“God (Friggin’) Bless The United States of America”

takebackamericaCome election time, when politicians are desperate to look like decent folks to their constituents, they chant the “god bless the united states of america” mantra.  I don’t know what is more annoying to me – the fact that these dolts chant it or the fact that so many of the masses fall for it.

There is far too much hypocrisy in that statement for my tastes – and has been for almost 20 years.  I remember when I first tasted that bitterness…

It was the week following September 11, 2001.  Visiting some relatives in another city, I noticed the slogan “God Bless America” boldly painted in red, white and blue on their front window, a contribution by my sister-in-law, notoriously known for her strong Christian belief system.  It bothered me.  A lot.  While that event marked part two of my awakening, the slogan itself, which normally I would embrace patriotically and proudly, suddenly turned my stomach.  But why?

Continue reading ““God (Friggin’) Bless The United States of America””

Are You Feelin’ The Energy of Transformation?

winds-rlDon’t you feel it in your bones?  In the blood that runs through your veins?

Don’t you hear it in the whisper’s of the wind in your ears and the warmth of the sun’s rays?

The energy of change.  Of transformation.

It’s here now.  It is happening.

The breaking down of the old to make room for the new.

The people are awakening and rising up saying NO MORE.

No more to lies and deception.

No more to corruption behind closed doors.

No more dismissal of blatant lies and devious dark criminal behavior.

No more blindly following others who tell us what THEY think WE ARE.

How dare they!  How dare ANYONE attempt to tell you or me who THEY think we are or should be.

We’re onto them.  More and more of us.  Those floodgates are open friends and there is no going back.  We see them for their dark actions and lies.

We no longer blindly accept religions false dogma.

We no longer blindly accept the words and promises out of our elected official’s mouths.

We no longer blindly accept the words out of the puppets who sit behind newsroom desks and read their teleprompters, purporting to tell the truth.

We no longer blindly believe a damn thing big corporations like Montsanto and Vaccine Manufacturer’s tell us about how “safe” and “healthy” their products are.

We no longer blindly accept the fluoride they put in our water.

We no longer accept the notion that nuclear technology, oil, coal, fracking and the like are somehow ANYTHING but archaic, deadly and criminal.

We no longer look to the skies and accept those trails as normal contrails.

We no longer believe that war is a necessary evil.

What started as a small pebble in the pond of awakening has now grown into a number that is simply exponential.  We are remembering who we are.  And there ain’t no going back.

We are now a force to be reckoned with.

And now it is THEY who are fearing US.

My beautiful earth friends, keep on loving yourselves.

Keep on speaking your Truth.

Keep on questioning your reality.

Keep on shining that BEAUTIFUL spirit.

Keep on Believing that WE create this reality.

Keep on Believing that WE CAN HAVE ANY THING WE WANT.


All of this chaos and destruction is allowing us to create the reality we want from an energy space of Truth and Love.  From respect and reverence for ourselves and others.

So my fellow earth family~

Love yourselves deeply.

Love others just as deeply.

Live passionately.

Live truthfully.

For that is who you really are.

It is who we ALL really are.





Thoughts Of A Weary Starseed Human – A Continuation


Crossroads road sign. Pointer to the right Truth, but Lies left. Choice concept

Yes, it is me, the weary starseed human, back at it again.  This time my beef is with deception.  There seems to be a lot of it – some among the community of folks who claim to be of the Light.

But are they?

Take this NESARA/GESARA topic.  There are millions of us asking “If this is real, when is it going to manifest?”  This woman has been intending it daily, all year.  There are people who are given free space on websites to spout their predictions and their promises, all of which come and go.  Then when we are told we must be patient, well, if you read my original piece, you know my thoughts on that whole patience thing.  When it comes to awaiting our debt jubilee and financial freedom from not just this lifetime of economic enslavement but LIFETIMES of it, well our patience is up.  People are losing their homes, their savings, their lives – right now – all because of this enslavement.  If this is really going to be happening, DO IT NOW.  Please.  If this is nothing but a scam, a hoax, let’s stop feeding it.  Let’s stop reading about it.  And website owners, please stop giving these folks an audience.  At the very least say “no more free space on my site until your promises manifest.”  Simple enough, right?

Nibiru.  Wormwood.  Planet X.  Lots of names for something that I intuitively believe is an inner-dimensional craft that is here for our Ascension.  Yes, it is causing some chaos.  Yes, it isn’t going to meet up with us without some destruction.  But catastrophic?  Global planetary destruction?  I’m not feeling it. But, as we all know, lots of money is to be made off of fear-mongering.  I am always, ALWAYS very dubious of these folks saying “Nibiru is coming! Destruction will ensue.  Chaos!  Death!” which is then often followed by a link that says “Buy my product to protect your family NOW!”.  I’ve even seen one such site actually stop selling one of their products and instead go onto another product.  For you see, Nibiru had suddenly gone from a catastrophic threat to our friend.

I wonder if the site owner offered a refund to those who bought the first product. You know, since they no longer need it.

But I digress.

Then there is the whole RV/GCR story.  And yes it is indeed a story to me at this point.  Oh, it would be a wonderful thing, like NESARA.  But how many years – yes YEARS – do we have to listen to this same ‘ole story before someone (like me!) calls FOUL.

And then what about this infighting among those in this currency situation.  This side of the coin says WE ARE TELLING THE TRUTH.  We are the real bearers of this gift.  The other side says the same thing.


It is one thing to make a mistake or an error in judgment.

It is quite another to intentionally mislead people.  People have been unnecessarily suffering for far too long at the hands of some very dark psychopaths for whom, if I had my say, would spend some time in solitude confinement with hungry, man-eating snakes.

However, since I am a Starseed Human, I must focus on forgiveness.

But I am also human.  And as I said in my original piece, I am weary.

I am weary of deception.

I am weary of glorious promises that fail to transpire.

I am weary of seeing these folks receive internet attention.

I am mostly weary of carrying the feeling in my heart that so many good people, myself included, have followed such stories only to be filled with unnecessary moments of fear.  To have our hearts bright with anticipation only to be disappointed.

Love acts the moment it sees pain and suffering.  Love never says “I see your suffering.  I will be with you on this date.”  And never shows.  And offers some excuse.

Perhaps I am completely off on all of this.  In fact, I hope I am.  I deeply do.

In the meantime, using discernment, I remain dubious.

But as always, with a hopeful heart.

I may be weary, but I am still a Starseed.  And always will be.


Time To Get Real, People

Can’t you feel it?  That sense that something is in the air, changing us from the inside out?  The feeling is palpable for many of us in the Ascension communities.  For us, we are doing our inner work, many of us having undertaken that journey decades ago.  We have questioned the systems.  We have seen the matrix of control.  We spot bullshit a mile away.

So why haven’t the rest of humanity done the same?

Isn’t it time?

Don’t we want to see ALL of us ascend?

Time to get real, people.  Time to remove the masks we wear.  Time to stop this passive aggressive behavior.  It is time to be brutally honest with ourselves.

It is time to see the system for what it is.  Dark.  Controlling.

It is time to dig deep into the onion of personality, spirit and emotions.

It is time to look at ourselves in the mirror and announce “I Am Eternal Awareness and Eternal Consciousness”.

It is time to look at our beautiful reflections and announce “I Love You. You are beautiful.  Thank you.”

It is time to forgive ourselves and one another.

It is time to look at another deep in the eyes and see that part of you within them.

It is time to recognize Source in one another and in ourselves.

It is time to stop pretending.

It is time to stop worshiping.

It is time to stop this blind obedience.

It is time to stop settling for less than what we deserve and are worthy of.

It is time to stop believing the very same systems that have been in place for decades, for hundreds of years, and those that dictate the terms, care about us.  THEY DON’T.  Therefore, they will not be solving our problems.

It is time for us to take the reigns of responsibility again.  It is time to self-govern.

It is time to start authentically begin thinking for ourselves.

It is time to stand up to corruption.  To darkness.  To bully behavior.

It is time to unite together in a massive collective “NO”.

We are ONE.

And we are TIRED.


And we are remembering quickly WHO WE ARE.

And WHO WE ARE ain’t gonna take abuse anymore.  Not from the system. Not from our friends or family.  And not from ourselves.

We are all One Humanity.

It is time we begin behaving like it.





Good-bye Abuse: You Are No Longer Welcome Here

As I start this daily notes, I look above and see the “Enter title here” space.  Empty.  I really don’t know what to call this piece for there are many things I wish to discuss.  Maybe by the end of my stream-of-consciousness writings, the title will come to me.  Until then, it remains empty.

Much like my trust in the system of control.  Much like my trust in anyone, male or female, who supports bully, controlling, abusive behavior, both passive and aggressive, by dismissing hard truths.
I would like to discuss one truth in particular.  White. Male. Bullshit.
Oh dear, I swore, likely offending someone.  Oh dear, I have shown my anger.  Again, likely offending someone.

You know what?  I no longer fucking care who I offend with my anger. Continue reading “Good-bye Abuse: You Are No Longer Welcome Here”

On Spiritual Guru’s: I Would Rather Hear YOUR Story

my-story-is-beautiful-960x640I received an e-mail about an upcoming spiritual summit.  There must be a list of over 50 well-known individuals in the Spiritual and Self-Awareness community.

And for $50,000 I can listen to them all speak in a luxury 4-star resort.

Ok so that last part was an exaggeration.  But I must say that, at my tender age of 27 (ok 40, um, ok FINE over 40), I am simply weary of this obsession we have with people who are well-known as well as this ego-based thinking that often plays in those circles that says THEY have all the answers for you and me.  And most indeed am I fed up with/finished/absolutely done with the price tags of some of these gigs. Many of these folks are already multi-millionaires. How on earth can they justify charging such outrageous prices just to talk?

Argh! Continue reading “On Spiritual Guru’s: I Would Rather Hear YOUR Story”

What This Election Is Teaching Me

weareallinthistogetherI believe I can confidently say that the Election here in the states just isn’t about those of us who live here – it pretty much involves the entire planet. Everyone with access to the internet or television is watching to see what we American’s are going to do in the upcoming weeks.  That’s a lot of pressure.  And yet, I am not going to tell you who I am going to vote for. I’m also not going to tell you who I think you should vote for nor am I going to admit whether I will be voting or not.  What I can and will say though is that this election is teaching me a lot about myself.  Let’s lay it out, shall we? Continue reading “What This Election Is Teaching Me”

Thoughts Of A Weary Starseed Human – Part 2

As though I could come up with more things to say on this whole weary starseed human experience.  But as I like to say: “Can’t come up with anything to say? Come sit next to me and I will think of something.”

Lately I have been seeing these stats, on random sites, posed by random people, that say anywhere between 65-85% of the population are either cloned or without souls.  The idea of most humans being cloned or soul-less bothers me deeply and it simply doesn’t resonate with me.  After giving it some contemplation, I came up with something tonight and I would like to present it and see what you think and feel about my concept: I believe that statistic simply represents the percentage of folks who simply are not ready to awaken.  It isn’t that they don’t want to – it is simply that they can’t.  Why?  I don’t know for sure.  Perhaps it is part of their evolutionary plan as created by their Higher Self.  Perhaps it is simply due to a lack of will.  Perhaps they simply aren’t ready. Continue reading “Thoughts Of A Weary Starseed Human – Part 2”

Predictions On This Rainy October Day

One of my favorite movies is The Matrix.  I particularly resonate with the scene where Neo is (at first) told the Truth of the enslavement of humanity by Morpheus.  Morpheus holds up a battery and says this is what the human body is to the machines – a life support.

“No,” Neo says, the reality hitting him hard.  “Get me out of here!”  He is then brought back from the program where he promptly throws up.

The truth is a hard pill to swallow.  Searching for truth has been a life long journey for me, although it really became much more of a focus for me about 15 years ago.  Along the way I have certainly had my moments where, like Neo, wrapping my brain around the next layer has been really difficult.  Depressing.  Maddening.  And yet I keep going, even when I have those moments where, like Cypher says to Neo, “Why didn’t I take the blue pill instead?”

I’m a red pill chick and if you are a truthseeker, you are too. Continue reading “Predictions On This Rainy October Day”

Witnessing The Patriarchal Energy of Bullying In Women

I recently encountered bully behavior with other women.  Mother’s, no less.  It was an online situation where I was coming to the defense of a picture that had been posted of a little boy in a skeleton costume.  The boy was 3 or 4 and he was crying, clearly very upset.  He had refused to eat the night before, so the parents decided to put the costume on him while he slept, then upon awakening, they informed him he had “starved to death” and he was upset that his body is gone.  (Yeah, let that one sink in.  I am still horrified.)

The idea that a parent could and would not only post a picture of their child in such fear and distress was appalling enough for me, but the idea that the parents would also use such a clearly abusive tactic in an attempt to teach their child a lesson much less show ENJOYMENT over it, is simply deplorable.

Naturally then I spoke up about this behavior. Continue reading “Witnessing The Patriarchal Energy of Bullying In Women”