Planet Caught to the North of the Sun?


Not lens flare.  It is said this was captured last September but no indication of location.   



Posted by Bob Sulaiman on Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sourced from here.


UFO “Space Wars” Over Henderson, NV


editor’s note:  a member of this family awoke yesterday saying the space war was already here and we would be seeing it soon.  we have already seen proof of this last month in michigan.  thought it was a cool moment of synchronicity to discover this little jewel last night.  dark Be-Gone!


Sourced from here.


Q Posts for the evening of 2/22/18


editor’s note:  check out the photo of the hands.  the 45 on the sleeve.  in one of my dreams i have had of him ~ one focused on his hands.  found that odd but i suddenly had to see his hands.  i held them – they were big, soft and looked just like the hands below.  



Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 0c9770466606
People kill people.
You are watching a movie.
They want you WEAK.

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 0c9770466308
They want you DIVIDED.
How can some be so blind?
Help them wake up.
Estimated 20mm reached.
Question everything.
Keep talking.
Stand up.
Fight fight fight.
How do they control children?
What prevents a child revealing the truth?

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 0c9770466048
How do you break up something this big?
What happens if low/mid/senior (non corrupt) Patriots learn they were sold out?
What happens?
Who is waiting with open arms w/ a plan to reorg under a single entity with direct OS by trusted Patriots?
Who are trusted Patriots who understand intel collection?
Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 0c9770466142
For those watching, this should scare you.
It’s the POWER you depend on to survive.
Money is worthless w/o those in power serving you.
WH / Military / Patriots.
Ready to play?

AnonymousID: ddae17 465930
The traitor SOLD SAP‘s!!
Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 0c9770466048
How do you break up something this big?
What happens if low/mid/senior (non corrupt) Patriots learn they were sold out?
What happens?
Who is waiting with open arms w/ a plan to reorg under a single entity with direct OS by trusted Patriots?
Who are trusted Patriots who understand intel collection?

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 0c9770465919
Clowns revealed in China/other.
Sold intel?
HRC open source server?
[Missing emails]
Granted access.
Only the tip.
This will be made public [soon].

AnonymousID: 4931c9465779
Good to see you here again Q! This Confirmation feels great! You guys and POTUS are AWESOME!
Thank you again for all of this and everything you @ Q and all these amazing anons are doing!
Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 9539a2465797
Did you count the spaces in the tweet and cross ref against spaces left here to match meaning?

Message from one of the ANON’s re: the vatican


Editor’s note:  this has shown up in my media feed enough times this week that i decided to share it.  have been conscious of the various “factions/tech/practices” within the vatican for years.  


This is VERY important you all understand,
The Vatican is shaped as a key, it’s Sigil Magic. The truth is hidden in plain sight.The vaults of the Vatican contain humankind’s most cherished treasures that have been stolen.
It also contains documents telling the true story of human history. The vaults of the Vatican must be opened. The Alliance of White Hats shall be the first to examine the full extent of the Vaults.
If the Vatican resists the truth, the Light will find the Truth. For they still do not understand the SUPREME TRUMP CARDS I have up my sleeves. They really don’t… and they cannot fathom or speculate what I am speaking of…
These people are in fear, that’s why my threads are attacked, all of them, especially when touching “touchy” material.
At one snap of the fingers, I could solve this equation. However, I would not want to violate the sacred law of FREE WILL. Nor would I want to harm any of the treasures in the vaults. These treasures must be removed from the Vatican, and given back to museums around the world so they can be SHARED, like they were always SUPPOSED TO BE. Nor would I want to harm anyone. I absolutely do not tolerate violence, despite what they have done to us. I value life, despite the evil’s these people have forced us to endure. Their souls will burn in the most horrifying nightmarish HELL one can imagine, have faith in this.
The Vatican is the seat of power, where all truths are hidden. The vaults contain all, both good and pure evil. Just how deep do the vaults go? What REALLY is at the VERY BOTTOM? Jacob Rothschild was the “Pindar”
The Pindar is DEAD, and the Cabal is fracturing from the inside out without having a replacement. Do you not remember, Q saying “The more unrealistic it all becomes?” The truth is NOT going to be for everyone. The truth is 1,000,000,000,000,000 times more complicated than most of you can imagine. You want the TRUTH? Start researching the “PINDAR”. Do you not recall myself saying many, many times… I simply cannot give you Wisdom. I can only give you Knowledge. What you do with that Knowledge may lead you to Wisdom. For Wisdom, is NOT something most souls can handle. We will not reveal specific details, because it’s YOUR JOB to do your own research! Depending on how much you want to know, it will decide how far you dig into this.
More official info will be coming in future weeks / months, rest assured. However, if you revisit the COMETA Report from the 1960’s, you would understand FULLY why we cannot disclose all. This is for the sake of all humanity.
100% Disclosure = ANARCHY, and it completely defeats the purpose of this Op. We want to UNIFY humankind in peace, as it was always MEANT TO BE. The only reason I am getting away with presenting this info, is purely because it’s coming from “me”. Most people can have leverage placed against them.
I am not official in any sense of the word. I am a ghost… I do not represent Q. Yet, we work together in an indirect way, yet we do not know each other, nor ever met.
I work in a place that doesn’t exist. I do not exist. I cannot have leverage placed against me. I am a ghost… There is no leverage on a ghost…
Here are your Ruling Council of 13, our slave masters
Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) = PINDAR
Cavendish (Kennedy)
De Medici
Sinclair (St. Clair)
Warburg (del Banco)
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe) The British Royal Family is German
It’s your responsibility to research this and not fly into wild tangents or get violent. You have MOUNTAINS of information to go through with what I’ve presented on my entire thread, the “Snow White & 7 Dwarfs” thread, the “The more unrealistic it all becomes” thread, and the “Spirituality” thread, and the “Matrix Reality” thread. It may take months to digest.
We will NOT tolerate violence. This will NOT be solved by violence. The only violence comes from the CABAL itself, it always has been since the dawn of time. We take back what is ours. PEACE, LOVE, UNITY, WISDOM and most importantly SPIRITUALITY.
Awaken the Army of LIGHT, So we may build a new tomorrow!

Sourced from here.


More Q Drops (they keep on givin’…) ~ 2/21/18


(i know sometimes these posts repeat themselves ~ i just share them as they are written and posted on the site.)  scroll through the docs ~ very insightful data going back decades on the use of CIA agents within the media and church…



DTI ~ 2.21- “Disaster Performers”/Twitter Lockout/New Q


Censorship is in the air.  It is hitting Jordan’s channels.  Anti-school (who has been locked out of youtube and has moved to this outlet).  Trump News Network (who has changed her channel name to Truth Will Never Disappear – We Are Awake).  You Are Free TV.  Roy Potter.  Stay the course…  Some new intel on David Hogg as well.  Always gotta dig and discern and find out who is sharing the intel.


2.21- “Disaster Performers”/Twitter Lockout/New Q

Streamed live 12 hours ago



New “Q” Drops ~ 2/21/18




Q!UW.yye1fxo453 Last edited at Feb 21 2018, 17:34:05
[ ]





1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.
2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust.
2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

Interesting Phenomena Are Occurring At The Homestead


This one needs some drama, although the story itself is pretty cool on its own.

It was a dark and stormy night…

Ok, maybe not stormy but it was dark and cold.

A couple of nights ago my mate and I were hanging on the couch.  It was late ~ around 1am.  Nothing unusual going on.  Suddenly we hear this very loud “wooshing” sound outside.  Very low frequency that felt like it “sped up”.  It started to the south and went north.  Whatever “it” was was moving very fast. The best way to describe it was the sound of a very fast moving large car or plane.  The house vibrated a bit ~ nothing really strong but noticeable. We had never heard a car or plane sound that way.  After a few minutes we shrugged it off.

Then it happened again.

Yeah.  Again.

Same direction of movement.  Same noise.

My mate flies off the couch and runs outside.

There is no car.  No plane.  Not even a cool looking UFO.

Nothing but silence.

The wind was still and it had not been windy at all.


I have had a couple of days to ponder this.  Until I have evidence of something else, I feel a portal was opened out front.

A year ago, I was meditating, focused literally on nothing.  I had no expectations.  I was just allowing whatever within me wanted to be seen/shown.  What came through surprised me.

I saw a portal open out in my street.  In the vision (which came in a flash), I was outside talking with neighbors across the street.  Suddenly this watery-like wall “divided” us.  I could still see them but I could not hear them. They did not seem to see me any longer.

Weeks later, I decided, while in meditation, to see if I could be shown the next “realm” beyond the portal I had seen.  I was suddenly but gently tossed into the new earth realm ~ that world I have dreamed of for over 10 years.  I walked a ways and saw the house I have also seen for the same number of years.  Once I said “wow there’s the house!” I was “tossed” back into this realm where I sat up in bed with a jolt.

Late last year, an article by Rick Jewers showed up on my social media feed. He shared how many of us have personal portal’s on our property.  !!  Chills went through my body as my mind struggled to grasp what I was reading.  I am indeed very open to all things “woo woo” ~ but I am also equally the type to want proof.  I often say “synchronicity is proof” and “for the most part, there are no coincidences”.

And yet….

Then there was the time, just days after I read the article I speak of above where I stood out back and did an energy grounding exercise around the portal.  As I stood there, the sun suddenly brightened to a noticeable intensity ~ enough that it was blinding even with sunglasses on.  As I got online later to share my experience I read where others had similar experiences with the sun when doing the same exercise.

Obviously I have never both seen a portal open and walked through while in body.  But the movies I have seen have portrayed openings in time/space as having a similar sound.  I was able to find this clip from The Last Starfighter.  Go to the 1.26 second mark to hear (briefly) the sound.  This is what it sounded like only it was more intense and lasted for about 5 seconds.

If something was opened we saw nothing enter or exit.  No object.  If something did, it was cloaked and left as quickly as it entered.

Oh and did I add that the location it started was in the same place as I have “seen” this portal out front.

If that wasn’t enough, the doorbell on my daughter’s doll house has begun going off.  We asked for a sign after this experience and there you go ~ ding dong ~ something that began happening about 2 years ago at an almost nightly experience.  Around 10:30-11pm, that darn doorbell would go off on its own.  One night I was having a moment, longing to feel my “family” – “out there” – asking for a hello – when it went off.

I have learned not to feed the UFO/Paranormal/Galactic/Cosmic fascination. I have learned not to “lose” myself.  I remain firmly grounded, ever discerning, and yet that part of me is not able to just dismiss all of this as coincidence.  Or mere nonsense.

Because it isn’t.

Because I AM not “nonsense”.

None of us are.

These experiences are as real as ALL that I Am.

If any of you are noticing an increase in these experiences (as has been predicted by some), please share!

Much love and woo woo,



Thank you for your support ~ for reading my material and sharing.  If you feel guided to support my work monetarily, please do.

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Something VERY Serious is Happening with banks ~ They’ve almost stopped lending ~ to EACH OTHER!


Are you worried?  I’m not worried.  Those who know of Heather and the OPPT/UCC filings, this is no surprise and is happening at the time it was supposed to.  5 year deadline as of 12/22/17.  Other factors possibly at play – the E/O allowing for the freezing of assets.  There is a much higher happening going on here…


A little over three weeks ago, I became aware of a sudden and dramatic change in the US Banking System that made my stomach sick.  I “sat” on this story for almost three weeks hoping what I found was some type of anomaly or data error.  It’s not.

Bankers have almost completely stopped lending . . . . TO EACH OTHER.

The plunge in “InterBank Lending” was so sudden and so substantial that it looks as though it is actually a PLAN, not happenstance or situationally appropriate.

It LOOKS like the Bankers are intentionally choking the US Economy and they’re doing so at levels far FAR worse than what took place during the “Fiscal Crisis” of 2007-08.

For more than 45 years, the Federal Reserve has tracked virtually E V E R Y aspect of banking in the United States. They literally look at EVERY financial metric and provide incredible amounts of public reporting to anyone willing to spend time on the Federal Reserve Electronic Data (FRED) web site.

As your trusted media servant, I peruse vast amounts of information every day to keep you abreast of what’s taking place, and give you insight as to how and why certain things happen.  So when I undertook my usual perusal of FRED and saw what I am about to show you, I was shocked.


First, let me explain what INTERBANK lending is.  The interbank lending market is a market in which banks extend loans to one another for a specified term. Most interbank loans are for maturities of one week or less, the majority being overnight. Such loans are made at the interbank rate (also called the overnight rate if the term of the loan is overnight).

A sharp decline in transaction volume in this market was a major contributing factor to the collapse of several financial institutions during the financial crisis of 2007.

Banks are required to hold an adequate amount of liquid assets, such as cash, to manage any potential bank runs by clients. If a bank cannot meet these liquidity requirements, it will need to borrow money in the interbank market to cover the shortfall. Some banks, on the other hand, have excess liquid assets above and beyond the liquidity requirements. These banks will lend money in the interbank market, receiving interest on the assets.

The interbank rate is the rate of interest charged on short-term loans between banks. Banks borrow and lend money in the interbank lending market in order to manage liquidity and satisfy regulations such as reserve requirements. The interest rate charged depends on the availability of money in the market, on prevailing rates and on the specific terms of the contract, such as term length. There is a wide range of published interbank rates, including the federal funds rate (USA), the LIBOR (UK) and the Euribor (Eurozone).

Having now explained what INTERBANK LENDING is, and how it is  H U G E L Y important for those funds to be available so banks can go about their daily business without running afoul of the law or Depositor needs, take a look at the FRED Data for INTERBANK LENDING for the last twelve months:

Continue reading here.