The lull over?


Is this a real life or illusion?  Are we making up ALL of this – if so – who is “we”?  You?  Me?  By placing this piece here – am I keeping the illusion going?  How the hell do we bust out of the illusion?


Is this the answer?  What we seek is seeking us so just let it happen?  I don’t know – this seems like an incomplete statement – as I continue to feeeeeeeeel there is a plan taking place to remove us/awaken us FROM this illusion/illusive experience……….30 years ago or so I was having the desire to see every one of us just stop – stop going to work – stop paying bills – stop paying fees and taxes and all of that.  Then I think ok – do we stop eating?  Stop taking care of ourselves?  Because if this IS one giant illusion – we still keep it going by eating, right?


9.27.24 ~ It’s The End of “the” World and Other Synchs…… Helping a Friend in Need…. Some Gematria….Upcoming Sky Events…. And the usual finds including a couple of BOOMS




So…… I got into the flow around dinner time prep (below).  Things kept coming in, nudging me.  I turned on the radio as I sat down to eat and the woman is saying “well there’s a storm coming so we may as well have a good time”.  After dinner, my girl and I went out to get some food, turned on the radio and the guy said the world seems to be ending so let’s sing to it and on comes It’s The End Of The World.  The song you go hmm hmmmm do do doot LEONARD BERNSTAIN – although I noticed the name Trump is included.  I just went to verify and nope – it isn’t in the lyrics – but there is the term TRUMPED but it references to reporters.

Other interesting phrases from the song that align with now – eye of a hurricane, patriotic and rapture.

When I came home, my girl noticed the trip meter was 7.7.  Below for that synch and more finds.

Please remember to share and donate.  Thank you!




First my friend K who is in need after her husband had a heart attack last night.  He is going to be ok but won’t be able to return to work for awhile.

Her Business X account.  Beautiful hand-crafted jewelry.

(1) Timeless Treasures Jewelry (@TimelessTJ17) / X





9 Timeless Strategies from Sun-tzu’s ‘Art of War’ – Intellectual Takeout


This sounds to me that “O” is next up……….WILL THE REAL OPRAH WINFREY PLEASE STAND UP – Shared on Donald Trump’s Truth Social tonight:




Hurricane Helene reopens Midnight Pass, naturally ends controversy for now (

It was over 40 years ago when Little Sarasota Bay was closed off from the Gulf of Mexico…. Helene caused Midnight Pass to reopen.


Decided to do a gematria on MIDNIGHT PASS

The Prophecy

Groundhog Day

Hidden Financial Collapse

One One Eight Eight

Mandela Effects Meaning


Operation Z (thinking of the temp tat of the Z on John’s right upper arm)


Here are the 7’s and Storm synchs:









And info on our TELOMERES:








B I G:




There was a lot down earlier today – still is at 9:30pm PST:



Sky Event stuff:


Faraday cage, a large stick and/or your favorite Super Power:



expunging worry



It’s 5:30am as i sit down and write out this rare (these days) lamenting piece.  Rare because I have been so focused on the positive – focused on what I want instead of what I fear.

Today?  Worry wins atm.  For ignore those fear thoughts and they will pop up and take over.  Apparently they need someplace to go – so this morning they are going here where I can toss them into the ether and let God or whatever good is out there take. it. all.


I’ve been up for over an hour, mind filled with worrisome thoughts that were chipping away my sanity, so I decided to get up and dump them all out here.  I resisted doing this, my mind saying “watch your thoughts watch your energy don’t put out what you don’t want to come back even more”.  However my FUCH IT ALL took precedent so here I sit.

Mind full of worry.

Thirsty.  First I was thirsty so I open the refrig and grab what I assumed was a jar of juice only to find it was a mostly empty jar with a few drops – literally – of grape juice.

Teenagers, I think.

She’s growing – still growing – appetite up – eating all. the. time.

Which she’s supposed to do.

And yet my current level of finances, which are sheot – let’s be honest – they are sheot – and in spite of the MULTIPLE MANY MANY places in which I have put out my resume without anything in response aside from some now obvious spammer who told me in my private inbox on linkedin the company he works for (of which there was no name given) was looking for a digital content writer and received my resume and would I be interested in writing some articleS (PLURAL) for FREE then I would be allowed to go up the next level in the recruitment process to which I checked out his LINKEDin profile and see he shows Z E R O current employers so after that first little initial “OOOOH someone is interested in me!” moment which was quickly shot to hell because hey – scammers, right?  They seem to be everywhere even though I tell myself different.

Ah, the differing thoughts.  The “think different have different”.  Something I have been doing for months – all god damn year actually.  Don’t believe me?  I can show you my journals.  I can show you my digital voice recorder which sets beside my bed, ear bud pads getting worn due to using them 2-3x/day listening to my spoken scripts of intending what I want.

Things will be different.  This movie will end.  Keep at it.

This morning at 4am lying awake – wide awake – in bed?  Thinking that?


So here I sit.

Flashlight in hand earlier, going over my grocery list.  Ok bread – I have flour.  I can just make bread so I don’t have to buy this weeks loaf.  Which makes me want to cry for that takes TIME and I’ve been so extra tired lately the thought of making bread like I’m donna f’ing reed makes me want to scream.  More grape juice for the kiddo?  Well I have some grapes – I can squish those up and put them in water.  At least water’s free, I think, but then realize no it isn’t.

Well at least my water bill came down $20 for October.  How and why I was not able to figure out as their calculation methods, which used to be quite simple, are complex and a mile long- but I’ll take it.  Which is a good thing as my electric bill went up $16.

I could put some items on my credit card – last I checked I had $20 on that.

Intend something different, I tell myself.  Moments.  Moments of inner quiet – when I am in the moment – I can still do that.

But then I think about my child – what she needs – what she wants – and how very little of that I am able to do – and how angry that makes me.  When will mom’s matter so we can take care of our children in the way we want and they deserve?  W H E N?  She wants to live in a small town so she can go to a good small public school.  Local one – well most of you know about that.  WOKE nightmare – drug use.  Urban decay.  I get that.  But that requires money – moving – which she gets – and lots of it – of which mama doesn’t have.  Those closest to me with whom we comm offline know my situation.  Ahem…..(those who don’t – message me and I’ll fill you in.)

My girl doesn’t even have a college savings account – well she does – I have just had to dip in it over the past year to f’ing EAT.

Where is the family?

She has wanted horse lessons.  Ballet lessons (did those in the past when it was doable).  Today?  Can’t and nope.  $$$$  Eating is the priority these days.  Although she is taking singing and has a piano and guitar.  She’s also learning other languages.  She’s amazing – and I hope some of that at least is due to my influence and love.

Watching Gilmore Girls where the single mom works while she is able to send her daughter to a top notch private school because her very wealthy parents are paying for it.  In fact she has a tribe around her, always willing to help – even though she refuses the help at times because her character is so frustratingly stubborn at times – while my heart calls out for that kind of a tribe – and would melt in tears in feeeeeeeeeeeling and knowing there is a local group of people who care so much about me and my girl – which is something I’ve tried diligently to build only to be met with extreme and at times shocking disappointment (what the hell kind of a person leaves your life because of who you voted for or because you wouldn’t put a mask on your childs mouth and what the hell kind of a person says “i will help you if you do x y z” first – jesus my people picker has really sucked – which I have seen clearly this past year – which is why atm I pretty  much have a very very small circle atm and people now only get in after an extensive interview process of which both my daughter and I give).  Anyway……….so……….We have a grandparent in the family who comes from money – a lot of money in that family – who do nada for my child.  So out the door they go……….

Babysitting – something she was doing last year – but it all fell flat as not one parent around here goes out on dates.  Who can afford to eat out these days, especially if you have little mouths to feed.

Well, the people next door apparently – house full of people – where I see one of them suddenly has acquired a $3500 electric bike – so apparently they can afford nice extra’s including food delivery which I swear to you, they have occur several times every. single. day.  Then there are the people up the street who have two new vehicles – electric too.  And the Tesla’s.  Have I mentioned the ungodly number of people around here who have Tesla’s?  As in the expensive models (my girl is the expert on car prices these days).  How nice for all of them, says my angry typing fingers sarcastically.

And yet in spite of all of the unreal amounts of wealth all around me – just floating all around me while I have intended it flow my way too – here I sit at what is now 6:39AM – wide awake – when I really need to be sleeping because I have a full day ahead of mom duties and all I hear in my mind are the voices of absent family members telling me what I should be doing and how I am failing my child while failing to listen to a damn thing about my needs (see mom’s needs aren’t important – only the child’s – ironic when that was not what I experienced growing up which was you have food to eat and a bed in which to sleep – that’s enough) – and some of those nagging voices are also my own heart – although my heart also knows I literally am doing the very best I can – pushing myself to depletion levels – and have been knocking myself all but out all year trying and attempting and being told “I will help” only that help is not forthcoming and oh do I have a bucket full of FUCH U’s of my own personally assigned karma for people who have pulled that sheot on me – especially knowing I am a MOM first and foremost trying to improve ME and my life experience so I CAN be the best I can be for her – but when you are doing that essentially alone and those who could help don’t but instead like to toss out unwanted advice instead while utterly completely in full violating the boundaries you put out for yourself………….and where is the cake when you need it because this is all becoming far too much at this moment in time……….

I just want to run away.

But I wouldn’t get very far – car has 1/4 tank of gas – and I am supposed to be doing my driving practice which I do most nights when I can fit that into my schedule – but fuch it – that’s another expense, right?  Not really a need – although for me it is because the practice – the routine of it – helps rewire my brain and well that’s a subject for another time.  Trauma and all – shows up in interesting ways.

So I guess I am left doing what this little dog is doing below – doing the best I can – my daughter being my best cheerleader (and a few of you in which I am so grateful for – and as I say – I see the numbers here and am so disheartened anyone can come to this site knowing what they know about me personally and offer me nothing) – me focused (mostly) forward – determined to cross that f’ing finish line.  For I WILL cross it.

And collapse.  For awhile.  For now?  It’s back to bed I go for a time.


9.24.24 ~ End of day finds and headlines


Challenging day – and as such I’m not in the space to be love and light and happy happy happy.  My body is overwhelmed, my mind is very tired.  I was sent something in email about the doors will open when I am in alignment with the new me.  Such words are not helpful and are unkind – and is essentially the same as telling someone who is drowning they will not be helped until they learn to swim.  Challenging to learn “to swim” when something keeps coming along throwing a boulder on your back to carry as well.  I’m doing it – but sure appreciate the understanding and support.  Love helps and asks what you need and does it.  I know what that looks like.

Here’s what I’m seeing tonight.  Please support my work by sharing and donating.




There’s the “C” word again………..going mainstream…………and fluoride out of the water too…………VINDICATION!



Cascadian Farms has better versions of these kinds of cereals – and they are less expensive.  Organic – owned by General Mills (of course) – but still a better alternative.











My daughter is done w/all of this………..her mama is right there with her.  We both just want to live someplace safe – where we can go out anytime anywhere without having to encounter someone relieving themselves on the sidewalk or be verbally accosted by someone whacked out on their drug of choice……….where things are truly affordable and where there is real community with real people who are truly supportive and loving.  Souls are CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVING this.  Jesus please help us.


Not vetted…….




If you know of someone with a place like this they aren’t using, let me know….



this……….love playing like this as well as listening to others do the same….i always wanted to share my writing and music with the world and have it be enough to provide for my living.



More sleuthing on the moon and incoming objects




You can’t make this up.  I had a nudge to look up things on the moon – and check out this MEME that literally just came up in my X feed.  😂

I remember T talking on the balcony during the eclipse lip read by The Gunner’s Wife – T saying “they” shouldn’t mess with the moon.  Something about the moon.  Let’s see the 17 posts referring to this object.  This feels like the most important one atm:



Here we have an interesting event coming up on October 5:

International Observe the Moon Night October 5 at NASA Visitor Center – NASA



Hold The Vision Trust The Process

Interstellar The Star Inside You

Cut Off The Connection To Serpants

Im Wide Awake

Activation Of The Avatar Activation Key


The Hunter’s Moon is October 17 as well.  Next month is also the anniversary of the first 17 drop on the 8chan boards – October 28, 2017 – 7 years ago.

NASA detects dangerous asteroid! Impact possible on Oct 5, 2024! But how serious is the threat?


Well, we did get a Popcorn comm today from T:


Reflecting on RFK Jr.


RFK Jr. asks Supreme Court to restore him on New York ballot (

Robert F. Kennedy asks Supreme Court for New York ballot reinstatement (


Lower courts excluded the former independent candidate from the ballot after finding he falsely claimed residency in the state because his Katonah, N.Y., address was not his fixed and permanent residency.

Kennedy indicated in court filings that he has rented a room in the home from a childhood friend and stayed overnight on one occasion. His attorneys noted lower courts “did not find that anyone was misled,” insisting that taking him off the ballot was irrevocably depriving Kennedy’s New York supporters of their right to vote for him.

My sense continues to be this isn’t Robert but rather someone in a mask – an actor – that person likely being John.  Remember that court filing Robert made only he used the name John Kennedy Jr instead of Robert Kennedy Jr?  (I need to find that one again.)

So, what is interesting to me on the above is we know John Kennedy Jr’s home state was/is New York.  I sense this may be part of the end result – something else of which I have sensed – that John actually goes on to be President.  He would be the one to unite the parties – far more than Trump ever could.  T is the circus master – expertly bringing out people (the swamp creatures) to the stage for their ultimate removal.  However as we know he has far too many people who simply cannot tolerate him.  Who better than Kennedy to be the person on stage to unite?

I was reflecting mostly on what Robert has been saying lately about the chemicals and toxins.  I saw a clip of him with Dr. Phil talking about the forever chemicals in our clothes, bedding/linens and furniture.  Carpet.  In short, those things are EVERYWHERE and in us.

Logic asks – how do you clean up that kind of a situation?  You can bring in new products but what happens to the billions of beds alone?  Seriously – does humanity throw it all out?  Doesn’t it make more sense to have a literal brand-new world already waiting for us on the outside where the consciousness gets pulled out of the simulation and back into the body doing the role of the avatar here likely not even aware he/she is playing such a role?

It is a useful question to ask:  What do we do with all of “their” toxic products?  And how do we detox the body of the thousands of chemicals in each of us?

Is it possible too that we take our body with us in this frequency event/moment back TO a reality that already exists on the outside?  Is this just one big giant timeline maneuver?  Get us back to where we already are where there is nothing of “their” stuff – only clean and pure in everything.  Back on that one timeline that got hijacked and bent/contorted and looped into that annoying sideways 8 infinity loop – which is not technically infinity for infinity does not mean endless rinse repeat groundhog day but rather FOREVER ONGOING where literally ANYTHING REAL is possible – without control.

Trying to figure out the logistics of all of this.  I know some are just letting go and trusting.  My brain wants to figure it all out – or at least dive in – for now – until it gets tired, or I get distracted with some dark chocolate or homemade dark chocolate cake.

That’s all for now.





Sept. 22, 2024 ~ Finds























May be an image of text


May be an image of text that says 'Burnout is caused by: @NEDRATAWWAB Not knowing when to say no Not knowing how to say no Being in a toxic environment or around toxic people Prioritizing others over yourself People pleasing Superhero syndrome (1 can do it all) Unrealistic expectations Having little control over what you're doing Not being appreciated for what you do'



A Sobering Moment: Not everything is a movie scene.


My daughter went out to do a bit of shopping with her dad today.  It’s an area we go to now and then, although with eyes wide open as it’s pretty ghetto/big city with its urban decay.  Last time we were in the area was a few weeks ago.

When they arrived home, she quickly and quietly walked over to me, threw her arms around me.  I asked if she was ok to which she said, “just hold me, mama”.

Her dad explained how much worse it is in that part of town now.  In just the last couple of weeks.  How is this even possible, I think.  He said he saw more homeless.  More people with signs asking for money.  More RV’s parked alongside the road.  More sketchy people walking around hollering at no one in particular.  “We’re so blessed compared to others mom,” my girl said, still clinging on to me, adding she prayed for every one of them.

I just kind of took it all in and sat with it, even after she went inside, and her dad went on to do other things.  Earlier today I was thinking how fooled I was for so many years by some of these “entities” now being put on stage, in particular the “O” one.  I thought about how her selling out afforded her beautiful homes.  Cars.  If she really was taken care of in terms of justice, is that really enough?  I can only hope if there was any sort of a soul there, a consciousness, it was able to feel the effects of her decision to sell out and the unbelievable amount of harm created from that choice.  I thought about how much energy I gave her, watching her show almost every day for far too many years.  The book club I was a part of.  Even the letters of praise I wrote.  With this awakening, while I have looked with an open mind, one thing I didn’t do was look at that part:  how fooled I was.  How trusting.  I all but chastised myself (ok, I did).  How could I have not SEEN?

Because – I didn’t.

We’ve all been under their spell – literal spells.  Programming.  Frequencies.  And it f’ing hurts and enrages us – me – to know how fooled I was.  And yet I also know that it is easy to fool trusting, good people when you’re evil disguised as good.  The good-hearted, kind person simply cannot grasp that evil energy/program.  Because we aren’t evil.

So, kindness and compassion for thyself is necessary in order to heal from this nightmare we have been living under.

Which continues on as given what was experienced today.  The questions I have are:  Can I trust this plan is actually going to help bring an end to that nightmare?  Is there some frequency divine event incoming as we many of us feeeeeeel?  Are those actors on stage working for us?

I also question the concept of illusion – what really is an illusion other than something that isn’t fully “real” – that there is more there than our human mind and body can know/see.  As such, how do you destroy an illusion?  Not give it your attention?  Continue to focus on what you want to see?  Or a balance perhaps of SEEING with as much emotional detachment as possible and focusing on the frequency/energy/feeeeeeeeels of what we want, for turning the other way feels like sticking your head in the sand hoping you will see your utopia there.

Until I know for sure, I will never be naive enough ever. again. to give my full trust to any outside plan.

Trust and question.

So, while my girl prays, I continue to watch it all, hoping for the best in the truest sense of the term, trusting in myself in what I have seen, intended and felt for a very long time, and remaining open to the possibility that people like O, who so easily fooled us all, may still be the ones trying to fool us again.  Until I am able to take my girl anywhere I want while still in this city, the results of lies, corruption and flat out evil are still around.




“Israel for last” finds, and other things




That said……Kind of a lull atm.  I sit here – looking through things – and feel like “ok this is happening and that is happening but what really is real?”  Ya know?  Here’s what I see – letting ya’ll decide.

What’s in the vibes for me personally is September song…….and healing – bringing out all that was taken from us and justice for the brave souls who all along tried to get out the truth and the products that would put an end to “their” practices.  Vid below talking about regenerating our teeth (frequency – I’ve seen stuff over the years about stem cell modalities as well) – and the benefits of O2 – like I’ve said before – cells need O2 or they experience oxidization.  We need more of it.





He shares such interesting things – wish he’d change the titles is all….10 min. mark for the info on frequency to regrow teeth……

Barry Stepp


more info:

Ultrasound may help regrow teeth | EurekAlert!



Well given I am a woman, I can speak to this issue – while all of this is true – we also know women have always been more of the target when it comes to violence and poverty (single mother’s especially).  While I am not looking for a hero necessarily, a different, new reality that is actually SAFE and where I feel supported in my roles and ambitions/gifts – yes – BRING IT!




2342 simply asked if we (ANONS) are ready.


Another END comm:



Perspective….Individual AND collective experience.  I was recently told my work is keeping people stuck inside the matrix – as apparently going down rabbit holes is still a matrix program.  I stepped back and considered this – even though my body told me otherwise.  Doesn’t that depend if the goal is to keep people stuck in the holes or simply helping us all see what’s been there all along so you can make a different choice?

I’ve been searching for the truth on who I am, how I got here, what this place is, why the big problems don’t get solved, why we have all these systems in place that are so utterly contrary to who I am – I’ve been engaged in this particular journey for most of my life.  I began putting out my work to the public about 25 years ago.  I don’t consider going down rabbit holes and wearing the conspiracy theory hat and sharing those finds as a detriment – but as a necessary step.  How do you break down a system when you have no knowledge of that system?  And how do you do it alone?

Answer to both:  You don’t.

That bus may be an illusion – but it can still hurt you.  I currently feel and have been focused on bringing in my inner sense that I (we) can change the frequency of this place and make it work FOR us – thus collectively bringing it down upon itself.  Each “wtf” moment sends out a new vibe – a new frequency – thus changing the code.  As we do this, we begin to take our power back so we are no longer the battery for the matrix – or certainly we become less of an energy source for it.  Unlike what this man says in the video – I see nothing wrong with personal wealth – abundance – in so long as we aren’t taking away from others – which of course is what the matrix feeds on – those energies of power over, competition, etc.  The more we bring in the real energy – the real frequency of who we are as Creators – powering that up – that energy that is within every one of us – by working with the Universe while still inside the matrix – we change the very nature of the matrix.  As far as what precisely and I say precisely exactly what this matrix is down to its last detail – who of us know for sure – we who long for freedom from it – are doing the best we frigging can.  Working together, where all ideas and perspectives are considered, is a good goal.  Our faith – for many of us who have an inner knowing there is a plan – is what keeps us going.  I have that ongoing sense it’s far greater than we know even now – the dynamics of it all.  Like NEO – he wasn’t truly awake until he was located in the pod – his real self, real body and was released of it.

So all of that said – things like chemtrails and politics and what’s being disclosed – all of the world stage happenings – all that so many of us have known of for years – even decades – it does have a feeling of rather small potatoes compared to where we really are, the how’s behind this experience and why our DNA is so important.  Remember 17 said something about the more we know the more bizarre/hard to comprehend it becomes.

(btw – the narrator of this video – his necklace has one of “their” symbols on it – uh huh…)




In my area – old mobile homes – like from the 70’s – are now selling for almost $200,000 – and that of course doesn’t include the land.  And now this:



“Weight loss”.

REVEALED: The most shocking celebrity face transformations due to weight loss | Daily Mail Online


“I” happenings:

An evening conversation


I went out to get some food tonight.  I was paused in front of the local sourdough bread rack.  I hesitated whether I should buy two loafs – the second being the chocolate sourdough.  (i know, right?!  YUM!)  Anyway, my budget only allowed for me to buy one so I opted for the regular sourdough.  As I contemplated my choice, out loud, an older gentleman overheard me and commented how that chocolate loaf would be nicely enhanced with a slab of butter.  “Real butter,” I added, smiling.  He nodded and began telling me a story about his mother, who lived well into her 90’s and attributed part of her long life to eating butter instead of margarines and other things filled with chemicals.

He had a twinkle in his eye and an obvious gift of gab, both which reminded me of Grandpa Don, who I have really been missing lately.  It was around this time 5 years ago we learned the cancer had spread and he had only a short time left.  That twinkle and love of a good conversation kept me at that bread rack longer than I intended.  But boy, did we have a very nice conversation – the best I’ve had around these parts in years.

As he spoke of the chemicals in our foods and in our environment, I used that as a chance to bring up RFK Jr and what he’s been saying lately about the toxins.  He smiled, looked up at the ceiling and reflected.

“I’m an old school democrat,” he said to which I quickly added “ah, a REAL democrat – back when the party was good”.  He nodded, smiled and continued.

“Robert has a very extensive background in environmental law so he knows his stuff.  But there’s something about him these days.  He’s….different.”

YES! I think, the thoughts beginning to really churn.  People are SEEING!  I wanted to say so much but instead chose to keep my deep woo woo stuff to myself.  I didn’t want to ruin the conversation I was already having, nor did I want to scare him away.  Instead I used it as a chance to ask him how he seemed different.

“He’s more radical these days,” he said.

“Almost unhinged?” I asked hesitantly.  He wasn’t quite certain.  “Well, the truth can be pretty radical,” I said.  He again nodded, smiling.

So, we began talking about things like the toxins in the environment, in our foods, The White Papers, UFOs and aliens and the government cover-up, the JFK Assassination, to which he said he had waited decades for the classified documents to be totally unsealed.

I smiled and said, “Well, I have a feeling those documents are going to be unsealed sooner than later.”  He was doubtful of that, but he still had that smile and twinkle in his eye as he expressed that doubt.

During this conversation, my daughter came and went.  He smiled at me and asked if I was teaching her these things, especially about the toxins.  “Absolutely,” I said, telling him we eat as clean as we can.  I also told him I teach her to think for herself and to question everything she is told, sees, reads, etc. – including what I teach her.

We parted shortly after that and as I told him how much I enjoyed our conversation and he said the same, he pointed at me, winked and said “You’re a good mom.  Keep it up.”

I touched my heart, thanked him.

I really needed to hear those words today.

I finished up my shopping and went to check out.  As I did, I noticed him stopped in another aisle, talking to another customer, same smile, same twinkle in his eye.

As I left, I felt a renewed sense of hope for humanity.

And all it took was one conversation in front of a rack of Sourdough bread one Friday evening.



(I will be sharing this on my buy me a coffee page for those who support me there.)