Heather and Randy’s trial continues. Please send them Love and energies of Freedom. See the outcome of Freedom and Truth. This is about Every. Single. One. Of. Us.
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POTUS walks into the room. He stands off to the right of the podium. A booming voice begins to speak over an unknown loudspeaker.
“Members of Congress. Please stand now.”
They look around at one another, confused, but like little sheep who only know how to obey instead of lead, one by one they stand. When all are standing, the voice continues.
“We will be reading off names. When you hear your name called, you are to remain standing. If you do not hear your name announced once we are finished, you may sit back down.”
One by one, names are called. Looks of concern appear on their faces. POTUS remains standing off to the side of the podium, his mouth set firm but with a hint of a twinkle in his eyes.
Once the announcer is finished calling the names, we see well over half of Congress still standing.
The announcer then goes on to say:
“Agents, you may come in and do your job. Guards are in place so escape is futile.”
A swarm of Agents enter the arena and begin zip-tying the wrists of those standing.
The announcer continues.
“Members of Congress, you are being arrested for a multitude of crimes including, but not limited to: Treason. Sedition. Obstruction of justice. More will be explained to you on the way to your location.”
“What location??!!” numerous members cry out.
“That is privileged information,” the announcer states.
Once the arrests have taken place, POTUS steps up to the podium. Remaining members, some looking shocked, others smiling, sit down upon Trump’s nod.
From the Balcony comes the cry of a lone, unknown figure: “Let Freedom Reign! The Republic is finally being restored!”
Applause ensues.
And POTUS goes on to deliver the first real SOTU since Kennedy.
The numbers today are intensely fun. Viewer #66 ~ lifelong number with me. Awesome listen ~ continue holding the thought for positive outcome ~ TRUTH revealed and FREEDOM. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
The Storm is here.
The releases coming over the next few weeks will expose the details of the methods by which the cabal rules the world through the control of money by showing you trading contracts with proceeds as high as $3 Trillion and $25,000 Trillion. Enough to fund every TRUE humanitarian project on Earth in addition to advanced technology, free energy, the exploration of our universe, housing, hydroelectric projects for undeveloped countries, turning deserts green and other infrastructure projects all over the world. Instead, the money is used to subvert the production of the people to a select few bloodline families. This is how these people control Planet Earth.
Signatories to the trading contracts:
Federal Reserve:
Alan Greenspan
Ben Bernanke
Roger Ferguson
Janet Yellen
Timothy Geithner
US Government:
Barack Obama
Joe Biden
Jack Lew
Paul O’Neill
Neil Wolin
Trading Programs
Trading programs were created as a way to raise funds for projects that relate to humanitarian endeavors, ie. Creating, maintaining and rebuilding infrastructure, assistance with bringing undeveloped countries up to current technologies, rebuilding communities after natural disasters….are just a few of the applications.
But, as with anything to do with the financial world, the rat pack of bankster cabalists have infested it at the highest levels to subvert the program for their own devious plans to control the world. History is replete with personalities whose aspirations to run the world are well known: Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, Adolph Hitler….are just a few who come to mind. Why is it such a stretch to believe that that same lust for power is not present today? Rather than be accomplished by might and power and strength and armies all out in the open, now it’s being done in secret by conning the people of the world utilizing a usury system of currency control akin to immoral grifters running a game of three card monty.
Trading programs are initiated, administered, operated and controlled by the Federal Reserve. Sound familiar? You should know what’s coming next.
Continue reading here.
Coincidence this happens with the release of the FISA memo and the decision to investigate the DOJ and FBI? Hmmm…
Top FBI official Andrew McCabe has been “removed” from his post as deputy director, Fox News is told, leaving the bureau after months of conflict-of-interest complaints from Republicans including President Trump.
A source confirmed to Fox News that McCabe is taking “terminal leave” – effectively taking vacation until he reaches his planned retirement in a matter of weeks. As such, he will not be reporting to work at the FBI anymore.
The move was first reported by NBC News.
McCabe has long been a controversial figure at the bureau.
Republicans have questioned McCabe’s ties to the Democratic Party, considering his wife ran as a Democrat for a Virginia Senate seat in 2015 and got financial help from a group tied to Clinton family ally Terry McAuliffe.
Trump himself tweeted in December: “How can FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the man in charge, along with leakin’ James Comey, of the Phony Hillary Clinton investigation (including her 33,000 illegally deleted emails) be given $700,000 for wife’s campaign by Clinton Puppets during investigation?”
Continue reading here.
you will have to scroll ahead to around the 22 minute mark. …
Started streaming 8 hours ago
Found this here. Citizen journalists at work. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
OK the 9000+ indictments are beginning to be unsealed and prosecuted – let's examine a few cases
Posted by Nansee Greenwich on Wednesday, January 17, 2018
ODIN’s eye…supreme deity w/one eye. Found this on social media…