The Collective: New Vibration Is Setting


November 20, 2017
Via Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings, Bringers of the New Earth!

We see that in this pre-Advent and pre-Solstice season, as some celebrate it, you are feeling not only the presence of a growing sense of Peace upon the Earth, but are requiring its demonstration in your own life, and in the world around you.

And this is powerful and important. For you are no longer in a world of extreme density, where the efforts of a few good people are scarcely seen and barely remembered.

You are now in a new vibrational setting, where those dedicated to dark deeds, to disempowering and discouraging the many, are finding themselves the ones increasingly disempowered and increasingly restrained in their efforts to promote chaos and despair.

And we are aware that such terms as “chaos” and “despair” are not positive or Truth-holding, as they carry a low vibration, and are no longer an apt description of where Earth and Her people are living, and are headed.

Yet they show all the more clearly the difference between what was the status quo on Earth, and what is increasingly becoming the status quo.

And that would be, not an unmoving or undeveloped level of hope, but an ever-developing and constantly increasing flow of inspiration—a belief in the increasing frequency of your own thoughts and feelings, and an understanding of your own co-Creating power—how much your own expectations and requirements for your world actually affect it.

We would say, that rather than all being a matter of business as usual in the White House, the Kremlin, or the many parliaments and governing councils around the world, that the Galactic presence is being increasingly felt and seen by those who presume themselves to be in positions of power.

They have been informed that they must begin now to take steps to include Galactic and interGalactic considerations into their thinking, their governing styles, their priorities, and their actions.

Though some are resisting such, adjustments are being made in the thinking of many in power, out of sheer necessity and concern for their own outcomes.

There is no denying the constant flow of ongoing movement into that which is becoming the Full Disclosure of the Galactic presence.

The parallel for the average person is an increasingly accommodation in each person’s energies toward that which will assist them in communicating with other races, cultures, and civilizations, once Full Disclosure occurs.

It is already unfolding, though announcements have yet to be made in the larger sense.

This is not an overnight occurrence, nor is it taken lightly or with noninvolvement on the part of those higher beings assisting you in the Angelic realms, those on Earth with vital missions to perform, and your Galactic family members themselves.

We invite those who are a part of our Collective presence to speak to you now, with Love and compassion for all you are facing and the progress you are accomplishing, day by day:

“Greetings, Family members, Earth commanders, Angels in human form, and all assisting this rebirth of Earth civilization!

We greet you with the respect accorded your long sojourn into isolation as a planet, and all it took from you for eons, and your long sojourn out of such isolation.

All you are requiring and creating now, with Creator Source Energy behind you, is from the higher impulses of your very souls and highest aspect.

And we wish to say, do not be discouraged at those current events which appear to be displaying the various levels of corruption in your governing bodies (though they are usurpations of Earth’s true governing forms) and Earth systems.

Do not feel because there are many being found now to have behaved in inhumane and unethical ways, that things are tumbling down, with no refuge or alternative sources of direction ready to replace them.

We assure you, due to NESARA law, there is a great deal in place, ready to replace these false forms and false gods, which should never have been considered authority figures or authoritative structures; they are neither.

You are coming now into that moment where you realize each person is their own Authority; all else is slavery.

And so as you shake off the chains of what feels to be an old system, but which is dissolving into No-Time as we speak, we welcome you as always into that empowerment which you were born to rediscover—except, this time, most miraculously, while in a human body.

You speak of Ascension, and we join you in celebrating that which is so quickly and powerfully drawing your planet and your individual and collective vibrations into fifth density.

Yet we would say, as we as part of the Collective have spoken of before: Do not feel that this new form of living is a far-off or not-yet-occurring reality, which you must wait or work hard for.

You step into it every moment, as you learn to honor your bodies with more fresh air and pure food and water, more time speaking with and connecting to Mother Earth, more quiet meditative states, more time spent on creative and other joyful pursuits.

You walk into it all the more fully each time you practice patience with one who is struggling or in pain, or with your own exhausted physical being, which is undergoing such drastic transformation at this time.

And do not think that we have no remedies for your pain and sadness, your confusion and overwhelm!

You are not alone in this, nor in anything you journey through.

Meditate in a way that brings you aboard one of our ships—think of someone whom you Love and trust, such as Mother Sekhmet, or Lord Kuthumi, or Lord Sananda Kumara, or Captain Ashtar, to name a few examples.

Come into one of the healing chambers on one of their ships, and ask that your mind, heart, body, and etheric energies be rejuvenated, renewed, and enlivened by the technologies there, and by the healing impulses carried there by those wishing to assist and encourage you and your soul family.

Ask for assistance in integrating the new higher energies now coming into Earth at an unprecedented rate—and we celebrate with you, that these cannot be stopped nor their flow mitigated in any way.

You have called to these beautiful frequencies of higher Light, as the Earth Herself has, as the turning cycle of the ages has likewise rung in these astounding changes, as a loud clear bell tolls the news of some great change that is undeniable, and here to stay.

Welcome, fellow travelers throughout this Universe!

You have known us before, and shall now know us again.”

* * * * * * * * * * *

And so as always, dear ones, we encourage you to lift your eyes to the skies, and ask for inner and outer evidence of that which is already being witnessed by many—the return of those family members once banned or endangered by Earth life, and now increasingly welcomed to it.

Namaste, dear ones!

We of so many planets, star systems, and Universal origins Love and are with you, always.…/the-collective-new-vibratio…/

Sourced from here.

Mueller Requests Documents and Emails on Holder, Lynch, Obama from Justice Department


U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s sweeping investigation into President Donald Trump’s White House just expanded to President Barack Obama’s White House, True Pundit has learned.

Mueller’s probe has also expanded into the tenures of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch in their official roles as U.S. attorney general during Obama’s two terms in the White House.

Mueller’s team — for the first time — has requested a number of DOJ records and emails related to Holder and Lynch, including additional records linked to Obama and Valerie Jarrett, who served as Obama’s senior advisor and controversial consigliere, according to federal law enforcement sources.

The revelations could indicate Mueller is looking at Obama and his Justice Department’s role in attempts to secure FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign in 2015 and 2016. Or perhaps Mueller is delving into the Uranium One debacle, even though Mueller himself is implicated in the growing scandal.

A cynical investigator would hypothesize Mueller could be getting an early and discreet look at Uranium One records to gauge any evidence implicating his personal exposure. It would not be the first time Mueller bent a few laws. However, such a feat would be difficult to pull off in a such a team-oriented investigation setting.

Officials did not confirm why Mueller is specifically seeking the records. But we can read between the lines here, although there are many known and emerging Obama-linked scandals at play.

Mueller could also be probing Obama’s tie in to Fusion GPS and how the research firm was involved in setting up a meeting with a disgraced Russian lawyer and three members of Trump’s campaign, including his elder son Donald Jr. and recently-indicted Paul Manafort.

The Russian lawyer who set up Trump Jr. — Natalia Veselnitskaya — was paid by Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS was paid by Hillary Clinton and the DNC. Fusion GPS was also paid by Obama’s FBI, either directly or in-kind via Steele’s firm.

Oh yes, we forgot to include this: Veselnitskaya and Fusion GPS worked together on another caper in 2014, two years before the Trump Jr. operation. In Russia.

Continue reading here.

Unusual Appearance Of Military Behind Trump During Inaugural Address


I remember when this happened and found it very interesting.  I hadn’t recalled seeing this before.  I went back and listened again and the military personnel appeared just as Trump spoke of taking the power away from D.C. and returning it to we the people.  I looked back at the speeches of Obama and Bush and no military personnel appear behind them.  Check it out here.

One of the people making a comment suggested people look at what happened in 1871 in reference to D.C. (inferring the military presence was a sign the Republic was being restored.)    Found this little tidbit I was not aware of.

Pieces of the puzzle keep finding their rightful place…


Big Brother Expanding Its Agenda On Twitter


The latest Q questions/updates asked what Twitter is doing on December 18 and what the purpose is.  I looked into this and found the article (linked below).  Twitter is going after (their definition of) hate speech of its users – both on AND offline.

Yes.  You read that correctly.  On AND offline.

 …the company announced on Friday that it will be monitoring user’s behavior “on and off the platform”

Click here to learn more.

Given Twitter has been known to remove such accounts as follow the white rabbit and Roseanne Barr, I am going to take the style of Q and leave you with a couple of question:

Who do you think Twitter will target, er, “monitor”?



Ben Fulford Update: Khazarian cabal purge accelerates:  Marines storm CIA HQ;  Over 2000 indicted in U.S.;  Collapse of control grid in Europe 


The purge of the Satanic Khazarian cabal that turned the West evil is accelerating at an undeniable pace.  Most importantly, Pentagon sources confirm multiple Internet reports that Marines stormed the CIA headquarters this past weekend.  One of the aims was to shut down Operation Mockingbird, the CIA group that turned the mass media, as well as Google, Facebook, etc. into mass mind-control propaganda, say NSA sources.

The institutional heirs to the group that murdered President John F. Kennedy are also being rounded up, according to Pentagon sources.  “The Department of Justice and [Special Counsel Robert] Mueller are working overtime and may exceed 2000 sealed indictments,” a Pentagon source says.

These moves, combined with the purge of all the Saudi royals and military who were linked to 9/11, as well as the removal of Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe and the imminent removal of Israeli satanist Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, leave no doubt that the long-awaited arrests and roundups of cabalists worldwide has begun.

The Rothschild/Saxe Gotha family group is also losing control over Europe.  In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel (Hitler’s daughter) failed to form a new government.  In France, a hundred legislators from Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron’s party have defected, as mass protests against this election-stealer’s rule break out all across the country.  In England, Rothschild-slave Prime Minister Theresa May is also unpopular and expected to be removed soon.

Meanwhile in Japan, Admiral Harry Harris, Commander of the United States Pacific Command, met with slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe last week.  According to sources who were at the meeting, Abe told Harris that…

Update On Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Case ~ A Recommendation Has Been Given


You read that correctly.  A recommendation.  Not a ruling.  Not a motion. Not a verdict.  Not even a decision.  The obvious question:  If he was so confident in his decision, if he truly believe the court has jurisdiction over Heather, why on earth did he leave it as a recommendation that Heather’s paperwork and her request for the case be denied?   I believe I can answer that.  He doesn’t know what to do. He is unable to “legally” deny Heather’s filings.  Instead of doing the right thing, stop dragging this nonsense out any further, he’s passed this off to another Judge. I had a dream about him recently and his energy was distressed.  He did NOT want to be put into this position. I felt for him.  We’ve all been there with that cognitive dissonance experience.  Stay tuned, focused and positive…the jig is up for ALL of it.  The time for Love and Truth is HERE.  For ALL of us.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]Below is the link for the report…



Inelia Benz: End of 2017 And O M G


Editor’s note:  Love this one!  Having that ongoing experience of letting things go ~ the layers of energies being purged with more and more ease.  It isn’t that people and places and things and situations (ah there goes the ringing in the left ear) don’t matter, it’s that, well my attachments are waning.  My expectations are waning as well.  In fact when “old” stuff may come up for someone I know and it is “stuff” I could once relate to but have since released, my body within repels and says “no”.  It just no longer fits.  My shaman did some more journey work with me and the work took her to Telos ~ that awesome ancient city with a doorway at Mt. Shasta ~ an area I have felt a resonance with for the past couple of years, likely because of my connection with Lemuria.  Well sure enough she found and saw my Warrior Self there ~ looked just like me ~ waiting and wanting to be returned to me. Talk about a fascinating journey.  This is not the first time she has said “I have never experienced this one before” when having these experiences with me.  She has gone places and seen things she has never experienced before.  Such is the interesting amazing journey’s I know I have had.  Major power has been returned for my taking, which coincides with the energy work I had done last night.  So I sit here, welcoming it back, with my large quartz crystal rock sitting by me (until I get some selenite ~ which she said is my power stone.  Reading that I knew I had worked with it in the past.  It is all coming back…)  A couple of hours after that experience, I was talking with my girl, soothing her and suddenly had the desire to pull up an invisible sword and stand by her bed as a warrior.  I could at that moment actually FEEL the weight of the sword.  I didn’t say anything to her, but instead handed her what I said was “a piece of my sword for you”.  As she took it she looked at me with big eyes and said “mama I can FEEL this!  It’s really heavy!”  Always have known I am a Warrior.  Enjoy this piece.  Very nice exercise to work through these amazing intense powerful purging energies…


Inelia Benz Website: Ascension101

Inelia Benz

End of 2017 and O M G the moment of truth or what?

We are at the end of 2017 and O M G have we reached the moment of truth or what?

2017 has been marked by many people as the year when the end of the Old Paradigm of Light vs Dark comes to an end.

And it has.

Have you been feeling waves of grief? Despair? Sadness?

Have you had a strong feeling to get rid of objects, situations, locations and people who are no longer compatible with you?

These things are related. And they are a human collective experience, not a personal one.

When I started actively visiting alternative timelines to learn things, get insights and have different experiences I decided one day to find and visit the “Inelia” who was the most effective at raising the vibrational level of the planet.

The experience was radically different to all the other timeline “Inelias” I had visited previously.  It was so radically different that I actually thought it was just a figment of my imagination. Unlike the other instances that were real to me.

The reason why it was different was that when I stepped into that timeline I started flying. I thought it was super cool, but highly improbable. Then, I found the other “Inelia” and she was sitting on a cloud. Yup, you read right, on a cloud in the sky.

She was bright, beautiful, and super happy. I flew all the way to her and sat on the cloud next to her. Below us I could see cities, oceans, mountains, jungles, snow, tropics, deserts… it was all below us and like all of it was in one location… but not.

I have visited this particular “Inelia” many times since. Whenever I need some advice, or simply bask in the highest frequency expression of who I am, I visit her.

During the past couple of months, as the low frequency emotional waves hit so hard, and situation after low frequency situations entered my life, I went to visit her.

In our conversation I showed her what was happening, and asked her if she had any suggestions.

I should clarify at this point that she never says a thing. Never speaks. She just smiles.

Anyway, when she looked at me and smiled, I said, “oh, it’s all very well for you, you don’t take part in human life. You are just floating on a cloud.”

At which point she laughed out loud and opened her eyes, then I saw her life. And I finally understood the symbology of her shared experience, i.e. floating on a cloud.

Basically, I saw that she was of the world, in the world and living the world. She had family, friends, work, everything that can be had on this planet. But vibrationally, and at the level of engagement, she was above it all. She had zero engagement of low frequency experiences. If anything was dedicated as right or wrong, or have to, righteous, right, fair, legal… she simply let it fall where it would. It was complete, absolute and powerful. All thoughts, activities, relationships, situations and experiences were engaged from her very high frequency vibration.

I was so surprised. Not so much for the fact that it was happening, but for the results that it had.

Affecting or being affected. Both were only on high frequency vibrations and their expression.

Yes, there were people and situations in that timeline that were low frequency, but she didn’t hold on to them. She didn’t try to make them wrong or right. She simply let them be. Her awareness is so broad, so expansive, yet not a millisecond is invested in low frequency feelings, thoughts, or emotions.

I came back from that timeline and started implementing the absoluteness of this knowing. Of course I have known it. I have been talking about how this is the New Paradigm. That it is each one of us who embodies it by being strict and diligent in the frequencies we broadcast.

Yet, as you probably know, it’s very hard to keep one’s frequency genuinely high when bad things are hitting us.

I started to let go of those bad things. Literally my emotional investment in them was released. And wham! The waves of grief stopped affecting me.

At, the weekly exercise became to relax your body several times a day. I am sharing that exercise with you today:

On our October 2017 monthly call, I mentioned how we are presently going through some pretty intense energies that can be experienced as grief, sadness and a desire to release everything, let go of things, locations, people and situations.

For more information on that particular topic, please refer to the call recording.

This week, I would like to invite you to help your physical body relax and release tensions at random times during the day and night.

Set an alarm for several times a day, or simply do this exercise whenever you remember during the day and night.

Take ten deep breaths. At each breath, relax your neck, shoulders, arms, chest and stomach. Also open your hands unless you are driving or holding something with your hands.

As you breathe out, you can “blow out the tension” and you state in your mind, “I let go of all tension and low frequencies from my body and field of attention.

This will help your body support you through this transition.

Do you want to discuss this article in greater depth with Inelia and others? Go to

In JoyLightLove,

– Inelia and the team.

Sourced from here.

What’s The Deal With Trump Pausing to Drink Some Water? I Mean, It Was Just A Damn Sip of Water, Right?


Or was there a message in there…

With Trump you have to look behind what you are seeing on camera.  He’s a strategist.  It’s what he does best.

Ahhh, the mainstream media is having fun with this one, aren’t they?  But I and others (including Jordan Sather and Kauilapele) feel there is much more to this.  To begin with, Fuji is deeply involved in child and human trafficking. Below is a screenshot of a statement released by our Department of State from 2013.  I saw one from 2016 earlier today but haven’t been able to locate it again.  Here is the 2013 link.

Image may contain: text

I have also seen allegations of FIJI water having ties to the Clinton Foundation.

Below is the video in case you haven’t seen it and wish to take a looksie.  17:08 mark is the 2nd swig.  Of note:  the water was very clearly placed on a table, off to the left of the podium.  See the photo here.  Very visible.  His decision to behave as though he didn’t see it only called more attention to this matter.  Given what’s going on with the massive number of indictments as well as the M13 arrests and all of the sexual assault and pedophilia darkness being exposed, this was a strategic move on his part.

Also of note, there are reports of military activity (Marine – the president’s “private military”) activity going onatn Langley, VA.  Check out links here and here and here fmi (the last link is a written article and has updates)…  I also just discovered that the organization Save The Children has as one of its projects the targeting of Fiji and the trafficking.  Of a (disgusting) note – on the board of Trustees sits (creepy) Joe Biden’s wife, Dr. Jill Biden.

Things are happening.  Quickly.  Connection’s are being made.  The masses will no longer remain ignorant of the webs of deception.  Keep on intending the dark to be exposed and cleansed beautiful peeps.

Sophia Love As We Shift ~ This Stops NOW



Love is at stake now.  Do not be fooled by costumes.

Who are you? Tell me. Show me your choice. With every headline and drama and moment you are asked.

Are you love? Are you fear? Are you One? Are you Separate?

The unraveling shows itself now.

We came for this. As incredible and awful and painful as it appears, we were first in line for this show. We wanted to experience every nuance.

It is one of the exquisite parts of being human at all – to feel. As we catapult into unity and are simultaneously blasted with these horrific disclosures, well, I’m not sure “exquisite” is a word I’d use.  Yet think about it, we’ve crafted for ourselves a fool-proof method to attain oneness.

Here’s the instructions.

Self-love is paramount. In order for that to emerge, we have to forgive ourselves, for everything. It’s that thing we are working on as we evolve, and it’s a process.

In the midst of our inner work, along comes every wretched, self-serving human attribute; served up for us on twitter, you tube and main stream platforms. In every glorified institution here on the planet, there runs a deep river of corruption – the church, the government, Hollywood and the media itself.

These are versions of us in the most reprehensible state, asking to be seen. Why? So that they can step out from the shadows and be dealt with. This time now asks you to love. It asks you to forgive.

Not in an “Oh, it’s okay that (fill in the blank with any scandal being exposed today) happened, he/she is a (fill in the blank with political party, religious group, etc.)  and we want him/her to keep running our (fill in the blank with church, country, organization, judicial branch, etc.)” way. But with clarity.

You do not have to forget. You do not have to allow it to continue.

Yet you have to acknowledge. Recognize every part of creation as part of you and respond accordingly. If it is destructive, it must be stopped.

These days I move between horror, fury, acceptance and love. It is the love that will emerge at the end of the day, triumphant and glorious. We know this, yet we are tired of waiting.

Know that you are shining the brightest of lights and they are spreading.  All of creation can see your brilliance. Your radiance encompasses all of it, is part of all of it and sees no divisions in any of it.

Keep on doing whatever you are to disclose and bring out every part of the human condition.  Do it so that we all get a glimpse, finally, of what actually occurred here.

Do it so that we can then say THIS STOPS NOW. We don’t say it with hatred. We say it as a matter of self-care.

Abuse is not an option. This includes self-abuse, as well as all others.

We are at that moment of gray. You know the one I refer to? It is not a fuzzy moment, not at all. It is a moment of clarity actually. It comes when you really “get” that life is neither black nor white but bits of both. In order to allow yourself to fully love, and be fully loved – you cannot be afraid of either shade.

This means looking at any mirror or headline with equal acceptance.

If you have children you’ll recognize this moment. Your love for them is beyond comprehension. Yet, right now their behavior demands a response. On the surface it may not look very loving, especially to that child, yet no harm is ever intended. The response is necessary and sometimes powerful, yet always constructive; always there is love. What is at stake is the health of the organism.  This could refer to the family or to the child. In today’s atmosphere, what is at stake is the health of the human organism.

The sooner we step back and remove ourselves energetically from the negative vibes in the air; the faster we’ll witness our transcendence.

Our arrival in the new world is assured.  Along the way are lots of mirrors, some of them pretty hideous. We have to love them all. It’s the only way.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
We are anchors for the light.
We’ve got this.

With so much love and gratitude,

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Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere!  Just link back here when you do.  Much obliged.