As we have anchored in a ‘corner piece’ into the New Grid for Humanity, something very very big and new has transpired (refer previous BB post/s in this series).
A very New and different REBIRTH in/of the New Grid!
Many will be feeling this in Spirit and yet to integrate and feel this in the Human, yet it is being done and felt right now in me sharing this with you while I am still adjusting and blending the two together – (Due to having two souls, the human and Spirit and linking the two as a trailblazer, through our emotions).
Before this comes a release of the old of sadness/anger and what ever else it is for each of us – (please do not get lost or caught up in staying in this sadness).
So while one may feel this in Spirit, it needs to blend and connect into the human and this is where the letting go of the old, and the sadness or anger that comes with this, comes into play.
This releasing of the old, is about letting go of the whole old way of being that we have not realized that we do need to let go of.
A ‘revisit’ of old ways and behaviors yet while being in the new with this, is the best way I can describe this…as we have released so much of the old and are in very new spaces.
When we fully let go and surrender something we were not aware we needed to, then comes the NEW REBIRTH in the New Grid.
Remember we were feeling Double in the past week (roughly) and so this New Grid Rebirth is double as well.
The human and Spirit.
So allow this time when one feels this on ‘one level’, for the ‘other level’ to feel this and release for the WHOLE to be Re-Birthed.
~This is still ongoing right now and what may take me say 3 days, can take others 3 weeks or longer, depending where a soul is at and then there is the integration from Soul with Spirit as well…as it has taken me 20 years of a long and slow path of going within consciously to get here, to be able to process and feel so quickly as I do as a Trailblazer, to share as I am, in these now faster times of Ascension – “As Ascension cannot be rushed, fooled or cheated.~
So now in sharing all this as this continues – there is a feeling of vulnerability and being open and sad for the old, all at once…yet a realizing of so much in this releasing, a ‘good healthy’ release.
Quiet time is needed during this (phase) with minimal interaction as one rebuilds their connection from Soul to Spirit of the Divine as we bring our New Strength in…of a Very New REBIRTH of the New Grid which is a first EVER for Humanity.
This is real, this is happening right here and now!
Thank you for being here at this in all you are going through and transmuting as well.
As we are ONE and Love Has Won!
Much Love and Divine Blessings
Anastacia Ascension Guide/Teacher Multi-Dimensional Ancient Earth Master Trailblazer/WaySeer
Anastacia takes on clients for 1:1 sessions. To book in, please contact at: or for further information please read the pinned post on the Blue Beyond.
*See recent post and offer of a 1:1 Divine Healing from the 24-10 – 7/11…as this will be of the NEW GRID energy that is coming through for humanity of the Divine from my Soul and Spirit*
Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge in linking our Soul to our Spirit of 6D and 8D -through our Emotions of the Divine – sharing from experiencing energies herself and feeling the energies through her two souls (human and spirit) as they come to our planet. From 20years of personal experience in linking her soul to her spirit, through her emotions this lifetime and past lives – back to Source through the ‘abyss’ – in service to Humanity and Gaia Guiding/Teaching Humanity. From the Ancient Ones, Shaman, Blue Ray Elder, Pleadean, Lemurian, Atlantean, Arcturian, Lyran.
Please feel free to share this post and others in their entirety
As always, from heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).
The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth resides within your heart. Let your mind go silent, if you wish to hear the ‘voice’ of the heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.
The heart is a source of infinite love. The soul is a source of infinite wisdom. These two, we all posses, every BEING in the Omniverse. It is a matter of choosing to become aware of this, to become aware of your TRUE ‘ETER’NAL SELF or ETERA(THE WHOLE).
Now, how to become aware of your WHOLEness is a different subject that in detail we may cover another time. But for now we will give you one key that will help one move in leaps and bounds towards realizing their WHOLEness. And that key is EXPRESSION.
It is through expression that we create, and within those creations we find another aspect of the SELF. We do not only SEE another piece of the SELF in our creations, but in creating and expressing that which we hold WITHIN, we make room for more of that WHOLENESS to flow through us in this moment.
We each hold in our beingness ‘pure gold’ as far as intelligence and creating is concerned. YOU are an infinite source of light/intelligence. But we all MUST learn to express this, to let this very light flow from us into the Universe.
This is the issue many have today. Expressing oneself. It does not matter how you choose to express that which you hold within, as long as you DO express and let your light from within flow. I choose to express in writing for the moment. We must not forget, as we have said before, the languages of Earth are very limiting, it isn’t easy to express LIGHT verbally or in writing, but we must attempt. When the heart, the soul and the spirit function as ONE, you arrive to the realization of your TRUEST SELF, AN ETERNAL, INFINITE CREATOR OF PERFECTION.
Since the year of 2012, many have began moving towards these realizations we speak of now. And every year, the realizing has picked up speed. Now we say to you, prepare for a light infusion that you have never felt before. Prepare for a UNIVERSAL RESET, and this includes YOU, especially. YOU ARE A KEY COMPONENT in assisting the Universe/The Whole with this reset.
This(reset) is a word we have been hearing and seeing a lot lately throughout the web community, spiritual and currency wise in particular.
We must say that most if not all are caught up in this Revaluation/Global Currency Reset to a point where quite a few are beginning to lose track of the true purpose of their being here.
It is essential to understand that one; this Revaluation/Global Currency Reset WILL occur in your immediate future. Two, that this is just a stepping stone towards the greater things lined up waiting for you to take charge.
By Alexa Person, 10/27/2016
Guest writer,
Friday, October 14, 2016, one day after President Obama issued an Executive Order regarding space weather events, the Earth’s magnetic shields collapsed and the energetic streams of energy flowing around Earth (solar winds) completely changed direction. These events corresponded with a severe geomagnetic storm that can be tracked in the satellite video below.
A massive plasma wave literally washed over our planet. This wave consisted of high frequency energy bearing Ascension codes and these codes arrived in the form of Light, otherwise known as photons. My ascended Twin Flame, Ahy, has taught me a great deal about these photon packets, which I now understand to be Amplituhedrons.
Satellite Imagery and Executive Order regarding Space Weather
Since this event took place, I’ve seen a dramatic rise in a number of unexpected side effects:
♦ Stillness. More than usual. It’s as if Gaia is allowing us to experience a “pause” while we are given a chance to integrate the energy bombarding her 4th Density.
♦ Time has vanished. And along with it, urgency has disappeared. ♦ Everything is getting done, but any anxiety associated with the completion of tasks is nonexistent.
♦ Profound sense of peace.
♦ Conscious contact with our Higher Dimensional Selves.
♦ Body temperatures rising unpredictably and dramatically while at rest.
♦ Powerful Light energy intermittently discharging through the skin and/or spine causing intense tingling sensations.
♦ Increased focus.
♦ Unconsciously shielding the Mind/Body/Soul.
♦ Increased contact with the Higher Self.
♦ Appetite fluctuations paired with conscious eating.
♦ Fatigue.
♦ Increased sensitivity, joy and clairvoyant abilities.
Super high geomagnetic solar winds started about an hour or two ago. These knock us on our butts. We go through an intense inability to function as we upgrade huge. The body goes weak, the mind goes mush. High high high charging protons/ions and these sound like razors, which are part of diamond light lasers. These re-calibrate our magnetics, they tune us high really fast. They “sing” us to sleep, literally, sooooooooooooo high in frequency, we basically cannot do anything else.
“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
There is no turning back or going back to where you have been, and that is very good news. You are not just making progress as you continue on in your journeys. You are accelerating your ascension by leaps and bounds, and most of you are doing so effortlessly. This process of evolution is a matter of letting go. It is a matter of letting go of perspectives, letting go of limitations, and letting go of beliefs.
As you focus on where you are going, it becomes easier and easier for you to leave behind that which is dense, that which is of a low frequency, and that which no longer serves you. That is one of the reasons why you have all manifested this information about the shift in consciousness and about elevating your frequencies. The fifth dimension is an inevitable experience for all of you, but you are all deciding how you are going to get there.
Having something that you know you are moving towards makes it so much easier to let go of the old way, and for many of you the old way has not been working for a very long time. You have not been satisfied. You have not been able to find your way amongst that which is available to you, and you have become completely uninterested in life as you have known it.
The real catapulting forward for all of you began in the moment you recognized yourselves as being capable of so much more than what you have been able to accomplish up until this point. Once you recognize that the ability to create your reality is yours and yours alone, nothing could stand in your way. And there certainly was no turning back from that knowledge.
Now that you are easing your way in to the fifth dimension, you must commend yourselves for having made it this far, for having let go of so much, and for being willing to process to the extent that you have. Your abilities to process trauma, negative emotions, and lower-frequency thought patterns is astonishing to those of us who are looking on.
We are proud and thrilled to announce to you all that there is no turning back and that you are on the precipice of a major shift in consciousness.
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”
For what seems like a very long time now, I have been pondering this whole NESARA/GESARA concept. Like many of you, I wait and wait and wait. I wonder why it isn’t happening. I had this feeling overcome me one afternoon a few months ago that you and I can make this manifest.
By intending it. By welcoming it. By visualizing it. And by giving and feeling gratitude for it.
I believe it is that simple. It is, after all, what we can control in this situation. So let’s do it. Let’s make this happen.
I guess you could say I’ve always been a seeker of truth. Never satisfied with the opinions of others, and unable to find any sense in man made religion, I began my inner spiritual healing journey during my mid twenties when I became physically ill with an auto-immune disorder. This illness forced me to purify my physical body, which in turn assisted me in purifying my mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. In the beginning of my search I got a little lost in New Age false ‘love and light’ teachings that pulled me out of my body into premature ‘bliss’. I was only reaching for the highs, and avoided all negativity. I was pushing down all of my anger, my shame, rage, grief and guilt, and bypassing the truth of my inner pain and turmoil for so called ‘oneness’ or ‘love and light’. During this time I became quite heavily involved in a well-known healing modality where emotional release was often bypassed for ‘emotional downloads’. This modality, and modalities similar to it are in my opinion very dangerous, as we begin to open up our higher spiritual or chakra centres ignoring the most important chakra of them all, which is of course the base chakra. If our foundation is not solid and we’re not feeling safe, with strong faith and trust in our path, things can get really bumpy so to speak. These types of healing modalities are all about the healings and not so much about taking action or integration.
False light usually has a hierarchical system at its core, which in turns encourages human beings to worship or give away their power to a so-called ‘god’, ‘creator being’, guru, shaman or ‘beings of light.’ These beings are usually perceived to be outside of the self, separate and/or more advanced. False Light bypasses the necessary emotional release of rage, anger, fear, guilt, grief etc by shaming these feelings and judging them as bad or even dangerous. It is true that these darker emotions when suppressed can often erupt into violence, but only when suppressed and shamed. With the TRUE light of compassion and self-love and acceptance of ALL of our feelings we can begin to express and heal our past. Usually once we begin to undertake this journey we will need an experienced facilitator to hold a safe space for the release of these suppressed emotions.
There is a huge difference in wallowing in victim consciousness and being willing to feel the emotional distortion in order to let the emotion or original trauma go completely. When we commit to soul purification we begin to empty out the distortions by feeling them fully with love and compassion rather than wallowing in the pain and drama of the past, by staying stuck in shame, guilt or regret. It is therefore of utmost important to bring the balm of self-acceptance, love and forgiveness to these darker rejected emotional aspects of ourselves in order to authentically let them go.
Feeling our feelings is an ESSENTIAL part of soul purification, and cannot be bypassed without severe negative repercussions. I know, as this is exactly what happened to me when I experienced a destabilised kundalini awakening three and a half years ago. I was ripped open and hurtled into the mouth of inter-dimensional non-benevolent beings that did not have my best interests at heart. It has been quite a dramatic journey of putting back the pieced ever since, and I am determined to assist others by encouraging authentic, from the base chakra up, grounded, safe awakenings.
Because of social conditioning and programming we hold an enormous amount of trapped emotions within our emotional body. This has a direct negative effect on our physical body! Trapped grief will affect lungs and heart, anger will affect the liver, fear the bladder and kidneys, and the list goes on. The physical body is actually an amazing barometer for the soul, and can show us exactly where our trapped emotions and limiting beliefs lie. Most of us were constantly told to be good, to smile, to be polite, and to shut down our truth to make everyone else feel comfortable. This has been incredibly damaging to our souls. We sold our boundaries for approval from others. We all seem to battle a major collective fear and belief, which is the fear of not being good enough, and the belief that we aren’t good enough. This disempowering belief sits at the core of human suffering. This lack of self-love, and the need to get it from outside us keeps us locked in victim consciousness. We give everyone else power over us by believing his or her judgments or their rejection of us. A massive inner conflict is created as we want to be authentic and truthful, but we don’t want to disappoint anyone else. We want love and adoration from others, but this is an inside job that only we can give to ourselves. This inner self-love is the ONLY love that can keep our cups full to the brim regardless of how others perceive us. So what is the end goal? Surely we want to be free to shine who we are regardless of how others respond. We want to live in our authentic truth where it will be impossible for others to manipulate or control us. But to get to this level of freedom and sovereignty we need to do the groundwork. We need to FEEL and get totally NAKED with life.
When we live in fear of shining who we are, we hide, make ourselves invisible, and we never ever dare challenge ourselves. We stay stuck in our little worlds of TV dinners, addictions, distractions, or anything that will pull us away from ourselves. We have become slaves to our own fears, and believe you me when I say that this is a feast for some non-benevolent astral beings. Our fear becomes their food. We are not at the top of the food chain as you may think. So how do we learn what we need to learn in order to be free? It is in our relationships with each other where the true soul medicine is. We will attract relationships into our lives to learn our major soul lessons. For instance, if you have no boundaries, you’ll attract parasitic people into your life, until enough becomes enough and you learn to say no. Once your no gets really strong it will be impossible for parasitic people to parasite off you. You simply won’t attract these types of people into your life.
When you’re in your true light you will never give your power away, not to any shaman, or guru, ascended master or archangel. Sure, on our path to autonomy we will benefit from the teachings of others, but only listen to those teachers who point you inwards towards YOU. Don’t stay stuck in one belief system, healing modality, or teaching for too long. Shake things up, change, flow, and in this way you will begin to free yourself from the fears that bind you, and keeps you from shining YOU. The meditation cushion on its own is just not enough to clear out trapped stuck rage, grief, fear and trauma. Meditation is of course incredibly powerful as it clears out the mental body, but combine it with breath work for deeper emotional release. Commit to feeling your pain, and do it consciously with an experienced healer or space holder. Your relationships with others, your physical health, your creative expression, etc will show you exactly where you still need to work on yourself. Can you dare to be vulnerable, open and free?
Authentic Self-Realisation is not easy, and it will not take you to premature bliss, or any fake New Age love and light. It will drag you through the darkest of shadow wounding that needs to be healed for you to be authentically and truly free. It is the hardest work you’ll ever do, but the most rewarding too. What can be better than to master yourself in this lifetime? Everything else, including our professions are just mini exams compared to the joy of authentic inner freedom. Just imagine what it would feel like to be so free you can just flow in synchronicity, trusting yourself fully, trusting life, trusting all of it. But as they say, Rome was not built in a day. This work takes time and a lot of dedication, on top of a strong willingness to look at your own shadow, to own your stuff and to speak up. The moment you commit to doing this work from the base up, feeling your feelings, busting through your fears, and taking responsibility, bit by bit you will free yourself, until you become so strong that nothing can disempower you in any way. This is what I want for you, true authentic self-realisation and inner freedom.
Louisa Love offers skype and one-to-one kinesiology sessions where she draws on various different energy and healing techniques to help empower her clients to shine who they truly are. She also runs monthly full day workshops in Frome to assist within a group setting to release old trapped emotions and trauma. She is passionate about personal freedom and soul sovereignty for herself and all of humanity.
Editor’s note: I completely agree with the author that we can help speed up this process. After all, this is our collective and individual experience. I have had this growing feeling the past few weeks that we CAN indeed speed up the ascension process first by loving ourselves and grounding ourselves. I also imagine the New Earth and how I wish her to Be.
As mentioned, OUR Great Mother Earth (Gaia), has gone into a new Earth cycle this year. This is scientific fact and occurs approximately every 27,000 years. This year has been quite a ride for all of us, with shift after shift occurring in very close succession. When I say shift, I am referring to new pockets being opened up in the universe and powerful rays of energy are coming into Earth affecting all of us. These rays are bringing us into new, full awareness. This is what is causing the ‘Awakening’ or the ascension process as some of you may be familiar.