1.11.25 ~ It is truly a bizarre reality. Personal “UFO” experience. Reflecting and Finds.




On our walk today, my girl stopped, looked off in the distance and asked “What’s that?”  There in the clouds was a very bright white light.  It didn’t seem to be a plane.  We watched it as it disappeared inside the cloud, so we watched and waited for it to reappear.  Somewhere.

It never did.  👀

We made a stop at the store and were surrounded by people wearing cones on their faces.  We saw someone we know – and tried having a conversation.  I just can’t do it anymore.  Plus, it is impossible when their words are muffled and they are radiating, that combination of dryer sheet and need-to-take-a-bath smell.  I kept it friendly – p.c. – all sorts of p.c. questions asked which I answered briefly, returning my focus back on my girl, when OVERWHELMINGLY what I wanted to say was “for the love of god already take off that g.d. mask!  stop injecting yourself!  other than that, i am happy as a lark that T is about ready to step back into office and blow up that entire criminal narrative of mind-numbing bull$###.  have a nice day.”  And I really don’t give a crap how I sound or how rude or arrogant I may sound.  I want my reality where I DO NOT EVER SEE THIS AGAIN.  And not just for me but mostly for my girl.  The b.s. is hard-wired into her childhood experience and as a mama that pisses me the royal ef off.  They can have their own reality.

I just want. mine.

As do most of us who come here.  Overwhelmingly.

There was some local talk about how to talk civilly with local government.  Doesn’t matter how corrupt that government system is – be polite.  blah blah blah  Think evil responds to politeness?  This city is swimming in p.c. stench that has left us with potholes everywhere, homeless camps everywhere, fentanyl and other drugs everywhere, rents for crappy apartments and homes in need of repair starting at $2,000.

All done with intent and purpose.  And all along the people have tried to make a difference only to be met with blocks by bureaucratic monsters with too much money, not enough heart, likely lacking a Soul, and certainly not enough brain matter.

But let’s remember to be civil.


As though OUR response is the problem.

Nice victim-shaming tactic.


Just like that bully on the playground is the problem.

And how do you deal with a problem being created by those who know what they’re doing, don’t care and refuse to stop or change?


Thank you Military.

We are ready to SEE your work.

Here’s what I’m seeing.

To Truth.

And to our right to FREEDOM.  REAL freedom – not the cracker-jack new age pushed on us.









My personal favorite…




“He’s the only one who has my number….”  Of note:  at the .49 mark is the point (to Dan)………..  👀




Biden gives Pope Francis highest civilian honor before leaving office


Another rock toss………



Melania’s dress – it really is quite ugly – but she does that – wears her clothes as a comm…..And her hairstyle – same.  Kiss of – death – perhaps?

Melania Trump’s ‘Nun’-inspired outfit at Jimmy Carter’s funeral sparks backlash: 'What was she thinking?'

…Valentino black coat dress with an oversized white collar, paired with a dramatic print of a 19th-century neoclassical sculpture of lovers sharing an intimate kiss.

Melania Trump’s ‘Nun’-inspired outfit at Jimmy Carter’s funeral sparks backlash: ‘What was she thinking?’ | World News – Times of India







How many of ya’ll called this number?  😂


1.10.24 ~ Finds, Current feeeeeeeeeeeels in pictures, 5:5 sleuthing, and a Jesus Synch




My current state in pictures:

Mentally Exhausted? Here Are 7 Expert-Backed Ways to Cope | The Output by Peloton

14,521 Female Rage Stock Photos, High-Res Pictures, and Images - Getty Images

Other than these in moments, I am also exceptionally this.  Even after a pretty good night sleep.  New level of exhaustion today.  I see others saying the same today.  Tonight at the store, while getting some of my favorite pistachio’s in bulk, I misjudged the bag, and nuts went all over the shelf.  I stood there – and felt a mix of guilt followed by strong giggles – saying to my girl: “I could have sworn I had the bag open.”




Broken Stuff | Daily Devotional | Lincoln Presbyterian Church | Stockton

Clean up in aisle 4….

Time to wrap up this movie, end the psyops, initiate the final blow and get us all out of “their” little matrix playground.  BTW – as I felt – and as I have felt for years now in spite of other biggie’s saying T was going to jail – he is not going to jail.

Here are the finds for today.  Please support my work by leaving a donation and sharing my work on your social media accounts.  Thank you!







T said he’d be talking about this on day 1:


Okay so here’s the Jesus synch……….earlier today making the bed I thought about Jesus for some reason – said to myself “if he’s just a program inside this matrix, what if we ALL get ‘infected’ with it” hence most of us on X who did that social score thing all got 38…….


Yes, ma’am…


This is……….interesting……….perhaps………….JB giving his goodbye speech Jan. 15th – Covid and other things Delta – 5 years………and 5 days after Jan. 15th is T’s inauguration.  I’m seeing…5:5………


Happens to be the day I entered this place………..it’s going to be sunny so that intention has manifested.  Intending other magical wonderful happenings………..




Speaking of Z-burg – he was on Rogan dropping truth bombs – and today is looking human as compared to years past…

 (X user @npc_moments)


Mark Zuckerberg Admits to Joe Rogan that the Biden Admin “Screamed and Cursed” at Facebook Employees – Forced Us to Censor Content Related to COVID-19 Vaccines” – Confirms Arguments Made in Ongoing Murthy vs. MO SCOTUS Lawsuit


Mel Gibson Reveals $14.5M Malibu Mansion Burned to Ashes While Filming Joe Rogan’s Podcast: ‘It Was Like Someone Did It on Purpose’


Leaked Memo Exposes Incompetent LA Mayor Karen Bass’ $49 Million Fire Department Budget Cut Demand Just One Week Before Wildfires Erupted — Plan Would Shut Down 16 Fire Stations


Just like out of a movie, eh?  MrMBB333 – freaky friday………

HERE is what people are seeing NOW! Stopping along the roadside to LOOK UP! Man says “This is crazy” – YouTube



Several in CALI and TEXAS today – shallow too:

Today’s Earthquakes




And yet police said no probable cause for arson……….even though the citizens making the arrest said otherwise……….



There’s the Point……..

Son of Former President Bolsonaro Admits to Helping Israeli Soldier Escape Brazilian Justice Persecution | The Gateway Pundit | by Fernando de Castro






This is us.  KEEP. GOING.



No, but all I would have to do is ask her if she wanted to go to the P A R K and with each letter she would get more excited……….🥰


Cats speak, too:



1.8.25 ~ World Stage Happenings ~ Fire Updates



We got magic trees again – able to withstand intense fires and winds…..Not sure what to think about this situation given many of the homes lost owned by “them”.  Is it about taking out evil in pedowood?  Is it about exposure?  Is it about intentional doing’s with the purpose of land grabs?  Problem reaction solution?  Varying theories – many speculating – I appreciate those who speculate and say “I don’t know a damn thing” or similar at the end.










Copycat – arsonists:






222 html code:










I see things like this – and I pause.  Is this more mirroring going on or something else?  Just like MAGA is a 5th degree satanist.  And we already had The Great Awakening in the 1730’s and 1740’s (religious movement).  We’ve also had Golden Ages.


And this too:



My previous dog used to do this.  🥰



My dad would do this – where I get that childlike spirit from.  🥰


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A dream………..time travel……….finds inside the simulation………




I had a brief dream this morning where I was amongst a group of people, laughter – celebrating – and I said “warnuse is really carolyn bessette kennedy”.  Her birthday is the 7th – we are 6 days apart.  I see these things online:


Overall, these days – yes.  Don’t much care for certain behaviors and have no problem anymore in stating what I need and asking for it – and anything contrary that comes back my way while dismissing what I have shared?  Yep – this.  It’s been some old program I needed to see and clear to arrive to this point.


Moving on to other things…



Boeing Plane Catches Fire on Runway After Two Wheels Explode | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


Bomb Squad Investigates Suspicious Package Five Miles from White House Ahead of Presidential Election Certification | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft


Biggest D.C. Snowstorm in Years Threatens to Derail 2024 Election Certification as Congress Flees Capital Despite Advisory to Stay | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft










Here we go………….Welcome Canada!  I may just go live up North….

Canada’s Trudeau is likely to resign this week, Globe reports – Times of India




My friend D doin’ his sleuthing…….


Didn’t T say something like it would end in 24 hours?


Van Gogh – a nice image:




There’s also the book – 33 pages……….




That’s why sometimes it takes a round or two to get it right:

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Clinging to the life raft…..



U G H!

PLEASE just let me f’ing SLEEP.  Waking up pounding the bed and scratching myself because I am so frustrated.  Again.  Haul myself out of bed – again – and do yet another round of yoga like I did to get myself TO sleep.

I cannot hear “you are detoxing” – “you are ascending”.  Uh, N O and N O!

I am under psychological attack.  And feeling like I am being smothered – something trying to “drown” me – impinge me – I feeeeeeeeeel it around me – refusing to allow me to break free – blocking all attempts to create something truly NEW.

Now the car has a f’ing leak – door seals.  We’ve had almost 2 feet of rain since October.  As I’ve said the last two months – we’re either in rain or fog – seeing very little of the sun.  Just typing this up makes me itch.  Anyway, we haven’t been able to fix it because we need dry weather to do so.  I’m at the point of saying fuch it – wrap the damn door in weatherproofing tape and just live with it.  I already bought us a wet/dry vac so when we do have a break for a small period of time, we suck up the water.

I had another experience last night where I applied for a gig – earn some extra cash because no one seems to be hiring or interested in my skills.  Recommended site that I got through a WAH newsletter for women.  It looked good – and I was feeling good about it.  I filled out my profile, etc. – then when I was all set to go, they ask for my f’ing POOH PAL information and unless I gave them my POOH PAL information they could not match me up with gigs.  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I sat here – fuming – and just let out one loud scream.  Nowhere in her article on this did she mention they require paypal – and this is something she does – tells you what form of payment these places take.  So when I see pooh pal, I move on.

I also have about $100 in Microsoft Rewards – just sitting there – because I don’t have a poohpal account – one that isn’t frozen.  I tried to speak with their customer service – and they all say the same thing:  “That doesn’t make sense.  Email them.  Call them.  Make another one.”  I say – again – “I HAVE emailed.  They don’t respond back.  I have tried to call them and they BLOCK ME.  I am not ALLOWED to make another account because THEY RECOGNIZE MY BANK ACCOUNT AND SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS.”  OMG.


Everyone has a limit – I don’t care who you are.  And I have definitely reached mine.  I feel I am breaking down.  I feel desperate.  I feel trapped in a corner.  I tell myself otherwise with my ongoing scripting – and yet I also know – “I HAVE SAID THAT ENOUGH!”  Ya know?  And the big one: Hearing my girl say what she wants and I cannot give her that – while I reach out and share my story, ask for what I NEED, share my heart month after month omg ENOUGH already!! to be met with unwanted advice or silence (what the fuch ever happened to this uniting/awakening?!?!?!) once too often – is making me f’ing loco.  And itch all over.  And want to jump out of my skin and/or rip off my clothes in shreds and go Hulk.  Hey World – want to know why people fall through the cracks and lose their minds?  It’s because they’ve had their heart broken too many times – been gaslit, abandoned one too many times, abused too long, discounted, ignored.

While I REFUSE to give up – because deep deep within is a fire still burning just a wee bit now – I truly want to collapse into exhaustion and just be taken care of for awhile until I can burn bright again.

Anyone wanting to send protective energy and hold the visions of what I have been trying to create for myself – please – I ask you to do so.




1.3.25 ~ Searching for what Aligns………..Schumann in whiteout mode………Dogs doing their cute thing





35 years and still going………….


Going through the headlines.  Not seeing much that is fitting my narrative – our narrative.  In this “back and forth” world stage experience, today seems like a “back back” moment.  TBH I really don’t care much – I remain laser focused and intending for affordable housing and food.  Increase in income.  Tens of thousands coming forth and supporting my work.  Intend.  Command.  See it.  Receive it. BE it.  IT IS SO.

Here are my searches that align with what I seek.  BTW – 7/11 also is 1.17





#freetommyrobinson Trends as Elon Musk Calls for King Charles to Call New Elections in UK


Either this is part of the plan to sink the ship (calling out all the baddies which let’s be honest – how many pure ones are in government?  A dozen or so?) – or it’s two sides of the same coin.  But I don’t really think and feel that….

Unnamed Group of Conservatives Release Scorecard of Johnson’s Failure as House Speaker




Trump’s Secret Weapon for Mass Deportations: E-Verify | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor



Securing a “Golden Ticket” — Why Is the Trump Inaugural Team Limiting Tickets to Trump Base Voters? Who Made this Decision and Does President Trump Know About This? (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft


$1295 for standing in the mall.  Everything else – you must request fmi.

Inaugural Tickets – 2025 Swearing-In Ceremony


Want to attend the parade?  Those start at $1695.00

Inaugural Tickets – 2025 Inaugural Parade





Uh huh…………


Uh huh………



White out:







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Check in – Finds, etc.




Day 2 of 2025 and “something” is trying to throw me off center.  But I don’t stop.  I don’t back down.

Something is in the vibe – something is literally in the air too – making my girl and I cough.  Making us all cough.  Not normal so I am doing remedies to detox from the “something”.

Car issue returned – which matched what I originally felt that what I did – accidentally – was not the cause.  So, I am locating help of the mobile kind as this is not something that needs to be put in a shop – and for now have a temporary fix in place.  And as is often the case here, that brought about unnecessary drama.  And I am just so finished with that.  I like to tackle a problem head on even if it means taking deep breaths and countering any nonsensical thoughts of fear going through the mind.

Quite a bit of doom and gloom talk – some have given up hope – others questioning the entire awakening – too many in need of what is still being withheld.  I don’t like it any more than anyone else.  I have that inner fighter giving the bird to all of it while pushing out to this place the freedom I want.  My sense continues to be “they” at it until the very end – amps up AT the end – and we are literally along for the ride – because it doesn’t appear as though you and I have any g.d. control over how this plays out much less what “they” do.  If so, this would have switched by now.  All of that said – WE WIN.  “they” lose.

Period.  Nothing in me says otherwise.  As most of you know by now, after many years of wondering and believing otherwise, I have come to see this experience as a war on our minds – our consciousness – and all of the talk about lessons and gotten go through hell b4 you get to heaven and all of the channelings etc. that tell you “you aren’t ready for good things yet” is just a bunch of matrix b.s.  Who says so?  Who makes that kind of a decision for  another (often lost and/or in need inside this prison).  Other Beings – who are clearly violating anything in the frequency of Love.  Anyway…..for now……Being in the body and centered is so so SO important – focused on what you want – while keeping the eyes open to “their” moves.

Just my two cents.  And I want to add that just because I am presenting myself here as strong and solid – which is true – there is the other part of me that is done w/anything I see and consider to be b.s. – the “movie” – the drama – and who is screaming inside for things to be affordable – for a positive financial door to open for me so I can do what I need and want to do.  Feeling trapped by money is an experience I am absolutely fully DONE WITH – as well as are my convo’s with anyone who doesn’t support my efforts and respect my words and requests.  So……..Some moments it’s a battle to keep my cool……

Here’s what I am seeing.  If anyone needs anything, as always, let me know.  Audience is small but the hearts are pure.




“they” are throwing it all out there………


Bomb Threat Involving Driver of 18-Wheeler Closes Down I-85 in Greenville, South Carolina (VIDEO)


DEVELOPING: One Dead, 15 Injured After Plane Crashes Into Warehouse Near SoCal Airport (VIDEO)


Fire Erupts at Home in French Quarter as Residents Still on Edge Following NOLA Terror Attack (VIDEO)


lookit the neck on her/him/it whatever………

Embarrassing: New Orleans’ 65-Year-Old DEI Police Chief’s Shocking Admission on City’s Missing Preventative Sidewalk Barriers “I didn’t know about them” (Video)


Joe Biden and Jake Sullivan Discussed Bombing Iran Before Trump Takes Office


BREAKING: House Releases Bombshell Report on January 6 Pipe Bomber Revealing FBI Engaged in Massive Coverup and Refuses to Cooperate with Investigators


I think that’s enough of “that”.  Let’s see what the dogs and puppies are up to….


I remember as a kid I used to love going to the furniture store – levitz I believe it was – hopping on the beds….


Current vibe for many atm:








He just might hold more power than we realize……..

JUST IN: US Judicial Body Rejects Democrats’ Request to Refer Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to DOJ Over Ethics Complaints



I remember seeing that – thinking “uh what’s going on here?”





Schumann current:



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12.31.24 ~ Somewhere it’s 2025 ~ Some finds, including the Fog phenomenon, an interesting Trump move and a cool Gematria



Happy 2025 – 9 year – to those of you who have already taken the leap ahead.  May the calendar numbers 2025 be I T.  It IT.  New ways to heal and live and be and THRIVE.

For us all.  ⚡💯

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Thank you – all of you – for your friendship and support this past year.  Onward and upwards we go.





Animals being their awesome selves:



When you get tired of that slow pace……….






Bye bye paypal perhaps?


Cable tv, too?






We were told there would be fireworks:




South Korean Court Issues Arrest Warrant Against Impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol Over Martial Law Attempt


The interesting Trump move:

Trump nominees told not to post on social media without approval


FRYday and Monday…….





Appears before “great revelations”…..

MrMBB333 on the fog:

ANOTHER Strange Phenomenon SWEEPING the Globe! – YouTube


Patent, too?

US1338343A – Process and apparatus for the production of intense artificial clouds, fogs, or mists – Google Patents





Elon’s recent screenname change:

So Elon

has changed his name to KEKIUS MAXIMUS has a very other-worldly feeeeel to it. I decided to run a gematria on it. Check it out:

Back To The Future

Exit The Matrix

XRP The Storm

Keys To The Tesla

Level Playing Field

Break Saturns Code

When Does A Bird Sing

All Frequencies and Timelines Align




Is it 40 seconds or 20 seconds?


Worldwide firework displays:



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12.30.24 ~ Checking in………..Finds, Headlines and a Message to the Big(ger) Accounts




No idea what day it is.  lol  Anyone else?

Perhaps I spoke of this earlier.  Perhaps I didn’t.  I honestly don’t recall – I am so. worn. out.  Sleep doesn’t really knock this mental fatigue back.  Eating, same.  Some days are better than others of course, but this mental fatigue of “ENOUGH already” continues to return.  I knock it back like Neo but back it comes.

I’m seeing too many beautiful Souls who are working so diligently to heal and change their lives with intention – and who are also getting their arses kicked at the same time.  That’s why I always – ALWAYS say and will continue to say – to be there for one another.  To ask what someone NEEDS.  And if you can do it, then do it.

For myself, I don’t get why big accounts won’t share other people’s work.  I tag, I ask directly.

This is not a competition.  We are all on the same “stage”.  It makes me think there are simple fakes out there who don’t want to share the limelight and are instead completely utterly self-focused while they give the persona online of being otherwise.

So…..if you truly care about humanity, if you care about the children, if you care about the mom’s and you have a big audience then do the right thing and help out when you are asked.  Sharing doesn’t cost a dime.  You won’t lose any followers.  There is room for us all.  NO ONE ABOVE ANOTHER.

Here is what I’m seeing.  Please click the green button below and leave a financial contribution for the work I do and share.  As I now promote myself – Truth Searching and Telling since 2016.  No clickbait.  Donation based.  And a kick-arse pianist and maker of chocolate.





What dogs do best – hold space.  Maybe it’s that inability to talk like a human that gives them this ability.





Turn this on b4 watching the cat – for full effect.  😎






Next Speaker of the House info:

GOP Rep. Thomas Massie Says He’s Voting Against Mike Johnson in Speaker Election: ‘The Next Paul Ryan’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Randy DeSoto, The Western Journal

There are currently 434 members of Congress who will be able to vote for the next speaker following Rep. Matt Gaetz’s resignation from the House last month.

The breakdown is 219 Republicans and 215 Democrats.

“The speaker of the House must win an outright majority of all members casting ballots for someone by name. In other words, the person with the most votes does not win,” Pergram explained.


Is this one of those “keep your friends close, your enemies closer” moves?  Art of War?

Trump says he supports Mike Johnson to stay on as speaker




Pinkerton: Trump Wants to Make Greenland Great Again



I don’t know if we’re having this phenomenon here, but I know we have been having an ungawdly amount of fog and clouds for 2.5 months….



Not many Trump kids do I feel good or neutral about – Eric, I do.  Sworn in October 9, 2024.  I zoomed in and it does say the commitment expires 1.7.25.


Sharing for the first part about enacting a law to allow people who “faked” their death to return to the public eye without harassment………The whole T being Elvis – I just ain’t feeling that – but who knows………..



to go w/the above:


T uses the phrase “sinking ship” which reminds me of this tidbit:



Could be why we so tired here – not getting enough sleep.  I remember in 2018 “sensing” within that as we got closer to the end, the more I would need to sleep.

And I wonder if this talk about the “FLIP” is really just flipping this ship we’re on. Kinda like Pirates of the Caribbean – At Worlds End. The ship is flipped to return to the Land of the Living. We get off – “they” sink with it.







12.29.24 ~ A Grandpa Don Rainbow, Schumann buzzing, A Gematria, A Mysterious Anomaly Being Seen in Earth’s Magnetic Field, Large Hadron Collider “Magic” Particle Discovery and other Finds



First I want to say I am sorry last night’s post only had a title.  There was text and for personal reasons I decided to delete it – and then had a brain blip at the time in my state of frustration and forgot to remove the entire piece.  I completely forgot about it, tbh, until some of you reached out to me and asked what was up/if I was ok.  Yesterday did feel like a chaotic day of purging and releasing and seeing while finding a new level of voice/empowerment – for me that is.  Others I spoke with talked of feeling quite low.

Anyway, felt good to take a day off of this sleuthing/sharing and today I am still not really into the whole movie although I did see a few things that have piqued my curiousity, which I will share below.  But first I want to share my Grandpa Don Rainbow.  Long term subscribers know about this – for those who are new(er) – Grandpa Don was our adopted dad/grandpa who lived next door until he left this realm in December 2019.  At the time the most amazing rain appeared over his house and lasted for a good two hours.  It was the talk of the town at the time.

So we decided to say he left on a rainbow.  As the family was going through his belongings, we were allowed to participate.  At the very end, walking by his empty house one evening, I saw a print of a rainbow propped up in one of his windows.  The contractor who was doing some remodeling of the place was there so I asked if I could come in and take it.  He was very willing, said yes, and said it was strange as heh found it lying in the floor in one of the rooms that he thought had been cleared out.  He didn’t know what to do with it, so he had this nudge to put it in the window.

It became mine and it has been in my foyer ever since, lovingly called The Grandpa Don Rainbow.

Last night I had to get out of the house.  On my drive, I did a lot of releasing and in that releasing, I cried out to not only the Universe but to Grandpa Don – asking for solace, release – something I could feeeeeeeeeeel aside from what I had felt earlier in the day.

This morning when I woke up, I opened the curtains and after noticing the sun was (FINALLY!!!) out, sky blue, did I notice the rainbow.  It was in the same place – full.  I finished doing my morning stuff, walked out back and noticed it was still there so I decided to take some pictures.  We all watched it and noted it hung around for over an hour before disappearing.  Later on, I’m sitting here uploading the photos when I heard a sound in the foyer.  One of our holiday cards had fallen off the door – the Snoopy/Woodstock one.  I paused and thought ‘Grandpa Don would have loved that card’ before being nudged to shake off the blanket on the recliner.  As I walk outside, I was again nudged this time to look off to the north – and there it was again – the rainbow – same place.  “What the……….??” I said out loud with some excitement, running back inside, grabbing my camera and taking another round of photos.  Smiling.

And knowing who it was.  Knowing he’s still around, watching, protecting as he always did.

Here are a few photos and after that, interesting finds.  Thanks to all who support me and my work.



Round one:



Round two:





Quantum Computing and the Power of “Magic”

Magic Particles: The Large Hadron Collider’s Quantum Computing Breakthrough


Headed in the direction of Mayotte Island (location of the 11.11.18 17-second interval pulse that was sent throughout the realm):

NASA is closely monitoring an expanding anomaly in Earth’s magnetic field that stretches from South America to southwest Africa. This mysterious phenomenon, known as the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), is causing disruptions in satellite systems and could have broader implications for our understanding of Earth’s geophysical processes. Is this a natural feature of our planet, or could it hint at something more profound?

NASA Is Closely Monitoring a Mysterious Anomaly in Earth’s Magnetic Field—And It’s Getting Worse


That’s a lot of white…………




Felt this yesterday indeed – voice w/in said to be neutral (that took me awhile lol) – all is ok – and knew it was some fuchery:



Black Moon or 2nd New Moon in one month occurring at 2227 GMT (like those 2’s):

The rare ‘black moon’ of December 30 rises soon | Space

an illustration of the sky showing a dark moon near the sun


Gematria for BLACK MOON:

Going Home

Black Swan

Game Over

Its Done










Ok – this is a dream of mine:


Nice “timing” of this…….


Good sleuthing:




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