Q Posts ~ 1/17/18


UPDATE:  9:20pm, PST ~ 3 more drops, updated below.

UPDATE 2: I was curious as to who was in that black and white photo so I googled the image and found this:  “W. E. B. Du Bois and Shirley Graham Du Bois with Tang Ming-Chao (one of the Under-Secretaries of the United Nations), Ting Hsi-lin (Vice-Chairman of the Chinese People’s Association for Cultural Relations), Chu Poshem (direct descendant of the last Chinese emperors) , Mao Tse-tung, and Anna Louise Strong (American writer who lived in China for may years).  Date:1959”  (source)

Anna Louise Strong was also an activist and supported communist movements in China and Russia.

Mao Tse-tung ~ this is interesting ~ was the Chairman of the PRC until 1959.  Hmmm….

W. E. B. Du Bois was an American activist, educator, historian, writer, etc.. who renounced his U.S. Citizenship in 1963 to become a citizen of Ghana.

I just took screen shots and uploaded ~ better than copying and pasting.



Sourced from here.

Dash-cam video shot in Edmonton area captures strange bright light falling from the sky


if you can, enlarge the video capture and check out the faint object off to the upper left fall in alignment w/the main object…


WATCH ABOVE: Corbet Kratko was headed into Fort Saskatchewan, Alta. on Wednesday when he captured video of a bright light that appeared to be falling down from the sky. A spokesperson for Edmonton Fire Rescue said crews were called to a similar report in south Edmonton and other sightings were reported elsewhere north of Edmonton.

Incredible video has emerged of a mysterious bright light falling from the sky northeast of Edmonton with several people around the Edmonton area reporting seeing a similar scene.

Corbet Kratko was driving into Fort Saskatchewan, Alta. late Wednesday afternoon when something caught his eye.

“It was 5:20 p.m., and I was just coming in to Fort Saskatchewan,” he told Global News. “I was at the lights on Highway 21 at West Park Drive… and just to the northeast, (it looked like), a ribbon of fire came down the sky… it was coming straight down, it looked like it was getting thicker, wider… and then it just disappeared below the treeline.”

The video shows the bright light descending at what appears to be a high rate of speed, flashing brightly before it disappears from view.

Continue reading here.

Another “meteor” ~ Reports coming in about flash in Indiana sky


(published an hour ago ~ i am posting this at 11:04pm, PST)



INDIANAPOLIS (WTHR) – A day after the nation was fascinated by an apparent meteor flashing over Michigan, Indiana may have gotten its own show.

Several people are reporting seeing a flash in the sky around 11:45 p.m. Wednesday in central Indiana. Police departments to the east of Indianapolis, including Morristown and sheriff’s deputies in Shelby, Rush and Henry County reported seeing the “bright blue green flash” to the northeast.

A bright blue green flash was witnessed by Officers in Shelby, Rush & Henry Co at approximately 11:50 pm on 1/17/18. Our Officer witnessed the light to the NE of Town. At this time we have not receiving any reports of power outages, may have been a meteor, aka: shooting star.

A viewer tweeted security cameras from west of Marion that show the flash of light on nine screens simultaneously.

Reports are also coming in to the American Meteor Society’s website from Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio of the sighting. That website reportedly crashed due to heavy traffic after the Michigan sighting.

Click here to read the article in its entirety as well as viewing the video footage (which for some reason I am unable to link here at this time).

Flight Tracker ~ U.S. Military Aircraft Traffic


Sharing a photo capture taken at 8:30pm, PST, as well as the link.  I don’t follow this site so I don’t know if this is an unusual amount of activity, but considering 3/4 of the U.S. is saturated, and given all of the intel we are hearing and have been, I would say this is an excessive amount and there is very good reason for it.  Again, thank you men and women and godspeed for all.

Sourced from here.


It Wasn’t Just a Space Ball Shaking the Ground in Michigan & Other Outrageous Activity in Our Skies [videos]


The chaos has rather “gotten” to me today.  I have the deep need to withdraw, listen to classical music and eat chocolate.  A warm bed and blankie are on the list too of self-care I need at the moment.  To those doing the real work, wow ~ I don’t know what to say other than “thank you” and “godspeed”.  Seems trivial to me, but what else do you say to hero’s?


This story has been fleshed out to include additional reports and images of more going on than just a fireball or meteorite. Things are getting weirder by the day. Is that a space weapon? A ship that was shot down? Whatever happened, it created the equivalent of a 2.0 earthquake in Michigan and started a fire—despite MSM reports to the contrary. And what’s with that vertical beam in the sky? A comment under Tyler’s video says they saw the beam come from a cloaked ship. Do you think there’s a ‘fake alien invasion’ on the agenda? If there is, it won’t be aliens, it will be the Illuminati’s secret space program.

Tyler goes on to discuss the other recent anomalies in the news. Something is off, particularly when you don’t believe in coincidences.

And check out the “lights” hovering in the fog over Basingstoke, UK. Looks like an Earth ship, and like Tyler says, very similar to the craft involved in the Phoenix Lights many years ago which cruised so slowly and “arrogantly”—to my mind, over the Valley of the Sun here in Phoenix.  ~ BP

Radar doesn’t lie. Look at that baby over Australia. Friend or foe? Some believe enemy craft are spraying chemtrails and using holograms to camouflage them to look like commercial jets.

And since we’re looking at what’s in the sky, there is very little that’s normal or natural any more, but I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this one. I need a diagram, but that honeycomb sun simulator/reflector shown here is astounding.

Mia says they wouldn’t allow Chief to upload the video to his channel. The censorship out there is unbelievable now. Both of the new Yellow Rose for Texas videos and even Adam1414’s versions are now blocked and giving error messages to me like “not viewable on this device” (a desktop PC????) and now that the user has removed the video. So, if a video interests you nowadays, you’d best watch it right away or download it, because it might not be around long.

Continue reading here.

A Beautiful, In-Depth, Truthful Piece to Share With Your Friends and Family Who Are/Will be Awakening…


I just love her words ~ what a beautiful Soul!  Roxanna Adams ~ humanity thanks you!


I wrote this in preparation for Meme Wednesday. I put my Heart and Soul in to it. It is full of light codes and color codes to facilitate energetic openings of the body and mind. Feel free to share.💗

Awakening and the Bigger Picture

🌈🌈🌈Many of you are just beginning to Awaken from the 3D (3rd Dimensional Consciousness) Control Matrix Programming. This Control Matrix has been in place for Millenniums if not Eons of time on our planet. The Cognitive Dissonance is clearing and you are frightened and confused about what is really happening on our planet. The Controllers of our planet are being exposed that is why you see so much chaos. You have become more sensitive and empathic. The Veil of Darkness is lifting and has everything to do with the 💫Galactic Alignment of December 21st, 2012 of the Mayan calendar. This time of Awakening has been prophesied in many religious texts and spiritual beliefs through the ages. You are coming to realize that your spiritual potential has been held back nefariously. The Truth of how reality really works has been hidden from you on purpose. You are in fact Divine Conduits of 🍊Creation. You have the capability of creating a 🌈Heaven on Earth🌎, (5th Dimensional Consciousness) 🍊Co-Creatively.

However, first you must understand and process Who, Why and How the controllers run this planet. The Elite 👹Luciferian Bloodlines go by many names. The Illuminati, Cabal,
Deep State, and Shadow Government, etc. These Elite Bloodlines have co-opted sacred hidden Occult knowledge and use it for their own personal gain. This knowledge belongs to everyone. Occult means “hidden knowledge”. These Dark Luciferian practices have infected every group on our planet. Politics, Media, Large Corporations and Hollywood, etc. You have awoken to their symbology, numbers sequences, and see them flash hand signals. At the top of “Pyramid” are the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Royals and the Vatican. The rabbit hole goes much 💫deeper, but we will just stick to the basics until you are ready for more disclosures.

These Elite Luciferians truly believe that by following the Dark path and “Do as thou Wilt” is their credo, they can attain Immortality. They have been deceived and become very perverse, cruel and have lost their humanity. They are ☹️lost Souls who are not connected to Prime Creator God Source. Instead of Love and Life they only know Fear and Death. These Luciferians crave the fear, pain and misery of other humans. They are Vampiric and addicted to the high.

How you ask can a small group control such a large number of people? Well to start “History is written by the Victors”. Without getting to Dark. The Luciferian Elite Cabal are aware that Blood has Powerful Electromagnetic Plasma Manifestation properties. When charged with intention it produces a desired outcome. They use their intentions to lower the Frequency Consciousness Grid of our planet, keep us in a state of confusion, separated from each other and in a herd mentality state of fear. They attempt to keep us in our lower ❤️Animal brain, your 💚Heart shut down and 💜Intuition turned off to control us. Do you see now Why there has been so many wars and bloodshed on our planet? The Cabal knows how the mind and nervous system works. They use mind control techniques by keeping you in your left brain, unbalanced from your right hemisphere and 💜Pineal gland (3rd Eye) calcified. Your GPS, to use analogy, 💎Connection to Prime Creator God Source energy has been cut off. The Cabal uses their intentions with the aide of technology, chemicals, and mind control techniques. They have knowledge of 💫Astrological dates that are portals and use these at their disposal to change probable outcomes and to pull you into a lower timeline. Are you beginning to see how mailable your reality is? Now do you see how you can 🍊Create a 🌈Heaven on Earth🌎 Collectively? The
🍊Creative Universe is wonderfully Multidimensional. It is Frequency/Vibrationally based. There are no limits to exploration, 💜Spiritual growth and evolvement for your Soul. 💫Cosmic laws have been twisted and bypassed to co-opt your free will. However, This message is to 💛Self Empower you.

So as disclosures unfold do not be afraid. Some of these disclosures are very Dark. A small number of us have been waiting for this time holding this higher awareness. It has been a silent war but we never gave up hope that you would Awaken. Many have been hunted down and ☹️sacrificed their lives. Our Love for our human family is so great we risk ridicule, judgement and labels so we can courageously 💙Speak this message. It is finally Safe! Allow yourself the 😳Shock, 😡Anger and 😩Sorrow. Gather together…Love, Support and Comfort each other. This grieving process must happen. Know you are 💗Loved Unmeasurably by Creation and people and situations will show up seemingly out of nowhere to guide you. So, as you take this message in and your 💚Heart opens have faith that you are Shining your Light on to the Darkness. You are Strong enough or you would not be Awakening to the bigger picture. “It is always 🌚Darkest before the 🌞Dawn.” “The Truth is Stranger the Fiction” so take in what you resonate with. We 💗Love💗 You and We are standing by. 👼🏼Rejoice for we are truly 💛Liberated! Welcome to 5D Earth. 💗🌎💗

Roxanna Adams
Ascension Activator and Guide

Sourced from here.

United Airlines flight diverted after ‘toilets reach capacity’


Another instance of being oh-so-close to that destination before having to turn back.  5 hours into an 8 hour flight too…   And if it was just the toilets needing serviced, why change planes entirely, you know?  uh huh……….

I am being sarcastic of course….

I would like to see the passenger list.  The Clinton’s were just in Hawaii over the weekend ~ the same time there was that “fake” missile alert.

Are you giggling yet over the title?  When I told my mate another plane was diverted and he would not believe the reason ~ he actually nailed it!

“We’re turning this flight around because of all you shitters!”

Flight attendant one to flight attendant two:  “I told you we should not have served beans for lunch.”

“Does roto-rooter make ground-to-air calls?”

Oh my…  [wp-svg-icons icon=”happy” wrap=”i”]  I do feel for the airlines at this time…


A passenger aboard a United Airlines flight from Denver to Hawaii claims the airline “ruined a lot of people’s vacations” by failing to service the plane’s bathrooms before takeoff on Sunday.

United Flight 1219, which left for Hawaii just before noon, was forced to divert back to San Francisco after the “lavatories had reached capacity” before the aircraft was able to arrive at its intended destination of Lihue, in Kauai, United confirmed in a statement.

“I am very sorry that our lavatories had reached capacity while Flight 1219 was en route to Lihue,” said a representative for United in a statement to passengers, according to Fox 31. “A decision was made to turn back and land in San Francisco where arrangements were made to change planes. I can appreciate that this experience was disappointing and unpleasant.”

A representative for United further tells Fox News that the flight was “diverted to San Francisco for a mechanical issue with the lavatories,” although he declined to specify the issue.

Passengers Rich and Kristen Anderson, who spoke with Fox 31, say the plane was only about three hours away from landing in Lihue when their pilot broke the news that they’d be turning back. They say the captain also revealed that the aircraft’s bathrooms hadn’t been properly serviced back in Denver.

Continue reading here.