Tonight’s reflection ~ My best one yet (and probably most important)!


Ok friends – I am getting a LOT of intuitive flow atm I want to share.

First we are watching Back to the Future II.  Ya’ll know we recently watched the first one.  #3 is on the way.

So tonight I am listening to Doc talk about time – and traversing the timeline.  He shows it as a constant – a continuum – as I have felt it to be.  However you can divert the flow to a second stream off the original.  Both timelines can continue.  If you are put onto the negative timeline (which is where we are now – and probably have been for who knows how long) – the positive timeline is still ongoing (with us trapped here).  I was actually understanding it as compared to when I saw these movies 30 years ago and it all went over my head.

Anyway, so as I am watching him do his speculating on his blackboard, I suddenly got something that felt powerful – I got dizzy – and said “give me a minute to process”.  This is what I said:

What IF we have two timelines playing out at the same time – which we know we do.  However, what IF Trump is time traveling on both timelines – going BACK in time to FIX the mess in which we are currently living in.  Those of us sensitive to this notice those “mandela effects” and deja vu’s which are nothing more than anomalies in the timelines.  God knows how many times we have been looped.  MANY.

This is war.  And each side is using the ability to see and traverse time – just like in back to the future part 2 and 3.  And the closer we get to the final merge, the crazier it gets and the more we FEEEEEL it in our bodies.

Are you with me?

So as I share this my mate says “OMG what you said is verbatim to that article you shared last night.”  (below)


What?  I didn’t recall reading THAT.  So he pulls it up – shows it to me again – and I realize I only read the top two paragraphs and saw the time clock face.  I did not see the writing below it (that begins “If you feel DJT should still be President….” – which I essentially had just said out loud.

I’m not done.

My mate is then still sitting at the computer – looking at the piece – and I’m helping myself to some cookies – stuffing them in my mouth – a bit grumbling because of the mood that was in this house earlier.  As I stuff a cookie (ginger – organic – oh so sweet) in my mouth and re-enter the living room, I pause – look off to my left – and I swear to you I FELT MYSELF off to my left (that sweet spot) to which I said “Ok so in the GOOD TIMELINE you – WE – are in – there are some things I ain’t taking with me!”  lol

My mate gets up – goes into the kitchen and says “OMG I just got something else!”  He then says “it is US on the other timeline guiding us HERE to get us back to the RIGHT TIMELINE”.  I jump up and told him “OMG guess what I JUST GOT that I haven’t told you yet.”  So I tell him what I had just experienced which I shared above.  He felt himself.  I felt myself too.

High five’s followed.

Doc and Marty are changing the timelines – changing the negative to get to back to the positive (future) – just like what is probably happening here in this “movie” – and when we arrive – THAT IS THE BOOM Trump/17 talks about.  And it will be INSTANTENOUS.

And we will be fully restored – FREE of their poisons – INSTANTLY.

Back HOME where we belong.  So it is possible those dreams so many of us have had of a totally different reality that feeeeeeels soooo good and natural – is us on the other timeline – waiting to merge with the us stuck here.

(So as far as the idea of us being on the outside trapped in pods – well that could just be a narrative evil has put into us to make us feel like we are trapped all around – totally powerless – when it is absolutely possible there is a part of us on the other timeline which we refer to as “on the outside” that is working HARD TO GET US BACK – which could explain why sometimes we feel so exhausted without explanation AND/or why sometimes we wake up feeling like we’ve been working all night.

The original hijack was evil – those dimensional criminals – who threw us into THEIR TIMELINE – here.  And we get out of this timeline AND this construct – and go back to Real Space and Real Stars.  Trump said to the Marine 1 Pilot on 1/20/21 – the next few months are going to feel uncomfortable.  But it ends with a BOOM.  It has felt uncomfortable because we are at the end – even though for so many of us we have felt uncomfortable throughout our entire experience living in their version of reality because we never stopped feeling we weren’t home – weren’t where we belong.  Just this year though it has increased in intensity in terms of discomfort – feeling squeezed – because we are actually being squeezed as those timelines come closer together energetically preparing to merge.

MERGE SIGN AHEAD.  Buckle Up!  (lol – just as I type this and say it out loud my mate says the same thing at the exact same moment).  

Merging Sign Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images ...

p.s. ~ according to quantum string theory – the above theories are absolutely positively 100% possible.  That’s all folks ~ my mind is spent now.  




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5/18…..A few finds



“WE HAVE IT ALL.”  It’s now official.  All of those deleted files in AZ have been found.  

BREAKING: The Deleted Database In Maricopa County Has Been Recovered!


I’m still holding the intention my mate will get his notice of trespass rescinded given by our local co-op last summer (who as I shared at the time violated their own store policy at the time) and we can receive a little retribution for the trauma and inconvenience this unlawful event has had on our family….

DeSantis vows to pardon any Floridian charged with violating local COVID-19 orders


From PEGGY HALL.  Print this out and carry it with you (if you are here in the states).  


Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 5 18 21


BREAKING: VERNON JONES Schedules Press Conference Tomorrow in Atlanta to Call for a FULL FORENSIC AUDIT of Georgia’s 2020 Election Results


NEW: Voting Machines in Pennsylvania County Only Rejecting Republican Ballots in Tuesday Primary Election


Dr. Fauci Admits His Wearing Masks Indoors Despite Being Vaccinated Was All For Show and Not Based on Science (VIDEO)





Well I gotta admit I was happy to see this.  All of this pandering to Israel being the only victim in the ongoing d.s. war that is just another example of “same coin different sides” was pokin’ at me……

I read over the years that Moo-Sod was primarily responsible for carrying out sept 11. Coming full circle now. Saving Israel for last.

We will see how this plays out.


Rigged for Red… NOW perhaps?  (i now throw back crumbs….i’m expecting the entire loaf)…

Excellent testimony from a Medical Doctor on the j ob and VAERS (I would love to find a doctor like this for our family):

Dr. Ben Edwards Senate committee hearing

I wanted to conclude by sharing that I heard tonight rubbing Norway Spruce Essential Oil on the bottoms of your feed is good at removing the toxins if you have been around someone who has received the u-know-what (Dr. Christiane Northrup shared this a few days ago).  And any of you interested in making your own essential oils (in this case – pine tree essential oil) – here’s a tutorial:


Love, Freedom, Healing and Continuous Protection ~


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A very good find on Looking Glass/Time Travel & Bill Wood


A compilation of intel…..What is missing is his info on the Cosmic/Divine frequency that converges both timelines (good vs. evil) playing out.  I continue to feel THAT is what 17 has referred to as “Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming” because, well, nothing – no human, no machine, NOTHING can stop it.  For me – it is The Event.

If you want to know more about current 2021
levels of quantum mechanic “TIME TRAVEL” capability watch the mini series DEVS.

It is reminiscent of remote viewing (Star Gate/Project Yellow Book) whistle blower Bill Wood’s testimony on the secret government “time travel” program.

According to BW both players (Q & CABAL) know the game is over. It’s only a matter of time before we do this and they are forced to do that and then we are forced to do this and then eventually… inevitably… and in ALL scenarios… checkmate (WHITE HATS WIN). Yes there are moves left on the table but based on the rules of the game bad guys have already lost & good guys already won (technically). Going Forward in Order to Look Back.

There’s no version of “reality” where the Q-TEAM timeline doesn’t unfold into the Great Awakening.

Somethimes the future can find the past.
Past Predicts Future – Future Proves Past.

“Time travel is fun.” – Q









A Gematria


I felt that nudge to do this….

The one word 17 uses more than most:  BOOM.  

First it adds up to 45 in simple gematria.  And of course who is the 45th Prez of America?  Yeah….

Here are the matches:

Hidden Code

The Egg (thinking of YRFT’s info)


Plan B

Mega Red


I’m Home

Code Q

Read Q

888 BOOM 888


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Elon Musk SNL comms….


Ok ~ I only watched the opening monologue.  But wow – did he drop.

First – he held the inverted pyramid position with his hands – like Trump does – and John Kennedy Jr – a few times.

      Headlines and Updates for June 12, 2020: Oh, the Pain ...

(and for those who like to say he is flashing the illuminaughty symbol – nope – he is inverting it – B I G difference)

He is really robotic-like too, although that could be the Asperger’s.  Here are some very interesting things he shared (as humor of course – but there is truth in his words).

He said he does “human emulations really well.”  He then mentioned that tweet I shared last night – how humans will be multi-planetary (and recall a year or two ago he said for us to survive, we would have to leave this place).

His mother was there and came out on stage.  She looks as “other worldly” as he does.  What he said next had me look over at my mate with my eyes wide open – jaw dropped.  He said maybe we’re in a computer simulation here being played by a teenager from another planet.

Now if that weren’t mind blowing enough – get this synch:  Last night before we went to bed, I told my mate “What if we’re really teenagers on the outside?”

10 Mind-Blowing Facts That You Won't Believe Are True ...

I’ll share anything else I can find with his appearance.


V | Calligraphy alphabet, Tattoo fonts, V alphabet


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Game on! Swamp draining in progress! DC getting “flooded out” as predicted!


Cover Story for the Truth playing out….We were talking the last couple of days about events to come in the area – esp. seeing new fencing being put up and those concrete barriers on Penn. Ave. (video I shared yesterday from Penguin Six)…

Richard Citizen Journalist 🔥 D.C. @ 11:27 a.m. 4-13-21
“At the capital. There’s all this water.
3” of water right there. Don’t know where it’s coming from.
You got troops, a film crew, cops
who got no idea where this water is coming from.”

Juan O Savin 🔥 1-10-21
“We’re gonna flood D.C. & wash it out.
We’re gonna divert the Potomac.
We’re gonna watch where the water comes out
of those slimy holes.
I don’t care if they’re 200 miles away.
And then after we’ve flushed it clean about 3 times
cuz we’re not taking any chances with any of our guys
THEN we’re going in
& we’re going door to door & we’re gonna clean that place out.
And we’re not gonna occupy it again
just gonna leave it fenced up
as a spectacle to the world
of the INSANITY of these groups
that have tried to manipulate us.
And we’re going back to right thinking.
Godly thinking.
Sound thinking.
Not these monsters that have taken over our country
& our way of life.”

More of his video links on telegram (this first one is 31 seconds – showing him “getting out of dodge” – dc – headed to “higher ground”)….
42 sec. video showing the 3″ of water coming out from underground….
A “movie” set up in front of the Capitol….Hmmm….Flags at half mast over the Capitol too…

General Michael Flynn: Trump is still President of the United States



Yes he said it.  Here you go (that’s about all you can hear because the crowd goes crazy after he says those words).  If he’s saying it now – it’s END TIME/END GAME.  Let me tell you I feel that energy growing every. single. day.  It’s like another day – a new day – and it’s feeling even more intense?   (BTW I was able to determine this event took place in Nashville, TN today – April 12th.  The title “America’s Future with General Michael Flynn”).

4/11 More Amazing Intel & Finds…..


The intel/finds are getting really good these days – so many doing such awesome puzzle solving!  I feel like I’m just kind of trying to gather as much as I can to help me put together my own puzzle over here.


A music synch….This one popped up today.  The lyrics felt aligning but I was also interested in the cover of that album – which I must have looked at hundreds of times.  Notice the space ships leaving what appears to be an earth-like planet?  That planet looks like it is blowing up – going Nova – as the rest get out.  Truth is everywhere – definitely in music.

Lyrics that stand out:

I’ve gotta crack this ice and fly…

And of course the entire chorus:

Gonna hitch a ride
Head for the other side
Leave it all behind
Never change my mind
Gonna sail away
Sun lights another day
Freedom on my mind
Carry me away for the last time
Oh yeah


So let me decode something I’ve been holding back for some time. Some of us knows, and time is to come forward with the evidence that we are more than in control.

TheQollective 🗝️


No, Space Force has nothing to do with Space, as we know Space is a hoax. Double meanings.

Space Force is going to expose NASA / DISNEY.

Galactic Federation etc. Pleiadians, Ashtar command etc.. Are all a new age deceptions. And way to many believe in that narrative.

Remember my drop about the end game from the Deepstate, and their last shot in this war. Antarctica / Greys.

If you believe in some space lookalike is going to save you, they have successfully installed the seed within you to the fake grey alien deceptions push. Which is factually a demonic cover for their wicked truth.

They will try to make you worship them as creator’s.


I like this woman:

It’s very upsetting. My guess is that sh!t is hitting the fan and that a series of events need to take place that then allow specific sequences of actions to be taken – of the kind we want.

Definitely a movie (although the only one who could ever fully understand or appreciate “my role” here would be the full embodiment OF me – and i feel that goes for each of us….Source as well.  Love.  Understanding – no judgments.)

Lin Wood

Many say, and I agree, that it feels like we are living in a movie. We are.

While at times it feels surreal, the movie is in fact a documentary. The movie is documenting how we act and react to the events surrounding us. We ALL have a role in the documentary.

With that in mind, try your best to make sure that your portrayal in the documentary is one that when viewed in the future, will make your family, your friends your fellow citizens, and your God proud of you.

Strive to win an Oscar.




I learned that places like the IRS, FBI and The Bar have headquarters/field officers in Puerto Rico.  While PR is considered US Territory – why have offices there?  Easier to hide operations?


This is true.  Allegedly there is a lumber shortage – causing prices to go up over 100% the past year.



Ah yes – I knew something would come my way.  Ok, I hoped as at the time I asked for some help in figuring this out.  Thank you Divine Universal Consciousness!  I had a hunch about that Knight…..This is a follow-up to the Mike Pompeo tweet I shared earlier today:

…post from QFrogman5326 on telegram.




As I continue to say – there is no such things as “white privilege”.  There is ELITE privilege which often (not always) is based on how much you are willing to $ell out.  I would say we have a sell out right here:

Property Records Reveal That Self-Described “Marxist” BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors Recently Went on a Real Estate Binge, Bought 4 Houses for a Total of $3.2 Million


From late March.  I didn’t know this….(until now)…

Myanmar Military Seizes George Soros Organization’s Bank Accounts, Announces Arrest Warrants After Coup

Oh wow – some really good comms in this one!  I felt he had already died long ago but it would be announced on the right date.  Check out the numbers (and other great intel – esp. on that painting which many of us have reflected on the last year or two):

Where is DJT sitting in the Masterpiece by John McNaughton (Westminster Abbey)?

WA = Prodigal Church of British Royals (location of Regent Prince Phillip’s Funeral).

John McNaughton/ANAGRAM/Anon Hangout

The Masterpiece = The Great Reveal = TGA

PP – Scythian descendant of Vlad Dracul III, Royal Scion of Dragons, follow the bloodlines.

PP died April 9 (99th day of the year) = 999.






Jon Levi ~ Natural Energy (Lost Technology)


A really interesting Clif High ~ speaking of the resets they have put us in and what has created this realm experience.  Although it is my feel there will be no more resets.  That is the other timeline being wiped itself….And check out the number:  22 (22 trillion times/second “reality REcreates itself” ~ if that theory is correct that would explain why the more we “awaken” the most EXHAUSTED some of us become/are)…..Perhaps as this matrix breaks down we are seeing those moments/resets….I feeeeel this is perhaps one of the reasons I began seeing that 22 number combo the last couple of years…..It was ME beginning to tap into this matrix creation….Me awakening IN it…..And the more I have awakened in it ~ the less I align with it because it feels more and more fake to my consciousness and my energy body…..NO experience – NOTHING artificial can continue forever – NOTHING artificial can keep Consciousness quiet/asleep forever.  There is always an END GAME and we are at that place.  I feel it.  Anyway – enjoy this one.  I love his mind when he puts things like this together (even if some of it “goes over” my own brain – it’s something really for the Higher Mind – something to feeeeel/sense – for me that is)…

Clif High ~the wooble – 2021.4.11 comments off due to clucking spammer



Antarctica….(continues to be in my “space” lately)……So those pods are camping facilities at a place called Whichaway Camp….It’s for the elite $$….You only get there after taking a special chartered flight from Cape Code, S.A……I see Prince Harry visited in 2013….Buzz Aldrin’s been there…..The Dining room looks right out of the Game of Thrones….Animal furs are everywhere…..Yawn….

MrMBB333 ~ Antarctica Mystery SOLVED!


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