On Grief – Part 3

Oh grief, you chaotic, pain-in-my-ass friend.
Yes, friend.
How can you call grief “friend”?

I do and can because you, grief, are making me softer and gentler.  You are making me feel at deeper levels how precious life is.  How to share my heart, to share my love, to share me, NOW.  Not later.  For really there is no later.  There is only NOW.  Only NOW is promised.

Continue reading “On Grief – Part 3”

On Grief – Part 2

I read this article today about how to respond to people who are grieving.  The last things to say, according to this article, are comments like “it’s all for the best” or “you will learn something from this” or “they are in a better place” or likely everyone’s least favorite: “this happens for a reason.”

While the author is a little bit extreme when he suggests to ditch these people, he is very correct when he asserts we don’t know how to deal with grief.  We don’t.  In fact, I feel guided to write about this because it is one of the things my friend who exited her body last week spoke of. Continue reading “On Grief – Part 2”

On Grief

Man, the last week has really knocked me on my ass.  I know I promised to share some words on how to bring heaven here on earth, but that must wait.  As John Lennon sang, “Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.”  Well life indeed did happen to me last week.  It drop-kicked me into the state of grief.

I first received news last Friday that a very special person in my life, who recently had a tumor removed from his brain, now has brain cancer.  A rare form.  Having only reconnected with him in the past couple of years, the news hit me hard.  We knew each other as kids so there is an extra poignancy in all of this.  As I attempted to wrap my mind around this, the tears began to flow.  Within a couple of days I felt I was starting to be able to grasp the brevity of the situation when I received the news that a friend of mine died suddenly last Wednesday after recently being diagnosed with cancer. Continue reading “On Grief”

Remembering Who We Are

I came into this world knowing I was here for a reason.  I remember when I was small, I would watch adults interact with one another while thinking “they don’t get it.”  What was this “it”?  I couldn’t put it together then but I still remember thinking these words often.  Today I understand what my Higher Self was communicating to my childlike way of understanding.  Most of us forget who we really are and get lost in doing what the System tells us to do and who we are.

It keeps us preoccupied with working jobs most of us hate if not just tolerate.  Even if you do love your work, you still know it is something the System says you must do.  This is so we can earn money to pay others to live here.  I don’t know about you, but I sure as hell didn’t sign anything upon my arrival on this planet that says “in order to live here and survive you must pay others money”. Continue reading “Remembering Who We Are”