the vibrational frequency is not a match, the relationship/friendship falls out of alignment rapidly and ends. These are final and there’s no going back. With this latest CME that was hurled directly at Earth your emotions could have been hurling too. These CMEs fire things up, shake things up, so it is not a good time to communicate, as patience is null, and anger can rear it’s head. Add in intense portal eclipses solar, and lunar and it’s magnified by 100 times! Hold off on serious conversations until the moon dust settles, and the cosmic weather calms.

With timelines shifting, collapsing and converging so quickly now, you may not know if you’re coming or going. What day it is, loss of time, and de’ja’vu may occur more so now as past, present, future merge. Dreams are more prophetic now in precognitive states. You dream it, it happens, or dreams are showing you literal things in your life that are pertinent. Now is the time, more so than ever, to release anything binding you to 3D. Those attachments to things, people, places, etc…will anchor you in 3D, and lessons will keep repeating to bring forth the higher perspective to detach, unconditionally love, support, accept, and be non judgemental in interactions. As the cellular spin rapidly increases with upgrades vibrationally, we see only from our Higher Selves, and how our role affects the collective as a whole.

Today is Valentine’s Day, love is in the air and Venus is assisting in the romance department with deeper connections being made with sacred partnerships/relationships. The bond further elevates in unison. Sending loads of love to you. Rest, take it easy, honor yourself, and enjoy embracing your here and now with the ones you love. 💞
Tiffany Stiles


Angel number 214 by Joanne Wamsley states: Angel Number 214 tells you to be open to receiving and accepting your ‘good’, which may appear in the form of new opportunities, new projects and ideas and starting afresh. Have faith and trust in yourself and the angels. If feeling any fear or doubt simply ask your angels for guidance and support.

Angel Number 214 tells you that at this point in time you are where you are meant to be. Live in the moment and appreciate life’s daily miracles. (


SUBSIDING CHANCE OF FLARES: Sunspot AR2699 has begun to decay, losing almost half of its area in the past ~24 hours. As a result, the chance of solar flares is subsiding. NOAA forecasters say there is only a 10% chance of M-flares and no more than a 1% chance of X-flares on Feb. 14th. Free: Solar Flare Alerts

SUNSPOT EXPLODES, HURLS CME AT EARTH: On Feb. 12th, the magnetic canopy of sunspot AR2699 exploded–for more than 6 hours. The slow-motion blast produced a C1-class solar flare and hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) almost directly toward Earth. This movie from the Solar and Heliospheric Observtory (SOHO) shows the CME leaving the sun.

The CME could arrive as early as Feb. 14th, although Feb 15th is more likely. NOAA forecasters say there is a 60% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms with isolated periods of stronger G2 storming.

The effectiveness of the CME could be enhanced by a stream of solar wind that was already en route to Earth when the sunspot exploded. The solar wind is flowing from a large wedge-shaped hole in the sun’s atmosphere. If the approaching CME sweeps up material from that stream, snowplow-style, it could strike Earth’s magnetic field with extra mass and potency.

Arctic sky watchers should be alert for auroras when the CME arrives. If the coming storm intensifies to category G2, observers in northern-tier US states from Maine to Washington could see auroras as well. Stay tuned for updates. (

Sourced from here.

Ascension Update


i appreciate the symptoms validation esp. the heating up at night WOW am i hot tonight (and quite warm too  – ha ha).  and indeed the reference to the huge energy wave that came in last night.  literally knocked me flat – had me revisiting old stuff core deep wound to release which i resisted until earlier today.  note to goddess:  resistance is futile


By Diane Canfield

Blessings Beloved Tribe,

Last night we had a HUGE wave of Energy that came in! I wanted to write this article reporting to everyone about the Increased energy of the last 2 weeks leading up to the solar Eclipse but I could not due to the Huge upgrades I was feeling. I felt as though I was walking in two worlds and not firmly planted in this one! I would not have been surprised to experience our complete Ascension last night. This is how strong the energies were!

With the partial Solar Eclipse approaching on February 15th, we have been experiencing increased energies for the last 2 weeks. We have been in the Eclipse Portal since the Supermoon Lunar Eclipse. We will stay in this portal because we have another Partial Solar Eclipse coming July 13 and then 2 weeks later a total Lunar Eclipse. I will discuss this more later and go into more detail about these Eclipses and how and why they are bringing in more energy than past years and why they are very important energy markers to pay attention to.

In my last article you heard me talk about my UNIQUE experience of having a dream and in this dream being shown an answer to something that happened years ago that I had completely forgotten about. This shows everyone the upgrades that are taking place right now in this  super eclipse portal. If you have not read this article you can read it here . I advise reading my last article because just by reading it, it will raise your consciousness and show you what is possible now to experience in these increased energies.

For the past 2 weeks since we have been in the Eclipse Portal with heightened DNA activations and energies, we have experienced many symptoms of Ascension. This means if you experience these ascension symptoms your vibration is high enough to be able to feel them. Your body is changing as well as your consciousness. I have experienced all of these as I do ALL ascension symptoms. This is sign of frequency mastery to be able to FEEL the increased energy although many may not be aware of just how upgraded their frequency is. These symptoms are all very important and to understand we go through these changes as upgrades to our DNA and shifting timelines.

Symptoms of Ascending and Upgrading DNA to Transition to the LIGHT BODY / List of Upgrades:

  • Intense Body Heat Especially At Night
  • Intense Dreams
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Walking In Two Worlds At Once
  • Blurry Eyes
  • Intense Ear Ringing
  • Intense Hunger
  • Intense Karma Release
  • Massive Insights
  • Hyped Up Feelings 
  • Sleep Issues 
  • Headaches 

We do not nor ever will evolve out of having symptoms of ascension. We will have the symptoms until the actual process of ascension occurs. If you are not having symptoms, work to raise your vibration and work to raise your level of consciousness so you can feel Energy. Everything is Energy and it is an evolved process to FEEL these energies.

Last night when this wave hit I felt a fatigue wash over me and then the upgrades started to pour in. I could not do much at this time. I had planned on writing this article but had to wait until my mind came back into focus. This is what it feels like many times with these upgrades, as if we are walking in two worlds at once and our focus is taken away from this reality.

One of my next articles will be to go in to detail about some of these symptoms and what they mean when someone experiences them. Stay tuned and with love.

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In Service and Love

Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET Contactee, having had many in person visitations from many different races of our Star Family. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood and were reactivated in 2000 when visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

Copyright © 2017 by All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website


Sourced from here.

Energy Update ~ 2/14/18


Deeply resonating w/this one.  Itchy skin.  Mouth issues.  Vision issues.  And this deep descent into depression ~ very low feeling/heavy/dense energies.  It’s “Love Day” and I have a feeling of “who cares”.  Just letting myself be as I know within this is all (supposed to be) serving a purpose.  right??


Morning all on this joyous day of love.
Just wanted to give you a heads up on what has been in process cosmically.
I have recently talked to the collective about this new grid system heading towards Gaia and her loves.
We are just shy , a week, before the “ Diamond Emerald/Gold Ray Flame “ grids will enter our Solar system. 
It is the Truth Ray. Placing everything back to its original truth , before the disintegration of Gaia , and dark penetration.
Teams last night Pleidian , and Sirian , Security , as well as task teams are holding space for the entrance.
I and my teams are collecting calibrators, stabilizers etc. to assist connection to Master Portal of Rose Gold Ray.
It’s all about gracious alignment, if not it will be a rough landing. Which in turn all
Sentient beings will feel the drop , a little more challenging than needed.
You are feeling the effects of this movement , sea sick ,nauseous , sharp side of head pain , itchy skin , blistering in the mouth area. Eyes having a harder issue to focus. (Preparation for new light spectrum )
It’s also having us dip temporarily into lower echelons of being. Forgive, it’s just temporary.
Threshold will also be sharp pail like sensation in the 1st and 2nd chakra. Again you will smell a type of burning or sulfur in urine , and other. Carbon transmuting to crystalline. DNA.
It has to leave the vessel some how, lymphatic system will have sore spots and swelling , caused by density evacuation.
Our transitions to Pure Golden Truth , are somewhat interesting. But , again, necessary.
It might be described as birth canal. Pressure , influx /outflow. Not wanting to handle it anymore. Weepy.
Tribes it’s all temporary.
It truly comes down to full Heart Love.
Speak from heart
Feel from heart
Listen from heart
Act from heart
It will be so much easier for full transition.
Use tools given , if you lost the tool box , or didn’t start one , ask !
We are all here to share. If teams are free , doors will automatically be opened. If not , go within , it will all be orchestrated from all Kingdoms of Light.
We serve you in Love And Light ,
That is all for now:Cosmic Heavenly Love to All.
Commander Zoraya /Sa’ra ,in Earth spirit Paula

Vera Ingeborg: All inside the Head – Unity Consciousness here we come!


by Vera | Feb 13, 2018

This one right here.  What she said!  Nearly every word of it!  The vision stuff lately – WOW!!  I cannot express how often some days I have to rub my eyes and refocus and wonder what is happening to my eyes why is everything so blurry at times??!!  Skin breaking out, yep. Temperature fluctuation.  Brain shutting down.  Literally as in cannot process at this time you are talking to an empty vessel.  At times body suddenly trembling/shaking cells vibrating. Anxiety attacks (2 in the last 24 hours).  Continued INTENSE need to be alone/left the “f” alone to just be in my own energy space.  Ultra sensitive more than ever to smells and noise and most especially drama (except for my own apparently – ha).  Food stuff ~ sometimes no appetite but then like earlier today RAVENOUS intense craving for protein.  And sugar too!  lol  I was literally shoving organic cane sugar covered macadamia nuts and a beef stick into my mouth as I drove home as though I just partook of too much herbal and was having an intense munchie attack.  I gotta tell you though at times with these energies, some of these “signatures” make me feel blissed out high.  We just be goin’ quantum…  Thank you Vera for such a clear wonderful validating piece.


Pretty intense experiences at the moment, huh? We are going through seemingly endless thought spirals, anxiety attacks, big old ego programs related to aggression, control, manipulation, frustration, disappointments etc. We have a hard time to focus, often feel disconnected. We have weirdest food cravings, a lot of need to rest, not knowing what to do with ourselves, lucid dreaming, intense headaches, the eyes blurry as never before, and the whole body is just going berserk with wildest symptoms, skin break-outs, infections, ascension flu, hot and cold flashes etc. And our mind is hopelessly lost, all it can think is: WTF??? Where is the emergency exit?

 I had already written about the ego patterns showing up now everywhere. What I have not written about yet, because something was holding me back until now, is why this is happening. It seemed as if the ego releases had to be worked through to a certain point so that we would all be ready to integrate this new information. I am also still getting used to the fact, that the information I get through now is much richer in terms of clear information. Before – it was a much more intuitive way of just feeling. And now I receive very clear facts of what is going on. The masculine energy is helping us now to reconnect to unity consciousness through the crown. Through the heart, we are connected with the life-flow – the feminine energy. Through the mind, we are connecting to pure wisdom and consciousness.

The Restructuring of the Brain

So what are we experiencing? Yes, it is Human evolution while being alive… We are going through huge physical upgrades now that are at the moment mainly related to the brain. The whole brain is being rewired and restructured. Old structures are dissolved and new structures established. New synapses are built, and the amygdala (where fear patterns/ego patterns were processed and played out based on mistrust) is reprogrammed and upgraded to become a processor for unconditional love  and light – the higher dimensional energies. The amygdala could be seen as the center of motivation, and now we are switching completely from extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation coming purely from our essence.

“We will no longer be driven by outside motivation factors. Instead, we will be driven by our essence and will only do what we love.”

We will no longer be driven by outside motivation factors, such as money, fame, career, materialistic possessions etc. Instead, we will be driven by our essence and will only do what we love. Money is no longer seen as a survival tool, but as a creation tool. We are shifting from mistrust to trust, from fear to love. While going through this process, we come online and offline concerning the connection to the Divine Masculine (wisdom, focus, action, creation). We sometimes feel we are shut down, before we go through intense waves of fear patterns showing up, before feeling connected with our essence again. Like a pendulum, we are swinging, before finding back into the center. Where sacred union happens within.

Ego Programming is dissolved

With the dissolving of old structures, old ego programs stored in the brain cells are set free and come up intensely. It can be very overwhelming and it can feel as if we are going through a huge storm of darkness. As shown by natural laws, the best way to deal with it is to move to the center of the storm. And that means to move right through the walls of fear, resistance and frustration and see what is behind it: Nothing. It is just an old movie being projected into our reality, but the moment we step through the screen where it looks so frightening, we come back to peace. Accepting it as is and just letting it pass through will transform it quickly. It asks pure honesty from us towards ourselves. Anything that still triggers us, gives us an opportunity to look into the mirror to see what is still keeping us separated from our own truth and essence. Our ego might go into: “No, this time it is really not my issue”. And yet we know… everything we experience is our own creation and energy. And people treat us and situations play out according to our own energetic patterns. Only when we take full responsibility for our own creation, we can shift.

Cravings and physical Symptoms

Rewiring the brain not only causes intense headaches and superblurry eyes, it also takes an enormous amount of energy and lots of building blocks: protein. Cravings for sweets, carbohydrates and proteins are very normal at the moment. Also heavy greasy food cravings come up in between because we tend to fly high with the current energies and need some grounding. It all just seems wild and crazy, and it can easily call up feeling guilty of wanting to eat stuff we would consider as unhealthy, ethically not correct etc. We are learning to overcome beliefs and dogmas, not only about certain methods, rituals, lifestyles etc, but also about food. Instead of listening to what others say what is good for us, we learn to just listen to our own body and system what is needed at a certain moment. We learn that it is much more a question of living and eating in a very conscious way and with gratitude, whether it is a vegan salad or a burger. When we exit the plane of duality (3D/4D) there no longer is a right or wrong way of doing and being. It all just is.

When we exit the plane of duality (3D/4D), there no longer is a right or wrong way of doing and being. It all just is.”

In line with all the restructuring, remaining fear patterns are just pushed out now from the cells in the whole body. And the body uses all mechanisms it has available to go through the transformation process as quickly as possible. Puking, emotional breakouts, shivering, fever, infections, skin break outs, etc. All outlets are used.

Lucid Dreaming/Sleep Patterns

Another side effect of the restructuring of the brain is lucid dreaming. Many are experiencing lots of dreams where they are not sure whether it is real or not. It feels like shifting between realities, and that is actually what happens. As we are entering the fifth dimensional frequencies, we are preparing for a new state of being, that we don’t have to sleep anymore. At the moment, we still experience an intense need of sleep/rest, which has to do with the physical body going through intense transformation. The new way of dreaming is actually an alignment of the brain with the current reality we are now entering. Sleep was necessary in the third and fourth dimension, because it was the only way to connect to our spiritual essence to recharge with Source energy. During the day, the connection was cut off through the programmed fear blocks. As soon as that connection opens again fully, sleep is no longer necessary as we are always connected to Source energy. So our sleep patterns will be confusing for a while, until we have found that new balance.

Brain Fry/ Energetic Paralysis

Lots of people are also going through what I would call brain fry. The brain is just not able to process all of what is happening and it just shuts down. We could compare our physical body to the hardware, the new energetic grid as the software, and the brain/amygdala as the processor to give the impulses to the hardware. While the brain is still going through the rewiring, the processor is not able to read the new software yet. The electromagnetic impulses are too strong for the old structure. This is experienced as a sort of energetic paralysis. We get impulses but don’t really know what to do with it. A feeling of “I just don’t know what to do with myself”. It can be quite frustrating and yet it is absolutely normal and will pass. We are now learning to just be patient and let things unfold although we don’t understand what is going on and coming. We are approaching a new zero-point field now, connected to the eclipse. As soon as we are sitting in the center of the storm, we experience a sort of nothingness. A kind of waiting for something nice to happen, yet we don’t know what. This is common before big energetic shifts.

The old reality is collapsing and whether we like it or not, ego-based free will is not tolerated any longer. The sooner we accept and surrender, the easier we shift through. Although it is very challenging for many of us right now, it is also fascinating and magical what is happening. We are becoming the new human to co-create new earth.

The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of love, Vera Ingeborg

Sourced from here.


Universal Clean-Up Underway


Terran note: This is from Sophia Love’s private subscription newsletter (reposted with permission here).  You can view Sophia’s blog posts at https:// and much more here:  If you like this newsletter post below, considering subscribing to her newsletter which helps defray her publishing costs.  

I have reached out to my contacts and this data is indeed accurate.   Sophia, along with Denice and Shawn are 3 currently activated conduits of direct information from the Sphere alliance.  There are 6 more (names not known) yet to be activated.  

ALL ON!!!!

Today’s conversation was illuminating and comforting. I think you’ll appreciate the information shared here.

In gratitude for all that you are,

February 9, 2018

Is there someone who wants to connect? I feel a crowd, maneuvering for position. Like “Me!” “I do!” “No, me!”

(Chuckle, smiles…) You have felt us Sophia, certainly. There are several of us wanting to speak.

I cannot choose, not knowing who it is I am choosing from. You will have to decide. Perhaps who would be the most helpful in this now moment. Either to me personally or the readers or both.

I had reached out earlier today to my friend, but could hear nothing. I could sense him, but it was like he was behind a veil – unaware of where he was or unready to communicate. If he is part of this gathering…

He is not. We are not on the other side of the veil, any of us. We are sorry for your loss.

We have chosen.

Thank you. Please then, go ahead.

Yes. Hello Sophia.

Hello. Are you military or law enforcement? I sense decoration, badges, formality, almost “war hero”.

I am what you would label decorated. I would not know about “hero”, but war is something I’m familiar with. It is my work. I am of military rank and office. I, right now, patrol your skies and participate in the cleanup.

Yes. In the

In the cleanup of dark focused beings who orchestrate take-overs of children and lives and institutions and planets. You are in the midst of a massive sweep.

Well yes, we are. Yet accurate information does not seem to be readily available. Do you have some?

I do.

I can tell you that there are many who have already been taken into custody – some returned to the central sun for re-configuration. While most in a recalibration process so that what has occurred here does not re-occur elsewhere. The numbers are beyond what you or your people could fathom.
It infiltrates organizations on deep, deep levels and many of them.

In order for a take-over to be accomplished on an entire planet, the scope of involvement had to be quite broad.

The numbers of participants alone would stagger the imagination of most humans. This means layers of involvement and many of them.

I am getting images of cooperative law enforcement personnel and payoffs.


What have you come to say to us?

That now we are in an active phase of enforcement and while you witness the theatrics of your puppet governments in their dismantling, we come from beneath those layers and remove and deal with the support structure.

This system unravels at both ends, with the ones in charge removed many months ago, the layer you witness has no clear directive to assist as they navigate their ending. It is quite comical to observe and from here there is not much observing going on. We are busy.

There are large numbers of casualties in this clean up. By casualties, I do not refer to deaths. No. Instead, I refer to those misled, misguided and confused, who quite literally took what they were told they were doing at face value.

This was quite literally a job for them. They had no broader perspective for life, theirs included. Only now, as they’ve been removed and are dealt with, do they get a glimpse of the trauma they willingly participated in.

What happens to them?

Their acceptance of re-training and re-calibration determines what sort of sentence they will serve. The numbers of them are huge – be assured we are prepared for the onslaught, which is in full force now.
Do you cooperate with local law enforcement then? I see reports almost daily of traffickers in humans being arrested.

Let me say it this way.

Much depends on the group that was captured and the group doing the capturing. This is an orchestrated effort, yet not all stages of it are “on board” when you read about in in your news announcements.

Eventually, those involved in the slavery system end up off planet. The court system on earth is corrupt in its own right and this too must change.

As I am military, I can share with you the complete vision. The vision of earth is one of beauty and unity. In such conditions, a military force is necessary only as a protection against any outside attack or infiltration that means to do harm.

Currently your planet is under attack from within and has been for a long time. [Terran note: since the fall of Atlantis 2] The clean-up of such a massive effort is lengthy and involves and includes many. This is where our focus rests.

We are motivated to re-configure the beings involved when possible. This is the highest outcome.

The anger and outcry from the humans, when the scope of the human trafficking is revealed, will be such that they will want blood for blood and retaliation and punishment. I cannot predict what will occur. I can say that our efforts now are to clean up and remove as many as possible “beneath the radar” so to speak, in order to preserve humanity and justice.

There are those beings who incarnated, knowing they would be visible and “thrown under the bus” as you say. You see some of that now in your news. There will be more and what we do not know is which ones will be fed to the slaughter.

As a being who has witnessed the capture and re-calibration of many, I can tell you that with those efforts, and time, none are as hard on themselves as the captured. Once realization is discovered, the pain is incomprehensible. At that point, a gunshot would be merciful and preferred.

So, your skies are filled and we are quite busy. This ends now. This is what I wanted to bring to your attention.Thank you. Goodbye now.

Goodbye Sophia.

Sourced from here.

Preparing for the Solar Eclipse ~ Allow Compassion for Yourself and Others


I am really feeling these energies now…


We are still in the eclipse passage this week, so you may have been wondering what is going on lately in your life and in those around as well. This is a potent period, so allow compassion for yourself and others at this time. There is sooooo much energy, emotion and even old toxicity that has been releasing for us all. This is a unique eclipse passage, because we are finalizing a series of eclipses, and a transition that began for us last summer with the Solar Eclipse that bathed the US in its totality.

Things may feel very heightened but it is due to this culmination point. We had to shed all of this in the start of this new year before we begin anew. If you need greater assistance at this time or support for balancing your emotions, energy, blockages, etc., connect with me through my site to book a session long distance or in person in Arizona. Violet Alchemy Healing sessions support this process Check out this week’s update from Inner Monologue podcast here…

Energy Update 2/12

This past week was one of the most intense weeks as the period in between the eclipses has truly dredged up the collective shadow.   It felt like a cosmic car wash combined with a tornado.

Continue reading here.

The Solar Flash Is Close


I am sharing this one as it resonates with me for a few reasons.  One, she had a dream of this event the same time period I did (early 2017).  Secondly, she feels (as I and so many others do) this event is weeks away.  Lastly, she is a mama, driven to share information on her website, struggling with feeling guilty that she is not spending as much time w/her child as she would like.  I share the same experience at times (and if I listened to myself 100% of the time I would spend even more time at this ~ I continue to see myself doing live video’s on my youtube channel, breaking down news article’s I see and sharing my experience, but I just don’t have that kind of time).  She has a draw to the Pleiadian’s.  I’m still on the fence about this galactic connection.  I know I have lived elsewhere as have we all.  I know I have connections with other Being’s from other realms.  I had that experience in July of 2009 where I was telepathically called to come outside and when I did, saw the most beautiful, amazing white pulsing orb/craft, had some communications and left me with “see you soon”.  However, I do not give my trust 100% to anything outside of Me ~ especially with any Being I have not met.  My personal creed: be open to all Being’s but don’t follow blindly no matter how cool their toys and abilities.


It’s Sunday night and I’m buzzing. It’s not a very pleasant kind of buzzy though. I have had a couple of attacks today that have left me with an intense anxiety in my solar plexus. The first was accompanied by a faster-than-usual heartbeat; the second by breathlessness and at one point I got so dizzy I almost blacked out. Unfortunately this is the reality for lightworkers when they’re stepping into their power and creating real, tangible change for the liberation of this prison planet. I’m kind of getting used to it and to be honest it highlights to me where I need to be doing better protection work!

On a personal note I seem to be going through some challenging feelings around my role as a mama. I think because my mission is stepping up in a big way, and I’m having all of these Pleiadian contact experiences as well as getting my website going, I feel like I’m neglecting Tommy. He’s watching quite a lot of TV these days, and when you read the studies about how bad it is for brain development and you know about the AI interference and all the rest of it… well, it’s easy to beat yourself up. But I know the solar flash is coming soon and everything will change so much then, which doesn’t excuse it but it does mean that I have to weigh up all my options to make sure I’m making progress in the most important and urgent areas. Right now, with the solar flash happening in a matter of weeks, I feel that getting my website up and running is an absolute priority. On top of that, the more transmissions I can do with people the better as it all contributes to the liberation and to the healing of Gaia.

I did a transmission this morning for Tim and it was so unbelievably powerful. And I felt so much like I’m in my element as I was doing it, and it made me realise how much this is my calling. It’s such a joy to feel confident in what I’m bringing to the world, and it’s a big change for me too!

Onto more exciting things! I realised tonight as I was struggling to sit upright at the dinner table that this wasn’t just the feeling of being attacked, but rather it was the feeling of being with my Pleiadians. Where my consciousness kind of divides and part of me joins them on their ship, so I’m much less able to function in my physical body. It’s happening daily now and I realise they are preparing and attuning me for physical contact.

There have been some beautiful updates from them lately. The day before yesterday (Friday 9th) I felt the energies coming through so strongly in the night that I was like a lightning rod. Energy coursed through my body in waves. I got maybe one hour’s sleep. I asked my guides to ease it off but unfortunately I had no luck! The energy washed through and around my body, and it felt like it was transforming me. It was so strong and intense that I honest to god thought the Event was going to happen the following day. It felt similar to the prophetic dreams that I had around a year ago of how the Event will feel. Powerful, intense, yet blissful energies that come in one wave after another until we can’t actually move and we just have to lie still and surrender. It’s going to be so beautiful, I can’t wait!

So my Pleiadians have been giving me some further guidance through the downloads I have been receiving. They have asked me to share this publicly to help people connect with the expansive possibility and potential for the future.

They revealed to me that soon after the Event, they will make physical contact with me. I will be like their representative or ambassador. (By the way when I say Pleiadians I am talking specifically about a small group who are my soul family and are currently in a ship in sublunar space. As for the wider Pleiadian community I am not sure exactly what their moves will be). They showed me that I will wake up at around 4 or 5am one night when everyone is asleep. They will have landed in a park near my house. I will be telepathically guided to their location and I’ll go and meet them.  They will then take us (myself, my little boy Tommy and my partner Tim) onto their ship. They will take us on a journey so we can fly with them and see some of beautiful Gaia from the skies (I’m not sure how high we’ll go!) while they also give us a healing and a briefing as to what we need to do in the coming days and weeks (I just checked the word count at 777).

Continue reading here.

Jenny Schiltz ~ Collapsing The Death Timeline


This was one of those “Victoria you need to read this” pieces.  I have been having a couple of reoccurring dream themes for almost 15 years.  Lately they have been pressing in on me and I have awoken with this feeling that I am still playing this sh## out – somewhere – in some “space” – turns out the space is within.  Time to get out the toolbox and collapse that timeline experience.  Below is a snippet of the entire article.


For those that don’t know my story, I was hit by a drunk driver that resulted in a spinal fusion. Life returned to normal, even had another child, until 4 years later, the fusion failed horribly and embedded into my cerebral fluid column causing a massive leak and infection. After 2 repair surgeries and a summer in a nursing home recovering function, I was left with serious nerve & back pain, way too many pharmaceuticals, and a growing opiate addiction.  My intuition told me that if I didn’t do something different I would be dead in no time. As we were already losing our farm due to loss of income we decided to move to Colorado where I detoxed off the meds with medical marijuana, learned meditation, reiki and opened up to my soul. It has been a long journey to health but one of amazing growth, however, there was still a timeline running where I never made those changes.

When my husband came home from work and saw that I was an emotional hot mess he came to sit with me. I told him about my day’s journey including what our middle child had said. I asked him if he felt similar and his face grew serious. He said “You were circling the drain, Jen. There was no vitality to you. I always had a plan B in the back of my mind of how I was going to take care of the kids without you.” I had no idea that he had felt so much pressure. I asked him if he still had a plan B and his boyish smile returned and he said “Nah you are irreplaceable. Maybe that is the point of life, to become irreplaceable.”

The next 3 days I experienced excruciating pain in all of my joints, my back and had intense nerve pain that radiated down both legs. It was like I was right back in hell, right back in the time period where my eyes would open in the morning and I was sad I was still alive. I worked with my team the whole time and they explained that a timeline collapse is not “out there” but actually takes place in the body. That each cell holds the timeline and must be removed from every area of the physical form.

They also wanted me to see all the ways that I was willing to give up on this experience and my goals.  I had dreams of the collapsing timeline, really feeling the gravity of the situation and its effects on me and my loved ones. I saw the pain of not fulfilling my soul’s passion. I was also shown where I had held the feelings of “I don’t belong on this planet” and “I want to go home”. I was also shown all the times that I put another’s needs in front of my own and how this too is a signal of “I don’t want to live or thrive.”

On the flipside of that, I was shown where I had looked outside myself to be saved, believing that in an instant the world would change and I would be healed and whole. The truth is being healed and is available to all, but only through going within and doing the deep inner work.  I also had to look at the definition of being healed and how for each person that meaning is deeply individual.  For me, healed means I want to live, I want to create, and I have excitement for my life. It does not mean that my physical body is perfect.

The truth is being healed and is available to all, but only through going within and doing the deep inner work.CLICK TO TWEET

On the 3rd day, they asked me to state my intentions of what I wanted in this life and they told me to be fearless. It was as I shouted these intentions out to the universe that I felt the final release of the timeline take place and I sunk to my knees in gratitude that it was done. I was then shown the place of the weavers and my personal looms to see that indeed I had collapsed the timeline.

Click here to read the article in its entirety.



A Vision for Equality and Fraternity 


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Equality and Fraternity

We see a world where we have learned to transcend our hierarchical tendencies whereby we have stopped seeing ourselves as “more than” or “less than” one another, but now we only see ourselves as equal in every way to each other. Indeed, we have tamed the Reptilian complex (the R-complex) which lies at the base of the root of our brains and, in doing so, we are no longer having to deal with our territorial tendencies, our fight or flight responses, our kill-or-be-killed reactions, our defensive postures, our control issues and all the violent, harmful behaviors these activities used to engender.

The beast inside of us has disappeared and, as a result, the beast outside of us has gone away, as well. Hierarchical and separatist thinking in all its insidious forms are vanished from our human experience. Now, equality and fraternity reign supreme, as we celebrate peace, prosperity and paradise on Earth having returned to the forefront of our lives.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments to date.