12/18/17 ~ Latest Q


Didn’t expect an update until later this week…


 82d434 No.121690>>121699 >>121702 >>121704 >>121706 >>121707 >>121708 >>121709 >>121718 >>121719 >>121723 >>121725 >>121726 >>121730 >>121732 >>121738

House of cards.

12 deals rejected (today alone).

Panic in DC.


Enjoy the show.


here is the link


update:  just found this one…

No automatic alt text available.

Tom Heneghan Intel Update – Reports on Marines Alpha Bravo Team Swamp Draining Operations! – December 17, 2017


Tom Heneghan reports on Marines Alpha Bravo Team Swamp Draining Operations!



(15:20 minutes)  Tom goes over all the latest information.


Alex Jones Lies about Leo Wanta!  All lies come from satan!

Note: You always have our permission to copy all videos and articles to your own platforms in their entirety.  

Tom Heneghan reports that Marine Intelligence Alpha Bravo teams are now beginning their swamp draining operations.  Hillary Clinton, the Bushes, Huma Abedin, Richard Cheney and many others are identified in the video above.

Tom reports President Trump will be giving the nation a wake up speech possibly as early as within the next week.  Many lies are going to be exposed during this first address to the nation.

Barack Obama has been officially identified as a national security threat.  His Presidency has now been officially nullified as illegitimate due to his fraudulent birth certificate.  He was never legal to be President!  That’s why he is know as ObamaFraud!

The following information comes from Tom Heneghan and his associates.  Someday we will find out who Tom Heneghan really is and why Alex Jones fears him.  I don’t know his “official” title or exactly who he works for but I do know he has a lot of muscle and juice and knows what’s going on long before it comes out.  He’s plugged into the top of things that’s for sure.  That’s why he knew Chris Matthews was going to be hit with the sex stuff weeks before Drudge just reported it today!

Tom gave me permission to put out part or all of an email he sent me about Marine Alpha Bravo swamp draining teams.  Here is just part of what I was given.  The rest seemed too mission specific as to compromise capture tactics on specific individuals.   Clearly all of the people listed here deserve a fair trial and for all evidence to be brought against them.  This is what has to happen next.  People must be brought to trial as is the American tradition.  The rule of law must be established again.  The law must apply to all people, no matter how powerful they are or if they were President or dog catcher.  If they broke the law or committed treason they must be punished.  This is what our country was founded upon and why Lady Justice wears a blindfold!

This is the information Tom sent me – obviously the people he works with are sending a message here because they want you to share this far and wide.  They are not afraid of these people.  Either the criminals get put on trial or this country is destroyed.  Please keep destroying the lies of the fake news.

The birth certificate was presented in a PDF document.

This PDF file cannot be relied on as proof a birth event in any legal setting,” Zullo insisted. “It is not paper, it was created in cyberspace and resides in a computer.  On April 27, 2011, Obama showed the nation and the world absolutely nothing.”



Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton Racketeering Indictment


You are ordered to confine the following targets:
Democrat Dick Cheney (confirmed target, cut off funds to state PAC.)
Democrat John Brennan (confirmed target, cut off all funds to the business.)
Democrat Peter Hoekstra (confirmed target, do not set off alerts)
Democrat Lisa Page
Democrat Kamala Harris (This may require cutting off all funds to the state PAC. Harris is a confirmed national target, do not set off alerts, engage with extreme caution.)
Democrat John Conyers
Democrat Ed Meese, III
There will be other additional actions that must be carried out. You are to as required, consult your field manual given how serious this has gotten. You will also do so at all times.
Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe thought they were going to testify to a closed session of Congress, throw smoke in the grass and then leave for vacation. Instead, ensure they never leave Washington.
Escort Peter Strzok and McCabe to the Congress, to answer any and all questions they now have. Oh and by escort, we do in fact mean it is ordered to be an armed escort that takes them to the chambers.
We are sure they will enjoy being much more cooperative as the chips play out in the hearing room.
Thank you once again in regards to this dilemma, and our condolences to all of our troops. This has been a greater burden than any of you are yet apprised of.
Alpha-Bravo Team you are clear to go live.
Continue reading here. 

Denise Le Fay ~ More Homework For Embodying Forerunners


I realize this was written in July, but it has useful information (personally speaking, good reminders for me), especially with the upcoming powerful energetic shifts said to occur this week (18/19 are numbers I have been “hearing/feeling” as well)…  And I somehow missed Sandra Walter’s piece saying Saturn had been hit by 7 solar flares earlier this year (knocking out the dark team’s controlling/monitoring antenna’s I am thinking…Denise gives an awesome description and one I not only believe but am seeing as we all are…)


• Ascension Process — the current Universal evolutionary Ascension Process (AP). On Earth, an entire physical human body and physical Earth world evolution from a third dimensional (3D) carbon-based frequency up to a fifth dimensional (5D) crystalline-based frequency; increasing Higher Awareness; evolving consciousness; increasing conscious awareness of ones multidimensional Selves, realities and other dimensional Beings; increasingly evolving beyond linear time and space and the consciousness and external reality that was a frequency match and reflection of it up and out into multidimensional reality and quantum or Spherical Consciousness and much more.

• Standard Embodiment Process of the AP — those humans currently living the Alchemical evolutionary Ascension Process and experiencing ongoing embodiment of greater amounts of increasingly higher frequency Light Energies into their physical bodies, consciousness and self. This energetic Stair-step process naturally increases their Inner Body vibrations, their “Light Quotient” in their physical bodies enough that they vibrationally/energetically “ascend” from one state, level, dimension, world and frequency of being and reality to a much higher, faster vibrating frequency and state, level, dimension, world and reality.

• Expanded Embodiment Process of the AP — what has been and continues being experienced by most Forerunners/Embodiers/Gatekeepers/Gridholders/Wayshowers/Pathpavers which is Embodying much more and much higher Light Energies into their physical bodies to go further with this Process and merge, Unify their Lower Self with their Higher Self in their current physical bodies. The Lower Self  incarnate aspect of “you” has been and still is Working very hard multidimensionally on ascending high enough vibrationally to come within range of and re-unite with your Higher Self. Like the Standard Embodiment Process, this Alchemical transformation is taking place in and through the current incarnate physical body, self and consciousness of these individuals. [Terms like Standard Embodiment and Expanded Embodiment Process are necessary so we can communicate highly complex transformational processes and events. They’re just words used to define what we and other people are currently living, doing, anchoring and holding vibrationally via the Ascension and Embodiment Processes.]

We’ve all known that 2017 was going to be different from all the many long and difficult AP years that got us all to this important changeover or Shift point. As usual with each of these AP years, the first-half of the year is prep Work for more of the NEW energies that comes in and anchors into each that’s capable of Embodying more NEW higher Light Codes/templates/blueprints/DNA etc. throughout the second-half of the year. In 2017, this process has reached the elevated level and stage the Forerunners have Worked so long and hard for where big, obvious, physical changes will be visible to and felt by most everyone worldwide one way or another. Said another way, now that we’ve reached the halfway point in 2017, the second-half of this year will physically manifest more of the NEW higher Earth World energies and consciousness in more and more people due to the physical Separation of Worlds taking place now.

Now that you’ve cheered and hollered, reveled and congratulated yourselves in well-deserved giddy joy over finally reaching this point, what’s up next for we Embodier Forerunners is a whole lot more NEW responsibilities and abilities on the higher/highest Ascension side of the Separation of Worlds. This is and isn’t as big a deal as it may sound at first, but, we each need to be very consciously aware that things are quickly going to be even more different for us than they have been, and that’s saying something after all these many years and decades doing this!

I do my best to be aware of all the subtle and not so subtle things that take place in me, my body, my life and consciousness throughout the first-half of each year but because we’re in 2017 (1 energies but at a NEW higher level than we’ve ever been before), I knew this would be different and to expect the unexpected as best I could. What I’ve perceived and experienced so far in 2017, I’ve written about as usual, but because we’ve reached the physical level of the Separation of Worlds everything’s felt and been different.

One of the big clues about all this that jumped out at me was when Sandra Walter mentioned that seven Solar flares had hit Saturn in April 2017. To most I suspect that statement and event sounded like not much more than a cluster of Solar flares all hitting Saturn but to me it was a huge clue that physical reality, which Saturn has ruled, and which Team Dark had taken advantage of and distorted and used to create inorganic/synthetic systems and structures and physical realities on physical Earth and in mass humanity for many thousands of years, was about to change big-time. To me, hearing that Saturn got blasted seven times by Solar flares in the first-half of 2017, told me that throughout the second-half of this year the great freeing of hijacked Saturnian energies—and therefore physical Earth reality and hijacked humanity—was going to become increasingly obvious to more and more people.

Another big clue for me was a sudden explosive-like change that took place the first few days of June 2017, that instantly pushed me out of where I had been and what I’d been doing. I suspect that the more Forerunners review their personal lives in the first-half of 2017, you’ll discover just how much your AP and EP trajectory has changed and/or been course corrected when and where needed by your Higher Self & Co. ❤

Another thing I’ve experiencing increasingly since 2013, and actually started an article about it but will include it here briefly instead, has been how certain other Ascended Masters—my beloved Master Hotei being one of a few—suddenly manifesting in my Higher Awareness to give me a look, an expression, a slight facial gesture and eye contact that speaks unspoken volumes to me in that timeless moment. Such are higher communications much of the time now at this NEW higher level of my current being and consciousness.

Some of these ancient Ascended Masters show up like this when they want me to better understand some aspect of my “ascending” into their old jobs so to speak. Many of us Embodying Forerunners have ancient “Elders”, other Beings, including other aspects of our greater Selves above us vibrationally like this that assist us at this current level because they’ve been there, done that” which we’re currently stepping into on the physical level as the NEW global spiritual and energetic teachers and guides on the AP and EP and related topics in the NEW Earth world.

Of course when this happens now with my ancient beloved past-life Master Teacher Master Hotei, all he does is project his image to my awareness with one of his endlessly comical facial gestures that radiate pages and pages of information about the fine art of being a spiritual teacher.It’s funny actually that these amazing Beings are communicating with some Forerunners now with just a split-second subtle look, just a single emotion radiated out of their eyes at us and our HighHearts across the cosmos that informs us about the “How To” of this business of becoming better NEW Earth teachers and guides. Not one word has ever been spoken or telepathed from any of them to me and vice versa, just a visual of their face emanating specific information and emotions in half a second’s time and me smiling and giving gratitude to them for that abundant information. HighHeart to HighHeart talk. ❤

What they’ve done with me, and many of us I suspect, has been to further teach us as we evolve into our NEW roles of Ascended HighHeart 5D World Teachers in this very NEW and different way. I’ve Worked on etheric levels while asleep and out-of-body with certain other humans, many well-known worldwide all my life as many “old souls” have, but this is very different. This is my continuing to be educated by some of these Ascended Master Beings but now about certain aspects of being a spiritual teacher. It never stops, only expands into something larger, higher, more complex and amazing for all the players at all the levels and stages.

Another of these related 2017 Separation of Worlds clues for me was realizing that transiting Saturn will make its last conjuntion to the GC in November and December of this year, and then two days before the December Solstice Saturn enters Capricorn (joining transiting Pluto there). These two astrological events will have an extra potent impact on the Separation of Worlds that’s taking place already. Physical reality will enter a compressed period of tremendous physical changes, some with the potential to scare the pants off the stout of heart, while simultaneously it all just unfolding like the great Divine evolutionary event all this and more actually is. Just another heads-up in a growing list of coming changes all related to the Separation of Worlds on the physical level finally Forerunners. There’s no fear here, just greater awareness.

Point is with all this that as the Separation of Worlds increasingly manifests this year on Earth on the physical level, it means that each Embodier Forerunner specifically are entering another HUGE level of individual personal change and also collectively too from an individual level. We’ve always felt the human Earth collective and much more too, but, as the Separation of Worlds becomes increasingly physically obvious to more and more “regular humans”, how we deal with that and other things too of course is paramount for multiple reasons.

One of the many NEW responsibilities and abilities the Embodier Forerunners are getting better acquainted with this year and beyond is CONSCIOUSLY realizing and never ever forgetting the fact that we are, you/me/we are the ones that Hold, that Embody, that Keep, that support and anchor the NEW into the NEW Earth world, the NEW grids etc. the NEW Codes/templates/blueprints of the NEW Evolutionary Cycle. We’ve marveled over the ancient Elder “Keepers” of Earth and on other stars and star systems for Keeping, Holding, Embodying and Maintaining the energies and codes of their times. Well, guess who the NEW Keepers, Holders and Embodiers of the brand NEW Codes are here on NEW Earth? That would be you/me/we Embodier Forerunners—aka Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, Gridholders, Gridkeepers, Lightwarriors, Lightworkers, Energy Transmuters, Duality Dismantelers, Team Dark Evictors, HighHeart Conscious Creator Beings.

Take a deep breath and come to CONSCIOUS terms with this fact because you/me/we each need to own this and wear this now like never before. You know what you are; now be IT, live IT, radiate IT constantly, even when you’re in the grocery store buying toilet paper! Own IT and wear IT NEW Ascended physical 5D and higher Master HighHeart Beings of Light! Why? Because our ability and responsibility to do this is much-needed now and going forward. Who else is capable of Embodying and anchoring the NEW Codes and Energies into the NEW ascended Earth world but us? The more you and I consciously exist from this state of awareness and being, the easier it is to do it for All else. No pressure, no fear, but do pay close attention if and when an Elder Ascended Master Being shows up in your Higher Awareness and smiles at you, or winks at you, or furrows his brow and cocks his glorious etheric head slightly to let you know you’re energetically off course a tad bit at the moment. Just BE what you’ve Worked so long and so hard to become because we’ve reached a totally NEW level and phase of the AP in 2017, and now that we’ve entered the second-half of it, things are going to unfold even faster and more intensely energetically for those of us Pathpaving the way.

know that things are getting more intense when the hot flashes side effect returns. That symptom alone means that I’m burning away more old lower density/negativity of the past lower everything, personal and for the human collective, and they started back up again a couple of months ago. As the Separation of Worlds takes place physically this year and beyond, we Embodier Forerunners are and will continue to be affected by it physically and also in NEW and different ways. Some will be side effects we’ll feel in our bodies and other aspects have more to do with our NEW abilities and responsibilities. All-in-all it’s going to get really interesting, which is saying a lot again considering what we’ve already been through! Just own IT, wear IT, radiate IT, be IT and be consciously aware that you are IT so you never again make the ridiculous error of thinking or believing that you’re just a human. 😉 You and your hard-earned energies and abilities are and will continue to be needed as we step across this invisible line in the cosmic sand that is the amazing, evolutionary Separation of Worlds & Timelines.


July 11, 2017

Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.


Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2017. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL https://highheartlife.wordpress.com is included.

Billionaire Sabih al-Masri detained in Saudi Arabia


Immediately, I want to know – Who is he?  What are his connections?  What are those connections connected to?  Here is a bit of what I learned:  

“Sabih Taher Darwish al-Masri is a Palestinian businessman. He is the founder and chairman of Zara Investment Holding, the chairman of Arab Supply and Trading Corporation (Astra Industries), Paltel Corporation and Arab Bank, and the founder of the Palestine Securities Exchange (PSE)”.  (wiki)

“Zara Investment Holding:  Zara Investment Holding was founded on 10 May 1994 by Sabih al-Masri, the current chairman, and Khalil Talhoni, in addition to a number of investors and local banks and Arab and international investment companies, such as the International Finance Corporation (IFC)”. (wiki)

“The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is an international financial institution that offers investment, advisory, and asset-management services to encourage private-sector development in developing countries. The IFC is a member of the World Bank Group and is headquartered in Washington, D.C.. It was established in 1956, as the private-sector arm of the World Bank Group, to advance economic development by investing in for-profit and commercial projects for poverty reduction and promoting development”. (wiki)

There has been some criticism of the IFC:  

“IFC comes under frequent criticism from NGOs that it is not able to track its money because of its use of financial intermediaries. For example, a report by Oxfam International and other NGOs in 2015, “The Suffering of Others,” found the IFC was not performing enough due diligence and managing risk in many of its investments in third-party lenders.” 

“Other criticism focuses on IFC working excessively with large companies or wealthy individuals already able to finance their investments without help from public institutions such as IFC, and such investments do not have an adequate positive development impact. An example often cited by NGOs and critical journalists is IFC granting financing to a Saudi prince for a five-star hotel in Ghana.” (wiki)

So in other words, it sounds as though the IFC, which again has financial ties to Zera Investment Holding, wears the mask of a “global poverty relief” organization but it appears it’s just another arm of the elite.  


Palestinian billionaire businessman Sabih al-Masri has been detained in Saudi Arabia on a business trip to Riyadh, his family confirmed to Reuters news agency.

The 80-year-old founder of Zara Investment Holding and chairman of Arab Bank was held in the Saudi capital for questioning last week about “information related to corruption”, according to Rai al-Youm.

The Arab news website reported on Saturday that no formal charges were made against al-Masri, who reportedly also holds Saudi and Jordanian citizenship.

Al-Masri, one of Jordan’s most prominent businessman, is the cousin of the billionaire Munib al-Masri, the wealthiest person in Palestine.

He also founded the Palestine Securities Exchange, and has managed investment companies and financial economic institutions across the Middle East and beyond, including Arab Bank.

Headquartered in Amman, Arab Bank is Jordan’s largest lender and functions as a major economic engine throughout the Middle East and North Africa.

Masri’s detention sent shockwaves across Jordan where Masri’s multibillion-dollar investments are a cornerstone of the economy and employ thousands.

Reuters reported that Masri had cancelled a dinner for friends and business associates that was planned for Tuesday upon his return to Jordan.

The cost of Saudi Arabia’s purge

Saudi Arabia initiated an anti-corruption purge at the beginning of November, which has implicated some of the country’s top officials, businessmen and members of the royal family.

Continue reading here.  


Lasers From The Skies and California Fires


Seems to me the weakening factions of the Cabal are trying to create as much destruction as they can – going out kicking and screaming – which has been my feel for the past year – a “feel” I have been unable to shake no matter what new story I tell myself.  


What are the chances that 3 of the largest avionics military laser companies are located in the same exact area as the Santa Rosa, CA fires occurred, yet none got torched?

L-3 technologies, Keysight, AEG Industries and Sonoma Design Group are all in Santa Rosa and are held by some of the largest weapons manufactures in the world!

Additionally, over two weeks now, and no official ‘story‘ about how so many fires self ignited all at once in the middle of the dark of night.

5G, Pacific Gas and Electric? Climate Change w/ Diablo Winds? Are all being talked about but none come close to explain the hell fires that occurred and torched metal, glass, rubber, granite, etc. to the ground in minutes, yet left trees and other buildings in tact.

Continue reading here.

Here is the youtube video – proof positive.


Published on Dec 8, 2017


Update ~ Video Removed (Hannity Fox News Big Breaking News ~ Deep State Spying ~ 12/14/17)


The video that was in last night’s post has been removed.  Below is another capture of it.  Watch before this one gets removed, I would suggest that is.  If this does get removed, below are some transcripts that highlight some of what is covered in the video.  Also of note ~ I googled this particular video, for this particular date, and while I was able to find several youtube channels who still have it, the channels I was able to find have very low to no subscribers, which says me the bots are scrubbing the videos on the channels w/the highest ratings/numbers/subscribers.


Sean Hannity 12/14/17 | Sean Hannity Fox News Today December 14, 2017

Streamed live on Dec 14, 2017


Sean Hannity: [Addressing Gregg Jarrett – his in-studio guest] I want you to put your legal hat on. I am stunned. This to me is bigger by far than anything that came up in Watergate.

Gregg Jarrett: It’s clear there was a nefarious conspiracy by the FBI and the Department of Justice to elect Hillary Clinton and to defeat Donald Trump. When it didn’t work, the conspirators launched their Plan B, which was a fraudulent investigation into President Trump in [for] two crimes which don’t exist under the law.

So, this is the Deep State, as you’ve often referred. The Deep State is a group of partisans who have been together for 20 years. All these guys are thick as thieves. They conspired to unseat and undo the election – unseat the president and undo the election. Plan A was exonerate Hillary Clinton. That didn’t work. Plan B was to. . .

Hannity: Wait. They did exonerate her. Without an investigation.

Jarrett: They did exonerate her but it didn’t lead to her ascendancy to the presidency which was their goal. The emails prove it. Look at the emails. The most telling email of all is the email in which [FBI agent Peter] Strzok’s lover says to him you were meant to be in this position to save the country – to save the Republic.

Hannity: He was part of the exoneration!

Jarrett: He was totally part of the exoneration.

[Tomi Lahren’s comments were snipped.]

Jarrett: It was always a myth that collusion in a political campaign is a crime. It’s not. And there was never a scintilla of evidence that President Trump engaged in some collaboration with the Russians. So this was all manufactured – it was invented by the FBI and the Department of Justice and we know why. Because they hated Trump, they loved Hillary Clinton, they were trying to elect her and they were trying to defeat him and when it didn’t work they went. . . to Plan B.

Hannity: Plan B. Manufactured by the Deep State.

Jarrett: Right. “Let’s just say there’s a crime and then we’ll search in vain for a crime. And so now that we know there is no collusion in the political campaign the question is was there collusion in the transition.” No! – that’s not a Logan Act violation.

Hannity: Then we find out that the dossier was used as the predicate for the FISA warrant.

End of transcript.


Click here to read the entire article.