An interesting gematria from a Def Leppard lyrical phrase



Well, if you were a big Def Leppard fan (as I was) during your younger years and loved the song “Rock of Ages”, you are familiar with the opening:

Gunter glieben glausen globen.

I wanted to know more about that particular line.  Recently  my mate and I watched the video and not having watched it for a couple of decades, we were pretty horrified at the images we saw.  Sacrifice.  Evil.  Succumbing to both.

U G H.

So tonight we looked into the above phrase.  All sources said it was nothing but gibberish but my inner senses told me otherwise.  I knew it was a spell.

So I plugged the phrase into the gematria and this is what comes up at the top of the list:

Kite Hit Steel Plane Must

Remember 9/11 when GW Jr. was reading to the school children?  Remember those 5 words were spoken at the time and citizen journalists/researchers put together it was a spell being cast for the events of that day.

Coincidence these 5 allegedly “gibberish” words align with these 5?

Yeah, I don’t think so.

NOTHING is a coincidence here ~ not when it comes to creations they put out for all to see.

There are many other phrases of ugh that align.  I don’t want to share them but if you want to see for yourself, here’s the link.

For now and from here on out, if I hear that song, I won’t be singing those words anymore.  Time to cancel it all out and bring in NEW.  I am SO READY to communicate from the heart ~ telepathically.  Pure Language.




An update on Ever Giver



Hmmm….I saw where the Prez of Egypt ordered inspections….There is still, let’s just say, a variety of stories circulating about on this one.  At the moment I feel I am in a sea of murky waters – a lot of disinformation – finding the truth is like finding a life boat or one of those floaties.  

(A social media friend shared that it is possible (probable I would say) that the US and Russian navies took this opportunity to inspect the other ships stranded as a result of the Ever Given.  It is highly likely the Ever Given was a White Hat op and was used to inspect OTHER vessels.)

Update On EVERGREEN: Headed For Inspection? My Friend Daniel Explains…

3/28 ~ A few finds….brief reflection

I feel so energetically spent – again.  I was up early for awhile before returning to sleep.  I felt fine at that time – no aggravating energy.  When I returned to sleep and woke up again – wow.  Completely different experience.   I saw/heard I wasn’t alone.  I have nothing “intuitive” to share about this other than war continues.  For how long and how it ends and if this is actually the elimination of evil or just another “same coin just a nicer side” – I really don’t know now.  I see signs when I look.  I know it all takes time – I just never thought the term “battle weary” would apply to me given I’m obviously not out there engaging in the physical.  But I guess we all play our part and this war is more than physical but Spiritual and WOW is that life force part of me taking a hit atm.  I feel it.  Faith.  Hope.  Vision.  Neutrality.  And an occasion roar.  My current tools.




Florida….a good possibility….I don’t know how far these vax passports will go or how long they will be in place until, well – see the image below this first article…

Ron DeSantis to Take Executive Action Against Vaccine Passports


Mommy and daddy….friends….the whole truther movement at this point.  LINE DRAWN.





In response Kim Donaldson to her Publication
The above is tied in to this…(I verified the decipher)

WOW – when deciphered thru a decoder app
;|;;gmlxzssaw translates to Q ACQUITTED!

Q ACQUITTED in Germatria equals 117
AND April 4 2021 will be 117 days of Q Silence.

I knew there was something strange with that “accidental” tweet by US STRATEGIC COMMAND.

Full DIG on my TL below this post ⤵️






Yeah, I’ll pass…

Covid Test Kit, unopened, sealed from China already infected with worms so user infects self when using swab.



Something to pass along to any health care provider who wants to give you the jab (I would add “certify it is FDA approved”)….



Digital Suez: Egypt’s location as a fibre optic cable hub, linking Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, means up to 30% of the global population’s internet connectivity transits through the country.

Read this is a good one ~ he interviews Chris Sky (Canadian Patriot):


AnMarie Uber ~ROTW, Easter, Reset?


Some much needed HOPE to keep going (lest I find that arrow and blast it myself but not before whacking  the cr@p outta whoever was doing the “holding back”):  



And some more hope – comfort.  How many of us feeling like the dog now?  




If you enjoy my work and receive benefit from it, please throw a few dollars my way by following the PayPal link below.  A few dollars given by many adds up and it inspires me to continue doing what I do!  Thank you all for your love and support!

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An insight on the nas car race



Today nas car was holding a race on Passover/Palm Sunday.  This is not typical as it is a highly “religious” organization.  My mate says he cannot recall such a thing ever occurring.

First they took the speedway (asphalt) and covered it with dirt.  They wanted the first NCAR race on dirt.  Why would they do that?  Isn’t that dangerous?  My mate says it is more dangerous than racing on asphalt.

Suddenly – these massive storms come in – cancelling the race.

Is it possible “they” wanted to have a sacrifice live on tv but the white hats intercepted with the weather machine creating a storm to cancel the event.  ?

A GOOD biblical event?


Here is a video showing the track – which you will see is completely covered in water.

Scary Flooding in Tennessee, USA (Mar 28, 2021) Disaster Flash Flood hits Nashville, TN

A couple of really good videos ~ Michael Jaco and Jon Levi


A lot of intel in the  Michael Jaco video – his guest Bishop Larry Gaiters mind is like a computer with all he knows/shares.

Spiritual warrior Bishop Larry Gaiters unleashes on lies and deceptions and unveils the truth.



Jon Levi has another awesome video.  So much good info – this time sent to him by his viewers.  The info showing the simulation we are in – showing we are inside of a computer “system”.  Last night I was feeling into that – drawn to feel into it.  I was trying to connect with the me on the outside plugged in.  I had questions come to me.  WHO is plugged in?  Me outside and me inside?  Is Me outside aware of what’s going on (and just can’t get out)?  No answers came.  Yet.

The Comments Video

More “space debris” incoming – same time as last night?



I’m feeling “off” about this “space x space debris” story.  It could be a cover for the rocks YRFT said would come in at the end or the space war.  Taking out those old cee eye aye satellites?

Or not.

I just saw this in my local social media feed and thought – how odd.  This person asked “What was that in the sky?”  This happened last night as well – same time.  A local took this picture:

3/25 ~ Some more finds/intel/headlines…..brief reflection


The energy today was – intense.  It began around 1am last night (PST) – shaking, anxiety.  Woke to body pain and feeling really depleted of life force – more than normal.  I felt and looked old.  It was a challenge just to go for a walk – although it made it more challenging given the weather.  The sun was out but it was windy and the air and wind are frigid.  I had on 3 layers and leg warmings.  Just not enjoyable to be outside now even if the sun is out – not with these cold arctic-like winds – which we have had off and on for weeks.

Anyway….feeling trauma was brought up in the last 24 hours and it is sitting in my body ready to be released.  Still having the need to find some purity anywhere I can find it.  My heart’s longing for it continues and it is strengthening in that “need”.

Here are some additional finds.





Joe Biden Weirdest Moments At Press Conference: “God, I Miss Donald Trump!”

Did Donald Trump Jr. Just Tell Us Biden Is Not Really In Command?


I heard about this one earlier today:

One Fence Removed At The White House But A New One In It’s Place!



Man Posts Urgent Warning: “Proof COVID Tests Cause Cancer!”

I was telling my mom about the med beds today.  She’s waking up…

Who surrounds the President?
watch the water – US military in waters South of the Suez canal, Russia military North of the Suez canal!








This is SO COOL:



If you enjoy my work and receive benefit from it, please throw a few dollars my way by following the PayPal link below.  A few dollars given by many adds up and it inspires me to continue doing what I do!  Thank you all for your love and support!


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More Info on the Cargo Ship and other interesting finds



Hillary = Evergreen
Hillary = HRC


The Q post matches up with sea route “drawn out” by the hacked ship pattern in the suez canal.

It’s the KEY.

In response JFK Jr Fan to his Publication
However was guiding that ship drew a K and rammed that vessel into the bank – wedging it sideways.  That thing isn’t going anywhere.  Lots of free time now to reveal what’s in those containers…
My feel yesterday as well ~ this is going to halt global trade.  It had me remember something DJT said a year ago or so – about retailers “stocking up” for 3 months of supplies – just in case.  At the time it was due to CV – but this is likely the reason for his statement at the time:

From Order of Alpha’s Telegram:
Ghislaine Maxwell’s secret ‘husband’ is CEO of worldwide SHIPPING [HUMAN TRAFFICKING]

“Scott Borgerson, the CEO of a tech company called CargoMetrics, has been tied since last year to Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell, who authorities arrested in early July.”

CargoMetrics Technologies, a Boston-based quantitative hedge fund that has secured financial backing from private-equity giant Blackstone, investor Paul Tudor Jones, Google founder Eric Schmidt, Israeli shipping magnate Idan Ofer, and Maersk Tankers.

The Pentagon Pedophile Task Force (working under Joint Special Operations Command) discovered actionable evidence (turned over to the DoD) that showed the coordination of world-wide human trafficking has been expanded to a massive database that includes every conceivable factor of a human life.



I did not know that the call sign of the Evergreen ship is H3RC until Dave’s show tonight. Takeaway, if you don’t have the time to listen, is enjoy the show! Meme stolen from@robertauthor

One year ago.  I remember this one and felt it was significant at the time.  Relevant today it seems.  Vertical lines on the flag represent Peace Time.  The portrait of Lincoln too – “freeing the slaves”…DJT – standing at attention….





Morgellons in COVID-19 tests…



question everything…

even reality…

portl’s holoportation features




Epstein just wont go away.
Gates-Epstein freindship.
The plot thickens

3/24 Finds/Reflections


My feel on this shipping container incident – we are told that FF increase right before a big BOOM/drop.  The shipping container incident is the drop (or upcoming) I feel – and given as we hear below 7 shootings in 1 week….

3.24.21 Scott McKay “Patriot Streetfighter”‘s ROUNDTABLE W/ Cirsten W & Dave Snedecker

Update 1: Questions to Stan X about Kim Goguen’s Durango Video 3/23/2021


MrMBB333 ~ It was witnessed in 15 states and TWO countries spanning 800 miles moving at 45,000 mph!!
Tornado smashes buildings in Vietnam! Madness! Eyewitnesses filmed from a minimum distance!


Judicial Watch Obtains Emails Showing Fauci’s NIH Accommodated China’s Terms for Confidentiality Surrounding COVID-19 in February 2020

Oregon Gun Bill Would Create Unnavigable Minefield Of Felony Traps For Concealed Handgun License Holders


Why Is No One Talking About the RACE of All 10 Shooting Victims By Muslim Gunman Ahmad al-Issa?

EXCLUSIVE: Nonprofit Executives Are Profiteers of the Migrant Unaccompanied Minors Program

BREAKING UPDATE: North Korea Fires Two Ballistic Missiles

Heroic Policeman Eric Talley – Who Rushed into the Boulder Supermarket to Rescue the Innocent – Leaves Behind Seven Children


Journalist Can’t Sue Rod Rosenstein for Alleged Illegal Spying on Her Family During Obama Admin Because of Qualified Immunity



More “stuck ship” intel (what comes to mind?  “They fooked”):

Cargo ship draws giant penis in Red Sea then becomes wedged in Suez Canal
One “date” (I know – NO DATES) – I keep feeling for the biblical stuff is 4/4 – Easter – dark to light.  

April 4th…

If you enjoy my work and receive benefit from it, please throw a few dollars my way by following the PayPal link below.  A few dollars given by many adds up and it inspires me to continue doing what I do!  Thank you all for your love and support!
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