Op-Ed On Current Geopolitical Landscape and RV/GCR


September 23, 2016

Seems to me the RV is a weapon. And the New Powers That Be (NPTB) are using the RV to inflict weaponized mercy upon all sovereign nation states to exterminate the cabal once and for all.

Let me explain.

Take the recent India / Pakistan false flag event for instance. When the cabal attacked India via a faux Pakistani military unit earlier this week, it was like they were openly attacking Russia through its mandatory BRICS alliance. The cabal, therefore, is now trying to drag Russia into a war on every possible front before the RV–to stop the RV–so they can remain in power. Not gonna happen, but lets explore the possibilities.

Their multi-pronged false flag lead up to war approach includes ginned up conflicts in Syria, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, Iraq, Ukraine, even the Black Lives Matters campaign and related racial shootings in large urban cities… even the NFL’s Colin Kapernick national anthem resistance campaign 100% a cabal set up (athletes have long been used as crisis actors–see Muhammad Ali pivoting Muslim).

All of these false flags are highly inflammatory planned distractions that make every attempt to incite riots in very sensitive cultural and religious hot beds, in order to change geopolitical strategy or public opinion in their demented favor. It’s all coordinated propaganda and thus not real. All of it. That’s right, 99% of all the major news networks and beloved anchormen you watch are fake, intelligence agency operatives, trained to mislead you and eliminate critical thinking, with the remaining 1% helpless waiting like sheep for slaughter as only 6 corporations control all the world’s media and pounce on new content providers without buyout offers before they know what hit them.

Yo, that goes for 90% of alternative news, political commentary websites and social activist blogs. All coordinated by a central messaging center, with oversight out of Eastern Europe. I know, it totally sucks right, finding this out for the first time, but keep exploring, it gets so much better. Trust me.

Now if the cabal believes they can still create order through chaos–which as a strategy has worked very successfully for many centuries–they must be still doing. Yet this tactic is clearly backfiring, and the cabal octopus of control simply cannot adapt fast enough to change the course of history–which in turn only accelerates their public exposure and immanent demise. Seriously, what good is a grand invisible conspiracy if nobody gives a shit?

Besides, Russia and India are way too committed to their common end goal of peace and prosperity to allow any meaningful escalation to occur in the Kashmir region. Isn’t it all just so obvious now given the timing of the RV, Paris Agreement, G20 and UN meeting? Seems their own playbook is now openly working against them and they just can’t audible to the right play call. Honestly, the big charade is not only out in the open, it’s become embarrassing to watch (see Hillary Clinton’s body double).

So as the pre-RV situation resolves for both Russia and India, they will simply allow diplomatic restraint to control the hysterical child (Pakistan) until it calms down before bedtime (RV) or permanently isolate their nation, putting them in a proverbial endless timeout, until either they apologize for all their past and present bad behavior or ask to play nicely again in the sandbox with the other 209 treaties nations (a la Turkey). And you know what, the BRICS nations are already doing this with every country… including the great United States of America. Their letting the once proud self-perceived king of the jungle wither and die at their own pace, by their own terms, and by their own choice.

Why? Because the BRICS nations know that these bad actors will be back, maybe never as strong or as powerful, or as well funded, or as motivated, but when evil does lurk its ugly head again in the future, they’ve set precedent as to how they will handle their misbehavior. Like a temper-tantrum throwing child who stops crying when they realign no one is listening anymore.

And this UN/BRICS diplomatic threat is permanent and absolute in its commitment to a strategy of isolation, which is why RV has been held back so long as to be used as a benevolent weapon for positive and sustainable change. Non-compiling sovereign nation states have no chance to escape their grasp, as none can exist post RV without acceptable ratification and implementation of the Paris Agreement–which by its default implements the gold standard–and literally over night creates a series of cataclysmic military and economic sanctions that would turn any population against their governmental leadership, as well as activate a unified world peace keeping force who can and will demand regime change.

So the benefit of continuous rebellion is net nothing. While the benefits of compliance and unity with the rest of the world is everything. Assuming this is truly our new earth reality, there truly is no safe haven for the cabal to regroup as every nation in the free world needs this new money to operate its daily affairs, and grow: which therefore makes the new financial system an instrument of weaponized mercy to be followed or else.

Shut the front door! Hallelujah! And you were worried in Topeka!

Free citizens of the world, be reassured that checkmate in this global chess game has long been called. And control for the soul of the world has long been decided. Love has won victoriously over fear, truth has overcome illusion permanently and unity has gracefully allowed destruction to leave with amnesty. All due to the sacred mandate of Heaven in Chirst’s name. Yes, we are intact entering an era of 1,000 years of white light, agape love, infinite abundance and relentless blessings as one happy family.

Brothers and sisters, that’s just the way it went down in our lifetime.

And it’s also why you will not see any meaningful military issues arise between either India and Pakistan; Israel and Palestine; Syria, Iraq and Turkey; Iraq and the US, or the US and Russian/Iran; as no small matter will be allowed to escalate into anything major moving forward. It just won’t happen.

This is also why every nation-state and its leaders are secretly waiting like well behaved boys and girls at the golden Chinese money trough so as not miss it’s flowing gold backed accounts. And why no nation dares risk their nation’s sovereignty over a few small territorial or hard asset matters, as everyone is terrified of facing international political irrelevance and global fiscal isolation. This is the way it always “should have been,” and well, now it is.

So expect your RV release here well before the end of September if not this weekend, and sit back to enjoy all remaining non-complying bad actors humbly and rapidly fall into line, as if by magic or inspired vision, for all will suddenly be humming the international harmony song or else be permanently removed from relevance in modern culture.

No nation can resist (Israel), no grouping of private families can overcome human ascension (dark nobility) and no higher alien species can reverse the truth of Christ with intellectual superiority (Annunaki).

Surrender is the only way because surrender is the eternal spiritual bottom line.


Sourced from: http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2016/09/weaponized-mercy-op-ed-on-current.html#more

Speaking Of Money…


Given my recent piece on money and another piece on solving the problem, I thought I would make today’s Daily Notes on the thing we all love to hate and hate to love: money.

I have a love/hate relationship with money, like many of you.  I love it when I have it and hate it when I don’t, which for me means I have hated money my entire adult life.

:::insert pause for laughter:::

Seriously though.  I have come to believe and know for a fact that money is a means to enslave us and control us from how happily/easily we live to how we feel about ourselves.  Anyone who struggles with having enough money will tell you it is easier to be happy when you have enough money on a consistent basis.  And those folks (myself included) will also tell you there is a general impression in our culture that those who have the most money and are financially stable are given more respect and feelings of worth.  I saw this in spades growing up as a child and it made me uncomfortable then while today it rather repulses me. Continue reading “Speaking Of Money…”

Why Poor People Stay Poor. Saving Money Costs Money. Period.

Excerpted from Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America by Linda Tirado. Out now from Putnam.

I once lost a whole truck over a few hundred bucks. It had been towed, and when I called the company they told me they’d need a few hundred dollars for the fee. I didn’t have a few hundred dollars. So I told them when I got paid next and that I’d call back then.

It was a huge pain in the ass for those days. It was the rainy season, and I wound up walking to work, adding another six miles or so a day to my imaginary pedometer. It was my own fault that I’d been towed, really, and I spent more than a couple hours ruing myself. I finally made it to payday, and when I went to get the truck, they told me that I now owed over a thousand dollars, nearly triple my paycheck. They charged a couple hundred dollars a day in storage fees. I explained that I didn’t have that kind of money, couldn’t even get it. They told me that I had some few months to get it together, including the storage for however long it took me to get it back, or that they’d simply sell it. They would, of course, give me any money above and beyond their fees if they recovered that much.

I was working two jobs at the time. Both were part time. Neither paid a hundred bucks a day, much less two.

I wound up losing my jobs. So did my husband. We couldn’t get from point A to point B quickly enough, and we showed up to work, late, either soaked to the skin or sweating like pigs one too many times. And with no work, we wound up losing our apartment.

It’s amazing what things that are absolute crises for me are simple annoyances for people with money. Anything can make you lose your apartment, because any unexpected problem that pops up, like they do, can set off that Rube Goldberg device.

One time I lost an apartment because my roommate got a horrible flu that we suspected was maybe something worse because it stayed forever–she missed work, and I couldn’t cover her rent. Once it was because my car broke down and I missed work. Once it was because I got a week’s unpaid leave when the company wanted to cut payroll for the rest of the month. Once my fridge broke and I couldn’t get the landlord to fix it, so I just left. Same goes for the time that the gas bill wasn’t paid in a utilities-included apartment for a week, resulting in frigid showers and no stove. That’s why we move so much. Stuff like that happens.

Because our lives seem so unstable, poor people are often seen as being basically incompetent at managing their lives. That is, it’s assumed that we’re not unstable because we’re poor, we’re poor because we’re unstable. So let’s just talk about how impossible it is to keep your life from spiraling out of control when you have no financial cushion whatsoever. And let’s also talk about the ways in which money advice is geared only toward people who actually have money in the first place.

I once read a book for people in poverty, written by someone in the middle class, containing real-life tips for saving pennies and such. It’s all fantastic advice: buy in bulk, buy a lot when there’s a sale on, hand-wash everything you can, make sure you keep up on vehicle and indoor filter maintenance.

Of course, very little of it was actually practicable. Bulk buying in general is cheaper, but you have to have a lot of money to spend on stuff you don’t actually need yet. Hand-washing saves on the utilities, but nobody actually has time for that. If I could afford to replace stuff before it was worn out, vehicle maintenance wouldn’t be much of an issue, but you really can’t rinse the cheap filters and again—quality costs money up front. In the long term, it makes way more sense to buy a good toaster. But if the good toaster is 30 bucks right now, and the crappiest toaster of them all is 10, it doesn’t matter how many times I have to replace it. Ten bucks it is, because I don’t have any extra tens.

It actually costs money to save money.

It is impossible to be good with money when you don’t have any. Full stop. If I’m saving my spare five bucks a week, in the best-case scenario I will have saved $260 a year. For those of you that think in quarters: $65 per quarter in savings. If you deny yourself even small luxuries, that’s the fortune you’ll amass. Of course you will never manage to actually save it; you’ll get sick at least one day and miss work and dip into it for rent. Gas will spike and you’ll need it to get to work. You’ll get a tear in your work pants that you can’t patch. Something, I guarantee you, will happen in three months.

When I have a few extra dollars to spend, I can’t afford to think about next month—my present day situation is generally too tight to allow me that luxury. I’ve got kids who are interested in their quality of life right now, not 10 years from now.

Here’s the thing: we know the value of money. We work for ours. If we’re at 10 bucks an hour, we earn 83 cents, before taxes, every five minutes. We know exactly what a dollar’s worth; it’s counted in how many more times you have to duck and bend sideways out the drive through window. Or how many floors you can vacuum, or how many boxes you can fill.

It’s impossible to win, unless you are very lucky. For you to start to do better, something has to go right—and stay that way for long enough for you to get on your feet. I’ve done well in years that I had a job I didn’t mind terribly and that paid me well enough to get into an apartment that met all the basic standards. I’ve done less well in years where I didn’t have steady work. The trouble’s been that my luck simply hasn’t held out for long enough; it seems like just when I’ve caught up, something happens to set me back again. I’ve been fortunate enough that it’s rarely compounded, and I’ve stayed at under sea level for short periods instead of long-term. But I’ve stared long-term in the face long enough to have accepted it as a real possibility. It’s only an accident and a period of unemployment away.

Reprinted from Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America America by Linda Tirado by arrangement with Putnam, a member of Penguin Group (USA) LLC, Copyright © 2014 by Linda Tirado.

Sourced from: http://www.slate.com/articles/life/family/2014/12/linda_tirado_on_the_realities_of_living_in_bootstrap_america_daily_annoyances.html?wpsrc=sh_all_dt_tw_ru

NESARA Update – August 28, 2016

Editor’s note: I have been following the NESARA intel for just a year or so and while it sounds not only very much needed and the right thing to do, I am being the observer with this topic as it has been on the internet circuit with its “any day now” talk for years.  While I understand nothing is ever set in stone and timelines change/get held up, etc. especially when it comes to legislation as huge as this and ramifications for all of humanity so massive and powerful, a part of me says ok either shit or get off the damn pot already.  People have suffered far too long.  Still, we are the Creator’s of our own reality so it is helpful to intend this into our lives.  Which I do. 


The National Economic Security And Reformation Act is global prosperity program on the cusp of being announced and activated.

This program is backed by deliverable precious metals well upwards of one quattuordecillion US dollars (40 zeros).

This money will be used to buy all corporations and banking cartels.

NESARA will also zero out (permanently cancel) all personal, corporate and national debts worldwide.

NESARA monies were originally scheduled for release in the year 2000, but the Bush White House and its banking conspirators prevented the disbursement through a corporate pan-global control of all mainstream media outlets, and nearly all knowledge of NESARA’s existence was suppressed.

However, when the NESARA global prosperity program is openly and publicly announced, perhaps in this Year of Golden Jubilee (September 2015-September 2016) it will permanently change human civilisation in every related way.

The entire 8 billion human population will benefit from NESARA. And the Earth will finally be free to experience itself as the abundant planet it was created to be.

Few understand there is more than enough gold to back all human currency in circulation. This means each and every human being could become an instant multi-millionaire without debt of any kind–if just given the resources.

NESARA is about sharing the stored gold resources of humanity for humanity with humanity by humanity around the planet and fairly.

NESARA is about putting benevolent banking systems and operators in place worldwide to deliver said monetary equality–consistently.

No individual anywhere on Earth will be beyond the reach of the NESARA’s wealth redistribution program. And no individual or organization anywhere on Earth will be able to stop NESARA once it begins either.

NESARA’s volume alone will cancel out all credit card, mortgage and other banking debt due to illegal banking and government corruption worldwide.

Income tax will be abolished too as NESARA will render personal taxation monetarily unnecessary.

A new 14% flat rate tax on non-essential new items will provide the sustainable revenue stream for all national governments post NESARA.

There will be increased benefits for senior citizens and children post NESARA.

In the USA, there will be a return to Constitutional Law at every level of the legal system.

The US President and Vice President will be removed from office with immediate effect, and before the end of their present term under NESARA.

So will all members of Congress along with their cabal handlers. All will be replaced with constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President designates, possibly including people such as General Joseph Dunford or General Carter Ham.

In exchange for amnesty, Donald Trump is yes being allowed a temporarly expose the machinations of the cabal, specially the Clinton Foundation and Obama Administration as being one in the same.

There will be new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days of the NESARA announcement.

These elections will be carefully monitored to prevent voter fraud and other illegal activities by special interest groups or covert syndicates.

A new USA Treasury currency will come forward, backed by gold, silver, and other precious metals. A new USA Treasury Bank System will also be initiated in alignment with Constitutional Law.

The Federal Reserve System will be abolished after one year of transition.

Personal financial, medical and Internet privacy will also be restored.

All judges and attorneys will be retrained in Constitutional Law or be dismissed.

All aggressive US government military actions worldwide will cease and global peace will be established.

The Farmers’ claims will be paid first with settlements to include immediate debt forgiveness of $300,000 (including mortgages, credit cards and loans) for each farming family.

Similar reforms will take place in every country worldwide as part of GESARA (the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act).

Enormous sums of money will be made available for humanitarian projects and job creation.

Every American citizen over the age of 21 will receive $100,000 a month for 12 years.

Suppressed technologies such as free energy devices, pollution cleanup equipment and sonic healing machines will be released for free use to all.

And while the precise term “NESARA” might not be used initially to publicly describe the global package of prosperity, humanitarian, infrastructure and currency refinancing which has become necessary–the term will ultimately become common place in time.

With over a decade and a half having passed since the year 2000, and with the corrupt deterioration of most aspects of life in the Western world having reached such visible degradation, the “NESARA” aspects of the necessary reforms shall be folded into (i.e.added) a number of other financial and organisational rescue initiatives, which Asia and the BRICS have now taken the lead.

Also, some very historical information about White House corruption over the centuries will intersect with America’s unblocking of NESARA reforms, and will be made public.

The Vatican has been centrally involved in many behind-the-scenes machinations involved with blocking NESARA since the 2007-2008 global financial collapse.

Back in April 2008, then Pope Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) failed in an attempt to lay claim to a large tranche of the NESARA prosperity funds. He was reported as saying to close colleagues: “The little people cannot handle this money properly, only the Church can.”

Ratzinger’s audacious money grab had to be sorted out at the World Court in The Hague–this was responsible for more serious delays.

Speaking to one group in Washington on Thursday 17th April 2008, the Pope said: “If the peasants think they are going to get this money, they have another thing coming. It will never happen.”

He was not talking about the $2.0 trillion; he was referring to the global prosperity funds or GESARA, which is an acronym standing for Global Economic Security and Reformation Act. Thus, as a program, GESARA/NESARA can be viewed from several perspectives.

As a spiritually-directed financial program, it traces back to the work of ascended masters. That work began in the Fifteenth Century and was designed to provide a new economic system for the world during the present time of transition. This is well known to be the beginning of the Global Collateral Accounts or World Trust.

Viewed as a modern development however, the roots of GESARA/NESARA can be found in the response by the Supreme Court to dangerous banking foreclosures against farm property which the Court found to be illegal in the 1980s.

In the course of reviewing these practices, the Court went further and ruled that many other contemporary banking, taxation and governance arrangements were also unconstitutional.

As a legislative initiative, it then took its name from the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, and was passed by Congress in 2000.

NESARA was to be publicly announced on Sept. 11, 2001 at 10:00am, but the cabal decided to blow up the World Trade Center buildings at 8:00am in order to prevent that historic moment from happening.

These same dark energetic forces are to this day still fighting tooth and nail to prevent even the awareness of NESARA, much less its implementation, and at this point, delaying the announcement and RV even further.

But by rule of law, NESARA must be enacted now and its widespread provisions be disbursed freely to humanity.

Sure this sinister cabal cartel was temporarily successful at achieving delays by several means, including: assassinations of influential people who favor initiating the provisions without delay as well as others actively working toward this end; death threats to the families of light workers and to the light workers themselves; double-agents within the ranks of the light workers; and constant third party terrorist assaults.

The US Patriot Act was also part of their anti-NESARA campaign, and they used the September 11, 2001 attacks as fear leverage on thr American people to create even more barbaric and illegal tactics of suppression.

Thankfully, this oppression is no more.

Interesting to note that the gold which was to back the new US Treasury currency was stored in the WTC Building 7 and was stolen by the cabal during the faux attack. WTC Building 7 was also the center of NESARA operations pre 9/11 and was ultimately destroyed after the theft was complete–that’s why it was made to fall without being attacked.

Now viewed from the widest possible angle, NESARA is a spiritually-inspired and divinely-guided arrangement.

NESARA is at its core galacticly inspired legislation for the United States government. It was encouraged by a galactic consortium and designed with assistance from higher light beings working with all governments, in conjunction with many spiritual beings on the planet, all attempting to create a legal framework to usher in the era of peace, prosperity and harmony on planet Earth.

Some consider NESARA to be more political and economic in nature, while others view it as spiritual because of the high-level light beings affiliated with it. NESARA is both.

Whenever. people are severely oppressed by political and economic conditions that foster impoverished living circumstances, lack of health care and education, monopoly of natural resources, slave labor, unjust laws and courts, starvation, and tyrannical regimes, offering ‘soul food’ isn’t enough… something must be done.

But if people are preoccupied with mere survival requirements, giving them only spiritual messages is not going to bring about the global reforms they need to rise out of their misery, they are stuck in conundrum they cannot climb out of without galactic and/or spiritual help.

That is why the provisions of NESARA are monumental in scope, embodying sweeping reforms for planet Earth that will begin as soon as this historic legislation is officially announced and implemented.

When people become aware of these reforms, they will be motivated to participate according to their greatest capabilities and not some pre-assigned limitation.

As in all other aspects of polarity still existing on Earth, NESARA is at one extreme against a dark energetic force used by the cabal to enslave humanity for millennia.

NESARA is designed to erase poverty and all its attendant ills from Earth during a transitional period preceding Ascension so that the planet’s sovereign citizens can again focus their spiritual attention on planetary transformation.

NESARA changes will not be imposed for the sake of it, but are part of our plan to bring comfort and protection back to humanity, which will lift the human experiences to new heights and bring about sustainable peace, joy and happiness.

Following NESARA you will be in the right frame of mind to apply yourselves to the business of preparing for Ascension–which is the ultimate purpose of humanity.

Ultimately this planet is destined to be weaned from the use of money; and humanity will reach a stage where money has no place in a society that is founded upon sharing.

In the Earth’s New Golden Age, the trend will be away from money and toward systems of bartering—the light intensity in souls will let those means of remuneration for services and conduct of commerce become as satisfying between nations as between individuals.

It has also been said that there was no sense to implement NESARA before all dark energetic forces have been removed completely from power. Otherwise the cabal would just continue to use their control over governments to seize people’s funds after release.

This is why dark energetic forces tenaciously attempt to hold onto the very top rungs of power in all human institutions. As their tentacles reached deeply into the highest levels of government, banking, media, religion, multinational corporations, royal families; education, medicine, pharmaceuticals, law and justice systems – but they can no influence humanity with absolute rule.

NOTHING of an influential nature on planet Earth is now under cabal control. Just think about that!

The once all powerful cabal has been defeated and they no longer are recognized galacticly as being in control of the Earth’s native peoples or resources. Humanity is truly free.

No more will humans be kept in vacuums of ignorance or chambers of invisible fear. Now it’s the cabal who must experience scarcity and fear as the oppressed, as they are quickly discovering that holding onto power is impossible.

The shoe is really on the other foot per se! As they rightly saw NESARA as their total uprooting, because once the program’s reforms are implemented, the control of the darkness will crumble totally. And that’s exactly what is happening today.

Many people wonder why the galactic coalition does not just force the cabal to just accept NESARA. Perhaps they appreciated the requirement of free will choice? Or are they acting in accordance with universal law, whereby the coalition is bound to keep some distance until the arrival of a divine deadline, which technically allows even the worst cabal occupiers to exercise free will and surrender on their own terms.

Another source of confusion arises from our belief that the galactic coalition plans are predestined and therefore fixed. But there are things that we shall call “wild cards.” Which is to say, potentials that nobody thinks about and appears to cause delays.

Either way, know much is fomenting behind the scenes and the harsh truth is surfacing about the global economy, Earth’s energy field and other radically charged information which will surely lead to news of the NESARA release.

Your time has come.

Your moment is now.

Your life yours once again.

It’s safe to believe.

God is with us.

Sourced from:  http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2016/08/nesara-rv-intel-update-august-29-2016.html?spref=fb