St. Germain On Mass Arrests And Indictments: Many More Are Coming! You Are Only Seeing Lower Realms Of Arrests… Elite Are Going To Be Taken Out Of Picture!


I really love the part about changing our DNA with our intention (focus) AND belief.  We have done this before.  Remember…  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


I AM St. Germain.

And I bring to you the Violet Flame. But I represent the Violet Flame just as you are each one that Violet Flame. We are all bringing this in together; all of us as one bringing the light, bringing the oneness, bringing these changes and shifts and all of this in consciousness that is continuing on.

And I am here this time to bring you news. News yes that is happening, that you are beginning to see more and more, but this news is going to increase greatly. These happenings, these changes, these shifts are going to continue to happen just as they are in the process now.

You have heard for a very long time now of mass arrests. You have heard that the shift in consciousness is going to come about and bring these great changes which will culminate in these mass arrests. For this has to happen. It cannot be held back. And those of the dark forces have realized that they are finished.

As Archangel Michael said recently, many opportunities have been given to those to turn toward the light. They have received many chances but they have thwarted each one. Each advance that has moved toward them they have pushed away because they know only one thing. They know only service to self. They are not aware at all about service to others as those of you, the light workers, light warriors, light sharers and bearers, you are the ones that are coming to understand now more and more of this idea and concept of service to others because you have all been a part of this before. You have all done this before.

So it is time now for the entire population to begin to awaken more and more and you are the ones that have been anchoring the light and sharing the light. And because of you bringing this light in and holding it here, you are the ones that are allowing for this continuing process to occur. Without you we would not be able to make much of a change here. But because of all of you we are able to make inroads into the changes that are necessary in this process.

And these changes are coming very rapidly. You are beginning to see this more. There are going to be many arrests that are going to happen. Many are going to be indicted and many are, at this point, and more are coming. Many more are coming! And you are only at this point still seeing the lower realm, you might say, the lower rungs of the ladder but you are going to begin to see more and more of those ones at the upper echelons of the, what you call the elite. They are going to be taken out of the picture and that is strongly in process now.

So all you need to know is that everything is happening exactly as it needs to, exactly as we have all been saying it is going to happen and the belief process that is necessary for you is something that you need to more and more continue to believe in. Believe in that belief process Believe that you can make the difference. Believe that you can change the very molecular structure of your body whenever you need to whenever it is necessary as well as helping to change the molecular structure of others who are also in need. And as you have come to understand yes it is the belief process that is necessary here. Intention is one thing but you must have the belief. That is the belief to be able to change your DNA, to change your structure within you, to make those shifts and changes within you.

All of this is possible because you are the power, you are the ones that are holding this, you are the God Creator within each of you. The Source of All is within every single one of you; every single one of us. And the more and more you continue to understand that, the more that you will find yourselves one day there: right at the threshold of the ascension. And this is where you are headed. This is what you are working toward.

So all you need to know or all you need to continue to do is just keep on doing those things you are learning to do. Do not be concerned about whether you are doing them or not doing them, whether you are following through or not following through. Everyone — and I do repeat this — everyone that is resonating to these kinds of words, to these understandings, everyone will move through this ascension process. It cannot be so that it cannot be.

So all you need to do is keep on doing those things you are being trained to do. And even more importantly those things that you have known to do all along because it is in, within each of us to move through this process and continue to have this ascension. And as you have heard many times the ascension can no longer be stopped They have tried many times in many different ways to hold the ascension off but even they knew that it would not be able to be possible. They only attempted to hold it off. They attempted to change the timelines, all of these things, but in reality they are up against a force that they cannot even understand themselves.

I AM St. Germain I leave you now with all of my peace and love and that the Violet Flame continues to merge and shift and change everything within you as it purges out all of the old and brings on the new.


» Source Source 2 – Channel: James McConnell

Sourced from here.


Cosmic Light Wave Coming Our Way


Editor’s note:  Love this one!  



A great tidal wave of higher frequencies is heading our way, bringing 2017 to a close with a cosmic crescendo of love vibration. Unearthing secrets and lies, exposing harsh truths in our lives and on the world stage. Reconnecting us to nature, to each other and to the cosmos. We have weathered stormy seas of transformation. Waves of upgrades activating karmic release through chakra clearing. Our conscious work has been to face dark nights of the soul, seeking authenticity through self awareness and self knowledge. To learn self care, to reconnect with our body and our soul. On a global scale we witness the beginning of full disclosure of the cabal’s depravity and greed, the matrix hologram and our intergalactic community. 2017 has been pretty full on!

This light filled cosmic tidal wave opens gateways to higher dimensional planes of existence, offering timeline shifts from fear to love. The 3rd December’s full moon rays will ignite us with a boost of high frequency energy helping us integrate upgrades. Bubbles of memories, rising to the surface for lancing, for release. Avoid repressing these memories, they are energetic knots in our system causing blockages and clogging our chi flow. To release them is to allow them, sit in them for awhile, feel the emotions, and then let them go. Let the universe break up the heavy energies. As we do this we feel lighter because we are lighter. Our vibration can rise as these denser nuggets of heavy emotional energy are released. Use chanting, meditation, holistic healing therapies and nature to aid the energetic release. Use talk therapy and soul tribe to verbally let go. Both together enable us to capitalise on these cosmic love frequencies, raising our vibration at an accelerated rate.

Planet earth timelines are up for grabs. To redirect mothership earth we raise ours and her frequencies. We jump on the surfboard and ride waves of solar light. We integrate and embed higher frequencies at a cellular level, stabilising our vibrations in higher wavelengths. This enables us to unplug from matrix control algorithms. To reassert our free will and divine sovereignty. We remember we are connected to all things. We realign our energies, consciously expanding our minds. As the solstice draws near seek acceptance, forgiveness and self love. Give wings to secret dreams, let them take flight as real, as meaningful and they will manifest. To change direction, to tip Gaia towards higher dimensional wavelengths of peace and love, we embody those energetic spaces. We become peace. We are calm. We embrace love.

We are learning to surf higher wavelengths. We lighten our energetic system, encouraging free flow of chi throughout our mindbodysoul system, to access higher dimensional wavelengths. What does this look like or feel like? We are learning to speak the language of the multi verse, energy. Our guides and higher self are communicating with us all the time. The matrix hologram suppresses our ability to hear, see, feel their communication, their guidance, protection and love. We are conditioned to dismiss gut feelings, intuition in favour of our ego. The persistent voice that chatters all day long in our heads, wound up, manipulated and controlled by the matrix, our ego is their greatest weapon against us. Programmed by mainstream media, education and religion through twisted rhetoric, the ego is kept in a near constant state of panic. This induces fight or flight mode in our bodies and prevents us from relaxing, from feeling truly calm and at ease. The ego is like a child, our inner child, it requires love and boundaries in the form of reassurance from us, to quieten down and feel safe. We can do this through meditation and holistic healing as well as reprogramming our ego with daily mantras of love, safety and positivity.

The veils will thin during this cosmic time. Synchronicities, premonition, dimensional slippage, time anomalies and number sequences will increase. Our multi dimensional soul tribe and the universe communicate with us through nature, animals and birds. Energetically they speak to us all the time. We learn to turn down the volume of our ego, and turn up our heart, our core, our third eye and our energy field accessing all the information they give us. Learning about the meanings of number sequences, of animal totems, as well as learning more about the tides of the moon and cosmic events help us interpret these signs, symbols, gut feelings and messages. All is delivered in love frequency.

These last few weeks of 2017 offer integration, embedding and consolidation of upgrades available throughout the year. The American solar eclipse marked a gateway, a huge shift in humanities accelerated evolution. Our intergalactic allies have stepped up the battle for our freedom and sovereignty in late October, blasting high frequency light waves around Gaia. This is an ongoing process but it has gathered speed and momentum in 2017. The great shift gateway, a portal to higher dimensions, was opened for us, all we have to do is step through the gates of perception and embrace unified consciousness! Phew! Some of us have just woken up, others are beginning their transition looking at the furniture of their lives and rearranging to create more space, a simpler way of living. Many are actively engaging in this evolutionary process learning to surf cosmic waves, integrate upgrades and realign as energetic beings.

We should be hyper aware of gut instincts and third eye premonition during this time. Our dreamstate, meditative space and communication with the universe becomes more vivid, informative and powerful, as we are immersed in higher frequencies. Dimensional slippage and time anomalies will help us understand a non linear existence, we will rely less on routine, pressure and matrix stress to organise our lives. Instead we will read our energy field, our environment and the people around us to inform us of what tasks should be completed and when. This is quantum, it is unplugging from the matrix and learning to be a connected mindbodysoul being.

Physical symptoms will persist, a commitment to self care can help alleviate physical symptoms of recalibration ( for more detailed information). Nausea, ear popping, extreme tiredness, spaciness, shaky limbs, vertigo, coughs and flu symptoms, allergies, headaches, achy limbs, blurry vision, disturbed sleep, fluctuating appetite, bouts of high energy, heat or tingling sensations at major chakras can all be experienced as our energetic systems are activated. Going offline, adopting flight mode during upgrades can benefit us as we free up energy to integrate and embed higher frequencies. This means napping to counteract disturbed nights, cutting back on workload and social engagements especially if you perceive them as draining. Conservation of energy is the name of the game to capitalise fully on cosmic tidal waves.

The winter solstice is a time for reflection and manifestation. Begin the process now. Start taking stock of what or who works in your life, and what or who has a negative effect on you. See where the love, joy, peace and happiness is and do more of it! Rest, stay hydrated, be kind to yourself and others. It’s going to get pretty trippy friends, stay balanced and centred as our minds expand and our hearts open to love vibrations. We are all experiencing this. Everyone’s vibration will be pushed up in the next few weeks, causing global karmic purge. People will be emotional, tired, irritable and confused. Give each other space. Stay close with good people and avoid energy vampires. We will be running on empty as we recalibrate, remember this and cut yourself some slack. Meditate and breathe. We become enlightened, sovereign beings able to shift timelines from fear to love. Embrace higher frequencies of zen peace. Stay in love vibration cosmic surfers 🙏.


I embrace all appropriate upgrades available to me at this time, under the protection of my higher self.

I am safe, I am calm, I am peace, I am love. Namaste.

 Sourced from here.

Massive UFO Lands ~ Mt. Adams, Washington


Yes – you read that correctly – LANDS (before winking out).  WOW!  Check out this footage!  The footage was taken 13 miles away so this craft is HUGE.  Thank you to Deborah for passing this one along to me.  


Massive UFO Landed Mount Adams

Published on Nov 25, 2017

Latest Q for 11/25/17


My mate says these are military activation orders.


 sourced from here.

Trump’s Military Q


Nancy is a member of a private social media group I belong to.  This is shared with her permission.  A very smart woman and a good journalist.


It is the fantasy, dare I say wet dream, of all Hillary-haters and all Trumpsters everywhere.  Donald Trump is going to take down the deep state.  A stunning military coup. Truth.  Straight down.  As you read these very words there are over 1,000 sealed indictments for Hillary Clinton and other deep state operatives.  Further, the US courts cannot be trusted as they are riddled with bought and corrupt jurists, so military tribunals will be used to try these enemies of the state.  It’s going down… 

So says Q.

Q is an anonymous poster on 4chan.  Q began posting in late October.  His posts are in the form of questions, short statements, long lists of connected important people/things, obscure acronyms, and occasionally random series of characters and symbols.  Q refers to these clues as “breadcrumbs” and claims they are releasing the “biggest insider drop in the history of the world”.

Here‘s a pastebin that supposedly has collected Q’s various postings

Depending on what side of the political minefield you are standing on Q is either a raving lunatic of the conspiratorial bend, or Q is sheer genius, an insider telling the world that the deep state is coming down.

“Puppet masters”, Rothschilds, Soros, “bloodlines”, Putin, New World Order, International Banks, popular political party members, POTUS, random codenames, every US government agency with a 3 letter acronym, Merkel, Clinton, JFK, are all found in Q’s breadcrumbs.

Now, in this wide world of cyber, why would Q rise to the top of the truther/Trump/conspiracy world? There have been a number of international & national happenings in the past several weeks that seem to draw some vague correlations between “Q’s” claims and recent news. Things that get the troops all riled up and are really of some consequence.

One is The NY Times released an article on November 12, titled “Security Breach and Spilled Secrets Have Shaken the N.S.A. to Its Core”, in which is written the following paragraph:

Fifteen months into a wide-ranging investigation by the agency’s counterintelligence arm, known as Q Group, and the F.B.I., officials still do not know whether the N.S.A. is the victim of a brilliantly executed hack, with Russia as the most likely perpetrator, an insider’s leak, or both.
Until now “Q” had been just another conspiracy theorist, but with this article “Q” is claiming the NY Times is attempting to directly attack their credibility by claiming they are part of the NSA.  Conspiracy theorists (or people who see through the propaganda of the corporate controlled MSM) are putting together the pieces of the puzzle and finding a lot to hang their (tinfoil ?) hats on.

There is the matter of the +++ that Q signed off with, he wrote on November 6, “Nothing is random.  Everything has meaning. +++”

Seven minutes later Trump wrote a tweet and ended it with +++.  Now, even for those who know for a fact that Q is a larper, this is a pretty weird “coincidence”.

Then there was the airplane.  Q keeps posting these little weird breadcrumbs that tend to be kind of true.  There was the photo from an airplane posted by Q, and someone figured out the angle from the photograph matched the coordinates and exact piece of land Air Force One was flying over, at pretty much the exact time the photo was posted.  Leading one to believe Q was on Air Force One.

Then there have been breadcrumbs about Saudi Arabia and indictments that have proven to have  some veracity.

The MSM has been utterly silent about Q.  Pravda may be the biggest news source to break the story other than “Metro” with a poorly written story debunking Q, however, it did put it out there.

So, who is Q?  Anyone’s guess.  Could be a larper.  4chan are anonymous forums. You can hide behind a username. LARPing is Live Action Role-Playing, where you pretend to be someone else in real life. A LARPer in this context is someone who claims “I am a high level official in the Department of Justice” without providing evidence and then say something like, “The DoJ will announce charges against the CEO of Comcast tomorrow.” Because no proof is provided, some people will say that the poster is role-playing as the person they claim to be.  However, there is just too much insider stuff for Q to be a total zero.

These are names that have been thrown out as possible Q authors: Trump himself,  Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Dan Scavino Jr., Anthony Scaramucci, Michael Flynn, and many think it is the ex-CTO, Nash Borges, of the Global Engagement Center who resigned this September.

“The Obama administration established the Global Engagement Center in 2016 to counter ISIS’ various online messaging efforts, directing the new office to use data and to work with international partners in a bid to undermine extremist propaganda more effectively than State’s previous such unit, the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications. GEC’s toolbox included various outreach efforts, including highly targeted ad buys on Facebook.

Last year, the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act gave the GEC an additional mission: fighting “foreign propaganda and disinformation directed against United States national security interests and proactively advance fact-based narratives that support United States allies and interests.” The Act, which became law in December, allowed the Global Engagement Center to ask the Pentagon for $40 million, bringing its total 2017 spending to about $80 million. About $60 million of that was to be used to counter Russian influence operations; about $19 million was aimed at ISIS.– Defense One September 2017

This little baby can manipulate the MSM anyway it wants, and perhaps Borges no longer wanted in on that game.

However, it’s probably someone on the inside playing.  Even if it is all fantasy, there is a certain seeding of consciousness that is occurring with those who “believe”.   There is a visceral yearning for the take down of the deep state.  Greg Grandin writes in The Nation:

The deep state may be …”an almost hereditary covert caste, running from the men who in the early days of the Cold War set up the modern national security state to the elite who make up today’s “intelligence community.” In 1964, Random House published the bestselling The Invisible Government, by journalists David Wise and Thomas Ross (here’s the CIA’s declassified review of the book, which takes exception to its thesis). More recently, Michael Glennon’s National Security and Double Government updated the argument.

Peter Dale Scott was the first, as far as I know, to use the phrase “parapolitics” and “deep politics” to discuss what is now described as the deep state, and he’s the author of numerous books on the dense connections between illegal drugs, covert action, and finance… I remember that Iran-Contra really did happen. As Michael Parenti likes to point out, conspiracies do in fact exist, both in legal theory and in politics: Watergate, Iran-Contra, the savings and loan scandal of the 1980s/90s, “described by the Justice Department as ‘a thousand conspiracies of fraud, theft, and bribery,’ the greatest financial crime in history” (that we know of).”

Q’s opus magnum is about the war between the deep state and the people of the United States.  It is about the corruption that has rotted the core of our politics.  It is about the pedophiles that get away with unspeakable crimes due to the elite status.  It is about the intrigue that surrounds the connections of Saudi Arabia with the Clinton Foundation.  It is about voter fraud.  It is about draining the swamp.  It is about the rogue, evil nature of the CIA.  If nothing else it is a fascinating read.

And, a rallying cry for those of this conspiratorial persuasion.  A place to go to learn, to puzzle, to ruminate and to dream.
Random Q questions
1.    What is money flow disruption?
2.    List the Billionaires.
3.    What family history goes back pre_WW1/2?
4.    Why is this relevant?
5.    Why did the Bush family recently break silence and attack POTUS?
6.    Coincidence pre SA arrests?
7.    Who audits the billions paid for war?
8.    Who audits the billions paid for environment policy (side note)?
9.    Where do the funds go?
10.    Offshore?
11.    To who / which entity and/or org?
12.    What slush fund was recently terminated by AG Sessions?
13.    What is Fast & Furious?
14.    What is the underlying theme?
15.    MONEY.
16.    Who controls the FED?
17.    How did political leaders/talking heads accum assets in excess of $5mm+?
18.    What was the net worth for each prior to taking office?
19.    Reconcile.

by: Nancy O’Brien Simpson

 Ms. Simpson was a radio personality in New York.  She was a staff writer for The Liberty Report.  A PBS documentary was done on her activism for human rights.  She is a psychotherapist and political commentator.

See more at

Former Secret Service Agent Threatens To Reveal Details About Bill Clinton And Epstein’s “Lolita Express”


In a furious twitter exchange with a Clinton aide on Friday, former secret service agent Dan Bongino threatened to reveal new details about Bill Clinton’s 26 documented trips aboard notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet, nicknamed the “Lolita Express.”

Bongino and former Hillary Clinton aide Nick Merrill started feuding after Merrill challenged Bongino’s claim that Clinton was the most “manipulative political person in a position of power [he had] ever met in my entire life,” as Paul Watson pointed out.

Merrill fired back that Hillary “has enormous respect for the Secret Service & a great relationship with the agents on her detail.” He also alleged that Bongino was never on the Clintons’ detail – a claim that Bongino almost immediately disproved by supplying a photo of him sitting behind Hillary Clinton back in 2001.

I’ve worked for Hillary Clinton for a decade and 2 things are true.
1) She has enormous respect for the Secret Service & a great relationship with the agents on her detail.
2) This guy was never on the Clintons’ detail, & I don’t recognize him in the slightest. 

This pic is from NY Newsday’s inside cover taken at the US Open in 2001. It’s one of literally hundreds of operations I conducted with Hillary documented throughly by official US govt paperwork of which I still have copies. You’re welcome to stop by & review the paperwork.Thanks.

View image on Twitter

After accusing Merrill of being a “fraud”, Bongino dropped a ominous-sounding threat: “Be careful Nick, people know things not yet released publicly about your messiah Hillary. Don’t poke the bear loser, you may not like the results. #Epstein #EmailGate,” tweeted Bongino.

Continue reading here.

Meteor Hits in Antarctica ~ OFF THE CHARTS!


Something told me to check the Davis Meteor Radar and so I did.  Over 11,000 ~ absolutely unheard of.  Highest read I have seen. Not that I follow, but I saw Cobra has a piece out today titled “The Battle for Antarctica”. Coincidence?

Sourced from here.


Meteor detection sky map.

Mysterious Booms Continue Throughout the U.S ~ And Elsewhere


My feel is this is the blowing up of the Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB’s).  


Mysterious Booms Heard Around The U.S. Are Leaving Experts Baffled

Published on Nov 22, 2017

Not just occurring in the States.  

MYSTERY booming sounds have left people baffled all over the planet.

The terrifying noises have been recorded everywhere from the Middle East to the East Midlands this year and Australia — with the majority heard on America’s eastern coast.

Continue reading here.