Which Hunt?


Authored by James Howard Kunstler via Kunstler.com,

It was refreshing to read the response of Federal Judge T. S. Ellis III to a squad of prosecutors from Robert Mueller’s office who came into his Alexandria, Virginia, court to open the case against Paul Manafort, erstwhile Trump campaign manager, for money-laundering shenanigans dating as far back as 2005. Said response by the judge being:

“You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud. You really care about getting information that Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment or whatever.”

Judge Ellis’s concise summation was like a spring zephyr clearing out a long winter’s fog of unreality in our national politics – the idea that Mueller’s mission has been anything but the Deep State’s ongoing crusade to nullify the 2016 election.

In the meantime of the past year, Mueller has been additionally burdened by obvious misconduct in the FBI and its parent agency, the Department of Justice, which makes Mueller himself look like the instrument of a cover-up, or at least a massive organized distraction from the misdeeds of the Deep State itself.

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Trump Likely To Scrap Iran Deal, Reimpose Sanctions: NYT


editor’s note:  i found the time posted of trump’s tweet intriguing…


With Trump’s long anticipated announcement on the fate of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, i.e., the Iran Nuclear Deal, now set at 2pm on Tuesday, the world is scrambling to handicap the odds that Trump i) lets the deal live, and ii) permits Iran to continue exporting as much as 1mmbpd.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

I will be announcing my decision on the Iran Deal tomorrow from the White House at 2:00pm.

That said, barring some last minute miracle, if the late afternoon conjecture by the NYT is accurate, and following news over the weekend that Obama’s Secretary of State had secretly been engaging in shadow diplomacy to preserve the JCPOA, in less than 24 hours the US will no longer be a signatory to the Iran deal, just as Trump had promised during his presidential campaign.

According to NYT sources, “diplomats who were familiar with the negotiations said Mr. Trump appeared inclined to scrap the deal and reimpose sanctions on Iran that were suspended in an accord reached in Vienna in July 2015.”

As Bloomberg adds, quoting an unnamed European diplomat, there may be a chance President Trump’s will decide to keep the U.S. in the existing Iran nuclear deal, but it’s only a very small chance. The diplomat also said that “unless something changes, it’s pretty obvious Trump probably won’t waive sanctions” as the Trump administration seems to seek entirely new agreement, in contrast to European allies who’ve sought to build on existing deal.

Even Iran, despite warning the US will suffer from “historic regret” if it withdraws from the Nuclear Deal, has reportedly made back up plans for just that contingency.

And yet, following a full-court press by European heads of state, most notably Macron and Merkel, both of whom have been purchasing Iranian crude at below-market prices for the past 3 years and are eager to continue the Iran real, it is distinctly possible that in announcing the scrapping of the deal, Trump will provide for some continuity for the rest of the world so that i) Iran is not blacklisted by SWIFT again and ii) Iran oil exports can continue, to wit:

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2 F.B.I. Officials, Once Key Advisers to Comey, Leave the Bureau (Hint ~ one is LISA PAGE)


Image result for buh bye images


WASHINGTON — Two top F.B.I. aides who worked alongside the former director James B. Comey as he navigated one of the most politically tumultuous periods in the bureau’s history resigned on Friday.

One of them, James A. Baker, was one of Mr. Comey’s closest confidants. He served as the F.B.I.’s top lawyer until December when he was reassigned as the new director, Christopher A. Wray, began installing his own advisers. Mr. Baker had been investigated by the Justice Department on suspicion of sharing classified information with reporters. He has not been charged.

The other aide, Lisa Page, advised Mr. Comey while serving directly under his deputy, Andrew G. McCabe. She was assailed by conservatives after texts that she had exchanged with the agent overseeing the investigation into links between President Trump’s campaign and Russia were made public. In the messages, they expressed anti-Trump views but took aim at Hillary Clinton and other political figures as well.

Sourced from here.

Federal Judge Accuses Robert Mueller of Lying and Targeting President Trump


editor’s note:  the CNN reporter sure had a difficult time speaking clearly. cognitive dissonance perhaps?  judge speaking truth ~ this has been about impeaching Trump so the swamp remains in place.  russia collusion is a b.s. narrative and always has been.  in fact when Trump was trolling during the election claiming Russia was interfering, Obama and HRC were saying nonsense – that is until Trump won then they began claiming otherwise…


By Red Pill  |  05-04-2018   News 
Photo credit: Life Cafe 

President Trump was just sent a gift-wrapped explosive in the form of critique towards Special Counsel Robert Mueller from a federal judge who says that Mueller not only lied but is directly targeting President Trump.

The ongoing witch hunt into the Trump Administration seems to know zero boundaries, with Robert Mueller being appointed to investigate alleged “Russian meddling,” and nearly sixteen months into the Trump Presidency having found zero evidence to support that claim.

United States District Judge T.S. Ellis III blasted Robert Mueller on Friday at a Paul Manafort hearing in a federal courtroom, where Judge Ellis said that Mueller’s team of Democratic-puppet investigators have lied to the government about the scope of their investigation.

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Pentagon delivers new guidelines on transferring detainees to Guantanamo



Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has given the White House its new policy guidance on transferring detainees to the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, a critical report intended to outline whether the Pentagon backs promises President Donald Trump made on the campaign trail to fill the prison with “bad dudes.”

“This policy provides our warfighters guidance on nominating detainees for transfer to Guantanamo detention should that person present a continuing, significant threat to the security of the United States,” Pentagon spokeswoman Cmdr. Sarah Higgins said.

The report was not made public.

“Terrorists are not merely criminals,” Trump said in his State of the Union address, announcing his orders to keep the prison open. “They are unlawful enemy combatants. And when captured overseas, they should be treated like the terrorists they are.”

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Lookie What I Captured (Again!!)….


so it’s midnight ~ my mate is outside sky-gazing and comes inside and says “there’s a strange glow to the southwest”.  i checked the moon position ~ it’s just rising now in the east so that wasn’t causing the glow.  there are no city lights in that directions ~ it’s all woods/mountains with very few houses.  so i grab my camera and attempt to capture it on film.  while i did not succeed at that, check out what i DID capture.  others including steve olson WSO have been talking about a green planet with a black hole in the center (according to what my mate tells me).  well here you go.  also of interest is that it is in the same location as that strange oblong green object i captured this week during the day.  anyway….check it out and tell me what you think!