As Israeli police conclude their corruption investigation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former advisor to the force, Lior Chorev, says the indictments to follow will be “earth-shattering” and will result in early elections – possibly as soon as May 2018, which would end the political career of the longest-serving Israeli leader since founding father David Ben-Gurion.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
Chorev, who resigned last month under pressure from Netanyahu’s allies,told The Jerusalem Post“When they [the recommendations] will be announced, they will have information such as the specific charges and a complete list of the people involved,” he said, adding “Netanyahu is not running a campaign for his innocence but a campaign to keep the coalition intact. It is a political campaign, not a legal one, and so far he is succeeding. He is keeping his coalition in one piece despite very complicated investigations.”
The indictment recommendations will bear “a lot of information that we didn’t know – and it will cause an earthquake here.”
A giant power outage in Disneyland knocked out electricity in parts of the park during the busy holiday season, officials said Wednesday.
Park areas known as Toontown and Fantasyland were left without power after a transformer malfunctioned, causing an outage to occur at 11 a.m. local time, the Los Angeles Times reports. The power outage halted about a dozen rides located in those areas, according to a Disneyland spokesperson.
Power was restored to most of the area by noon, although park officials did not give estimates as to when all the rides would be fully functioning.
Tom Heneghan just put out some incredibly good news!
In the United States district court for the northern district of Nevada there has been criminal action against those involved in the 9/11 black op attack on the United States by the deep state.
The following people are being named in the criminal indictments!
former illegal President George W. Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush, Richard Cheney, John Brennan, John Ashcroft, Robert Mueller, Barack Obama, John McCain, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearl, Peter Monk, Condeleza Rice, George Soros, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and others!
Here are some other highlights!
Barack Obama and John Brennan gave nukes to North Korea!
US Marines are guarding Trump everywhere.
The assets of the Bush Clinton crime syndicate are being frozen around the world!
Much more discussed in this show! Get this out everywhere to combat the lies being put out by Illuminati card deck “agent in place” – Alex Jones! Alex Jones has done his best to lie about Leo Wanta! It’s very obvious now that Jones serves the deep state who put Leo Wanta in a dungeon for years and stole our money!!! Only an agent in place would lie about American patriot Leo Wanta! Ask Alex why he lied about Leo Wanta by emailing him at I’ll bet you won’t even get a response from the agent in place!
Here’s more information sent to me by Tom Heneghan. I have not had time to even look at all this stuff since I had to get the show out asap! Spread this show EVERYWHERE! You’ll learn more in 45 minutes than a lifetime of fake news.
(from info given to me by Tom Heneghan to distribute)
Yesterday is a day that will live in infamy forever. You should take note of the fact that we have now publicly indicted GEORGE SOROS, PETER MUNK, GEORGE W.BUSH, JOHN BRENANN, JOHN MCCAIN and many more including HILLARY CLINTON for the commission of capital treason when it comes to the attacks done on America the date of September 11, 2001.
This is official, however for obvious reasons the courts or actions where these are ongoing will not be disclosed right now. One of them where this evidence is now on record is the high court of Nevada, as it relates directly to
Uranium One and the role of that entity in the black-op attacks against america.
In the next update, we will have more relevant facts concerning these cases. Needless to say, with this
deluge of important evidence along with requests from our national audience things are getting quite tumultous.
Obviously we need to keep this short. GEORGE SOROS is about to have more problems than he imagined with numerous state felony charges swarming against him in various federal state and official district courts.
H.W. BUSH,GEORGE W. BUSH and EDGAR BRONFMAN will be taken down quickly. This will make this official traitor to the nation GEORGE SOROS be on the run, wishing for a day where he never dreamt up the 9-11 attacks in a backwater station outside switzerland.
i will tell you this much ~ after contemplation for a very long time ~ this new age speak of “the ego must die” is just another deep-state/matrix program that puts people into a very easily controlled state. a matrix program of sedation. a healthy ego – yes – aligned w/the higher self and heart centers – working and being together as a team – absolutely yes. but to kill it? don’t engage w/that. it’s a trap. always question. don’t just look at the curtain and say “be well” and remain neutral. pull it back.
Before I share this one, I want to pass along some words of insight (my perspective): Stay clear from Bitcoin, Litecoin and all of these other non-asset backed forms of “currency”/exchange. They ALL eventually lead back to the Central Bank from my understanding. My perception is the elite are doing all they can to artificially prop up these currencies in order to drain the wealth from the trusting populace as they know theirs is being drained, especially now that Trump signed that EO.
Continue to hold high vibes and thoughts of protection for those engaged in the battle for our Freedom. Peace, freedom, love. MAGA and MEGA (Make Earth Great Again). [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
Q/Delta Force Clear to Go/25-26/The Floor is Yours.