Q Posts ~ Sunday April 8 2018


Editor’s note:  I had another Trump dream last night.  Again, these aren’t asked for ~ they just happen.  In the experience, it is night.  Streets are wet.  I’m in front of a large building.  I know he’s on the scene somewhere so I glance around and am able to see through a wall and see him standing there alone.  I walk over and we begin to talk.  I ask if I can ask some questions.  He says “yes ask me anything.  I was elected to serve you.”  I mostly showed my appreciation and support and the only question I can recall asking is about Q.  Who is it/who are they?  He said Q was 2 groups of people within his circle.  He would not get more specific than that.  I also got something about the #142 – no idea what that means.  We stopped at this point in front of a large bus.  I recall everything being deep, dark blue – including what Trump was wearing (which included a military type jacket).  A man called out from the bus “it’s time Mr. President” to which he excused himself.  He had to meet with his team.  That was it.  I then went on and shared what I had been told with a group of people.  When I awoke and saw this drop below – how he is meeting in the situation room today – I knew – it was another prophetic experience.  I also recall seeing the image of a younger male that looked like his son in law.  Whoever it is is playing a big part in this.





Plane crash 1999.
HRC Senate 2000.
The “Start.”
Enjoy the show.


>>950925 Putin is Russias President. His job is to look after the Russian people. Put yourself in his shoes. He wants to win why not take advantage of his enemies. Trump comes along. Russia/Putin becomes our Ally Xi becomes our Ally Xi and Putin are also underattack by the deepstate which is rooted Globally
POTUS NEVER telegraphs his moves.
Think logically.
Why did POTUS announce his intention to pull out of Syria?
Moves and countermoves.
These people are STUPID (& SICK).

Late Night Q Posts ~ 4/8/18


Editor’s note:  Q is referencing the chemical attack today in Syria ~ days after announcing Trump wants a military pull out of Syria “very soon”.  Nope ~ no coincidence there…  Here is what I found that may be in reference to red sparrow:  there is a movie (Red Sparrow) out this year based on a young girl under mk-ultra mind control training.  


They are trying to start a war.
Public interest shift.
Pullout announcement.
Chem attack.
These people are sick.


Auth 1st S.
Contact window ok.
Tracking good.
Relay back channel S-WH-E-P1.
Fly High.


Night [4]
Increase in chatter.
Auth B19-2.
Sparrow Red.
Prevent at all costs.
Auth 1st S.
Contact window ok.
Sourced from here.
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James Gilliland Newsletter ~ 4/7/18


The Great Uncovering is Happening

by James Gilliland

April 5, 2018

April is going to get crazy. The multidimensional war is coming to Earth. It has been going on for a long time but now it is escalating.


April is going to get crazy. The multidimensional war is coming to Earth. It has been going on for a long time but now it is escalating. Things that go bump in the night, fallen ones, serpent beings, reptilians, negative greys, low level astral beings seem to be coming out of the woodwork. Many light-workers are feeling it, some are under all-out attack. It can be overwhelming and it is time to close the doors, any openings that let them in. Lines are being drawn, the masks are coming down, choices are being made and it is a time where the wrong choices due to denial or ignorance can be deadly. There is a shell game going on, find the dark heart. Dark hearts are acting like white hats and white hats are being demonized by the dark hearts and their massive network.


There are times when the light workers feel all alone.

There are times when the light workers feel all alone. Especially when those close to them fall or become victims of the clever unseen negative influences. These negative influences will come through friends, family, people from all walks of life with weak minds or holes in their auras due to self-serving beliefs, severe health issues, or substance abuse. Remember in most cases the negative is invited. The weak minded are also susceptible to “fake news”. If you don’t think you’re being mind-controlled watch this

Fake News

The fallen ones and their puppets have an evil genius. They know exactly what to say, can play you like a fiddle but their actions give them away. We want to believe them, depending on the degree of attachment and denial some are thrown a bone and take it because they desperately want to believe in the potential they are projecting on friends, family and lovers. If you go back and look at the actions you will realize it was a one sided or imbalanced relationship.

What are you bringing to the party?

People everywhere are waking up asking the big question, “what are you bringing to the party”? It’s not what are you saying, it is what are you doing and what have you done. When we look at this with brutal honesty we often find the words do not match the deeds. Most of the words are distractors, ways of avoiding personal responsibility and action. The bottom line is, if the same issue is reoccurring it needs to be addressed. The universe can’t be wrong and you the only one right? That is not enlightenment or spiritual – that is enabling, neediness and fear. It is also a lack of self-love. Sacrifice is a lack of self-love, enabling and disempowering. It takes both down the same path on the course of devolution not evolution. It is the wrong side of the fence in the days to come.

Service to self 2


Here are some basic indicators, tools for discernment. Make two columns.

On one side put self-serving, the other service to others. Love on one column fear on another. Anger on one line, joy on another. Blame on one side, personal responsibility on the other. Heaven on earth on one side hell on the other. Then give a percentage to each emotion and expression. This will give you a good indicator of the spiritual evolution and the contribution one is making. Might want to get someone objective to help you see what you might be missing in self or those close to you. A self-serving dark heart will not even look at this list. An enabler will overrate the percentages in denial of the obvious.

The Pleiadians often say the fear of expression retards evolution. One is afraid to say what needs to be said – the other does not hear what they need to hear.

The great uncovering is happening, the consequences are following: it is exponential and the world will not be the same in just a few short months. Most cannot accept the level of darkness and corruption, the enslavement through corrupt monetary systems, the extent of the pedophile and child trafficking networks, drugs, satanic worship, and child sacrifice is a hard pill to swallow. Most will continue in denial with the blue pill.

Luckily the white hats, the red pillers will prevail with a massive uncovering and clean up. The forces behind them are beyond belief, Universal Law will come to Earth. Get on the right side of the fence, stand in your divinity, release those who have taken the downward spiral. You can’t swim with shackles and the river is rising. The dark ships are sinking and the rats are abandoning the ships.

Gold Lion Oval
James Gilliland field

Be Well, Be at Peace, Do the Healing Process,
James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel

You have my permission to send this far and wide.

Star Nations have Returned


The glowing, beautiful round orb ships you see around the 2 minute mark is exactly what I saw in the summer of 2009 that communicated w/me.  “See you soon” I heard before it winked out.  Soon is now…


Sourced from here.

David Seaman is leaving YouTube… “David Seaman FaceBook Live: Sealed Indictments NOW Unsealed Takedown Imminent It’s Over” VIDEO 4-5-18


Editor’s note:  I already linked the video a couple of days ago but found the following highlights worth sharing…


Okay this link was sent to me, and the highlights below were written by REC (apparently, but I did not find any of the notes below via the internet links that were sent). But if these are accurate, it seems David has gone through quite a bit of transformation. Here are the highlights I was sent (thanks to LL). This video is also posted on BitChute.

Pedogate/Pizzagate reporter David Seaman answers chat room questions, making the following claims especially salient for those of us in the international truth movement:

o Seaman is moving his video channel over to Bitchute, an affiliate of blockchained Steemit so germane to Pizzagate being publicly exposed and investigated online; he will be primarily active in the future on his new news website, FulcrumNews.com [originally listed as a “.net” but that is not correct];
Seaman’s best friend — a young woman — recently was murdered in her rural Virginia home, probably as retribution for his work exposing the global satanic pedophile networks;
o Agnostic Seaman was then himself poisoned and had a brief near-death mystical experience, during which he experienced unity with the Creator; he is now a spiritual believer;
All major chemtrails programs have been suspended worldwide, with possible rogue pockets still in operation about to be taken out;
Much of the weird weather worldwide is being caused by both the climate’s “chemtrails withdrawal”, as well as our planet seeking to come back into balance after being sorely abused;
Seaman has been shown several of the sealed indictments against prominent satanic globalist operatives; they are real, and soon to be executed — as well as, possibly, some of their recipients;
o From this, and his own direct interactions with Trump, Seaman is now convinced that Trump, his team and the QAnon team — which may be one and the same — are real;
Seaman has now been told and shown actual evidence that the covert undeclared third world war of the satanic globalist cabal against the people has now been ended;
o Seventy percent of this victory is due to the Trump/Putin/Chi alliance, the positive factions of the military and intelligence agencies of their countries and some other “unnamed forces”;
o The other thirty percent of this victory is due to those of us in the international truth movement working among the general populace. We now need to relax and begin to live our lives
in new and better ways, while yet remaining vigilant concerning what is yet to come, realizing that full rectification of past systemic evils will take some time, as well as needing our help if it is to be accomplished. — REC

Sourced from here.

Q Posts for Saturday ~ 4/7/18




New tactic.
Buckle up.
Narrative + anything Q.
Clowns + Twitter push.
MSM overdrive.
All 4 a LARP?



>>936472 EH CA. Relevant soon. Q
Border states are VERY key.
Bigger than you can imagine.
The pipeline.
Not R vs D.
CA is special.
Public will learn.

>>936346 Talking to you, anon. We always see “It’s Happening” here. The ‘Tone’. WAR. April showers. Q
Relevant soon.

>>936314 Q Please confirm or tell us if we are wrong about POTUS weekly address “It’s happening” meaning what we all think it means.
Talking to you, anon.
We always see “It’s Happening” here.
The ‘Tone’.
April showers.

You have more than you know.
America for sale.
Systematic weakening of the US.
Cash flow funnel.
Inside job.
We are in control.
Those awake can see.



Connection made.
RC end.
We have grounds.
Thank you.

Q Posts ~ 4/6 & 4/7/18


Editor’s note:  The LL info ~ likely trying to do a little “cya” before the truth comes spilling out…  And yes…the CNN narrative regarding Roseanne’s tweets, labeling them (of course) as “conspiracy” (where she mentions the storm, satanism and child trafficking).  


The island.
Night [3]



Spread out by design.
MSNBC next?
No ‘PG’ bot push post RC?
Saving for Monday?
Open the door.
Close to door.



Sourced from here.
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All Shifts NOW


We are in a moment of great change.  If you have been keeping up with the Q Anon posts, the speed of the Earth Alliance operations has greatly picked up pace.  I will caution that many of the followers of Q on 8Chan have a very simplistic view of what’s going on and tend to have a conservative vs liberal bias. Yet when you look at what has been done it has no political, religious, ethnic border.  And its certainly not about Jews, as the New York Times is trying to paint it.  That trite broad stroking of anything anti-Wall Street as antisemitism just doesn’t fly anymore.   There just aren’t enough Jews in the world to even pull what has been done off. Think bigger.  And frankly Jews deserve more respect than that kind of media manipulation of the public. Its not limited to any group. Its a planetary problem.

Conversely the pace of censorship by Google/YouTube, Facebook and Twitter under pressure of their “investors” and “advertisers” (ahem… CHINA INC).  The big Internet giants, according to Q, are all using the same AI algorithm that was in the hands of Edward Snowden in China, to target free speech they don’t like.   What exactly Snowden’s true role in all this is not exactly clear, double or triple agent or mole perhaps?  It does appear he never went to Russia at all, and that was all a hoax and he has been hiding in Hong Kong.  That story will come out in the wash.

BZ Riger had her web site I-UV.COM web site with all of Heather’s work scrubbed yesterday requiring a complete restoration from backup files.  The IP addresses said Morocco but the attack spoke of a major state actor (most likely China which has always been behind and a partner of Morocco for centuries).   Morocco just doesn’t have that kind of IT talent to do that kind of hack without assistance.  The country can barely keep its internet services operating.

The controllers (eastern “Dragons” and their western proxy burnable villain “cabal” of Rothschilds/Rockefellers and associated families wanted Hillary to be the next President, as did their deep state assets that they spent decades cultivating.   It was about disarming and slicing up America for profit.  Loose immigration policies were not about humanitarian concern, but human trafficking as they ones behind the scenes got upwards of $60,000 per immigrant from the IMF, and had “NGOs” in that immigrant.  “The American Experiment in Democracy” was always seen as threat to the old guard who controlled the planet.  The 2nd Amendment made outside invasion impossible.

Hillary and Bill secretly gifted public U.S. lands to the Chinese, various national parks, the mineral rights to uranium under the Bundy Ranch and other BLM lands as “sovereign Chinese territory” and “free trade zones”.  They also sold Uranium One to the Russians.  The real estate take over has happened in Spain and Italy and other European countries as China begins colonizing Europe.  The bankers know this. There are “free trade zones” in Italy that have huge dormitories of Chinese (with children) turning out designer hand bags so they can be sold as “Made in EU”.

When the Chinese refer to “interference in Chinese financial affairs” they are referring to a world they believe they own as a “divinely chosen people” of the gods. China calls itself “the kingdom of the divines” or “the middle kingdom” (the proxy of the divines) and they believe they “merit” the power to say who gets what on Earth.  Yet they do not follow their own meritocracy rules and they know it.
Chinese Dragons are trying to save face, because they know what happens next. Everything they did is seen.

Yet what happens next is a win for them and all, even if they “lose face” temporarily becoming known with all their doings becoming known.  They can’t simultaneously blame the Clinton’s and Rothschild’s when they were Adam Smith’s “unseen hand” as it were behind the financial system.  They can’t have an RV/GCR and put the old gal into a new party dress and pretend they were not running the whole thing all along!

Houston pastor with links to the Bush family selling Chinese “historic bonds”.   Many churches are money laundering operations.   Cash is easy to disguise as donations.

The recent clamp down of Julian Assange’s ability to communicate by Ecuador is brought about by pressure from China on Ecuador . China placed some very difficult financing contracts on Ecuador in the early 2000s.  The reason we know that was Heather the banking lawyer working on a way to make Ecuador self-sufficient and independent and China undercut her work with the President there with side deals to various Ecuadorian politicians.  China always has strings on its “investments” and is not shy about pulling them as it is now doing with Ecuador, Venezuela and other countries.


Today this tweet appeared on Twitter from Zerohedge.com shows the state of panic that China is currently in:



Sounds a lot like Hillary Clinton and the Deep State doesn’t it? That’s not an accident.

There’s a saying in banking, owe a little money, you worry.  Owe a lot of money the bank worries. Who better knows that situation than Donald J. Trump and the corporate bankruptcies he’s been through?  Who better to restructure what is essentially the greatest banking fraud ever seen perpetrated on the world in the secret bankruptcy of American in 1871?

If you want to understand the way Chinese strategy works, learn to play the game of “Go” and read Sun Tzu.  Its about fencing in your opponents choices.  The Chinese are very good at it. Patiently working at it for hundreds of years.  They’ve infiltrated every agency, every institution, every judiciary on the planet.  We in the west can’t conceive of such time scales of planning.  But its a rather two dimensional game that doesn’t factor jumping over fences or conscious quantum tunneling through obstacles and seeming constraints in ways they never dreamed possible.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf is doing doing very well.  Honestly she’s handing her incarceration better than I and others supporting her are.    How that situation exactly resolves I am not sure. This case began in China.  We’ve seen first hand the Chinese and Federal Reserve corruption of the Judiciary so I don’t expect it gets resolved in the same way it happened.  I expect something unusual, whether a pardon by Trump, military intervention, or some other unexpected event… we shall see.  I would be surprised if her confinement last until her slated sentencing in June.

Expect the unexpected!

Sourced from here.

Q Posts (ongoing) ~ 4/6/18


Editor’s note:  “catch and release” is no longer.  !!  (watch the news)…  I looked up Ray Chandler (rachel) and read where she is allegedly the child handler for Epstein and the elites.  deep breath…..  The words below are spot on and we are cheering the military for fighting the good fight – and this time it IS about Freedom and Liberation.  My favorite is 1052.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]  Keep the energies on the positive end result…



>>926674 Q, was “pedo drop” narrative in recent bread distraction or planned?
Not planned but necessary.

Breaking911 ‏Verified account @Breaking911 4m4 minutes ago #BREAKING: President Trump signs memorandum ending ‘catch and release’ immigration policy – Reuters Woohoo Good Job Mr. President!
“Watch the news.”

>>925449>>925449 West Coast FBI/DOJ’s still open. Anyone called yet? I’ll do it. What info? Just the instagram account?
Operators on standby.

Report to FBI / DOJ.
Watch what happens.
Subject deviation.

Why is E so vocal against POTUS?
Biggest connection missing.
Focus on friends (2).
(1) F
(1) M
(1) Presidential pardon.
(1) 187
MS_13 Purpose.

Epstein’s plane.
Who is she?
Follow friends.
Friends lead to others.
Open source.



>>924039 I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat! WWG1WGA
Your trust & faith in us is enough.
You elected us to do the heavy lifting.
Enjoy the show.

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