Today’s Intentions


Before I begin I noticed something about my site ~ when I have inserted the “read more” option and readers later come to the site and click on the “continue reading” it takes them back to the home page.  So when you see the “continue reading” option, do not click on it.  Instead click on the title of the article.

Here is my intention for today ~ Remember the experience and time when I lived without knowing the experience of fear.  Perhaps another way to look at this is Remembering my full connection with Source.  Remember that I AM Source.

Either way, that is what I was called upon to today to focus on.  Simply intending (plus intending to feel/remember) “I AM SOURCE” daily has not been enough for me ~ up until this point that is.

There is no one way.  Sometimes we have to be creative.

In the interim, the sun seems to be a bit too much for me lately ~ not just because we are in a current mini heat-wave but because it seems to be too much for me to take in.  I read of another’s similar experience.

I am still dubious on whether that’s even our original sun.  The one we knew of as kids.  The orange/yellow sun compared to today’s white sun. So much info out there to see proof of a sun simulator.

Weeding out the wheat from the chaff continues.

Begin To Feel and Imagine…


I was suddenly inspired to share this with you all ~ with as many people as I can.  If you so feel the same, please share as well with any and all you can.

I feel now is the Time to begin to feel and imagine your reality, your life, you way of Being without money.  Feel the experience of having the money worry/concern completely non-existent.  

Let your mind and heart totally explore this one.  FEEL that experience in your body and hold it.  Please engage in this experience regularly.

And have fun with it!


Love Thyself


Self Confidence, Self Safety, Heart

I have been spending more conscious moments loving myself.  I know full well now what happens when I neglect myself.  These energies of transformation are making this quite visible.

I notice where I feel discomfort.  Where I feel fear.  Anxiety.  Anything that is not authentically beautiful forever Me.  I say “I love you” – “I see you” – “it’s ok”- over and over until the feeling subsides.  I pay attention to my body.  I focus on my arms and legs and feet and all of my parts and say “i love you” and “thank you”.

I did a technique today after having a dream last night that was quite unpleasant.  There was darkness there on an old issue and I knew it needed healing and releasing.  It’s something I have been working on.  At first I was rather disappointed I did not take care of while I was in dream-state but quickly pulled myself out of self-judgment, did some energy work and visualization and felt a current temporary minor health issue immediately improve.  Inner body where the issue has resided relaxed.

I also spent half the afternoon doing absolutely nothing but resting on the family hammock out back.  This is very atypical behavior for me.

I will be doing this more.

Tonight on my social media page I saw reference to loving yourself.  How this is THE KEY to happiness.  Love yourself and life improves.

Eat like you love yourself.

Speak like you love yourself.

Engage in activity like you love yourself.

Move your body like you love yourself.

TREAT your body like you love yourself.

Rest, sleep like you love yourself.

Surround yourself with others like you love yourself.

DO.  BE.  As though you love yourself.

How often I forget this.

How much quicker and easier I return.


Abundance Intention For This Site ~ Love In Action Now


Please intend the following with me.

Every day, more wonderful people subscribe to my website blog.

My readers regularly and abundantly donate money to me.

Money flows to me through this site in great abundance and with Ease.


I am inspired daily to write pieces and share pieces that in turn inspire my wonderful readers to become more inspired and abundant themselves.

Let’s all share in this love train of unlimited abundance!

Thank you!


Some Words to Ponder On Reclaiming Our Power


Acrylic, Painting, Inspiration, Love

I write this piece every bit as much for myself as I do for you…


I used to read channeled messages and believe in them.

I used to follow folks like ArchAngel Michael and the other “Arch” angels. The Galactic Federation.  Commander Ashtar.  Sheldon Nidle.

My heart wanted their promises NOW and my desperation was so powerful, it made rather silent the Inner Voice that was ringing the b.s. bell.

Read the words of others.  However, please pay attention that you are not “following”.  Following as defined by accepting each word as Truth while dismissing your own inner voice.  Also defined as looking outside of yourself, ultimately, for the answers.  For the truth.

It’s easy to fall for this deception.  Been there – more times than I can count.  Think about it this way.  Many of us who are here for this Ascension Process ~ this journey of awakening to remember and release and heal and return again to Pure Source – we have had it tough.  Much of this third dimensional reality feels foreign to us.  Many have had abuse and health issues, ongoing quite often, and the like which we then choose to isolate ourselves from the world.

Isolation can lead to that state of desperation.  Again, been there – and continue to pull away from that state.

Tell yourself “I Am Source”.  As often as you can.  Even if we don’t “feel” it, keep saying it, as affirmatively as you can.  Say it slowly.  Say it loudly. Say it softly.  Just keep at it until you begin to feel the words in your body. Feel it in your Core.  In your Heart.  Keep at it and you will begin to experience the connection again in your body.  You will know when you have come Home.

One other issue I have dealt with is the need to please.  The need to show others who I feel have wronged me “SEE?  See how RIGHT I am now?  Do you approve of me now?”

D I S E M P O W E R I N G.

The only one there is ever to “please” is thyself.  Ever.  And even that is an illusion for being in our Full Source Power is just about Being and Knowing and Creating from that power.  We don’t stop to make sure we are doing ok or pleasing ourselves.  In Full Alignment we just know and thus Do.

So my personal rule for thyself is this:  I may choose to read these channeled pieces.  My red flags are anything that begins with “dear ones” and any information that says “we are working hard on your behalf”.

Ah, that last one.  We are working hard on your behalf.  So just wait dear one and trust in us.

While I believe we have Source Light Beings helping with this, far too many of these beings aren’t of pure source.  IMHO that is.  Pure Source gives forth energy that empowers.  It doesn’t dangle carrots of “hurry up and wait”.  In fact, as I am seeing and feeling it at this Now moment, I see that our Intentions of Remembering are working with and assisting the TRUE higher dimensional Source Beings.  A collective gathering, building energy that, working also with Cosmic Energies, are all creating the breaking down of the old false matrix energies.  It’s a rather quiet process too.  Not a lot of fanfare.  Just Source Beings DOING from that state.  None of this “lookie what we are doing for YOU.  Just hurry and be patient dear one.”

Does that make sense?  Let me know if it doesn’t.  I have moments I experience such as writing this piece where I FEEL the experience within but really struggle with coming up with words and sentences to explain the experience of knowing I have.

And another thing that I have read and resonate with.  When Source and Higher Self Source communicate with us – it isn’t with words per say.  It is usually with impressions and feelings that we then use our human brain to put into words so ALL of our Being can have the insight.  It’s also supportive. Loving.  Feeeeels gentle.  Solid.

I see the difference today.  I have indeed heard words of a masculine voice – authoritative.  False Light Crap.  Indeed NOT helpful.

ANY words of “we know best” or of doubt or judgment – toss that shit aside.  Say I do not consent to this.  Break down the agreements to follow this stuff.  And as we do, command and intend the return of our own energy we gave away to such agreements.

ANY words of “you are special because you are here to x y z…” – toss that too.  We are all special.  Such language is not Source.  It’s meant to feed on our fear of separation and loneliness and not being enough.  Our need for validation at the expense of going within.  No one is above another.  

Something else I notice ~ when I get a new insight and it feeeels so true and powerful – that inner doubting voice usually says “too good to be true”.

Again, TOSS IT.

Formula:  I receive an inner feeling and knowing that feels Pure and Source and All Possibilities.  Believe it.  Toss out the fear-based programming.  That’s all it is.  Programming.  We all know what fear is. No one escapes falling victim to that program.  But we can all break out of it.

So TOSS IT.  Give it a kiss on the way out.  Say “thank you – but no thank you”.  No need to go into drama over it.  Get to the place where it’s the same energy movement as is throwing away a tissue.  There are no stories surrounding it. 

I will leave you with this:

The mystic is not a special human being ~ every human being is a special kind of mystic.  Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB


Today’s Sacred Tree Message



Sequoia, Tree, Large, Cypress, Tribe

I stopped by and visited my sacred tree this evening on my bike ride.  I haven’t communicated with her in a few weeks so it needn’t have surprised me that once I placed my left (receiving) hand on her, I immediately heard “slow down”.  I kept my hand on her, giving thanks and then heard “receive”.

Good message.  Slow down to Receive.

I thought of my typical days.  A-buzz with activity, even when that means staying home.  While I take time to go within and just Be, beautiful Gaia Tree was correct in her wisdom.  I need to slow down on all that I do.  We are receiving increasing energies, which feel like they are pushing us to the extreme to release in order to create our New Human Self and get anchored in the higher frequency realm~ if I do not slow down and ALLOW this to happen, it feels like I will pop.

Slow down to receive.  I dig that.

Currently I have heat buddies on my back, feet on a foot massager and earlier, my little portable massager on my back.  Extreme drug-like sleepiness.  Quite blissful.  Earlier in the day I was on the yoga mat, doing some deep releasing on a couple of rather unattended, old issues.  I was guided to approach the issues in a new way, which I believe is the direct result of a new mantra I was lead to, which basically says I welcome new insights from Source Higher Self.  I had the experience last night with another issue as well.  I give these new insights and opportunities much gratitude.  Well, most of the time.  That is getting easier.

Some days it feels like climbing an endless ladder.  Other days and moments it feels like I’m soaring quite easily with new wings.

And so it goes.

Love and blessings ~



Your donations of support are greatly and gratefully appreciated!

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I wish to clarify something on my recent post about donations.  I do not expect any financial support from those who are on fixed or limited incomes.  It is the ones who can afford to donate a few dollars each month that I am making this request.  Thank you.

INSANE Reality ~ Mutton Bustin’


Does this picture look odd?  Upset you?  Horrify you even?

It’s real, as I found out today.

Our local county fair is coming up soon.  I inquired to see whether they were having their pony rides for the children.  There are a few ponies that ride in a small circle, slowly, while young children ride them.

I was told this event will not be put on but instead the fair will offer “Mutton Bustin” ~ which instead of riding a bucking bronco, young children, up to 55 lbs. are placed on the backs of sheep and hold on until they are kicked off.

W T F??!!

I had never heard of this practice.  Isn’t this child abuse?  AND animal abuse?  (I deplore most rodeo events for the animal abuse.  But now we have child abuse thrown in the mix??)

I found this article that shares some more details.  I have contacted our fair requesting they cease this activity for the reasons stated in this piece.

For awhile our fair did have what they called an exotic animal exhibit.  Beautiful animals such as lions and bears and panthers, locked in small cages, approximately 2/3 of a football field away of the main stage which blasted thumping music 12 hours a day (when musicians weren’t performing equally as loud).  They paced in their cages or hid, obviously stressed out.  We were horrified and complained.  Enough of us did so that the fair no longer has this exhibit.  But the people who run this charade still take their animals to fairs, expose them to traumatizing, unnatural settings while the programmed populace ooh’s and aah’s and takes pictures.  Some, we saw, even walked up to the cages to attempt to pet them in spite of the yellow tape.

Just one more reminder how this family does not do this reality.  Where are the higher conscious activities?  Educational models?

Here is the article so you can read and ensure your local county or city fair does not engage in this horrid practice.

This is True. No, that is True. Finding Center in the Realm of Chaos.


The last 24 hours have been a ride.

We live in a giant sea of “stuff” and we are supposed to just know what is “true” and what isn’t.

Seems everyone has a different perspective on reality and ascension and fill-in-the-blank.

People push this agenda as truth.

People pushing that agenda as truth.

Share the “wrong” truth and people will call you out on it.


This is going to happen tomorrow.


Time passes.  Or “time” as we understand it, which again, all is fuzzy on that and other concepts.

The system still rolls on.

Pedophiles continue to destroy the lives of innocent children while those who investigate get taken out.

Politics as usual.  Trump meets with the Pope and people see this as a good thing.

A greedy rich billionaire meeting with a Satanist.

Change is slow, I am told.

Why?  Why does it have to be slow?

I have arrived at this state where I DO NOT KNOW what is true anymore – other than what I desire in my heart.  And that I believe in absolutely.

Does this mean what I believe in and desire in my heart will make its way out into this realm and morph it into what I envision?

Being in Truth is about having an open heart, an open mind with solid footing in the ground, which includes having a scrupulous eye, which for me says I will fully believe it to be so, these “happenings” those keep saying are “coming/being created”, when I see it manifest.  Until then, all I can do is intend without giving my power away.  No one or no thing or no idea gets that any longer.  No longer will I fall for this “look over here at this carrot I am dangling your way”.


No desire to deal with another disappointment here Source.

I do not do this “blind” faith business.  Not anymore.

A couple more things.

  1. I could use more donations.  I have pressure on me. And I need to buy some supplies for the products I am wanting to make/sell.  I spend a lot of time keeping this site going each day and I am worthy of receiving regular financial support to continue this work.
  2. I do not need anyone telling me to join their MLM nutritional support system.  Thank you but that is not my “thing”.


A Little Pep Talk


Image result for POWER images

With the fear and concerns people are having, with some not knowing what to do, thinking they need to be doing more ~ remember this:

Just by simply questioning your reality, awakening to it and remembering more and more of who you really are and BEING that Self ~ all of this in and of itself is changing the energies of our reality.  WE have already stopped a timeline of destruction and controlled apocalyptic endings JUST by changing our energy signature through our awakenings, individually and collectively.

So when things feel ick and crappy and the world seems insane, please remember those words.  Birth is messy.  Painful.  But the result is a miracle.

You are having a positive effect.  Most indeed!  Keep it up!

Much love.  
