MW latest: Offers proof we are watching a movie every dang day….


Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 6 8 21


fyi – there is a photoshopped image of melania on an alleged mag. cover full of 17 comms.  people are pushing it as legit.  IT IS FAKE.  the image first came from 2017.  there is NO magazine with the title cover.  and some sharing it are being very dismissive and arrogant in their sharing of it.  fake it all around us now – trolls, trolls everywhere.

speaking of frauds ~ if you see this image anywhere on any channel – they are promoting the UN agenda.  RUN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION.


UNSDG | e-Report

A brief message from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Sheila Hemphill



THIS right here is why I don’t “get” what is happening – certainly why it has taken so long and why this jab was EVER allowed to roll out.  I know some say if T had come out and said don’t take it – or that pharma was evil – the media would spin it and the normies would flip.  WHO CARES!  My mate had that damn rash all over his body and his scrotum was inflamed and swollen for over a week.  Oh but that’s just a little sacrifice, right?  Then there is what is happening to babies and little ones.  Listen to intel in this video by Dr. Tenpenny and tell me “oh it’s just another sacrifice”.  No parent would ever be ok with that.

This sheot has to end.  SOON.  Not next year.  Not in 6 months.  But ASAP.  How many more are going to die (from receiving) or be harmed (by being around someone who received it)?  How do we stop the transmitting and for now how do we protect all of us – especially the children – who did not receive this ja b?  Stay clear of those who got it – for how long?  And yes I know some are not being affected by this (and some are being quite haughty about it).  That’s good to hear.  And yet that does not discount the fact that some HAVE been negatively impacted though.  

Later evening finds…..


Please continue to hold our girl’s friend in your prayers.  They are headed to the big city to see a specialist tomorrow.


Here are a few finds….

First up – The Gunner’s Wife has an awesome new one.  Lots of new intel in this one – some shocking – some validating.  Words of hope spoken by Trump, Melania and Don Jr.  Off world planet travel.  Their plans to harm the planet and blame it on aliens.  The trap has been set – they’ve all been caught & how T and M have to be careful whenever they’re out (post January 20, 2021).

SECRETS of The Shadow Bosses … HOT MIC


I also had a hunch to gematria “LET’S SEE WHAT HAPPENS” – something T says often:

Humanity Saved

The Ultimate Revelation

God Is Far Far More Than
Any Human Religion

And I Am Just A Prisoner

Dome Truman Show

Titanic Was No Mistake

War Against The Elites

One Seven Seven Six


An interesting find……June 6th – “D” Day….(another DECLAS?)….77 anniversary…7 was all around T on inauguration day, 2016 – on that day, his first day in office, he was 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old….and interestingly enough, there are 77 days between election and inauguration…..Is THEIR “D” Day happening tomorrow?  Interesting he chose to speak the day before (today) publicly (and it was definitely him – not a double this time)…..It sounded a lot like a SOTU, didn’t it?

<Ahem> From 10/8/19….. kindly reread and pay CLOSE attention to the second to the last paragraph.
How many days did we say we would Declas before the Declas?
The number was 2.
The next drop we post will be GAME OVER.
Will be posted on 6/6/21. Which happens to be a….
(6+6 = 12…. a 1221….also 6+6+2+0+2+1 = Yeah…17)
And for further shits and giggles…
April 6, 2018 was thrown off 2 pages (Qanon follow the white rabbit and QAnon Patriots pages for “Time Travel” )and we created a secret group..Qincindences
(That move didn’t put fuel on the fire…)
June 6, 2021……tomorrow
Is 2 months and 3 years exactly to the day.
23 pain.
And sooooo much more.
Btw….the “Time Travel Patent”
Absolutely nothing to see here concerning the Publishing Date and any date within this post…
May be an image of text that says 'S20060073976A1 United States Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0073976 A1 Pohlman (43) Pub. Date: OF GRAVITY DISTORTION AND (52) U.S. CL. LACEMENT (US) TRANCL TimE Pohlman, Tulsa, 505/166; 505/180; 434/300 73/382 G: 505/164 76) Inventor: Marlin Correspondence Address: STITES HARBISON PLLC NORTH FAIRFAX STREET SUITE ALEXANDRIA, A 22314 (US) 10/954,767 ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: (22) Filed: Amethod employing sinnsoidal oscillations electrical singularity singularity nsuch proximity method simulate (51) Publication Classification 39/06 inti-de G09B 23/06 radial resulting Den HOIS 3/09 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) method foration timelike which with closed This scale'
Speaking of Time Travel (above) and Project Looking Glass – which has been BIG around my space lately….This is essentially an analysis of Bill Wood’s intel shared with Project Camelot in around the year 2009…..which I appreciate as I had missed some things…..anyway earlier today I shared in one of the Gematria’s the phrase “SLOW CHANGE” – which I felt aligned with the into shared in the video below by Bill….he used the analogy of a chess board (for where we are and have been) and we’re at Checkmate….both know who wins (good)….but both sides still have a certain number of moves….and the losing teams (evil) only approach is to prolong the game….which I feel is what I and others are feeling now when we say THIS SHOULD HAVE ENDED BY NOW….perhaps it is just this PROLONGING we are feeling….I know it is deep within my core and I feel that UGH as I type…–looking-glass-follow-the-white-rabbit-its-a-mind-bender..html
This is a fun one…..Earlier today I was painting a box my girl gave me for mama’s day (which we are calling my “doo dad” box)… I sat down, I turned on the radio.  Van Halen’s “JUMP” came on.  As I have mentioned here in recent days/weeks, that song has been on my mind upon awakening as well as on the radio.  Sister D shared this on her social media page around the same time as I sat down to paint and heard the song (she had it against an orange backdrop)…..

Who is Ready to Jump?

(uh, me?!  lol  you…all of us??)…a-great-combo-against-the-enemy-pra.html
THIS is interesting….Just what technology….that is the question….

Hello George . 📢😎
GeorgeNews chat tonight . 🇺🇸🦅 EBS 👀
“All we are at liberty to say atm, is that there is a huge effort to suppress the actual technology used to broadcast it…” Soo it’s still coming!!!


Never forget this tweet from from WHO on Jan 14 2020.



They just keep coming….


🔴JUST IN: The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) just released another 3,000 pages of Anthony Fauci’s emails❗️🇺🇸

Press Release:



This is really bizarre/cool….


Spike protein causes cell damage (from Livestream #79)


Over Twenty States Are Now Suing The Biden Administration Over The Closure Of The Keystone XL Pipeline


The Invisible Enemy….

“The Time has Come for America and the World to Demand REPARATIONS and Accountability from the Communist Party of China.” President Trump


DeSantis Wins: Cruise Line Won’t Require “Vaccine Passports”


Exclusive: “This Is A Shot Across The Bow, We Want The Machines Opened Up”, North Carolina House Members Request Inspection of Voting Machines



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6/3 Finds/Headlines…..a brief share/reflection…..


Today was one of those days that felt like Friday.  All day.  It’s 11pm and it still feels like Friday.  I don’t know about you but for me – each day has a certain feeeeeel to it.  My girl asked “what will tomorrow feel like, mama?”  lol  I don’t know.  My sense of WHEN we are is something that has been with me lately.  Today I wondered if perhaps we are still really in that calendar year 2012.  Something happened that year – that I feel.  What?  I don’t know.  My first thought was we have been in a loop – a holding pattern of some sort.  At the convergence (UPCOMING SOON) point, we will be back again at that 2012 point….?  I wonder if that’s the year those multiple timelines began to converge –  if the parts of us scattered in a variety of either dimensions or timelines or both – began to merge back into One.  For now – I feel we’re in two “spaces” headed to One.  Anyway – just following that hunch which has been guiding me to tune into the WHEN part.  Interesting….

Here are some finds….


SMOKING GUN: FAUCI LIED, MILLIONS DIED — Fauci Was Informed of Hydroxychloroquine Success in Early 2020 But Lied to Public Instead Despite the Science #FauciEmails

Trump to Speak at CPAC Event in Texas Next Month

Former CDC Chief Robert Redfield Got Death Threats from Scientists for Saying He Suspected COVID-19 Originated in a China Lab

The Current Voting Machine Code In the US “Was Designed to Allow Certain Chosen Ones (Politicians) a Win to Rule Over People Unethically” – Jovan Hutton Pulitzer

Trump Statement on Dr. Fauci’s Emails: “What Did Fauci Know About “Gain of Function” Research, and When Did He Know It?”

‘Not Going to Re-Litigate the Substance of Emails From 17 Months Ago’ – Psaki Deflects When Asked About Fauci’s Emails (VIDEO)

EXCLUSIVE: The Mainstream Media Is Waking Up to Our April 2020 Report – Coronavirus Research Moved to China Where Researcher Died from Virus Leak in 2017

War Room Breaking News: Georgia GOP Leaders Including Vernon Jones to Tour AZ Audit Next Week (VIDEO)

Dr. Fauci’s Boss Refutes His Claims — Admits NIH Was Funding Wuhan Lab and ‘We Had No Control Over What They Were Doing’


Done by next week…

MORE ARIZONA AUDIT UPDATES: OVER 60% Of Ballots Counted and Analyzed — 1.3 Million Completed!


So how do we tell the public he’s already been dealt with withOUT saying the actual words……(just tell the dayem truth already)

BREAKING… Rep. Madison Cawthorn: White House Officials Are Talking About Exit Strategies for Dr. Fauci (VIDEO)

500 Prominent Georgia Republicans Including Party Chairman David Shafer Urge RINO Gov. Kemp to Launch Forensic Audit of 2020 Election



Shocking: Massive Pedophile Ring Uncovered Throughout Schools In Mexico Doing Unthinkable Crimes To Children


George Papadopoulos did mention in his recent interview – Where Is James Comey?  He gave a knowing smile and said he knows what’s coming for him…


Rand Paul: We need an independent bipartisan commission to investigate Fauci and origins of COVID


Truth in movies…



“Sirius Dog Star 911”

Their Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall



Parasitic fancy term for “lie”….?








A little song I wrote (today)….Sing along to Bobby McF’s “Don’t Worry Be Happy”….

Here’s a little song I wrote.
Ya might wanna sing it note for note.
We were right.
You were wrong.

We said the virus
came from a lab
Made by evil
so you’d take their jab
but don’t worry
get mad.

Doo doo do do doo do do do do doo do do….(it is time)…..doo dooo do do doo do do (to get angry)….do do do do do

When this all comes to light
you will see that, well,
we were right.
But we still love you.
Now join in our fight.

For NOW it’s time for YOU to see
All that was done to destroy liberty
But don’t worry

Doo doo do do doo do do do do doo do do….(it is YOUR time)…..doo dooo do do doo do do (to take action)….do do do do do.
Doo doo do do doo do do do do doo do do….(join with us)…..doo dooo do do doo do do (to take down the evil)….do do do do do.
Doo doo do do doo do do do do doo do do….(take our hand)…..doo dooo do do doo do do (all will be ok)….do do do do do.


This feeeeels important:


Good info once again.  And ya’ll will appreciate the last piece – his comments on what “they” did to us and where we are.  

June 2, 2021: On the Brink of Armageddon [videos]

This is Reality 365 ~ 2 IRANIAN NAVY SHIPS could reach the Atlantic by Thursday (TOMORROW)


Windham, NH Update: Voters Rally For Statewide Audit


And now I am off to check out a recipe for Chocolate Pie.  When the world be goin’ crazy, we stay in the heart and eat Chocolate.  


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A couple more late-evening finds…..some goodies found in the F C e males


THE WILD DOC ~ History Lesson: HatWRKS Nashville Controversy Over Jewish Star of David






As of today,… New ‘Rules’ in Victoria/AU

QR Codes in shops are now mandatory. Pushing people to the edge.

Well, don’t know – BUT as I have said – I feel June is flood/reveal month….
People digging through those 3200 email doc – finding the goodies.  Two BOOMS:  Made in a lab.  Masks don’t work.  
Any chess experts explain the board?

6/2 Headlines…..Finds of interest…..a check in….


Well I continue to hear from others who are saying they too have a sudden rash on their body after being in close contact or prolonged contact w/one of those who got the ja b.  Someone told me we need to be compassionate with these people.  Fine.  I will be compassionate at a distance and watch as they learn what they put into their body – not once but twice.

Did any of you see the video circulating showing a woman in seattle acting very strangly?  She was literally walking like a “zombie” – and her features were horrid looking.  She was moaning.  At first I thought – yeah, prank.  Fake.  However I couldn’t find anything to dispute it.  Nothing on “snopes” or other “fact” checker sites.  The police were there – tending to her and I heard the 9/11 call to dispatch (which the individual said they paid for the records and gave the link/site in which they obtained them) which included hearing the police arrive and her response and wailing.  It’s gone rather viral – at least it was and I have to admit it makes me wonder if it is entity take-over.  I have read several pieces that claim the ja b turns off a particular chromosome which is our connection with Source.  I don’t know about that – that still feels far reaching – and yet nazi mad scientists creating what they do, it wouldn’t surprise me.  And it also wouldn’t surprise me if this is part of their (what will be very small and failing) agenda of the z. apolocypse.  Remember the CDC has an actual page on z a preparedness – which of course they claim is to be made in humor – but again:  mad nazi scientists.

Moving on…

We have decided to get some diamatecous earth and pine bark to add to our regimen of health protection.  The “magic cream” of course turned out to be prescription hydrocortisone.  I prefer my idea (for topical application) of colloidal silver – let it dry then add zinc oxide.  I feel that was helping him – he doesn’t.  And given he got exposed again twice – in close proximity – in two clinics with several docs/health “professionals” – it has gotten worse.  But he will heal.  For now – just another case study in this on-going war.

I was reflecting tonight on the whole east/west narrative.  Not that I dismiss it in full – but there is one piece that isn’t aligning now.  Why didn’t I think of this before?  It is said that only humans (mankind) goes “east” and the rest – west – which sounds like only a bit of a cleaned up version of this place.  It used to sound cleaned up until YRFT recently said “evil will be in the west”.  Well, not aligning with that.  At all.  So – anyway back to the east/west thing.  Aren’t there many races of beings?  Humans aren’t the only race.  How boring would that be.  So what makes humans so special as to get the crown glory while the rest of the races get stuck going west simply due to their “ethnicity”?  Like mankind is the chosen race?

Where have we heard that here inside this pit?


So – not aligning with that one nor giving it my energy.  Honestly some of this particular narrative is starting to feel pretty self-righteous and I have had enough of that here.  WE ARE ALL CHOSEN.  Why?  Because we exist.

I don’t make the rules – or perhaps we do.  I paused after I typed that first part of the sentence.  Why not?  Why not WE make the “rules” for our own experience?  Aside from any ways of being/doing from the Flow – I think we pretty much get to choose what does and doesn’t align with us.

Practicing for that when it becomes our reality.

So other than that – the schumann still has that pattern and now and then I am feeling it.  Feels like a battle.  I sense so much coming up and out now and the push back against that shows up on that chart – or at least it is a frequency that I feel attempts to block us.  Kinda like a frequency cage.  So I keep visualizing and calling forth the bubble of bliss.

How are you all sleeping?  I am minus 3 hours today so I’m a bit punchy.  Seems the tribe is really struggling – many of us that is.  We got this.  We know the end.  We get out.  We are liberated.  We are Free.

Here are some finds.  Some pretty big stuff is getting shown now…





Going fast:

BREAKING: HUGE UPDATE From Arizona Audit Director Ken Bennett – ONLY 14 PALLETS ARE REMAINING – Out of 44 Pallets! — And There’s More! (VIDEO)


“If We Do an Audit in PA – This is the Model” – Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano Speaks Out after Arizona Audit Tour (VIDEO)


FBI Identifies Hackers Behind Ransomware Attack on World’s Largest Meat Supplier


Revealed: How Bill Barr and Chris Wray Worked to Block Trump’s Efforts to Go After Antifa (VIDEO)

IT’S HAPPENING: Boris Epshteyn on The War Room: “The Freight Train of Audits is FULL STEAM Across the Country!” (VIDEO)




Fauci….(oh yeah, he’s gone….long gone imo)….






This is interesting (hint:  they are the invisible enemy and yeah they were dangerous to anyone who is peaceful):





“$5 Fee Added To Orders Placed While Wearing A Face Mask”



See something, say something



Isn’t it “special” how they do that?


🔴Dem Rep Who Wants to Defund the Police Spent $30,000 on Own Private Security




🔴Dr. Simone Gold – short video about vaccine adverse reactions



Bitcoin see eye aye….

yep, Lin knows what is going on with Kemp


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Incredible to see that RINO Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona just vetoed a bill that would have outlawed Critical Race Theory training for State employees, and another that would have banned the mailing of ballots to citizens who never requested them. He did this under the guise of passing a budget. For those of you who think Doug Ducey is good for Arizona, you are wrong. Our Country needs Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who has done little so far on Voter Integrity and the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, to step it up—but patriotic Republicans in the State Senate are making up for unelectable RINOs.



why would UN vehicles be in SC? Why would they be in USA? They do not have permission to be in USA, so this must be a false flag being set up, or what?

Remember – no outside comms so take with a grain….ANYONE in the military who shares military intel during active ops, well, that’s treason…..but perhaps this info is safe to share….i don’t know…..she is a radio host – that’s about all i know….

Israel is last for a reason folks. Hang on tight.
Ghost Ezra@GhostEzra

See, the thing is, that ‘net spying goes both ways……




Ending with this very insightful piece.  Sister D shared this one with me.  Totally align.  I need to listen to my own inner prompts which have been to play high frequency music in the background, burn resin and clear my trauma (which I have been doing that last one)….

Tone Mellard

Yet again another wave is being seen and felt rippling through the collective at the moment.
Getting many reports from light workers and warriors of attacks and even supposed other members of the awakened community trying to invade space and attach energy hooks and chords.
We are in the tail end of a VERY long spiritual and multidimensional battle.
Many of the energies, beings, and even unresolved trauma existing within the human collective are being driven to the surface, and are EVERYWHERE, all around us right now.
I have had to remove beings, attachments, dark parasites, and all manner of weird sh*t off of a ton of souls lately.
I cannot emphasize enough just how important doing regular clearings of your energy fields and living space is. Get white or dragon’s blood sage and regularly move it’s powerful smoke through your entire space, including your own body and energy fields.
Also regularly do a mantra to clear your space and remove any unseen attachments, hooks or entities:
“I am a sovereign, free soul by the highest natural and universal laws.
I COMMAND all unseen negative energies, attachments, influences, and entities from my sacred space, NOW. You do not have permission to remain in my sovereign space, and are hereby ORDERED to leave. I return your energy back to you with nothing but the highest love of creation. And so it is.”
Stay vigilant and aware fam. YOU are ultimately in command of your sacred space. Take the helm, and take no BS.
May be an image of text that says 'YOU ARE NOT CRAZY YOU ARE AWAKE IN AN INSANE WORLD'
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An Elon Musk synch



I was thinking about him again earlier today.  I keep feeeeeeling those starlink satellites are going to be used to turn off the transmitters in those who received the “v”.  I don’t know if this will happen but in theory it is possible.  Totally possible.  SOMETHING has to come in and shut down that AI that is now inside over 1/3 of the population here.

Then tonight I see this:

GEORGEnews tonight “Musk gave the T45 White House early access to STARLINK :)”
The BEST is yet to come!!! QFS incoming 🙌🏼

BTW ~ his ears look different.  He looks different than he once did just 5 years ago.  I don’t know – I still feel “off” about him (even if he is working with good now) and absolutely don’t align with his work with AI and the human brain merging with machines.
HE!! NO to that.

5/30 Finds and a Check-in


The energy last night was rough.  Dreams were not mine.

Why is it in that astral state we are often so passive?  Trusting?  Willing to go along with something the consciousness OUTSIDE of the astral would never agree to do?  And who is it in the astral – what part of us is this?  Or is it even us at all?  Perhaps it’s just us watching a screen where they preview skits of their own?  I really want to know as I am intently focused on only having my OWN creations in that state.  Also focusing on seeing the future.  I have reflected on the narrative that we cannot know the timing of things as it would interfere w/the enemy.

Yeah I pretty much see that as just another narrative of nonsense.  If project looking glass and time travel has been used – then those inside the plan know the dates and timing of things, right?

So then that screams someone courageous enough and feisty enough (that would be me) to ask the question:  So why can’t WE know the same?  

Why do THEY get to know and WE don’t?

IF the ending is already known – if what we have heard that GOOD WINS no matter WHAT evil does – then who cares if we warrior soldiers know dates or at least see/receive a feeeeel for some sort of a time frame.


What do you hate, or love, in m/m romance? | Love Bytes ...

Anything blocking us – me- from just that is coming from the matrix creation(s).

Knowing such things would greatly help me in planning my next stage of life.  It would help every one of us who are struggling – feeling trapped – blocked – and simply holding the desire to KNOW.

So – as I said the energy was rough last night and yesterday.  For us.  Today – later in the afternoon – I felt things lift.  Even in war, people/being’s sleep – rest.  Sometimes I get this visual of a pendulum swinging through the matrix – it has a baseball bat attached to it – and as it swings throughout the realm it occasionally pokes at us – never all at once – but here and there (which is why some sensitive/awake peeps can say “I FEEL GREAT” when others of us can hardly get out of bed and thus wonder):

You're Kidding Me!

So….other than that, I did more gardening.  I am proud to say I have 3 garden areas now and have put in peas, beans, lettuce, beets, chard, tomatoes, carrots and strawberries.  I have another round of carrots and lettuce seeds growing.  I have remedied the pill bug problem using this product (which came recommended to me by a local master gardener):

Sluggo® Plus, 1-lb box | White Flower Farm

If that didn’t do the trick, this was next:

One Congressman Wants to Ban Flamethrowers. Why That Idea ...

I think that’s enough images – and enough personal shares.  Here are some finds for today.




First – this 17 post from yesterday.  There is a lot of (at times heated) discussion about this.  Some adamantly saying it was fake – others just as adamantly saying it was 17.  I’m not touching this one (as I obviously don’t know) – but I will share this from Code Monkey – former Board Administrator of 8 kun.  And if anyone would know – it would be him.


From CodeMonkeyZ on Telegram:

I’m not involved in 8kun administration anymore but lots of people are asking me to weigh in on “B”.
The way the /projectdcomms/ board is setup, only the board owner is able to post on it.
Logging in as board owner requires a username and password.
The person who posted as B had logged into the board with the correct board credentials.

I see a few POSSIBILITIES about what happened.

1. The board could have been claimed and given to someone new. This can be checked by logging into the admin account and checking the board claims log. I dont have access to the admin account so i can’t check that.

2. Someone GUESSED the board owner username and password, then logged in and posted as B.

3. The original Q gave the username and password credentials to someone else to post on the board with.

4. It’s actually Q posting.

If i had to guess, i would guess it is either#3 or#4, but i am not in a position to technically verify that now.

Is Q Back? Fact Vs. Fiction: The Choice Is Yours! Flynn “Prepare For The Storm!” Deep State PANIC in DC!


Then this…I don’t know who he is….

B Update




A WONDERFUL new one from Jon Levi.  He’s a man we could live by.  We are ready to go much more remote here.  We have a wonderful back yard – but where there was once beautiful tall hedges is now a fence –  not even 6′ high – put in last fall.  Now that we’re outside a lot – we are noticing how it doesn’t block sound and doesn’t provide that natural privacy we were so used to.  As Jon says – a cabin (by a lake for us) – in a town of under 1000 people – rural – surrounded by nature, peace and quiet – basic technology.  The more I have awoken – the more basic/simple my needs are (still gotta have running clean water and heat/cooling).  Creature comforts as we call them……Good insight on the university system too…..Mind control….

Controlling the Mind


117 Employees Sue Houston-Area Hospital Over Vaccine Mandate, ‘You’re Forcing Us to Be Human Guinea Pigs’

GLORIOUS! Another Huge “TRUMP WON” Banner – This Time at Citi Field at Saturday Night’s Mets Game – Even NEW YORK is Waking Up to TRUMP WON

ABC’s Jon Karl on Origins of Covid-19 and Wuhan Lab Leak: “Some Things May Be True Even If Donald Trump Said Them” (VIDEO)

HUGE MILESTONE: AZ Audit Officials Announce ONE MILLION Ballots Hand Counted and Analyzed!

“That’s a Lie – He’s Misleading the American People on Purpose” – Former DHS Secretary Calls for Current DHS Secretary Mayorkas to be Held Accountable for Constant Lying to American Public

Dr. Lawrence Sellin Provides a 2-Minute Video Showing Origins of COVID-19 and Its Connections to China’s PLA Bio-Warfare Department and CCP Civil-Military Fusion Program

Court Rules Efforts To Recall Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Can Proceed



“It Should Be that He Is Simply Reinstated, That a New Inauguration Day Is Set” – Sidney Powell Speaks in TX on What Happens After the Fraud Is Exposed (VIDEO)


Listening to this one – rather in shock atm hearing Dr. Tenpenny talk about the transmitting and how it is affecting men.  She just described exactly what my mate is experiencing.  He is feeling like he was sunburned – like he was radiated.  I am so angry at the people who voluntarily took this experimental procedure for now it is negatively impacting those who chose not to because we are responsible human beings.  And when someone in my house is harmed by another I go full-on roaring Lion.  Let the split happen.  I am not consenting to living around or associating with anyone who received this into their body.   I AM TRULY DONE with all of them.  (And thank you for the donations – I am going to really be needing them as from here on out – food and supplies are going to be delivered or picked up curbside.  Staying clear of all public places until all of this changes.)  

PODCAST:  Circle of White Light with Dr. Tenpenny and Dani Arnold-McKenny


Your Sunday Digest for May 30, 2021: UPDATED: Is It Time for Shock and Awe? Oh, Yeah. [videos]



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