7/3 Finds…..



This is so good – so validating in ways.  We are ALL feeling this sense of “shock” over this one issue right now….It brings up a lot of emotions, thoughts – all encompassed, for me that is, in this sense of loss…..and I appreciate him saying how frightened he is over this one issue.  Ditto that.  

Raphael Awen

I feel I spoke glibly on a status update from a few days ago about traveling without a ‘poison jab’.
I was coming from a kind of disbelief that what we are seeing worldwide is like a sci-fi movie meant to garner some kind of an emotional response, but falls short of feeling the deeper feelings of deep loss and sorrow that there is here to feel about these huge shifts underway in our collective consciousness.
I’m sorry that I spoke glibly when so many are feeling anxious about choices so grave.
But my deeper feeling is a grave concern and personal conviction that what we are in the midst of is something that is very frightening and dark. I feel that some kind of reassurance that many are seeking ‘that everything will be okay’ doesn’t come to terms with the gravity at hand and the choice of so many to accept the injection without feeling any of this. Framing it as a loving choice is transcendent and not grounded in what is here, unless of course that is what you truly believe it to be.
My belief is that we are already witnessing great loss and injury of life due to the experimental injections (I cannot call this a V.) on a scale only heretofore allowed in movies. I believe the scale on this is going to go exponential on this and soon more masses of people will be realizing this and reacting to it, in ways difficult to guess how it will all play out.
I will be the first to be relieved if I am overreacting or found to be fused to some part of me seeking apocalyptic escape from the mundanity of everyday life. I hope to god that I’m wrong. I’ve been known to overreact and to jump on conspiracy bandwagons in the past and to come up embarrassed in the process, and will be the first to admit that. I’ve also, however, called bullshit on my world around me very accurately and at great personal loss, and gone on to inhabit new ground of being that I don’t feel could have come to me any other way. Entering something new always calls on us to leave something old. I’m willing to risk being wrong in the desire for my next levels of growth.
I believe the polarity you and I are feeling now, all around us and even emerging between us as friends, families and couples is sacred and what we came here to be in, to respond to, to hone our sacred choices within, while feeling that all this polarity is ultimately returning to love at the same time eventually (in the truest sense of the word), but not before it has completed its drama and events with me. In that, I cannot skip over any of my calls to my personal choice, to wield the sword of my truth, cutting away what is not mine, opening portals to what is mine to learn, feel and grow within.
For me, the experimental inoculations and how we each see and relate to them doesn’t actually leave much room to be in any kind of healthy transaction together in relationship. This is a polarizing issue, because it is! In that unavoidable polarity, the question is how loving can we be? Polarity is meant to return us to love, not make asses of ourselves. Can we feel the deep losses that are before us now even before the mass loss of life that so many are feeling is only going to increase sharply? All relationships find their depth, intimacy and comfort zone around shared values resonance. Life itself has conspired and painted everyone of us into a corner of choice along with flying our truer colors on each ship of all of our relationships, and allowing the chips to fall where they may, trusting that love holds it all.
Realizing that you and a friend, or you and a family member may have exchanged all the gifts you were given to exchange with one another for now and coming to accept that, with deep sadness and tears at the same time, is the kind of growth phases we have before us now. If this virus is anything, it is a great death and rebirth that involves each of our personal individuations, while also realizing our oneness and shared wholeness. On a higher level, I can’t actually separate from anyone while I am completing relationships that don’t nourish or provide meaning and growth. The growth now is found in the separation. Love holds all the separations.
You may have in many ways up till now allowed yourself to be swayed by the prescriptions of others and fear of loss of self image before people that you don’t actually like all that much, resonate with or hold very dearly. You could change that, but only if you were choosing it from your own spine, and not borrowed from mine or anyone else’s around you.
My truth is that if you see it, if you want it, each of us can hold a very sacred role of service in this awakening, but only if you are prepared to lose many things that you’ve hung onto dearly up till now, including the nonchalance and absence of real choice and caretaking of others masquerading as kindness, as caring and ’unconditional love’, and all of that ultimately at the expense of real self love and care, and being used to cover over a subconscious personal death wish. I say that only because it also mirrors and describes me and my own ongoing journey.
If there was this kind of deeper resonance and humility brewing for you, I would be honoured to serve that and be around that.
The process that I live and lead is relentless in uncovering our innate fear of love and provides opportunities to initiate ourselves into deeper layers of returning to real love, real power and true embodiment of our sacred human selves, along with the deepest service to others but it is way too controversial and personally costly for even most spiritual and awakened people to embrace. You have to know you are done with many things to make room for the thing that life and love is giving you now.
Please forgive any edges you sense and feel coming from unhealed or unintegrated shadow in me or my own fear of love. None of us can escape this big amplifier we are entering. Everything is coming to the light. The ugliness contains the deepest beauty.
Much love,

Judge Demands Ghislaine Maxwell Turn Over Records on Clinton Foundation Funding


The Preamble to the US Constitution Contained 52 Words – Today’s US Code Is Over 104 Million Words


Afghanis Loot Bagram Air Base as American Troops Pull Out and Leave Without Telling Local Officials


Pennsylvania Senate Considering Election Audit


Japan’s Number Two Defense Official Warns That a ‘Pearl Harbor’ Type Attack Could Come from Russia and China




Anyone have Zoom and want to verify?



Two people we know who received the poke have either seen a health condition worsen or they have developed new health issues….And of course the poke has nothing to do with the health issues.  That’s just a “coincidence”….








It’s as though this was all planned out….(sarcasm of course)….


“Gosh. How did the Rockefeller Foundation, in their report 10 years ago, know exactly what would be happening today with the Pandemic?

The truth of OPERATION LOCKSTEP is reaching the masses.”

Order Of Alpha [Public Channel]

Via. M. Patriot & TheSEdge


Weather wars…?



Is this why they say Trump is insulated? Looks like protection to me. This video was sometime in 2021.




S T O R M??
LFG !!!




Tonight at the end of T’s rally, as you know there were fireworks.  I immediately felt there was something to those fireworks and so I checked out the 17 drops that included the term.  Here is the one that felt significant to me at this time:

I’m reflecting now…..False flags – could that also reference the literal flags of the US – gold fringe, etc. – those have been “false flags”….And the fireworks going off now in FL – Q posts about Fireworks…..this one in particular….

Dec 10, 2017 11:32:52 PM EST
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: be6798 No. 70088
False flag(s).
POTUS 100% insulated.

Justice is now happening?  Then I see this – Scavino – posted at 10:32:

So I check out 17 drop 1032:


Apr 06, 2018 12:22:15 AM EDT
Think Navy Ship crashes.
Bigger than you know.
We ARE active.
This then reminded me of this drop:


Jul 02, 2020 8:08:26 PM EDT
We will see…..

Gen Flynn on the 4th





Kirstie Alley: Hollywood Is Pushing For Pedophilia Acceptance


Former Police Officer Recounts Witnessing ‘Industrialized’ Organ Harvesting in China



July 03, 1775
George Washington takes command of Continental Army
On July 3, 1775, George Washington rides out in front of the American troops gathered at Cambridge common in Massachusetts and draws his sword, formally taking command of the Continental Army. Washington, a prominent Virginia planter and veteran of the French and Indian War, had been appointed commander in chief by the Continental Congress two weeks before. In agreeing to serve the American colonies in their war for independence, he declined to accept payment for his services beyond reimbursement of future expenses.


TRUMPS Rally Tonight !! Drops


“Is Jesus Real or Fake?” – 3rd July, 2021 (Ask Anmarie)


This aligns with what I have been feeeeeling this week about why this is all “taking so long” – they are ensuring every last victim of trafficking is rescued and those tunnels, etc. destroyed so they can never again be used for evil purposes….



The last battles are the Hardest
..//The last 10_15% of the tunnels in U.S are the HARDEST battles..
Through Cali. Texas. Florida(water world) N.E U.S.(five finger sub/maglev lines)The mini tunnels through the N.E. Cities .NY. DC. Philadelphia. Montreal.. Finger lakes. Chicago.ect.
>MASSIVE mini tunnels linesSmall inner city Tunnels Lines (U-Ts)

Baltimore: 50
Montreal: 60
>THEY ALL CONNECT to maglev &Sub tunnels

N.E. U.S is the oldest Trafficking tunnels since British control

Thousands of soldiers lost since 2014_ Destruction of the Underground tunnels and bases
The last Tunnels are the Hardest
/) Trap’s///…. Thousands of children and adults in underground D.U.M.Bs lost. Dead.. [DS] EXPLOSIONS///


She better watch it as she just may be accused of engaging in critical thought…lol


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Some interesting Lin Wood shares…..



I left Praying Medic’s channel.


If someone supports a “mob” attack against another person without even taking the time to hear from the person being attacked or search for the TRUTH that “someone” loses credibility with me. Especially if a Patriot is the individual under attack.

I stand on the rock of God so I can withstand the false attacks, respond to them if I choose, or view them with derision. God knows the TRUTH and knows the liars. By the way, many commentators and accusers need to read the Bible. God does not tolerate liars. It does not end well for them unless they seek and receive forgiveness.

Anyone who impugns the efforts of Sidney Powell does not know or care to know the TRUTH.

Sidney has worked incredibly long hours, putting her health, personal welfare, and safety at risk.

Is Sidney perfect? NO.

We are all imperfect.

But Sidney Powell has laid it all on the line for our freedom. She has been on the front lines fighting for the freedom of those who sit around and nitpick her efforts and the efforts of real Patriots, I call those people “freedom freeloaders.”

If the Communists/Globalists/Deep State lined up a firing squad for Sidney, I would stand beside her.

I would stand beside General Michael Flynn too.

Sidney and General Flynn represent the best of the best in America.

Same goes for Mike Lindell too. Especially because Mike would have a really comfortable pillow for us to fall on after we got shot!

I love Sidney, General Flynn, and Mike.

I love My Pillows too!


I don’t know about you – but I am wondering if “puppies” refer to rescued children….


Just arrived home from Branson! The puppies are GREAT.

We greeted each other and then had a puppy round table in which I played this clip of the fake president.

The consensus from the puppies is they have NO concerns about getting Covid-19. They clearly do not want me to take the fake vaccine.

I reassured them that I was not crazy and would never take an experimental “vaccine” for a treatable flu.

The puppies licked my face.

We understand each other.

Something interesting that showed up- saving Israel for last?


I’ll talk about last night’s experiences later.  But one thing I did wake up hearing was “saving israel for last” – a la 17 post #916, March 10, 2018.  I also saw something mentioned by YRFT on gab last night about Israel – how the whole “return of Yahweh” was one of “their” skits.  So much of this clean up is about mirroring, as we know by now.

So I wondered – are we at that moment now?  Why am I hearing those words again?  (when my mind and heart are just f’ing spent DONE with all of this).

Then I see this show up in my email this morning:


“The time of the shift, and the time of the Red Sea CLOSING is now.

It was one thing to have the Red Sea moment several months ago.

That’s simply where the Israelites reached the Red Sea and the waters parted.

Now we’re at the end of the story, where all of Israel has made it across and Pharaoh and his army, with all of their chariots, are stuck dead in the middle….too far in to turn back, and not far enough along to make it across before the Red Sea closes in on them.

That’s where we’re at.”

Hank Kunneman: “It’s Time…Let’s Roll!”

I know – another “prophetic message”.  How many of those have come and gone without anything?  And yet – when I receive this message, and just happened to see YRFT speak of Israel last night, then I receive this – and intel from The Gunner’s Wife – her most recent video that showed JB and “friends” speaking on the tarmac when arriving for the G7 Summit last month (movie set as we know) – and the talk was “they” had to take out T by July in order to fulfill the prophecy to take place over in Israel.

Wouldn’t the plan be to align it all up for their end time prophecy only to mirror it back on them?  Wouldn’t that be “biblical”?

Just a share.  We will see.

Alphabet V Calligraphy Sample Styles | Calligraphy ...


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Late evening Lin Wood “comms”….GEORGE News too….And some Mr. P images too….


Ya’ll are gonna like these gems:

First he shares this video:


And then he drops all of these goodies:


Maybe I was wrong. I am imperfect as you know. Upon closer review (but not too close), I think James Comey might be in Beverly Hills.

I have been wondering, “Where is Comey?”

Has he been spotted?



Wrong again! Eyewitnesses in Beverly Hills are now reporting that “the saunterer” is thought to be Bill Gates. Reports say witnesses overheard him muttering, “Melinda took everything! Even my Hydroxychloroquine!!!”



Speaking of Beverly Hills, has anyone seen Tom Hanks at the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel recently having drinks with any of his fellow “Hollywood stars?”

Where is Tom? Where are “the stars?” Are they ALL having overnight visits at the White House with Joey like they used to do with Barack and his spouse?

Could that explain why the White House lights have been off at night for several months???

D.C. sure has been quiet lately. I guess this new “administration” is wearing everyone out.


Then we have this from George News….notice the space left for PENCE?  Significance?  Yeah, I think so, too….”He caught ’em all…”








Interesting DJT statement:


JUNE 27, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

RINO former Attorney General Bill Barr failed to investigate election fraud, and really let down the American people. Even the scam that took place in Georgia of ballot stuffing on camera, he couldn’t see what was wrong with it. Just like he failed to understand the Horowitz report and let everyone down with respect to getting a timely investigation (where’s Durham?) on all of the corruption of the Obama-Biden Administration.

It’s people in authority like Bill Barr that allow the crazed Radical Left to succeed. He and other RINOs in the Republican Party are being used in order to try to convince people that the election was legitimate when so many incredible facts have now come out to show conclusively that it wasn’t.

He came in with a semi-bang and went out with a whimper. Earlier in his term Bill Barr went ballistic on CNN with Wolf Blitzer warning Democrats were changing election rules to flood the system with mail-in ballots that “as a matter of logic” are “very open to fraud.” They are, and Bill Barr did nothing about it.

If there was no fraud, why are Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and other States spending so much time and effort on exposing the fraud? We already know that:

101,789 “obsolete” voters on the rolls in Georgia, including 18,486 dead people
Ballot batches off by up to 17.5 percent in Maricopa County, Arizona
“Massive” chain of custody problems with drop boxes in Georgia, missing hundreds of thousands of records for months after the election
Thousands of ballots “wheeled in through the back door” in Fulton County days after the election
“Double feeding” ballots in Fulton County, Georgia
Nearly 200,000 illegal “indefinitely confined” votes in Wisconsin that violated Voter ID law
“Cash for votes” scheme in Nevada
Illegal alien votes
Election law changes were not authorized by the State Legislatures, which is mandated by the U.S. Constitution.

And much more!

If he felt this way, why did Barr say he was “greatly honored” and “proud to have played a role in the many successes and unprecedented achievements you have delivered for the American people” in the final letter he wrote to me? He said, “Few could have weathered these attacks, much less forge ahead with a positive program for the country.”

Now it was revealed that Barr was being pushed to tell lies about the election by Mitch McConnell, another beauty, who was worried about damaging the Republicans chances in the Georgia runoff. What really damaged the Senate Republicans was allowing their races to be rigged and stolen, and worse, the American people to no longer believe their vote matters because spineless RINOs like Bill Barr and Mitch McConnell did nothing.

Bill Barr was a disappointment in every sense of the word. Besides which, Barr, who was Attorney General (lawyer) shouldn’t be speaking about the President. Instead of doing his job, he did the opposite and told people within the Justice Department not to investigate the election. Just like he did with the Mueller report and the cover up of Crooked Hillary and RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, they don’t want to investigate the real facts. Bill Barr’s weakness helped facilitate the cover up of the Crime of the Century, the Rigged 2020 Presidential Election!



Some interesting Mr. Pool images….unity….upside down….freedom…..OVERNIGHT backward….

BOOM BOOM BOOM and g’night!

6/15 Finds…..


Are any of you finding it difficult to find anything that really nourishes your Soul?  Do you feel you are just engaged in distractions at this point?  After some of my recent conversations, seems many of us are just keeping ourselves distracted (from things playing out).  I ordered some unfinished wooden crafts for just that purpose.  I enjoy it but it is more than just about that – it’s about finding anything I can that feeeeeels nourishing and keeps my focus away from all of this evil and nonsense.  And fakery.

Fake, you say?

Yeah.  Fake.


And this:


Everything is fake.


And this….(her/his brother was a basketball coach….I always thought they could have passed for brothers….same body type…and as I have said – I don’t care if people want to change their gender…I don’t like the deception nor do I like the agenda to confuse and change WHO WE REALLY ARE.)


Documents Surface Proving That#michelleobama Never Gave Birth To Malia & Sasha

Because#Michelle is a Transgender MALE, born#MichaelLaVaughnRobinson and#BarackObama is a GAY KENYAN MUSLIM
a CIA#DeepStateCabal#ManchurianCandidate



I know what she is saying can be unpopular among some of the most “die hard” Patriots – but she’s right.  This pay to live system values money over humanity and it is wrong.  Absolutely wrong.  And how the CDC got control over the rental housing in this country…..beyond my ability to understand.  But I digress…. The moratorium ends this month and we know the country financially is in a worse situation than pre-pandemic.  People still need help.  


🔴Meanwhile, in Portland: An activist speaks about the living and housing conditions that some Portlanders /Oregonians are currently facing





🔴INBOX – Trump statement on new spokesperson.

Liz Harrington last worked as Editor in Chief for Steve Bannon’s Warroom and was the former spokesperson for the RNC.




Ariz. Gov. Signs Executive Order Banning Schools From Requiring Vaccines, Masks, COVID Tests










One of you wonderful people sent me a link to this channel awhile back (I’m sorry I have forgotten who) – and I checked it out – shared it with my family and we have been watching the videos since.  Thank you!  I am sharing a recent favorite:



Oh, I see.  Fight back against evil – you’re a terrorist.  Burn down cities?  Nah, that’s ok.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends And Family To Government


More Time Travel fun…..We watched BTTF 3 tonight.  Awesome!  Although we noticed we wanted them all to stay in the past – returning to 1985 the energy of all of that concrete and career yuppiehood felt just ugh.  Something got lost….

Trump Time Travel Technology (4 of 7)


Ok – so one of you – my friend and long time site supporter – said they watched Charlie Ward speak with Mel K and Charlie had a camera in his left eye.  So as most of you know, I chose to walk away from anyone claiming to have outside intel and comms.  As 17 has said all along NO OUTSIDE COMMS.  And anyone who claims to share dates or know what is going to happen militarily as FACT (as compared to speculation) – is committing treason – IF true (can we get a NO DUH on that already??).   So….I shared this revelation on social media today and a friend passed this on to me.  Left eye looks weird indeed.  

May be an image of 2 people




May be a Twitter screenshot of 1 person and text that says 'Joel Brown @lamJoelBrov So my Mum's employer told her she has to choose between being fired or taking the 29 years of work and friendships and she decided to walk away from it all. She is a LEGEND. This is how concerned you should be with taking this NON F-D-A approved experimental jab...'



Antarctica….excellent find by MrMBB333….

How did a TOWERING structure casting a LONG shadow show up at the BOTTOM of Earth?


Haven’t listened to this yet:

The Frog News Channel ~ ITS TIME TO GO GREEN !!








Schumann is, uh, back?  Never seen this missing data/timeline convergences whatever that thing is before:








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Trump Time Travel Miracle Explained REMASTERED (1 of 7)


“Wait until you find out who is talking to you…”  Could it be – Tesla?  John Trump?  I gotta tell you – Time Travel and Back to the Future are all over us lately.  On the Discovery channel today – it was all Back to the Future.  So it is getting stronger – the more I feel into time travel (the “it” being the synchs showing up).  I totally feel we can meet ourselves in another timeline – just as they show IN Back to the Future.  I feel it is absolutely possible that when I had that experience in July 2009 w/that beautiful orb craft in the sky that I was seeing me in the future – coming back to give me some much needed reassurance for at the time I was as low as I had ever been.  As I have said – the first thought I had was “that’s us from the future”.  The familiarity and sense of Home I felt at the time was unlike anything I had or have since experienced.

“They” lie to us about everything – including time travel and all that it entails.  We will know the truth soon enough.

Trump Time Travel Miracle Explained REMASTERED (1 of 7)

A couple of interesting videos….


Ok so this has some Fulford and RV-related stuff (which such outlets don’t resonate with me at all) – but there are a few interesting tidbits in these….new channel that showed up on the youtube feed….(looking further this seems to be a mirrored channel of simon parkes – another person who doesn’t align)….


14/6/21 Nick Fleming RV/GCR Intel Update as of June 14 ,2021

North Dakota National Guard deployed to the nation’s capital


this is interesting…protecting the air space…are they expecting something this week?

North Dakota Army National Guard(KFYR-TV)

BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) – About 225 soldiers with the North Dakota Army National Guard were honored with a send off in Grand Forks Saturday.

The first battalion, 188th air defence artillery will be deployed to Washington, D.C. for Operation Noble Eagle, which involves helping to form the air defense system protecting the airspace around our nation’s capital.