I wrote this in preparation for Meme Wednesday. I put my Heart and Soul in to it. It is full of light codes and color codes to facilitate energetic openings of the body and mind. Feel free to share.
Awakening and the Bigger Picture
🌈Many of you are just beginning to Awaken from the 3D (3rd Dimensional Consciousness) Control Matrix Programming. This Control Matrix has been in place for Millenniums if not Eons of time on our planet. The Cognitive Dissonance is clearing and you are frightened and confused about what is really happening on our planet. The Controllers of our planet are being exposed that is why you see so much chaos. You have become more sensitive and empathic. The Veil of Darkness is lifting and has everything to do with the
💫Galactic Alignment of December 21st, 2012 of the Mayan calendar. This time of Awakening has been prophesied in many religious texts and spiritual beliefs through the ages. You are coming to realize that your spiritual potential has been held back nefariously. The Truth of how reality really works has been hidden from you on purpose. You are in fact Divine Conduits of
🍊Creation. You have the capability of creating a
🌈Heaven on Earth
🌎, (5th Dimensional Consciousness)
However, first you must understand and process Who, Why and How the controllers run this planet. The Elite
👹Luciferian Bloodlines go by many names. The Illuminati, Cabal,
Deep State, and Shadow Government, etc. These Elite Bloodlines have co-opted sacred hidden Occult knowledge and use it for their own personal gain. This knowledge belongs to everyone. Occult means “hidden knowledge”. These Dark Luciferian practices have infected every group on our planet. Politics, Media, Large Corporations and Hollywood, etc. You have awoken to their symbology, numbers sequences, and see them flash hand signals. At the top of “Pyramid” are the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Royals and the Vatican. The rabbit hole goes much
✨, but we will just stick to the basics until you are ready for more disclosures.
These Elite Luciferians truly believe that by following the Dark path and “Do as thou Wilt” is their credo, they can attain Immortality. They have been deceived and become very perverse, cruel and have lost their humanity. They are
☹️lost Souls who are not connected to Prime Creator God Source. Instead of Love and Life they only know Fear and Death. These Luciferians crave the fear, pain and misery of other humans. They are Vampiric and addicted to the high.
How you ask can a small group control such a large number of people? Well to start “History is written by the Victors”. Without getting to Dark. The Luciferian Elite Cabal are aware that Blood has Powerful Electromagnetic Plasma Manifestation properties. When charged with intention it produces a desired outcome. They use their intentions to lower the Frequency Consciousness Grid of our planet, keep us in a state of confusion, separated from each other and in a herd mentality state of fear. They attempt to keep us in our lower
❤️Animal brain, your
💚Heart shut down and
💜Intuition turned off to control us. Do you see now Why there has been so many wars and bloodshed on our planet? The Cabal knows how the mind and nervous system works. They use mind control techniques by keeping you in your left brain, unbalanced from your right hemisphere and
💜Pineal gland (3rd Eye) calcified. Your GPS, to use analogy,
💎Connection to Prime Creator God Source energy has been cut off. The Cabal uses their intentions with the aide of technology, chemicals, and mind control techniques. They have knowledge of
💫Astrological dates that are portals and use these at their disposal to change probable outcomes and to pull you into a lower timeline. Are you beginning to see how mailable your reality is? Now do you see how you can
🍊Create a
🌈Heaven on Earth
🌎 Collectively? The
🍊Creative Universe is wonderfully Multidimensional. It is Frequency/Vibrationally based. There are no limits to exploration,
💜Spiritual growth and evolvement for your Soul.
💫Cosmic laws have been twisted and bypassed to co-opt your free will. However, This message is to
💛Self Empower you.
So as disclosures unfold do not be afraid. Some of these disclosures are very Dark. A small number of us have been waiting for this time holding this higher awareness. It has been a silent war but we never gave up hope that you would Awaken. Many have been hunted down and
☹️sacrificed their lives. Our Love for our human family is so great we risk ridicule, judgement and labels so we can courageously
💙Speak this message. It is finally Safe! Allow yourself the
😡Anger and
😩Sorrow. Gather together…Love, Support and Comfort each other. This grieving process must happen. Know you are
💗Loved Unmeasurably by Creation and people and situations will show up seemingly out of nowhere to guide you. So, as you take this message in and your
💚Heart opens have faith that you are Shining your Light on to the Darkness. You are Strong enough or you would not be Awakening to the bigger picture. “It is always
🌚Darkest before the
🌞Dawn.” “The Truth is Stranger the Fiction” so take in what you resonate with. We
💗 You and We are standing by.
👼🏼Rejoice for we are truly
💛Liberated! Welcome to 5D Earth.
Roxanna Adams
Ascension Activator and Guide
Sourced from here.