Getting Help In This NOW Moment ~ A Collective to the Ascension/Spiritual Communities


I was speaking with a friend today who is struggling every bit as much as I am financially.  She cannot afford her apartment, cannot afford to move even though for health reasons she needs to as the place is moldy.  These things fire me UP.  I want to help her.  I want to help her NOW and it enrages me inside that I have the desire to and yet I am as stuck as she is for a solution.

I was sharing with her my thoughts and opinions on what I see happening. What I desire to see happen.

What I INTEND to happen.

She listened, nodding and then asked the million dollar question ~ the same one I have asked the ascension/lightworker community without a response (who say we must get away from money and not focus on it for it is dark and has created the destruction and suffering):  What do people who need the financial relief do NOW?  What do we do in this NOW moment given money is still required to house/feed oneself?

Argh ~ that frustration is so palpable for me.

Later in the day, I was told my ability to apply for winter heating assistance won’t be happening until the end of February.  I have been making regular attempts to reach these people for the past month – phone calls/messages, e-mails sent.  Today I finally connected.  Sorry, no appointments available until the end of February.

How will I pay my winter heating bills?  I asked.  And why didn’t anyone call me back or e-mail me?

Yes, I know they are overloaded with people in need.  I GET that.

And yet again – what do we do in the NOW moment?

All those preaching on letting money go – who have it/have found financial success in this system – could be doing more by sharing what they have.

Isn’t that what Love does?

Love helps.

Love shares.

Create a FUND already.  DO something.  Find people in need and give them a financial blessing.

Ah, let it go, let it go, let it go, I hear within.  All is well in this NOW moment.

Trust and know all is well.  Know.  Feel.  Trust.  And allow.

To which I also wish to say – tell that to the homeless person who has nowhere to sleep because the local shelter’s are either full or don’t let anyone in until it reaches 30 degrees.  A crime, imho.

This system needs to change and change NOW and I am fed fed fed fed UP with waiting.

Share this with all in your spiritual community.  I watch enough channels to know there are people in the Spiritual Communities who are doing quite well.

Share the love.  Spread it.

There is enough for us ALL – NOW.  This has been stated over and over again.

So ok then.  Time to walk the talk, loves!

Presented with as much respect as my distressed heart can share~




Today’s Feeeeeeeeeel ~ L O V E


UPDATE:  Later in the evening ~ body pains, feeling ungrounded.  I did some yoga and as I did some deep stretches, my arms began buzzing then itching like mad.  Definitely feeling energetic shifting/movement going on within my body.  …

I am losing interest in thinking and using words to speak/share and understand – and innerstand.  But that’s the tool we have now in this digital world and until I can communicate telepathically, words is what I must continue to use to share what I feeeeeeeeeeeeeel. [wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”]

This morning while in that strange sacred woo-woo space known as the shower, I thought about all of the different opinions people have on this strange, magical, and at times, elusive experience we label “Ascension”.  I know this much about Who I Am ~ I do not resonate one single molecule with being told I HAVE to do something in order to Ascend or I must do something in order to prove myself worthy of ___ (fill in the blank).

That is not Love speak.  At least it is not MY version, my feeeeeeel of what Love is.

Some may keep eating meat.  Some may give it up.  Some may go vegan. Some may go raw.   Some may go vegetarian.

Some may feel guided to explore past lives.  Some may feel guided to focus solely in the Now or in the future.  Some may mix it up and do a little bit of everything.

Some may feeeeeeeeel they must be totally healed in order to rise up in frequency.  And yet I would add – is that an inner feeeeeeeeeel or a belief?

Truth is found in the heart, for me that is.  It is simple ~ even when it feeeeeeeeels GRAND and hugely expansive.  I have long felt that those who use a lot of words, and big words at that, have small mind’s.  Small hearts perhaps too.  Or perhaps just mind’s and heart’s that desire to expand and open more.  That’s a kinder way of putting it.

If there is ANYTHING I can add to this conversation that is lovingly useful it would be to go within for your own truth and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel and allow. Trust and let go/surrender and know you will be shown which particular path/choice to make.  Given my own experiences, I feeeeeeeeel there are a variety of versions of Me – in this dimension and in others – who are THE guiding hand in this experience.  It’s almost as though the experience of the Shift has already happened.  In some frequency/space.  My brain has a difficult time understanding that – comprehending it.  It is again just a feeeeeeeeeeel that for me words alone just don’t cut it.

Sometimes I feel a bit like Forrest Gump when he says “I may not be a smart man but I know what Love is.”

Simple and from the heart.

That is all for now.

Light Holiday Blessings of Love to each of you~



Thank you ~ each of you ~ for supporting my work.  For sharing it.  And most especially for telling me how my personal messages are helping you. THAT is the biggest gift of all to me and it keeps me going with this little site.

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Recent Energy Experiences


Not much to report but I am noticing a couple of things really increasing:  issues with my hands and forgetfulness.

The forgetfulness has been ongoing for quite some time.  However, it used to be I could recall certain things if I really focused on the memory.  I have recently noticed now I seem to draw a complete blank.  It’s kind of freaking me out a bit.  Is this haarp chemtrail?  Or is this fully due to ascension/rising energies.  Either way it feels a bit out of my control at this point.

Another issue ~ what the hey is going on with my hands?  I am dropping stuff with increasing frequency.  Small items, large items.  Doesn’t matter. It is quite literally as though physical matter turns to liquid once it reaches my hands.  That is the best way I can describe it.

Yesterday as I walked out back my mate asked me if I could throw him the broom (he was up on the roof).  I stumbled as I looked up (balance thing – clumsiness still ongoing) and said “I don’t know.  I’ll try.  Stand back.  My body isn’t working the way it used to.”  As comical as that sounds, I was deeply serious.  I wasn’t sure if the broom would go where I wanted it to.

I focused and set my intention where the broom would go ~ and had success.

Most of the time things are good with my mind and body.  But now and then when these experiences and symptoms occur – they are more intense.  I had a feeling today – or was it yesterday – as I looked at my hands – that I was just going to suddenly disappear – seemingly to disintegrate – until I popped over into the New Dimension.

Until then, this crawling experience continues. (as one of you referred to it – which at this stage – YES it does feel like crawling)

One Word for Today: WHEW!


Exhaustion coupled with g/i distress followed by a plethora of tears has left me with the feel of WHEW!

I was engaging in an online discussion last night about money and all of the suffering caused by the monetary system.  It was very helpful to my heart to hear such resonating thoughts as far too often I have heard the phrase “suffering is self-caused” as though you can take the experience, place it into one little box of a definition and be done with it.

However…lol…I experienced something triggering last night when I was told the reason why I have struggled with money is because I and people like myself are not meant to have money as money is what has caused the problems most of us face.  We do not need to solve these situations with money, I was told.  And this was coming from those who were saying they want to see an end to all suffering now.

Ok then…

I sat with that message last night, went to bed and awoke with the sudden need to purge a lot of stuff.  Which I did.

I rejoined the conversation and said ok now – yes I agree we need to do away with the current model of money and how it is used to control.  I have seen that and felt this since I was in my early 20’s – and this was during the 80’s “me me me decade” so I was most definitely NOT in good company with those thoughts at the time.

So ok then…we can agree to a new system.  Yes yes yes.  However what about NOW?!  Wouldn’t giving money to the person who is homeless and cannot afford to pay for rent fix that problem and end that suffering?  Wouldn’t giving money to the person who needs medical care and/or healing help that is not covered by insurance remedy that problem and end that suffering?  I was blunt – and angry at this point.  I do not take well when someone first says we must end suffering now but no money is not the answer when in this NOW moment in this NOW time (which is where we are being guided to BE, right??) – with money still being the tool used in this NOW moment for housing and food and healing  – wouldn’t money help people in this NOW moment?

Good goddess of all that is good and decent and kind – YES IT WOULD.

Can I now reach up into the clouds of blindness and pull some of these lightworkers down to reality?

You make others invisible to you when you see the suffering, then see what can help but then push the help away because it isn’t of my spiritual caliber.

My goddess ~ I am one of THE go-to people when it comes to my distaste and total lack of resonance as to this monetary control system.  And yet I am also grounded enough, practical enough, open with my eyes and heart to know – if the money is there to help someone you frigging GIVE IT TO THEM.  Save the spiritual preaching for another time.

Love Helps Now.


That is all for now.  I have some more purging to do and a park to visit with the one person in my life who knows what Love is and Does.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



Thank you for supporting me and my work.  It keeps me going!

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Seeing the Darkness For WHAT IT IS and DOING Some Thing(s) About It


I came out into the living room, pretty fired up over thoughts going through my mind about this “be patient” and “allow” those outside of us to DO what needs to be done in the field of politics and other social realms (i.e. the exposing of the swamp and its draining).  Then I read a comment by one of you awesome Beings who more or less said what I was thinking.  It was in regards to some words in the recent Diane Canfield piece, who overall I resonate with and appreciate her work.  However, this particular passage, at the time I read it, bothered me too.  That little inner buzzer lit up.  In a nutshell, she said now was not the time to get involved in all of the politics as all was being guided by Divine plan.

That hit me wrong as well.  We are the Divine, right?  Darn right we are!  It felt off.  If one feels the desire to help expose, we need to ENCOURAGE such a feeling not say “look the other way all is going as planned”.  Feels like being told “oh don’t look that way just be patient and let the horror and unveiling and clean-up unfold”.

Or continue?

Sometimes I wonder if some of these blogs – the highly successful ones that is – are just another cabal tool with some unicorns and butterfly pretties thrown in.

Where is the anger with these people?

Do they not have any?

Where is their sense of DO SOMETHING?  DO something so this NEVER happens again!  It’s one thing when the horrors and control’s are placed upon the adults ~ but much of this involves our children.  OUR BABIES!  WE are responsible for them!

I don’t get it.

Maybe I’m not supposed to.

I know this.  I don’t like flowery words and metaphors, especially when it comes to talking about the dark horrors of 3D reality.

I like things communicated CLEARLY and PRECISELY.

Tell it like it is.  Tell it like you really FEEL it to be.  And SEE it to be.

As one of you commented, telling a parent who is just awakening to the horrors of our children being used in trafficking and for sexual deviance, for torture and sickening “power”,  that all is unfolding according to Divine plan is not going to cut it.

She is right.

We need to be having conversations about this and we need to be authentically real about it.  We need to be encouraging those seeing this information for the first time to do what WE have done – search for the truth and when we see it – ALLOW ourselves to feel the rage and disgust and pain.  Allow for the experience of cognitive dissonance instead of judging them for having it.  Encourage those seeing this shit for the first time the same freedom we have given ourselves.


Freedom to BE which includes the freedom to FEEL and express that feeling instead of dismissing it so you can replace it with a prettier version.

I have considered not sharing the horrors (FINALLY) being exposed.  Finally in that FINALLY the 100th monkey effect has happened, has long past gone by and this information is no longer considered conspiracy.  WHEW on that as I have been sharing some of these dark horror things with others off and on for yearSSSS.  Anyway, I have thought to not feed the dark crap by focusing on it.  Don’t want to clog up an already dark murky pipe.

And yet we’re in swamp draining mode, right?

And how do you drain a swamp?

You see it for what it is.

You let the reality of it sink it.

Then you engage in a dance of draining it, letting yourself feeeeeeeeeeel the effects it is had on your life experience, and speak out affirmatively in ways to ensure this shit NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.

Not on my watch.

And not on yours.

Much love, in Warrior Spirit ~





A Beautiful, Rare Find Today


…by the youngest female goddess in the house.  Out on a walk earlier today, it was/has been very cold and sunny.  My favorite winter weather so lots of walks.  Today the little goddess was not happy with the cold.  Towards the end of the walk she griped she wished she had never gone on this walk, to which I automatically replied “but you never know what magic you might have missed out on!”  She grumped and walked away.  Less than 1/2 a block later, as I was picking up sticks for kindling, she walks over to me saying “mama LOOK!”  I look in her hands – several pieces of beautiful quartz crystal had found their home in concrete and dirt.

Magic indeed.

It is sitting beside her bed.  My girl ~ a conduit for the magical rocks of Gaia.


Today’s Experiences and Energies ~ 12/7/17


Space Scene, Stars, Portal, Space

Wow!  Wowser!

And yet in spite of the enthusiasm of those words, I am sitting here like a cute little sloth.  As KP puts it “energetically flatlined”.

I hesitated sharing any of this as the last thing I want to do is mislead, share information that proves to be false or disappoint ANYONE ~ myself included!  And to be honest using words is just a huge challenge for me lately ~ both in having conversations and in explaining things.  I wish others could just look into my brain and see the pictures and/or look into my heart and see what I am feeling/experiencing there.  That is not manifested, so here in words is what I experienced today…

My day began when I woke up at 7:00am and looked outside.  Looking to the east, I saw a bright star.  I sighed as I thought “when am I going to know the truth of where exactly I am and just what exactly are YOU glowing light that we call a star?”  Some mornings I wake up and feel heavy and wonder “this system is still running.  WHY ARE WE STILL HERE?”!

This morning was one of them.

I returned to sleep for awhile and when I woke up, I heard that voice of mine that speaks to me off to the left, at and slightly above my head.  I call it my “sweet spot”.  I heard “in 6 more days you will no longer be here.”

Ok.  I know not to take these things literally, even if at times I want to ~ and do.  What I found interesting was the reference to 6 days.  That puts us within 24 hours of the 12/12 gateway.

My first inclination was to research this upcoming gateway and felt inner me say “No.  Go within and see what it means to you.”  Thank you oh higher teacher for reminding me to stop looking to others for my answers.

So I took some time later in the day, went within and heard just one word: Time.  It’s a gateway related to “time”.  Linear time?


But yet this word “time” also explained the experience I had as I walked to the dryer and do what I do every day after my child has a bath (well unless I am washing it after bath) ~ place her towel into the dryer.  As I did that today though, every part of my body inside truly felt/believed that I had JUST done this same “chore” moments before.  Not 24 earthly hours before. Somewhere within Me, I had literally just done this.

Well now that is interesting, I thought again.

6 days eh?

Here’s something else to add to that.  Last week neighbors of ours, who have a little girl our daughter’s age, invited us all to their house for a children’s holiday party on the 16th.  I knew the date and day and knew there was nothing on the calendar, and yet something within me hesitated. I wondered if we would even be here, I felt, which at the time I found odd.  “Of course we will be here,” I answered back in my brain.

But still that little pause within my body was there.  And it would not leave even as I slowly said “yes we should be here”.  Should.  Not ‘will’.  It’s like I couldn’t say the word.  Which again was strange to me.

I went searching for some validation as I put this all together and found some.  Well at last I found others who in the last 24 hours have had some similar experiences.  One woman was sharing how all year she has felt she would not “be here” for Christmas and currently, while a part of her wants to shop for gifts, she says something keeps telling her it is not necessary as she will not be here.  Others spoke of huge shifts experienced in the past 1-2 days.  Jumps.  Are we jumping hugely now?  Is that what this “won’t be here” references?  Is this more breaking down of the matrix ~ or more breaking away from it?

I really don’t know.  I honestly do not know.  I did read this today though on one of the ascension folks social media page:   “As a result of the rapid rise in planetary vibration, a “jump” may occur shortly, rather than a mere Shift or leap into Higher Timelines.”

I had two sudden moments of crying today where I was mourning the loss of all of “this”.  The entire experience ~ the beautiful and the horrors.  This is an experience I have had recently – the kind accompanied by tears.  It began 2 years ago almost to the day.  It was late November and as I walked around my house one last evening, I suddenly was moved to feel and say aloud: “I will miss this all when I leave”.  There were no emotions at the time.  Since then when I have had this thought I have experienced anger or frustration, impatience.  Lately though, tears of mourning have been the experience.  My mate is having the same experience.  

One last experience then I will conclude this piece.  Tonight as I was in the bathroom and I stepped out of the shower, I was able to see through the bathroom door – which was closed.  For about 2-3 seconds, there was no door.  It “melted”, for lack of a better word.  Became watery and disappeared.  It was a fuzzy image but I was able to see into the hallway through an otherwise closed door.  Want to know what I have been reading the past couple of days?  Current energies for December are revealing more of who we really are and more of what really is “out there”.  The final veils coming down.

Seeing through the illusion of this simulation is indeed a part of that.

Letting go.  Being in allowance for whatever comes out of me.  Walking in the now.

Stuff transforms and transmutes.  Things are remembered.

And magic happens.

Much woo woo love~



Thank you so very much for supporting my work, for finding some comfort in my words and for believing in me.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]

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More Thoughts on “Waiting”


Ever notice how we are told by “those in control” or those in the know to “wait” for the helpful, positive, healing things?

Rape happens in a quick few moments.



Military personnel take out entire villages and communities in moments.

But yet when we want peace and freedom we are told to “wait”.

I do not consent to that.

Let me repeat that:


It is a deception.  A trick.

Matrix programs.

Rip that shit out of the energy body in this moment.

Speaking today with a dear friend who needs a new knee.  His only option offered in this realm is knee replacement surgery.  His other option is to wait until he ends up in a wheel chair.

My own mate, who has a chronic health ailment as well as one bad knee and one knee that is also needing attention.  He is facing the same situation and yet with his already fragile health, does he have the strength to undergo such a surgery?  The knee they offer only lasts 5-10 years.  Then what?

Seriously?  Then what?  Deal with it again when one is older?

It enrages me inside to know we have technology that others politely say is being repressed or withheld when in truth it is being stolen from us – technology that can heal my friend and my mate and countless others easily and quickly.

I can no longer be quiet about this.

I will no longer consent.

For every second this tech is being stolen from us, people die.

For every second this tech is being stolen from us, people suffer unnecessarily.

I don’t give a shit what reason someone may present as to why this has not been released to the people.

There is no justifiable reason.  Love cannot provide such a reason.

If any one thinks there is a justifiable reason, then they may present themselves in front of my mate and tell him the reason.  See if they can look him in the eyes and say he must wait and give their reason why.

See if they can look a dying child in the eyes and tell him or her they must wait and here is the reason why.

See if they can look into the eyes of my neighbor down the street whose mother is slowly fading away (who I regularly send out the energy of “hold on” – if that is her desire).

Freedom NOW.

All else, I do not consent to.

And I hope you all do the same.  Power of the Collective Consciousness.


Today’s Experience ~ Dealing With and Releasing Matrix Illusions to Give Space for Healing and to Allow for the Return of Full Remembrance


What a day today was.  Let me begin by saying I removed the UFO sightings video as it turned out it was likely the ISS.  I was disappointed for a few minutes until I realized how much I had, yet again, given away my power.  I put my sense of self, my sense of magic and enjoyment and belief into something outside of Me.  I promised myself over a year ago to cease being a UFO worshipper (ok, I use the term slut – I apologize if that offends – but it works for me).  Simply because I made a mistake, doesn’t negate the numerous other experiences I have had.  And it is bringing up my “I am fed up with waiting” experience of wanting to meet some of these Beings.  It would be like if I drove by one of your homes off and on for years, I could see you, but you could not see me (just my vehicle of choice), and I don’t stop to say “hello”.

Rather rude, imho, especially if I saw/knew you wanted me to.

Others would not see it that way.

Perhaps this is more confirmation ~ for me ~ that we will NEVER collectively all be on the same “page” in terms of how we wish to BE/live/do.  As I said at an online forum earlier:  “What is irrelevant to one person is relevant to another.”  Perhaps what is happening is the outer controls are disappearing, allowing us to FULLY BE who we really wish to be, have, experience.

Those controls being the matrix.  And all of that.  Of which we dealt with a lot of that earlier today.  I won’t bore you with all of that as who wants to hear about calls to Comcast and doctor’s offices and to the chimney cleaning people who it turns out did not clean the top of our chimney – which is where most of the creosote builds up.  All did work out to the best as it can in this 3d realm.

Obviously dealing with such systems that don’t resonate can be a challenge. And yet here I am….  So I sucked it up, dove in and dealt, all the while thinking what I would rather be experiencing because I know it is my Right. Our Right.

Freedom and healing.  Anything that holds me back from that, well it is…..Done. Finished.  Over and out.  No more.  You get the picture.

An issue that came up for healing was my desire to be right.  Actually it is more that I don’t like being wrong.  I don’t like being fooled.  I don’t like looking foolish.  That brings up a whole host of other issues with the big one being I deeply care what others think about me.  I strive to present accurate information here.  If I ever post something or share it that turns out to be false, I remove it or say as such.  And I LOVE it when I see something exciting and want to share it.  And the other issue ~ the desire to be seen. Validated.  I have a desire to be and feel important to the world after feeling so insignificant for so very long.  (excuse me while I choke on those massive red pills of inner truth ~ and hand me the tissue while I bawl my little girl eyes out)  I know it’s all an illusion, these feelings, nothing more than stories, none of them really being Who I Am.  But they are there nonetheless for more purging.  Or perhaps simply analysis….and loving observation.

More on the issues.  I feel disappointment it when I feel I am seeing something in one way only to discover it is not as it appears. Disappointment sucks.  I am easily triggered in this area lately.  The path of awakening and remembering is full of disappointment and I am weary. Digging further, there is more to the story that goes something like this:  “I am tired.  I am tired of waiting.  I know what I want and I want.  it. NOW.”

And going further, pushing through the weariness, I hear “release”. Release the attachment to the stories.  Release the attachment to the purging. Perhaps try a new approach.  Stop creating further, perhaps even new emotional experiences with the stories.  In other words:  stop digging where I have already dug before. Claim it all dug up.  NOW.

I also hear to allow it all without judgment.

Can I do both?  Claim this issue is healed while allowing it to still be if it comes up?  Do I have control over whether “it” comes up again?

I overthink at times.  Anyone notice that?

Back to waiting…….for x y z to manifest…

I know – I remember – NOW truly is NOW outside of this realm – not some “future” moment of NOW.  So I feel I am at an impasse with this one issue of waiting.  It is simply not a part of Authentic Me that is told no.  That is told I must wait.

Why must we engage in this waiting game?

Obviously I have had to do just that and overall I have done ok ~ not great by any means, but ok.  How do I be at peace with the waiting?

Acceptance. Acceptance of how it is.  We are still in the realm of that construct known as time.  And until the energies of that matrix program crumble, it is as it is.

Makes for good practice now to consider Instant Manifestation, which is something perhaps I could be doing instead of griping about waiting.  BE outside of the matrix paradigm.  Now.

SEE and FEEL that there IS no program.

Practice being as though in this Now moment I create what I want instantly. It is one thing to just sit in the space of impatience.

It is a whole other thing to feel, to remember, the experience of Instant Manifestation.  It requires full attention.  Full awareness of the Now. Discipline.  Focus.

And trust in Self.

And to trust in Self means to Know Self and to Know Self begins with Loving Self.

And when I love Self I remember all of this stuff outside of me that I find annoying to painful to downright horrifying need not take one ounce of my Power.

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Thank you for being a supporter of my writings and all that I choose to share in this little space.

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Update On The Live Meteor Signal ~ It Is The Sacred Earth OM Tone ~ C# 432hz


Thank you so much to Laura for pointing out that the tone on the live meteor capture is the C# ~ 432hz.  Here is what she had to share with me:

Saw today that the “whatever is coming in now” on the live meteors capture has a similar “tone”….  it’s an exact C#!  …  Check it out – Yep! it is 432hz !!!  (at 440hz tuning it would be between C and C#) This I found out IS INDEED the Sacred OM tone C# at 432hz! The Earth Tone!”
I am so grateful for her find ~ and humbled too.  As a lifelong piano player I didn’t stop to think about the tone.  I knew it was a craft of some sort and was focused on that.
And now I know.  It wasn’t just a craft.  There was/is more to the story.
“They” are sending us the tone our bodies and Souls need.  Perhaps prepping us for New Earth frequencies.  I have been there enough times in my astral state to know the “feel” is different than it is in this realm.  The best way I can describe it is Home ~ for every part of my Being.
Amazed and blown away!  Still needing to let this one seep into my heartspace.
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