A Message From Gaia

Image result for mother gaia image

In these tumultuous times, I believe there is one thing I can say that we can ALL agree on: Something’s up with earth.

She’s hurt.

She’s angry.

She’s fed up.

She’s had it with the dosing of toxins we humans have poisoned her with.

She’s had it with how we have fracked the hell out of her.

She’s had it with how we have raped her of her oil and natural gas.

She’s had it with how we have so horribly farmed her land.

Her animals have been screaming for decades.

Her trees and plant life have been crying out for help for decades.

Her rivers and lakes and streams and oceans have been saying ENOUGH for decades.

And humanity, certainly those in power of policy making, have been ignoring her.

Well, she is taking back the reigns of control.

If humanity ain’t gonna get it, she will make sure we do.

Her patience is out.

She is fuming with volcanic activity.

She is purging with earthquakes.

She is SHOWING US she will not tolerate our crap anymore.  Our neglect. Our disrespect.

Mama Gaia means business.

We are not here to POWER OVER Gaia.

We are here to live WITH her.

This is a SYMBIOTIC relationship.  NOT a one-way street.

We are here to take ONLY what we need.  ONLY what we need.

With a sense of reverence.

And any damage we create, we must restore and mend to the best of our ability.

Our beautiful Gaia has suffered enough.

Incoming frequency waves are helping not only us to purge and remember, they are helping Gaia receive the much needed healing she is in need of.

When people speak of the Collective – we MUST include Gaia.

Always knowing that without Gaia, we don’t survive.  There is no us.

Her time to cleanse is upon us.

Let’s send her our Love as she does to Us just as we send ourselves and one another the same Love.

Just like us, she will be restored.

Only this time, she will no longer be in the lower vibrational frequencies of darkness and ignorance.

Let us intend that we follow the same course.







Thoughts on Ascension, Healing and Zero Time

Ascension, Celestial, Planet, Heaven
Earlier this evening, I read a piece that includes an excerpt of Dolores Cannon’s book “The Three Waves Of Volunteers And The New Earth.”  In this particular piece, the client states we are coming to a point where a very strong wind energy will spread across the planet.  She describes it as “a foggy, clean, clear energy.  It will have a lot of neutralizing energy.” These energies will neutralize things like depression, misery and poisons.  When this happens we will have reached the place of “no time”.
Several months ago, the term “zero point” began appearing in my life, so much so, that I now know it is a communication from Source and my Higher Self.  They are telling me it’s coming.
Ms. Cannon’s client goes on to talk about how this “no time” moment will wipe out our bad memories.  Give us amnesia. She said so much damage has been done – this is the only way to clean up the planet and us.
I resonate very strongly with that.
Now here’s the interesting part – from my perspective that is – because lately I have been intending – at times pleading – that I simply forget all of the bad memories.  The trauma’s.  The pain.  There are simply too many for me to process and release on my own, certainly more than one lifetime would allow.  I fully completely want those memories and the energies out of my body, cells, dna, auric field and my akashic records. Just this week it hit me – we all have lifetimes of pain we are trying to heal from.  That’s a tremendous “ball” of heavy energy for just one person to do – a little at a time. I mean seriously – such work would really take lifetimes, you know?   There are so many Ascension articles on this topic – this idea we must learn to “let it all go” and soon!  Well I don’t know about you, but I HAVE been intending that.  I have been to energy worker’s and trauma counselor’s and yet, we are talking about LIFETIMES of such energy accumulation.  LIFE TIMES.  That is a LOT of energy accompanied with a LOT of memories, both conscious and (mostly) unconscious.
She says it will be a case of amnesia – but I don’t like the term as amnesia implies it’s all still there.  My intention is I wish to see a total erasure of our pains and trauma’s and the accompanying energies.  And I KNOW to the core of who I am – this can be done in an instant.
I always have.
And you can imagine the disagreements I have had with counselor’s over the years on this one.  The most recent says it takes time for the body to release trauma memory.  It was taking me weeks – weeks – just to work through one memory.  And I have many in this lifetime alone.  I figure by the time I would be good and whole again, I would be about 567 years old and out a billion dollars.
I don’t know about you but that is simply too grueling.  And as I am seeing and feeling now, absolutely unnecessary, if what I read and quoted above by Ms. Cannon’s client says is coming.
Imagine a new beginning for us all.
A TOTAL clean slate.  Where consciously we know we have had some difficult experiences, but the memory of them and the accompanying energies are wiped out completely.
Imagine how easy and natural it will be then to return our focus COMPLETELY on Love and positive/high vibes – because we will have removed that toxic residue/energy of pain that has kept us down.
Can this perhaps really be THE event?  Certainly THE event that would lead us to other events, such as Disclosure.
For when we are no longer in pain, we no longer harm ourselves or others.  And this in turn allows us not only raise and maintain our frequency quickly, but to remain in Love and thus restore Paradise on this beautiful planet.
Today I was thinking this ascension process is really difficult work.  We put so much pressure on ourselves to not only awaken, which is painful, but also to heal (which is overwhelming, speaking for myself).  And yet, perhaps this healing part – this pressure to “be there NOW” to “hurry up and HEAL so I can ascend” – perhaps there is more to it than that.
Perhaps Source loves us more than that.
Perhaps we can just relax, let go and know we have this beautiful pulse wave coming our way that is going to transform us in the way we all really want and need.  Wiping out those conscious and (mostly) unconscious memories, removing the energy, returning us to Love.
A Clean Slate.
A New Beginning.
This has to be it.
This has to be coming.
Ascension I believe is just the awakening of what’s wrong with reality, of what’s been taken from us, of removing the blinder’s.  We begin to shift – awaken – grow in more awareness and for some time now, with each incoming wave of energy, until we receive this final push – a giant blessing from Source and Cosmic Sun and Galactics – to give us a big cleansing and fresh clean slate.
Merry Christmas a billion fold!
I’ll take it!
Much love~
Star Sister awaiting her cosmic bath
let’s intend this energy NOW, people.  let’s welcome this energy.  let’s bless it and us.  let us be a part of the “100 monkey” experience by creating this for all of humanity and our gaia.  if you read this, take a moment to bring in this energy.  and feel free to share this far and wide, if you are so moved.  thank you and blessings.  
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Pulling Back The Veil of Fear and Judgment

alone, cloud, clouds

I hope everyone will take this with the Spirit in which it is intended.

I subject myself to information that most either are not aware of (but it is there for all nonetheless) or they would not be interested in partaking of. I have invested over 20 years of my life to digging deep, beyond the headlines and soundbites and have gathered enormous amounts of information as well as an ongoing Spiritual journey of growing intuition, increased visions and deepening trust in Source/Creator/Universal Flow.

I see the pieces of the puzzle coming together – in between the unraveling. So what I see happening isn’t really a surprise as I have “seen” so much of this coming, both from a Spiritual perspective and a Practical Knowledge perspective.

There is so much more going on than what we are being shown in media outlets. I cannot emphasize this enough. I believe – I KNOW – out of the chaos, something beautiful is painfully being birthed.

I believe we are seeing the painful collapse of many systems and as a result, tempers are flaring and quick judgments are being launched. This presents each of us – individually – with the chance to go within, find those parts of us that judge, those pieces that are afraid, those parts that refuse to hold a different thought, those parts that feel disconnected and alone and angry, and love them enough to give them a voice and a safe place to heal. In doing so, that elevates our vibes, our state of being, which provides the example for others to do the same. After all, when we look at one who is obviously at peace, grounded and non-reactionary, we want to be like that, don’t we?

Of course we do.

I truly feel beautiful, amazing things are unfolding along with all of the chaos and fear we are all seeing – and all feeling in our own bodies and minds.

So the next time you find yourself judging or reacting, pause. Go within.

What you find may surprise you.


Update: Ascension Symptoms ~ 2/16/2017

Hello fellow starseed travelers~

How ya feelin’?  Getting through the days as of late getting to be more of a challenge?

Wanting the “New” NOW?

You’re not alone.

Here is what I have been experiencing lately:

    1. The food cravings.  Ok, I insist I am not pregnant, but today I wanted pickles (and the juice), pineapple, chocolate, cheese and mineral water. Oh, and cinnamon.  I think this might just become a staple diet for me ~ that is until the next round of cravings kick in.  I have been eating ice cream on a near-daily basis and go from not really wanting to eat to being ravenous.  Oh yes and there have been the binges of ginger cream-filled cookies (my latest find – thank you Newman’s Own).  My taste for meat is waning and I can no longer eat full cuts of meat.  In fact, if presented with meat that looks obviously like an animal (chicken leg, thigh, etc.) I’m not going to touch it – unless it is removed from the bone and diced up tiny and mixed in with vegetables.  I have long felt I am going to be off meat at some point – and that point is quickly arriving.  I have also been experiencing a growing desire for new foods not found here on our beautiful earth, in particular fruits.  My mate recently introduced me to the Hefferlin Manuscript (which at some point I will share), which speaks of our origins and refers to the fact that we once ate different foods, including vegetables and most notably, fruits.   Advice: listen to my body and honor what it’s telling me.  The old rules no longer apply.
    2. The changing Chakra’s.  Throat chakra.  Wow.  She just isn’t having this talking business at times.  She wants to rest and let the mental telepathy do it’s thing.  Or scream when old stuff comes up. She feels tickly and itchy.  Voice is often raspy.  Heart chakra.  Occasional heart palpitations are going on.  The need to engage in slow, deep breathing.  Rubbing her, massaging her like I would a baby, she is releasing lots of tears of pain and disappointment.  Tapping into deep deep core issues, likely going back lifetimes.  Crown chakra.  Strange, prickly sensations on the top of my head.  Some pressure and even headaches (a rare event for me).  All of these chakra’s of mine simply feel they need to rest and rebirth/reform into something new. Expansion city, baby. Advice: Nurture myself like a newborn for I really am rebirthing into a new Being.
    3. The fatigue and brain fog.  Can I say this one enough: I AM SO OVERLY FED UP WITH FEELING LIKE A ZOMBIE.  Although I gotta admit, I don’t fear it as I once did.  So I can’t remember what I just ate for dinner (no seriously, I can’t and I ate like 30 minutes ago).  So I can’t remember that I told my spouse I was going to watch a movie with him and now suddenly I am reading one of my Anastasia books.  And so I can be found staring into space, feeling as though a part of me is here and the rest of me is “someplace else”.  And yes, I KNOW I just made up a word – I know what I meant to say.  I ain’t stupid.  I’m not going crazy.  I’m just ascending into a higher frequency and my dormant DNA is awakening as well.  Advice: Sleep and rest. Breathe and Allow. Drink a lot of water and mineral water (we need extra minerals right now).  And ride out those waves.  Literally.
    4. My body ain’t feeling so great some days.  Let me tell you, after some of these incoming energies hit, I feel like I am coming down with the flu.  I am stiff and tense.  I just feel “ick”.  But I know when I rest, put heat on myself, drink herbal tea and just ALLOW and BE, my body integrates the changes.  Advice: I say a mantra.  It essentially goes something like this: “I accept and integrate the incoming energies of expansion and healing.  I release resistance where ever I Am is resisting these changes.  I intend to go through this process with Ease and Grace.  Thank you.”  The key is to allow myself to do this process at a rate in which my emotional/mental/physical/energetic body can handle.  
    5. I WANT NEW AND I WANT IT NOW.  The big one.  Third dimensional reality just isn’t cutting it for me.  I want new scenery.  I want brighter colors.  I want NEW.  New experiences.  New people.  New types of people.  New foods.  New methods of healing.  New means of transporting myself.  New means of communicating.  New means of living and existing and Being.  I want all of this.  I crave it.  I need it. Advice: Be in the Now.  Allow for the experience.  And be patient (argh!). It is coming.
    6. Yes, the outside world IS going nuts.  There are reasons for this.  One being, we are all being called to deal with our “stuff”.  We are being called upon to face ourselves – with love – more than ever.  Secondly, we know tptb are aware of Ascension and the incoming energy waves.  Heck, government websites show these energies.  And they have been part of the enslavement that have kept us stuck in this lower dimensional reincarnation trap and they don’t want us escaping. After all, without us, who do they have to do their dirty work?  Yeah. They are sneaky bastards, too.  They can zap people with scalar waves and they can put subliminal messages on the airwaves, all to lower our Vibes. They use the media and (false) politics (right now for certain) to keep us all riled up and divided. Advice: Turn off the television.  Go within.  Find my center.  Develop a solid relationship with my Higher Self.  Heal the emotions coming up. Send myself Love.  Send Gaia Love.  Send everyone Love.  That’s what I continue to be reminded of: Love Never Runs Dry.  There is always an Abundant supply of it.  So while this process is an Individual process in that, while we can and need to work together, it is up to each of us individually to do our own inner work and releasing so we can rise Together.

As One.


I Sing The Body Electric ~ Humanity’s Ascension Song

About 2 weeks ago, I awoke to this song going through my mind.  I hadn’t given it any thought since I first heard it 37 years ago.  (Was it really that long ago??)

The experience of hearing this song in my mind, especially first thing in the morning and at times, in the middle of the night (those times when it is just Me and the Universe), has had me thinking.  One of the lines began pulsating through my mind:  “I toast to my own reunion.  When I become One with the Sun.”  Over and over I began hearing these words.

Then it clicked.

I got it.  This song is about My Ascension.

Our Ascension.

37 years ago when I first heard it, as an innocent, quiet, searching 14 year old girl, I remember that inner voice (which was barely audible), prodded me to remember the song, to listen to it and absorb it.  I remember feeling intrigued by the song.  I wanted to know what it really meant.  What was the message?

37 years later, I have received it.

“I Sing The Body Electric.” (we are Light Beings)
I celebrate the Me yet to come
I toast to my own Reunion (with my Higher Self)

and then:

When I become One with the Sun (galactic central sun – the One – the Christ Consciousness – aka “the Son” – the God/Goddess.  The Creator.)

“I Sing The Body Electric
I glory in the glow of Rebirth. (Ascension)
Creating my own tomorrow (remembering our True Self – Infinite Creator’s)
When I shall embody the earth” (taking back our power and remember we are One with our Earth as well – ALL is One Life)

“And in time, and in time
we will all be Stars.”

I think that time is very near.  I can feel it.

Can you?

Here is the original video.  Enjoy!



Goddess Energy and the Power of Words

Image result for goddess rising image

Words have power.

Those words vibrate at a certain frequency.

That frequency then radiates outward and creates.

As a woman, while I understand the anger and strong emotions of the “pussy” and “nasty women” movement – their use of language is appalling to me.

And it is going to do nothing – NOTHING – to uplift us as a collective Goddess.  It serves the dark – nothing more, nothing less.

Goddess does not speak words like this.

Goddess speaks gentle yet strong words of purity and love and NEVER speaks down about herself and NEVER uses words that are dark and negative and of low vibrations.

YES we need the rise of the Goddess again to balance out the gross over-use of the Masculine.

And She is here.

However, we MUST unite in our FEMININITY and take back our Power and Make The Feminine Divine again. That is the ONLY authentic path to take to our freedom to our empowerment.

We owe it to ourselves.

We owe it to our daughters.

We can do better.

We MUST do better.


Is The Universe On Overdrive Or Am I Just Tuned In?

Free stock photo of nature, man, person, night


I go nutso silly when the Universe speaks to me. She has been doing so in lightening speed the past few days – so much so I feel I need to carry around a recording device.

Given all of the intel and sources I follow, I have been hearing for a few months how our communications and thus our manifestations with the Universe are increasing in speed.

Here’s the examples of just the past few days:

A few mornings ago I woke up to the song “Jeremy” (pearl jam – awesome tune, btw) going through my mind. When this happens, I know it is my higher self with a message. So the past couple of days I keep hearing it, going back to that period in my life, trying to figure it out with my brain. (like that ever works!)

One line became prevalent yesterday: “lemon yellow sun”. So again, I tried figuring it out, realized I had no answers and just let it be. Until tonight. Watching a video on youtube – the caption “sun shaped like a lemon in Montana”. Well if you are close to me, you KNOW Montana triggers something in me and has for almost 20 years. Don’t know if I am “meant” to live there. Don’t know if it’s even about the particular place.  But what started as a song lead to a video which mentioned my magic word “Montana”.

The million dollar question?  What does it MEAN?

I don’t know.  (cue laughter)

I have had the issue of repeating numbers and what they mean come up several times today, including going over a paper a friend has written on the subject and having a video show up in my e-mail box on the subject.

I have had the issue of rh negative blood come up several times today, including seeing a link to a video on youtube which I just happened to save for later viewing 2 nights ago.  There are over 55,000 videos on the subject on youtube.  What are the odds that the same one came my way twice?

I awoke two mornings ago wanting to find a piece of paper that had an energy release exercise on it.  I found it strange, but also felt I needed to do it again.  Synchronicity was not finished as earlier this evening, as I shared, on a whim, this energy release technique I once did a couple of years ago I was asked me if I could pass it on.

I was thinking that as quickly as the Universe’s communications with me seems to be getting, it really isn’t that the Universe is communicating w/me faster. It is that this is how the Universe works in it’s natural state.

As I raise my vibes and as my body continues to adjust to the increasing frequencies, it is simply easier for me to receive this information.

It’s like I’ve tuned into the correct bandwidth.

And after decades of feeling more or less in between stations, where all I hear is mostly static with the occasional moments of clear music, it is indeed something to celebrate!  Thank you, more please, Wonderful Universe!



On Criticism ~ A Necessary Tool To Teach Toughness Or An Unnecessary Tool For Darkness?

China, Tree, Weeping Willow, Leaves, Gingko, Ginko

I’ve been pondering “criticism” today.  In our western world we are taught to be tough in the face of criticism.  In fact we are even encouraged to know how to “take it”, as though knowing how to “take it” is a virtue.  To struggle with it or show emotional upset can be seen as a weakness that needs toughening up.

Well this woman disagrees.  Completely.

Inside I have NEVER ONCE been ok with criticism and even though I can show a different outer facade today – inside I simply hurt. It’s an energy that does not feel comfortable to me.  It doesn’t resonate with me.

And it never will.

And nor shall it should.

Holding a differing opinion is obviously a part of Life, here, there and everywhere.  We all have our own thoughts, beliefs and perceptions.

However when we step into the area of criticizing another person, we are infringing upon their personal space by imposing OUR will, which is not uplifting but instead, destructive in nature.

Let’s stop the criticizing.

Let’s be thoughtful of how we speak with one for whom we disagree.

Let’s instead present our idea, noticing our body language, noticing whether we wish to control the other person or simply share our particular perception on the issue of discussion.

And let us always remain open to the fact that this other person may just be mirroring an unrecognized Truth we hold within that has yet to be uncovered.

Then we can do away with criticism altogether and instead of feeling the need to “toughen up” ourselves and our children, we can instead just be Soft and Supportive – Flexible and Free – which is the natural state of Who We Are as Sovereign Beings.




Incoming Energies Packing A Punch, Friends

Image result for sequoia tree image

About 4-5 hours ago, I was hit with extreme fatigue and nausea.  Within about 20 minutes or so, I sat down on the couch and promptly fell asleep. Deeply.  For about 15 minutes.  The demands of mamahood then took over as my child needed to take a bath before bed.  If she had not been here, who knows how long I would have slept.

You do the best you can when these energy frequencies come in.

One thing I have noticed is how quickly things are coming back to me, especially when it comes to my energies I put out.  It is easier to multiply those energies as well, hence the reason why many others in the Ascension community are telling us to be very grounded right now for what we put out is coming back to us quickly.  Today was no exception.

Both my child and I were frustrated – suddenly – at the same time.  Hers grew as did mine.  I took a timeout, stood in the sunshine and breathed.  I knew I had to get us on a walk and around some trees.  She was not crazy about this idea, instead wanting to go to the park.  Nope, I insisted we needed to ground around some nature.  On the walk, she lagged behind, upset she wasn’t getting her way.  Her frustration was only growing as was mine.  So I breathed deeply as we continued on our way.

By the time we got to the Special Tree, my child wasn’t talking with me and I was about ready to scream.  Instead, I walk over to my Tree and leaned into her.  “Help me,” I said silently.

My beautiful Tree friend sent me her energy.  I could hear the term “grounding you” and suddenly in my mind’s eye, I saw the infinity symbol, the mobius loop and I could feel that energy go through my legs and into the Earth.  It was brown with numerous flecks of gold.  I stayed there for a time, knowing the Tree was helping me as I had been too frustrated (in spite of efforts on my part to reduce that trend) to do so myself.  Hence the advice of Lightworkers and Ascension folks to get out in nature and ground.  Nature is a great source of assistance for this exercise.

After a few more moments, I felt my body relax.  I released some tears, thanked the Tree and its Spirit.  My child played around it, touched it some and we then left, holding hands and singing.

A completely different internal (and thus external) experience than we had both felt just minutes ago.

So as you can see, what we put out – even if it’s just a small amount – starts to grow onto itself much quicker these days.  Many of us are familiar with the recent internet chatter about how Source removed free will. However, many of us know this was not to be taken literally.  My take on it is that with incoming energies and frequencies, altering our DNA, allowing us to and Gaia to vibrate at higher and higher frequencies, means that lower energies of anger and control and rage and abuse and all things harmful will not be able to exist long in these higher frequencies.  The two simply clash so these energies literally “bounce back” to the one putting them out – quickly.  It’s as though Gaia feels these energies and says “NO” and sends them back to the sender.  In the world of science, that is called “reverberation”.

Make sense?

Sending out feelings of Love and Joy and I am finding out that these are easier to experience.  Certainly, for myself, it is easier to get into these states. Easier to transition into them if I am in lower level states of Being.

We are being rewired, so to speak, like Neo in the matrix.  And as we undergo this process, we need to continue to treat ourselves like a newborn.  Lots of rest.  Extra sleep.  Sleep on command if need be.  Follow our bodies in terms of what it needs.  Hang out with a tree.  Hug it.  Purge old wounds.  Listen to music that centers you.  Drink extra water.  Food cravings – again, listen to the body.  I had an immense craving for spinach last week.  This week?  Bananas, salt and nuts.

Just Love yourself.

Love, love, love yourself.

Reclaim that Divinity.

And know that All Is Well.



An Open Letter To My Fellow Female Friends and Goddesses ~ From My Heart To Yours

(This is not a political piece.  This is a piece focused on emotion, raising consciousness and healing.)

My fellow Goddesses~

I see you.

I hear you.

I feel you.

I see you standing up in solidarity to the misogynist machinations of the masculine patriarch that has kept you oppressed for eons.

I hear your cries of anger, of rage over the injustices you have all endured.

And I feel your anger and rage of your collective trauma’s.  The deep, abiding pain and the utter feeling of hopelessness and disappointment.

For I am you.

I too have been oppressed.

I have been held down because of my gender.

I have been told I cannot do this or that because I am female.

I have been told “you wouldn’t understand” because I am female.

I have been molested.  Raped.

I have been groped, been at the receiving end of unwanted cat calls, physically handled.

I have been told my body belongs to my husband.

I have been told not to touch myself “down there.”

I have been called a cunt.  A whore.  Slut.

I have been told I am being too sensitive as I cry righteous tears of anger and pain because a male just finished telling me how unworthy or stupid I am.

It ain’t easy being female, is it?

All of that being said, for all the expressed rage and anger that is coming out with these purposeful marches, unless coupled with thoughtful consciousness with the intention to heal, serves no purpose.

Am I saying not to express that rage?  That anger?

Absolutely not.

Get it out sister’s, I say.

However then we must remember what is underneath the anger and rage and be willing to show these emotions publicly as well.

The pain.

The disappointment.

That deep, deep, deep disappointment.

We must feel that.  We must allow ourselves to swim in it.  Let it wash over us as we release our individual and collective tears.

Then we must find forgiveness.

Forgiveness first and foremost for ourselves.

Forgiving ourselves for those times when we forgot our Divinity.

Forgiving ourselves for those times when we slipped into the role of the dominant masculine, becoming the very ones who oppressed us.

And lastly, forgiving the masculine itself.  Forgiving the men.

For our men are hurting too.  They are lost.  Confused.  They need us just as we need them.

For all of the injustice and control and domination and power plays they have injected into our lives, they too have been victims.  Just turn on any sitcom or commercial and you will see men being portrayed as helpless idiots, incapable of any deep, insightful behavior.  Go to a women’s gathering where it is not unusual to hear a variety of insults coming from the women aimed at their partners.  We slip into this lower-level of behavior because it has been done to us and we falsely believe it boosts our sense of self.

So in some ways, the system has painted us to become like them, and they, like us.  Both in ways that are utterly dis-empowering, for none of it is authentic.

But we can rise above that.

We have the chance to engage in a deeply spiritual, heart-felt, individual and collective cleanse in so long as we use conscious intention and thoughtfulness.

However, until and unless we are willing to go into our hearts and feel our pain and find forgiveness, we who are marching and protesting won’t be treated fairly nor will we be respected.  At least not in any authentic way.

So for my female Goddesses out there hitting the streets, please, I ask of you not to be influenced by media coverage or political pundit analysis, propaganda or hollywood elitism.  We have the chance to engage in a deeply spiritual, heart-felt, individual and collective cleanse in so long as we use conscious intention and thoughtfulness.  Let us rise above the destruction taking place on the streets and on our televisions.  Let us not cave to the divide and conquer agenda. And certainly let us not turn this into a situation of duality where our only agenda is to see the men as the enemy and we the victim’s.

For the system has made us all into victim’s, in one way or another.  Let us cry those tears of victim-hood and let us rise up, together, a create a new society where we ALL honor the Divinity within.

For in doing that, we will then again remember to honor the Divinity in others.
