Judith Kusel ~ Within 48 Hours The Sungate To Sirius Opens After Millions of Years


This one resonated so much with me…


Judith Kusel 

17 hrsSandown, South Africa

Within the next 48 hours, into the December the massive Sungate to Sirius opens up, which links us directly after millions of years, with the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.

Sirius holds the galactic keys and codes of Enlightenment, and therefore also all the esoteric and mystical inner and hidden knowledge for the highest states of Illumination. Indeed, the highest knowledge is contained within vast superconscious quantum energy fields, in which vast banks of knowledge are stored.

Sirius itself is known as the “Light-bearer – the Sun of Sun” and therefore is that which has always held the higher hidden knowledge, as well as the Mysterium itself. It is no accident that Sirius holds the galactic Federation Head Quarters, as well as the Higher Temples of the All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Being. 

The headquarters of the Brother-and Sisterhood of the White Flame is held in Sirius, as well as that of the Brother-and Sisterhood of the Sacred Grail. It holds the Central Hidden Esoteric Knowledge of the All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Being, thus all that pertains cosmically to the highest states of Equilibrium and Illumination.

It is no accident that Osiris-Ra-A-Hu-A-Ra and Aysis-Ra-A-Hu-A-Ra ruled as consorts during the Lion Kingdom (which by the way is millions years older than Atlantis, Lemuria, Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece and all other so-called civilizations on earth). (RA-A-HU-A-RA is the name of the 7th Central Sun and was remembered as Ra, in Ancient Egypt.) 

They came from Sirius, and they hold the keys and codes of the All-Knowledge for humankind. They brought the inner secret teachings directly from Sirius, and they still hold this within their souls. This knowledge was sealed off deliberately when the Lion Kingdom fell, when the twin sons of Osiris and Aysis, created a civil war and therefore more or less destroyed the kingdom.

Aysis, as she saw her two sons fighting, involved in a war onto death, then took the hidden All-Seeing Knowledge of the Feminine, and hid this carefully in sealed-off places in the planetary knowledge systems. This then sealed off the Goddess knowledge, which is the hidden Mysterium – which means the inner secret and hidden knowledge of the Mysteries of Mysteries.
With the Stargate opening up, it is returning the SUN BRIDGE, as it links through Sirius, the 7th Central Sun, directly to the planet as well as the Milky Way Galaxy. 

For the first time in millions of earth years, the Fires of Illumination will expand of the consciousness of humankind 777 times.

The old earth is no more.
The new has risen – the SUN of Enlightenment.
(Judith Kusel)


The Collective: New Vibration Is Setting


November 20, 2017
Via Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings, Bringers of the New Earth!

We see that in this pre-Advent and pre-Solstice season, as some celebrate it, you are feeling not only the presence of a growing sense of Peace upon the Earth, but are requiring its demonstration in your own life, and in the world around you.

And this is powerful and important. For you are no longer in a world of extreme density, where the efforts of a few good people are scarcely seen and barely remembered.

You are now in a new vibrational setting, where those dedicated to dark deeds, to disempowering and discouraging the many, are finding themselves the ones increasingly disempowered and increasingly restrained in their efforts to promote chaos and despair.

And we are aware that such terms as “chaos” and “despair” are not positive or Truth-holding, as they carry a low vibration, and are no longer an apt description of where Earth and Her people are living, and are headed.

Yet they show all the more clearly the difference between what was the status quo on Earth, and what is increasingly becoming the status quo.

And that would be, not an unmoving or undeveloped level of hope, but an ever-developing and constantly increasing flow of inspiration—a belief in the increasing frequency of your own thoughts and feelings, and an understanding of your own co-Creating power—how much your own expectations and requirements for your world actually affect it.

We would say, that rather than all being a matter of business as usual in the White House, the Kremlin, or the many parliaments and governing councils around the world, that the Galactic presence is being increasingly felt and seen by those who presume themselves to be in positions of power.

They have been informed that they must begin now to take steps to include Galactic and interGalactic considerations into their thinking, their governing styles, their priorities, and their actions.

Though some are resisting such, adjustments are being made in the thinking of many in power, out of sheer necessity and concern for their own outcomes.

There is no denying the constant flow of ongoing movement into that which is becoming the Full Disclosure of the Galactic presence.

The parallel for the average person is an increasingly accommodation in each person’s energies toward that which will assist them in communicating with other races, cultures, and civilizations, once Full Disclosure occurs.

It is already unfolding, though announcements have yet to be made in the larger sense.

This is not an overnight occurrence, nor is it taken lightly or with noninvolvement on the part of those higher beings assisting you in the Angelic realms, those on Earth with vital missions to perform, and your Galactic family members themselves.

We invite those who are a part of our Collective presence to speak to you now, with Love and compassion for all you are facing and the progress you are accomplishing, day by day:

“Greetings, Family members, Earth commanders, Angels in human form, and all assisting this rebirth of Earth civilization!

We greet you with the respect accorded your long sojourn into isolation as a planet, and all it took from you for eons, and your long sojourn out of such isolation.

All you are requiring and creating now, with Creator Source Energy behind you, is from the higher impulses of your very souls and highest aspect.

And we wish to say, do not be discouraged at those current events which appear to be displaying the various levels of corruption in your governing bodies (though they are usurpations of Earth’s true governing forms) and Earth systems.

Do not feel because there are many being found now to have behaved in inhumane and unethical ways, that things are tumbling down, with no refuge or alternative sources of direction ready to replace them.

We assure you, due to NESARA law, there is a great deal in place, ready to replace these false forms and false gods, which should never have been considered authority figures or authoritative structures; they are neither.

You are coming now into that moment where you realize each person is their own Authority; all else is slavery.

And so as you shake off the chains of what feels to be an old system, but which is dissolving into No-Time as we speak, we welcome you as always into that empowerment which you were born to rediscover—except, this time, most miraculously, while in a human body.

You speak of Ascension, and we join you in celebrating that which is so quickly and powerfully drawing your planet and your individual and collective vibrations into fifth density.

Yet we would say, as we as part of the Collective have spoken of before: Do not feel that this new form of living is a far-off or not-yet-occurring reality, which you must wait or work hard for.

You step into it every moment, as you learn to honor your bodies with more fresh air and pure food and water, more time speaking with and connecting to Mother Earth, more quiet meditative states, more time spent on creative and other joyful pursuits.

You walk into it all the more fully each time you practice patience with one who is struggling or in pain, or with your own exhausted physical being, which is undergoing such drastic transformation at this time.

And do not think that we have no remedies for your pain and sadness, your confusion and overwhelm!

You are not alone in this, nor in anything you journey through.

Meditate in a way that brings you aboard one of our ships—think of someone whom you Love and trust, such as Mother Sekhmet, or Lord Kuthumi, or Lord Sananda Kumara, or Captain Ashtar, to name a few examples.

Come into one of the healing chambers on one of their ships, and ask that your mind, heart, body, and etheric energies be rejuvenated, renewed, and enlivened by the technologies there, and by the healing impulses carried there by those wishing to assist and encourage you and your soul family.

Ask for assistance in integrating the new higher energies now coming into Earth at an unprecedented rate—and we celebrate with you, that these cannot be stopped nor their flow mitigated in any way.

You have called to these beautiful frequencies of higher Light, as the Earth Herself has, as the turning cycle of the ages has likewise rung in these astounding changes, as a loud clear bell tolls the news of some great change that is undeniable, and here to stay.

Welcome, fellow travelers throughout this Universe!

You have known us before, and shall now know us again.”

* * * * * * * * * * *

And so as always, dear ones, we encourage you to lift your eyes to the skies, and ask for inner and outer evidence of that which is already being witnessed by many—the return of those family members once banned or endangered by Earth life, and now increasingly welcomed to it.

Namaste, dear ones!

We of so many planets, star systems, and Universal origins Love and are with you, always.


Sourced from here.

A Vision for History


I love this one and I feel we’re already there…


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for History

We see a world where our true history has been revealed to all; where people everywhere have realized that we have been living within a historical containment which has kept us closed off from the rest of the cosmos; and where we now have access to the actual events that occurred prior to the “quarantine” which led to our narrow view of the past.

Consequently, we now have an accurate account of “The Bigger Picture”, a picture that includes humanity’s true place in the Universe and the true part we play in a history that encompasses all of time and space, not just the last 6000 years, and not just upon this Earth. This revealed, true history of humanity shows us – from a planetary perspective, from a galactic perspective, from a Universal perspective, and from a multidimensional perspective – how we got here, who has helped us, who has harmed us, and all the scenarios we have chosen to be a part of.

Now, with this new information available, we have easily lifted ourselves up and out of our limited, historical prison, joined with our fellow space and time travelers, and stepped into our highest calling.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Inelia Benz: End of 2017 And O M G


Editor’s note:  Love this one!  Having that ongoing experience of letting things go ~ the layers of energies being purged with more and more ease.  It isn’t that people and places and things and situations (ah there goes the ringing in the left ear) don’t matter, it’s that, well my attachments are waning.  My expectations are waning as well.  In fact when “old” stuff may come up for someone I know and it is “stuff” I could once relate to but have since released, my body within repels and says “no”.  It just no longer fits.  My shaman did some more journey work with me and the work took her to Telos ~ that awesome ancient city with a doorway at Mt. Shasta ~ an area I have felt a resonance with for the past couple of years, likely because of my connection with Lemuria.  Well sure enough she found and saw my Warrior Self there ~ looked just like me ~ waiting and wanting to be returned to me. Talk about a fascinating journey.  This is not the first time she has said “I have never experienced this one before” when having these experiences with me.  She has gone places and seen things she has never experienced before.  Such is the interesting amazing journey’s I know I have had.  Major power has been returned for my taking, which coincides with the energy work I had done last night.  So I sit here, welcoming it back, with my large quartz crystal rock sitting by me (until I get some selenite ~ which she said is my power stone.  Reading that I knew I had worked with it in the past.  It is all coming back…)  A couple of hours after that experience, I was talking with my girl, soothing her and suddenly had the desire to pull up an invisible sword and stand by her bed as a warrior.  I could at that moment actually FEEL the weight of the sword.  I didn’t say anything to her, but instead handed her what I said was “a piece of my sword for you”.  As she took it she looked at me with big eyes and said “mama I can FEEL this!  It’s really heavy!”  Always have known I am a Warrior.  Enjoy this piece.  Very nice exercise to work through these amazing intense powerful purging energies…


Inelia Benz Website: Ascension101

Inelia Benz

End of 2017 and O M G the moment of truth or what?

We are at the end of 2017 and O M G have we reached the moment of truth or what?

2017 has been marked by many people as the year when the end of the Old Paradigm of Light vs Dark comes to an end.

And it has.

Have you been feeling waves of grief? Despair? Sadness?

Have you had a strong feeling to get rid of objects, situations, locations and people who are no longer compatible with you?

These things are related. And they are a human collective experience, not a personal one.

When I started actively visiting alternative timelines to learn things, get insights and have different experiences I decided one day to find and visit the “Inelia” who was the most effective at raising the vibrational level of the planet.

The experience was radically different to all the other timeline “Inelias” I had visited previously.  It was so radically different that I actually thought it was just a figment of my imagination. Unlike the other instances that were real to me.

The reason why it was different was that when I stepped into that timeline I started flying. I thought it was super cool, but highly improbable. Then, I found the other “Inelia” and she was sitting on a cloud. Yup, you read right, on a cloud in the sky.

She was bright, beautiful, and super happy. I flew all the way to her and sat on the cloud next to her. Below us I could see cities, oceans, mountains, jungles, snow, tropics, deserts… it was all below us and like all of it was in one location… but not.

I have visited this particular “Inelia” many times since. Whenever I need some advice, or simply bask in the highest frequency expression of who I am, I visit her.

During the past couple of months, as the low frequency emotional waves hit so hard, and situation after low frequency situations entered my life, I went to visit her.

In our conversation I showed her what was happening, and asked her if she had any suggestions.

I should clarify at this point that she never says a thing. Never speaks. She just smiles.

Anyway, when she looked at me and smiled, I said, “oh, it’s all very well for you, you don’t take part in human life. You are just floating on a cloud.”

At which point she laughed out loud and opened her eyes, then I saw her life. And I finally understood the symbology of her shared experience, i.e. floating on a cloud.

Basically, I saw that she was of the world, in the world and living the world. She had family, friends, work, everything that can be had on this planet. But vibrationally, and at the level of engagement, she was above it all. She had zero engagement of low frequency experiences. If anything was dedicated as right or wrong, or have to, righteous, right, fair, legal… she simply let it fall where it would. It was complete, absolute and powerful. All thoughts, activities, relationships, situations and experiences were engaged from her very high frequency vibration.

I was so surprised. Not so much for the fact that it was happening, but for the results that it had.

Affecting or being affected. Both were only on high frequency vibrations and their expression.

Yes, there were people and situations in that timeline that were low frequency, but she didn’t hold on to them. She didn’t try to make them wrong or right. She simply let them be. Her awareness is so broad, so expansive, yet not a millisecond is invested in low frequency feelings, thoughts, or emotions.

I came back from that timeline and started implementing the absoluteness of this knowing. Of course I have known it. I have been talking about how this is the New Paradigm. That it is each one of us who embodies it by being strict and diligent in the frequencies we broadcast.

Yet, as you probably know, it’s very hard to keep one’s frequency genuinely high when bad things are hitting us.

I started to let go of those bad things. Literally my emotional investment in them was released. And wham! The waves of grief stopped affecting me.

At walkwithmenow.com, the weekly exercise became to relax your body several times a day. I am sharing that exercise with you today:

On our October 2017 monthly call, I mentioned how we are presently going through some pretty intense energies that can be experienced as grief, sadness and a desire to release everything, let go of things, locations, people and situations.

For more information on that particular topic, please refer to the call recording.

This week, I would like to invite you to help your physical body relax and release tensions at random times during the day and night.

Set an alarm for several times a day, or simply do this exercise whenever you remember during the day and night.

Take ten deep breaths. At each breath, relax your neck, shoulders, arms, chest and stomach. Also open your hands unless you are driving or holding something with your hands.

As you breathe out, you can “blow out the tension” and you state in your mind, “I let go of all tension and low frequencies from my body and field of attention.

This will help your body support you through this transition.

Do you want to discuss this article in greater depth with Inelia and others? Go to walkwithmenow.com/about

In JoyLightLove,

– Inelia and the team.

Sourced from here.

Michelle Walling ~ Get Ready


Editor’s note:  I resonated with this one for several reasons (esp. about the “undertow” description ~ I saw this in a dream I had a couple years ago about these 3 waves of energy).  Too tired to go into more at the moment ~ enjoy.  


November 18, 2017
Via Michelle Walling

Many people have talked about the largest wave of energy yet that will have an unmistakable affect on the consciousness and vibration of humanity. It has been called 3 waves, the solar sneeze, the galactic superwave amongst other names. It has also been said that this wave is coming soon, and today I will share with you what I have received as guidance on how to best prepare for it.

Two long years ago in September of 2015 I brought messages of “Wave X” in conjunction with Dr. Simon Atkins. While that was a very strong wave, we have since experienced bigger and bigger waves of transformational light and sound energy. Many people have had dreams of tsunamis coming through their houses or finding themselves outside seeing a huge tsunami coming. Many were not afraid when this wave comes over them. For me, I was in the living room sitting on the couch when the tsunami hit, and there was no fear and it seemed like the wave just washed over me and I didn’t have any problem breathing in the water.

The “shift” has been described in many ways too. It has been called the ascension, the New Earth, etc. but in truth there are multiple “Earths” or realities that people can go to. One thing has been told to me over and over again, you have a choice as to what will happen based on your actions, and not making a choice is still making a choice to go where your vibrational frequency will take you when the wave hits. In one of the Earth scenarios, all of the systems will be re-vamped slowly and free energy technology will be introduced. In another scenario, there are already people and spaceships on the planet and everyone has replicators and high tech devices that help them to expand and grow their consciousness. In another scenario, Gods and Goddesses remember how to create everything they need from the background energy. There is also a place for those who do not want to expand or be in the light and some souls will get to return back to Source to be assimilated. There will be an appropriate place for everyone.

There are similar preparations for the big Kahuna but there are some major points that need to be covered about the choice that each person has to make. Every person has planned a choice on a soul level but not all incarnated souls have awakened and been able to make an informed choice. We are in the process of experiencing the “lifting of the veil” so that people can get a better chance at making an informed decision. This is coming in the form of collapsing timelines and realities, chaos and emotional trauma surfacing in your life, physical ascension symptoms to alert you as to something happening, and near death experiences. People are communing with higher self, guides, ETs, and Source through meditation, appearances, channelings, and visions. Many tools are being used and more and more people are moving past all of this to embrace their multidimensional self in the NOW, sending the signal to Earth and Source that we are getting ready for the big event.

Not everyone received the call but time has been stretched to make sure as many people as possible who were supposed to wake up has a chance to realize what is happening. The first plan was to have this big wave occur in 2012 but as a collective we chose to wait for many reasons due to the difficulty of breaking people out of the mind control matrix.

The experience of the Big Kahuna has been described in many ways because everyone will experience it a bit differently, although souls agreed to also experience it in groups.
When the wave comes, people will have a few choices:

* Turn around and run away in fear. This will enter them into another 3rd/4th dimensional reality to keep on learning until they commune with their creator.

* Go within. Allow the wave to wash over you. Transform the DNA and move to to the New Earth or to a higher vibrational place. This is the highest and best timeline choice.

* Stand there and take a hit on the body, fighting against the wave, or run towards the wave in a battle cry. You will be knocked off your feet and will tumble around in the undertow until you find yourself upright. WHen you get your bearings, you will find yourself in a new reality made just for you. Your journey to get to the New Earth is not as fast as those who stop fighting but not as long as those who run. However, it is a possibility that you may also drop the body here and wake up on the New Earth.

Things you can do to prepare for the big wave:

-Face your fears.
See post:

-Connect with your higher self and your Creator.
This is perhaps one of the most important things you do which already says “I have made the conscious, informed choice to ascend out of the fear matrix. Please advance me to the next highest achievable level where my superpowers will be activated.” How you commune with your creator within needs to be all your own creation. No one can do this for you.

-Raise your vibration.
No kidding, it truly is about vibration, If you are out of fear and have been communing with your Creator/God/Source within, you will have peeled away the layers of energy that have been blocking your inner light, allowing your body to vibrate higher. Not only that, but when you elevate your vibration above the fear infested matrix, you are no longer affected emotionally by it and your reality goes smoothly. The key is practicing hovering there while you wait for the wave.

-Drink lots of pure water and immerse yourself in water.

-Trust yourself, love yourself, and allow your higher self to drive the vehicle (body).
This allows for the body to tell you what it wants to eat, when it wants to move and how much, how to lessen ascension symptoms, how much to sleep, and how much time to spend pampering yourself. Intuition kicks into high gear and you find yourself at the right place at the right time. Synchronicity if absolutely the most fun you have had all year.

My new meme- “What would God do”. If we are Gods, act like a God.

This is different from “earthing”. Grounding into the body and involves centering up your mental, spiritual, emotional, and etheric bodies with the physical body. Make the intention and use your imagination. This allows energy to run through the chakras and for everything to be in balance. Earthing can help you to raise your frequency at least to Gaia’s level, but some people are beyond that frequency and too empathic. Immersing yourself in water and eating foods from the Earth can also help you to ground and get aligned inside your physical body to be fully present in the NOW. You would be surprised how many people have large portions of their energy outside of the physical body. You definitely want to pull all of your energy back into the body in preparation for the big wave.

-Be love and in love and forgive
These are the highest vibrational things for you.
Remember, everyone is preparing NOW for the Big Kahuna. We have constantly been receiving smaller waves from the sun and great central suns as well as from out galactic family and from the “photon belt” for quite some time now. Many find themselves ready and just sitting back eating popcorn (organic of course) and observing. Others are getting the message that yes, everyone will be o.k., but I will go to the version of Earth that is best suited for my vibration. Why not shoot for the highest and best outcome? They are doing everything they can to raise their vibration and to be responsible for their thoughts and actions. You’ve already worked so hard, you may as well take this one all the way!

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Elthor the Dragon via Galaxygirl


Editor’s note:  Earlier today I had some energy work done.  The man I worked with spoke of Thor and the Dragon’s.  A couple of weeks ago I had a dream where I saw wings appear on my back as a Guide touched me and said “you are ready” and I began to levitate and fly.  Lately I have felt the strong need to roar and have imagined flame coming out of me.  I deeply am feeling (and heeding) the call to step fully into my Power.  This piece has so much synchronicity for me, I am left with a smile in my heart.  Oh and the need to share my Inner Roar. The Christ Consciousness Energies are powerful.  It is time…


It is I, Elthor the dragon. I speak for the dragons tonight for much is restructuring at this Now moment, and great surprises are well underway. We dragons are very partial to fire for its power, symbolism and cleansing heat. Fire is a symbol of many things, but for us dragons it is just a part of who we are, a part of our experience in dragon form.

We speak of fire for it is in this powerful, fiery moment of change that you Humans must find the power and fire within your own will, your own gut to forge ahead through the unknown in all of your blazing glory. Much is packed tightly inside your dense physical forms, human. Much indeed. Much fire and passion remains unkindled, unlit. It is time to light your flame and blaze it! Blaze the violet flame and purge the dross. Reignite your passion.

You are weary. Trust the process and start stretching your wings for you are ready to fly now, much higher Now than had the great restructuring occurred awhile ago. For you have prepared more, and become more patient and wise in the process. Trust this evolution within you. We see it. Talk to the fire salamanders and invite them to assist you with kindling your flame. Talk with us dragons and we will listen and protect.

Please remember the depth of support for humanity at this time is staggering, truly. Light your flame. It is glorious! Have you ever watched the flames dance and seen your own reflection on the fire? Hear now the sizzle and crack of the wood, see the sparkle of the embers drift and sizzle and fly. Fire is alive. Fire is within. This is what you came for, human. It is time to blaze the Christ light on the earth Now. Be the fire of change and draw this cleansing energy brought you, through your feet, down into the earth and plant it deep within the Nova Gaia. Dragon fire is delightful but mixed with human passion and intent, we are a formidable team.

I am Elthor the dragon. I am here for Humanity, in service, always to serve and guide. Until next time.

— Submitted by galaxygirl

Sourced by here.