Energy Update – Leaving The Human Behind

By Jenny Schiltz, 11/04/2016

The energies of the 11/11 gateway are already upon us and it is as if we are being squeezed though the eye of the needle. All that is not truly our soul is being shown so that we can make the conscious choice to leave it behind. In conversation with my team they explained that the human is being released. When I pressed them on what that means they went on to say that what is considered human is our duality, lack, limitations, and fear. What is not considered part of the human is our personality, our likes and dislikes. Who we truly are is not going anywhere, what is leaving is all that we are not.

However, even with this explanation many are experiencing fear associated with letting the human go. Right now many are feeling extremely anxious and depressed, as the resurgence of lack, limitation, doubts, and duality programming is looping throughout your form.  It is so we become so uncomfortable with these feelings that the anguish of hanging on is greater than our fear of letting go.

Another component to the leaving the human behind is having to understand deeply that we are worthy of the life that we desire. We are worthy to have the relationships, career, happiness and joy that we so desperately want. We can have life filled with the beautiful flow of the universe and a peaceful existence. As you read these words, what emotions arise? Do you feel the truth to these words through your being or is there a fear underneath begging to be heard? Do you feel selfish for wanting it all? Do you fear that when good things happen, the bottom will soon drop out? Do we dare to believe with all of hearts that we are worthy?  Look at all the insecurities these energies have brought up in the recent weeks. They are showing us where we hold a lack or not good enough vibration within us. Once we see it we can shift it.

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Message from Consciousness ~ 3 More Energy Bursts in Total 9

By Natalie Wright, 11/03/2016

Message from Consciousness

3 6 9 teslaON 14TH NOVEMBER 2016 THE SECOND WAVE (3 more bursts in total 9 and this is the 6th of 9 wave of COMPLETION ENERGIES for 5th Dimensional way of being and Matrix Grid upload. It is not going to take years. The final three will follow we do not think we will have to wait until the December 14th Full moon I will instruct

Message to Moonboy from Ground Control Eve in service to humanity. We are through and we send the final three waves now to coincide with the 14th November. For 7th Golden Age of Gaia will be upon us sooner than you think – all downloads of Golden Grid Merkabah have been received and all will start to remember their 5th Dimensional Angelic embodiments – downloaded at 09.39 today – 9 completion – now 3 not 0 zero – we have two tiers left and it is time to send out the two times three wave on the 11th 12th 13th and then complete at 03.39 (third dimension and the 39 steps of heaven) on the 14th of November and carry on all night of expanding the all here on earth when both combine for second grounding in of universal energies and the opening of portals to higher conscious beings. Soul Consciousness and sub conscious connection through telepathy clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairsentience are now wide iopen and becoming dimensional (galactic) and quantum – we have achieved much

Urgent Message: Hold Space ~ Remain Calm ~ Stay Centered And Neutral

Editor’s note:  I completely agree with this message and ask you to share it.  It resonates with my Inner and Higher Self.  This is why I’m here.  To be a part of this upcoming/current change.  If this message resonates with you as well, this is why YOU are here as well.  Remain centered in Self.  The masses may go a bit bat crazy (I can feel the stress – it is palpable).  I can feel the energy.  Stay in Love friends.  ♥

Alexandra Meadors: Urgent Message – November 4, 2016

Police Worldwide Lay Down Weapons In Support Of The 99%

By: Jack Murphy


Police in Thailand who were ordered to control protesters instead put down their barricades and helmets as a sign of support and solidarity for the protesters. This also happened in Germany in May, when German Police Removed Helmets and Escorted Occupy Frankfurt Protesters. 

Are we looking at an awakening?

Humansarefree reports: Earlier this week in Thailand, a shocking turn of events took place. Ordered to harass and block protesters , policemen instead yielded to the peaceful riot by laying down their barricades and helmets as a sign of solidarity.

Continue reading here.

Old 3D Healing Tools Don’t Work For 5D Humans

Editor’s note:  I have had this thought throughout the past year – that healing modalities in this current paradigm are no longer having the same effect on bodies that are transforming.  I am so very ready for new healing technologies that actually work – easily, painlessly, free of side effects!

By Denise Le Fay, 11/01/2016

newhealingtechA recent Comment by an Ascension overload sufferer inspired this article. Thanks for it Karen.

Since 2003, I’ve repeatedly heard people say online how they use different old 3D (third dimension) tools, methods and belief systems etc. to help them with their evolutionary Ascension Process induced aches, pains, pressures and related symptoms or side effects of becoming a 5D (fifth dimension) human being in a physical body.

I’ve never understood this thinking or expecting old school 3D, pre-Ascension Process tools and methods to actually help with evolving into a physically embodied 5D human. How could such lower frequency tools and methods be beneficial on someone whose literally vibrating higher and faster than they are? They cannot is the fast answer and why should be obvious.

The difference between a 3D human being and body, central nervous system, DNA, brain wiring, consciousness and perceptions with that of a 5D human being and body and all the rest of it is so extreme that they’re barely the same species! That was not an exaggeration for dramatic effect, but a hard fact. This is evolution, highly compressed evolution yes, but evolution nonetheless and we’re living it now in these lives and these physical bodies.

So, why and how could old 3D lower frequency, lower consciousness, lower everything healing tools, methods and modalities etc. possibly work on or help anyone living through compressed evolution that’s literally changing them into a higher frequency 5D being with matching body, consciousness and perceptions? They cannot, so why waste your money and time on them when they’re not vibrating high enough or aren’t nearly complex and refined enough for a fifth dimensional body and central nervous system etc.?

Continue reading here.  

Reunion From Lemuria – From The Telos Books

Editor’s note:  This one resonated so deeply within me – I suddenly found myself crying.  Earlier this year, while I was resting, I heard something off to my left saying “Lemuria is calling”.  At the time I was like “Lemuria is calling me?  What??”  Ever since that moment, I have felt some distant connection with Lemuria.  I believe I will be seeing her again.  I believe many of us will.

lemuriaBefore the Lemurian continent sank, the priests and priestesses of the Temples were warned of the coming cataclysmic changes, and various Focuses of the Sacred Fire were transported to Telos, and others were transported to other lands which would not be affected.

Many of these Flames were taken to the continent of Atlantis to a specific location and were sustained there for quite a period of time by daily spiritual applications. 

Just before Lemuria sank, certain of these priests and priestesses returned to their homes on that continent and volunteered to go down with the land and Her people, giving the assistance of their radiation and extending comfort and fearlessness.

They offered this help to counteract the fear, which always comes with cataclysmic action.

These loving benefactors, by the radiation of their God controlled energies and their sacrifice, literally surrounded the auras of the people in a blanket of Peace and assisted in creating a freedom from fear so that the etheric bodies of those lifestreams would not be so severely scarred, thus saving those people in future embodiments, from having to experience greater tragic consequences.

Many members of the priesthood placed themselves in small groups strategically in various areas and they prayed and sang as they went
down beneath the water.

The melody they sang was the same as is known today as “Auld Lang Syne”. ( )

The idea behind this action was that every horrifying experience leaves a very deep scar and trauma in the etheric body and cellular memory of the people, and it takes several embodiments to heal.

Through the action and the sacrifice of those of the priesthood, choosing to stay together in groups and singing to the very end, much fear was mitigated, and a certain level of harmony was maintained.

This way, the damage and trauma to the souls who perished was greatly diminished. It was said that those of the priesthood, along with the musicians, sang and prayed until the waves and the water had risen to level of their mouths. It is then that they also perished.

During the night, while the masses slept, under a starry blue sky, it was all over; the beloved Motherland was submerged beneath the waves of the Pacific Ocean.

None of the priesthood had left their post, and none had evidenced any fear. Lemuria went down with dignity.

“Auld Lang Syne” was the last Song ever heard on the land of Lemuria.

The Song they sang, some people on Earth have brought this song forth again through the scottish people, and very prophetic words have been put into it such as. “Should auld acquaintances be forgot”. Indeed, we are these old acquaintances reuniting again, those of us from the physical realm with those of our beloved ones, former friends and family members of Telos, “yet invisible” to our present sight, and hopefully, not for too much longer.

Hear this well in your Heart my friends, these next couple sentences.

Before our Beloved Lemuria sank completely, it was prophesized that one day, in some far distant future, many of us will gather again as a group and Sing this song again, with the absolute Knowingness that the “Earth’s Victory” is won.

The time we are now living in brings the Celebration of this long awaited day, and the fulfilling of that incredible Prophecy. We are now initiating the beginning of the long awaited “Reunion”.

It is almost with tears in my eyes that I am letting you know from Adama that many of you reading those words were among those brave Souls who sacrificed your life for the great benefit of the collective.

Lets applaud your bravery then, and now lets rejoice for our return together, once again, to continue our great Lemurian mission of assisting thePlanet and humanity into her glorious Ascension..  

~ From the Telos books

Sourced from ourshiftingperspective


Finding The Doorway Out Of The Matrix

By Michelle Walling

exitingthematrixI am a bigger picture person. I have studied the light and the dark sides on this reality and of myself intensively, and I have found that there is one thing that will make my doorway or exit from this reality appear. This thing that I speak of has been forgotten by many playing the game of the intense polarities.

The main focus of my website, How To Exit The Matrix, is to share my personal experience and insights on the true nature of our reality and who we really are. In summary, it is my observation that the reality that we see, taste, touch, feel, and see is a holographic matrix created in order to experience a third dimensional physical reality.

Within this reality that we are experiencing is an extreme polarity of dark and light. The reason for the extreme polarity is that Earth is shifting out of this vibrational frequency into a higher vibrational frequency, and in order for humanity to follow suit, they need to “wake up”. Waking up involves questioning everything in your reality and awareness. Extreme circumstances push people toward change and out of stagnation.

Who are you and why are you here?

Waking up also involves knowing who you are and how you got here. It is very similar to waking from a dream. When you know who you are and when you realize that you are not your body and that you never die, a freedom washes over you that allows you to have an inner peace while our reality collapses. This brings us closer to the understanding and remembrance of what we need to do to find the doorway out. You are here on Earth at this time so that you can wake up and exit the matrix that you have been a part of for eons of “time”, as Earth serves as a portal out of the third dimension and extreme polarity. You had to come here first in order to return home. There are even some some souls that left their peaceful worlds to come here to help those that have been stuck a very long time find the door when it is available.

The key to exiting the matrix

I have served the darkness (mostly from ignorance or trickery) and I have also served the light in many lifetimes. I have been the extreme pendulum, swinging back and forth in order to rectify karma and to expand my soul’s experience. The one thing that I am striving for in this lifetime that will allow me to exit this reality is BALANCE.

True balance is achieved when you can see all viewpoints from a higher perspective. You understand the dark’s necessity for energy vampirism and you also understand the light’s need to serve, protect, and fight for freedom. You realize that even the light team can easily become unbalanced, and being an extreme “lightworker” simply attracts the dark like moths to a flame because that is how balance works. For every action their is an equal and opposite reaction.

When you realize that ultimately you are only fighting yourself and that by being extreme in anything you are going to attract the opposite polarity, then you can step back and try to figure out how you can stop that fight. It doesn’t mean that you lie down and let the dark take over. It also doesn’t mean that you stand in the power of light with a sword to ultimately win the battle for earth and humanity. It means that you pull the dark and light aspects within you, accepting that you played this game to experience everything it had to offer.

Continue reading here.

The Only Way To Save The World Is To Save Yourself

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

“We are not here to save the world. We are here to save ourselves, but in doing so, we save the world.” ~Joseph Campbell

warriorgoddessprincessAs I write this, some shit is probably going down at Standing Rock. For anybody awake to the tyranny at hand, the events of the last few months have weighed heavily on our hearts. But the thing people need to remember is this: We’re all Native Americans. If you were born in the USA, and you love the land you were born on (which includes the entire fucking planet, by the way!), you are a Native American. You are a Native Earthling, for shit’s sake. It’s all connected. Their fight is our fight. Skin color is irrelevant. Where you were born or where you migrated to is irrelevant. The only thing relevant is this: are you for freedom, life, cooperation, and love; or are you for statism, profit, divisiveness, and violence? As Derrick Jensen said, “We are the governors as well as the governed. This means that all of us who care about life need to force accountability onto those who do not.”

The media (even the alternative media, mind you) is trying to spin this as a land issue, or a Native American issue. But it’s not. This is a freedom versus tyranny issue. This is an anarchy versus statism issue. This is a life versus entropy issue. All land is free. We just need to quit focusing on imaginary lines and think cooperation first, competition second. All human beings are free. We just need to quit being obsequious to state-driven authority and start asking (and answering) the tough questions.

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Hello Old Soul. Feeling Tired? How To Recharge Your Soul.

Editor’s note:  I have started doing this as this Old Soul is feeling very very tired these days.  I felt something when doing this when out on a walk in nature earlier this week so will continue doing so.  Blessings!  

By Katie Gallanti

old-soulA lot of old souls are really tired right now. The project Shift Earth has been lasting a few years too many and many feel that they are barely still standing while they crawl to the finish line.

Honor your Soul fatigue, but also don’t quit… ask the universe to recharge you and know that it will. Also ask for your field to be cleared and for your energy to be topped up at night, so that you can truly rest when you sleep. Many of us need the rejuvenation.

Also ask to be cleared of collective energy. While it is important for us to contribute to the collective field and stabilize it, we don’t have to carry the collective energy 24/7. A lot of chaos right now, some of it manufactured, so important to have clear fields and ongoing Source downloads, so we can contribute to the uplifting the energy, rather than being drowned by it.

Imagine the Source energy descending into your crown, spreading into your body, and recharging and uplifting every cell and molecule within you. And then see this energy descending to your root chakra, rooting into the ground and charging the Earth Core. See the energy then pulsing outwards, clearing and recharging the Earth field and its grids.

This is a very simple process, recharges you and boosts the vibration of both your self and the Earth. Very needed at this time to counter conflict and chaos energies.

Sending love

Katie Gallanti

Sourced from: