New ET’s Arriving and Seeking Conscious Humans to Work With!!



New ET’s Arriving and Seeking Conscious Humans to Work With!!

by Lisa Gawlas, published on The Shift of Time and Energy, on August 16, 2018



I find so much simply amazing, if not mind boggle every day we get exposed to new information and understandings thru our connections.  Since yesterday was technically a day off, I only had one rescheduled reading on my dance card and what a way to kick off a birthday!!  It was an ET connection.

These ETs came in what looked like a gumball prize container/ship:

There were tons of these things floating all around my lady’s field.  All of them had the same frequency of blue, almost to the coloring of the blue in this picture, but enhanced because of the light frequency coming thru it.  The bottoms were much more smooth and the tops so very clear.  They were not much bigger than what these actual capsule sizes are either.  Inside was one Being, choosing to take a humanoid form for my view.  Not that they looked anything like a human, but with a tiny head, arms and torso (which was all I could see of them.  Whatever was in the blue part of their ships/capsules, I could not see thru.

They explained (thru one speaker) that they are inter-dimensional Beings that travel thru the dimensions and are not really solid, but not really pure energy either.  They can change their form and presentation to adapt to wherever they are.  My lady asked how long they have been working with her.  They have just arrived here in this particular upgrading frequencies of earth the last quarter of last year.  I so love when they are talking of what we perceive the past, they take my mind and move it backwards which comes with a very physical sensation.  As they did this, they also flipped what looked like pages from a calendar, as they got to the beginning of this year, that sensation dropped down a few steps to enter the last quarter of last year.

What they are doing at this moment here in our realm is cleaning up the strands of energies not assigned a higher value.  When I asked what their name was, I could feel them going thru my roladex of mental names and they did not like any of them, so they decided to use a label as reference… street cleaners.  The instant I thought… we just arrived here, what needs cleaning… the reply was instant and felt in my entire calf area of my body.  They showed me this film like thing, which I am now familiar with thru many of the past readings, a dimensional film.  Then I seen it tear open and these massive winds of energy started blowing in thru the tear.  This particular tear happened as we finished the last eclipse and moved into a higher frequency of earth.  Then I got a relationship with a water hose, most of the water hits the target and there is water that sprays outwards away from the target.  Same scenario when we have an opening to a massive influx of new energies.

They are here to collect that over spray, if you will.  This morning they are giving me a parallel with what we know as stem cells.  As of yet, unassigned energy.  They collect the strands of energy, pull it into these capsules, change it into whatever needed value is and then release it back here, either in targeted cities, countries, groups, what they do and can do is amazing.

Equally in their reply was something very interesting.  When they arrived the scanned the planet for those humans who’s biology could assit in the recycling at the biological level of assistance.  What so surprised me, when she asked how many are helping at the moment, they took my mind to various areas on the planet, I believe they said 10 were assisting at the moment, all unconsciously.  A lady in Saudi Arabia, triplet men in India and so on.  She, however, is the first conscious one to work with them.  They explained that there is a very particular biological and chemical mixture needed in a human that can process what they place into them and release it to the biological field of life.  Not all humans have the codes within them to do this.  That is not an insult to humans at all, but we are not quite as alike as we may thing.  This is why different people have different strengths of what they are capable of doing in this realm.

While my lady was asking questions and they replied, my poor body was going thru some energy.  My solar plexus was nauseous, which is where they run the energies thru their humans.  Then she asked something, I cannot recall what, but all of a sudden these hundreds of tiny, individuated capsules moved together to form one giant looking capsule, when that happened, OMG the pressure in my head!!  If I am remembering correctly, this is how they release the recycled energy to large areas, but don’t quote me on that!!

They are going to teach her how to consciously pull these strands of energy and give them an assigned value to work with humans and areas, and they said, this is just the beginning!!

With that said, if you suddenly get hit with a major vibration at the back of your calves, chances are you opened yourself to a new frequency.  The nausea and/or head pressure incoming higher frequencies of assigned value energy!!  Our job is to become conscious of what we can now so with it.  Because otherwise, it will flow right back out and seek that which is conscious and ready.

On that note, my day begins again!!  I love you all soul very very much!!!

((((((((HUGZ)))))))))) of wonder and bliss to and thru the ALL!!!

Lisa Gawlas


NEWS FLASH AUGUST 2018 ~ August 18, 2018


editor’s note:  oh yes how i love these moments of synchronicity ~ which are happening at greater frequency.  this morning after i awoke and pulled myself out of bed, i was zoning out in the bathroom when out of the blue i thought of the celestine prophecy (one of my first and biggest spiritual awakening tools i read/encountered some 20 years ago).  i had the vision of being’s just vibrating out of a certain reality and into the higher realm ~ and/or just simply put a different frequency realm.  frequency specific.  THAT is our inherent ability.  anyway i then felt more info coming – how some civilizations have been said to just disappear, not leaving a trace behind.  again, our inherent ability.  i then thought of the bible and the separation of the wheat and the chaff.

well ok, that’s interesting i am having this thought experience.  i then felt deep within “this is now happening”.

well ok then again.  lol

so i get online, check my e-mail and my spiritual brother/fellow warrior has sent me an e-mail with the article linked below.

there ya go.  my feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel on this is ALL get outta here (like Yellow Rose has said ~ who btw has an updated video i will link next – haven’t watch it yet but after i do if i feel the need to add my own two cents, which goddess knows i usually do w/these things, i will add an update to the posted video).  so while all get “out”, we will be “going” to which realm creation with which we are in alignment with energetically.  and adding to this, if we choose to have a different experience in a different creative space, we will.  THAT IS FREEDOM in a nutshell.  and that, i continue to feel, is the gift being returned to us.  FREEDOM to Create.  YRFT has also said there will be a separation in that some go east, others west.  also aligns w/what is shared below.

i hope the words below give you a sense of peace.

love to you all ~ V.

almost forgot ~ the date 8/18 began running through my mind quietly last week.  i found it interesting to see the date of this piece as 8/18/18.  haven’t figured out the meaning of that one.  she says she put it together on 8/11.


I am writing this article at the time of the Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018. The major event connected with this eclipse is the fact that the sun and moon are both on 18 degrees Leo. This is the degree of Christ Consciousness. This is the time we have been waiting for and it has taken us 19 years to reach this point.  Let’s take advantage of this degree and open our hearts and let love flow through us. We just walked through the Lion’s Gate and who knows what is now ahead of us. We have entered the unknown.

We are in the time period where the Bible says “two people will be in the field, one will be taken and one will be left.”   This sounds to me like there will be a separation between people who are on different frequencies. Maybe we will just wake up one day in a different reality and start living on the New Earth. It’s like turning to a different station on the TV. We have been watching one station for a long time and all of a sudden we change stations. The frequency of the higher reality is heart centered energy. It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you manifest heart energy.

The information about the separation is in the 24th chapter of Matthew. If you read that chapter I am sure you will find it very interesting because it talks about what we are going through right now. The Holy Land spoken of in that chapter is the United States because we became the ruler of the world. It says in that chapter that we will see the sign of the son of man in the heavens and he will come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.  Have you seen any UFOs lately?  There has been a war in the heavens between the light and the dark ships for a long time. The light ones do not fight. They just put up their shields and the negative energy goes back to the dark ship. The light has won and we will soon see beautiful light ships in our heavens.

There are different types of beings in the ships although I think the majority look just like us. We were created by ETs that look like us who are called the Anunnaki. Enki and Enlil were two brothers who came to Earth and the Old Testament in the Bible is the story about what happened at that time. Enlil is called Jehovah and Enki is called Yahweh. Jehovah was a fierce fighting god and Enki was the one who wanted to help his people because Enki and his sister Ninhursag were the ones who created us. Actually it was a group of people called the Elohim. Ninhursag was the one in charge. The Elohim were creator Goddess.

Most of the Anunnaki left Earth when a nuclear war happened although there were a few who stayed here. Scientists have found evidence of this war in the Middle East.  Babaji was one of the ones who stayed here and he was the son of Enki. If you are not familiar with Babaji look up the information on the Internet. He is one of the masters living in the Himalayan Mountains who has been here for thousands of years. It is my understanding that he was the teacher of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. If you are interested in more information about the creation story read “The 12th planet by Zecharia Sitchin”.

I recently had a dream that there was a major celebration happening and we were preparing for it by decorating for Christmas. Everyone in my dream was very happy. I woke up happy. Now this was just a dream but I think we are close to a major change. We are at a turning point right now with this eclipse being on the degree of Christ Consciousness. I believe we will see many changes between this eclipse and the fall Equinox, which is on September 22, 2018. The major festival of Sukkoth (harvest festival) starts on the full moon of September 24 this year. That is considered a very special holiday. It would be nice if this was the holiday in my dream instead of Christmas. Maybe my Christian upbringing had something to do with creating Christmas in my dream. Anyway, there is a celebration coming soon.

Now, what are the planets doing between now and the Fall Equinox? For the past five days I have been very electrical and have had bolts of electricity running through my body. This has not been fun. Has anyone else experienced that energy? We start feeling a solar eclipse for about a week before it happens. This eclipse has the dark moon Lilith exactly on top of Uranus (the electrical planet) on two degrees Taurus in a square to Mars in Aquarius, which is ruled by Uranus. I looked at that aspect and said to myself “no wonder I have been so electrical for the past few days.”

The Uranus/Mars aspect is also making a trine to Saturn on three degrees Capricorn.  Because Lilith was conjunct Uranus at the time of this eclipse she is giving Uranus the power to change things in the government of the United States.  Because this energy also tunes into Jupiter in Scorpio, more scandals have come to light in our government. A few days ago Rep Chris Collins was accused of being an inside trader and is now in big trouble. Jupiter in Scorpio is bringing issues from the past out into the light for everyone to see.  Mercury is also helping Uranus  bring up old issues by being retrograde. Mercury turns direct on August 19. The planets do not really turn backward in the heavens; it just appears that way to the people on Earth.

Right now there are six planets retrograde and when they are that way it is like they are spinning their wheels and going nowhere. Jupiter and Venus are considered good planets and they are not retrograde right now. This means that we are having help from those planets. Mars will move into Capricorn on August 13 and stay in that sign until September 10.  This eclipse will give Mars a lot of energy to change things in our government. Mars is the planet of action. It says “Let’s get things done”. Uranus just turned retrograde in Taurus on 8 8 8 the Lions Gate (August 8 2018). Isn’t that interesting? Maybe Uranus was holding the light for us to go through that doorway.

Now Saturn, Mars and Pluto are all in Capricorn and in aspect by declination. These are considered the three challenging planets and being they are all in Capricorn we will see much activity in our governments. From now until mid-September the Asteroid that causes chaos will be in a square to Vesta, the powerful fire goddess. This goddess says it is time to get things done so let’s work with Mars, Saturn, and Pluto to bring about a lot of changes

Vesta is in the fire sign Sagittarius and look at all the fires that are burning in California and around the world right now. There are also a lot of volcanoes that are erupting and shooting out fire. Sagittarius also rules judges, trials and lawsuits. Here in the United States we are going through some very powerful court trials right now which will change our government. Do we really need people to control us? Isn’t it time to jump out of the Matrix and become free?

The degree of the sun and moon in this eclipse brings in the energy of Christ Consciousness and it also brings in the energy of a party.  This degree brings in the enjoyment of temporary freedom from rigidly structured social behavior. Maybe this is why I had a dream of a large party where many people were very happy. We do live in interesting times.

Be ready for anything to happen. We could be living in a higher reality tomorrow or before the end of 2018. Who knows exactly what will happen? It is time to stand in your own power, manifest love and light and shine your light for all to see. Live in Unity Consciousness.  We are at the time of the end and the new beginning. The time is now!   So Be It.

I send you my love. * Mahala Gayle *


WSO ~ Strong Magnetic Interactions and the Heart


editor’s note:  love this one.  even though he uses different terms, he is too essentially saying we are going home.  tying together science and spirit/source. one and the same, right?


Published on Jul 30, 2018

The Event Ascension Code EP33 – Total Lunar Eclipse 27th July – Magenta Pixie


editor’s note:  interesting perspective…  “break on through to the other side” ~ a song that has been going through my mind off and on this year… my feeeeeel on this one is ALL is lining up as it needs to to, well, break on through to that other side (of this realm).  


Published on Jul 26, 2018

The event 2018. Going home. Music is the translation of love. 85 views 14 0 SHARE


editor’s note:  so beautiful.  and very much needed.  music does soothe the soul.  i listened to quite a bit earlier this evening.  this one is just a huge hug for the heart.  enjoy.  (to see the lyrics, click on the “you tube” icon w/in the video to go to her page – in the comment section she shares the lyrics.  they are quite profound.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Published on Jul 21, 2018

The Event Ascension Code EP25 – July 31st 12:37am QLD Australia time – Lisa M Harrison



editor’s note:  oooh sharing this one at 4:44pm.  i know it’s another borean calling – but thought it was a good share considering the lisa harrison material coming out lately.  there is a document that contains the words he is reading from.  here is the link if you wish to just read the words.  very interesting……”the one whom is a time traveler”??  wow – we know there has been a lot of talk in the last year about POTUS using that tech to help facilitate the exposure of the dark hands within this system/realm and he is indeed playing a huge role  this grand awakening whether people choose to expand and see it this way or not.  i feel it.  i know it.  


Published on Jul 19, 2018

Real-Life Examples of Future Careers and Vocations on New Earth


editor’s note:  i happily share this guest post, received by e-mail.  i resonate with the ideas very much.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]  (and hint hint – if you have something you wish to share, please pass them my way using the Contact option menu on the main page.  i am coming to the space where personal stories and feels are more of value to me than much of the mainstream spiritual stuff.)


Posted by Ashmi Pathela | Jul 12, 2018 | AwakeningCareerManifestation

Real-Life Examples of Future Careers and Vocations on New Earth

If we could create everything we desired by thought alone… If we lived in a world of abundance and sharing… If our entire community didn’t have to worry about money at all…

What would the world look like?

We’d live in a completely new world. With scarcity, debt, and competition no longer hanging over our heads, we’d experience a new freedom.

The obsession with materialism and the accumulation of possessions would fade. With the power to create (and dissolve) anything we desire, there would be no need to puff up from our ego. Or compensate for the lack and separation we used to feel.

We’d awaken to experience the abundance of love that was in our hearts all along.

So what would you spend your time doing?

You could play and explore all day, but that would get boring. You’re still here to explore and expand your soul’s mission, the reason you came to earth at this time.

The best part is, your soul’s mission has to do with what you love and what comes easily to you. It’s your unique contribution to humanity. It allows you to come alive, sharing your gifts and perspectives with the world because it brings you joy.

Such an utopia can be hard to visualize in concrete ways, but what’s amazing is millions of people have already been awakening and stepping into their soul’s mission. They are embodying their higher selves, no longer accepting the old scarcity paradigms as their reality. They know that they can create anything they desire, that they are provided for abundantly.

They know that pursuing their greatest joy is also their greatest gift to humanity.

The collective awakening and energies of today make it so much easier to align your soul’s mission with your human role and work.

Real-Life Examples of Future Careers on New Earth

I believe there’d be billions of different types of roles on new earth, more than there are humans. There is no one quite like you, and this is your place to indulge your unique passions, gifts, and desires for what you want to create. We are all co-creating our evolving communities and existence here.

And there are roles we cannot even fathom right now. Imagine all the new technologies that will be freed upon disclosure. Imagine all the spiritual gifts and powers we’d have. And the infinite possibilities of what we could create together.

Here are some themes and real-life examples for what I’ve seen already existing today. As we acquire new abilities and technologies, we can only imagine how these vocations will evolve.


What is it that you’re passionate about? Is it music, painting, dancing, writing? Or cooking, building, gardening? Imagine a world where your artistic creations are infused with your own unique signature of love and healing. All who experience them will benefit from their activations. My friend Naomi Hadarian channels her paintings and turns them into beautiful healing yoga pants infused with divine messages.


We all have the ability to heal ourselves, but people will specialize in specific forms of healing where they are gifted. Today, we see quantum healing practitioners like Alba Weinman and Allison Coe; coaches and twin flame healers like Lauren Emily; energy workers; and Shaktipat and RASA transmitters like Aluna Ash. There are infinite types of healing for the mind, body, and spirit.


Very soon, technologies that were repressed from society for so long will be released to the public. It will accelerate our society to a new age of innovation – and at the same time, it will feel much more organic and sustainable. People will feel called to help develop and refine these new technologies and continue creating for the good of humanity. My friend Guy Harriman used to be a chip designer working closely with Steve Jobs. Today, he creates conscious technologies (channeled from Nikola Tesla!) like the Ajna Light meditation therapy lamp.


As our inner knowings, spiritual gifts, and information downloads become clearer, we have the opportunity to share our perspectives with the awakening masses. And in the future when everyone can easily access the universal mind, we’ll still see opportunities to share our wisdom with children. We’ll specialize based on what interests us. We have been seeing the rise of lightworkers sharing their learnings through books, workshops, and YouTube – including channeled teachings like Abraham-Hicks.


Some people love bringing community together. There are infinite ways to create ceremony and sacred spaces for community to gather – workshops, retreats, dances, celebrations. Here in Ubud, Bali I enjoy attending ecstatic dances, full moon cacao ceremonies, women’s circles, and festivals. Many people organize and co-create their own events, and it’s beautiful to witness their energy to share their passions. This can be done virtually as well – through live chats on YouTube like Shane’s Unbiased and On the Fence channel or online conferences.


I envision us breaking down our silo’d neighborhoods and creating warmer communities where families and friends can commune closely. Some older souls (I’d say “the elderly” here, but I imagine we can reverse our aging and live as long as we’d like) will enjoy caring for the children, mentoring young adults, and sharing their wisdom. And others will enjoy nourishing and developing the growing community. We’ll create more holistic, hands-on, and eco-friendly schools like Green School.


Many feel called to work with mother earth herself. Gaia is healing herself on her own, but there will be many new opportunities to work in harmony with her. We’d create highly conscious practices to keep our oceans, forests, and cities pristine. My friend Bayley McDanielhas been working to reimagine the clean water industry with PureBlue. Our entire existence, including our homes and developments, would beautify the earth. Many other gentle souls will be called to work with animals.


Whether we know it or not, we already do massive amounts of work in our sleep, astrally. As we become more conscious of our galactic family, imagine all the ways we would step into our planetary role in the multiverse. Thousands of people around the world have reported playing various roles (through their own soul in dreamtime and in parallel lives) during their quantum healing regressions. How can we expand on our roles? I’ll leave this one up to your imagination!

I included the people I mentioned above because they seem to embody a new outlook on career. It’s so clear that they’re living their soul mission and doing what they love. Because they provide value from the heart, their clients and customers are happy to pay for their services and products – but this feels more like a genuine energy exchange.

Do you see any roles or themes that speak to you? If not, what other roles can you imagine?

If you’re not sure yet, there’s no pressure at all – we can experiment and play here. We have the freedom to create the lifestyle, community, and world we imagine.

Sourced from here.



Energy Update



There was a major incoming wave yesterday, 10 July 2018. We know they have built up in terms of number per week, and are building in power/strength, felt within our physical vessels. That the once singular, yet multiple energetic patterns have now amalgamated within our physical body more recently as explained in previous posts.

But yesterday’s wave pattern, received into physical was DIFFERENT to all patterns so far. NEW. A first. Yesterday and today (10 + 11 July 2018), the two images below describe the newly received energetic signature.

It pierced the crown (nothing new), then STRONGLY rippled out (like throwing a pebble in a pond)…a wave ripple, circular, out into rest of the top of our heads. It then travels down the sides of the head, through the neck into the spine and down. It travels down to our root, where our root chakra pulsates to ground this energy into Gaia.

There are a number of energetic patterns, but this is very different. It feels like it is physically opening something up in the head.

These energy patterns we experience within the body are in complete alignment to the Collective Mass timelines we are in, together as One.

Essential times to really look after the physical as the energy has stepped up (again) but this is a HUGE change in pattern and significant. Sleep plenty, drink lots of water, and if you feel any unbalance you can be easily balanced by stepping into nature. Gaia is assisting us through, so allow her to hold you (let go) if you feel any discomfort to mental, emotional or physical.

Significant also, Friday 13 July. Expect the unexpected. Magical style. I don’t know why, but TRINITY keeps coming up…

One Love
Amanda Lorence
11 July 2018

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Sourced from here.