7.10.24 ~ Check in. A personal Happening Person share, and some Finds including a couple of interesting Gematria’s




Last night was long and frustrating.  I was up until around 4am – journaling, releasing, eventually too tired so I let it all go.  Woke up a few hours later, similar feelings, house was quiet, so I got up, felt the need to turn on my phone, had a few text convo’s then had an incoming call from someone with whom I connected on twitter.  She’s a healer – healed herself of physical ailments including endometriosis.  She originally reached out to me several weeks ago, offering me some healing energy/work.  Finding the right divine timing was a bit tricky, but as I keep having to remind myself and SEE, divine timing happens when I don’t expect it.  It just – happens.  So, I answered her call and we proceeded to have one of those Soul nourishing phone calls.  My energy went from overwhelmed to calm and serene.  I loved her energy – which was gentle, pure and wise – and the sound of her voice made me feel like I was talking with an old friend.  In short, it was a very. easy. phone call – something that rarely happens when I am first talking with someone.  She said she could do my session later in the afternoon.  I agreed.  She gave me a heads up before she started and as I responded “ok” I felt this whirling around my third eye and was quite dizzy for just a few moments.  Nothing unpleasant but surprisingly noticeable.  When she was finished, she called, and we had another wonderful conversation.  She confirmed what I have felt for some time about me, and I have to say, I feel a shift.  It’s slight – but it’s as though a pathway was opened up allowing me to access the Flow.  Cobweb clearing is a good way to describe it.  Energetic housecleaning.

If any of you are seeking some energy and healing work, I highly recommend her.  She works in person and remotely.  Her name is Heather and you can see her here on twitter and here on her website.  You can also read her story here.  It’s very inspirational.  Anyway, check her out.  💖  If you do, tell her Victoria sent you.

Here is what I’m seeing today.









With is ra el pulling the strings……….my sense………




Astronomers spot mysteriously elusive mid-sized black hole – Insider Paper


Was talking about Quantum theory earlier today……Quantum Leap….to “NEW EARTH”

Gematria:  NEW EARTH

John John


Ace of Spades (Scavino’s drop last night showing the Ace of Spades as a Trump Card)


Dome of the Rock Destroyed


I also decided to gematria BARRON TRUMP


The Holy Code Q

Let There Be Light

All Roads Lead To Q

The Prodigy

Berenstein Bears (interesting as that is the original spelling)

Love is the Key


You know what’s interesting, today’s Barron is spelled with two “r’s” – but in the Ingersoll Lockwood book, Baron Trump and the Marvelous Underground Journey – has just the one “r”.  Remember that drop on the chan boards signed R?  I don’t know – just throwing that out there and thought it was interesting.



Interesting.  17 people in the audience too………Simpson moment at the 1:43 mark too………Train Freeman?  Silver is highlighted too…………Like the Christmas in July part.  Remember one of Laura’s View and Tarot, Too’s recent read for July said people in english speaking countries were going to receive a surprise of abundance and to not push it away but to receive it (and then some)?










7.6.24 ~ Today’s Finds ~ An Observation or two


I’ve been noticing an increase in older men wearing a lot of cologne.  It’s odd as it’s just begun happening the last two weeks.  Once in line it was so overpowering, I had to say something.  It was difficult to breathe.  Had it happen a few other times, then tonight was another level of over-kill.  I could smell this one 2 parking stalls away.  W O W.  We waited for him to go inside the store and even at that, I had to wave my hand.  Is this a new trend or some sort of simulation f’ery?  I don’t know but that experience is commanded to leave my presence.  🙄😂

Or maybe it’s just a new level of sensitivity.  Who knows.  Just an odd matrix experience.  That and DeLorean’s.  They are back in my space as is seeing 10:10.  I honestly don’t give much energy to such things now.  I’m more focused on clearing, healing and being ME again.

So, here’s what I’m seeing on the stage tonight.  Please remember to offer an exchange for my work by leaving a donation of your choice below.  Thank you.














Is Ra El





STANDBY (4 c u e posts w/that word)





Definitely doing a lot of this the last few days:


Money Miracle Manifesting


I’ve been listening to some of Allie’s work for a few weeks now.  My friend Jules passed along her info awhile back and I decided to explore.  She has some good material.  I’ve been rethinking my beliefs around money the last couple of weeks – and this one today feels timely as it also addresses something I believe in – that every little bit of exchange matters.  While I have had some beliefs and thoughts around money that haven’t served me the way I know I want and deserve, I feel so deeply that every little bit matters when it’s given from the heart.  I’m sharing this – gently – because I’ve had enough conversations with others who have said they would love to donate to me but feel offering me just a few dollars in exchange for my work is not enough.  Nonsense.  If it’s from the heart and it’s doable, then it does matter.  Hopefully this will help some of you shift away from that mindset.  And check out her other material as well (this is day 15 of a 30 day rethink).




Allie Duzett

Money Miracles Challenge Day 15 HALFWAY THERE




7.5.24 ~ No finds – just sharing stuff


I have spent the last two hours trying to locate someone who will get in the car with me and do exposure work.  I had someone who I thought was a friend offer to do that for me last fall – I didn’t even have to ask – she just offered.  I was so excited – I felt it was divine intervention – so I happily agreed.  We did one session together – then she disappeared without a word and hasn’t responded to my requests to talk.

So, I am back at it – have been for weeks actually – to tackle the one issue that impacts my life more than anything.  I don’t understand why I have been unable to find someone when I so want to do this!  Yes, there’s fear, but I want to tackle it and face it with someone I trust, someone who understands traumatic experience and the body.  I. Really. Want. To. Do. This.  Like REALLY REALLY R E A L L Y.  I’ve dealt with it to varying degrees for a few decades – and it intensified – worsened – over the last 15 years or so.  Got really bad in 2014.  I tried doing it alone recently and knew – I need someone in the car with me to help.

So here I am – putting out the request to the Universe – here locally – the one person I was able to find doesn’t take my insurance and would charge me $100 per session.  I just, you know, that brings up a lot of angst in me.  It isn’t just.  My healing is a RIGHT.

Tonight, I put out a request to the Universe again – went for a walk.  I had to get away.  A few blocks in I stopped and looked down – a small statue of what looked like Mary was on a curb.  No joke.  It was concrete but this was a religious female with a robe, in prayer.  I walk this particular street regularly – never seen that there before.  So, I stopped, kneeled, and prayed.  Because lately that’s about all I got.




7.2.24 ~ Finds and a check-in




Collective anxiety.  That’s what I experience and what I am seeing from many today.  I feel like I’m engaged in “groundhog day” by saying this – but it is very intense atm.  Still focused on the above as best as I can.  And grounding (below).  Be in the present and observe – even with the swirling vortex of anxiety that churns within at times.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Thank you for those of you who see the value in my work and offer that energy exchange financially.  Whatever you can afford is received with gratitude. 💖










I think he may be part of it (da plan).  “SHOW NOT TELL”.

Penguin 6

Biden tests Presidential Immunity by running red light


15-minute mark nails it (except the utilities are very low and I don’t see childcare costs)…………low cost food budget – $400/month.  This woman’s numbers are off.  Enough is enough.

Barry Stepp:

Conspiracy Tik Tok Is On Fire Today! (Part 198)




Leaked Images FINALLY Reveal the Truth About Mars!




U.S. Marshals Find 200 Missing Children During Operation “We Will Find You 2”


House Republicans Now Have the Votes to Hold AG Merrick Garland in Inherent Contempt Following Intense Party Pushback


Dutch King Willem Alexander Swears in Geert Wilders’ New Right-Wing Government Which Gets Right to Work to Make Netherlands DUTCH Again



one thing that wasn’t rehearsal – the war and the attacks that have come with it………






7.1.24 ~ What’s going on out on the world stage?


Is it as chaotic as is what I was feeling when I woke up?  Not liking that and oh how finished I am waking up suddenly shaking.  I would not do this to myself.

A lot of focus on Trump – which I get – but you know what?  It feels painful to me because there is not this focus on others who REALLY need the support YESTERDAY.  Money and success have been allowed to get into the wrong hands of far too many.  Sometimes I feel like that character in Pretty in Pink – how she would drive around admiring the homes saying she wonders if these people are really grateful and appreciative of the homes they live in.  It’s such a huge ‘ole blight of sin that to eat and afford your own place to live is a luxury – more than ever.  Why those costs were allowed to rise as they did is beyond me as they only served to truly cause harm to people who were already struggling.

Here is what I am seeing.  I am truly grateful for those of you who see me and offer the love and support you do.  You are true friends – and I am always here for you however I can be.  If you were nearby, I’d keep you stocked up in colloidal silver, tooth powder and homemade chocolate.  And a listening ear, piano music and a home cooked meal.





We have had 3 Army H60’s fly over today – two in the last hour – all headed south.  Quite low too – around 400’.








notice the time stamp?






kinda think it’s all coming out now………












I’ve been waiting since I was little and knew this place was yucky and was not my home……….





Sun APPEARS to be setting IN the clouds?! IS this REAL?



6.30.24 ~ Two different timelines – I am reporting on both 😂🙄 Finds, a gematria and a tarot read


Walking between worlds.  Today I am having more of the “not much of me here” and “whoa I am walking sideways”.  Girl is feeling it too – only saying she is feeling “strange”.  I saw this on twitter earlier today and it was so validating – and seeing so many others having the same experience.  (i look at the message – not the messenger – something i suggest everyone do)

If this aligns and you’re on X, check out the comments.

I’ve been making many new choices, both in working with my body and my thoughts and in making new connections.  I was in a flow until BAM – about a week ago I began to feel stuck – unable to move/make progress.  Blocks were put in place and I began to feel invisible – not a new experience of course but at a new level – to the point where my usual desire to connect with people and my ability to do so was producing close to nothing – the desire instead to just stay at home – which is also not so pleasant as I desire NEW so deeply.  Last night it was so intense, some part of my brain felt pressure and discomfort at seeing anything in my surroundings – even when I rode or drove to a new place or area I hadn’t been to in awhile.

It’s an ENERGY – a feeeeeeeeeeeeeling – and it is my Truth.

We all speculate what’s coming and mostly HOW it will appear.  We give it labels that align with our belief system – and what is right for us.  I align with inner knowing to tell me those answers.  And that inner knowing has remained the same for years – some of that knowing going back to when I was a child knowing this was not where I belonged – I was here for some reason that I would discover in my later adult years – and to just do the best I can knowing a REAL experience awaited me.

For now, as I tell my girl, evil is temporary.  Love is forever.  Remain open to New experiences of Love and Miracles.




I am sensing that anything pushing for WWIII is sharing disinformation – but it could also be this disinformation is “necessary” as we have heard in order TO wake ’em all up.  (see the gematria below w/this upcoming hurricane)  Fake news stories now perhaps serving a purpose – the end goal – waking up to this reality of this place and being freed of it.


And what do you know – the last 2 digits of the html code are 17:


6:17 timestamp (last two digits of html code – 22):




C before D………?










John F Kennedy Jr

A Week To Remember

You Got This

A Perfect Storm

Time To Wake Up


So I did another tarot card pull – asking the Universe for clarity and to show me/us is the election a distraction, will it go on until November OR is there a much bigger event to happen that will wake up everyone and bring us the liberation, prosperity, healing and Freedom we seek?

First card to come up:

THE SUN (major arcana) – btw i did this pull at another site where they wanted me to draw 10 cards – i wanted to keep it simpler – however i drew 10 cards and THE SUN was in it along with THE TOWER

Happiness.  Good Fortune.  Hope.  Abundance.  Success.  Freedom.  Dreams coming true.


Second card up:

Ace of Cups

New Beginnings.  Good news.  Celebrations.  Happiness.  Fountain of abundance.  Being in that state of loving acceptance – looking at one another as you would look at your own child.  And interesting as the last sentence contains “The whole world will benefit”.


Last card up:

Queen of Cups

Intuitive.  In the flow.  (my interpretation of that is we are returned to that state where we are Always In The Flow – it isn’t something we have to reach for or meditate on or try to obtain – because all contrary energies/frequencies of “them” have been removed – remember – WE ARE THE FLOW – anything else is “theirs”)


Ok so this was beautiful – but I still want some sort of a time so I will dig deeper.  I did a two card read and received the following:

I see those as the contrary parts of me – the part that wanted the WHEN – being too attached to dates (that is so hard for me and i know many of us now – we just want NEW – the prisoners want and need to be FREE – the body is screaming quite often now).

And yet there’s also the High Priestess – the intuitive side – that speaks quietly (as compared to the part of us in the body and mind saying NOW loudly).  Listen to that.  Which tells me it will happen when it happens and with war – dates cannot be given in order for the practical ops to play out and conclude in a way that is successful and meets the goal.

Then again – sometimes I wonder if ALL of this is part of the game and if we just did NOTHING in terms of fighting or supporting ANY plan to destroy an enemy that may not exist.  But then I go back over my life – sensing and smelling and seeing “them” – was that even real?  Whatever it is – I know I don’t consent to games – and feel this war is real.  Why it was necessary remains a mystery.  Did we get tricked?  Did we agree and then later realize “oh sheot don’t want that!”  Does it even matter?  We all want the same things – FREEDOM – Healing – Truth – and we have the right to it.  Anything blocking that or denying us of these things is not our friend.



6.29.24 ~ Finds. Things are heating up again.






I don’t think this will be the case much longer.



This is BIG:














Whoa – the html code for this – last 4 digits – is 7011……..









Iceland’s volcanic activity may continue for decades, study says | CNN



My friend Lee from Ireland sent me this – housing suchs all over:

Ireland’s housing crisis is so grave that employers are now getting into the landlord business and buying property for their staff | Fortune Europe



i think it’s separating………..can we actually be seeing US – here on this ship.  think MIRROR……….?



Lake Michigan Stonehenge – What Have Researchers Learned? – Illinois Fishing Hub


TOWER MOMENT…..Victory moment.  $$.

Laura’s View and Tarot, Too

A Peek Ahead: July 2024



The Rocks incoming again………(a new one too):


Looks like the giants DIDN’T come ALONE! EERILY close!


Images that speak to me of Home:







6.28.24 ~ Finds, Headlines, Puzzle Piecing/Sleuthing, a Brief Check-in and another Tarot Read




How ya’ll doing?

If the experience I was able to have earlier this morning was an indication of how close we are – protocols, etc. – then I’d say we are that close.  I’ve never had that kind of an experience.  I’m keeping it to myself, but it involved the matrix construct and getting out of it.

I continue to feel this pressure on my forehead.  I found great relief tonight just sitting in the car at the park – no annoying sounds.  Once I turned off the car and sat back, my entire body relaxed.  Those moments are golden in that they allow me to open up to that Creative Energy where ideas gently flow in to be seen.

Here is what I am seeing.  The first one is appreciated – just validates what I already know about myself.




I need a lot of this these days:

6. Having alone time to rest and reset

For highly sensitive people, it’s really important for us to have some alone time to reset. When you tell people you want to be alone, they might take offense, so it’s worth explaining that it’s really valuable and necessary time for you and your overstimulated HSP soul. And if they don’t get it, send them to do some research on what it’s like to be a sensitive person while you go and take some time alone! Otherwise, we can get too overwhelmed and have an HSP hangover after too much social interaction. So be sure to carve in alone time, even just a few minutes here and there.

15 Simple Things That Make Highly Sensitive People Happy (highlysensitiverefuge.com)



And we just watched this movie a few nights ago:








Anyone feel this?  It could be a coincidence, but it was during that jump I had that experience I referenced to above………






Come on Julian………….


Sponsor: Rep. Burchett, Tim [R-TN-2] (Introduced 02/29/2024)
Committees: House – House Administration
Latest Action: House – 02/29/2024 Referred to the House Committee on House Administration
2d Session
H. R. 7484

To require Members of Congress who are foreign nationals to file a statement of their status as a foreign national, and for other purposes.

February 29, 2024

Mr. Burchett introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on House Administration

Text – H.R.7484 – 118th Congress (2023-2024): Dual Citizenship Disclosure Act | Congress.gov | Library of Congress


why is she standing so close?  major personal boundary space violation….


Ya’ll see this?  It’s legit.  Red cover too – could reference those Red Folders we’ve been seeing for a few years now……


McAfee goodies:


Interesting delta/timing………..Last night as we began to listen to the debate, both my girl and I felt we were back in 2020.  The event had an energy to that time period.  It was strange – but it’s what the body said.  So seeing this confirmed the feel for me.



Tomorrow (or today depending on where you’re located):







And there’s that 5:5:


And there’s the aliens:


And as I shared/showed last night – T was doing the same on truthsocial:


This is big – interesting too as the debate focused on this last night………..Timing is everything.



And the AI has its version:



Still does not explain why Trump and Biden were both live-dropping on social media during this alleged “live debate”.  




And for the last piece, a 3 card tarot read.  I asked the Universe what was up with the debate last night.  Guidance, please.

First card to show up:

The Devil Card

Deception.  Manipulation.  That makes sense as it was a manipulated event.  The card also represents the energy that guides us to reclaim our Power and our Freedom.  And isn’t this what this Awakening and ungodly long movie experience is about as its core?


Next card up – Eight of Wands

Travel and speed.  (time travel anyone?)  Quick action.  It indicates progress being made quickly and also indicates sudden action, travel and freedom.  I’m sensing that things are speeding up in terms of wrapping up disclosure, ending the old so NEW can be brought in.


The last card – Page of Wands (interesting – another Wands card)

A “secret agent” for positive change for the greater good.  Sounds like T doesn’t it?  (and many of us as well)  And check this out:  “In due time, others may recognize the role you play in the transformation from divisiveness to unity.”  For now, we are watching on the “sidelines.”  Pretty darn accurate if you ask me.

