Ranted and got it out – moving on. 6.27.24 (and bonus: i did a tarot read


Going through my old songs and poems – saw one from 20 years ago that stood out.

20 years.

You can read it here.

I won’t go into it much – just saying what has really changed in that time.  So many of us know this reality is b.s.  Toxic.  We carry that knowing in our hearts and in our Souls.  So why on earth what we FEEEEEEEEEEEL and WANT has not manifested out there yet – perplexes me.  Yes we go along with pay to live – we frigging have to if we want to survive.  But who here has E V E R energetically aligned with war and poverty and disease?  Apparently there simply have been far too many who fell for the illusion of “that’s just how it is here”.

I never did.

Here’s what else I’m seeing today.




On a nudge, I did a 3 card Tarot read.  I got as clear as I could and asked “WHAT THE HELL WAS UP WITH TONIGHT.  SOME TRUTH PLEASE.  THANK YOU.”  🙏💖😂  The Universe doesn’t care what language we – I – use.  It’s the feeeeeeeeeeeels and that is what my body was telling me to say.  Interesting I drew 3 Major Arcana cards……….21………20………..and 13.

First card up:


The World – the Final Major Arcana.  That tells me we are at the completion stage – the end of this cycle.  Success and fulfillment.  All The World To SEE.  Notice the LION and the EAGLE.  Signs of FREEDOM.  (aligns a bit with what i said above about our intentions and feeeeeeeeeeeeeels we hold and put out to the Universe – of that action coming to FRUITION for us to SEE and FEEL and TOUCH and EXPERIENCE)


Second card:



Is it time for justice?  Judgment?  Seeing just actions for the doings of others (invisible enemies and their human hosts, etc.).  Being held accountable for ones actions.  It also indicates change and transition.


Last card:



Transformation.  Ending of the old, transitioning to the New.  Things will not be the same again.  Falling away of the old so that New may bloom.

Thank god praise jesus pass the whiskey.  Or for me, chocolate.

Moving on………..




Uh yeah he went there – he said it:


Naturally there’s now talk about replacing him.  Dear god just no………..MAKE IT STOP!!!



And as I said as well – JB was on X tweeting and Trump was on TruthSocial doing the same – DURING THE DEBATE.  Movie movie movie.  Scripted.  Pre-recorded.  Debate was not live (which is why there was no audience).




He did say he would “settle” this war before being sworn in next January……..


Still not voting.


Family speaks out after Pearland couple goes missing while hiking in Utah: ‘We’re all devastated’ (msn.com)



More of this:


Debate (brief) analysis and reflecting


I watched about 30 minutes or so.  I couldn’t do it anymore.  The frequency of the thing was dead – no energy to it.  I was repelled energetically however by what I was hearing.  Empty words.  Nothing new.  Maybe there will be some tidbits later that I missed.  But whoever is directing this movie is doing a ridiculously horrid job.  You want to wake up the rest now?  REMOVE JB’S FRIGGING MASK.  Get CNN out of it.  Afterwards they weren’t so favorable of JB but they sure let him lie and they blasted Trump.

This produces what effect?  What positive effect?

(there was one thing that stood out – and i was online everywhere trying to bring it to people’s attention without any real response – but hell two of the bigger channels point it out and people go “oooooooooooooh” – was both Trump and Biden were dropping LIVE on their respective social media accounts – Trump on Truth Social – Biden on X.  so much for “small accounts matter.”  We do not – we never have.)

Just like the myriad of narratives of how we’re going from 3D to 5D and we’re either going to have to work hard to rebuild an entirely new system (OMG i don’t know ANYONE who has the energy now for that!) – or we’re getting out of the matrix altogether and go back where we belong – or we’re going to have a NEW matrix just better.

Just ENOUGH already.


And apparently none of us have any control over the ending.  Just little pawns on the ever-moving chessboard that never really seems to go anywhere, paradoxically.

And I am exhausted working hard every day to change how I think and feel so I can shift my life.  Do you know how hard that is to do with the life I am experiencing here?  Alone?!

I get more criticism than I do love.  Hell, some people are flat out ghosting me.

I get questioned on what I’m doing and why.

I get told I can’t do THIS or THAT because “that’s just how the system is”.

How often do I get asked “what do you need?”

Not nearly enough.

Not nearly. enough.

Meanwhile, I am getting more tired.  More desperate.  More angry.  And feeling more alone out here.  I watch my efforts start to create something then BAM something comes in and crushes it and I have to frigging start over again.


Jesus – if you are real and you hear me – HELP ME ALREADY!!!!!!


And put an END to these attacks.  Jesus – put an END TO THEM.

That’s all I got in me tonight.  I feel pretty f’ing alone on this stage – people reading – not reaching out or commenting.  Why I ever allegedly chose to come here and be a part of this insanity, I am kicking myself today.  Stupid stupid choice.

6.24.24 ~ Today’s Finds – Building up to that Crescendo – Another Schumann BLACKOUT (necessary?)


I had an interesting thought this morning when I woke up:  When 17 says “BLACKOUT NECESSARY”, is it possible they were referring to the Schumann blackouts (i.e. timeline jumps as some theorize)?

Synch – speaking of I decided to check the Schumann – twice now – another BLACKOUT:



Did we get the EBS (i’m not on the mailing list, btw):



May be an image of text















Laura’s View and Tarot, Too:

Exploring NESARA



Sovereign Spirits:  (Anmarie Uber – yay!  Love her!)

Three Ways to Get Out with Guest Anmarie Uber



6.24.24 ~ Round Two of some Hot Headlines ~ Tide has turned


We are traveling faster and faster – lillies that are normally done late July are already finished.  Other plants that are normally just starting to burst or are in their prime are wrapping up.  Feeeeeeeeeeeels in the body.


“Durham the punisher” is back.  Here’s the end of the transcript:


people know it we on operation Black


11.0 and as you know that last night we

did move operation Enterprise 9.5 to1

that will remain heads will be rolling

you know it I know it the American

people know it and uh happy Monday screw

James White buer we shall talk to you (pretty sure he says bulger – as in whitey bulger)

later bye-bye

The #PUNISHER Monday **SPECIAL** | Bonus Song! – YouTube

results for search on operation black widow





Interesting emblem on his shirt………


The bottom right one is a video of the little girl saying “”then he put me on a spaceship”…..





Been seeing this image in my minds eye the last 3 days……….you never know………





Live updates: Rapidan Dam suffers partial failure, home in danger (fox9.com)


There are 17 c u e posts that contain the word “FLOOD”………



6.24.24 ~ Assange is now FREE……….And Other Finds




If you have noticed, I changed the image on my main page.  To be honest, it didn’t always really align with my Heart – just that part of me that wanted to blast the Truth everywhere.  It more aligned with that rather blunt, more harsh part of me – which serves a purpose.  But I felt the time is now to soften that up a bit – and with the suggestions of a few others – I decided to listen to their wisdom and to mine and to change it.

I can feeeeeeeeeel the timelines changing – now and then – as can my daughter.  Feels like we stepped a bit more into that Golden Timeline today.  Was a rough start – for me – but pushed on through and flowed with the shifting tide.  Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to Share and Donate what you can.  (Along those lines – I have had several conversations in recent weeks from those who want to donate but feel guilty about only putting forth $5/a few dollars.  That. Is. Ok.  Let that go.  It’s the intention that matters – and that intention is more aligned with the real Flow we’re all focused on returning to/bringing in.  Plus, what I have said all along:  Many doing the same adds up.)  🥰




Interesting timing………….


Plea deal:






Sunset times – two different browsers – same dates/location plugged in – different times………..we monitor it out back – it’s inconsistent…….










As others chimed in on – the tunnels – the subliminal programming – but this?  Unless it’s the drop before the FLOOD.




















6.23.24 ~ Some Very Interesting/Insightful Finds, a Gematria and a thought on money


Weird energy.  Went into a big box store – wow – they amped up the frequency or something.  I felt agitated so I quickly got my supplies and left.  When we got to the car, my girl asked what was going on inside the store – she said she felt something messing with her head.

I continue to listen to a money program and so far, have received some good insights out of it.  However, today’s topic was debt – and how we need to get out of debt.  lol  Oh I know I sound like a scrooge, but I am cranky and tired and quite done with younger generations and others who still don’t see pay to live = debt.  Run your water – bam you owe that utility company money.  Turn on your heat or that light, same thing.  Send a text or take a call on your cell, you owe for that.  Finish up that loaf of bread?  Want another?  You gonna pay for that.  And that house you think you own?  Giant ponzi scheme.  And in TODAY’S reality where over 30% of people here in the states alone are in over their heads in debt and are in default – just to eat and survive – let’s stop looking at one another when it comes to the topic of debt and instead focus that judgment call where it belongs:  on the banks and on this toxic pay to live system.

Anyway, let’s just say I decided to skip today’s lesson.  Cutting class was always easy for me when the need arose.  😂

Here’s what I am seeing out on the world stage.




Because there won’t be an election – at least a “normal” one.  My ongoing feeeeeeeeeeel.  Never before in June.


day before 9.11:


past US debates:




Hit ’em in the nose and watch the plastic fall………..COMMS


Bouvet Island.  Again.

Little bit more about Bouvet Island:



Gematria:  BOUVET ISLAND (144)

White Hats

See You At The Gathering

Clock Tower

The Time Has Come

Time After Time (sharing because i heard that song on the radio tonight and felt something)

Home Visitors


9 hours (the website there no longer allows me to take a screen shot – gives me an alert and says the content is protected – NO SCHUMANN IMAGES FOR YOU  lol)









Thoughts On The Awakening ~ What exactly is it? Some early day WOO.


My girl and I are currently watching Independence Day (originally released on July 3, 1996 – which is interesting as the movie takes place ON July 3rd and 4th) – second time for her, many more for me.  The last time we watched it was about a year ago.  Watching it again last night I had this knowing – I SEE more today than I did just one year ago.  I am more awake and able to see the comms dropped.  And yet – I really didn’t gain any more facts or information since then in terms of corruption, the evil, etc.


Rather, I am SEEING more from a Higher Place.  The Super Conscious.  Higher Consciousness.  Real Self – Full Self – on the outside.  That allows me to SEE more here – SEE the clues and codes and comms sent in FROM the outside/Higher Place.

ME on the outside is waking up sending in those codes/frequencies for me to SEE at the right time – reconnecting with the human me here inside the sim so that the me inside this place SEES more.  (and becomes disgusted, angry and desperate for NEW BETTER NOW)


I just had that come to me – that this is the process that is happening – this is how The Awakening really works.  I’ve had it in reverse.

Some of the things I saw in this movie was the time stamp of 9:11 on the time countdown as to when the enemy was going to begin the physical war.  Also of interest, as noted above, the release date corresponds to the date in the movie in which the war begins (and thus our INDEPENDENCE FROM the enemy which we know has been here all along hiding in dimensions and in human meatsuits).  The war ends on July 4th – which we are told becomes the entire planet’s Independence Day – for All – UNITED.  (getting chills – the speech is awesome too)

The original signal from their crafts also originated from The Moon – which likely contains “them” as a means to monitor us – and/or the Soul/Consciousness recycling place – that bright light is likely just the light from the Moon w/them disguised as angels and other celestial beings telling us what did you learn you messed up didn’t get it right time to reinsert you again little slave you have no choice.  So much for Free Will much less Freedom, right?


I also had this thought – what if 7 = 11.  The whole 7/11 images we’ve seen by Elon and VK and with even Trump’s court case decision – what if it isn’t about that date but that perhaps 7 = 11.  And the Q posts that talk about 11.3 and 11.4 are really July 3rd and July 4th.

We’ll see.

About all I can say and feeeeeeeeeeeel at this moment – something I keep. sensing for the past few years is that my Higher Self somehow gets “online” and sends information through the quantum computer hoping it reaches my awakening human brain.

That’s enough WOO for now.





6.21.24 ~ Checking In and Today’s Finds




Went to the store – noticing some price increases including my tea going up by about .60 cents and my shampoo I’ve used for years up by $1.50.  !!!  But then go to the big box store and they are pushing processed crap with reduced prices and buy one get one.  Eating healthy has become a luxury (not to mention making it impossible to save).

Jesus just enough already.  P L E A S E.  Challenging day.  Overly tired.  Energy felt better yesterday.  So much for this “they removed a lot of bad ones” narrative.  Makes me wonder as always who really knows what.

Onward and upward.  Working on the triggers.  Paying far more attention to my body and how I feel there over what goes on in my brain.

Please support my work with a financial contribution of your choice.  Thank you, all of you, who do.






this is perplexing………..unless in the end all turn on Israel………




What I said:












Keep seeing “here we go”.  Question is – where (and when)?










Like me some WOO………Been awhile – intuitive nudge to check her out tonight.  Interesting commentary on who can use “clones”.  Makes sense.  Tower moment surrounding the debate.  Star and the Sun Card at the end.  Next week.  We’ll see……… (i may do my own read – been awhile – if I do i’ll share the results)

Laura’s View and Tarot, Too:

Presidential Debate Woo



6.20.24 ~ Today’s Finds and Headlines, A Gematria, and a Reflection


So ~ received my auto/renter’s insurance renewal policy – which is going to go up by $12 – even though I have had zero claims.  🙄  The excuse from the local office will be the same as it always is: “Corporate decision – nothing we can do about it.”  As I’m going through it, I see how much I pay for liabilities and deductibles (I wasn’t aware they actually CHARGE me for having a deductible).  They claim I save close to $150 but don’t break it down the way they do everything else.  Can we just be done with this nonsense and bring back the way it once was – if you cause an accident, you work it out like adults using mediation instead of letting the suits figure it out.  And another idea – since I had no claims filed – shouldn’t I get back a % of that money they demanded I pay if I want to drive?  35% will be doable.

Here’s what I’m seeing out in the “not the way I’d do it” stage.




Current outages – U.S.:



Downdetector (plus several in the yellow including Venmo, Ubisoft connect, Target, Consolidated Comms, Cloudfare, PG & E, Pacific Power, showing some reported user problems):



CDK cyberattack shuts down auto dealerships across the U.S. Here’s what to know. – CBS News



Question is – where did they pull up and change places?  And do these look like two people on the verge of starting WWIII?  Looks like two buddies off on a joy ride.



Dog comms?  Maybe?  A rare breed.  “Hunting” dogs…….. Very loyal to their masters.

On a nudge, I did a gematria:  PUNGSAN HUNTING DOG

XRP Storm

I Can Feel It Coming In The Air Tonight

All Systems Go

John DeLorean

Coronal Mass Ejection



Wonder what that final word will be……….

Trump to get final word at CNN debate after coin flip



And another one………




Sky stuff:


X-Class in the last 24 hours:

Solar Flares Remain Likely through 20-23 June | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center



Foreign. Corporation.  (how many of “them” invested in foreign corporations?)

Court upholds Trump-era corporate tax on foreign earnings – SCOTUSblog

The tax, which was expected to raise approximately $300 billion over 10 years, applied to all earnings by a controlled foreign corporation after 1986, regardless of whether they were distributed to shareholders or whether the shareholders owned the shares when the corporation made the earnings on which they are being taxed.





as i shared the above theory, i noticed this:



Telling us what’s already happened:

Earth’s rotating inner core is starting to slow down — and it could alter the length of our days | Live Science


Make your own.  Here’s the recipe I use.  1/2 cup cacoa powder, 1/2 cup coconut oil.  Melt the coconut oil on low, whisk in the cacoa powder.  From there you can add maple syrup to sweeten.  Nuts.  Vanilla, almond, peppermint, etc. oils.  Dried fruits.  Very versatile.  Put on parchment paper on glass dish, stick in freezer, let freeze, break up and keep in refrigerator.  Or you can pour into silicone molds, freeze and keep in the refrig. Delicious!

Chocolate Recall Map Shows Nine States Impacted by Health Warning – Newsweek


Plural.  Rocks incoming……..One between earth and the moon.


Massive Asteroids Barreling Towards Earth!


Nature still telling us it’s late summer/early fall.  Leaves continue to turn.  Earth ship has tilted.



6.19.24 ~ Some Finds


Before I share today’s finds, I want to ask for prayers for Brother Rick who lost his beautiful dog Nala today.  Nala was his companion for many years and after Rick and I connected through this site, he would send pictures and Nala stories over the years.  Always such a hard loss.  She will be missed.  Thank you for the love you send his way.












MrMBB333: 5:50 mark – that ain’t normal radar signature:

Something STRANGE going on with the Atmosphere!!








current collective feeeeeeeeeels:


good news:


S I L V E R……..



license plate clearly not arkansas (or the states):



Gauging Antarctica’s sponginess from space (tudelft.nl)

The Antarctic climate and ecosystem are changing rapidly,


now this is the kind of antarctica info i was looking for – very interesting – it is indeed smoke……..i remember around the time i started this site (8 years ago next month!) – Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf said once antarctica is being exposed, we are at the end………..


I decided to do a Gematria on DRAKES PASSAGE (444):

The Time Has Come

Time To Go Home

The Second Coming

The Snake Has Been Beheaded

Eleven Eleven

Five Five Five

Nine Nine Nine


Full Moon is June 21 – tomorrow is the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice for those of you in the southern portion of this realm.

