Focusing on Joy ~ Focusing On What I Want and Desire


Ascension, Celestial, Planet, Heaven

Universe is speaking to me at lightening speed lately ~ I am having a difficult time keeping up.  Much of it is coming through some of you, my wonderful readers.  Today’s power message, well #1 (cause I had another come to me as well) is “I Create My Own Reality”.

This is one of those “no duh” philosophies, and yet I have been on the fence with this one.  On one hand I want to believe it, somewhere within I DO believe it, and on the other hand I think “yeah but what about xyz dark powers doing this and doing that and interfering with MY reality”.

Then I think back to this video I watched a couple of years ago that showed atoms changing based just on ATTENTION.  Given the human body is compromised of, on average, seven billion billion billion atoms (made up of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon – which is changing of course), this overwhelmingly shows the power we have just with our ATTENTION and INTENTION.

This has risen in me again over the TDA event I continue to watch.  I gotta admit, as much as I desire this, feeeeeel it and have envisioned such a gift for humanity going back over 20 years, I also pause and think “the people who have created this fraudulent system, under our names and personal information to make a lot of money, are not going to walk away quietly.  If at all.  And…how can we find a court system, of which all are under the system of fraud, willing to acknowledge paperwork filed?”

And then I had a thought occur to me.  All throughout these TDA messages, there is a running theme of being in alignment with abundance for this gig to work.  Not from ego but from Source.  Heart.  One of the people, on their own doing, was being rather rude and nasty about this TDA stuff.  He was upset with people asking a lot of questions and many not following his guidance.  In a nutshell he dropped a lot of nasty words in a recent video, telling people they were on their own, he was not gonna help as he once did.  Something in me said he better watch himself as he was no longer in the spirit of this movement.  To have frustration and anger is one thing of course (been there done that as have all of us) but to spew it out and attack your very viewers went up to another level and I immediately felt was going to have ramifications if he did not chill and do some healing/reflection.

I did my focused best to remain neutral without judgement, just feeling the observation I received.

Sure enough, he did have a very challenging life-opening/altering situation occur a couple weeks later.  He has returned, more humble.

All of this tells me it is indeed our thoughts individually AND collectively that is changing this system.  Being of Higher Vibration is assisting in bringing down the corruption.  Sending out ripples of loving frequencies, intending for those who have created this system that has been exposed, is going to have an impact.  Either they make new choices upon reflection or else they simply weaken and go away.  The incoming high frequency energies (another piece to follow on that by James Gilliland) combined with our own IS enough to bring down the house of cards and create abundance energy and systems for ALL.

Through attention.

And intention.

As I add after I make a new intention for myself:






Your financial, spiritual and emotional support of my work is greatly and gratefully appreciated!


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Another Small Tidbit/Insight on New Earth and 5D


I am watching a video by a couple out of Portland, Oregon.  I had an e-mail from them earlier today and decided to check out their newest video. I want to share but want to ask permission first before I do so.  Their energy is so authentic, grounded and just pure.

The video discusses the subject of “how do I ascend”.  It is so much alignment with what I feel and what I have shared here.  They add in some extra, beneficial goodies though.  Shared is how we need to get out of the brain and let go – don’t get into the worries of “I am doing this right.  Am I good enough.  Am I healed enough.”  etc. etc. etc.  (Sound familiar?  lol)

I wanted to share an experience I had earlier today, before I watched the video interestingly enough.  I was engaged in some activity in the kitchen ~ I don’t even remember what it was.  But I was suddenly frustrated.  The monkey mind began to chatter.  Grumble grumble am I the only one who ever…, why do I have to do this…

Higher Self then spoke through me.  “Is this how your 5d Self would be engaging in this activity right now?”

Wow.  Stopped me full on.  Talk about a powerful statement/feeling.

What a great approach to implement.  Stop myself throughout the day and ask “Is this how my 5D self would speak?  Eat?  Do?  Move?  Think?  Feel?” Fill in the blank.

Ascension is not an outside activity.  Yes the energies are indeed changing us at every level.  But this process is strictly an inner-focus and journey. And as I wrote about earlier, we all ascend when we are ready.  When we intend.  Surrender.  Let go.  And now I will add – practice BEING our 5D self.  Get used to the experience.  We will be guided in this.  As we always are when we ask.

I feel like I have been giving the recipe for making cookies and left out the most important part – actually baking the cookies.

Getting there, one intended moment at a time.   

Love to you all ~


Today’s Energies and Some Thoughts On New Earth



(you will have to forgive me for typing in all lower case.  that is my natural way of typing and today i am just not concerned with proper grammar skills.)

Image result for BIG A FRAME HOME image


not as intense as yesterday but still zzzzzzz.  leftover sleepies.  i did ground and integrate/release yesterday.

i noticed something new today ~ an inability to tolerate the smell of my bathroom cleaner.  it is one of those organic/all natural ones and i have used it for years.  not anymore.  immediately my inner self said “NO” to the smell today.  ok then.  from now on vinegar and water ~ if i can even tolerate that scent much longer.  may just turn on the hose and spray down here shortly.

i am indeed sensitive to smells – which really went through the roof in 2004.  this was before i was aware of energies and ascension and changing body chemistry.  at the time i wasn’t sure what to think – it kind of bothered me.  so indeed anything chemically – unnatural – sends me into a tizzy of “MUST LEAVE NOW”.  i can also actually “feel” the frequency of the scents/odors.  so at times a scent may just resonate with my frequency and i am fine.  other times a scent may be mild – totally natural – and i cannot stand to be around it.  must vacate scene.

ok – deep breath with this one as this is some new stuff i am presenting. i am also receiving some insights into new earth.  i am going to keep much of it to myself as it is highly personal but i do feel ok in sharing this (and please know this is just my perspective/feelings):  the realm of new earth, that frequency “construct” is already in place.  we can now choose to go. while these energy frequencies are allowing us to Remember and giving us the chance to heal/let go/purge, there will not be one such energy wave that puts us all there at once, for lack of a better description (although i still see this event people speak of as such an energy wave that NO ONE consciously escapes the experience it brings).  it is a CHOICE at this point. an intention.  the frequencies, the structure, are in place to support us. there are others there.  teams to help us acclimate.

weeks back i was intending to go – and stay – and my higher self said “are you really ready to do this?”  baby, it was a powerful experience! the feeling i received was ok we can do this now.  but is human self ready to let go?  and i mean TOTALLY LET GO.  leaving behind certain people (temporarily as ALL will be rising to the occasion, so to speak, along this journey).  leaving behind the “stuff”.  ALL of the old ways of this 3D construct.

not that there isn’t “stuff” on the new realm.

human me became afraid and said “no stop”.

the feeling was kind of like the feeling i remember having when i entered this world.  an energy “vacuum” sensation that happens in an instant. transports us – only this time of course it transports this entire vessel.

it is indeed a totally new experience and feeling.  new earth.  i am so grateful for the dreams/visions i have had over the years of this beautiful realm.  the feeling – this total sense of “YES ~ everything is ok”.  i am also believing this is not an end point – but a step “up”.  some will stay. others will go on to other experiences. kinda like stepping out of a mud puddle you have been in for a very very long time ~ that disappears permanently once you remove yourself.  and the sweet land you place yourself upon is in absolute alignment with who you are – at the moment.  i must remind myself energy NEVER remains static for long.  it MUST explore/move/expand/experience.  i believe this is why most of the population has varying levels of claustrophobia.  our energy bodies and human bodies have been more or less stripped of this ability ~ certainly to explore it in a manner that is limitless.

i wish to add one last thing:  anyone who would say you aren’t ready.  this isn’t how this process works.  etc. etc.  pay them and such words no attention.  your inner self will KNOW, ok?  listen to him/her.  if you feel you are truly ready to go, truly done with this realm, go within and explore this further. go BEYOND the desire that simply says “i want to ascend”. see what comes up for you.

that is all i have to share at the moment.  it’s hard to share when it’s a feeling and something i have seen.  so i am no longer convinced this is about us being in a state of total healing in as much as a total willingness to surrender and let go and just…go. any healing needs will be taken care of upon transition.  love works like that, imho.  it’s like taking a leap into the unknown.  higher self knows when ego is ready to align.  just like ego knows to trust higher self.

a symbiotic relationship taking us Home.  (that one deserved a capital letter)


My Experience In Remembering My Humbleness


We have a neighbor who lives on our block.  She has some health issues, physical and mental.  Overall at this point she is stable and gets around on her own just fine.  We have looked out after her since we moved in.  If we notice certain behavior patterns/changes, we call her sister.  Her younger sister is a wonderful soul.  She brings our neighbor food, flowers and little things on a regular basis.  Visits her.  It has been humbling to watch.  At times painful as it reminds me of what I do not have with my own sibling, in spite of trying to connect at those authentic, emotional levels.  My family doesn’t do that.  They are very in-the-head, individualistic types.

I recall in my early 20’s I was quite individualistic myself.  That is until I began to experience episodes of panic.  It got to the point where I couldn’t leave the house, for awhile my own bedroom.  I tried all sorts of things at the time, both traditional and holistic.  Talk about humbling.  I began to see myself and others in a different way.  For a time.  Until I got the sucker under control by freeing myself of some things that no longer worked for me.  Then I more or less fell back under the spell of individualism.

Then life happened again.  And again.  Cost of living skyrocketed, my income stagnated.  Spouse got hit with health issues.  Relationship troubles.  I would find work only to have the company close up or my position no longer needed. Self-employment failures.  Being forced to move twice within a year with a small child took a further toll. More health issues for my spouse.

I continued to quietly reel downwards on all levels.

As I was experiencing all of this I began to soften my view on people who struggle – especially those who struggle long-term and/or chronically.  I had this old ridiculous family view that it’s ok to have problems – as long as they are temporary.  You deserve help – but only temporarily.  At a certain point, you aren’t worthy of help.  On your own, sweetheart.

Interesting how life will lead us through hell to see our own dark thoughts.

I still struggle with panic and at this point I don’t know what to do about it.  I have moments where I surrender it, moments where I fight it.  I have a couple of chronic health issues – physical as well – that I do what I can on my own to treat.  My insurance doesn’t cover anything alternative and mainstream medicine doesn’t recognize my issues.

Given all of this, I am now a pretty humble puppy.  At least towards those who struggle long-term – or even short -term.  I KNOW the pain with that.

Where I am not so much humble is my disgust towards those who have turned their backs on me – and others who struggle to live with chronic ailments in this individualistic system.  I also am not so humble towards those who have financial means to help their family members needing help with treatment, living expenses and don’t.  A friend of mine has chronic health ailments, pays a ridiculous amount of money in rent (because that’s what the system dictates) and often has to for-go certain treatment protocols and holistic doctor visits (again because mainstream docs do not treat or recognize her health issues) while having siblings who are healthy and very very much in the position to help pay for her treatments.  It is an issue that goes right to my core.  Going back 15 years or so I have prayed for and intended to be blessed with a financial fortune so that I could help people like my friend.  Whatcha need?  How much?  Let me write you a check.

I have often thought that kind of wealth and financial abundance has ended up in the wrong hands for far too many.

It is unfortunate to say, but for some of us it takes getting kicked in the ass to remember our kindness.  Our generosity.  Removing us from judgment and into those states of unconditional Being.

So today when I have moments where I am feeling some bitterness and pain, wishing I had much more of a real support system, a real family I can count on unconditionally, I will see my neighbor’s sister pop over to check in on her big sissy.  Arms full of food and as I said, flowers (such a beautiful gesture – simple but beautiful).  And while it still pains me, I smile and give thanks.  I give thanks to the sister and affirm our neighbor’s absolute divine gift to be treated this way (another belief I have had – the “i am not worthy” crap).  At one time I told our neighbor’s sister how wonderful she was – how it was a beautiful gift to me to see her care for and show concern for her sister.  For there have also been a few occasions when our neighbor more or less locked herself inside her home – police there – sister there as well, waiting, for a few hours, doing all she could to get her sister to just open the door, feeling helpless.

Throughout it all, our neighbor’s sister has hung in there with her.  For decades, she has told me.  Accepting her sister for who she is, where she is, meeting her at that place.

Beautiful.  Humbling.

And who I continue to become myself.

Visit With Sacred Tree ~ Another Unexpected Message


In my earlier sharing of angst I forgot to include this experience I had today, late afternoon, with the sacred tree I visit.

After a scorching hot week (for our area), today the coast breeze kicked in, dropped the temperature by 20 degrees (to 88 – which gives you an indication of how hot it has been this week).  I got on my bike and took off.  I had a destination – rode past my sacred tree – until I felt an energy vortex literally pulling on my body to turn around and go pay my tree a visit.

I went another block, turned around and returned.

“Hello friend,” I said, placing my hands on her.  “I’m not much in my heart today.  Feeling unsure and apathetic and impatient.  But I will do my best to tune into you and listen.”

I took a deep breath and stood silently.

Sublime, I heard/felt.

A new one.  What is sublime, I wondered.

YOU are sublime, I heard/felt again.

Well I am Source, I communicated back.

I got the feeling I needed to expand on that.  Not just say the word.  And not just identify myself as Source either.  I kept feeling the message to expand my view.

Sublime, I thought.

Sublime.  Yes,  I received back.

I thanked her, still not sure what the full context of the message was until something told me to look up the definition.

Here is the definition of Sublime:

of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe.
AND for the verb definition:
elevate to a high degree of moral or spiritual purity or excellence.

Beauty.  Excellence.  Grandeur.  Spiritual purity.

Wow.  Talk about taking my breath away.

The wisdom of nature continues to astound me.

Expand my thoughts on Me as Source.  Not just feeling through it but using words as well.  New words.

Sublime.  I’ll take it.  Make it mine in my own way.  Such a yummy word, isn’t it?  And never a word I use either so indeed it was a gift for me today on this August 4, 2017.

A Little Visual For The Masses Who Have Had Enough


I have another piece going through my mind but first I need to do this one.

We are powerful, right?  We have the power to change our life.  Our reality. Intent.  Focus.  Knowing.  Being and Doing.

I have seen what I am going to suggest work.  If it resonates, give it a try.

Visualize removing all of the toxins that have been put into you.  The toxins from chemtrails, fluoride, vaccines, gmo foods, round-up, etc. etc..

Then there is the toxins that build-up in our bodies via stress that comes from this pay-to-live enslavement system and the bankers and elite heads of states and big biz who have gotten away with these crimes and utter horror long enough.

Feel and visualize in your body where this stuff resides.  Pull it up and out and, if you wish, imagine putting it back on to the very folks who have allowed these crimes against humanity to go on.  Speak the names of individuals and companies outloud.

Truly pull it out.  Go deep.  Go real.  Put it right back on them.

For a time just put aside this love and forgiveness speak.  That can come later.

I am sensing that this anger I am feeling today is not just my own but part of the unhealed/unacknowledged parts of the collective.  When we call ourselves a Lightworker (fill in the blank with whatever resonates), we fall into the trap of thinking our strong emotions, those moments of rage and anger, may upset others.  Offend.

We need to redefine what being Spiritual is.  And I feel that part of that experience is removing the energies of harm that have been put onto us by these individuals, entities and groups WITHOUT OUR CONSENT and thus need to have it all returned to them, energetically speaking. Where it belongs.

There are times to turn the other cheek ~ certainly if it is a one-time behavior, small offense.  But when these systems sucker-punch us time and time again, it is time to say NO MORE – go deep within – truthfully and honestly – and love ourselves so very much – there is no way we wish to have ourselves discolored by their poisons any longer.

And so it is.

Today’s Energies


Today I do not wish to be involved with or engaged in:

  1. politics
  2. ufo’s
  3. what’s going on with the sun
  4. what’s going on with my neighbors
  5. family
  6. friends
  7. drama of any kind
  8. money
  9. having to eat
  10. having to DO
  11. cooking
  12. cleaning
  13. showering
  14. dressing
  15. brushing teeth
  16. doing hair
  17. hearing sounds of 3d reality

this feeling is overwhelming.  jump-out-of-the-body type feeling.  huge. massive.  inside screaming to be with Me and only Me.  hearing ONLY Me. personal space is huge.  HUGE.  wanting my entire house and an entire street all for just my personal energy space needs.  like NOW.

with that, i will close up.  anyone else feeling the same or similar?

Intending FREEDOM


Image result for freedom images

Earlier today, this wall of emotion came over me.  I leaned over and began to purge.  Let’s just say in a variety of ways.  When I have these moments, I do not hold back.

A few moments later, I stood up, looked in the mirror and saw the anguish, the tears, the intensity of what I was feeling.

I.     WANT.     MY.     FREEDOM.

And I want it NOW!

This is becoming difficult.  The growing intensity of how much I want to live as my Soul is designed:  FREELY.

The state says I must pay to license my car.  I own the car outright. Possess the title.  And yet the state still says they claim ultimate ownership on my car that we bought with our money.  Excuse me but I do not see their name listed under owner.  Nor did they give me their portion of their money when purchasing it.

State says I must carry insurance on my car.  If not, they can impound my vehicle and charge me money.  A polite way of saying “we can come steal it and your money”.  Suspend my driver’s license.

I calculated recently:  The insurance industry and their scam operatives owe me over $300,000 for the money they have stolen from me over the years.  My “cost” to them?  A little over $200.  How is that a fair relationship?  Sounds like fraud to me.

What right does some bank have in telling me what I am worth?  My value?   What I am deserving of?  Assigning me some damn 3 digit number so I can be a card-carrying member of “my worth is tied up in these three numbers!”  Whoopie!


What right does anyone have in telling me what I have to pay to eat?  Keep myself warm and safe and dry?  Clothed?  And who the fuck thinks it is okay to tell me this very fraudulent system, who dictates who makes what, that I must pay the same price to LIVE as someone who makes a million dollar salary?

What right does anyone have in telling me what I am deserving of in a home?  Where I can live?  The size of the house?  Whether the house is clean or a shack.  Whether the neighborhood is safe and quiet or a hell-hole laden with crime.


Are they somehow even BEYOND and ABOVE Source?

Better than?

Source sure does not place these labels and demands on me.

NEVER has.

NEVER will.

NO.  NO MORE to that.  NO MORE to ANY of it.

Slowly I am taking steps in taking back my power. Going by my OWN rules.  Following what works for ME and Who I Am.

Remembering my WORTH.  My VALUE.

WHO  I   AM.  

Just like Rosa Parks who said “No” when told she had to move because of the color of her skin.  Same fraudulent system telling another Sovereign Being what to do.

This woman is standing stronger with each passing second in saying “NO” to anyone, any group, any system who pushes their will upon me.

That way of being is OVER.

I accept only the new energies of Freedom and Sovereignty.

From today forward.

And I invite you to do the same.





Carrying The Energies of Unconditional Love


Heart, Love, Valentine'S Day, Abstract

August 2, 2017

I remember the first time in this incarnation I had a several-minute experience of feeling Unconditional Love.  Not just love as we humans define it but the kind of Love that is All (and awe) Encompassing.  It was around 2006/2007 and I was in my car, sitting in the parking lot, waiting for my mate to get off from work.  I was watching the cars go by, my mind, quiet.  Something within me began to imagine the stories of the people driving by.  Where were they going?  Were they going home and if so, was their home life happy, fulfilling?

My inner world then expanded as I began to wonder about our world leaders, in particular the current administration at the time of the United States.  I observed them making decisions, those that lead to war and destruction.  I tuned in to understand what was driving those decisions. What I saw and felt created a shift within.  I could feel that, while their actions were indeed heartless and often malicious, they literally had NO MEMORY of who they really were.  None.  They were completely lost, unable to hear much less feel the energies of their Higher Selves.

Next thing I know, I am weeping, sending them energies of Love that was so powerful ~ my human brain could only observe in stunned silence.  I remember thinking and knowing “this is how we are ALL designed to Be and one day you will return to this State in this body”.  It was such an overwhelmingly wonderful, beautiful experience, I literally BEGGED to stay in that state.  The energy grew until I felt I was going to burst open, my human body literally disintegrating to allow for the Light within to Shine to its Fullest.  Moments later, the feeling disappeared.  It was as though someone snapped off the light in the room and I was left, in a daze, to the thoughts now rushing through my mind.

I wondered how on earth would it be possible to carry these energies 24/7. Seriously – how could this be possible in a body?   That energy thing I felt was HUGE.  I thought I was literally going to burst apart.  The question makes me smile today and I feel a lot of tenderness for the person I was then. What I was really seeking was how could my body handle such a state of Being continuously?  What was the process for obtaining and maintaining this State?

Unaware of Ascension at the time and that entire experience/journey, I was not aware that awakening and returning to this State was a process, assisted by not just my own Intentions but by the Assistance of Source, Higher Selves and Cosmic Energies.

Since that date, I have had numerous such experiences, two very recently. I now know and feel I have more ability to hold this state as well as more “room” within this body to hold the energies.  Perhaps a good analogy is when we over-load a circuit.  Such an object can only withhold as much energy as it is designed to hold.  The beauty here is that our physical beings are changing structure to allow for us to hold those states of energy for longer periods of “time”.

And it isn’t just my physical body making changes to make this process the way of Being but it is my intention to release that which is essentially taking up space, keeping me in the state of separation and forgetfulness. Those memories and experiences and their accompanying emotions, certainly those that are not useful in the Remembering journey but are rather more like old dusty cobwebs that need a Love Clean to shine again. Cosmic energies incoming are greatly assisting us in this process.

I can see all of this in my mind’s eye just now as I read the previous words again.  When I am lost in the separation and forgetfulness, a part of me within literally snaps a finger, says “hey over here – REMEMBER”.  A nice trick, eh?

Today I return to that first experience I had over a decade ago.  Earlier today I was reading an online discussion on forgiveness, aimed at those who have kept us enslaved in this financial fraud.  Why waste energy wanting them punished?  What is it we really want here – FREEDOM. Pointing fingers and the like, if we make that our focus, will keep us disconnected from Source.  Now this is not to say being our Source Selves says we are a doormat.  Of course not.  Our Energy Bodies tell us when something is not OK.  We are to listen to these experiences and respond accordingly.  Incoming energies are already weakening the power of others who have played their power-over games ~ as well as those of us who have participated in the power-under games.  Supportive energies are going to leave those who have participated in the most destructive ways with the option ~ heal and ascend or you will vibrate naturally to a realm of your choosing which will allow you to continue your ways until you see, feel and know different.  That is my perception.

I pause as I feel I was given that moment so long ago to remind me today that truly being Free includes being Free of Judgment.  It is liberating.  If I can find forgiveness, if I can find Love for those who have perpetuated the most destructive of behaviors, well then I have nothing but Hope we can all find it within ourselves as well ~ for us and for all.

How powerful this will be when we can look into the eyes of one, including ourselves, who is detached from Source Energy and say with Strength and Absolute Knowing:  “You have forgotten who you really are.  I see you. You are Love. You really do not want to participate in this, do you?”

Such an interaction with others and most importantly, with ourselves, can and will create experiences of healing and beauty for all.  And ultimately, Freedom.


Your financial support of my work is greatly and gratefully appreciated!

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Detaching From The Programming


Image result for neo matrix pulling tubes from body

Higher Self spoke today.  “You can be an awakened/awakening Being and still be programmed.”

This explains why I continue to see references to using care when speaking words.  So much of what we speak is automatic.  The way we react to situations.  Even when I tap into a new thought that I see coming from another, I want to make sure this is something I wish to take on.

Earlier I visualized on my body where I still feel “attached” to this programming.  I brought to mind the image of Neo pulling off all of those tubes and cords attached to his body.  He had awakened just enough simply by making the intention to know his Truth he was able to take that first step to seeing his physical reality and by saying “NO” to it.  Thus, because he was no longer vibrating at that energy frequency, off came the cords and tubes.

Awakening is like that.  The more we Remember our Authenticity, the more those old energy cords of words and behaviors and emotions and experiences and trauma’s we once thought were Who We Are fall away.

I had a belief pop up this morning, which showed me I’m still plugged in.  So as I stated, I visualized in my body where I felt this energy.  I imagined it as a tube attached to a machine, connecting to my body.  I then visualized myself pulling it off my body and then removing myself from this prison.

I have moments that continue to creep up where I hear “i have so much STUFF i am consciously removing ~ what if i haven’t done enough work?” However, the feeling of panic and fear surrounding those words lessens.

The willingness to surrender what isn’t US and remember ourselves as Source, imho, is enough for each of us.  Our brains make things so complicated at times which then brings out mr/ms fear… when I believe Simplicity (in its true beautiful form) is all that is necessary.  And I continue to deeply believe to my core that these massive “waves” of energy which vibrate unconditional Love, culminating with The Solar Flash, are making this possible.  As I have shared, I believe this upcoming Flash Event is going to literally strip away the last remnant’s of our illusions and pain and amnesia.  What people choose to do after this gift is up to his or her own free will.

Until then, I do my best to continue to listen in these Now moments, bring up what I no longer wish to carry and do what I can to release.  With love. And gratitude.