Up Up Up


Up Up Up – 15-Dec-2017

Regardless of gateways and portals, we have ongoing high dimensional Light flowing to us, into us and around us. This Love helps to dislodge what we may still cling to; that which is old and keeps us in the old. Yes, it can be scary to let go of certain comforts and familiar ways and yet it is necessary; that is, if you want to evolve. I notice when we let go of one thing, another surfaces, as it is an ongoing process. And it is not just old stuff that surfaces, as some of our current choices are based in old beliefs, remember we can’t create the New from the old. The New is new and that means it is fresh without the old energy attached to it.

You may wonder, “Where do I fit?” For now, let it be O.K. to not “fit” anywhere. Be a “free-floater.” Not many are willing to do this, preferring to fit into a small box with a label on it. They may think that it’s better than nothingness. This won’t do. You can’t be in the New if you’re not willing to let it all go. Letting go of what’s familiar is not easy.

You may pat yourself on the back when you let go of something or someone, yet if it is merely intellectual, nothing has really happened and you keep attracting the same energy again and again.  As it filters through your being, you might see and feel that it is not what you expected; that the belief or pattern or whatever you thought you released is still operating within you; or you can see the ramifications of your choice and not be happy with your choice to let a particular thing go. You can retreat back into the old and familiar or you can accept Responsibility for your choices and see it through. If something keeps coming up; that something you thought you released and were done with; it may be that you intellectually released it; you didn’t release it with all of your being.

Of course, it can also be that you released one aspect of it, as all exists in a spiral, taking you higher or lower, depending on your choice. What you may not be aware of is that Grace is carrying you. When you are in the middle of something you intellectually shifted and the energy of what you thought you let go of keeps returning, you can always choose to reverse your decision. Call forth your Soul and ask Soul to release the old energy, for Soul knows if you released it or not and knows exactly where the energy may be hiding. Also realize that once you let go of something, you may not like how it creates in your life down the line. If this is what you experience, realize that there are many layers of letting go and take full Responsibility for your choice of letting that person or belief or pattern go. As I mentioned above, you can always change your mind and reverse your decision if it is too uncomfortable for you. It’s best to not go backward, but honor your initial choice.

You may also wonder why you feel you’re in a standstill (if you feel that), where nothing seems to be flowing. Let it be O.K. and trust that all is unfolding perfectly in Divine order and in Divine Time. It is an old belief that unless you keep moving, nothing is happening; this isn’t true in the New. There are periods of Integration and Rest. This is a time to have radical Trust and not be lured back into complacency and outer distractions. Commit to seeing everything as Source-guided and of Divine Will. Keep clearing and as you do, know and trust that you are led to a beautiful place and space of Love. If you doubt, you create a blockage in yourself and thus your doubt continues to anchor the old within you and all around you.

Continue reading here.



(I forgot to include the title to this one at first so when you receive it in your e-mail it will show up as some numbers which I apologize for.  The title of this one is beautiful and seems to sing to me.  Anyway….I had to share this one for I find it beautiful, gentle, supportive and resonating ~ all of those good loving feelings I feeeeeel we all need.  Secondly, the part about suddenly needing to “NEST” totally captured my attention as in OMG!! as when I woke up this morning I had the sudden need to “NEST” and even commented to my mate, as I was sweeping the floor, getting into those often neglected corners, “I have this sudden urge to nest today ~ very much like before I gave birth” to our girl.  lol  Also the itching thing has begun again – in my usual spots – to which at first I thought last night “not again!”  But then I remembered the shaking I had experienced the day prior and knew I was undergoing another Activation.  It’s all good.  We are so being guided – and it happens very quietly when we aren’t trying. Numerologically I am a “9” and have read over the years this includes the energies of balance and letting go.  Loving nudges for my human self (sounds and feels so much better than “lessons” doesn’t it?).  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


My Heart Family, (FB post)

The Energetic Transition And Passage between the Multiverses continues as The Heart Collective has finished the complete energetic separation and collapse of all timelines and descension eras in the previous lower Symphonic Universe.

It has anchored to the next Symphonic Universe‘s ascension timelines of the New Earth.

The Collapse Of interfered with Timelines has caused Timeline glitches across all matrices As The Heart Collective steps outside of time.

Many feel it is the same day again, a Groundhog Day effect, as they step outside of time and the 4d.

Others feel like they are in an era, like the 80’s, or 70’s.

This is normal. And these time anomalies will stop once the Heart Collective fully manifests their new reality on the new earth.

Timelines are anchored by the Forerunners as the Heart Collective begins global awakening.

This can be a very lonely experience as you might find yourself alone in a timeline for a while until your loved ones anchor with you.

Have Faith.

The 10/10 Portal began the amplification and preparation of the anchoring of the Christ Consciousness in this year 1, (2017->10->1),with Solar and Cosmic Source Ascension Energies massively activating all three levels of chakra systems within humanity.

We are being activated at Multidimensional levels nonstop now both day and night.

The Neon Chakra System is the new chakra system that is activating now for the Forerunners.

Remember the ascension process is a stair step process.

Activations can occur through the NEW Ultra- Blues(like cobalt, turquoise with bright gold)Crown/Heart Chakras, Ultra greens with bright gold(lime green and neon yellow) for Heart Chakra, And Ultra Reds for Lower/Heart chakras, ( fuschia, neon orange, bright gold,).

Each dimension has its own chakra system.

Colors expand as consciousness expands, as everything is related.

The New Chakra System has the Gold Ray amplified with Diamond Light, think extra light, making the colors neon and bringing in more Chakras into the expanded system.

This includes the galactic male/female chakra activation which prepares the forerunners for year 2.

As the Divine Feminine And Divine Masculine are Unified at individual Chakra Systems, the Divine Twin activates Within.

Inner Grids reflect outer grids and vice versa, so inner twin must be unified in order for the Divine twin ship to occur in a manifested reality.

We are preparing for this Now As the Root Chakra Of The New world anchors to the new reality.

Year 1 Of The New earth anchored the new ultra red root chakra at world level.

Forerunners as a soul group have been anchoring ‘HOME’ and finishing their physical embodiment In this year 1.

As The Heart Collective finishes the anchoring of the first chakra level of the new world, right now there is a great sense of needing to “NEST”,to prepare home.

The Need to get Home ready.

Same feeling a woman experiences before giving birth, the need to ‘fluff the nest’.

Many are called to go Within through this Sacred Passage.

Year 2(2018)anchors in the second chakra energy into the world, relationships, and Divine Marriages.

It is also a Master number 11 Year.

The Heart Collective feels this and is preparing to anchor the next chakra globally, the sexual/relationship global chakra.

Cosmic radiation affects High (Divine Mind) Chakras at night the most strongly due to the sun now entering a solar minimum phase and Solar Energy waves affect the Lower Physical Chakras, strongly during the day, affecting body releasing and dna structuring.

Both Divine Source Energies(solar and cosmic), unify for massive Heart Chakra expansions which are occurring now.

Cosmic space radiation affects gland rejuvenation and dna restructuring at accelerated levels.

Two things I noticed:

One- Energy Dross at night has begun again for me, which signals dna restructuring. This is when you wake up and you are burning up and/or a drenched.

This has to do with temperature regulation and our hypothalamus.

Also massive itching of my shins and legs are starting again, a symptom of Massive Crystalline Activations.

Also, when there is a Solar filament separation it seems to make my heart physically ache and hurt now, I have become so sensitive to the solar energies.

The hormones from the hypothalamus govern physiologic functions such as temperature regulation, thirst, hunger, sleep, mood, sex drive, and the release of other hormones within the body.

This area of the brain houses the pituitary gland and other glands in the body.

This is being accelerated right now.

Second- I eat food by color it seems.

Mostly White or yellow.

Like a baby, embodiment seems to begin at skeletal restructuring and work its way out…I will write about food and nutrition, it has changed so much.

The Pineal gland in the new chakra system unifies to the Heart and gives unlimited inner vision with unlimited Heart “eyes”.

The Well Of Dreams is activating, allowing for the “dream Experience” to amplify and become conscious.

During the activation of the Well Of Dreams, which many call the seat of the soul, severe crown itching, headaches,ear ringing and feeling feverish is common.

Also, because it is responsible for information from the Higher Realms, it needs to be shielded, for it is highly vulnerable to psychic attacks as it activates.

During this final release from the Electric/mental matrix headaches are very common as synapse rewiring is occurring to prepare for Divine Gnosis For those that have chosen to walk in service for the Highest Good Of All In Love.

Since 11/11 The Heart Collective has been jumping timelines as more and more individual descension timelines collapse.

As more disconnect from the old grids, more connect to the new ascension timeline grids of the new earth.

These grids feel completely different.

Like Air.

For Gridworkers, it feels like a new world indeed.

These grids have no outside interference, they feel like liquid air, and the only way to anchor is to flow…manifestations only occur when they are from the Heart in Love and have been released And let go.

What we want the most we have to let go.

We release dysfunction, not Love.

Also, there is no rooting in this new Grid, for our base chakra has shifted and we ground with our activated feet Chakras instead in These Higher Dimensions.

The inability to ground to the grids is very disconcerning.

It feels like the inner gyroscope is off.

The best thing to do is to go outside and try to ground to the new magnetic North Pole, this will begin discernment of energies and allow for anchoring into the new grids.

Once you can consistently align to the true magnetic North, the inner spinning and what feels like cellular spinning will decrease and become more comfortable.

Our Merkaba is also expanding, as we begin to shift multidimensionally.

Our Healing gifts are coming online.Quickly.

Open up fearlessly.

Constant timeline jumping by the Forerunners causes a great deal of instability in the Hueman Collective, as we are all one soul group in this Now.

When we release a timeline, all those in it Feel our energy leave but don’t understand what they feel.

This causes a great deal of stress and anxiety and brings up the ‘left behind’ programming which runs constantly in the lower dimensions And keeps the sleeping Collective at survival chakra level.

We are balancing and neutralizing this now in the collective.

The Portal Of 11/11 separated the two universes as light consciousness separated and shifted ttrough the hugely amplified Portal, which can be seen as a black (w)hole, white (w)hole experience, and left the lower, non heart human consciousness magnetically attached to the lack of information,(light) interference and fear matrices Of the old 3D and 4D Earth.

These Black/White (W)hole Portals separate harmonic universes with black wholes entrances and white whole exits at multidimensional levels.

This is an organic ascension universe, soul consciousness must match the frequency of the Portal in order to proceed through it, souls exit realities when their consciousness reaches the frequency of the Portal and then they can access the next timeline experience.

The black holes phase out lifeless energy consciousness into the Void , and once through it, the white holes bring in the life energy consciousness, which manifests into reality.

The 12/12 Portal anchored the Divine Mind across the Heart Collective. This ends the final connection to the 3D,4DElectric matrix and activates necessary synapse rewiring For Divine Gnosis to begin to be accessible to all.

This aspect of our spiritual “armor”can be seen as a golden helmet or crown, the polar oppossite to the crown of thorns in descension,and opens the stages of gnosis across the collective.

The Incoming energies of 12/21 are already amplified.

These Energies will anchor and amplify The Christ Consciousness across all grids and will assist in the final mental disconnect from the matrix.

The Birth Of Christ will have a very different energy this year, as more connect to the Truth of the Christ Consciousness, not the false light illusion.

Take time to Honor yourself in whichever way is needed through this passage as we manifest our Heaven On Earth.

Pray. A lot.

Drop into Your Heart and feel like a child when you give gratitude for being here in this Now.

Connect to the Earth.

If you trigger, forgive yourself and keep moving forward.

Set your Sacred Intent Everyday to Walk for The Highest Good Of All in Love and Light to Assist in this shift.

Be Fearless.

Be Love.

For Love is All there Is.

Have Faith.

We got this.

Oh yeah…Drink water.lolol!

Upwards And Onwards.

Inwards and Out.

The Only way Out is In.

Love you All.



Sourced from here.

Use Your Heart To Beat the Matrix


The Only Way is Up

I was watching a very interesting YouTube video with Dr. Joe Dispenza and Lynne McTaggart (you can watch it HERE). Something struck a chord with me when Dr. Dispenza said that working with the heart center moves us away from the particle state and into the wave state (as in the wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics — an object can behave as either particle or wave or both in some cases).

This makes sense in a very woo-woo way to me.

Let me explain:

The fundamental principle of this life seems to work on fear (particle state) or love (wave state).

The Fixed State of Fear

Don’t you find that when you are in fear — which is primal, fight or flight kind of stuff — it hard-wires you to feel ‘heavy’ and fixed in this reality.  We use terminology like ‘the weight of the world’ and things/situations ‘weighing us down’.

It’s a feeling of helplessness and burden, load or pressure. It’s what fixes us to a state of physical matter or materialism and keeps us in that ‘particle’ form.

There’s no doubt we need both to ‘survive’ in this matrix system. However, having an awareness of the decisive action you need to take for self-preservation (fight or flight) doesn’t require we stay in a permanent state of fear.

Unfortunately, this current world system seems to be pumping the fear-factor at us — it feels that that’s all they want you to be focused on. This doesn’t have to be your truth.

If you can cultivate a healthy awareness and can become the ‘observer’ of your reality, you can face your fear and transmute it into valuable data that can keep you safe and sane in an insane society.

The Freedom of Love

When we are in the state of unconditional love, we feel elated. It made so much sense to me when Dr. Joe Dispenza said that love puts us in a wave state. We become a frequency and ‘rise above’ so to speak. This is the vibration that keeps us connected to each other and ‘tuned in’.

Continue reading here.

The Quickening is Happening


by Morgan Lee,
Guest writer, In5D.com

The self has been focused on what needs to be transformed within the field of one’s own energetic center and has spent much time either consciously or unconsciously, or at times both, clearing, clearing and more clearing.

This has been a time of rapid expansion for the human and has created much discomfort for the wounded ego mind. And some may liken this energy to what is known as The Quickening.

As the lower vibrational energies of fear, shadow are transformed back to love, the self has been delighted with enhanced connection to higher self and multi-dimensional self aspects, which are energies of Oneness, Universal Love, Universal Wisdom and Intelligence.

Many at this time are allowing the small mind and the wounded ego to transform and hence quieten and in doing so, are naturally aligning with the expanded self.

This will continue with full universal assistance in the coming weeks in readiness for the 11.11 Gateway which occurs on 1st January, 2018. 1.1.11. ( more information coming on this gateway soon) Effectively a doorway to residing and aligning with The new Earth.

As the mind and it’s hidden fear returns to love, it ceases to manifest unconscious repetitive loops and cycles of pain and begins to actually create joy and love for the self.

New experiences, expansive beyond what the human can even dream of at the moment become the natural new way of being.

The Human remembers that all external is of the self and begins to experience all external as the intended gift, it always was, rather than an energy to resist.

The human remembers that what is presented within the imagination of the mind, via visions, messages, clairvoyant connection, etc. is also accessible for The Self to play with, communicate with, and command in the pure collaboration of Oneness etc.

He or She remembers that higher self, multidimensional self aspects, deities, celestial beings, galactic crew, ascended masters, arch angels, angels etc. are simply aspects of the self, part of one’s own Oneness, and SO, here begins the real fun.

As the human allows his/her mind to align with these aspects of self he or she can consciously instruct, these powerful energies in co-creation for fast tracking of transformation for the self. Accessing DNA activation’s, Geometric Activation’s, transformation, manifestation, co-creation, expansion etc. for the self and what is done with pure intent and love, will be fully supported.

When He/She remembers how to do this for the self, then he/she remembers how to do this for and with others. Showing them the possibilities and opportunities of their own multi-dimensional conscious divinity too.

Conscious creation for The Self, by The Self. Powerful transformation, Healing, manifesting, co-creating in full consciousness, etc. mastered by the Human Being.

Conscious play via the New Human done in full conscious is The Creator Self embodied, which is The Master Self practicing self mastery.

Welcome Home, New Human to your place of being.

Sourced from here.

Message To The Wayshowers ~ 12/11/17


Amanda Lorence


The energies and personal shifts that have been occurring since early Nov 2017 and written about here, are affecting every human being on the planet at energy levels applicable to their life, their reason for incarnation, their path chosen prior to their particular birth. Each, applicable to this timeline where all are honoured, all are loved. Where thanks is given for each part played in this grand, GRAND unfoldments of universal truth. Truths that span the timeless, that span universes upon universes shall unfold. There will be GREAT revelations. Each man and woman upon the planet will BECOME aware of that which plays out, via our communication systems. No one will be left out of hearing these revelations, for all human beings across the planet are ALL significant to these times.

I speak now to those that deeply resonate to these words:
Some human beings on this planet if not already aware, will become acutely aware of:
Who they are now.
Who they were in a prior incarnation (in human historical terms).
What they are at higher frequency level within the multiverse of Creator.
This revelation will come within you, not through another human being. When another human being speaks or writes something, people can choose to BELIEVE or DISBELIEVE. But they will NOT KNOW, via that system. For it is only from WITHIN that, through Self Realisation and linear time spent honouring the journey that realisations come forth within. When these realisations occur, they will make sense of EVERY PIECE of THIS present incarnation, in your human form. Where ALL pieces of the puzzle within this life, from birth to now are understood with complete and utter clarity. The human beings that will reach this point will experience these revelations and REALisations alone. For only in this manner, does it become KNOWN. So there is a great difference between believing and KNOWING. Knowing is the experience of, the REALisation of. And once these human beings experience this of which I speak, their knowing and realisation will then produce EFFECT. That effect will be, that their REALisations are confirmed to them via other source outside of Third Density frequency. It IS all, a give and receive system. They will have confirmed, that which they REAlise. These human beings that enter this stage now, will either already know this information I post for they have embodied such data, or, will be going through this Now, or will go through this very shortly in the next two weeks or so.

It is THESE human beings present NOW in this specific lifetime and timeline, that will be the ones that instigate the domino effect throughout the world. That which brings the changes every human heart desires for the planet and it’s inhabitants of all forms. There is much to play out, and all that plays out I assure you from my heart and knowing, is absolutely, perfectly timed. It always was and will be. May each receive and give of Love. May these first humans Self REALise now, for the greatest good of every life form that is made of and from God.

Whilst this post affects everyone on this planet, the people of which I speak that create the effect, are of a certain number. If this does not apply to you, I ask you to play your part and NOT feel in any way, shape or form that you are ‘behind’. NO ONE is behind. And these key people that are currently, literally remembering who they are, who they have been, what they are, and why they are here, are the ones that LOVE you more than any HUMAN words can ever describe. For their love is beyond the human form. It is these humans that will be assisting you, Humanity, your families, your pets, and all life forms upon this planet, whilst in tandem, being the bridge between humanity and intergalactic. They is everything to be grateful for and everything to celebrate. Each can play their part as things unfold if you wish, for it IS a dominoes effect where more and more shall KNOW, embody etc. Yet it is IN the GIVING, that we receive. Holding back is kind of not an option, unless YOU choose to hold back and stay behind any mask that may be still present.

Here, I have not specify long term dates. The dates 21 and 22 Dec 27 are hugely significant where the energy of Sirius will assist on those dates and during proceeding unfoldments. I do not know how many human beings initiate this beginning stage of world wide revelation and change. I do not have any time period.

I will be going up The Tor, (Heart Chakra of Gaia), as called, on dates 21 and 22 December, to give of my heart energy and receive. Via a quiet meditative state. Anyone wishing to join me there are most welcome. I will receive the ‘correct’ time for this connection, between now and those dates. I do not know what will transpire there, only that I trust completely this path.

AL 11/12/17
(If you share this post, please include title, as there are people who look out specifically for these posts by looking for the title. Thank you)

Sourced from here. 

12:12 Portal


This is the one 12:12 Portal piece I resonate with and yet I am not able to share it here in written form so here it is in video via The Higher Self Channel.  What resonates most is the body shaking of the past 48 hours – and the heaviness in the left leg.  I had that either last night or the night before and found it odd.  Who knows.  I really don’t have much memory left as I am mostly just focused on NOW.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”]


12 12 Portal, The End of More OLD Dark Codes

Published on Dec 12, 2017

The Light Body Is Forming Through The Heart, Activated Through the Emergence of the Divine Feminine


By Diane Canfield

Beloved Tribe,

At this time of high acceleration the light body has also accelerated in it’s transformation from the HUman Body.  The light body forms through the sacred heart. The beginning phase of the light body formation starts with the opening of the Heart chakra. As it opens it then works to open even wider to let more LOVE in which then builds up to allow more LIGHT to develop inside of it. As more light permeates the Divine Heart, more compassion for all sentient beings develops and takes hold. This can also be referred to as activation of the Divine Feminine. The Divine feminine exists in all beings.

The Divine Feminine’s main function is through the Heart and Heart chakra. The opening of this energy center provides more love, compassion and connection with all things to take place. This is the connection of Source, through Creation. As the Divine Feminine is the Divine Consciousness that creates and maintains life. Through this sacred connection lies the connection to the Entire Universeand all of Reality.

My own heart chakra was fully activated in 2012 on 12/12 through a Psychic Clairvoyant experience. As I was sitting on my couch in the living room of my house I noticed a white flash coming in through the window. This white flash then turned into a white dagger  piercing my heart center to fully open it up. As it struck me I had incredible pain and slumped to the side for a few minutes. I was trying to compose myself to tune into what had just happened. After a short time the pain was gone and I felt refreshed and more energized. I was told by my team in the higher realms, this was the Divine Source dagger opening up my heart chakra fully to be able to teach about Ascension and the Ascension process. All of my experiences are very dramatic through Psychic Clairvoyance. This is how I chose to experience this lifetime.

High heart pain has been a common ascension symptom and an uncomfortable feeling. This is an indication of the Heart expanding to bring in more love and light and to start the Light body transformation process through the opening of the heart chakra.

Chakra Openings

Each chakra in the body has to expand and fully open in the Ascension process. You may feel pain and vibrations as the chakras open to allow more love and the light body to reconfigure the DNA of each energy center. When the vibrations start they can and do go on for days as the chakras are beginning their activation cycle. I experienced these vibrating chakras back in 2011 through 2013. As each chakra would open I would feel the vibrating sensation that would last for weeks and months at a time. It may not happen this way for everyone, again I always experience things more dramatically and eventfully. It will depend on their level of Truth and where they are in their development in the Ascension Process how they experience the chakra activations, but each chakra must be fully open for the light body to build. Look for activations within the chakra centers to open during times of high energy. ( Vibrations in every chakra is an advanced symptom, which means your light body is transforming)

As each chakra opens, the Heart chakra expands even more, allowing in even more light and love. All systems are connected to the Heart Chakra as this is the foundation of the light body formation.

Higher Realm Activations  have come in recently to continue to build the light body. When you feel these you will be uplifted into the higher states of Bliss. For those that experience bliss this is the feeling of the 5D through 12D states of existence.The feeling is a complete oneness with the Divine Source. These times of experiencing this bliss is happening more frequently now than ever.

If you have not felt it, work on keeping your vibration high at all times. Do not listen to the news, do not get involved in politics ( everything is going according to Divine plan now, we no longer need to be involved ) and stay away from anything main stream media since this is not aligned with Truth. Try to unplug from the 3D world as much as possible, this will help to raise your vibration.

As the Human species evolve into the light body, they will have more access to the Animal and Fairy Kingdoms which have recently evolved to the next level also. You may have felt this the last 6 months. as I have talked about it before in my articles. You may, now more than ever before, be able to tune into your pet or even an animal you see a picture of. This is happening as we moved into higher dimensions, we now see the connections between all of life. As you look into your pets eyes, you will feel more than ever before. You will feel the special consciousness that they are and have an over whelming feeling of protection for them. We have all had this feeling towards our pets but not this is at a much higher level of awareness. As a compassionate caretaker of animals myself, I have known since childhood they were special and to be handled with care. They are the carriers of unconditional love and the teacher of this to humans in this realm.

You may also want to become a vegan or vegetarian. This is happening spontaneously for many as I have talked about in the last few articles I have written. When it happens you will know it and it is not something that can be forced, either you will feel it or not. There is a higher state of consciousness reached when this happens. It will eventually happen for everyone.

The fairy kingdoms have also opened and come into the forefront now with the building of the light body. They are actively working along side HUmans. In many of my client sessions I now see the fairy connections to many of my clients. I see the fairy realms working with them and working to uplift humanity as a whole. It’s very exciting when I am tuning into clients and keep seeing the fairy realm appearing in their energy field.

As the light body builds, through the Heart chakra this activates more Compassion, more Love and more Light for the recipient to be able to hold. As the light increases in each Human we come closer to the higher realms, as the higher realms are all LIGHT. There is no darkness and no duality there.

In order to hold more Light, work to delete all the darkness from your being. Do not embrace it, transmute it instead into Light through healing of all dark and unhealed aspects of yourself. Look for TRUTH as this holds the highest amount of Light and this is how we connect with the Creator of All That Is.

It is through the Light Body that we will expand into the 5th dimension and beyond. It is through Truth, Compassion and Love that this expansion will take place. It is through the Heart Center, the Heart Chakra that this is all possible. It is through the Heart Center that the Divine Feminine emerges to Transform this world into the New Earth.

December dates coming up : I will be talking more about these in the days to come.

December 12th 12/12/17 Stargate Portal

Work to open your heart chakra on this Sacred Day and to Heal any left over wounds from the past.

December 21st Solstice Divine Heart Portal

More details to follow.


In Service and Love

Diane Canfield

Sourced from here.

A Psychic Confirms The Message I Received Last Week About “In 6 days…”


I just happened upon this on my social media page.  I’m rather floored at the moment as the synchronicities are amazing.  First the reference that by the 18th/19th we will be in alignment with our Galactic Center.  About 10 years ago I first heard we would be returning to our Original Home – the galactic center.  I have “known/felt” in my body for the past 2 years or so that we have been moving, are being moved, back to our Original place next to the real sun – our galactic central sun.  As some of you recall, several days ago I awoke to hearing “in 6 more days you will no longer be here”.  I was not sure if that meant I return to original earth (I am liking that term better than new earth) or that we, this realm we are on, would be fully shifted. Perhaps a bit of both.  For the past few weeks, I have been telling my mate we are getting ready to find that sweet parking space and park.  For good.  I can FEEL that energy in my body.  I have used the reference of Jodie Foster in Contact – when she’s in the pod – and the sound that the pod makes as it is gearing up to travel via the worm hole to Vega.  I can “hear” that sound in my body and “feel” that it will speed up until the shift.  The final parking. So how wild is it to see that same reference in the movie being used in the piece below.  My mate frequently says “We’re good to go.  We’re good to go…”

Oh, and btw, I am a Capricorn.

We are going home.  She and her intuitive friends say the 18/19, I say the 12/13.  Who cares.  We are almost home.  Enjoy the read below and enjoy the rest of the ride.

Much love…


Lucia René

9 hrs

I normally take the month of December off, but this December seems to be different. I’m committed to much energetic work for the planet this month and am breaking my normal December silence to give you a head’s up…

I’ve been working with a few other psychics. We’re watching a developing situation closely. It would appear that we are preparing for a planetary event, starting more or less around the 18th or 19th of December where the Earth will align with the Galactic Center.

The result of going through this momentous transit will be the realization of what so many of us have been working for, for so many years.

Nothing to fear here. If you’ve done your spiritual homework, you’ll well prepared for the physical splitting of the worlds that looms just over a week ahead of us. Since 2002, I’ve done my best to implement my dharmic assignments and hand off as much of my knowledge as possible. Now, it’s up to each of us to align with what is highest and best for our soul’s blueprint.

Two old sailing terms come to mind that have steered many a sailor through turbulent waters:
“All hands on deck.”
“Steady as she goes.”

Rather than outline the situation here, I’m going to suggest delving into some material and doing your own intuitive research.

I found a very interesting astrological article by Denise Le Fey of HighHeartLife written back in June 2017.

Excerpt: “…Another of these related 2017 Separation of Worlds clues for me was realizing that transiting Saturn will make its last conjuntion to the GC [Galactic Center] in November and December of this year, and then, two days before the December Solstice, Saturn enters Capricorn (joining transiting Pluto there). These two astrological events will have an extra potent impact on the Separation of Worlds that’s taking place already. Physical reality will enter a compressed period of tremendous physical changes, some with the potential to scare the pants off the stout of heart, while, simultaneously, it all just unfolds like the great Divine evolutionary event all this…actually is…”

Those of us working together have found the info in the above article to be spot on. The full text is here:

Another astrological article, which lays out the December influences is by Simone Matthews of UniversalLifeTools.

We have found the diagrams in this article especially helpful for visualizing what is about the occur. The full text is here:

I’d also like to suggest that you watch the 1997 film, Contact with Jodie Foster, paying special attention to 2 things:
1) The “security” chair they construct for her to sit in, inside the space capsule, that was not part of the original Vega star design (which symbolizing our remaining control issues)
2) Her experience of 18 hours, outside of time, where she enters a higher dimensional world

For all of those in my sphere, who have tapped into my field over the years, I’m sending each of you all of my love and support. Let’s unstrap our seat belts and melt into the ride of our lives.

I look forward to seeing you on the other side where we’ll commence, after many long years of preparation, to finally begin creating a New World.

Best wishes,