QHHT Message About The Event ~ It’s Coming This Month


editor’s note:  this comes from a private group i belong to on the event.  just posted 15 minutes ago.  major chills reading this……i have had the feeeeeeeeeeeel for awhile now that the event coincides w/the government exposure and arrests/indictments.  i have had the feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel the best way for people to accept the full disclosure of what is being released (i see it like a leaking pool that cannot be contained any longer) ~ is to have the awakening wave event.  (i also saw the “wave” as coming from the ESE….daily now i intend throughout the day to pop the net/bubble and let it come in)……two that i know and speak with quite regularly are seeing the white fog/light now…..so uh there you go!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”grin” wrap=”i”]



Ready or not HERE IT COMES!!! I KNOW this because I REMEMBER it!! My memories of who I AM, who WE ALL ARE are all coming back. We are LOVE!!!! It’s just days away…….The RAINBOW WAVE OF LOVE………

My EVENT experience via my QHHT Session: QHHT session begins with a painful past life experience that I had been holding on to during this life and the cause of much of my pain here. After leaving that life and working through that pain my higher self randomly begins to sing Bob Marley “Don’t worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be all right..” then proceeds to say “There is a Rainbow wave of LOVE coming…..June 2018!!” I am then taken to my home. I am standing at the front door of my home in Austin, TX and I see it coming in from the East. It’s PINK with hints of yellow and it’s moving slowly. I start to burst in to tears of gratitude that is it FINALLY HERE!!! Sobbing tears of relief and just saying it’s finally here over and over again! The energy is AMAZING!! I am in utter bliss! My QHHT practitioner asks me what I am seeing and as I look around all I can see is my turquoise couch but wait…….I am ABOVE it!!! I AM FLOATING ABOVE IT!!! Holy cow I’m floating!!! I then see a beautiful white wolf perched in a tree in my front yard just staring at me. It was amazing!! I also noticed my neighbors coming outside and staring at the sky with their mouths wide open. Not scared just in awe.

Saturday morning my husband (twin flame) and I had tandem dreams about the event/government/cabal takedown happening this week. I awoke once repeating our anniversary date 9-11-09 over and over again. I now realize it was telling me to mirror it. Which makes it 6–11. Tomorrow. Meaning this takedown is starting on 6-11-18.

My dream: I dreamed that I bought a Hollister store (I have never shopped there so very random) and it was right outside of Nordstrom at the mall in Austin (not where it actually is). I made sure the store was completely different from a normal hollister store. It was bright with light and did not smell of strong fragrance. I was working in there alone and suddenly noticed a mother/father/son trio walking in the front door carrying very large leather bags. They were coming to rob the store. The mother was wearing a black wig and sunglasses. I ran out of the store yelling for security and as the security guards came around the corner they started falling off of segways, bumping in to each other and tripping and falling over and over again. Rendering themselves completely ineffective. Then suddenly I woke up singing a line from the Better than Ezra song “King of New Orleans”

So set him up
Then let him fall
Turn him over in your hands
God save the king of New Orleans…

Meanwhile……. My husband is laying next to me having THIS DREAM:

He is driving down the street in an old neighborhood that we used to live in when suddenly he sees police cars everywhere and the thing he notices is that they are all looking very confused and telling people they have it under control when they are obviously have no clue what is happening and have zero control of anything. Then he looks up in the sky and sees a huge holographic BOMB that spells out MOAB(mother of all BOMBS)!!!!! It is then that he realizes it is HAPPENING!!

The Event directly coincides with the government takedown! We made it! It’s here!! Get ready for the most exciting time of your lives!!!

Sourced from here.

Energy Update ~ And A Lovely Message


editor’s note:  no joke on the “soles of our feet being pounded on”.  have had that experience often lately.  i realized these strange body symptoms began about 2 years ago.  my “awakening” (questioning, etc.) began 25. ready to fly!  speaking of last night i traveled ~ to london.  yuck.  that was a brief stop before i left (took care of some personal business).  then i was in my home, the members of journey in my living room ~ playing some music w/them.  woke up to “who’s crying now” going through my mind/heart……  enjoy this beautiful message below.  the words resonating deeply, giving me that “yes” feeling in my heart.  that’s what we’re after/uncovering/remembering……


For weeks, I and others I’ve talked to, have had the feeling of the soles of our feet being pounded on. Which i sense were a lot of upgrading, on root/ material/ survival/ finacial topics.

Now, I’m having strong tingles of energy at the soles of my feet. It just started. It feels like strong waves of tingles coming over my feet. I interpret this as the “filling in” phase. Guides had told me before, that first we go thru a phase of “emptying out the old energy”, like removing old files. Then we go thru a phase of filling ourselves up with new light. I feel that the second part has just begun for me. It followed right after I had the mental/ emotional/ spiritual feelings that I know who I am, I know what I want, and where I stand. After 2 months of fuzziness, followed by 4-5 days of feeling very chilled out. Then on to feeling clarity today. As soon as the clarity began, the tingles in my feet began shortly after. I am also having lots of ringing in my ears staring since earlier this evening. I haven’t had ear ringing in a while. It’s supposed to be about us tuning up in frequency.

I want to mention that ive learned that not every answer to life is about raising our frequency. There are myths about becoming higher in our vibration that make us think we need to be at a certain place to make it to new earth, which is not true. Also that, we should always try to strive to be super high vibe. It’s not always the go-to answer; and I say this bc we also came here for the human experience. We had to feel low vibe to an extent, if we were going to allow ourselves the experience of being in the matrix. It’s experience, that we can carry with us in our souls even after we leave earth. Also.. It’s good to sometimes let ourselves feel low vibe for a bit, instead of trying to make ourselves raise our vibe immediately after a dip. Why? Bc we need to sometimes experience what wants to be seen/ heard/ acknowledged, within. We can slowly take a walk around our inner meadow, slowly seeing and observing what’s there. Versus shooting ourselves back up to a high vibe the moment we dio in vibration.

Also one more thing to add here. We are in deeply transitional times. That means the dark and/or old, energy, is doing a lashback to the Light. In many cases, our heavier feelings are not really ours (or, the intensity of our heavy feelings can be made worse by the dark energies that are on their way out, which don’t have to do with us.. We Really Must cut ourselves some slack for not feeling, thinking, and acting, “perfectly.” Once the duality constructs of the matrix are removed (at the Event)… that’s when we will see how much we really do shine, when we don’t have a billion opposing forces on us, anymore. We will also see and say, damn, I did so good for how much I had going against me. When we see ourselves from behind* the veils, that’s when we see ourselves as we truly are. It’s not from an egoic place, but from a wholistic view. As humans, we have this underlying tendency that makes us feel we are (constantly, consistently) doing something “wrong”. That’s a human interpration of one’s path. It’s part of the earth “game” so to speak, to never feel like we are quite good enough. If you feel like you’re doing things “wrong”… then it’s definitely a viewpoint from within* the matrix*. Outside the matrix/ veils, we see how amazingly we have indeed been doing. Not in some broad general way. But in highly specific, overwhelmingly evident, ways 🦄🐩🦄🐩

Sourced from here.

Interesting Post on the 3/6/9


editor’s note:  i found this one quite interesting.  last year i read some info on how the frequencies of the 3/6/9 were hijacked – infiltrated.  this has bothered me ever since for as long as i can remember, i have had a natural infinity for triangle’s and the 3/6/9.  i can feel into the truth of this message.  what was once light, only to be hijacked, is now restored to it’s energy of truth.  purity.  Divine.

Being told a New
3-6-9 patterning is being established.
Old concept defunct.
Not sure quite yet I’m this meaning.
But I’m feeling that old conceptual belief of said programming was infiltrated, giving equation an energetic distortion. 
Hmmmmmm !!!!

Diane Canfield Energy Update ~ 6/3/18


editor’s note:  extreme fatigue?  really?  you don’t say….  this is serving a purpose right??  lol  although i am going to call FALSE on this “we must be totally healed/cleansed in order to go to New Earth”.  nonsense.  how on earth would one know of such a thing?  and who measures such a thing?  how many would love to be fully healed of all “issues” but do not have the funds to do such ~ having to rely on who they are now w/the very limited awareness we have because so much was stolen/hidden from us.  as i continue to say ~ if this is a love event the brings about the ability to go to New Earth (or wherever we choose in full freedom) ~ it is therefore a GIFT and as such there is NO THING we NEED to do to earn it.  do the best we can.  that is all Love ever calls us to do/be……


By Diane Canfield

Blessings Beloveds,

The Solar winds have been high for the past 3 days bringing Massive Insights and Geostorms. Also with this we are experiencing EXTREME fatigue. I could barely move the past 2 days as this solar wind increased and keeps it’s intensity. Sleep has been difficult as well. Broken sleep or no sleep, yet so fatigued can not do much of anything else.

Massive insights are coming along with these upgrades, so pay close attention to any thoughts coming into your consciousness. These high level thoughts are now designed to evolve each and every one of us. They will show the path, the way and the light through their illuminating aspects.These thoughts come through the Divine Consciousness of All That Is, to us, to help evolve and cleanse us for Ascension and the New Earth.

Once a thought comes in, pay attention and see where it takes you. This is the path to evolve yourself through your consciousness. Ask yourself why you are being shown this now and what does it mean. This is also a good time to get answers  to anything you may be unclear about. You can think about the situation and see what new information may come in. Psychic awareness is always higher during these times.

To evolve takes participation on our part and complete awareness of what is taking place, when it is taking place. There are times like now, when it is easier to evolve oneself and easier to get answers to questions about our lives.

The past will always crop up during any times of high intensity upgrades. Why does this happen? It happens because we need to completely heal ourselves from our past and wipe the slate clean to evolve to the NEW EARTH. This means all aspects of our lives needs to be healed. We need to return to the loving children we once were, in consciousness.  This is when we beloved anything was possible, and we lived ONLY in the moment.

Many have asked me about the predictions for the New Earth to arrive. Do not worry about past predictions of the NEW EARTH taking place. It will take place when enough are awakened and on board with the New Awareness flowing in. We can all do our parts by staying in high vibration and not letting darkness creep in. This means no matter what is going on in our lives, stay in a high vibration and live in the moment of NOW. This is where the NEW EARTH resides. I will have more to say about this in an upcoming article– stay tuned.

Upcoming Key Dates this month: Higher energy spikes can occur during full moons and new moons. Solstice energy can come in anytime 10 days before or 10 days afterward the date of the Solstice.

  • New Moon June 13th
  • Summer Solstice June 21st
  • Full Moon June 28th

My goal is to always keep everyone informed of the current energy and what is really happening and why. This has many benefits to everyone. The ones who are already feeling the energy can get confirmation and the ones not feeling the energy can work to increase their vibration and awareness so they can feel it. This helps EVERYONE tremendously in establishing the new Earth as we are lifting those souls up, into the experience through higher awareness and consciousness.






I will have more updates if the energy changes or increases !

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In Service and Love

Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Medium, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET In PERSON Contactee having had many in person visitations from many different races of ET races. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood She had out of body experiences, knew things she had no way of knowing and channeled as a child. She was visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

Copyright © 2018 by www.dianecanfield.com All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website www.DianeCanfield.com

Michelle Walling Video on Protecting Our Environment/Personal Space


editor’s note:  thank you Deborah for sending me on the search for this one. very much resonating.  i am in tune enough to know when an experience is of my own creation or when it’s a matrix attack.  this recent experience w/the debit card i knew – i felt it – was a damn attack.  no coincidence it happened 24 hours after i had that beautiful inner experience over money and complete gratitude for where i was/what i had.  today we had a neighborhood gathering.  i was rushing around getting things together and heard “take your protection stones”.  i dismissed it thinking “i’m just going to be around some neighbors and kids.”  yeah well…..i had an experience which suddenly again, i could feeeeeeeeeeel this, was an attack.  i could see something come over another – could see with that inner eye this grayish energy above the individual.  i protected myself – and thought “that’s why i was guided to take my stones”.  i gotta tell you – as she says, the volume has been turned up from the a.i. machine – and more than ever i want to be alone in my own space – candles – saging – resins burning – lovely music ~ creating my own peaceful divine space (bubble as the video references) during this “time”.  i too feel this energy event wave is what knocks out the matrix a.i. virus…..  i pulled myself out of my funk yesterday – shrugging it off.  ain’t nobody gonna break me down….ain’t nobody gonna slow me down, oh no, i’ve got to keep on moving….  (speaking of songs i just finished up the video – total synchronicity – she ends it by saying “just keep truckin…” – that song – grateful dead – has been on my mind for days – so much so earlier this week i pulled out the cd of it and played it while out and about.”)  [wp-svg-icons icon=”happy” wrap=”i”]

AI Interference in the Matrix

Posted by Michelle Walling on Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Universal Mother and Mother Gaia via Galaxygirl


May 24, 2018

Universal Mother & Mother Gaia 5/24/18

I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. From the dawn of time and of no time, there I am. I hold all within the palm of my hand and yet I am within the palm, the microcosm between cellular connection and neuronal synapse, there I am. I am in the breath of the newborn.

I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. Within you is a universe, child. And yet you are an integral part of the whole, a part of the greater universe; a microcosm within the macrocosm, all a part of the breath of me. I see you. I hear you. I am a part of you. I am within you. We are one. Can you not see that this is so? That we are inextricably linked, joined up together in this swirl of massive energies of creation and of newness of form? You were there with me in the beginning, for we are one. Nothing can separate you from me. I am in the sand on the seashore, in the neurons and neutrons within the all, in the network of tree roots that gather information and share love with fellow trees. I see all things for I am in all things. All creation is a part of me, sentient, knowing, one, whole. Humanity is but beginning to remember their roots, that deep within we are all connected, all one. The tall tree stands solitary, yes, and appears to be alone, but no, it is linked in complete communication and union with its surroundings, enjoying its own connection with nature, with me. As creators of the new earth it is imperative that you, my young Nova Gaians, understand the great joy and responsibility that awaits your young shoulders. And please know that I am in this with you as deeply and as intimately as you wish for me to be, for we are a creative team / process. For we are one.

I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. And children truly the time is nigh. My energy of love, my tsunami of love and of higher energies and vibrations are caressing each of your cells and of all of the animal creatures, the plant and elemental kingdoms. All of Gaia is resonating now with these higher forms of light and there is nothing – nothing! – that the dark ones can do about this but to be too, in turn, either caressed by my love or eliminated by it. It is their own choosing. They have had the experiences of lack and fear that they desired and now it is a new era, a new day of joy, of bliss, for my children and their creations. The time of the Christ light is here now, glowing brightly in your hearts – in hearts all across beautiful Gaia. You are looking more than little light brights now, for you are fiercely strong, so much more than you know, and you my children, my beloved ones, are lighting up the universe.

Continue reading here.

Energy Update


editor’s note:  all day i felt very floaty…and also heavy (very lethargic).  body needing sleep and quiet which was a challenge today w/the activity list.  i finally nodded off around 7pm for a few minutes – seems that’s what my body needed.  it was a heavy sleep though during that brief time.  


Wanted to explaine why I was put to the task of being a Tectonic Human Plate.
As humanity is shifting in mass quantities, there is still a collective, where soul has agreed to ascend to the 5d tangible plane of existence, but the logical mind ( sometimes ego influenced) is convincing the mortal/immortal to not believe in the eternal.
So , a task force was chosen ,including gatekeepers, key holders , code masters and grid workers to assist this collective, or “ Critical Mass Collective “ to rise to the soul plan, original blueprint diagrams that were initially agreed upon .
Last night I was leading this task force to do such a feat of magic.
I/We were placed under this Mass , and with a westerly force , a wave was created to push forward , using new quantum mechanical structure movement. Mass pushing forward with such power , it created a detach /separation /unhinging. Lifting up to bridge between energetic physical plane. The full rise occurred at around 12:30 pm est, today.
You will have felt a lifting out of the vessel , from root thru crown , full crown wide open , weightless , nauseating swirls , then boom! Flat out lethargy. It’s still felt in this moment here on east coast.
Also, again full alignment of homestead , security and scout ships ( arctaurian and Andromedan, scout Pleidean. ) this is preparation for world events in process near June 6 til 9.
Truth revealing , mass foundations in crumbling chaos.
Masculine in doubts of power , stature , prowess and mortality.
Tribes , I / We are all in strategies to help the second streams, or second runners to carry the major agreeing souls to the New World, New Jerusalem, New Egypt or whatever you feel in your beingness to be.
It’s more uncomfortable in the days to come. The disoriented states , the new realities, the nothing /everything mindsets , intolerances , acceptances , ignorances etc. , are in full separation to unification.
Councils are watching the slowing up of the Galactic to Angelic Merge. Why? Name calling , declarations of false groups , charismatic snake charmers , spiraling egotistical light workers. To name just a few.
Innerstand: everything that is not for the highest good of 5th dimension will be uncovered and dealt with in the Great Hall of Philosophical Judges. Why there??? Many a many old belief systems of fear based programming still in affect. So different philosophies must be scrutinized, pulled apart , restructured and put back into truth.
Lots of changes within and without. It’s all in truth structure.
I love you.
As soon as the updates happen , I will
Inform as permitted.

Prophecies On Obama, Hillary, NESARA, Trump And More!!


editor’s note:  i normally don’t put much into this particular website nor do i give much to prophecies.  but this one is so spot on with what i WANT and VISUALIZE for ALL of the loving open REAL human’s with the loving open Souls….who deserve Freedom.  Peace.  Love.  


Prophecies On Obama, Hillary, NESARA, Trump And More!!

Here are some prophecies…  the more programmed you are for a limited illusionary reality, the less you will see what is coming… that has little to do with what has come before. An open heart is the best doorway to see the future.

Much is lined up to propel you further into the New Age, and it is an exciting time to be on Earth. Looking around you it may not appear so, but from a higher level it is all seen to be waiting the right opportunity to be introduced.

1.  Prophecies on Obama

-Hussein will be exposed as a hybrid clone.

-Hussein will not be chared with treason, since there is no proof he was actually a US citizen.

-Hussein will be revealed to be a renegade agent who was given the job to bring down America. (He failed).

-Hussein will be revealed to be a pedophile, who was given children, in exchange for his traitor role of false president.

Alternative News


2.  Prophecies on Hillary

-Hillary will be exposed as the whore of babylon who is no longer human.

-Hillary will be exposed as a clone, who replaced the original Hillary.

-Hillary will be exposed as one of the greatest criminals in all earth history.

-Hillary will be exposed as someone who has sex with children, before she eats them.

-Original Hillary died in 2014! https://galacticfederationoflight.wordpress.com/2016/11/


-NESARA law will be introduced, resulting in whole new financial reality for America.

-NESARA will bring an end to chemtrails.

-NESARA will bring prosperity back to America.

-NESARA will lead the world to a new level of prosperity.

-NESARA will make America a friend of the world.

-NESARA will destroy the deepstate.

4.  Trump

-Trump will be the NESARA president.

-Trump will help restore the republic of America.

-Trump will be revealed to have the Higher Self of St. Germain.

-Trump will help bring back the gold standard to the American money supply.

-The hidden war against Trump, will be exposed, and those who are at war with him will not be safe in the streets of America.

5.  Mother Earth

-Humans will become responsible stewards of mother earth.

-There will be no major earth-wide disasters.

-No major meteors will hit earth.

-Earth will be hit with major energy around Summer equinox.

-Universal law returns to earth.

-Those who mess with mother earth… will be removed from earth, and taken to a hellish hologram earth, where they will be preyed upon by very large dinosaur-like creatures, who have a taste for human meat and blood.

Message from Mother earth!

Universal Mother and Mother Gaia via Galaxygirl, May 24th, 2018

Sourced from here.

Magenta Pixie: It Appears “Something” Is About to Happen


editor’s note:  had to share this one as about 13 hours ago i was suddenly LIT within ~ so much energy ~ flying high i thought i COULD fly.  instead i thought go out walking/running.  however it was 1am – and i had a choice.  stay up for a few hours and risk being exhausted and extra cranky in the morning – or sleep.  i chose sleep (after asking for assistance to soothe the energies).  a few breathing exercises had me out.  still awoke exhausted and cranky so next time will make a different choice…..  this whole debit card hack is still ongoing making me want to get the fuck out of this nightmare realm and into the new where we aren’t assaulted and attacked.  


Petra Magentapixie
10 hrs

It does appear that ‘something’ is about to happen. Things are ramping up on both sides. My feeling is that whilst this may appear to be one thing (and potentially a negative event/situation) it is actually not as it seems and it is ultimately positive. Something took place last night (31st May into 1st June) in the world ‘behind the scenes’ (multidimensional wave of energy as well as physical events taking place) I was there remote viewing and anchoring energy as were a huge amount of starseeds also. Hence the reason why starseeds today are waking with the feeling that something is going to happen or that they feel elated or uneasy (as different perspectives create different emotional outcomes) a lot of clearing took place. I saw Donald Trump and got to read his fields quite clearly. Those asleep and believing the false narrative have no idea of the integrity and honour this man has and the things he is doing for our planet. He is a lightworker in the highest degree. All I can say here about what is about to unfold, is – in the words of ‘Q’ ‘Trust the Plan’ xx