Category: Ascension
Energy Update ~ Amanda Lorence
This current Incoming Energy Wave (31 May 2018) is significant. I will try and explain why, yet I do not know everything.
In May 2014 as many here already know (sorry to repeat myself), I was given a “simulation experience” in and of my physical body, of the MAIN Energy Wave some call the “Event”. It was a real experience where I saw the wave, but more significantly felt a series of energetic patterns corse through this physical body. Too many patterns to be able to define, all running simultaneously throughout the body. The strength of the energy patterns, so strong, I could only literally stand and take it, unable to move my physical body whatsoever. This simulation was gifted as an understanding of what to expect when the Main Wave is received. But through the years since, it has also served as a gauge. To gauge where we ‘are’ energetically, compared to the expected Main Energy Wave.
Because I physically feel all actual incoming waves, I can monitor the patterns physically felt within my body, and gauge the waves strength, and feel the different energetic patterns that present through the brain and body. These have become stronger and stronger particular this year. Whereas in earlier years there may have been one physical pattern per Wave, that could be a different pattern per wave, this year the number of patterns running simultaneously has increased to two patterns, three patterns, four patterns which have occurred and are felt simultaneously with each incoming wave. In other words, the incoming waves this year are building in patterns and strength. I can therefore keep gauging these changes and strengths against the first simulation experience given in 2014.
Today’s wave has been building for hours. However, what is so new and significant and never felt before (apart from in the Main Wave simulation), is this:
Although this wave is setting off multiple energetic patterns in the body, never before have the many energetic patterns joined up. Normally the patterns are simultaneous but VERY VERY separate patterns. Not tonight. Each energetic pattern is merging with each energetic pattern. Joining up. So as example, in the head: arc patterns, horizontal patterns, spiral patterns, circular patterns, pin point patterns are all joining up as ONE circuitry of electrical energy…for the first time.
The same is happening in the main body away from the head. Where patterns in the neck, spine, heart, throat, root, toes, face, fingers…whilst before would be separate patterns of energy (electricity), they are joining up as ONE circuitry of electrical energy.
I am sharing as this will be happening to many, regardless of whether you can feel it to this degree of sensitivity. It will still be occurring.
It’s significant because it brings us closer to the MAIN wave still to come. Because the simulation given those years ago had the same ONE circuitry, which at the time made it so difficult to define the various energy patterns of said simulation. I knew there were many patterns but the utter complexity of patterning made it difficult to define every pattern as they all joined up in the same moment.
Comparing the actual strength of tonight’s wave, I will add that the intensity, or strength of the current incoming energy wave is strong but we have had stronger. Based on the strength of vibration to that of the simulation experience, I can say we are not there yet and will need to increase more so. But the joining up of physical energy patterning within our human physical bodies, is very significant. And so welcome.
I’m aware there is much debate about the Main Wave, where some say it is not a main event and some say it is a personal event. Both are true, as the anticipated wave is based upon the individual’s frequency and what can be withstood for the physical, mental and emotional body. I just share based on actual experiences given in the physical whilst keeping an open mind and open heart to all possibility.
Tonight’s alteration in physical energetic patterning, merging into one electrical circuitry is new, significant, and above all, real at physical human level.
One Love
Amanda Lorence
31 May 2018
Sourced from here.
Time to Manifest ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
editor’s note: yes this is a channeled piece….i feel something w/this one as it coincides w/a feeling i have had recently and that is manifestation is becoming much easier. the beautiful part of this is now is our time to just receive ALL we have desired. i wish that for me and for every one of you.
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are pleased to announce to you that the placement of your solar system in the galaxy in the past few weeks, and in the coming months, will be ideal for manifestation. You are always receiving support in accessing more, but now is a particularly opportune time to be letting the manifestations in that you have been desiring for quite some time.
Many of you have perhaps faced unique challenges and hardships of late, and you are using them as the set up for this time of increased photonic activity. You are able to access more streams of energy because of where you are at this time in the galaxy, and the process of manifestation could not be easier because all you have to do now is relax and let these supportive energies bring you what you’ve been asking for.
It’s not a question of taking action, earning, or being worthy of what is there for you to manifest. It’s simply a function of where you are right now, physically speaking. Your solar system is spiraling up, and will continue to do so. And you are ready now to reap the benefits of hanging on this Earthly ride for as long as you have. This is a culmination for most of you of hundreds, if not thousands, of lifetimes.
And where you are right now is the culmination of all of those lifetimes and all of the asking and summoning that you’ve done in those lifetimes. Now is the time for the payoff. Now is the time to let it in. Many of you are still wondering what you need to do in this lifetime, what your mission is, and right now we tell you that your mission is to receive, open yourselves up, be the conduits for this high-frequency energy, and let yourselves live the lives that you’ve always dreamt of.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Sourced from here.
Gaia Portal 5/30/18 ~ Arms are now upstretched to the Light
BRING. IT. t/y…..
Arms are now upstretched to the Light.
Galactic connections have completed the task.
Hue-manity is nearing the Unity completion.
Celebrations begin anew.
Energy Update: Full Moon, Woozy Feeling, Dreams and Telepathy With Animals, Birds And All Other Consciousness Increases
editor’s note: i can relate to the communications w/animals and nature (my favorites). i’ve felt strong telepathic connections w/a few dogs lately ~ one tonight in which the woman said not to look at her dog. not to be rude but because her dog is afraid of new people and until the dog knows you, it’s best to stay away. dog lover me squatted down anyway (there was a group of people talking so i figured i could do this and not be noticed) and this little dog turned around and we looked at one another in the eye. nothing from this dog said she was afraid of me. and what i felt from her was “i wish my mama would quit saying that about me. i would like to be more open with people but she thinks i can’t be so i go along just to obey her.” not those exact words of course but that’s the impression i received. i stood up then squatted back down again and that little pup looked at me again – and again we just observed one another. i put out my hand – she just looked at it. but absolutely no fear from her. … the bush out back today told my mate it’s almost fall. interesting. given a lot of the trees and plants around here they do resemble late summer. many of the mid to late summer plants are done blooming including poppies, rhodies and roses. and that event tree – she is beginning to droop from how lush her leaves are. she looks exactly as she did in my dream now. she is ready – i am ready – we are ready. let us call in this love blast, ok? we are co-creating it. no worries about some not being “ready”. this is Love incoming – i have felt it – and yes it is powerful – and i feel it has such an intelligence that each will experience it in a way he/she can handle. it is like a key opening up a door that has been closed for a long long time – sometimes the door opens quickly, other times, slowly. call it forth. feel it. we got this dudes and dudettes. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

We have a treat for the First Wavers
editor’s note: walking between 2 world experience (ongoing for months) and the high anxiety ~ yes indeed can relate although i am feeling a calming now….
Debbie Dixon is with Troy Royal.
We have a treat for the First Wavers on this certain Day as We are sensing much anxiety among you..peace and calm is vital for the Receiving of the final Increment of energy and walking in 2 worlds has its stressful times We know therefore We are merciful in our understanding of life..please accept our sacred expression in affirmation form..this will ensure a safe Entry into the Higher Dimensions and Beyond..This is for the First Wavers though all hungry, thirsty Souls will Benefit for their Future Entry into the Higher Dimensions..say out loud and with emotion..
Now Walk Forward Dear Hearts and trust that your sacred Soul will be delivered into the Light of Love, Source Love and All that Love brings into your heart and mind on this certain Day..Magic is Profound and the Magic of Source will deliver all that is necessary for a smooth Transition..Independent and Free is the mindset for all men/women who desire to be sacred Instruments for Source..The Spiritual Revolution Will Begin..walk quietly Dear Hearts but know that your Footsteps are loud indeed..You are the providers of Love and Peace and your Energy is really making a difference in the not allow outside influences to put you off your personal desires for this planet..Mastering Ones Emotions will continue, you will Handle Yourselves with Ease..remember the Power of Prayer..all Solutions will be presented to those who sincerely ask for guidance..
The Master walks among You..let this fact inspire You to BE WHO YOU ARE..”listen to your heart” will indeed have your heart and mind ready for His “big reveal”His Word Will Strengthen your Belief Systems..A Powerful Voice of Truth He Will Be..beautiful energy is Infused with our words on this certain is Time to Claim Ones Inheritance Dear Hearts..We are Linking You all to The Great Central Sun..peace and love Be with You All..Love and Light Channeled by Debbie Dixon Artist Thanked
QHHT Session Summary: Transitioning to New Earth, Financial Systems, Earth Experiment
editor’s note: a new find. i like this guy. of most interest to me was at the 14:30 mark where the client is told her purpose was to come here for this transition and with her timeline she is done and will be transitioning to the new earth in a few weeks. how many of us are feeling this ourselves? the feeling is strong within me that there is nothing else i need to do here and all of my heart/self is focused on going to the new earth experience. and like i have felt for some time, all go on their own time lines that they have chosen. freedom. free choice.
Published on May 15, 2018
Teleporting to the New Earth – The Event by Beverly Nation
Our Purpose: Mission Accomplished!
editor’s note: another beautiful piece. i really resonate with this woman. i feeeeel she would do quite well w/having her own website.
I just wanted to briefly say… I know everyone means well… (and I’m not* speaking of anyone in particular here, as this is something I hear very often)… that if someone asks “why am I still here” (and not on new earth)… and we respond with something like.. “bc you have more work to do here”… it could be influencing someone to see in a way that is limiting them. Of course, by loa, we tend to attract what we still believe inside (tho not always)… but… if you tell someone they have more to heal and inner work to do… it may make them feel 1) that it’s true 2) that they haven’t done enough work and that they may never “make it.” I know that’s not the intention* when someone says these things, but I’m just putting it out there that it could influence them to feel that way, especially if they’re already feeling “doubtful.”
We are Masters, who inserted ourselves into a duality planet. We are always remebering more and more, of the mastery that we are. Healing is really about remembering. But isn’t it hard to remember, everything* we would, if we werent on a veiled planet? We would remember a lot more, if the veils weren’t there. So that’s why it feels more difficult than it should, as these Energies hit us and try to make us see* more, and try to de-limit us, to make our way out of our 3d issues. The energies are taking us further* into Remembrance, but it is hard to do while still on a veiled planet, and we do not* have to remember everything* before arriving at the Event. After the Event, the veils will* lift, and doing the rest of our Remembering, will be much easier!! And, we are continually remembering right now, moment by moment, so I refuse to push myself to go faster. It’s not kind to myself. I have gone fast for so long, and so have we all!!!
So while we are always* increasing our light and our frequencies (we eat, live, and breathe, light codes, do we not…?), we will continue expanding ourselves in new creative directions, even* after* we arrive at new earth (there is always endless learning!)…. still… we do not have to be “perfect” before we get to the Event/ new earth.
We have heard over and over again, that we do not* have to be fully* at 5d to arrive there. We just have to be “5d enough.” I think we all know this inside, if we feel for our Heart’s Knowing!!!
This is not to criticise anyone’s perspective in the least, but just saying let’s put awareness on our thoughts (and words, to others)… Bc I think the Event is more simple than the human mind tends to make it be. We reached the appropriate vibration as a whole (as a planet) and so that’s WHY we’ll have the Event and New Earth. It’s happening. That’s it. ➡ And we don’t have to be so hard on ourselves, thinking that we are not “perfect enough” to get there. I hear many ppl say for a while now, that they are not “healed enough” to make it. Makes me a little sad, to hear that. I always say in my energy reports, to keep aligning within to your true, real Self. That the energies are opening more Light in us. But i stay away from wording things in a way, that suggests we should feel lack*, for where we are internally right now. Where we are is Beautiful. Where we are is Enough. Literally. We will always continue expanding. New Earth and post-Event life, is a balance*** between Enjoyment and Effort. Something that has been widely off-balance at old earth. We were made into a slave planet to make us constantly work, and we tend to Interpret things as “lots of work,” given our past programming. But we dont need to see our Future in that way.
Source prefers the Balance of Work and Play. Feel for your Heart’s Truth on all this. We know it Inside ♥️
We can re-frame all our past efforts, all our growth, thus far, as a Success. When we do, it changes how we Experience ourselves. It changes how we see others. I know i have been helpful and successful in raising the light on this planet (my guides remind me, all the time). And bc I see myself in that light, I see others in that light to. As I see and interact with others, I can SEE that they have done a lot, worked hard, took this planet to a Success Point… I see their Heart and that a lot of us still dont feel like we “did enough”… they would not call their Life a Success… but it IS… my guides remind me all the time to Interpret myself and my past and my now, as a Success. It’s true, not just nice-sounding words…!
We have* succeeded in raising the planet’s frequency. Mission impossible ➡ Accomplished.
Do you see that??? It is the Truth 🎆
Sourced from here.
A Reminder: There is a Lot Unifying
Shared with permission…
Christie Hanalei
A Reminder: There is a Lot Unifying ♡ ! ➡️
Personally– deep fears including feeling threatened, abused, etc, feeling a lack of confidence, just feeling bad stuff in general ➡️ this is Us in the proccess of Unifying to New Personal Timelines
Collectively– deep state, negative control, and conspiracies against humanity ➡️ are indeed going thru a huge meltdown and breakdown… I feel it in my body when there is a big shift in this area, and I have been feeling that the last 2 weeks especially, there have been intense shedding of the dark side
➡️ this is essentially a Collective Timeline Unification, to more Light and it is an important movement Towards the Event
As this is happening, some of us may be processing the deep dark happenings of our world.. as its coming out of the Grid, therefore it’s coming out of Us. You may have had a lot of conspiracies come to mind, whether to internally process or not. This is our way of coming to more Light on this as the Planet does it. You may see even more layers to the dark matrix than you did before. This is Progress in Light. The fact that it’s coming up means we are finishing it off. We may come to more understandings all of a sudden, or will in the near future.. and that’s bc we are now in the process of collectively shedding more of the deep dark matrix.
Do not get discouraged/ disheartened… There are some very nasty realities beyond physical eyesight, that have traumatized humanity. This is Unifying to Higher Frequency Timelines, so as you find out more about the negative things that Darks have done on this Planet, Remember the Big Picture ➡️that it is almost Done Resolving. This is the End before the Event.
Also note, that with all this intense fear coming up collectively, and with our personal clearings too, it is easy to feel heavy and dark and just bad. Try to detach from fear energy as best you can… Center in the Knowing of Safety. My guides have told me so many times, Don’t Worry…!