Intel Update


Editor’s note:  I don’t post these “intel updates” ~ mostly because each one states TRUTH even when there is differing information.  Makes my head spin so I take them with a grain of salt.  That being said…. I wanted to share this one as I have seen more than one such reference today about the action taken by the Pope 4 years ago.  Question is, can we trust him to act on behalf of humanity in a benevolent manner? If it begins with “c” and ends with “h” and has the letters “hurc” in between, my radar sounds loudly.  We shall see…  In the meantime I have begun scratching out my ALL CAPS name (and address when applicable) on my bills and checks and writing it the way it should be.  So very much ready to be done with this system altogether!


Sourced from here.
Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “Deception” 7/8/17
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 8-Jul-2017 21:20:45


Subject: Deception 7/8/17


Happy Days may soon be here again.

This action by the Pope should eliminate the ALL CAPS NAMES TRUST that takes trillions from the people annually.

The Vatican created a world trust using the birth certificate to capture the value of each individual’s future productive energy.

Each state, province and country in the fiat monetary system, contributes their people’s value to this world trust identified by the SS, SIN or EIN numbers (for example) maintained in the Vatican registry.

Corporations worldwide…(individuals became “corporate fictions” through their birth certificate) are connected to the Vatican through law…(Vatican to Crown to BAR to laws to judge to people) and through money…Vatican birth accounts value to IMF to Treasury (Federal Reserve) to banks to people (loans) to judges (administration) and sheriffs.(confiscation)

Judges administer the birth trust account in court matters favoring the court and the banks, acting as the presumed “beneficiary” since they have not properly advised the “true beneficiary” of their own trust.

Judges, attorneys, bankers, lawmakers, law enforcement and all public officials (servants) are now held personally liable for their confiscation of true beneficiary’s homes, cars, money and assets, false imprisonment, deception, harassment, and conversion of the true beneficiary’s trust funds.


The Justinian Deception by Roman Emperor Justinian (527-565 A.D.) was a masterful scam to change the status of everything and everyone by using GLOSSA Language (better known as “Dog Latin”) to steal the resources and labor from the peoples in the western world.

This is the modern day “Roman Nazi Vatican Slavery Control System” that exists today.

Researchers Romley Stewart and Rohan Lorian spent 7 years deciphering the scam and its translations of various forms of language.

It is the Vatican that owns The Corporation in Washington D.C. (and the British Empire) as well the labor of corporate “Citizens” in western countries (via a Birth Certificate or Cestui Que Vie Trust) and the De Facto court system…through the “BAR” (British Accredited Registry)…who practice the manipulation of our Birth Certificate monies through the system of “Contract Administrators” (Judges) & “Attorneys” (Lawyers) who work for the banking system which is headquartered in the “City of London” and its American counterpart “Wall Street”.

Secret societies (which are British based) put forth the doctrines of the “Vatican Satanists” to foment fear…murder and war.

The Nazis…Khazarian Mafia (Israel) and the (Jewish influenced) Saudis…are also part of this scam to act as front men in the Vatican quest for the restoration of The Roman Empire.


The above (regarding Pope Francis destroying corporations and releasing monies to the people) is from 2013.

Intelligence tells us that the cabal has put us in a “4 year time loop”…to buy time…but it will fail.

You will see articles from that year and old messengers pop up and repeat their slanted babble.

Keep that in mind as you review written and spoken words.

Trump is following “The Plan” to stabilize things…as the cabal is trying to screw up his efforts.

This has allowed “Special Operations teams…FBI & CIA” to arrest pedophiles, scammers, thieves, actors, subversives, infiltrators, cheats, corrupt scientists and deceptive media operatives just to name a few.

This satanic corruption is worldwide and massive.

Remember that 63 million top executives worldwide have resigned their positions due to fraud in the hopes of avoiding prosecution.

Many have fled their countries to “Safe Havens”.

Update From Anna Von Reitz


Editor’s note:  I hesitate sharing this.  The last thing I want to do is get anybody’s hopes up on this financial and republic stuff.  I, like many if not most, if not all of you, are weary and fed up with this “hurry up and wait” and “use your discernment” crap.  Part of using discernment is weighing (supposed) presented facts and information against what you feel within – and even doing that isn’t a guarantee what you are reading is true, you know?  I can hope and intend all day long on wanting something to be true – because it is a system, a way of Being that resonates with me.  That does not mean it is going to be allowed to manifest “out there”.  I also grow weary of those who are doing fine in their financial lives saying don’t hold out for such a blessing ~ know you already have it all and all will be well.  Talk about a (likely unintentional but still rather careless) slap in the face towards one/others who are facing poverty, hunger, health issues needing $$ to get treated, and just general “how am I going to pull off the bills this month” (on an ONGOING BASIS, ahem…).  Anyway…having a day where I am feeling the horrors and the suffering of not just myself but the children and the most vulnerable.  What can I do other than intend this to be true ~ and go within and see what I can do to make is so.  For now, I share.  


Friday, July 7, 2017

Dear George…. All White Hats See Actual Letter PDF Attached

By Anna Von Reitz

Remember George Washington? Those of you who are of a “certain age” remember the saying, “Let George do it….” ?
Well, George didn’t make it in time, but we are at that moment when “Lazarus” rises from the dead, raises his hand and says, “Excuse me, but I am the Paramount Security Interest Holder in the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES and the USA and …..and….and…..”
Against all the odds in known creation, the unincorporated United States of America represented by its Hereditary Head of State visited The United States District Court for the District of Columbia and made known the fact that the American states and people still exist, aren’t lost at sea, and have returned home to the land jurisdiction of our states and nation.
The Great Fraud has been completely discovered and rooted out down to the fine teeth.
We are very grateful to Our Father and The Lord Our Righteous Savior for making it possible.
Now, the facts are irrefutable. The proof is done, the claims are cured, the liens are in place and recorded on the land jurisdiction of the United States.
All the franchises of the Municipal United States and all the franchises of the Territorial United States have been redeemed, reclaimed, re-conveyed, and re-venued to the land jurisdiction.
We own it all— all the Municipal and Territorial franchises that have been created worldwide and which these crooks hoped to use as the means to create a One World Government in which people would be treated as things.
It’s all ours, fair and square. The Devil lost again.
It appears that quite a number of you have been hard at work on the private side on the GCR/RV and various NESARA-based solutions, but without overall success. Let us now come to the table with our Paramount Claim and put together the rest of the missing pieces so that the entire world will see and acknowledge the Truth and the GCR/RV can FINALLY go forward.
A complete recap of the Great Fraud and our go forward position has been released as a letter dated today, addressed to “George” from “Lazarus”, and will be posted on my website at    for the entire world to see.
Let those who were dead, arise again.
See this article and over 600 others on Anna’s website

Not Much To Say Today…


…so here are some images of sweet treats ~ to provide some comfort for those of us who are feeling a little fed-up-in-da-brain of this growing finger-pointing going on in the online world(s) of ascension and galactics and politics and financial system(s).  This is going to happen.  NO THAT IS FEAR PORN.  Ok THIS is happening.  NO THAT IS A LIE.  Well then THIS is happening.  NO NO WRONG WRONG.  HERE is the TRUTH!  NO I have the truth!  No, I do!

And then we’re told to use discernment. (rolling my eyes)

Anyone else but me ready to tell these folks to STFU and take it to their rooms – work out their conflicts with one another until mutual agreement is reached on the particular topic of disagreement?

A pie-in-the-sky dream?  Perhaps.  But then again I am one of those who believe a cosmic event is occurring this year – that began long ago – and is culminating between now and this fall (got that last night – “fall” – we will see) – and will remove all residual energies (trauma’s and the like) keeping us from being our Fully Restored Source Selves.  I just refrain from telling others with different perspectives I am right and they are wrong.

It’s rude.  It’s fearful ego.  And I am purging myself of both.

In the meantime, have some sweet treats!

Cake, Chocolate Cake, Cafe, Bake

Cake, Pastry, Sweet, Sugar, Unhealthy

Cake, Chocolate, Sheet Cake, Calories


Cake, Chocolate, Cocoa, Party

Al Hodges Update ~ A Message for this 4th of July Holiday


Editor’s note:  The idea of celebrating this holiday (or any holiday for that matter) is something that just doesn’t appeal to me.  However, if the filth is really being removed and a return to how this country once was (minus the mentality that said white men were superior), then I could find some reason to celebrate.  That being said, I’m ready to transition to New Earth reality where there is none of the federal governance concepts.  

Sourced from here.

Al Hodges Intel Update – June 30, 2017

6/30/2017If you are new to this and do not know who Al Hodges is and his relevance to the Global Currency Reset, World Global Settlements, CMKX, and the new currencies backed by gold, well let me give you a short intro.  Al is a White Hat attorney for Michael C. Cottrell whom is responsible for the US Dollar Refunding Project.  Al is also an attorney for the largest fraud case in WORLD HISTORY!  Al Hodges represents a group of shareholders (CMKX) who is suing the S.E.C. for $3.87 Trillion Dollars. What is the relationship between this CMKX case and the Global Currency Reset?  It is said that both the CMKX shareholders and GCR currency holders are waiting for the new financial system to go public.  Al Hodges gives much credibility to the entire process because it has been proven that he is an attorney for an actual lawsuit against the S.E.C. In fact the largest case in world history.  Main stream media has swept this story under the rug and is a total media blackout.  Except it did get public attention over 6 years ago on RT News and New York Times.   Here is the broadcast for your reference.

Thanks to toproc25 for sharing with the world community …….


Al Hodges says……

Gentle people –
Al Hodges

As we contemplate various chores and other anticipated activities over this Holiday weekend, I want to remind each of you to save some time to think about the significance of next Tuesday’s celebration, and all that means for us all.

I was ruminating somewhat last night as I half watched the LA Dodgers beating up on the LA Angels; the thought that kept running through my brain was something my paternal grandfather used to preach to me as a small boy – he always reminded me that ‘you can’t always control the situation you find yourself in, but you can control how you react to it.’ I understood then that it was his way of getting me to appreciate the need for me to take responsibility for my actions and behavior vis-a-vis whatever the circumstances were. I assure you that, although it sounds simple, it is just not that easy. Why, you immediately ask, is that the case; I believe it’s because our ego is culturally indoctrinated to instantly compete with all in our environment, to win at any cost, and to be in such fear at all times that our first reaction is to strike out in an attempt to ‘save’ ourselves.

This is probably where you consider not reading the balance of this message, wondering why I’m wasting your time with my ruminations. Please bear with me a few moments more. I thought for most of my life that my Grandfather, a not-well-educated working man was an unsophisticated boob – the opinion obviously of someone not as smart as he believed. It was not until I listened and analyzed some of JFK’s writings and speeches, and began to hear words that said “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” [Dietrich Bonhoeffer], “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”[Martin L. King], and “All that is required for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing” [E. Burke] that I truly began to understand how smart my Grandfather really was. What he was saying to a very young boy/man is YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR EXISTENCE.

How this relates to this weekend is obvious to all of you I certainly hope. Simply stated, I solicit you to join me in the celebration of our efforts to demonstrate to the universe our sense of responsibility. Many of us have been actively involved for 15+ years in seeking to right, first the small financial world of CMKX, and then the larger financial structure of the Earth. During this journey we have happily found allies and fellow travelers to join forces with and have now arrived at the culmination of our initial effort. Not only are we to receive our financial reward, but, much more importantly, we are to shortly witness return of this country to a Constitutional Republic for the first time since 1871; we are also to observe all of the ‘miscreants’ receive their just due.

The Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776 is truly one of the most important documents of the entirety of human-kind. Not only did it publicize to the universe the reasons for separation, but it itemized the most organic reasons why it had to be – that man was here in this world, and came into it, with certain ‘inalienable rights.’ This was a concept that had not truly ever before been publicly embraced as having any relevance to the foundational basis of “government.”

As this holiday weekend goes on, save a moment or two to consider that the men who signed that document were not only risking certain death, they were being RESPONSIBLE for their own existence and circumstance in which they lived; they, like many of you, were doing what needed to be done. They were willing to do what needed to be done, notwithstanding any danger real or imagined, present or future, BECAUSE IT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO!

I have appended a copy of the Declaration below. Please join with me Tuesday in reading it out loud and discussing it with your friends and loved ones; you may well be surprised by how many people are truly interested, and are willing to act after receiving a slight nudge – after all, it is their responsibility. This is truly a time of celebration and joy; we are returning to that which resonates within each of us – HALLELUJAH!

<<…>> <<…>> <<…>>

Love and blessings,


Universal Lightworker Request ~ A Shift in Abundance For All Is Necessary…NOW


Editor’s note:  I absolutely utterly LOVE this piece!  Makes me giddy with excitement at the possibilities of this request to the Universe.  It is so in alignment with not only where I am/have been but others as well, based on what I have been reading, today especially.  I know such a piece will make some people uncomfortable at this request. Certainly there is a real “unspoken” truth in the ascension/spiritual communities about money.  Some claim superiority because they have mastered the monetary system and some claim they refuse to touch the stuff believing it to be evil, dark, etc.  Balance is needed as well as a real world view in this NOW moment – and that is that while money is corrupted in how it is distributed and controlled, yes, it is STILL required for us to keep ourselves sheltered/healed/fed/clothed.  Yes, there is much talk about a variety of prosperity programs coming and of the elimination of money and the like. However we are talking NOW and as I have long believed, much human suffering is unnecessary and this money struggle for billions of folks is by and large in that category.  So…..Let us all intend this to the Universe, not just for the light-workers/healers/truth seekers but for ALL who are struggling financially.  It is time NOW to bring balance back to the area of Abundance ~ in particular financially.  What a beautiful way to help us all remember our inherent connection with Abundance.  I intend this and I ask you do as well. So be it!  



Image result for abundance images

by Deane Thomas,
Guest writer,

Last evening there was a significant shift in energies, and one that lead me to making some demands of the Universe on behalf of the collective consciousness.  Perhaps a merging of the masculine and feminine energies is underway, but for sure something shifted.

So here goes!

Dear Universe,

There are many of us light workers who are in very uncomfortable positions at the moment, I do not speak of future or past, I speak of here and now, at this very moment.  It is the truth of so many, including myself, and yet we continue to do the necessary work within ourselves, and the collective consciousness.  We have fought many a battle before, the most important to reach a place of Being, we have discovered our true authentic self.  We do not complain or lower our vibrations, we simply soldier on in love.

Amongst us there are many who really do not have the means to provide for themselves or their families on a day by day basis.  Yet we continue to have faith in all that we are.  We observe others who are intent on causing chaos on the planet. We observe others who continue to manipulate and prosper in their own worlds.  We observe others who really have no concern for the ongoing survival of this planet.  We observe others who quite happily take advantage of the few.  We observe others who exercise their control and power through propaganda and laws.  Yet we, the few, continue to have faith in all that we are and will ever be, for we are love.

We continue to share our unconditional love with our fellow man. We continue to help and guide others so that they too may see what we see.  We continue to stand up against the others who are determined to spread illusions.  Today, us few, are struggling to survive, yet we make do with what we have.  This is what you, dear Universe, have shown us is the way forward, in love and compassion.  In peace and harmony, with a common voice and determination to change the dynamics that are presented on a daily basis.  We are BEing, because we are LOVE.

We continue to appreciate all that you have shown and provided for us, yet we sit here barely surviving.  Many of us face dilemmas on a daily basis, yet we continue to hold faith in all that we are, that all is well, and the path we are going is meant to be this way. We have detached ourselves from all expectations and possible outcomes, and here we are today.  We bear witness to the struggle of the billions who have no basic means of survival.  They have no water, electricity or food to nourish themselves.  Today, for the record, there are many light workers who too are in the same position.

As I, the creator of this message, stand before you, in my full vulnerability request that you help us to shift the flow of abundance to one and all.  We are at the stage of being barely able to survive within the framework today.  It is true the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.  It is this imbalance that needs to change.  So I request of you, the Universe, and the collective consciousness, to help all of us light workers.  We have done a tremendous job of clearing so many aspects of our existence.  We have vigorously protected the one essence that is of more value than all the gold on this planet, Love.

Throughout our journeys we have endured so many things and situations, that only our belief and faith in the love that exists within is the way forward.  We have had the love beaten from us, yet somehow, throughout all of this, we have discovered the love remains within.  We have carefully and meticulously examined every nook and cranny of our lives, and that of others, to reignite that eternal flame.  Yes, we are the frontrunners, the trailblazers, the twin flames, the advanced souls.  Yes we have dedicated our life to revealing the Violet Flame that exists within each of us.  As front runners, we have sent a message to humanity that now is the time to wake up and enjoy the ever present love within.  We are the catalysts for change, and we believe wholeheartedly in our own missions and path.  We are love.  We are proud to be love.  We have nothing to hide.

Today, I humbly request that you shift the dynamics of abundance to those that are leading the way forward.  It is time for this shift.  We have endured and worked hard, and we are worthy of everything.  We have demonstrated our commitment to a common cause and goal, of sharing unconditional love to humanity.  We have an understanding and will always carry the wisdom to effect the changes necessary.  We are rich with love, yet we live in a world that requires more than that for us to survive and prosper.

Now is the time that we all come together, the challenges we face are now very clear to see.  It is our duty and responsibility to continue this transformation of Gaia.  This is what you, the universe, asked of us and what we agreed or volunteered to do.  We made a deal, together, that this is our task and role today.  I ask that you now to provide us with the necessary financial abundance so that we may effectively begin to live our true life path.  I ask you to unite each and every one of us – especially those souls that are predestined to be in union during this incarnation.  Unite us one and all so that the pure love essence be spread amongst those that cannot see or feel it.

We are ready, we are prepared, we are willing and we are now more than able.  I ask you to trust us completely to continue this quest, so that we may once again prosper, as we were meant to.  It is time for the flow of financial abundance to come to us all, because we all are worthy of it.  To survive is one thing, but now it is time for us to live all that we know to be true.

Thank you for all that you provide us on a daily basis, we are truly grateful.  Please trust us, and provide for us the necessary abundance needed to continue our work.  There is no need to break us again, we have learned our lessons necessary.  We accept full responsibility for humanity, and kindly ask you to reward us in a way that we can now live in our true capacity.  Allow us to reach the hearts and souls of the billions on this planet.  Allow us to light the lives of the 3 billion who live without power and water daily.  Allow us to teach all there is about unconditional love, and allow us to share it freely amongst us all.

About the author:  Deane has created unique personal development programs for those who are awakening and wish to make a smooth transition to the new templates. He has a passion and in-depth understanding of past life memory, its interpretation and how to address this in current life. To understand who we are today, we need to get to grips of who we have been – through unraveling the truth within, we can create a new template for the way we live our lives – in truth! You can find more of his work on   Deane will also be visiting the USA in the summer of 2017 – event details can be found here.

 Sourced from here.  And thank you Deborah for sending it to me!  ♥


Rise Together: We Threaded The Eye of the Needle


Editor’s note:  Some of this resonates with me.  I have long suspected the whole RV was nothing more than another control system of monetary enslavement.  Certainly when I saw the reports of who “supposedly” signed onto this thing, that suspicion was confirmed.   Indeed feeling woozy and nauseous the last several days.  And certainly feel things are moving/transformation quickly.  

Transition Status Report: We threaded the eye of the needle!


Beautiful Message ~ We Are Masters


Editor’s note:  This is the first thing that showed up on my media feed tonight and I just had to share it.  We ARE Masters ~ we are all Remembering this – removing the shackles and blinders of lifetimes of control and unconsciousness.  I don’t know about you but I am feeling very new energies, literally forcing up and out all of my old “sheot”.  A “quickening” if you will (which interestingly enough on a visit to my sacred tree today, that is the word I received).  On a walk today I got triggered by seeing the house of someone who was part of a difficult experience I had (the person – not the house – lol).  Anyway as my mind began to go down that road, I stopped myself and said “this is just a story you are telling yourself.  it is not Who I Am Now.  BE that instead.”  Immediately, my inner experience changed and I felt peaceful and centered again.  Enjoy…  (the bold/italicized section is my emphasis)

Monday, June 12, 2017
Arrow of Light, NESARA by KejRaj (Era of Light)

Arrow of Light, NESARA

Greetings Souls of the New Earth! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).

The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.

There is not much new to report on the Global Currency Reset. Though we will say this; It is not coming, it is here NOW. The same applies for NESARA also. NESARA is NOW. It is just a matter of making it public, being announced by the president of the Republic, which has been fully restored. The stage is set, the lights are shining bright, be ready to receive your gift.

Now we would like to change our focus to the energy that is increasing by the second and washing through and around everything on Earth. Some are collapsing, some are running in a circle feeling lost and confused, but the majority are ready for change, demanding change and are rising and raising their vibration with Earth.

The arrow of light has gone through the hearts of the majority of the people of Earth. What would have taken the collective hundreds if not thousands of years to create is being created NOW. You are all ready seeing the great changes, but this is only the beginning.

The light of the collective is growing like a snowball down a hill, and gaining speed. It the expansion of awareness of the collective that is bringing about the new reality.

As we have said previous times this is a collective effort. Also, it is imperative that the ones all ready with a higher awareness share their light with all whom they come in contact with and with the collective of the internet. So it is there for all to find and see whenever they may choose to seek.

Starseed, it is time for you now to start walking as an ascended master. For you are and were one before you even came to Earth.

You are not here to achieve anything, ‘enlightenment’ in particular, for you are all ready enlightened, you all ready posses everything you need to lead the way and bring the change that is needed now in this world.

You are here to give the great light you all ready hold within you, and uplift this world to a higher plane of existence by being the master you know yourself to be. The brighter YOU shine your light, the further and more people it will reach, and more will awaken.

That is all for today. In every thought, word and action let love be your intention. The brightest light shines from within. From heart to heart, I am KejRaj.

Source: Era of Light