Latest Info/Filings on the Heathe Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Randall Beane Case



published on the IUV, on February 23, 2018

bz: above all of the latest filled documents is an email note from HATJ, pay close attention to the second half of note. Pay close attention to the last item filled on Doc #144.  Pay close attention, Step Up, Notice, Stand All In. Simply Notice- I/You/We’ve Got This (heart)


To: Bill
Subject: RE: Iphone not working and lockdown
Date: 2/24/2018 9:27:03 AM

no worries, bill

we are on day 2 of lockdown… again, for unknown reasons… started well before the brief fight, in fact the two women were brought back in..professional opinion, and based on my firsthand experiences and observations in here, the fight happened because we have been in so much unprecedented lockdown

according to corp. thornbury (sp? ), they can only go 72 hours before they “have to answer to anyone”… and as all in the universal cleanup are aware… “universes can change”, within 72 hours or less

professional suggestion to US MARSHAL Sanchez: find another contractor… as it sits today, the US MARSHAL cannot recover from tne liability created using this particular contractor, or similarly operating contractor. <3 (full reports have been compiled since august 2017 by various u/c agents throughout US.. note, this topic is not my primary task in uni-cleaup)

tablet battery low… no showers/phones/tablet recharges…

personal status and updates through i-comms to all…
3rd party notices of dishonor, via wellness check requests when applicable…

….and final notes on foreign actors…

(“follow the money”… And the human trafficking/terrorist disbursement programs [immigrant/refugee]…all mapping stored in HARVARD INSPIRE… with special attention to HARVARD GLOBAL SERVICES and january 2017 transfer of Harvard $35 BILLION trading platform moved to BLACKROCK… logs for MA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSITIONAL ASSISTANCE (Agency ID # 6002771)… including, but not limited to, russia, china, and AIIB/BRICS/CIPS (HENRY TODD, JONATHON D. BETTS, KL, and GUORONG DING [Chairman of SHEYIN & WANGUO SECURITIES CO. LTD.].. sooooo much more…., ET. AL., all interesting “actors”)… so happy to retire the game boards in ALL perceptions 🙂

love to all

To read the documents click here.  (above also sourced from aforementioned link)

Timothy Holmseth Update – Serious Findings Disclosed


This is the first I have heard of this man and this case.  Thank you Rick for sharing this one w/me.  Also nice to find a new youtube journalist.  Check her out.


Timothy Holmseth Update – Serious Findings Disclosed

Published on Feb 24, 2018

Reflections on the Mind Control/Programming I Am Witnessing


I’m just tossing out some insights I am feeling within….forming them into thoughts as best as I can.

Tonight I am feeling and thinking – not yet knowing – at least not quite yet ready to use the term “knowing” – that the ONLY “thing” that will awaken the masses is a big blast of frequencies of Love that clears away the garbage so that ALL begin to Remember again just who we really are.

I am seeing those in my life – who already know my political views – they are having moments where they forget that and will find some moment in the conversation, out of the blue, to insert some political hate speak.  I always respond with “remember I do not speak politics with you ~ I know your thoughts and you know mine”.

Oh yes, I know, I know I am sorry, I am always told.

It’s as if something else suddenly thinks and thus speaks for them.

For then at some point later on they will do the same damn thing.

When someone tells me “I do not want to discuss this with you” – I REMEMBER and RESPECT the person to keep the topic mute.

I think of upcoming happenings.

I see at no point in the future the masses being accepting or even open to accepting the exposures of the previous administrations (of both parties) plus all else.  They.  Will.  Go.  Nuts.

Only LOVE and REMEMBERING are going to make this doable.

Not going about it slowly.  Certainly not going about it quickly.  Both I feel will produce the same chaotic results.  That is how deeply programmed these people are ~ and it is far more ingrained than it was just 2 years ago or even a year ago.

So my thought and feel I am receiving now (this is where my intel comes in) is those participating in this clean-up are aware of this event headed our way.

They have seen it because they have the means to do so.  Remote viewing. Time travel.  And who knows what other tech means they have had at their disposal.

So there you have it.

Trying to figure this one out, from the linear perspective and from the more expansive/quantum one.

(If it isn’t the event or the event alone, the only other “means” I can see/feel making this possible is the media outlets come clean.  Even at that, programming is so deep, I don’t know if that will be enough.)

Please leave your thoughts in the comment section.  What are you thoughts on how this will/should roll out?


And it seems I need to say this:  I read all comments.  I approve all comments unless the words are abusive and disrespectful.  As Body Bombard says on her channel (who I just learned is part of the many being removed/censored on YouTube):  “You will not be abusive to me or others on this channel. You can dislike or like any of the people I do [articles i post whether personal or from outside sources], but you will not spread falsehood. You will not make backless accusations and you will not scream PC to protect your abusive behavior.”

Yes, I have had people do the above.  The comments get deleted.  The user gets blocked from this site.

Another Questionable “Inconsistency” About The Parkland Tragedy


Thanks Rick for the heads up.  Check out the video in the link below (at the 58 sec mark).  The voice you hear is allegedly of David Hogg and according to his own words, his recording took place at 9:32am on 2/14/18 – and yet according to news reports the shooting began at 2:19pm (on 2/14/18).  Video sourced from here.


“The heavily armed man, identified as Nikolas Cruz, 19, arrived at the school in an Uber at 2:19 p.m., shortly before dismissal time. He made his way “purposefully” toward the freshman building, said a police report released Thursday.”  (taken from NYTIMES piece)



Oxfam and Clinton Connection in Haiti


A follow-up to the previous article on Oxfam… 


Oxfam & Clinton Connection in Haiti

submitted  ago by HugoWeaving

Before everyone starts trashing Oxfam for their connections to sexual abuse in Haiti, consider whether they are being outed, sacrificed or being used as a shiny distraction. There is bad blood between the Clintons and Oxfam. In the coming days, there will be a lot of revelations about sexual abuse of women and children, including these:

But according to a 2016 Brietbart article, there was little love for the Clintons by Oxfam staff.

Headline of Linked Article: WikiLeaks: Clinton Foundation Staffer Gripes ‘Oxfam Screwed Us Publicly in Haiti’

SummaryAn email released by WikiLeaks reveals Amitabh Desai, the Clinton Foundation’s director of foreign policy, trashing nonprofit charity organization Oxfam for being critical of the Clintons’ embattled charity after the anniversary of the deadly earthquake in Haiti.

More from Article: The bad blood between the Clinton Foundation and Oxfam began, apparently, after Oxfam International released a report that was strongly critical of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), which was co-chaired by Bill Clinton.

Continue reading here.

Destroying The Illusion ~ Banned From You Tube for 2 Weeks ~ Effective Immediately ~ He Is Getting Another Channel Going


Editor’s note:  We need to support these channels and not just go find another.  Anti-school and DTI both are creating another channel on DTube. Listen/read below to find out how to continue supporting Jordan.


BANNED from YouTube & Facebook – Here’s Where to Find Me

Published on Feb 23, 2018

Police say CDC employee missing after calling in sick


editor’s note:  notice his title – epidemic intelligence officer.  hmmm…


 February 23 at 5:47 PM
ATLANTA — Police in Atlanta say a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention employee has been missing for more than a week.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported Thursday that 35-year-old Timothy Jerrell Cunningham was last seen Feb. 12. Police said he called in sick from work that day and hasn’t been heard from since.

WSB-TV reported his parents arrived from Maryland at his Atlanta home and found his car, keys, wallet and phone. They said he also left his dog at home.

Continue reading here.