Intel continues on this “stuck ship” in the Suez Canal


I need to come up with something else to call it.  This is getting ridiculously comical and obvious.  Check out this intel.  Check out the names of the tugboat and the surrounding ships.  Baraka.  Mosaed.  Then the ship that got stuck is called the H3RC.

H. R. C.





Then there was this find.  Is it possible – there is nuclear material in the containers?  One of the agenda’s was biblical – nuke in Israel – WW3.  There are some channels that are all but gleeful that this “end times/revelations” is going to happen.  It is?  Not in my reality.  We are exposing and destroying that ending.  We have our own coming through.  


from Julians Rum


Updates on the Ever Given Cargo Container “stuck” in the Suez Canal


Interesting.  As I felt last night – this appears to be a White Hat Op.  Could this be the “Saving Israel for last” – one of the last ops?  I say that because of when this happened in ’67 with Israel and Egypt.  I would imagine inspections will be taking place….And we all know whose SS name was “Evergreen”….(MSM is still going with the “wind” theory, btw – addressed below)



Image captured from space:

A satellite image from Capella Space shows the Ever Given wedged and blocking the Suez Canal in Egypt on Wednesday.


Let’s check on that “wind” theory, shall we?  Here is a breakdown of weather in Suez, Egypt going back to the weekend.  I’m not seeing any major wind event, are you?

I also saw some piece on CNBC that said according to a “shipping source and witness”, the ship had been broken free.  Not so sure about that. I also see this most current piece:

Suez Canal news – live: Ship rescue suspended until Thursday as backlog could take ‘weeks’ to clear


3/23 Headlines and Finds



If you enjoy my work and receive benefit from it, please throw a few dollars my way by following the PayPal link below.  A few dollars given by many adds up and it inspires me to continue doing what I do!  Thank you all for your love and support!

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We have been watching this guys material for a few years now.  This is the best work so far – helping to catch the parasitic scammers who prey on the elderly and vulnerable.  Please share this first one for awareness.  

Mark Rober: Glitterbomb Trap Catches Phone Scammer (who gets arrested)


3.23.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #66: Cabal Agency Bad Actors Still At Work


A couple of Monkey Werx:

Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 3 22 21
Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 3 23 21


Michael Jaco:  What’s going on in Colorado! Mind control? MK Ultra? CIA in Denver? The truth is coming for them.
Auto didactic: What is Going On? Martin, Sonja and Kallum Round Table Chat Part 2


Boulder Shooter Allegedly Syrian Refugee Given Asylum Under Obama


Remember when Trump spoke of “luck” before he left DC?  There’s a comm in there….

President Trump Finally Reveals What He Wrote to Joe Biden in White House Letter






BREAKING: FBI/DEA Raid US Private Vaults



a “presidential ” B742 VC-25A with a blocked call sign 🧐

I confirmed.  This is true:

What the in the actual %$@#!? is THIS!?!?

A.D.I.T (2021) Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Expected filming December 3, 2021.

Starring – Anthony Fauci & Kamala Harris
as themselves?!?!

PLOT – “Stop an android developer with alien hand syndrome from stealing the Lunisolar-Cryptocalendar, hacking galaxy mainframes and CAUSING GLOBAL PANDEMICS AND UNIVERSAL DESTRUCTION.”

Revelation of the Method – The people who are destroying us have the occult belief that they must tell you (a twisted “forewarning” of sorts) what they are doing to you so that karmic consequences do not come back on them. They often use Hollywood to do it through tv and movies.




Problem.  Reaction.  Solution.  All in hours now.  

Psaki Says Joe Biden Considering Executive Action on Gun Control in Wake of Mass Shootings

JUST IN: Republican-Controlled Wisconsin Assembly Authorizes Investigation of 2020 Presidential Election


CAUGHT ON VIDEO: FBI and DHS Attempt To Recruit Former Green Beret to Infiltrate and Spy on Oath Keepers, Proud Boys – But He Recorded The Conversation!

EXCLUSIVE: Why Is A Loyal New York City Police Officer from Staten Island Being Persecuted for His Off-Duty Political Support of Donald Trump and Friendship with Roger Stone?



Suez Canal Blocked By Huge Container Ship (EVERGREEN)



“A gust of wind”…lol  This is a (potentially) significant event, in my opinion….My feel – this is a White Hat Operation – perhaps to block their container ships used for trafficking.  Evergreen.  And the location – given the history?  See below for more.

Suez Canal blocked by huge container ship

“A vast container ship has run aground in the Suez canal after being blown off course by a “gust of wind”, causing a huge traffic jam of vessels at either end of the vital international trade artery.

The 220,000-tonne, 400 metre-long Ever Given – a so-called “mega ship” – became stuck near the southern end of the canal on Tuesday.

Several attempts to refloat it have failed.”


Now interesting to note – the Canal was once shut down in 1967 during the Egyptian/Israel war for 8 years.  Israel, Jordan, Egypt and Syria.  The Six Day War.  “In the aftermath of the war, Israel had crippled the Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian militaries, having killed over 20,000 troops while losing fewer than 1,000 of its own. The Israeli success was the result of a well-prepared and enacted strategy, the poor leadership of the Arab states, and their poor military leadership and strategy. Israel seized the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, from Jordan and the Golan Heights from Syria.” (SOURCE)

Saving Israel for last?



If you enjoy my work and receive benefit from it, please throw a few dollars my way by following the PayPal link below.  A few dollars given by many adds up and it inspires me to continue doing what I do!  Thank you all for your love and support!

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Long night.  Triggered dreams.  Before going to bed, a glass bowl fell out of the cupboard and smashed into a kabillion pieces.  Getting into bed, mate says “we’re under attack now i feel them all around”.  I said nothing as I had felt the same.  So we protect and clear and give commands and go on.  This morning when I crawled out of bed, I went to wash dishes.  First cup I go to wash just decided to break in my hands.  I was ok – but I just sort of shrugged it off.

Being the Lion while the rats scurry around – freaking out – lashing out – looking for someplace to hide.

I feel the whole “who is who” is clear now.  I see those taking the jab are doing so out of fear.  I see some that simply don’t want freedom.  They want to be told what to do.  Going within and thinking for themselves is just too uncomfortable.  And I get that discomfort – but I’ve still made the choice to do just that throughout my life.

So I continue to affirm my FREEDOM.  My inherent rights to BE DO CHOOSE SEE EXPERIENCE total truth and total freedom.  Return to Original.  Pure.

Antarctica is in my space now.  I feeeel (based on what I have seen) that Antarctica is key to this realm – the way in and the way out.  It has been guarded – heavily.  I see the dumbs around it have been taken care of but there is still something underneath that remains.  If we do have our Original bodies there – that would explain why the continent itself remains.  Those dumbs likely contained the entities who put us here to begin with.  Guarding us (as I saw in a dream last year – those little gray types).  Last night my mate saw one of them – and a few nights ago I saw one appear in my minds eye – looking at me.  My mate shooed it away – it worked – and I did the same in my mind at the time.

Could be “real” – could be nothing but a program/app poking.  Doesn’t really matter though does it?  What matters is us owning our power – the best we can.

And in a moment of divine synch – watching Chef John (Food Wishes) – who is making almond flour donuts – just said “COVFEFE” – talking about “prop coffee” (which in the video was tea and milk) – in the “SPIRIT OF FULL DISCLOSURE”.

Here are some finds…

Love (see if my browser lets me see images of fancy V’s – lately it somehow tells me nothing is found),

V | Calligraphy alphabet, Tattoo fonts, V alphabet.



He KNOWS the Ending? Who is LIN WOOD really? He has bene dropping some interdasting intel the last few hours! Including calling Joe Biden (BIDAN)



So which is it?  Black?  Asian?  Checking the magic crystal ball I got out of my cracker jack box she is gonna pull the “jewish” card next…

Now Kamala Harris Is “Asian-American”…?


If RUSSIA is doing this?  We are at the end.  [Necessary] scare event?


scare in 3……2………..1

Some good acting here…


HUMOR (following the above):



AT&T Users Reporting Outage Across The United States After Musk Starlink Satellite Kamikazes Into AT&T Satellite


GEORGE NEWS COMMS:  “Point and shoot”….WHMO – White House Military Operations…


pic 444 of 444
George News




More ANTARCTICA….NSF (National Science Foundation)….

Why Is Amazon Trying To Rebuild The Tower of Babel?

Biden’s Inauguration Priest Under Investigation in California for ‘Inappropriate Behavior’



Uh, N O.

Walmart becomes largest U.S. vaccine provider to join push for digital vaccination credentials. – The New York Times


Then we have the Freedom supporters:

Vaccine Passports Are a ‘Terrible Idea,’ Says Florida Gov. DeSantis



from JQHN@HSRetoucher

Here Comes The Trump Card

Love these DOCS:

Do you remember
Dr Simone Gold and the
Front Line Doctors?

They’re going legal, and they need 1 million signatures to back them up.

If you want to do something that supports them to fight for us on a global scale, sign the petition about medical discrimination (ie: so that people aren’t pressured or intimidated to take the experimental ‘vaccine’).

Here’s the link, please share:



Ok so I am trying to find some more “spiritually” based pieces – but honestly?  I’m having a hard time finding anything.   Too many channel the “dear ones” stuff that sounds and feels so good for a bit until the “you gotta do blah blah before you have your desires”.  Endless carrot dangling.  (I see a special place for that carrot to go)  Too many have been giving dates that come and go with nothing.  Too many say the only way out is to blah blah blah.  Can’t we all agree we don’t know sheot – other than what we DESIRE for ourselves?  Personal Truth.  How can I tell you or anyone else how YOUR experience HAS to be?  Seriously done with that.  That’s just more matrix power over nonsense.

And I have had ENOUGH of that.

Have you?

Freedom is as Freedom does – the right to create your own experience however you want.  Your own sandbox.  Alone or with others.  And I have no business coming over and inserting MY WILL in your sandbox – unless invited to do so.

And only if I clean up my own mess before I leave.

And if so desired, leave some chocolate.




3/17 Finds & Reflection


If you enjoy my work and receive benefit from it, please throw a few dollars my way by following the PayPal link below.  As I continue to say, a few dollars given by many adds up and it inspires me to continue doing what I do!  This is real work I do each day!  Thank you all for your love and support!

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Today was – interesting.  There were so many pokes and mild attacks – nothing intense on their own but my goodness it was all night and into the day today.  From the astral experiences to those “unpleasantries” that affect us the  most.  Talking with our local friend and some of you today – the talk was “how much more of this can we take?”  I remain in that centered observing state – most of the time.  lol  I had a few moments today when I just let myself speak and do – including when my mate called someone a dumb@ss – and I backed him up for this person and the ongoing experience they dish out – well such a response was something that was completely appropriate.  Not taking that boundary violation lightly or quietly.  AT ALL.

I see all of that evil exposing itself more and more.  Really no hiding.  I won’t be sharing certain examples I have seen today in the media feeds.  We know it’s there.  Why broadcast it even more (here).  As I told my mate today – the next thing to happen is that Simpson scene:

In 1996 Treehouse of horror VII episode, Homer reveals to ...

I had good energy today – overall.  My wonderful Sister D was feeling “hardly here”.  There is an incoming solar flare – earth facing – due to enter in 3 days and she is usually one to feel these things before they enter.  So – just a heads up on that.  Rest.  Hydrate.

Here are today’s finds.

Love to you all ~

V letter (With images) | Fancy letters, Lettering styles ...


Some excellent captures by Monkey – showing us this entire JB Presidency is a movie.  A façade.  An illusion.  From the vehicles to the alleged secret service to the clothing attire.  And there’s that mic – lol – which I saw yesterday.  I still share such intel – evidence – with some in my life who still think JB IS JB.  I just don’t think their minds can grasp it – yet.  Even MONKEY thinks he’s JB and he’s dealing with dementia and really is the President.  Slow drips lead to the flood that makes it impossible for the mind “not to see”….BRING THE DAYEM FLOOD ALREADY!  

Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 3 17 21



There’s so much here. Don’t fail to squeeze it until the last drop.  (Isaac K video – which showed up as a video when I first linked it – now it’s just showing up as the web address)





Remember President John Magufuli? He’s the guy that found samples taken from a goat and a pawpaw returned positive COVID-19 test results.

[They] don’t like it when their narrative is proven fake.

This is quite telling:




Interesting…..With all of this looking glass and time travel – wouldn’t surprise me….And remember a few months ago I showed a book written in 1949 by SIDNEY POWELL ~ Toward The Great Awakening…..

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication



Eyes on 👀
MJ Truth posted this on Telegram this morning…



Some humor.  I had to share this one as earlier today I told my mate I needed a t-shirt with, well – a similar image:




Saving the best (imho) for last.  My favorite youtuber is back for another amazing, fact-filled lip-read.  There are some AMAZING finds in this one.  I now understand the term “it’s going to be biblical”.  Lately I have had this nagging feeling “they” wanted to reset us – and they wanted to do is at this period in time – but that won’t be happening.  They have done who knows how many times but there is proof out there showing us (Jon Levi is our go-to for such intel).  And what is dropped here in this video aligns with what Jon Levi has shown us – right before a reset, they take the children and kill off the adults.  

Trump’s TIME TRAVEL Warnings!? Secret Service WARNED HIM of WHO??

A little intel on the fires showing up on those government maps


Something about this didn’t sit right with me – all of these fires that some channels are sharing.  There seems to be an assumption they are all current.

They aren’t.

Go here and just click on any of the fire icons.  MANY (if not most) of these are prescribed burns and many that are wildfires have been contained.  Some of the wildfires are from last year too.

So while there was that out of control brush fire in NJ and there are/were some red flag warnings (here) (here)  – and some small brush fires in those red flag areas (which is pretty strange for this time of year – something to keep eyes on) – the images being shared are NOT all current fires burning which showed what looked to be like an inferno throughout parts of the U.S.

That “fake snow” we saw people sharing on the east coast (lighting on fire) could very well be a culprit for what we have seen on the east coast this month.  So as I said above – eyes on.

I continue to pray for PROTECTION for ALL from any doings of malintent – weather and otherwise.



A couple of interesting videos ~ a prophetic and a new monkey werx


I cannot deny that there are biblical happenings occurring….this one has some interesting tidbits – esp. the talk about the Rhythms of Life (the Flow) and the algorithms (the matrix)….…..html?mref=2oodx&mc=8wf7a


Is this what I felt would happen/shift on the 15th?  A big uptake in certain aircraft (especially the sub seekers) – this time it’s on both coasts.  My feel – as mentioned in the video above – the war is completely focused on the ground here now – which likely explains the upswing in “matrix attacks” the past several weeks.  There is some very good intel/finds in this one…..

Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 3 15 21

2020 The Movie: D.C. through the Looking Glass


Have any of you seen this?  I hadn’t until today.


And the title – “Through the Looking Glass”.   Throwing it all in our faces – these actors.  Are they acting?  I don’t know – what I do know is many of these actors are allegedly part of the trafficking – including Depp – who we saw in recent months looking horrid – and yet he looks healthy in this.  Replacement?  I have disdain for such deception.  Evil does that.  Anyway, thought I would pass it along.   It does appear to be backed by a conservative outlet and pokes at politics and journalism.  That – I can appreciate.