8.27.24 ~ End of day finds and headlines







With some love and help from my wonderful friend, I was able to shift my mood back into this space:











BREAKING: NY Times Turns On Kamala! Publishes NUMEROUS OpEds on ‘Weak,’ ‘Phony’ and ‘Ignorant’ Democrat Nominee





Frequency change………..


So where did it go?  I told my girl today certain programs get funded via the federal government (people’s tax dollars allegedly) – funneled down to states where “they” likely help themselves first before passing out the rest fo the people.

California Democrats Vote to Force Taxpayers to Subsidize $150,000 Down Payment on Homes for Illegals – But the CA Department of Finance Confirms the Program Has No Money!


I used to watch him all the time – for years.  I don’t recall him ever promoting political agenda’s or candidates.  My sense has been – this year – his handler(s) were and he’s being used for disclosure/the plan…………Merit Street Media too – launched April 1, 2024…..wonder if that was an april fools on “them”……….















8.27.24 ~ Disclosure Continues……………FBOOK, Zuckerberg, etc..


May be an image of 1 person and text


This month has been challenging.  I see clearer – and see why.

If you still come here, please let me know – I need to know.  TY!




Yep – as I and others said – Pompeo was one of “them”:


For those who have been saying fix 2020, here you go:


Fall of fake news……..





On again, off again………..


Disclosure on what has been………..




fucherberg is (was) f’d…………


I got recently verbally attacked online – and I mean hard core – by a local woman for talking about hydroxyc and other treatments for c.v.  Threats, name calling – she got reported and blocked.  4-6%:  avoid ’em.


Even if that means being alone – so be it.






I still know bigger – much bigger – is going on……….above is just good chocolate.  The BIGGER is the food for my Heart, Mind and Soul and Spirit.


Today’s honest feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels




I hurt.  My heart hurts.  It is hurting DEEPLY.  Not just for myself – but for my girl – whom I feel I have failed.  I don’t blame her for holding that grudge against me – and I understand her view of the world – which is that people don’t care – even though every night we pray together and I remind her there are angels here – good people and I point out those who have shown up.

That kiddo has had so many people – adults – who should know better – promise things that they fail to deliver on.  No one texts her or calls her.  She sees me working myself into collapse (which I believe I hit today) trying to better my life – all but begging – feeling like a whore to be honest – PLEASE help me – support my work donate if you have employment.


Jesus – she sees it.  A few care – but if this page is getting the views google, etc. is telling me – the vast majority come here – read my material and move on as though I’m just a piece of paper.

I know my value and I know my worth.  I’ve been claiming that more and more for a year now.  I no longer hold myself solely accountable for my experience now.  I hold this entire stinking reality with the inhabitants of half humans and fake humans who could do better but don’t.  Who offer and promise but fail to deliver.

So for those who do see and help – you are angels.  The rest?

U G H.

I am not just a citizen journalist – I am a person – with needs – who is deeply focused on healing, battling demons – the ones unseen who seems to find their way to me through some really crappy people and situations.  Who more than anything else wants to change her life experience – to show my girl I DID IT and that there is something out there to Trust that aligns with the inner feeeeeels and delivers those miracles requested and received within.

Expanding on that – citizen journalist – for those who don’t know – I am a ONE WOMAN show here.  I am not controlled by advertisers or corporate sponsors and the like.  No boss telling me what news to share or how to spin it.  It is just me.  Truth seeker V who uses my intuition to guide me and put together this complex puzzle, finding markers – just as I have been doing for the past Eight Years.  Most other websites who share headlines, etc. don’t do this.  That’s what makes my work so unique.  As such – the only bias you will find here is through my own filters.  No one else’s.  Do you appreciate that and find value in it?  Then I need to see it.

(must be a collective experience – others feeling that same level of rage/anger/sadness coming in today – i was told it isn’t mine – but i know it is.  anger/rage/sadness over my experience here and how i feel in it.  feeling forgotten.  always having to battle to find room for myself at this life table – used to taking scraps but still not liking it and still claim my right to the main course.  anyone telling me it’s my thoughts i have this to say – your thoughts pure 24/7?  your thoughts in alignment 24/7?  no one but me knows what i think – and given “their” hijack of our brain that keeps our subconscious thoughts at the alleged operating wheel where we are not even able to hear unless someone outside of ourselves taps into it with one of their give me $200 methods to unlock your subconscious……..  you get what i’m saying.  the truth is not every method works for every person.  we don’t know WHERE we are much less WHO we are or even WHEN we are.  and we don’t know how the Universe works – no one does.  you say it’s energy you say it’s thoughts you say no it’s feelings and frequency.  NONE OF US KNOW because we’ve had a frigging MIND WIPE of all past experiences.  people only theorize based on what works for them – and then have the audacity and arrogance to say if it works for me it will work for you as well – and if it doesn’t they say you ain’t doing it right.  all of these games and rules and alleged laws are nothing more than PROGRAMS inside of this simulated reality and all we can do is be kind to one another and ourselves and if someone is hurting, jesus, just offer up some loving kindness.)

That’s all I have to give for now.




8.24.24 ~ End of day finds








this is very. interesting:

following up – because i had to dig further – didn’t see this referenced in black’s law (and “sea” monster should be see monster) – but i did see this:

Legal Definition of Human Being is….a monster?, page 1 (abovetopsecret.com)










Bells and Frequency in the vibe today:



He’s one of those outlets that returns at the most interesting of times………


Kennedy synchs:


Telling us of “their” plans………


Tanker MV Sounion Boarded by Houthi & Demolition Charges Set on Board in the Red Sea | No Casualties – YouTube


“Breaking News: Israel Launches Preemptive Strike on Hezbollah in Lebanon – Live Coverage” – YouTube


Creepy Videos That Had Me Shaking! (Part 234) – YouTube


A good healing channel:

Learn Somatics – YouTube


I can’t find it but we watched a video last night – on youtube- showing a very big channel from tik tok – talking about the years 2017-2024 – how those years would be the most challenging but by 2025, we are on a totally different timeline.  💖



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Early Day Synchronicities and a few Headlines/Finds




I mentioned this last night but wanted to include a picture.  The last several days I’ve wanted to go to this particular nursery – to a certain section – to get a fall pansy variety.  The nudge wouldn’t leave me so last night we visited – and this one immediately stood out for both my daughter and I.  When I went to see the name, well you know.  🥰💖


I’ve also been seeing the numbers 113, 311, 144 and 1144 like wild lately.  I wanted to see what 17 posts aligned with 11.3 and thought this one was interesting:


17 post from March 11 (3.11) speaks of the 4-6% [brainwashed] – the brackets are interesting to me as they speak of control, imprisoned – their minds.







I was also reflecting on RFK’s speech from yesterday.  He mentions, more than once, that he could still be elected as President.  It stayed with me – today I reflected more and thought “if John Jr’s playing him in a mask, and the mask comes off, who would be the more likely candidate for President then?”  I’ve said and felt all along that T is not a politician – he’s playing a role – master of ceremonies so to speak.  We’ll see……….


Other news atm – two boeing astronauts unable to return due to an issue w/spacesuit incapability and SpaceX.  Trump and RFK will be on Dr. Phil next week.


Those of us who have been saying WEATHER CONTROL for years only to be met with dismissal are looking pretty different these days……..



CUE more rocks:


This is LIT:


that’s a nice number (html code is 888):


trending atm:




8.23.24 ~ Interesting Finds, Headlines…..a Share/Reflection


I’m brainstorming this evening, trying to come up with a group of people who operate a website together (not married – just collaborating friends) – who are preferably in the Awakening movement – but I can’t come up with anyone, so I thought I’d ask ya’ll.  Please drop me some names/channels in the comment section or send me an email.

I visited a local nursery looking for some fall flowers.  One flower literally popped out at me and my girl, so I checked the name:  Solar Flare.

Interesting.  Perhaps.  It’s going in the front yard – my added energy to bring this thing in already.

Here’s what I”m seeing – perhaps a thing or two showing we’re at that point in the timeline.


Pin by Rita Osborn on Journaling | Calligraphy alphabet, V alphabet, Lettering alphabet




The RFK stuff happened today:

Lead by the son:



He starts at about 40 minutes (interesting he talks about opening up a portal at the WH – political speak but still found it interesting)….he’s going after the MSM hard………Calls Ukraine a “proxy”……..


There’s a. lot. of emotion in that voice………1000 pieces………i observe his body language – john used to cross his arms like that and make those movements with his arms crossed………..just sayin’………….









Musk – REINSTATED (= no need for election):











North Star – a nudge – from that wrestling comm from 2 weeks ago (of which there were two):

Scientists reveal the North Star’s secrets through high-resolution images captured for the first time; check for more details. (moneycontrol.com)


8.22.24 ~ All it takes it just a slight adjustment to the inner Frequency to align


I woke up this morning – agitated.  Chatter in my mind over some current situations.  I’ve been watching Touched by an Angel recently and something in last night’s episode stayed with me – the importance of receiving – being open to the Flow – to God – Creator – Universe – whatever label is used.  While words have their own frequencies, real manifesting, real creating begins within our bodies with that Feeling Center, once read as the Voice of the Soul.  I already know this – but there’s been a block in place that has stopped me from having that tetrus moment – where everything aligns.

The trauma’s and the toxins in this environment fill us up with the gunk “they” want us to have so our ability to tune into that Flow is hampered.  And this low frequency we are in, which feels like molasses at times, is also out of alignment with Flow.  But that Flow is always moving.  When it appears in our life, we aren’t always paying attention – we’re focused on the outwards – on the matrix enslavement system with our worries, and our doing’s – all of our busy-ness, all of our stuff supporting “their” systems so we can survive.

This morning, I was getting lost in all of that – well one situation in particular – and thought I can do all I want but unless the energy is open to receiving as well – all of the good intentions just aren’t enough.  They were blocked up with doubt.  Then I thought of last night’s episode of Touched by an Angel – how it was up to a man to decide if he was going to choose love/truth/light or darkness (absence of God/Flow).  Obviously, this show is enough propaganda to keep it on the air as many years as it was – they certainly didn’t go into simulation theory or evil hiding in the various dimensions here, etc.  But they offer good insight into our power and our choices.  And last night the man shifted from just the doing to bring in the FEELING.

So, this morning, I saw the situation in a different perspective and thus, I switched the inner radio dial and immediately felt a shift within.  Of course, I am also doing trauma release work and as such that makes shifts easier.  Probably other supportive energies as well.  But overall, it was my choice and openness to think/feel different that combined with the Flow created the Magic to produce the inner feeling of calm I knew I needed and was seeking.  And sometimes making that new choice feels uncomfortable – it’s challenging an inner belief system held in the body.  So I have found the best approach is to be curious about it – observe it with curiosity.

Just like we are as children:  Curious.

I thought back to how we are as little Children not just curious but always in the NOW.  Bouncing around from one activity to another.  That’s kind of how it is, I feel, when we are free of rules and trauma’s and toxins and other things artificially created to keep us hooked in to “their” programs.  As I told my girl last night – imagine if you could do anything you wanted – literally anything – go anywhere – NOTHING to stop you.  No need for money.  No need to look out for someone or something who may harm you.  She said that sounded like Heaven.

Yep.  And that is what I continue to feel we are helping create again.


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Portal over WH back in July:


Things your’e probably NOT EVER going to see on the 6 O’Clock News!!





A new volcano erupted on the Reykjanes peninsula in southwestern Iceland on Thursday, spewing hot lava into the air in the sixth eruption to hit the region since December, authorities said.





BREAKING: Trump Campaign Announces Mystery Special Guest Set to Join President Trump at Highly-Anticipated Arizona Rally


Secret Service Agents Placed on Leave After Trump Assassination Attempt



I feeeeeeeeeeeels this has to do with Antarctica ice melting – dispersement:


Speaking of Antarctica – maybe something is spinning it so it melts faster?

After Breaking Free, World’s Largest Iceberg Is Stuck Spinning in Circles – The New York Times (nytimes.com)

“It’s basically just sitting there, spinning around and it will very slowly melt as long as it stays there,” said Alex Brearley, a physical oceanographer and head of the Open Oceans research group at the British Antarctic Survey. “What we don’t know is how quickly it will actually come out of this.”


Earthquake/shaking activity continues:






I used to live across the street from a private herd of cows.  Each night after dinner I would bring them apples and carrots.  While they were always happy to see me, they never did this.  🥰😂


This one brings up another story – our previous dog – who had a red ball like this one.  She was obsessed with getting it in her mouth – but never could – so she would bark at it and whine until she could sink her teeth into the grooves she had worn in over the years – then it would get knocked out of her mouth and she would chase it, barking.  We tossed hundreds of tennis balls for her – which she would chase – but she never once barked at them.  This red ball?  An enemy she could never fully capture.

8.21.24 ~ Finds, Markers on the Awakening Path (OUT INTO NEW)…….and whatever else




Two words seem to be consistent at this time:  SO. TIRED.  I spoke with a friend today and she is feeling (as am I) that the current intensities will continue until end of the month.  In the portal today I got some things – forgot most of them – but the one thing I did remember was something 17 said about August being a hot month – and recalled some of rose’s peeps sharing what they call the pit – which has been showing up all month.  Related?  That’s what I’m wondering.

For now – here’s some goodies to ponder….and some to make your heart smile.


Pin by Rita Osborn on Journaling | Calligraphy alphabet, V alphabet, Lettering alphabet


this caught my attention:


“It’s an honor to have served for 4 years….”














Tossing another groundhog day card onto the stage…….


Twisted how this works……….Showing the hypocrisy.  Need ID to enter the convention – but not to enter the u.s.  Yep – sounds about right……..




Seriously – in the vibe………..




Quakes and movement continue……..







Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖










Reflecting on the Energies At The Moment…Markers in my experience. Markers on stage.





So…ya’ll know I’ve been at this awakening for a few decades, the last 8 years probably being the most intense.  Certainly since 2020 where I felt a big shift took place.  I get this image in my mind of my consciousness being moved from one space to another.  And it’s been intense at times, mixed with moments of calm.

But now?

The past few days?

Those are leaving me with an O M G feel.

So tired I feel like I’m a teenager needing to just sleep and sleep.

Or like a newborn baby needing to do the same.

Only my body isn’t growing.

It’s as though…. my Soul….. is.

Undergoing pressure – carbon based structure – to emit all that is part of that structure – thus activating back into a diamond/crystal-based structure.

Showing up in dreams again – that “sparkly” reality.

Songs on repeat with just two lines referring to the Sun.

And did I say the need to sleep?!  😂😜

NEVER have I had this need to just sleep.  Even after sleeping all night, I wake up look at the clock and think “what, no, really?  it’s that late?!”

Feels like a heavy blanket on my mind.

I’ve even felt – temporarily? – to walk away from my spiritual doing’s I do before bed and upon waking up.

Follow my body.  Listen to my body.

Chatter among people I know and don’t know are saying similar – people getting squeezed – those who know it know what to do – listen to the body and rest.  Those who don’t are angry and commenting about it.  Including yours truly who wants to scream when I ignore my body.

Getting markers even with the mail – today saw someone hadn’t seen in about 10 years.  Quiet little nudge said “look” and was surprised – equally surprised he remembered me.  Felt like a loop got completed.  Best way to describe that.

That’s what I do.  Look for the markers on the trail – much like the child who has set off for a nice walk through the woods and leaves behind objects in order to find her way back Home.

Here are a few of what I feel are markers out there in 3d clown world whatever it is.


Early Day Sleuthing ~ The Philosopher's Stone...........and some reflecting ⋆ LOVE IN ACTION NOW




This – sun reference.

Decided to do a gematria:  SUNDOWNING (below)

Throw The Cabal in Hell

Trump Won

This Is The End


Townhall………someone called this one – can’t remember who – last week…





Had a feeeeel this would happen – bring more of the “no way am i voting for biden or harris so i’m sticking with rfk” to the next level……….










RFK Jr. Blocked from Testifying at Court Hearing on Pennsylvania Ballot Eligibility




I scroll – looking for markers.  See this (seventeen)……..




And ya’ll already know DNC is allegedly going crazy with protestors, so I won’t be sharing that.


And today’s happies:



Who needs back-up camera’s?


LOVE this – lol – reminds me when my girl was small she would do the same – play with the door stopper until we would ask her to stop.  Then it would be quiet for a bit and suddenly she’d be back at it again.  She got so much joy out of that thing.

8.19.24 ~ Thoughts on NEW




I don’t know what to share tonight.  I can’t go into that world.  Too chaotic – too predictable – too insulting and toxic.  My body is saying no atm – and I am honoring that.  So, what can I do?  Well considering I’ve become very selective in who I share certain personal things with as my energy is more sacred to me than anything else, I’m not sure.

I have ideas – so many of them.  I have the vision of what I want to experience – the new world.  A new experience.  Conscientious people – and at that few of them.  Clean air as in CLEAN AIR.  No smoke.  No dryer sheet smells.  Nothing toxic.  Clean air.

Clean water.

Know of the home and location.

Everything is not only possible but doable.  Easily doable.

The right to live and do as I desire and choose.

Throw a problem my way – I’ll provide a solution – whether it is already out there or not.

As I sit here, I am surrounded by beautiful words and images that make me feel good.  Oceans.  Lakes.  Mountains.  Statements – words – that inspire.  Pictures and drawings – some by my child, some by me.  I literally surround myself in things of love to transform myself into a space that aligns with my heart.

T is on the tv now talking about big business, money money money, cutting taxes, etc.  Not a gawd dayem thing aligns with Real Me.  And I know many of you feel the same.

So, what can we do about it?  Go along with it as though we are powerless and under yet just another system of control?  That’s not ok with me.  So then what?  What does this NEW look like to you?  What steps do we take together and individually to take it?

I did get something on the whole election/vote thing while on a bike ride – feels like a deep state scene – the other side of the military ops playing out.  Seriously – how many of you really want this same experience just cleaned up?  How many of you from the states feeling about voting?

How many of you want NEW?

Is your Soul crying out for new?  Calling it in?

Feels like Soul survival – for me.

I want to bring forth NEW.


I want to bring in my power and wisdom and share it.

I woke up last night – angry – deep deep seated anger – done feeling lost in an experience in which I don’t align no matter what I attempt to do or create.  Done waiting for everything I desire and am worthy of experiencing.  Done with not being valued or appreciated.  And certainly, I am done giving myself away for free.  That is big within me.  I am either viewed as someone who holds value, provides a useful needed service, and that is shown with action by those on the receiving end.  And if not, I have no time or energy to engage with anyone who does not hold that same mindset.  Energy exchange.  It’s that simple.

Which seems like a paradox considering I want an experience that holds no money systems.  But because that is still ongoing, and who knows for how long or if my desire will even have enough energy and support to make it happen, I remain open to creating NEW while using that system.  Something that is more meaningful.  And something that brings me the abundance I deserve so I can take the next step towards NEW achievement.

That’s all I have for tonight.

