James Gilliland Newsletter ~ An Extreme Inconvenient Truth Continues


Eloquent.  Spot-on truth that resonates.  

An Extremely Inconvenient Truth Continues

by James Gilliland

January 13, 2018

As expected we knew we would get quite the feedback from the last newsletter especially from Hillary fans.

If you are still a Hillary fan you have my sympathy that’s all I can muster

clinton closet

A slip of the tongue now and then is not comparable to Satanic Worship, Spirit Cooking, Baby Sacrificing, hanging out with pedophiles and defending sexual predators, extreme bribery, real Russian and terrorist collusion – and let’s not forget Seth Rich and a long list of murders of people who oppose or expose the Clintons.

We can’t even engage or argue that position of defending Hillary anymore, you can’t debate psychopaths, the extremely ignorant or insane. The evidence and facts are in for those who do serious research and it is all spelled out in the over 11,000 indictments.

The democrats continue to make complete fools out of themselves with their positions on all most every topic which change moment to moment. The truth is they don’t have a position or an argument. All they have is Trump Derangement Syndrome. My god, I would never run for any public office with people hanging on every word.

I am the first to admit to having bad humor and stating the obvious even if it is not politically correct. All the democrats have as a majority is wordsmithing and the race card, nothing else. They judge, condemn, point fingers at others of what they have redundantly demonstrated by their own words and actions to have been doing for years.

The insanity is people still be lie ve them.

The republicans are no different yet the extreme mass displays of ignorance, lack of integrity, criminal behavior and double speak is mainly coming from the democrats.


Has anyone set the rhetoric aside and looked at the actions?

It’s like defending a Tyrannosaurus Rex that has been terrorizing your village for decades after eating the majority of people within and saying he is a victim or the protector of the village. The wolves governing the sheep. They profess they are really the good guys, hoping they are not their next meal. Classic Stockholm syndrome. The slaves defending the plantation from those trying to free them. To many they are so conditioned that is all they know.

Has anyone set the rhetoric aside and looked at the actions? The track record now and those of the past? Nobody is all good, nobody is all bad, none of us are perfect and we make mistakes yet when one has a long history of extreme behavior outside of Universal Law – even the laws of America – how can we expect anything else? It is pathological now, showing behavior that would fit into the clinically ill category and I am not talking about Trump. I am talking about those who deem themselves as his enemy and profess to be servants of the people. The ones screaming the loudest and pointing fingers the most are the ones most guilty of the same acts they accuse others of, and to the extreme.

Then you have the victims and the race card players who will never admit things are getting better – using their victim roles for emotional or financial support which also includes the desire for fame.

Yes, there are still injustices to correct, imbalances yet let’s focus on solutions not name calling and division. This is all going to reveal itself, they are all going to be exposed and many are looking at serious jail time. They won’t escape by paying off judges and hiring powerful attorneys because the military and their courts are now in charge.

America no longer resembles what it was created to be. The Republic, The Constitution, Bill of Rights, liberty and justice for all has become enslavement with a “just us” system with two sets of rules. One for the elite and one for the poor and middle class. The democrats – while professing to be the champions of the poor and middle class – extremely failed to serve and listen. They became self-serving addicts in their lust for power and wealth: most becoming rich at the expense of the very people they profess to serve. Yes, Hillary that is what happened. The masses woke up, well some of them anyway, but there are still those who want to stay on the plantation attacking the very people trying to free them. Again, yes there are still problems – this won’t shift overnight but why not work together to find solutions rather than name calling and blowing a word or two out of proportion?

laughing dali lama

I have studied with Lamas, Master teachers and Elders from all cultures and beliefs. The most powerful often had a wicked sense of humor and were definitely PC incorrect.

They used humor to trigger responses, get people to look at their wounds, attitudes, be lie fs that no longer server them.

I am guilty of that myself – often pushing that big red button to show people where they are emotionally charged. It is an opportunity to heal.

Those unhealed wounds and traumas will keep manifesting no matter how politically correct you try to make your leaders and why are you not leading yourselves? Do you think you can fix this externally?

Lion no more victim

If you are not a victim and there is not a charge then PC incorrect comments are powerless.

If it is not your coat don’t wear it. Personally, I find it hilarious watching the president say what everyone else is afraid to discuss. He is not a politician, right or wrong he shoots from the hip and you know where he is coming from. I find that refreshing.
He does what he says he is going to do or attempts to despite the extreme resistance by those who want to maintain the status quo.

From a therapist point of view, he is an excellent trigger.

The victims will scream at this analogy and come up with a plethora of reasons why Trump is evil even attack me for stating the obvious from a higher perspective. Trust me I have been called everything.

Reason this, can’t you see the process?

Can you become the detached observer and see how everything is being exposed, coming up to be healed?

exposing truths

We are on the upward spiral and if we continued business as usual with the democrats we would be taking the downward spiral. Do we agree with everything unfolding? No, no one should.

We should hold all our leaders’ feet to the fire until Universal Law is the order of the day. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All is Universal Law.

Make that your foundation. Create Heaven on Earth. Do not get caught up in the hell others want for you, the separation game, the victim, race card, creating a mass diversion over a word or two ignoring and derailing addressing much bigger issues. These swamp creatures are becoming more and more apparent and rather than address the issues and serve the people it is now becoming perfectly clear their real agenda and that is to amass power and wealth at the expense of Humanity and the Earth.

We need a complete overhaul, holding those in office to their oaths and their mandates. Service to the people which includes the restoration and cleanup of Earth.

still point

A great prophet once said: Universal Peace will not come through governments or religions but through the hearts and minds of the people.

If the people chose and practiced Universal Law, chose to create Heaven on Earth, stopped giving their power away to those with a long history of betraying that trust we would take a quantum leap in evolution.

We are being pushed on high in that direction.

James Gilliland field

Be Well, Be at Peace,
James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel

You have my permission to send this far and wide.

The White Hats Report #62


2018 – The year the American dream is restored?

First of all, we’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year as 2018 will definitely be a year to remember and history will mark it as a turning point for the US if not the world. What’s coming in the next 12 months will be unsettling for some, long past due for others but will be remembered as a cleansing of the planet.

But before we go forward, it’s important we revisit and review the past so the information is fresh in our minds as in everything, it is connected. Nothing is created out of a vacuum so we will attempt, in the coming weeks, to provide the trail so that everyone can connect the dots on the sophisticated scam that has been perpetrated on the world for the past decades.

As has been and always will be our emphasis, the coming storm from the White Hats and affiliates will concentrate on the world financial sector. We’ve made it our objective to expose the criminal fraud perpetrated on the people of the world by the banksters. That onslaught will not abate but will increase in both intensity and documentation in the coming weeks.

But first….a trip to the past.

February 12, 2012

This is the day Lord David James of Blackheath stole 10 minutes of time in the House of Lords, directed and supported by the London section of the White Hats. The information imparted during that short speech revealed the criminal fraud perpetrated by the Federal Reserve and all their co-conspirators: the banks, Homeland Security and of course, the deep state’s own shadow government organization, Pureheart Investments, LTD. He exposed the bank trading programs and their overnight profit percentages and exposed the Federal Reserve as nothing but a criminal enterprise, in existence for the sole purpose of pillaging the assets of the world and stealing money from every living soul inhabiting this planet.

The fraud disclosed in London that day included the creation of $15T out of thin air, backed by gold that didn’t exist and they didn’t own, sent to the shadow government’s prime criminal business creation, enabled by Homeland Security’s bank clearance code and ignored by law enforcement, politicians and the public on both sides of the Atlantic. But to the cabal, just another day of thievery and deceit, a normal occurrence for an industry with no accountability, no oversight and no consequences.

It’s past time this…..like everything else the Deep State has created to control the world….comes to an end.

The fraudulent transfer of $15T from the NY Federal Reserve to the account of Pureheart at the time was 150% of the total debt of the US. To the cabal entrenched banksters, it was a drop in the bucket compared to the theft they perform on a massive scale. Billions, trillions, quadrillions and more are just the norm for these bloodsuckers of humanity. The secret space program, black projects and blackmailing, compromising and/or murdering anyone who gets in their way, the money trail has to be followed to unravel this centuries old financial scam. The people need to be freed once and for all.

Continue reading here.

Trump’s ‘Fake News Awards’ Could Violate Ethics Rules


This has me giggling – quite loudly.  The obvious reason ~ since when do these mainstream corporate media outlets follow ethics?  Isn’t that WHY they are referred to as “fake news”?  As my mate says, I hope he crushes them.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”happy” wrap=”i”]


Little is known about what the president intends to do Wednesday, but some experts aren’t taking it lightly.

Every awards show has its critics, but President Donald Trump’s much ballyhooed “Fake News Awards” has drawn attention from a group beyond the usual peanut gallery: ethics experts who say the event could run afoul of White House rules and, depending on what exactly the president says during the proceedings, the First Amendment.

The White House has not yet said what form the awards presentation, scheduled by Trump for Wednesday, may take. But Norman Eisen, the former special counsel for ethics for President Barack Obama, and Walter Shaub, the former head of the Office of Government Ethics, have both tweeted that if White House staff members were involved, they would be in violation of the executive branch’s Standards of Ethical Conduct, which ban employees from using their office for “the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise.”

Richard Painter, an ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush administration, agreed, telling POLITICO that there were plenty of valid reasons for executive branch employees to use their position to criticize private enterprises — if a bus company were violating federal safety regulations, for instance — but that helping put on an event to bash the media would not qualify.

“There has to be a legitimate official government reason for the position you’re taking with the respect to the particular company,” Painter said. “But here the only reason is they don’t like the coverage of the president.”

The president is not subject to the executive branch ethical standards, but all other White House staffers are. Ethics experts say that if the undertaking were carried out exclusively by political staff from the Trump campaign or the Republican National Committee — and not government employees in the White House — there would be no problem.

The issue, Eisen said, is “if the president enlists others in government to use government time or government resources to attack certain media outlets, while implicitly preferring others.”

Dan Scavino, the White House director of social media and an assistant to the president, has tweeted that he has nothing to do with the awards, saying that “it’s from a campaign,” though it was not clear exactly what he was referring to.

A Washington University School of Law ethics expert, Kathleen Clark, said that she agreed with Eisen and Shaub: Targeting specific news outlets by giving them “fake news awards” would represent a sort of “anti-endorsement,” she said, and would break the rules.

Not all experts agreed that the awards would violate executive branch standards. Richard Briffault, a professor at Columbia Law School and an ethics expert, said that White House staff members would be breaking the rules only if they endorsed or criticized an enterprise that had nothing to do with their jobs.

“Put me down as skeptical,” he said. “It’s got to be unrelated to the office. Criticizing the president’s critics strikes me as related to the office.

It is not reasonable to fully separate politics from governing, he said, “so long as we assume staff can be used for some political purposes, so long as there is a White House communications office and a White House political office — we’ve crossed that line a long time ago.”

Briffault said he did not see a particular difference between criticizing the media on Twitter or in an interview or briefing — as press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders does on a nearly daily basis — and being involved in Trump’s awards.

Eisen argued that if the president creates a whole show around bashing specific media outlets, “there is more formality to it.”

“When you elevate it into a program,” he said, “it becomes harder and harder to say it’s just the president bloviating and it feels more and more like official government activity.”

Continue reading here.  

Latest Q Posts ~ 1/14/18




TG departure [HEC].

NOT to testify.

NOT needed to testify.

Think logically.

NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.


What ROLE might TG be walking into?

Who can WE TRUST?

RATS everywhere.

EVIL everywhere.

TRAITORS everywhere.






Boards changed due to statements re: private comms – FALSE.

Boards changed due to failure to IDEN accurately.

Boards changed due to MISINFO.

Targeted approach to direct flow of info created.




MAJOR players here to distract, create doubt, and alter the direction.

SC: MISINFO everywhere.

SC: MISINFO from past reliable sources.

SC: AXIS OF EVIL can & will return FIRE [is].

SC: Seek immediate [F9-Sx_VB8239].




BEWARE of MAJOR FALSE FLAG attempts this week.

KNOW your surroundings.



Tactics shift to threats and hostages to obtain rogue_ops.

SILENCE [187] – no risk [no capture – dead on arrival].


SILENCE [LV witnesses]?





Prince Alwaleed Moved To Highest Security Saudi Prison After Refusing To Pay $6 Billion For Freedom


Goodbye Ritz Carlton. Saudi Arabia’s billionaire prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, has been carted off to Al Ha’ir prison, south of Riyadh, after refusing to pay  a reported $6 billion to Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman to secure his freedom, following a massive consolidation of power on November 4, 2017 in which over 300 princes, ministers and other elites were rounded up in an “anti-corruption” purge.


Sources told the Middle East Monitor  that nearly 60 detainees were transferred to the most high security prison in the Kingdom. The prisoners include Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal as Prince Turki Bin Abdullah and a number of government officials who refused to make the large financial payments for their release.


Among those arrested on allegations of corruption is Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, the Saudi King’s nephew who is worth more than $17bn according to Forbes, and owns stakes in Twitter, Lyft and Citigroup. According to a Daily Mail source, the crown prince had lulled Alwaleed into a false sense of security, inviting him to a meeting at his Al Yamamah palace, then sent officers to arrest him the night before the meeting.

‘Suddenly at 2.45am all his guards were disarmed, the royal guards of MBS storm in,’ said the source.

‘He’s dragged from his own bedroom in his pajamas, handcuffed, put in the back of an SUV, and interrogated like a criminal.

‘They hung them upside down, just to send a message.

Purged princes and the like were taken to the Riydah Ritz Carlton Hotel, where they have reportedly been allowed to buy their freedom by giving up their billions in oil wealth for their lives.

As the Daily Mail reported in November, mercenaries purportedly employed by Academi – a successor to infamous US security contractor Blackwater, have been stringing up some of MBS’s “guests” at the Riyadh Ritz Carlton by their feet and savagely beating them during interrogations. The claims have spread rapidly on Arabic-language social media, and even Lebanon’s president Michel Aoun has accused MbS of using mercenaries.

Meanwhile, none of Prince Alwaleed’s powerful friends appear to be coming to his defense. As CNBC points out:

One of the most stunning aspects of bin Talal’s detention is how quiet his long list of influential friends have been about it. This week brought at least some mention of his plight with a statement from two former French presidents who expressed concern over Alwaleed’s status. But let’s face it: a few words from a couple of French ex-presidents is peanuts.

So now we have bin Alwaleed in an actual prison, with a government aggressively taking cash and assets, and still no significant outcry from his foreign friends.

Bin Salman came to power last summer after King Salman changed the order of succession and made Bin Salman crown prince. In addition to his “anti-corruption” puge to consolidate power and wealth, the country has embarked on an ambitious plan called “Vision 2030“- which aims to modernize Saudi Arabia and break its dependence on oil production, as well as combat human rights violations.

In late September,  Saudi Arabia took the unprecedented step of allowing women to drive“The royal decree will implement the provisions of traffic regulations, including the issuance of driving licenses for men and women alike,” the Saudi Press Agency said, according to Al Aribaya

Meanwhile, A Saudi Government panel has asked that all marriage contracts for girls under the age of 18 be approved by family courts – the latest step in a series of sweeping reforms under the lead of their new Crown Prince, Mohammad bin Salman. While falling short of outlawing child marriage, the request marks the first major legislation involving the long-standing practice primarily overseen by Saudi clerics and local judges – not family courts.

Continue reading here.