What would happen………….




…………if we all just stopped participating?

Not just a few of us.

Not just a fair majority.

But every. one. of. us.

Maybe the cost of living keeps continuing to rise because we all still participate in it silently.

Maybe the fraud continues because we all still watch it roll out.

Seriously friends.

Let’s really look at this – from both an energetic and action perspective.

What happens when bullies abuse others and no one says a word?

The bullies continue to harm.

But what happens when others step in and say “STOP” – or use force if they have to?

They. Stop.

Watching a few minutes of the protests in D.C. – what the police are doing to the protestors.  And what the protestors are also doing to the police.

Mediation, anyone?

Where are the cowboys?  Those wild west men who wouldn’t put up with this sheot for one second.  Sure, their approach was simplistic and perhaps barbaric to some – but they got the job done.

I had another dream of John Kennedy and Carolyn.  I saw three kids – two older boys and one younger baby girl.

I liked the kids – but my initial thought/feel was “gawd – not again” – as in I’ve seen these characters enough in my dreams.  It isn’t doing me any good.  The me here wanted to walk away – but apparently at times there is some other element of me either in charge or still under the spell(s).  And I noticed as I tried to will myself to walk away – the versions of them got weird – and perverse – and at that I was finally able to pull myself out – but I gotta tell you – it felt like I was pulling on a strong piece of stretchy bubble gum.

Could it have been due to the movie I watched last night?  Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?  There’s some perversion in there.  What movie of theirs isn’t full of some level of subliminal/spellwork?  It wouldn’t surprise me if some of that energy got into my subconscious and played out in my dream.  Perhaps it’s time to stare at the skies and stick to books.

We Are The Creators.

So to answer what would happen if we all did something different to shift things?

I can contemplate that one.  I think it’s time to show ourselves for once and for all how powerful we really are – test those waters.  Change the flow of them.  We are more than our thoughts.  We are more than our bodies.  We are Energy.  Eternal powerful energy.

Here’s what I’m seeing today.





Which would allow anyone outside of the country – criminals – etc. – to funnel money.  When does this end?!




Follow the watch……



Chanting some truth but still controlled and organized…….


rand paul eh………..










I like this – but I own that me sitting around and being completely unaffected by everything just isn’t who I am.  Especially now that I am a mom.


Yeah, I started to immediately feel after that “shooting” that this was going to turn into Kennedy……….


He spoke.  He’s still walking around……….




I’m just not getting that week to remember vibes – at all – in fact the more it plays out the more detached I feel.  Earlier today I was looking out the window – hands in water – and body spoke – I feel like I am in a place of nowhere – two worlds – but I am not straddling either of them – I’m in an empty space looking for a place to put my feet.


7.22.24 ~ Checking in……….Finds










Today is one of those days that feel off – not in an uncomfortable way.  It just feels like another point along the way where things are in flux – waiting for the shift to settle in.  It continues to be windy here.  Wherever “here” really is.

How are you all experiencing these moments?

Here’s what I’m seeing.  💖















Me intending he is the first to fall publicly………


Better than clown world happenings:







The day the world glitched……..




Weird, indeed:









It’s past 5pm………..






House committee calls on CrowdStrike CEO to testify on global outage (msn.com)


7.20.24 ~ Finds and Checking in


I continue my journey going within.  Some moments I get knocked out of my body – but I see the importance of guiding my mind back into my body.  Shifting includes our entire Being.  All of those little pieces fall into place and that spark within ignites, old unprocessed wounds get processed, released, integrated and a new healing takes place, returning back to Wholeness.  Real Self.  Shiny again.

Even the most tarnished object – person – can be shiny again.  TLC, effort, support.

Here’s what I’m seeing.






Interesting re-post.   Numbers……..

C u e post 624:


Jan 27, 2018 12:09:31 PM EST
“Catch & Release”
“Safety & Security”
Have you learned how to read the message?

Jan 27, 2018 12:13:53 PM EST





















Another drop about NJ…………(thinking time travel tech central)……..Trump bought the property in NJ from John DeLorean


Today’s Funky Town Finds ~ A dream share ~ 7.19.24




May be an image of text


May be an image of eclipse and text that says 'This hit home for me! When a flashlight grows dim or quits working, you don't throw it , you change the batteries. When a person messes up and finds themselves in a dark place, do you cast them aside? Of course not, you help them change their batteries! Some need A.. Attention and Affection; Some need AAA... Attention, Affection and Acceptance; Some need C.. Compassion; Some need D.. Direction. And if they still don't seem to shine.. simply sit with them quietly and share your light.'


That song just popped into my mind.  Timelines seem to be changing – at least things are changing on the world stage – but also feeeeeeeeeeeeling that change within.  Things shifting inside for me.  Seeing more.  I had an interesting dream last night – brother Rick was in it – first time dreaming of him.  And what’s strange is everything was in shades of gray (i usually dream in color).  I was standing beside him as he woke up – his physical body was massive – I even commented on it saying, “omg DUDE your biceps are HUGE!” 😂 It was almost like I was watching a scene out of a marvel movie – the giant slowly waking up – getting used to his real self – being in a new body.  It was very palpable.  In a nice synch, LH shared a dream that included parts of her being integrated.  So, something’s up.  I sense movement.

Here’s what I’m seeing today.





Exit the stage…….


Possible – “they” thought today was it given the global situation but perhaps there’s something else also coming…………




Uh, timeline change?  As many are saying, what happened to the clone alien version?










We also had the Truth Social from Trump where he put quotes around “happening” a day or two ago…………





Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖












7.17.24 ~ Today’s Clown World Finds ~ JB has covid for a 3rd time


Three strikes and yer out?

President Biden tests positive COVID, taking him off campaign trail during critical time (msn.com)


He says this and then that happens:




HERE WE GO: Joe Biden “Being Receptive” to Kamala Harris Replacing Him




Secret Service “Aware of Threat” TEN MINUTES Before Shooting Yet Trump Was Allowed to Take Stage at Butler, PA Rally; Director Cheatle Admits to “Mistakes and Gaps”: Senate Briefing Reports


REPORT: Nancy Pelosi Wants Biden Removed, Fears He Will Destroy The Democratic Party







I know, another one of THE songs………..the HTML code on this one (last 4 digits)?  1111

And I will say this – 727 has significance for me……..


And remember today is the 25th anniversary of the day it was officially announced John had “died”……….There’s also the c u e post about that day being The Start………Many meanings could indicate The Start (countdown) is now…….


How many more “the jig is up” doodles do we need b4 it all collapses down in one full SWOOSH?






RNC Day 3 LIVE | RNC 2024 Milwaukee LIVE | Donald Trump Speech LIVE | Trump At RNC 2024 LIVE | N18G – YouTube




Something is shifting ~ 7.16.24


Can you all feel that?  It’s 9:17pm (interesting time) – about 45 minutes ago or so I started to feel this nice energy come through me – relaxing me – but it got to the point where I am feeling that “girl walking drunk” experience – sooooooo sleepy and feeling giggly.  Even my girl began acting all giggly goofy.  The weather also changed dramatically.  We went from 99 to 59 in 2 hours.  Thunder.  Some lightning (sideways).  Wind.  And light rain – cleaning the air.

Arriving home and getting on the laptop, I see this:

It also feels like late summer/early fall.  My girl was told today to “enjoy summer it goes by fast” and her first thought was “summer’s already over”.

Then this:


I had the same thought earlier today – what if……….












25 years ago tonight………….


And where have we heard that voice before?






We don’t need vaxxines P E R I O D.



And there we have the Point………



Water surges into southern Illinois town after dam fails | AP News







120 Miles of Darkness and the News Media Remains SILENT!



Last Night’s Dream and a Synch with a Statement from FLOTUS ~ And an aligning Gematria ~ 7.14.24




I had a very interesting dream last night – a first in some ways.  I was dressed as I was when I went to bed – hair the same too.  I could “see” myself in the dream as well.  I was in a small parking lot.  There was a small number of people milling around.  It was as though they were going to the cars but were confused at the same time, so not quite sure what to do.  So, I started to speak.  As I did, slowly people began to look at me and listen.  I asked everyone to gather around – and noticed more people were joining in.  Noticing the growing number of people gathering, I put my hands on either side of my mouth to amplify my voice.  I laughed in a rather embarrassing manner, asking them to please forgive my appearance.  I hadn’t had time to shower.  But no one seemed to care or notice.  The people were willing to listen – all of them were quiet – a subtle look of confusion on their faces remained.

I spoke of Unity – how it was time for us to Unite – to see us all as One – One People.  I don’t remember what else I said – but I know whatever it was I was saying was resonating.  I then said “come here” – as in come closer – bringing them all in – for what I said was “one big hug for humanity”.  As we did that, that’s when they became alive.  I could feel the energy and remember saying “aaawww this is nice isn’t it?”   The fear was dropped.  People started to laugh, some cried, over seeing how we had all fallen for the game of division.  Their game.

And that was over.

As was the experience.

After I got out of bed, I saw the following statement issued by the time travel machine owning Melania.  A beautiful Synchronicity.  And notice the words.  “My fellow Americans”.  We have arrived.  As she says – “The winds of change have arrived.”



Blackout Necessary

Never Ever Give Up

Decode Release The Kraken

The Satanic Hosts Need To Get Exterminated



Twenty Twenty Four

The Greatest Show On Earth

Cheyenne Mountain Complex

A Wonderful Future Lies Ahead



Today’s Finds ~ 7.11.24


Before I share, I have been reflecting on changing things up here for a while now.  What would you all like to see here (aside from what I am already doing)?  I am open to ideas.  TY!  🙏  I could share more of what I do personally (scripting, videos I listen to, tapping routine/scripts, etc.).  When I figure out how to manifest money easily, I will share that too!  (along w/the abundance w/my besties)

For now, here’s what’s happening on the clown stage.




This is the. slowest. build up to the grand finale whatever it is whenever it is e v e r……….



Me reading this slowly probably sounding a big like JB trying to understand:




Few talk about how draining it is on the spirit to struggle financially.  What’s ironic for me is my income is almost double what it was when I first started this site (and my other works) and yet – back then – I could save far easier.  How long this insidious allowing of suffering…………(as my kiddo just showed me – when T was in office, 2 bedroom rental was $750.  Today it’s almost 3x that amount)


Then I see this and say THAT IS WHY I do what I do and express myself the way that I do.  THIS DID NOT NEED TO HAPPEN.  NONE of it.  A good plan includes ensuring “YOUR FAMILIES ARE SAFE”.


I continue to see only Kennedy signs around here – 3 total so far.






Note to self – stop following this movie.  Stop falling for dates.

And start looking for people with a lot of money because this whole “global prosperity” thing obviously ain’t happening anytime soon and I am out of time mentally and energetically.

I just forked over $110 to keep my site up and going.  I am wondering if I should have used $99 of that to pay for a site – monthly fee – that allows me to look for angel investors.

I talk about this – a lot lately – and few seem to have the ability to HEAR me.  Too uncomfortable. So in case anyone thinks I’m full of it, I will happily guide you to the stories I read – similar to mine – who are also in a bind due to the toxicity of the system and finances.

But my story should be enough.

Can I think my way out of this?

Can I THINK my way into lowering the housing prices?

The cost of food?

I’m sure trying.

But jesus – I am not the only problem in my current reality.

Outside does impact inside.


Unless someone has lived it, you can’t understand.

My BRAIN is hurting from pushing myself – being told “hey check this out” or “hey try this” which I do.



And I need MORE INCOME from my work here.

I deserve to be paid for what I do.

P E R I O D.

If I don’t, I am going to be forced to stop doing this site as I have.

Love hears and love responds.

I will see just how much love really is around me.

For now, my heart is breaking not just for me but for my child.  She is begging me to move.  B E G G I N G.  I’m busting my arse daily applying for work online – promoting my work – asking more and more people to promote my work – taking chances of self promoting on places that violate group rules – local employment opps are dismal – so many out of work or working part time.  You’re either waaaaaay up here or waaaaaaaaay down there.  And as I’ve been saying for 3 years now – many work at home ops pay via paypal and they. will. not. consider. otherwise.  So yeah you see I have a lot of reason to be pissed off royally at this point especially considering that what I put out is not coming back to me.  My ability to intend and create is slug pace at best.  And I know I speak for many of us having the same challenge – those big names on the world stage saying you can have anything you want – got there because they. were. allowed. in.

P E R I O D.

Did something to allow the masters to give them the platform.  Notice how none of them talk about the Spiritual War much less the nature of this reality we’re in?  Rather suspicious I would say.

Some are more of a target than others here – by design.

P E R I O D too on that.

That said – I never back down I never give up I never give in and I never shut up.  I will just get louder until this tired but beautiful and powerful bike gets its grease.

Finds later.

For now, share my work at the very least if you are a regular.  I need you to.  It doesn’t cost a dime to be the voice for someone.  Pretend I’m an abused puppy in a shelter needing a new home if you have to.  And if you have an income, a few dollars each month is also requested.  If this makes you uncomfortable, I apologize – but my concern for my child is greater than how I may be coming across these days.

