Quick check-in


Taking a recovery break…🥱

Noticing the donation (stripe) is still giving some of you problems.

I now have cash-app.  All you need is my phone number and easy peasy.  Let me know if any of you want to use that option instead and I’ll pass along my ##.



p.s. – back and forth continues.  8 years of this.  my focus is on NEW.  many talking about going back to this period of time, romanticizing how great it was then – especially the talk about GenX how great we had it.  total lie.  sure i drank out of a garden hose (so did my girl) and i stayed out until the sun went down (my girl has done this and would more if other parents didn’t occupy their children with constant activities or let them hide out in their rooms on their devices)….but other than that?  it sucked.  forced to go to indoctrination facilities.  jabbed.  bullied.  watched teachers date students and paddle kids (who were otherwise by today’s standards autistic therefore they couldn’t help their outbursts).  had more than one “perv” teacher.  everything stemming from the 1950’s “sweep it all under the rug” with emotions and personal issues and pointing OUT issues not allowed to be discussed.

so me?  i want NEW.  NEW way of being that aligns with Who I Am in every way.  NEW NEW NEW and NEW.

2.7.25 ~ Checking in, a (nother) dream share and mid-day Finds & Headlines


In the chaos of the world stage, which also includes some areas in my personal life, I was able to tune in to another frequency dial on this vessel’s “radio”, and feel that Light that Trump had mentioned in the last couple of weeks, more than once, how there was a new Light (frequency) over the entire realm.  Tuning in, in my minds eye, I could see it, almost parked – sitting there – while so much of the heavier energies coming out from the swamp fighting back and their doings being exposed swirl around –  including our own.  But there is sits – the frequency of Home, the new timeline, the new world, whatever term best fits your personal story.

I had an odd dream too.  This huge disc-shaped UFO with all sorts of lights and compartments underneath appeared in the sky above our neighbor’s house.  I rushed to get my phone and struggled to do the swipe up/enter pin/swipe over for camera maneuver.  As this happened, the craft projected a holographic representation of itself into the room I was in and I “heard” a telepathic type message say “we can only stay for a few moments” – then the dream ended.

Or whatever it was.  I don’t know about the whole astral experience other than it can be infiltrated and is likely just another one of “their” dimensions they have used against us.  But as in any war situation, good finds its way through.

Here’s what is on stage today.




More EO’s and DOGE audits.  Back and forth continues which is just…..












Nome, Alaska (those who have gone down that rabbit hole know what could be behind this………)

How does an airplane go missing? Search for Alaska plane is ongoing

Officials in Alaska are searching the land and sea Friday for a small airplane that went missing, while the nation awaits news of the 10 people on board and wonders what caused the plane to drop off the radar.

The plane was over the Norton Sound, off the coast of its destination in Nome, Alaska, when it stopped sending its location signal on Thursday afternoon, according to the Alaska Department of Public Safety and the U.S. Coast Guard. Just before it vanished, the plane’s data showed it experienced a rapid loss of altitude and speed, officials said Friday.


A small plane slams into a Brazilian street and kills 2 people on board | AP News

SAO PAULO (AP) — A small aircraft crashed on an avenue in Sao Paulo on Friday morning shortly after taking off from a nearby private airport, killing the pilot and the plane’s owner, authorities said. The two were the only people on board.



wonder if “deal” is showing comms for one of his Art of the Deals which may be shown this Sunday (i’m still not watching)……………



Yes, they really did push paper straws…………not a fan of plastic either tbh but better than paper……..





Trump Urges GOP Leaders to Slash Tax Breaks for Billionaire Sports Owners, Hedge Funds to Fund Middle Class Tax Reductions Including No-Tax on Tips, Overtime, Social Security, and SALT Cap Adjustment | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft


Russian Forces Conquer Important Mining City of Toretsk in Donetsk Region – Ukrainian Defenders Resisted for 5 Months – City Is Badly Damaged (VIDEOS) | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran






Kash Patel has revealed that an FBI investigation uncovered 256 emails exchanged between Jeffrey Epstein and Adam Schiff. We will know the truth once Kash unleashes the flight list.

Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖










Another Trump Dream



For the 5 people who will either come here to read it or be allowed to read it (shadow-banned big time now), I will share another Trump dream I had.  He was dressed in midnight blue.  There was a group of us in a living room.  I walked into the kitchen, he followed, showing me the band around an ankle sock.  Strange, I know.  The number 200 appeared on it.  I noticed, walked away, returned moments later, Trump again by my side observing, and the numbers 45-47 appeared next to the 200.

“Hmm,” I said, “that can happen with time travel, when you insert something new into the timeline.”

He nodded and smiled.

Then things switched and I noticed electrical glitches in the kitchen.  I go outside – it’s dark – streets are wet (reminded me of the end scene in Back to the Future) and I get on my homemade version of a hoverboard and start flying down a street.  I notice another person – male – in front of me doing the same.  Looking around I notice more electrical glitches.  As I tell myself “This is how we do it”, I stopped, and the dream ended.

Interesting experience.  45-47 is of course the terms Trump is serving.  I also looked up Q post 200, 245, 246 & 247:


200 – interesting 11.22 date….They have their hand$ in all sorts of projectS including twitter, playboy   🤢   and space X…………


Nov 22, 2017 5:45:01 PM EST
Rizvi Traverse Management.
Happy hunting.




Ok…. screw trying to screenshot – that isn’t working so copy and paste it is.  This one is interesting – zip code for Henderson, NV.  Area 51ish anyone?


Dec 01, 2017 12:49:43 AM EST
Underground massive data center?



Dec 04, 2017 10:01:07 PM EST
Have you been watching the news since Friday?
Who is Peter Strzok? How was he compromised? How was he paid? Who is Melissa Hodgman? Company? Title? Date of promotion? Focus on the date. What events re: Peter recently occurred that you now know? Think HRC emails, Weiner laptop, etc. Dates? Date of promotion of wife? How do they stack the deck? Who do they want inside the gov’t? What are puppets? How do you control a puppet? #2 in FBI? Wife connection? What is a pattern? Follow the wives. Keep watching the news this week. Future proves past. Re-read crumbs. (Small) How many D’s / R’s will not seek re-election? Why? What just passed in the Senate? Why? Who is their new handler? Do as told?
Why is this relevant?
Do you not understand the gov’t is being gutted publicly?
Bottom middle top.
Hussein Iran connection.
Bombs away.
Merry Christmas.


Censorship. Shadow banned.


So here’s what I am not allowed to discuss in certain groups and platforms:

  1.  Funding.  A group that is focused on helping women when many women are in need of money to help – but we cannot talk about that.
  2. Apparently my work – on X – when I share it – a porn bot likes it.  I asked Grok why this happens and essentially was told it’s a way to shadow ban.

I get on this thing some days now and think “why bother?”  I get told to keep writing.  Why?  Share my music.  Why?  Where’s the equal energy exchange the new agers love to talk about?  Because I sure am not getting that.  And yet I don’t know what else to do.  God knows I’ve lamented enough about applying for WFM positions and how limited I am in that (no paypal, no dedicated quiet workspace).  I promote and promote and see that going absolutely nowhere these days.

There are growing numbers of us maxed out on debt, unable to pay the basics, totally helpless over the fact that food prices and utilities go up.  All of my expenses went up in January – including insurance.  People can only take so much.

And me?

Well, I decided to look into being an Instacart shopper.  It’s the only thing coming in new to my mind and I like to grocery shop and like the idea that I can PICK the times I shop and the delivery locations (driving issues).  I sign up – then find out there’s a wait list to become a shopper!!!


Where have I heard that before?  (housing!)

So I sign up with Uber and get this message – I’m just going to share it here because………………




Thoughts Of A Weary (starseed) Human – Part 2


For those of you who have been with me the past 8.5 years, the beginning of this little website, you are probably familiar with the piece I wrote back then – Thoughts Of A Weary Starseed Human.  At the time I was engaged in a moment of pure stream of consciousness writing, having no clue where I would take my work much less if anyone would relate to my words.  I took a chance, sent it off to Gregg Prescott at IN5D who agreed to publish it.  I was literally amazed at the number of people who read it and commented.  Literally hundreds of people chimed in, sharing how deeply they resonated with the words.  I connected with many people back then and remain in touch with several of you.  🥰

I’ve added a couple of thoughts to that original piece over the years and it was my daughter who encouraged me to write a part 2 – an update.  I thought about it and figured sure, why not.

So here I am.

An update.

Where am I today as compared to back then.

I’m going to be honest and say I haven’t read the original piece linked above.  I don’t want to.  It would be too painful for me to see not only how I felt back then, but how naive I was as well.  O M G how naive.  I was so trusting of what I felt back then, having little – if any – clue as to the complexities of this reality and especially this war – especially the invisible war.  It ain’t a game.  Simulated reality or not – whatever has been going on has been felt and felt hard.

I’ve also dropped the “starseed” term – for that feels like it was just a buzz word to describe “who the hell am i where in the hell am i and how did i get here and how do i get out?”  I Am Me – no clue where I came from or how I got here or even what my purpose is – still wondering how I get out – but not much invested in that as I was back then.  Not. even. close.

I had no clue that this would have played out *this* long without the change I needed for myself back then – and today as well.  No clue that much of what I thought were messages from *home* was really just matrix b.s. – programs – entities who were NOT my friend – to loosh me.

I had no clue how energetically tired I would become.  How angry.  No CLUE how expensive it would become here. (!!!)  No clue we would experience global imprisonments “lockdowns”, the insanity around that and how. many. “people”. fell. for. it.

I had no clue how trapped I would grow to feel – especially now – where that trapped feeling is at a new level – waking me up far too often – requiring me to self-soothe – which happened again last night – where I finally surrendered telling myself, “i can’t do anything about this ongoing feeling – it is as it is for I Am As I Am”.

Stuck in a frequency that doesn’t align.

Stuck in a reality that doesn’t align.

No matter what I tell myself otherwise.

And given we’ve been lied to about everything – the last person who should be lying to that still voice inside is me.

The Inner ME – what little OF Me is actually here – doesn’t lie.

So today she is less weary – and more just resigned.

Whatever connection with others – with a Home – outside – pretty burned out with that one – feeling it was also another matrix loosh lie or whoever was out there was removed or killed in war.  A fairly new sense to consider – for myself – is what I really seek is that future version of me.

At the end of the day, it’s just Me.

And with that resignation I mentioned above is a knowing – a knowing that is at a new level – that who I am is OK AS I AM.  Regardless of how that looks.

For NOTHING can take that.

NOTHING can destroy that.

It can only temporarily delay that reconnection that Me within continues to seek.



Checking in with some sharing of the personal stuff and world stage finds




Challenging for me atm to get behind this plan and the awakening itself as I see no tangible changes.  Lots happening, yes, but nothing yet that is helping anyone of any significance.  Utilities are up.  Food too.  My insurance has risen for the 4th consecutive year even though I have had no claims.  And now retailers and their media mouthpieces are saying these incoming tariffs will drive up prices even further.  Who the hell can take yet another $$ hit?  They want us living off of bread and water, living in cold homes because we can’t afford to heat them anymore?  Up to our necks in debt just to survive?  Even if the income tax is eliminated, some don’t make enough to pay a tax on their income so they will be hit the hardest.


I have come to view this awakening as the have and the have not’s – the have not’s growing in numbers – seeing too many dropping out, burned out, depressed and sick and people like me promote their causes when and how I can.  And when I share my own work and ask for others to share because that costs nothing – and I don’t even see that happening in the way I need and deserve – it is disheartening.

And I think why am I wasting my time doing this now?  Uh because applying for work has garnered me the same damn results so I really don’t have any other viable tangible choices other than to continue doing what I have been doing – just getting more vocal about it and sounding more desperate because the truth is I AM desperate and my body waking me up most every night now pounding the bed in frustration and taking the time to self soothe has become SO GOD DAMN OLD so when I see Trump and Melania and anyone else in their camp selling books and coins and people flocking to buy them I scream over here:  WHAT. ABOUT. ME???!!!!  And other Souls like me?  Do we simply not matter?  Are we just tools to be used – worthless entities in the eyes of the haves (or shall I say the “still haves”) to be discarded in this system of pay to live or die – when we should be doing better and COULD be doing better by doing small simple things to help those who are vocally saying what they need – and then actually doing those very things instead of ignoring and moving on which is painful as HELL at this point.

I mean Jesus – a beautiful friend of mine – we are doing what we can to help one another as she is in a similar situation – she donated $5 to me when she had less than $20 in her bank account.  (And if you want to help her, go here – she is one of the kindest Souls you will meet).


U G H!  ENOUGH already!

At some point, things become easier for us all as common sense this current trend – the way it’s been – for the past 30 years – especially the past 10 – is not. sustainable. if society as a whole really wants to see us all thrive.  For if not, the have nots will start going after those who have out of the sheer need to survive.  And any benevolent run plan cannot allow that to happen.

Stepping off the soundbox to share some finds that hopefully are showing this new world we keep hearing about and intending.  So keep focused on bringing that in.  It’s all I got atm.









I think this is the last time I will allow my eyes to read these words:







fed audit?  how long will this take?  if AI doing it – can be done in a flash.


Musk aides gain access to sensitive Treasury Department payment system – The Washington Post




this feels like outside the wall to me….

Huge “islands” found inside Earth are 100 times taller than Everest – Earth.com


another blackout:











Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖











President Trump Signing A New Round of EO’s ~ The Wrecking Ball in Process ~ And other finds and a check-in



The shift happened – shifting that absolutely horrid feel from yesterday.  At least for me.  I haven’t seen if others are having the same experience.  Be nice if this was the last “purge”.

Here’s what I’m seeing.




BREAKING: HUGE SCALP: Trump Fires Head of FBI Washington Field Office David Sundberg – Cans More Than 20 Heads of FBI Field Offices





I HAVE NOT VERIFIED THIS FOR ACCURACY………..just sharing as things are not as they appear w/these things………



Prosecutors Drop Superseding Indictment Against Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs – Charges Now Span Two Decades Starting in 2004 – Accused of Dangling Victim Over an Apartment Balcony!


This is how you do it – keep it simple.




not yet verified but pretty sure this will manifest:







past shows future:





Trump Slaps 25% Tariffs On Canada & Mexico, 10% On China | ZeroHedge




At 5 PM EST, Fed Workers’ Pronoun Use On Emails Will Be ‘Was/Were’ | ZeroHedge

ABC News reports that federal employees at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry have until 5 pm EST to remove pronouns from their email signatures. The directive was stated in internal memos obtained by the media outlet, citing two executive orders signed by Trump on his first day to dismantle toxic wokeism in the federal government.

Pronouns and any other information not permitted in the policy must be removed from CDC/ATSDR employee signatures by 5.p.m. ET on Friday,” Jason Bonander, the CDC’s Chief Information Officer, wrote in a memo to staff on Friday morning.

Bonander said, “Staff are being asked to alter signature blocks by 5.p.m. ET today (Friday, January 31, 2025) to follow the revised policy.”



Chuck Todd Out At NBC News In Latest MSM Shakeup | ZeroHedge


Trump Media Launches Truth.Fi To Fight De-banking, Big Tech Censorship Of American Patriots | ZeroHedge

Trump Media, the company behind President Donald Trump’s social media platform Truth Social, is expanding into financial services and  financial technology (fintech) with the launch of a new brand called Truth.Fi that the company says will help protect American patriots from censorship, de-banking, and other threats from Big Tech and “woke corporations.”




Black quote, “President Trump tasks us with protecting our fellow Americans from all enemies, foreign and domestic. As alleged in the indictment, this defendant leveraged his position within the Federal Reserve to pass sensitive financial information to the Chinese government, a designated foreign adversary,” said U.S. Attorney Martin. “Let this indictment serve as a warning to all who seek to betray or exploit the United States: law enforcement will find you and hold you accountable.”  on white background in navy blue letters. Edward R. Martin Jr. Interim United States  Attorney  
District of  Columbia, on navy blue block at bottom of page. USAO DC DOJ seal in bottom left corner, yellow triangle in bottom left corner.




TOTALLY been my experience here….





1.29.25 ~ Today’s Finds & Headlines ~ Happy New Year



It’s not that we don’t belong – it’s the fact that there’s a frequency mis-match which creates those things such as disease, war, poverty, competition, pay to enslave, etc.  Keep tapping within and receiving your real Frequency.  Build on it.  Something is coming to help.  Feeeeeeeeeeels.

I will say this – in my body – anything that does not align is becoming more and more incapable of being accepted and is not sticking.  It’s interesting – it’s like I can feeeeeeel whatever come in and my body immediately says NO and rejects it – whether it’s an event or experience or person.  Where’s that cabin on a remote island with a handful of like-minded people to get through this time?

For now, here’s what is being seen out on stage.  Please remember to donate and share too.  Funds are low and my teenager is eating a jar of pickles in 2 days these days.  Food prices will be coming down, right??!!





From 2020 – but perhaps he was talking about another kind of “Light” (frequency)………..Feeeeeeeeeeeeels


He’s been saying this lately….(he tweeted this on X today):












This happened years ago – just letting the public know now….









NEW: Trump Rescinds OMB Memo on Federal Spending Freeze | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

The media reported that President Trump rescinded his federal spending freeze on Wednesday.

However, the White House clarified that Trump did not rescind the federal funding freeze.

“It is simply a rescission of the OMB memo,” White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt said. “Why? To end any confusion created by the court’s injunction.”




Pretty sure that’s the goal…


US Senator From Michigan Who Paid Dirty Voter Fraud Registration Group That’s Still Under Investigation By FBI, Announces Retirement | The Gateway Pundit | by Patty McMurray

Trump DOJ Drops Jack Smith’s Classified Documents Case | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


Uh what about the rest of us?  And twitter restitution too.  3x for me.  And Patreon.  Pooh pal.  That could create a precedent though.  Class action time?

Trump Settles with Meta Platforms for $25 Million After Social Media Giant Suspended His Accounts in 2021 | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft


Chinese lunar new year 2025: Which zodiac animal are you?

1.28.25 ~ Out With The Old – In With The New. Finds. Headlines. Theorizing. Moves and Counter-moves.



I have a sense of what’s going on.  The Trump Administration enacting a temporary freeze on a large chunk of Federal Spending.  My theory is now that we have the Department of External Revenue – and DOGE (Dept. of Gov. Efficiency) – this freeze will allow these two departments to go through the books of the billions of dollars spent every year to a host of organizations, including universities, non-profits (red cross, united way etc. are my thoughts atm) and other places that have been given taxpayer money over the years with no accountability (or very little).

This is about exposure.  The basic social support dollars are protected – things like social security, medicare, medicaid and food stamps.  But the rest are going to have a freeze – temporarily – while investigations take place.

That is my hunch.

I’m also theorizing on President’s Trumps invite to address congress on March 4th.  As we know, March 4 is the date that President’s were sworn in, from 1793 through 1933 at least.  Washington was first sworn in on April 30.  I see this as part of the return to the Constitutional Republic.  Trump has been referencing the Constitution a lot the past week in his EO’s and actions while others opposed to his work are crying “that goes against the constitution!”  Which is rather laughable as these same types have dismissed the Constitution over the years with their plethora of laws and regulations they put on you and I.  And given there is legislation in Congress to approve Trump of a 3rd term, I see that as an indicator that will validate the fact that he served from 2017-2021, then as behind-the-scenes as CIC during the Military Op/Control, then one last time starting this year.

MIRROR in effect.  BOOMERANG incoming.  The Great Flip.  The Great Purge.  This has drain the swamp all over it.






JUST IN: President Trump Offering Millions of Federal Workers Buyouts if They Resign by February 6


JUST IN: Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth “Immediately” Revoking Disgraced General Mark Milley’s Security Detail and Security Clearance


It’s so sad we even had to have an EO on this….

MORE WINNING: President Trump Signs Executive Order Restricting Child Mutilation Across America, DOJ Also Ordered to Pursue Litigation to End the Sinister Practice


DEVELOPING: Trump AG Fires Eric Holder’s Prosecutor Pal Molly Gaston – The Left-Wing Hack Who Helped Perjurer Andrew McCabe Off the Hook | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


I knew this wasn’t the Trump Admin…..

Another Hoax Blows Up! Fake News Claims Trump Shut Down Medicaid Portals, Locked 72 Million Americans Out of Their Health Insurance – Here’s What Really Happened | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


Evil counter-move (through next Monday):

BREAKING: Biden-Appointed Judge Blocks Trump Federal Spending Freeze | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila





Projection 101:


[2025-01-29] Hearing: Hearing to consider the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., of California, to be Secretary of Health and Human Services | The United States Senate Committee on Finance


Who Is Kash Patel? Controversial Trump Loyalist Set For FBI Director Confirmation Hearing This Week


Drone statement:


I would say so:









Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖










1.27.25 ~ Today’s Finds: Acosta Leaving CNN, almost $800 BILLION wiped from stockmarket, egg prices soar… OH MY what a time to be alive!


Egg prices are up around here.  Like seriously up.  Like 30% – or more.  Sticker shock tonight at the store.  Made me think “They punishing US because Trump is back in office?”  Ugh.  Oh well – NCSWIC – cosmic divine or otherwise.  Here is what I’m seeing.  Please remember to Share my work and leave a donation in exchange for my heartfelt dedication I put into my work each day.




Best biggest news of all – for me and those like me.  D speaks my language.  How long have I griped here over the last few years how we need something. like. this.  🙏💖  I will share more later as details emerge and encourage all of you to join in.  TOGETHER we can help others in need.



BREAKING: Jim Acosta Reportedly OUT at CNN | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Self-appointed anti-Trump ‘resistance’ journalist Jim Acosta is reportedly leaving CNN.

Last week, it was revealed that the struggling network was moving Acosta to the waste land of midnight or 2 AM. As a result, he was allegedly threatening to quit.

Now it’s happening. His dozens of viewers will be very sad about this.


BREAKING: Trump Uses Emergency Powers to Send U.S. Military into California and Provide Water: “The Days of Putting a Fake Environmental Argument, over the PEOPLE, are OVER.” | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson

“The United States Military just entered the Great State of California and, under Emergency Powers, TURNED ON THE WATER flowing abundantly from the Pacific Northwest, and beyond,” the President said on Truth Social. “The days of putting a Fake Environmental argument, over the PEOPLE, are OVER.”


Scott Bessent Confirmed as 79th US Treasury Secretary in 68-29 Senate Vote | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft




White hair version….


Riiiiiiiiiiiight Jim….. 😂




The BING & The Ping:




Interesting…………was telling a friend who is also having ‘interesting’ experiences (been having some myself that i keep private) that it seems like a bleed-through of the other timeline is happening………not the literal space but more of a representation OF it to prepare us……….



I wanted to verify the above – this is about all I could find:


Oldest Version Name: Brian Podesta Summary: Clearance Profile URL: Povesta Current Title: Senior Analyst – National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Timestamp: 2015-10-28 Newest Version Name: Brian Podesta Summary: Clearance Profile URL: Povesta Current Title: Senior Analyst – National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Timestamp: 2015-12-24 – iFunny



movies movies movies (btw – tried watching the most recent matrix – could not do it – just UGH):


this one feels off to me:




BREAKING: Supreme Court Delivers Major 8-1 Ruling – Boveed











Today’s happy finds:






Female power – young and old: