Re-post of a Find last night ~ Video of police scanner in DC “Hold Avenue for President Trump and Kennedy”


I wanted to repost this one for a couple of reasons:

  1. It is going viral and I am having friends share it with me.  (I already put it up last night.)
  2. The first video is 1:22 seconds.  And it was shared on the 22nd.  That #22 again and John…
  3. And in case some of you missed it or haven’t seen last night’s latest finds piece…

Check this out…I listened in both videos w/ear buds….The woman does say President Trump and Kennedy….I also verified the weather for DC that day (14th)- it was party cloudy, 80’s……..

First video (from gab):


Here is the full video:






A lot of chills in this one.  As I keep feeeeeeling and saying – the “nothing can stop what’s coming” is about the transition event….the big whatever it is that sets us free – gets us outta their prison.  Sister Bella shared this one with me.  I decided to gematria “Mayotte Island” too…..EVENT….JUDGEMENT IS HERE….RECONSTRUCTION…..RELEASE THE KRAKEN….PERFECT STORM…..FLIP THE SWITCH….DIVINE ALIGNMENT


A Synch with AnMarie Uber



Ok so in today’s “finds”, I ended with AnMarie’s latest – which she put out 11 hours ago.  Around the 8 minute mark, she talks about a “new realm” and asked if anyone had any thoughts about that.  She was sensing a shift to a new realm.

You with me so far?  This gets really good.

Now what none of you know is that EIGHT hours ago (as in a few hours before she dropped this video), she and I had an email exchange.  I sent her the intel from The Gunner’s Wife – her latest video – where she did a read on T and M onstage inauguration night, 2016 – and how T said “Space will be their new home.  Space is the goal.”  And M says “Soon they will see the stars.”  I’ve known about this for awhile- whenever the G’s wife shared it – but for some reason didn’t share this with AnMarie until today.

Then I see in her video she had already spoken of a “new realm” before I had even emailed her.


We will see….I know this – I am quite on the same page as she is with what she is feeeeeling and seeeeing happening at this time.  I too have been feeling (just in the last few days) this sense of Home – in a new way – that my ability to remember is going to start coming online.  It’s hard to explain for me in words atm as I am still trying to “understand” this new sense I am having.  As I have shared here far more than just once (ha!), I have had the desire for Home since I was a child.  And that sense/desire has waxed and waned – but has shifted into something new for me in recent days – as well as a new desire to be fully released from all ai/matrix controls – essentially anything that is not OF me (which I did some intending today).  Perhaps that gets easier now….

We are on the cusp – and while we have felt that wax and wane for some time – I am feeling that shift about ready to go “pop” as it enters and stays.  “STAYS” being the key word here.  Anyway I hope ya’ll tuned in for her read.  I feel it is the most pertinent one yet (as long as I have been following her that is).  We will see……



LIVE: President Trump Speaks at CPAC in Dallas, TX 7/11/21 (UPDATED WITH LINK THAT WORKS)


Screwtube of course removed the video but back-ups always exist…


He’s droppin’……”17″…..”19″ (returning as the 19th legit prez of the Republic)……”23….21″…..”He was turned off” re: the AG of PA wanting to investigate the election fraud only BARR wouldn’t allow it……”Forget her” (when crowd began to chant “lock her up” – HRC)…..”Who’s under” (or inside)….when talking about JB…..”Where’s Durham?  He’s disappeared.”……BOOM BOOM BOOM…..”Lightning Rod”…..”John would make a good VP”…..

LIVE: President Trump Speaks at CPAC in Dallas, TX 7/11/21

Statement by President Donald Trump (and a 17 confirm)



“Fast and Furious”.  Where have we heard that before?  Oh that’s right, I know….

Nov 06, 2017 4:51:29 PM EST
Anonymous ID: KKIreCTB No. 148287326 
What is money flow disruption?
List the Billionaires.
What family history goes back pre_WW1/2?
Why is this relevant?
Why did the Bush family recently break silence and attack POTUS? Coincidence pre SA arrests?
Who audits the billions paid for war?
Who audits the billions paid for environment policy (side note)?
Where do the funds go?
To who / which entity and/or org?
What slush fund was recently terminated by AG Sessions?
What is FAST & Furious?
What is the underlying theme?
Who controls the FED?
How did political leaders/’talking heads’ accum assets in excess of $5mm+? What was the net worth for each prior to taking office?
Why is this relevant?
Snow White.
Godfather III.
and here….

Mar 28, 2019 4:38:08 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d0eafc No. 5948009 
A new world with new abundance, new tech…..Coming online quickly….
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7/8….A few finds…..


The “virus” continues to be the focal point atm.  I read some “mainstream” stories – local journalism – and felt like I was in a completely different reality (pretty sure we are).  The total bull sheot they are pushing now….It’s still be supported by the sheep and that is what they are at this point – unable to see and willing to walk to their own demise willingly (at the very least – willing to give up every right and freedom).  We have a family member who has had numerous health situations arise – causing them to visit specialists and immediate care centers – since the onset of the poke.  They still don’t see the correlation between the poke and these abnormal/odd health conditions – no matter what I or my mate have shared.

All I and any of us can do is pray for them.  As 17 says “the choice to know will be yours”.  We are there.

Here are some finds…




I recently found Stew Peters.  I love his work and his energy.

Doctor EXPOSES Fauci! Premeditated Murder With MULTIPLE Cocktails For ‘Treatment’ Since DAY ONE!






Israel’s new prime minister, puts the flag of Liberia and an upside down American Flag on his “4th of July wishes”…

Disrespectful AF if you ask me..

The draining continues….
I vetted this first one – it’s true.

Earthquake in Rome!

It occurred today at about 12:20 in the city with no indication of depth or magnitude!

And it will not be the last!

If the Biblical records are correct, Rome will be nearly hollowed out as several massive DUMBS apparently star from there…. The Roman Satanic Pedophile Empire of Rome is FINISHED once and for all


Then there were hundreds of quakes in Yellowstone Nat’l Park in recent days:


I wonder if the mention of #19 indicates T would be the 19th President of the U.S. Republic….Grant was the last President under the old Republic – the 18th President – and he served until 1877.  He entered office in 1869 – two years before the Act of 1871.  And here’s some interesting history – Grant had 2 VP’s – the last one, Henry Wilson died in office, leaving the position of VP vacant after 11/22/1875.  (interesting date, isn’t it?)






Rep. Crenshaw Blasts Biden “Door To Door” Vaccination Push Says “How About Don’t Knock On My Door”




Mainstream piece, too:


And remember – these stats are only those reported – which are allegedly very low…..Crying emoticon cartoon Royalty Free Vector Image


The New VAERS Numbers Are Out Today:

438,440 Adverse Events
26,818 Hospitalizations
7,463 Disabled
3,324 Heart Attacks
2,200 Myocarditis Reactions
985 Miscarriages
9048 Deaths

100% safe and effective.


🔴Evil rulers of this plane we call earth are killing good people who bring truth and go against their agenda. ⚠️ For more truth, raw knowledge, guidance and wisdom follow our telegram messenger group. ⚠️




Live Updates: Haitian Officials Request U.S. Forces




Asymptomatic symptom study:




Really good one from AnMarie.  As always, I appreciate her honesty and align so much with her views on who we are and where we are as well as a lot of the psychic reads/channelings done by others who don’t know or won’t see the matrix program running here.  At this point in my experience, unless an intuitive is not in alignment with me on my views of this matrix, the parasites who hide in their dimensions, channeling, etc., I won’t receive any healing or reads from them.  (Anyone of you looking for a good reading – contact her.  She could use some $love$.  She has a new site too –  

AnMarie Uber ~The Hidden AI species at the Top (Truthmeter)


Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 7 9 21


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7/9 ~ Early morning reflection…..”DONE in 30″


This is just something that came to me as I was waking up…..I thought of what Mike Flynn said earlier this year in January.  He spoke of George Washington asking of his troops for 30 more days (of effort).  This is all I could find on that atm (the other page I attempted to go to blocked me):

Yesterday Dave showed a segment from an interview with General Flynn where he’s talking about Washington asking his men to stay and fight for 30 more days.

So….we know this is partly an info/psych war.  Done in 30 could indicate 30 days….or 30 weeks. 

There are only four “17” drops that include the phrase “DONE IN 30”.  All four reference Flynn in some way…

We know Flynn said on July 4th he had a big announcement to make.  And I shared here what that announcement was – an event planned for August 19/20/21st.  At first glance, I was disappointed (so were a lot of other people).  We don’t need more rallies or event.  But then this morning I thought “Unless it marks the end of this war and the new beginning for us all.”

I also go back to The Gunner’s Wife and her most recent video – doing reads on the T children on the tarmac on January 20, 2021.  T jr. tells his dad (paraphrased from memory):  “You captured them all.  Good job.  Now let’s finish the job.”

My feeeeel (at this point that is) is this final clean up began on January 20/21 – the moment JB became “President”.  30 weeks from that timeframe is August 17/18, 2021…just 24 hours prior to the date of the Flynn “BIG ANNOUNCEMENT” event.

Coincidence?  Or synch of Truth?

We will see….


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Haiti Police Arrest Six Suspects, Kill Seven In President’s Assassination


THURSDAY, JUL 08, 2021 – 04:40 PM

At least two suspects in the brazen slaying of Haitian President Jovenel Moise were found in the capital of Port-au-Prince by residents who turned them over to the Haitian National Police.

Journalists saw scores of people gather around the men on Thursday, grabbing the suspects by their shirts and the back of their pants, pushing them and on occasion slapping them. People in the crowd said they had found the two hiding in bushes.

Police arrived shortly afterward to arrest the men, who were sweating heavily and were wearing clothes that seemed to be smeared with mud. Officers placed them in the back of a pickup truck and drove away as the crowd ran after them to the nearby police station. –AP News

Two of the assassins were hauled off to the Port au Prince police station.


And this:

Political Crisis in Haiti Deepens Over Rival Claims to Power

7/6…..What’s going on?


What are we going to do if this agenda continues?

What/where/when is our line in the sand?

What do we DO if we have fallen for the biggest game ever?

My line was already drawn some time ago.

Anyone in the UK going to show up at Parliament on the 19th?  My concern with that is his requesting adults bring their children.  Who in their right mind would do that?  I’m wondering if that’s just another dangling carrot to get a bunch of patriots arrested.  Anyone know who he actually is and what his name is?  I haven’t seen any info other than the video (which had no name attached to it).  So for now – it’s disinfo/distraction until I know otherwise.

I keep hearing “it’s going to get crazier”.  I REALLY wish these people saying this would S T F U.  That is absolutely NOT HELPFUL.  I want to see more questions instead of just passively going along.  And we still have these private groups talking about this and that and they don’t share any of their insights publicly.  We are LONG PAST TIME keeping our insights SECRET like some damn high school clique.  We are either all in this together or we aren’t.  So I have continued to walk away from much of what and who I once followed and believed was Divine.  So…..speaking of…..The “DIVINE” in this plan is fading for me.  And now – here in the states – w/this JB fool saying community visits to encourage more pokes.  Well let’s just say most of those who refuse to engage over here are patriotic and 2nd amendment supporters.  If that is pushed, it will not go well.

And yet there is some part of me that knows all is going to be ok.  There has been ample evidence of happenings.  DUMBS getting rocked.  Ongoing arrests and exposure of child sex trafficking rings around the realm.  Actual arrests.  Massive number of CEO’s resigning. Military radar showing huge amounts of ops/movements – especially to Gitmo in recent weeks.  Massive cyber-warfare.  Then there’s the whole “inauguration” which was obviously fake.  Question remains:  WHY was it “fake”?

We are obviously experiencing a HUGE awakening that has particularly spread rapidly the past few years.  The people are resisting and fighting back.  Places are “opening up” – and yet I am also under NO illusion that these psychopaths won’t shut things right back down again and the sleeping dolts will follow right along.  I appreciated something said last night about “Where is God?”  It showed people knowingly walking into a pit because others were doing it (because “they” told them it was safe and nothing bad would happen) and the statement was “Is it up to God to stop these people?”


So honestly – I don’t know a damn thing now for certain.  I get down then I get back up again.  My energetic states have been as erratic as is this war playing out.  And it IS war playing out.  Question is:  Is it good vs. evil or is it evil vs. evil?  That is what I don’t know.  None of us on the outside of the war knows this one.  I tune in and mostly receive nothing in terms of real guidance.  My ability to “see” into the future – just ain’t happening either.  And it’s rightfully pissing me off most days.  Sure, I get the little synchs that allow me to keep on keeping on here – but is that just distraction from something in which would otherwise require me to PAY ATTENTION?

I honestly don’t know.

Which ends up with me not trusting a dayem thing/person/agenda other than what I SEEEEE.  Most days now feel like I am in my own personalized version of The Truman Show where that voice/eye in the sky is not to be trusted.  And as always – if ANY ONE OF YOU are interested in seriously discussing uniting (power in numbers – even if on our own) – contact me.

Let’s see what I can find to give some encouragement and hope.





Well, it is 30 weeks tomorrow since the last drop…


Q’S LAST DROP 12/08/20


I have seen awakened parents who have still put their kiddos in schools that require they wear masks.  Some things I still just don’t get.  PARENTS PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN NO MATTER THE INCONVENIENCE TO YOU.  



THIS:  Stew Peters…99% graphene oxide….




Some good news ~ Trafficking ops through the DOJ wrapping up….Aligns w/an uptick in activity to “the spa”…..Looks like we have clean-up AND ongoing messes happening….Back and forth….

Monkey Werx Live SITREP 7 6 21


Found on social media….It has been discouraging to me to know everyone I once considered to be family and friends out here believes in and trusts in people they don’t know (media, entertainment, political figures, system “scientists/experts”) and yet me?  They don’t believe in or trust in me and my information.  I’ve even done the “I have no reason to lie to you” and the “Look at this reality.  War.  Disease.  Poverty.  These very people creating these situations are people you trust?”  #7 below.  The inability to SEE just baffles my mind now.  Absolutely.  

20 Things I’ve Learned and confirmed about Humanity During The “Pandemic”
1/ Most people would rather be in the majority, than be right.
2/ At least 20% of the population has strong authoritarian tendencies, which will emerge under the right conditions.
3/ Fear of death is only rivalled by the fear of social disapproval. The latter could be stronger.
4/ Propaganda is just as effective in the modern day as it was 100 years ago. Access to limitless information has not made the average person any wiser.
5/ Anything and everything can and will be politicized by the media, government, and those who trust them.
6/ Many politicians and large corporations will gladly sacrifice human lives if it is conducive to their political and financial aspirations.
7/ Most people believe the government acts in the best interests of the people. Even many who are vocal critics of the government.
8/ Once they have made up their mind, most people would rather to commit to being wrong, than admit they were wrong.
9/ Humans can be trained and conditioned quickly and relatively easily to significantly alter their behaviours – for better or worse.
10/ When sufficiently frightened, most people will not only accept authoritarianism, but demand it.
11/ People who are dismissed as ‘conspiracy theorists’ are often well researched and simply ahead of the mainstream narrative.
12/ Most people value safety and security more than freedom and liberty, even if said ‘safety’ is merely an illusion.
13/ Hedonic adaptation occurs in both directions, and once inertia sets in, it is difficult to get people back to ‘normal’.
14/ A significant % of people thoroughly enjoy being subjugated.
15/ ‘The Science’ has evolved into a secular pseudo-religion for millions of people in the West. This religion has little to do with science itself.
16/ Most people care more about looking like they are doing the right thing, rather than actually doing the right thing.
17/ Politics, the media, science, and the healthcare industries are all corrupt, to varying degrees. Scientists and doctors can be bought as easily as politicians.
18/ If you make people comfortable enough, they will not revolt. You can keep millions docile as you strip their rights, by giving them money, food, and entertainment.
19/ Modern people are overly complacent and lack vigilance when it comes to defending their own freedoms from government overreach.
20/ It’s easier to fool a person than to convince them that they have been fooled.
Bonus thought:
21/ Most people are fairly compassionate and have good intentions (this is good)
As a result, most people deeply struggle to understand that some people, including our ‘leaders’, CAN have malicious or perverse intentions (this is bad).


Never did sign up.  And never did understand why GEORGE (on telegram) promoted it:



July 6, 2021: Time Keeps on Tickin’ Into the Future [videos]


As Adverse Reactions to Covid ‘Vaccines’ Reach 400,000, the Truth Must Be Spread Widely



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