Another new channel. Check her out ~ she’s very insightful.
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AnonymousID: 0b5e70343395 >>343356 Don’t care about your sentence structure. Just care to know how full GITMO is gonna be?
AnonymousID: c6d8b9343156 >>343019 >Release prior to cover up. >Public informed and collapse. Q there is one thing that concerns me. somewhat related to this, but more related to 60/40. the less the public knows, the more likely they are to falsely assign blame in the future, possibly even generations from now. it’s worth keeping in mind.
AnonymousID: 996020343080 >>342895 I hope some day Patriots, Vets, and Anons get the respect that we deserve. Marine anons have felt betrayed by the same people we were willing to die to protect. I’ve felt lost until you showed up in October. Thank you form the depths of my heart
AnonymousID: 74860e343004 In the Q Bible, this is the second shortest sentence. The first (to come): We won. Ha ha ha ha = Huma Abedin ? http://
AnonymousID: 91a1c7342919 >>342895 Q, how long will we have to wait for the cures of cancer and other sicknesses?
AnonymousID: 3de3d6342747 >>342714 sauce https://
AnonymousID: 2ba49f340695 >>340398 325370You will cease to exist.Truth to power.How’s the bunker these days?[14] live[Hello][PEOC force failed]Q
AnonymousID: cbc366340441 Screen Shot 2018-02-11 at ….png
>>340398 Q team refers to this retweet by @Snowden.
AnonymousID: 41e7af339722 COULD THIS HAVE BEEN THE TARGET??? #32??? Vyacheslav Pershukov has been appointed ROSATOM’s special representative for international scientific and technical projects “Former Deputy Director General of ROSATOM Vyacheslav Pershukov has been appointed ROSATOM’s special representative for international scientific and technical projects. His responsibilities will include: Russia’s representation at the international thermonuclear experimental reactor ITER; the creation of a centre for the study of ions and antiprotons in Europe; and the organisation of an international research centre for Russia’s multipurpose sodium-cooled fast neutron research reactor, or MBIR by its Russian acronym. He will also head the Rosatom Technology Development Centre, which is being created at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI).”
OPERATION: MOCKINGBIRDAnonymousID: ba6ded339583 NK is a CIA Blacksite OP:MKBRD is a CIA Media control Who in the media right now is GLORIFYING NK to spite the Trump Admin? Time to take the offensive. Lets start taking names of all journalists that propagate NK. Lets not let them hide behind their banners anymore. Let’s play HUNT THE SPOOK
AnonymousID: 6c8e3a339453 >>339123 I would like to inquire of Q (with highest respect) whether RED_OCTOBER refers to 1) the fictional submarine whose torpedo homed in on itself and destroyed itself or 2) the [RED OCTOBER] [Красный Oктябрь] cyberespionage malware discovered in October 2012-January 2013. It operated worldwide for up to 5 years before its discovery. It sent info ranging from diplomatic secrets to personal information, including from mobile devices. Red October was termed an advanced cyberespionage campaign intended to target diplomatic, governmental and scientific research organizations worldwide. or 3) Something else
AnonymousID: cf5955338623 89074 Underground massive data center? Q Henderson NV Why is Henderson PD and Nevada DOJ involved in Bangkok hacker case?
AnonymousID: c7e657337108 >>337096 On it, what about Russian detained in Bangkok?
In alignment w/the previous. Thank you for sending this one as well Rick. Been following the Leo Wanta story for a few years now. It is time…
Today, in the White House press briefing, Sarah Sanders confirmed French President Macron is coming to see Donald Trump in the very near future! This will be first State dinner for President Trump and they will have a lot to celebrate! Tom Heneghan, Leo Wanta and many others on their French and US team have been working hard over the last year under President Trump on recovering the stolen Wanta Funds to bring them back to America! There have been a lot of ups and downs in this journey! It’s not easy to pry money out of the hands of criminals! This has now been done and it’s the reason France’s President Macron will be the first guest of President Donald Trump! The French have been instrumental in helping to identify, locate and recover the largest theft in history – over $27 Trillion! As these funds begin to flow into the US Treasury, the wall and many other projects will begin! There’s no reason the criminal Federal Reserve can’t be abolished after the bogus debt is negotiated down also. We need to demand this of Trump in fact! When all the funds are repatriated and the infrastructure rebuild begins, Donald Trump’s second term will be assured in my opinion! Can you imagine how insane HollyWeird and the Liberal scum will be under two terms of Trump? We had to deal with 8 years of ObamaFraud who wasn’t even eligible to be President! Leo Wanta says the money for the wall will be nothing at all! It’s literally peanuts when compared to the big money we’re talking about here! This money has literally been sitting in foreign banks for over 30 years outside of the US Treasury! It’s unbelievable when you think about what’s happened.
Will there be an official announcement on this Wanta money recovery or will they do all this quietly? We know the Bushes, Clintons and Obama are complete criminals and have no legacy so I hope all their crimes are exposed. This is necessary in my opinion. We can’t let anybody off with a slap of the wrist just because we were lied to and told they were really great people! It was all a lie! Tom does not know the answer to how they will tell the public about this yet. He’s just happy it is coming back because he’s been working on this for over 30 years with Wanta! The money is coming back and that’s the first priority so we can rebuild our country and get the wall built!
For those who don’t know about Leo Wanta, I’ll go over some basics. Leo Wanta was a designated secret agent for President Reagan. He helped to financially break the communist Soviet Union’s currency and in the process amassed a large fortune of over 27 Trillion dollars in Gold and other assets. This money was supposed to help rebuild our infrastructure and build a high speed rail system. But then Leo Wanta was illegally arrested and the money was stolen by H.W. Bush with later aid by the Clintons, G.W. Bush and Obama! Everybody has had their hand in the cookie jar and stealing this money! This is why everything is so corrupt! It’s always been about everybody being on the take for the Bush Clinton crime syndicate running it all! This money allowed an unlimited amount of assassinations, wars, payoffs, drug running, etc. And of course nobody paid any taxes on this stolen loot so America was looted! In fact, the investigators discovered there were HUGE Bank of England bank accounts set up for the Democratic AND Republican party chock full of the stolen loot! Both parties were paid off to cover up the crime of the century! Daddy Bush and his deep state paid off everybody to keep this $27 trillion in stolen loot!
Here’s a short video about Leo Wanta also exposing the compromised asset Alex Jones who lied about Leo Wanta for decades for his masters who put Wanta in a dungeon and stole our money! MegaAnon recently exposed Alex Jones as a blackmailed shill for the lies right before she was silenced! Has MegaAnon been killed or threatened into silence after exposing Illuminati Card Deck Agent in Place Alex Jones? You can see the shocking information released by MegaAnon on Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh being totally compromised in my story: MegaAnon Drops Nuke on Alex Jones!
Tom Heneghan reports the Wanta funds have now been recovered and will be paid! Originally these funds were $27.5 Trillion when stolen by the H.W. Bush but have now ballooned to $475 Trillion! France is the only country who helped the United States begin recovering these stolen funds! England actually helped the Bushes launder the money! That’s why England is so hostile toward President Trump! In fact, Tom says England and France are almost in a state of war over these stolen funds! The Queen has been backing the criminal Bushes the entire time of course.
If you wonder why the US has bad relations now with England and Germany and now Trump’s first state visit will be by France, THIS is the reason! France has always been our greatest ally back to the days of George Washington. They helped us win our Independence. France and the United States have a very special treaty and this treaty came into play in the recovery of these Wanta funds. France once again came to our aid! England isn’t doing anything for us except they always seem to be running the security (Las Vegas, Orlando) when a false flag goes down! It seems England never got over losing to us in 1776 and still wants to be our master!
Tom Heneghan wanted this song dedicated to his friends in France! A great revolutionary song hated by tyrants! Vive La France!
Mireille Mathieu singing La Marseillaise (with lyrics)
Spread the word about France helping secure the Wanta funds for President Trump. The deep state tried their very best to stop this from happening. Nobody will report on Leo Wanta in the fake news or the fake alternative news so it’s up to you patriots. Get the story out there NOW! Thank you for your efforts Truth Warriors!
Original Source:
Article shared here sourced from here.
I know of one of you who will particularly appreciate this one… Thank you Rick for sending… A most excellent read (and a rare occasion I am in full alignment w/Ms. Anna!)
The FBI’s media chief and the head of the Justice Department’s anti-espionage section are both departing.
Two more senior government officials who were prominently discussed in text messages exchanged by FBI personnel formerly assigned to the Trump-Russia investigation are leaving their positions.
Mike Kortan, FBI assistant director for public affairs, is set to retire next week, an FBI spokeswoman confirmed. In addition, the chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, David Laufman, resigned this week, a department spokesman said.
Continue reading here.