Happy UPGRADE Light Holiday Day! WOWZER!!
Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
Happy UPGRADE Light Holiday Day! WOWZER!!
The Critical Mass Of The 70% – SaLuSa. By Gabriel RL.
Souls on Earth have been much more open to peaceful coexistence by understanding each other more and more, so as to ensure cooperation in the ongoing transformation of the Planet.
You see situations where Mother Earth needs to purge the old energies by promoting climate movements and, in the midst of these necessary movements, some people are hoosted because of their soul contracts.
When this happens, human beings from around the world shake hands, in love, as they can, and through prayers or as volunteers, they move to areas lacking in emotional and material comfort, providing generous help as helpers. Of course, these loving gestures are not to occur only in these movements, but every day.
You are surely awakening to this highest truth that all are ONE and aware that you must be united in all times and situations.
The skein of illusions dissipates each day as you allow yourself to give your hands, naturally disempowering those who have wished, for ages, to keep you in ignorance of your Oneness with the Supreme Creator.
You are ensuring that Mother Earth advances and repays you for all the help you are giving her. In this way, it has minimized, to the maximum extent, the necessary movements of purges and tectonic relocations.
You can expect, of course, some moves in some areas, but the Galactic Fleets are patrolling and monitoring all these moves to ensure the highest possible safety and considering and honoring the soul contracts of those who wished to leave the Earth in some of these situations.
Nothing happens without a reason, dear ones, you should be are well aware of this maxim. Therefore, when you see these movements, remember compassion and generosity, abstaining from any feeling of despair and lack of Faith.
Not only is your feeling and desire to help others expand, but the Core of your Being is becoming more vibrant because of the approach of the GALACTIC MOMENT.
Humanity Ready to Overcome the Illusion – Mother Earth
The wave will sweep the Earth and certainly some will have difficulty assimilating such a powerful Magnetic Information block. These will need help, because they will be like blind people who go to sleep without seeing and wake up seeing in full noon, with the sun at the top.
Although some say that mankind is not ready for such truth and energy, we of the Galactic Federation not only say that IT IS, but can also assist the Galactic Forces directly.
Everyone will know very soon
About 70% of humanity is already, at the soul level, ready for the transition, and the remaining 30% will be illuminated by 70% and will be ready quickly when the momentum is activated.
The critical mass of 70% is more than enough to sustain the GALACTIC MOMENT.
For ages we have been at your side and have kept honoring your free will in order to allow you to have your most edifying and revealing experiences.
The time has come, you have asked to be awakened, no matter what it cost – as we have said before – and we are here, at this moment, giving greater visibility to our ships, appearing in your dreams, intuiting you more strongly and showing you, constantly, the 11:11 as a sign of your awakening moment for TRUTH, so that you can awaken others with your Light.
Know, dear ones, that it is now much easier than ever to have contact with us, you have never been so open and certain, internally, that we are your Family, and we are longing for the contact with you.
As I told you in my message about time-line jumps: “continue on to the lines that best suit your vibrations.”
Most of you are going to the line where the 70% have manifested the New Age and where the contact with us is real.
You hold yourselves in meditation and prayers so that you can anchor as much Light as possible in your bodies, asking your Guides, Angels and Mentors, or whatever you are most attuned, to help you by giving signs for your progress.
Certainly, you will be bathed with messages like 11:11, songs, signs specifying the way, even a small ant or a spider can bring you a message. Know that nature is more connected with what is happening than many of you. Watch out for the signs of your pets.
Dearly beloved, as you approach the closing of another year on your Gregorian calendar, it is good to take advantage of the energies that your Sun is sending to you, as an opportunity to prepare for the new wave that will reaches the Earth in the first eleven days of 2018.
Re-Start from the Old to the Light
Awakening Code 11:11
This wave is a magnetic sum of several Galaxies of that Local Universe that, uniting forces, are fermenting a powerful sending of energies so that you can be more connected than ever with your most sublimated nature.
This wave will unleash even more of what is in you, so that you must cooperate by releasing what you no longer need on the journey you are following.
Gripping the old is surely “shot in the foot,” your Selves have decreed that you would no longer spend this Galactic Cycle immersed in duality, guided by drama, fear, and unloving.
Due to this powerful wave coming from various galaxies, your Local Sun will stir and your scientists will certainly detect more solar activity, and beforehand we warn you: do not be frightened, some of them, still controlled by the old order, may want bring you fear about a movement that is purely loving and for the sake of the human race.
It is the end of the dramas for many of you and the beginning of a quieter and safer walk of yourselves, no longer burdened with the old burdens, although you may be beside those who still carry them.
Do not expect your lives to change from day to day, know that in the broad steps you are in, you will have more confidence about the fate that is already visible – which your Selves have programmed – and, in these steps, you will become more and more joyful and determined to continue, without holding anything else that lowers the vibration.
Some of you have had wonderful experiences in their lives but after did fall back into drama and conflict. Dear Ones, the Creator is constantly giving you signs of what your future is if you commit yourself to yourself.
There are also those who, by free choice, will not wish to ascend now, and these will be honored in every way, as we have already said.
Even so, the experiences of now, the moments that you will experience, will be saved and will be a much more powerful springboard when a new opportunity is activated.
Everything is always evolving and nothing and no one will be left behind.
I am SaLuSa of Sirius and, aboard one of our Mother Ships surrounded by members of several Star Commands, we greet you and wish you all a wonderful New Cycle, full of blessings and joys.
Metatron is with us and reminds you of the importance of meditation in connection with your Merkabah. It reminds you that you must move this energy so that you can get out more quickly from the dramas that still surround you. Your Merkabah is the vehicle that will get you out of the “dangerous zones” quickly.
I, SaLuSa, will be with my ship stationed for some time in the English capital, London.
For a special reason that leads me to that region, I will be giving humanity, from there, a small sign of our presence.
Of course, some controllers of the old order will know of my presence and try to minimize or even retaliate against my ship, but I assure you that no weapon will be fired at me and my crew.
Watch the Sky in London!!
Most of the time, of course, I will be camouflaged, and at night, if we are authorized, I will give signals with my lights.
I ask that my message be translated as quickly as possible into the language of that region and distributed to the utmost in order to summon the Londoners so that they can help to sustain this truth.
Be in Peace,
Be in the Light.
Sourced from here.
I became energized last night, with the energy lasting until around 3am. I wonder if this has something to do with the Schumann’s beautiful spikes. Definitely a quickening is “in the air”.
Message received about two hours ago; “waiting upon deliverance”.
Last night PST Time in North America, a Shift was recorded here at approximately 830 PM. This Shift carried the highest frequency indicator as of yet and may be compared to a “jump” instead of the gradual slide usually indicative of a Shift in progress.
The Ascension has just become more complex for You, yes, more work to do, BUT, not within anymore. You are NOW at the stage to begin the “OUTER WORK” of this Ascension. For most of You, Your tests on strength, belief, and Trust, to name a few, are OVER. Any little “inner work” will swiftly come to the surface for You to blatantly see and address, for example; if You MUST stop eating meat, YOU WILL become violently sick where there will no mistaking for You that it MUST go. (Again, each of You are different in some ways, and it may be unharmful to You to eat meat while carrying on Your Divine Service at this Time) You NOW will begin to be embraced by Your efforts and intent of “Good Will” in the forms of gratification and satisfaction, with each use of YOUR DIVINE PROWESS You will be Gifted a confirmation, an energy Gift of feeling. With each act of Divine Service ALSO COMES a Higher Knowing attributed to the Divine Act You initiated. YOU MAY NOW PROCEED WITH PUTTING YOUR DIVINE GIFTS INTO FULL PRACTICE.REMEMBER, no VENGEANCE, for if it is included in Your intent, it will set You on Your butt in less than a blink of the eye.
More Prophetics will be revealed to each, as WE advance swiftly., You are to place the Prophetics BEFORE You, for those are Your VALIDATION features. These validation features ARE precursors for You, should validation; (seeing is believing) is required, then it is ALREADY IN PLACE, because You publicised it beforehand, have NO reserves.
You are here to quickly grow, on Your way back to Source.
Love and Light
Sourced from here.
There will be a massive release of energy within the next week as the Sungate to Sirius and the 7th Central Sun is now opening up to the full.
It is truly now lifting us into a total rebirth – an incredible shift in consciousness, which will have a ripple effect on all and everyone. I cannot stress just how important this is, for we are in truth we are now reborn on so many levels.
The new human race is being born, (apart from the volunteers, the fore-runners, the pioneers who paved the way for this to happen, since the Second World War).
Our soul memory banks will get triggered, as well as the collective memory banks. Slowly but surely the truth will be revealed, and what has been purposefully hidden, will rise up again, and will be accessible to humankind again, as they are ready to access this.
This is a gigantic shift.
I cannot stress the enormity of this, which started to happen in the middle of November this year.
We are being returned to our original planetary blueprint, our original Creation as Elysium and the Lion Kingdom rise again!
(Judith Kusel)
Sourced from here.
Ya’ll have to read this one! I absolutely love this message. This beautiful intuited message was sent to me by one of you wonderful readers. It was written by Stuart Wilde in March of 2013. Sadly, he passed on just weeks after publishing and sharing this piece. Click on the original link and look at his picture. Look at the gentleness in his eyes. He is such a beautiful Soul and I wish I had known of him earlier. … I calculated it out and the approximation of “2000 days” puts us into the early parts of next year. We are both ready and getting ready peaceful warriors. Our vision(s) are manifesting. Perhaps Stuart is waiting there for us already, returned as a fully healed Being. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
I saw something. I was taken to a dimension of pure love. It was here on earth. I was walking by a placid lake there was fog in the air, but it wasn’t dank and cold, it was a purple mist so soft and beautiful. All the animals were calm, they had no terror of humans anymore. I heard a celestial bell in my right ear, the little “ding” made it resonate through all eternity.
And I noticed when I had a thought like say, “how beautiful it all is” it went from me unimpeded across the lake and over the hills and beyond. There were humans in that pure love world, not many, but they were there. I didn’t see them, but I knew they were noble and kind and brave and full of grace, because I could see the imprint they had made on the trees as they had passed them.
I wondered if this “pure love” world was a hundred eons for now? Seconds later, as the question tumbled from my mind, I was shown the “love world” is very close. I couldn’t tell exactly, but it seemed 2000 days or so.
Then I was shown a gruesome scene. It made me shudder. It was so complex I had difficulty understanding, it over whelmed me. I was taken through the death of the global ego and specialness. I was shown how there is no last judgment, each and every person decides their fate from their deep inner sentiment; there is a mathematical preciseness that is a “karma administration” of great complexity, way beyond what I could comprehend, way beyond.
Then I saw the hills and they lent toward me and kind of nodded, as if to say, ‘You understand don’t you?’ It is all in divine order.
And I made the sign of Knights of St George. It’s like the Christian sign of the cross. You go from your forehead to your chest saying “Holy, Holy” and you go left and right saying “Sacred, Sacred”. Then you bend down on one knee in reverence and you touch the ground with a finger of your right hand and you say, “Here Now”.
The “Here Now” is an act of humility. It says here I am in this world right now on this spot on a bended knee, ready to serve.
After the sign of St George I saw a thousands crows flying over my head, they were very beautiful and each seems like it was bent on a mission, but I didn’t know then what the mission was.
Then later I saw a sea of graves, millions, hundred of millions, they stretched a thousand miles or more. But it was all in order, it was all the people whose minds and souls weren’t ready for the love world. They had to go elsewhere and try again. It all seemed fine.
And from beyond the graves came a celestial sun, and one ray of it entered my right eye and I fell to the ground in awe.
And I remembered the vision I had of Jesus showing me his hands and the voice that said, “He came forth and led the people to a great victory”. The love world is the prize that awaits us, beyond our pain.
I saw all that. It was shown. It was very definite, there’s no question, it will be delivered now. Stuart Wilde www.stuartwilde.com
Sourced from here.
The BEST one yet! A vision after my own heart! Freedom = Free! And so it is. It is DONE. NOW. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
A Vision for All Things Free
We see a world where:
You don’t have to pay to be warm. Your heating is free, at any temperature you choose;
You don’t have to pay to have food. Your sustenance is free, from the most nutritious, health-giving sources it can possibly come from;
You don’t have to pay to communicate via phone, internet, or mail. Your communication avenues are free, and they are the best, most advanced technologies available;
You don’t have to pay for good health care. Your health care is free, and it is the very best that our society has to offer;
You don’t have to pay for shelter. Your home is free, in the most pleasant environment you can imagine;
You don’t have to pay to have clothing. Your garments are free, and they’re the most comfortable, colorful clothes available;
You don’t have to pay to travel. Your transportation is free, in the most reliable, safe, and clean vehicles and systems known to man;
You don’t have to pay for fuels. Your fossil-based, electromagnetic, solar, wind and water driven fuels are free, and they are safe, sustainable, renewable, clean, and becoming less of a drain on Mother Earth and more connected to the Sun, the winds, and the waters with each passing day;
You don’t have to pay for schooling. Your education, at all levels, is free, with the highest quality standards, held in the highest quality facilities that are designed specifically to be conducive to learning about whatever is of interest to you;
You don’t have to pay to have fun. Your recreation is free, with camping spots, theme parks, sporting events, playgrounds, hiking trails, and beaches open to everyone all the time;
And finally, you don’t have to pay to be alive. Living is free because there are no taxes, no tolls, and no trolls standing by the entrances to places you want to go. Life, in its entirety, gives you everything you need and allows you to go anywhere you want without fees or fears of any kind.
Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.
I awoke this morning and groaned. After night #3 of waking up around 5am only to be awake for 2 hours or so before returning to sleep, waking up for a second time takes its toll. (and last night I simply could not fall asleep like I normally do – within minutes of putting my head on my pillow)… I rolled over and said, “these ascension energies are frickin’ powerful!” Later this evening, the body pains kicked in again as they have done the last couple of days. Heat and that little portable massager help. Also noticed quite extreme temperature fluctuations today ~ given where I am with my normal cycles, an unusual experience for this time of month. Then there is that ongoing itching thing ~ especially in my hips. My mate is having the same experience, same location.
We are being pushed hard through intensive waves of higher frequencies. This process can take its toll on our health and wellbeing. We should be offline or at least on flight mode during intense upgrades, few of us have that luxury. Life goes on. Symptoms people are experiencing range from cold and flus, headaches, body aches, extreme tiredness, heaviness in limbs, fuzzy head, blurry vision, ear popping and buzzing and temperature fluctuations. Chakra activation can cause palpitations, fluttering and flipping sensations at chakras, IBS symptoms, dramatic changes in what we can eat and digest from one day to the next, disturbed sleeping patterns, waking up between 3 and 5 am or sleeping in daytime.
As we clear lower chakras and our upper chakras come online, life can take on a surreal quality. Dimensional slippage, glitches, time anomalies, vivid dreams and memories popping up, can make us feel insecure, shaky, untethered. We can be clumsy, bumping into things, tripping up, stumbling. Our bodies are changing, becoming lighter in structure, our bones and muscles become stronger and more supple. Our agility improves. We crack open and peel back layers of hardened, dense karma. We release matrix toxins clogging our organs and arteries. We shake off low vibration energies stress, worry, anxiety to reconnect to our bodies. We tune into our bodies. This is 5d, a quantum existence where nothing is compartmentalized, we are one united trinity being of light.
Our minds require special care at this time. Physical symptoms of aches, pains and exhaustion can affect our mental health. Karmic release challenges us to find our core strength by facing the dark night(s) of the soul. We become more sensitive and aware of the effect others and our surroundings have on us. Screening out high conflict people helps this process as we can be extra vulnerable to energetic attack during intensive upgrades. Our self esteem can take a hit. Affirmations of self love, forgiveness, acceptance and belief help shield us.
Spiritually we are at warp speed. For many of us this means reprogramming from religious and cultural mind control algorithms limiting our soul growth. For others it requires we face our selves, we step off the treadmill of work work work, career, status symbols and success. We sit in our own space with only ourselves for company. And we get to know who we truly are not the avatar the matrix branded us with at birth. We are being cooked friends. Baked. Roasted. We are experiencing internal chemical reactions to bring more strands of DNA online. This is heavy maaaan.
The matrix conditions us to push through illness, to maintain high attendance data, to ignore, repress and dismiss physical or mental illness. Our primary role in the matrix is as cogs in the wheel. Only we can break that programming. Take time off work if you need to. Ignore the matrix the way it ignores you as an individual, as a sovereign being. Pare back all but the necessary things to do. Prioritise solitude, soul tribe nourishment, nature and self care. Unplugging requires just as much energy as upgrades, the two go hand in hand. Begin to see yourself as a trinity being mind body spirit and take care of each as part of the whole. Rest and recuperate. Keep shield of love up. Stay as safe and protected as you can. Avoid crowds, exposure to other people, especially for empaths at this time, can drain us.
The world is in chaos and everyone knows it. Whether they are verbalising it or not, no-one feels safe anymore. The fear agenda of the cabal is in overdrive to keep our vibrations low, to block incoming upgrades. For those in the heightened consciousness community disclosure is inevitable. For the majority of people it’s shocking and frightening. Disclosure of intergalactic communities integral to our planet’s development. Exposure of widespread organised paedophilia supporting a depraved cabal hungry for innocence and power. Revelations of arms dealing, global economic theft, fraud and corruption, human slavery, food and chemtrails weapons agenda, mass mind control programming are bubbling to the surface. Our chakra clearing is as much a collective experience as it is individual. Ancient predictions coming to fruition.
Technology drags us along behind as it gallops into the 21st century. We are overwhelmed as a race, as a collective global consciousness. We are incredulous by what we see with our newly awakened eyes, heart and soul. We are experiencing anomalies, fluctuations and ripples in the fabric of our existence. Synchronicities and the wonder and magic of the universe. All of this adds up to a whirlwind of confusion, elation, fear and chaos. Who controls the media? Who controls mainstream program(ing) on tv? Who controls social media, the integrity and freedom of the internet? Why is the dark net able to exist and flourish? How does it all hold together so we can break it apart, dismantle it calmly and rationally? There is no long term security anymore. No generation or population on earth feels safe.
We are in the eye of the cosmic storm friends. The world is in inner and outer turmoil. Our role, our mission, our path is to turn inwards. It is to seek and find inner peace. As we upgrade we become creators, manifestors of our perceived experience. If we integrate these upgrades, we walk the path to inner calm, peace and self love, we will in turn manifest this. If enough of us do this we can and will change our world. No easy task when we are running on empty, relentlessly pressured by the matrix and those people in our lives, society, to confirm conform conform. A huge part of this cosmic evolutionary process is discovering who we truly are. To ignore pressure to conform, to listen to and then march to the beat of our own drum is anarchy. It is to be the glitch in the matrix. It is to shed our matrix avatars and step into our power.
We are being energetically battered down to prevent this process occurring. Indigos are being labelled and medicated. Lightworkers are being targeted by dark workers, multi dimensional hackers and energy vampires. Our confidence takes the knocks. Our inner calm can be destroyed. It is up to us to realign, to rebalance our energy flow so that we can reset our own vibration. Take the power back from those who seek to drain or destroy us. Look carefully at who can be trusted. Stay vigilant. Protect yourself with light, love, forgiveness and gratitude.
These are trying times friends. Yet our highest path of existence is being offered, a path of peace and love. To walk the path is to shake off pressure, negative energies and drama. It is to take control of our emotional energetic dial. To reset, tune up, turn down the volume on negativity and turn it waaay up on love frequency. We can and we will make this world a better place, a more honest, authentic kind space in time to visit and be part of. Don’t despair if you feel run down, tired, emotional, unwell, spaced out or drained. You are not alone. This is a global and individual evolutionary process. All are experiencing it with varying degrees of awareness. Take one day at a time, one hour, one task at a time. Go gently. Slooooooow down. Imagine you are offline and sit quietly with no stimuli. Let your soul wake up and talk to you. We are part of a bigger picture of rEvolution, awakening and empowerment. Play your part with selfcare, spiritual growth and love. Namaste.
A Vision for Help from Higher Beings
Today’s Vision comes from Brian K and he asks us to take a look at the bigger picture. Thank you for the wise reminder, Brian.
My vision is for all awakened souls on earth to ask for help from the brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light to assist us in the realization of the perfect reality that we all desire. We want your help!!!
So be it and so it is!!!!!
Brian K
Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.
Fluxes collaborate with the Higher Dimensionals.
Fairies of the Realm are heralded.
Lemmings are halted from demise.
Singing commences.