Published on Feb 6, 2018
Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
Published on Feb 6, 2018
Coverage of the testimony of Carter Page, 11/2/2017. Here’s the pdf.
Thanks to Wikileaks we now know that at least 65 mainstream reporters were working closely with the Clinton campaign this election year. They were invited to top elitist dinners with Hillary Campaign Chairman John Podesta or Chief Campaign strategist Joel Benenson.
These 65 mainstream reporters CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED:
As previously reported— At least 38 top national reporters attended a different dinner at John Podesta’s house in April 2015.
The Clinton campaign sent out invites to New York reporters in April 2015 to their off-the-record meeting on how to sell Hillary Clinton to the public.
These 38 reporters should NEVER BE TRUSTED!
Via The Intercept:
Continue reading here.
Really? Say it isn’t so…(there is a trafficking trail somewhere….)
W o w…
AnonymousID: ecb400279898 >>279886 Better
AnonymousID: ecb400279870 >>279835 Definitely not the Candy Crush phone.
I am trying to find a link where I can R E A D it. I googled it – and wow what an experience. One article on the first search page linked the FISA memo. The rest? The Dem’s “memo”. [wp-svg-icons icon=”grin” wrap=”i”] Must remind myself using google to find “truth” is like looking for a shiny needle in a pile of u-know-what…
(memo #2 is out now – Nunes says 4 this week alone)…enjoy this awesome find and share! [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”] (and for those outside of the states, please know I have been told that this entire agenda of revealing and freedom is global ~ it first begins in the states then quickly spreads. ALL are included in this!)
IMPORTANT. Please read “the Memo” and it’s companion documents for yourself. There are a lot of politicians, pundits, and media outlets who want to tell you what it means, often without providing ANY of the source material. Ignore the spin. Pour yourself a beverage, sit down, and read the documents. These charges are serious. We the People need to understand what laws may have been violated. ⬇️ LINKS BELOW ⬇️
Source material, as of February 4, 2018, includes:
✅ 1. The Memo, including a cover letter from the President’s counsel explaining why it was approved for declassification (REQUIRED READING)…/memo_and_white_house_lette…
✅ 2. Memo Key Points (explains how it was edited & by who)…/hpsci_memo_key_points.pdf
✅ 3. Charge and Response (REQUIRED READING)…/hpsci_fisa_memo_charge_and…
✅ 4. FISA Title I Summary…/fisa_title_i_summary.pdf
✅ 5. House Select Committee on Intelligence Hearing Transcript…/HMTG-115-IG00-Transcript-20180129.p…
📌 NOTE. There will be more documents forthcoming, including the minority report memo. Keep in mind that there are supposed to be around 1 million pages of evidentiary documents in this historical case. The least you can do is read the 4-page memo. Although the other documents linked are VERY important and will answer a lot of your questions.
Please counteract media spin by encouraging friends to read the source material. 🚫📺🚫
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Carter Page was an FBI Under-Cover Employee in 2013, and remained the primary FBI witness through May of 2016.
If Carter Page was working as an UCE (FBI undercover employee), responsible for the bust of a high level Russian agent in 2013 -and remained a UCE- throughout the court case UP TO May of 2016, how is it possible that on October 21st 2016 Carter Page is put under a FISA Title 1 surveillance warrant as an alleged Russian agent?
Conclusion: He wasn’t. The DOJ National Security Division and the FBI Counterintelligence Division flat-out LIED.
Because “FISA Title I” surveillance authority against a U.S. citizen is so serious (the U.S. government is essentially calling the target a spy), only a few people are authorized to even apply for such surveillance warrants. One of the four people authorized to make such a filing is the Asst. Attorney General who is head of the National Security Division of the DOJ. That person is John P Carlin.
The same John P Carlin who, together with the FBI counterintelligence unit, hired Carter Page as an FBI Under-Cover Employee, turns around and six months later accuses Page of being a Russian Spy – because the DOJ-NSD and FBI CoIntel needed to find a legal way to spy on the Trump campaign. The 2016 FISA Title 1 surveillance of former FBI employee Carter Page became that legal way. [“The Insurance Policy”]
Sourced from here.