Full Memo Released


Click below to read it.  We will need investigation and accountability now. Apparently the DNC/Obama folks released their own (rolling my eyes)…




REPORT: Trump Drops Hammer on FBI’s Wray; Will Declassify FISA MEMO for Friday Release


Drop that beautiful hammer and destroy the blathering narratives of the dark, exposing ALL.


February 1, 2018

FOX News is reporting the controversial FISA memo will be declassified by President Donald Trump and released on Friday.


In a rare public statement on Wednesday, the FBI said that it has “grave concerns” about a Republican-crafted memo alleging corrosive abuse of U.S. surveillance powers by the Justice Department that is expected to be released in the coming days.

“With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it,” the bureau said.

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These Are The 6 Traders Who Were Just Arrested For Manipulating The Gold Market


Only 6?  Come on now…


On Monday morning we reported that a number of traders – currently or formerly employed by UBS, HSBC and Deutsche Bank (as usual, no JPMorgan US banks were touched) – would be perp-walked and charged in an unprecedented cross-agency crackdown between the CFTC, DOJ and FBI seeking to punish spoofers of futures. This was confirmed moments ago by a CFTC press release which announced criminal and civil enforcement actions against three banks and six individuals involved in commodities fraud and spoofing schemes.

Here is what got far less publicity: it wasn’t just any futures that were spoofed – all the banks and traders busted were charged for spoofing the precious metals market, i.e. gold and silver. We bring this up because there are still the occasional idiots out there who say gold and silver were never manipulated.

The banks in question, and their penalties:

Deutsche Bank will pay a $30 million civil monetary penalty and undertake remedial relief. The Orders finds that “from at least February 2008 and continuing through at least September 2014, DB AG, by and through certain precious metals traders (Traders), engaged in a scheme to manipulate the price of precious metals futures contracts by utilizing a variety of manual spoofing techniques with respect to precious metals futures contracts traded on the Commodity Exchange, Inc. (COMEX), and by trading in a manner to trigger customer stop-loss orders.

UBS will pay a $15 million civil monetary penalty and undertake remedial relief.  The Order finds that from “January 2008 through at least December 2013, UBS, by and through the acts of certain precious metals traders on the spot desk (Traders), attempted to manipulate the price of precious metals futures contracts by utilizing a variety of manual spoofing techniques with respect to precious metals futures contracts traded on the Commodity Exchange, Inc. (COMEX), including gold and silver, and by trading in a manner to trigger customer stop-loss orders.”

HSBC will pay a civil monetary penalty of $1.6 million, and cease and desist from violating the Commodity Exchange Act’s prohibition against spoofing, after an Order found HSBC engaged in numerous acts of “spoofing with respect to certain futures products in gold and other precious metals traded on the Commodity Exchange, Inc. (COMEX). The Order finds that HSBC engaged in this activity through one of its traders based in HSBC’s New York office.”

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CDC director who traded tobacco stock resigns


good.  keep it coming.  only let’s speed up the process ~ this is taking too long for me.


Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald’s resignation comes one day after POLITICO reported she bought shares in a tobacco company.


President Donald Trump’s top public health official resigned Wednesday amid mounting questions about financial conflicts of interest.

Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald’s resignation comes one day after POLITICO reported that one month into her tenure as CDC director, she bought shares in a tobacco company. Fitzgerald had long championed efforts to cut tobacco use, which is the leading cause of preventable death.

Fitzgerald, a doctor and former Georgia Department of Public Health commissioner, assumed leadership of the agency in July and was close to former HHS Secretary Tom Price, who resigned in September after POLITICO reported his use of private jets.

HHS Secretary Alex Azar, who was sworn in two days ago, accepted Fitzgerald’s resignation early Wednesday morning, according to a statement released by the agency.

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FBI Director Wray allegedly “shocked to his core” over FISA Memo


FBI Director Christopher Wray was allegedly “shocked to his core” after viewing the four-page FISA memo Sunday night – hours before asking Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe to step down, according to journalist Sara Carter.

FBI Director Christopher Wray

Hannity sat down once again with journalist Sara Carter, whose sources say McCabe may have instructed FBI agents to alter their “302” forms – the paperwork an agent files after interviewing someone:

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#HATJ #UniversalCleanUp – RKB Day 6 Lunch Recess Alleged Case 1.30.18


oooh you must scroll down through the comments until you get to the reporter there covering the case (multi haystack – backroom knox).  in his own words “i drank the cool aid” (sic).  looks like the prosecutor, who was professional in appearance, is now falling apart as heather shares the Truth.  i feel it in the air.  Truth exposed.  Freedom for us all.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


#HATJ #UniversalCleanUp – RKB Day 6 Lunch Recess Alleged Case 1.30.18

Published on Jan 30, 2018