An Insightful…Comical Question


The Shaman I am working with contacted me tonight about a recent energy session she performed for me (at a distance).  I had sent her a photo of me that showed an unusual orb on a part of my body.  I wanted her take on it.  So she did a journey work around it, found it highly unusual and said what she encountered was unlike anything she had ever seen before.  She said around me was a very powerful, very loving Being who was sending me the energy for healing.  It was the question she asked me next that both moved me deeply while also causing me to burst out laughing:

“Do you happen to have a strong connection with the galactics and star beings?”

WHO ME??!!!

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A Very Strange Voice On The Emergency Broadcast System Today


PBS had a couple of emergency broadcast announcements today on the television.  Nothing that unusual.  However, while in the car today, there were then two on two different radio stations (playing at the same time). I experienced that because as I heard the first one, I changed the station and noticed it again.  The voice was male, was unusually low and spoke very slowly.  It perplexed me and scared my girl a bit.  I swear you guys, it sounded alien.

Then if that wasn’t enough, on the local kids PBS channel, the image froze and the strangest signal I have ever heard came on and would not let up so we changed the channel.  When we went back a couple minutes later, it was still showing the same image and had the same signal.

What’s interesting to me is reading some intel from 4Chan who said sometime soon, after most of the arrests (or was it all – I can’t remember at the moment), they (the good peeps) would be having their own announcement broadcast via the emergency broadcast system.

Was what I heard today on the radio ~ a voice I have NEVER heard before ~ a prelude?  Practice run?

Who knows.  Just putting it out there…

That Moment When… (a brief pause for some humor)


…you have saved some articles you feel perhaps your wonderful readers will want to read only after going through them you realize there is far too much speak of “dear children of earth” and “you are not quite ready” and “we are your ascended masters” and other lines of pure delusional bullshit that you think what i could have been doing instead is enjoying the sausage, cheese and cracker treats i bought today which my stomach and brain have been calling out for this entire time as well as a lonesome guitar asking to be played…

THIS is how i feel in this now moment.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”grin” wrap=”i”]   (but not for long.  snacks and guitar calls being responded to…)


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An Experience In Frustration Leads To A New Approach


Germ, Seedling, Scion, Forest, Grow

Shortly after posting my piece earlier today about releasing our programmed responses of division and instead asking such questions as “what do we want”, the Universe/Higher Self provided me the chance to put that into practice.

Such a brilliant sense of energetic humor that surrounds us.

A visiting neighbor stopped by and within moments was discussing politics and the latest (false flag) shooting in Texas.  False flag of course meaning that the system is not going to tell us the full truth of the event. The old power structure supporters are pulling out all of their final punches ~ something that does not surprise the truth seekers.

Upon hearing our neighbor begin to once again express his hatred of Trump, spouting nothing but programmed responses he picks up from CNN, MSNBC and their kind, I had to interject.  To begin with I have made it very clear we are not to discuss such topics in my house.  It is an experience that is a complete waste of my time.  He is holding tight to his reality – at times even when he is shown something different.  When this happens, as it did today with learning that his candidate has been shown to have rigged the primary, he brushes it off. This has for so very long made me want to scream out loud – “this is why this shithole system has been allowed to continue as long as it has because of blind ignorance such as you are sharing.  You are SO fucking addicted to your programming, so fucking afraid of having a new thought, to even CONSIDER having a new thought, you cling to your perceptions like a baby clings to its blankie!”

Today I made the choice to express myself in similar fashion.  I ended it by saying his candidate could drop a bomb outside his house, clear as day, and he would still be looking for Trump and the Russians to blame.

Then, after I left the space and took some deep breaths, I returned and apologized for the intensity of my speak.

I then approached the relating by asking him what he wanted.

His first response was “well I could say I want a lot of money”.  His arms were crossed and so I instantly knew he was closed off.

I then thought of our old friend, Robert Hunt, who left this realm almost 10 years ago.  He was one that, before he spoke, would ask those around him to “get in that heart space”.  He would pat his heart and give a smile that always included a beautiful twinkle in his eyes.  I am thankful he gave me that gift as I think of that choice he made often.

I put my hand on my heart and said “speak from here” and again asked him what it is he wanted.

Taking that approach, from that energy space, he dropped his arms and actually opened them wide and said “I want peace.”


“Me too,” I said, with tears in my eyes.  “That is what we all want.  And do you think anyone in our government has helped ensure we all have that peace?”

He paused.

“No,” he said.

“So then isn’t it time we have something brand new?  We make new choices for ourselves, be open to having new thoughts and ideas so we can help create the new?” I asked.  I reminded him, again, how I had once been a rock solid Democrat, even voting for the male version of his candidate – twice!  I then said more important to me though was seeking the truth ~ which is an ongoing process.  I was saying that if I could pull myself out of my comfort chair, even if it meant my version of reality was temporarily broken, so could he.

While he wouldn’t quite agree fully, he couldn’t disagree either.

Will our conversation stick with him?  Will that seed I shared with him grow?  I don’t know.  I can hope it does but I also hold no expectations for it.

For one of the most difficult truths I have had to accept is that for some Beings, it is far more comfortable to hold onto a thought, a belief, even when it has run its course.

And yet I also hold faith in knowing that no seed ever dies.

It is always waiting to sprout.







My Wish On This Calendar Day of November 5, 2017


Children, Forward, America, Usa

Writing the days of the week, the time, etc. feels quite superficial to me at this point.  It’s just a construct to keep us out of the Now moment, keeping us in the confines of all of that stuff out there in 3d illusions.

But nonetheless, in this now moment in time, according to the calendars, I have a big wish in my heart I wish to share.  It came through me as I watched a video on one of those alternative news channels.  The moderator was speaking his truth on Michelle Obama.  And while I am not a fan of hers (or the majority of folks in the political arena), she made a good point that was completely dismissed by this person.  Why?

Because she is a Democrat.

No, because she wears the label “Democrat”.  For she cannot be defined by a label alone.

Now, if you were to have put on Ann Coulter and have her say the same words as spoken by Michelle Obama, he would not have had an issue with what she spoke.


I post something about Trump, show him support, I am automatically accused of being a Republican (as though it is a dirty word).  When I have declared I have never voted Republican in my life nor did I vote for Trump, the person doesn’t know how to respond, so they don’t.  And I am quite sure if I were to have posted a comment on the video referred to above, showing support for what Michelle Obama said, I would have been given a label as well… Democrat, Liberal, snowflake, etc.  When this has happened, I say I wear no political labels.  Haven’t voted the two-party system for almost 20 years.  Again, I state this and am met with silence.

Don’t they “get” that this is a chance to open into a new dialogue?  Isn’t it POSSIBLE to let go of the label and just see and feel the situation from being a Pure Being?

A Republican says “x y z” the Democrats attack.  A Democrat says “x y z” the Republicans attack.

ENOUGH of this nonsense.

This division must end.  On all levels.  In every area of our lives, individually and collectively.

Haven’t we had enough?

Aren’t we tired of this wasted energy?

We must see in our own lives where we have participated in the division.

We must see in ourselves where we have created this division within our own selves (ignore the ego and feed the higher self, for example).

What is it we are so afraid of?

Seeing our programming.  For the division IS the programming.

Admitting we have been programmed.

And yet THAT is when we find our TRUE voice.

What is it we want?

What is it that makes us happy?

Answering those two questions ~ let that be enough.

That is when we discover again how alike we all are.



Thank you from the depths of my heart and soul for supporting my work. For at times challenging me and allowing me the opportunity to expand my heart as I continue to embrace my Full Being.

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Focusing On The End Result


This is along the lines of what I heard Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf speak of a couple of days ago ~ focusing on the end result.

We all want this game over.  We want the curtains of deception to be pulled back fully – NOW.  We who are awake are exhausted.  We are tired of TALKING about it.  We are exhausted from sharing the information, the intel.  We are just DONE with it and are ready to see the whole game OVER.

Even though who aren’t awake to the deceptions are tired of this reality. Ask anyone in a very heart-felt conversation, and ALL will express some heart-based thought and feeling that says they want something better and KNOW they can have it.  Whether that be a healing to a disease or secure housing or knowing they have enough to feed themselves and their family or feeling more real heart-centered connections or simply to be free from this archaic pay-to-live system, unless you are a clone or artificial being, YOU WANT MORE.

You long for it.  Somewhere within you long for it.

Today I had a wonderful conversation with a friend I absolutely adore.  I don’t see him that often but he has always listened to me and our conversations are deep and engaging and totally authentic.  He’s like a big brother in a way.  Today as we spoke I was moved to ask him the following:

“Are you happy?”

Immediately his eyes diverted to the side and I could see I struck something painful in him.  I won’t divulge the rest of the conversation of course, but now and then I will feel guided to ask someone that question and the results are always moving, beautiful, painful ~ always emotional. It also inspires me to be more open myself.

We know what we want.

We know what we are worthy of.

We know what is inherently our RIGHTS as Beings of Source.

As just Beings, period.

Or perhaps we are just tapping into what we KNOW we want and what we KNOW we are worthy and deserving of.

Either way….it’s happening.

Things are moving quite rapidly now.

And you and I are helping this.

So let’s keep it up.

Let’s ramp it up.

Focus on the end result.

ALL deception is fully revealed and properly dealt with – removed and eliminated.

ALL forms of control and power-over and enslavement are eliminated.

What exactly do you want YOUR life to look like?

Feel that deeply in your body.

Go into it.  Get detailed about it.

Every day.  Every hour.  Every moment if you are that disciplined.  lol

See ALL of humanity living as freely and fully.

Focus on the end result.

I have felt all year that by the time we reach the end of 2017 life will not be the same.

For the betterment of ALL who celebrate freedom and love.

Focus on the end result.

Focus on the end result.

Focus on the end result.

And feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it.  You can add in “this or something better” then let it go.

And it WILL be so because it IS so.

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Another Thought About Tonight’s Game


This is very odd coming from someone like me – who almost never talks about sports.  I had this thought during game 3 ~ that what we were seeing was another timeline shift ~ for the better.  The Astro’s, being from Houston, were a representation of the suffering that has been caused by the cabal ~ in this case, weather manipulation.  The Dodger’s, being from Los Angeles, which is home to some of the darkest behaviors and actions, represented the cabal agenda.

Again, this was not a reflection of the players themselves.  This was a reflection of what has been our history and what is happening to this matrix realm.

I suddenly knew at that moment – the Astro’s were going to win.  It had already been determined.

The experience was very similar to what I felt last November after the U.S. Elections.  I knew the currently running timeline had crashed – big time. A new one had been put in place.  The feeling was that palpable in my Being. And it wasn’t so much about the players as it was that the old energy grid was not gonna be allowed to play out anymore.  A new one had come online to enact some much needed change, a new direction.

Spiritually speaking, our Truths of Who We Are are permeating this energy space, changing the old codes (which are just frequencies) of control, enslavement, abuse, fear and transforming it into Truth.  Love. Freedom.  Abundance.

All that from a baseball game, from a woman who normally finds most professional sporting events of a low vibe.

Who’d of thunk…[wp-svg-icons icon=”wink” wrap=”i”]

An Experience With Instant Manifestation


A few weeks back I heard Michelle Walling speak of her sudden ability to manifest at times instantly.  I started to notice I was having this same experience ~ at least a couple of times.  Resulting from the plethora of energies and their specific frequencies, what they are doing to our physical bodies plus our work in releasing what is not truly serving us/not really Who We Are, are making this experience, this ability, blossom.

Two nights ago, I thought of this as I watched game #6 of the World Series.  Twice I intended to see a home run in a particular batter and each time a home run was the result.  I forgot about the experience until tonight.  I had the game on and was checking one of my pages.  I saw a post from Gregg Prescott where he shared a personal experience in instant manifestation.  I thought of my experience in manifesting two home runs and thought to try it again.  As the next guy to bat for the Astro’s, George Springer, stepped up to the plate I said “I want to see a home run”.  I checked in to see if this was possible, heard “yes” and said I would like to see a home run out of this player.  Anyone who watched the game know he came through with just that.  That is when I heard/felt the Astro’s would take it – 7 to 2.  I was close – 5 to 1.

Still refining my abilities.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”]



sometimes i have no title.

today the word of the day is “weary”.  bone tired weary.  throat, mouth, head issues continuing.  what’s the point in talking about any of “that” though?  does it end?  switch?  i read today “you are never alone – call on creator and guides for help”.  really?  i call and get a bz signal these days.

sooooooo not into this halloween gig.  a challenge with a young child.  so we pull it together and do the trick or treating thing.


surreal to me in a way.  i used to completely get into this day.  costume. decorations.  treats.  music.  the whole shebang.  it was once my favorite “holiday”.

today?  i could care less.  literally have zero interest in this day.

a challenge when all around you are dressed up, excited parents wanting to celebrate, giddy to take their little ones trick or treating.

again, how i used to be.

but not today.  and i mean nothing in me wants to “do” this holiday.

i have once again begun imagining this house i have seen in my dreams and visions for over 10 years.  i can feel it now so easily.  it feels like it is just “right there” off to my left or off to my right – i just need the access code or however it is i am to “get there”.  today i smelled it.  deeply felt how it “feels” to “be there” ~ feeling a part of me already is there.

i know.  it makes no sense to me.  then again nothing is making sense to me at the moment.  other than a warm bed, fire in the fireplace and quiet.




loads of support and abundance ~ so much so, I am overwhelmed and overjoyed at the same time.

not THAT is a feeling/experience i welcome.

that is all for now.

merry happy boo and all that ~



A Couple of Timeline Anomalies Experienced Today


Interestingly enough, both of them were bicyclists which made me think how much of this realm is projected holograms…

The first I experienced at the breakfast table.  I was looking out the window, watching people walk by.  I then noticed a guy on a bike ride by. I have seen him before.  He takes this route likely on his way to the University.  I go back to eating, glance up and there he is again – same guy – same bike – traveling the same direction, same side of the street.

Now that’s interesting, I thought.  When you have these experiences, after awhile, you tend to think “ok, interesting but also part of the norm these days”.

Later in the day, my girl and I head out for some errands.  As I exited the parking lot at our last location, I started to turn left as I normally do. Something told me to turn right and take the long way home.  I listened.

As I turned left up the hill to head home, I noticed a guy on a bike (again), at the stop sign at the bottom of the hill. He had on a bright red jacket and I remember his fact was quite angular.  As I head up the hill, I notice another guy coming my way on a bike, on my left.  He had on a bright red jacket and his face was angular.  Whoa, I thought – either this guy has a doppelganger or I am experiencing another timeline hop.  Or matrix glitch.

Or something else.  I don’t know what to call these things.

But I am having them.

Twice in one day today.

Anyone else watching the stars lately, having a strong impression that suddenly they’re going to start moving visibly (while I point and say “SEE I TOLD YA IT’S ALL FAKE!”)?  That began for me a few weeks ago although I also had the feeling last summer.  My mate says he’s having the same feeling/thought lately as well.

That’s all for now – “for now” being the key words.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”happy” wrap=”i”]
