12.26.23 ~ Checking in and Finds 💖💜💖



Not many – but it’s a growing group…………


So….. today feeeeeeeeels different than yesterday.  Quiet…. but like something got cleared out so there’s more room for movement – bringing in more good stuff for our personal creations.

Reflecting on water atm – something Gene Ho on twatter asks today – what is it?  The basis for all life.  Human body is mostly water – and water is allegedly compromised of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.  The atmosphere – 20% oxygen, approx. 80% nitrogen and others.  I’m wondering if even the structure of water here is not designed for us – just like the atmosphere – but for “them”.  I think about this place – with the weather – how rain works – recycling system – where there’s nothing to really cleanse the water here – it’s all trapped inside of this snow globe (metaphorically speaking).  Water seeks to always move – always flow – for that is how it stays pure.  Feels like even the water is trapped here.  Back to O2 – when someone goes to the hospital w/breathing issues – they give people oxygen.  Why not nitrogen?  Perhaps it’s because our bodies NEED more oxygen.  Low oxygen leads to cellular degradation.

Here are some finds.  Please Share and Donate what you can.  Leave a comment.  Subscribe.  Thank you, as always.









Silver Walking Liberty………i’m telling you silver is where it’s (going to be) at…….










Given how much I’ve seen – feeling more and more like there has been a lot more fake (AI) here than I have known…….





Chyna’s just an arm – the head is Israel…….my feeeeeeeeeeels



American scientists on the hunt for the oldest ice in Antarctica – CBS News


Indian Scientists At Antarctica Discover Ionospheric Secrets; Can Help Satellite-based Navigation (msn.com)


Diamonds………..What’s fake – what’s real……….



a JD dive…….




10.27.23 ~ Additional headlines/finds



I continue to become clearer in my knowing and feeeeeeeeeeels about outside sending us information to wake up and transition/shift – Return to WHOLE.  One way is via social media – which is an easy way to do so (computer algo).


Hmmm…………Couple of dragon references.  I am on the fence about them – as I am on anything and everything now other than what I know I want……..Still interesting this came up twice…….







HERE WE GO: Thousands of Israeli Troops Storm into Gaza as “Rolling Start” to Ground Invasion Reportedly Begins to Wipe Out Hamas (VIDEO)




US DEBT CLOCK ~ Secret Window Time ~ 10.26.23








10.25.23 ~ Checking in with some finds and brief reflecting



We all need a lot more of this don’t we?  Not just from one another – which is our escape, really, from out “there”.  Nope.  We need that experience of LOVE everywhere.  Today’s a day where I feel – no talk – just action.  And just like the need for Love is so prevelant and needed – so is action.  Love. In Action.  That’s what it comes down to.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to leave a comment, share and donate what you can.  Thank you ~ so much ~ as always to those of you who can and do.  💖🥰💖








agree with this guy:














So………going down the hall today I “heard” – he isn’t the original – just an actor now…………What if………..


And there you go – he is controlled – just another actor………..central casting……


Just dropped.  “start”……….

Donald J. Trump

Great speech today for new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. Off to a terrific start!!!

Drop Search Results: The Start (qalerts.app)


22 days of no speaker.  220 votes……..


And I am sure most of you in the states have heard about the horror in Maine – at least 22 dead………..Just end this endless insanity and trauma already.


Reminder (remains unvetted on my part)……



yes – a lot of action now…….






FDA Issues Recall After Grocery Item Sickens 73 People Across 22 States (resistthemainstream.com)



Laura’s View and Tarot, Too:

Deeply Woo and Tarot, Too: Core Matrix Reboot?



San Tarot:  Justice card coming up again……….(whenever the cats make an appearance, pay attention)……….Zero point……..System is coming down – a web of connectivity coming down…….tower moment….we are the foundation……been prepared for a long time – a group of us…..needing to see it all conclude…….team has gathered all of the information…..needing to re-create the image that we see in our minds……all 3 cards – 4 of pentacles – from all 3 decks – coming up back-to-back !!!……….

Virgo – Amplified telepathy and your turn begins.


4500′ brand new cabin – yes ma’am………






US Debt Clock Latest ~ 10.24.23


I spy with my little eye – the 3rd Eye – all seeing eye – in Blue.  Tinman who in the movie wanted a Heart (to feeeeeeeeeeel).  Yellow Brick (gold) Road.  Emerald City.  Thomas X (?)  Shining Heart.  Wizard is in green.  Calling out how money creation is a scam.

Big $$ Find ~ 10.25.23



Energies are GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR……………Ok – my experience is.  Wanting to go for drives to get out of the house but we’re both close to broke because this plan continues on and food prices jumped up again aaaaaand noticed my utility bill has another increase – and we don’t have much gas in the car.  I can’t remember the last time we were able to say “fill it up” – it’s pathetic when you have to budget your gasoline dollars.  Gas here is still around $4.30 a gallon.  W T A F?  We have to wait until this hugely inconveniences – traumatizes – the upper middle income earners or something?  We at poverty levels are over here fretting how to keep food on the table.  Add in a child or more and that fret level is through the roof.  Trying so. hard. to stay positive – stay the course – just gets really hard some moments especially when the desire/need is so. simple. but the whole money thing kicks in.

So – saw this.  Apparently it’s another end marker.

History of Money


taken from the usdebtclock (go to the bottom – selection the ABOUT tab – then again go to the bottom and select the Money/Banking History tab.






10.23.23 ~ Finds, Reflecting……….Decoding and a very. very. good gematria




Saw this flower today while on a walk around town.  It was surrounded by brown, dying leaves and grass.  It spoke to me – a little nudge – a reminder that even when all else feels empty and lifeless – BE THE LIGHT.  Shine Bright – even if you’re doing it alone.  I needed this experience.  Earlier I had been listening to the radio – not knowing it was NPR – the talk was focused on the “fake” reporting by Is Real on the hospital bombing.  The news commentator along with the former UN Rep said the same thing – bigger fish to fry – move on.  I think – this is helping awaken people?  As long as the lies spin………….  Seeing (and defo feeling) “they” are trying to push around looping round of b.s. – coin shortages, food shortages, jabs, masks, etc.  I. just. WON’T!  Had the desire to join in with others and pull an Escape from Alcatraz moment and dig our way outta here.  Struggled to sleep last night too – agitation in the force.  Feeeeeel of “i. cannot. take. this.” was powerful.  Still is to be honest.  Feels like in moments I am in a desperate attempt to distract.  Had this thought that any experience feels the worst at the precipice – and how many of us have endured this experience for most of our lives?  We will make it – we’ve had that life long “training”.


Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to support my work by sharing, leaving a comment and donating.  Thank you!  💖💜💖




He left – then returned for the next 30 days/few weeks……Just saw the 111 tstamp….


Allowed here.  Solution?  Round up the criminals – lock ’em up – those who are drug addicts – get clean through treatment or you get locked away until you decide to get clean.



I trust none of ’em.  Felt off about Peterson too (no matter what goodies he may share).



Class action………?






How many would love to see that?



Align w/this………..




MSNBC on trial for treason……….(i’m taking the V back these fake women stole and used for their symbology)……..




Or what if the t.stamp of 10:23 was indicative of a date – which begins today – which is why JD, VK and T all referenced tipping point – which is why it feels so such today too……..


earth…..satellite…..lightning bolt/voltage….battery




This reminds me of a dream I had last night – I saw a cat doing contortionist- like moves in the street.  It was quite entertaining.  (if not bizarre lol)



Tippy Top – from a couple of 17 posts – but for me I also see it as confirmation for The Precipice.


Re-sharing because of the “tipping” part:


This is interesting………Staying above it (well insulated?)…….Fourth Threshold…………reference to EM’s great filter……..?


Speaker of the House

To Be Blunt Game Over



I Am The Key And The Lock

Pinky And The Brain (is that statement still even on my main page??)

A Huge Storm Is Coming

Seven Trumpets

Q Suddenly Appears









VK (AI) knew it was coming:


this tells me the swamp we are seeing are all controlled…..


Sep 21, 2018 3:07:47 PM EDT
We are at the PRECIPICE.
We are here for a reason.
Patriots are in control.
SAN TAROT:  Sun card on the split……….Liking the title….That be us, friends…..
Trending in Political figures
Melania 31K posts
Trending #SpeakerTrump
2,775 posts

And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖










Early AM Worldly Market-Watch and an interesting correlating find



Monday morning. Europe and Asia Markets – all in red.



FTSE 100 7,360.72 -41.42 -0.56%
DAX 14,718.02 -80.45 -0.54%
CAC 40 6,792.15 -24.07 -0.35%
FTSE MIB 27,278.81 -78.19 -0.29%
IBEX 35 8,949.50 -79.60 -0.88%
Stoxx 600 431.34 -2.39 -0.55%



Asia Dow 3,239.17 -21.91 -0.67%
Nikkei 225 30,999.55 -259.81 -0.83%
Hang Seng 17,172.13 -123.76 -0.72%
Shanghai 2,939.29 -43.77 -1.47%
Sensex 65,064.31 -333.31 -0.51%
Singapore 3,056.96 -19.73 -0.64%




And this (turn up the volume – it’s quite low – she says the term:  BLACKOUT – btw this is Bloomberg Television here in the states):

10.21.23 ~ Finds, goodies and a gematria



Very good commentary – ABSOLUTELY……..



This is when I was up and agitated………





interesting tidbits to paint the picture……..



Anything that demands attention, worship, etc. is not our friend….



They’re all such sneaky, snarky doltheads……..






Not the only one who showed another moon……….i literally had no desire to watch it…………



Chainsaw Populism: Favorite for Sunday’s Argentina Election, Javier Milei Wants to Take Down the Corrupt, Inefficient State Apparatus


Cutting off the Head of the Snake: Swiss Banker Pascal Najadi Calls on Swiss Authorities to Arrest People Behind the Release of “Bioweapon” COVID-19 Shot in New Documentary (VIDEO)


This one was interesting……….






if they had read what i did on the pnac website back in 2001 – they’d of known then……………





don’t know about the WOULD WOULD but i did decide to gematria it:

Install How Do I Exit The Matrix

Remove All Spells in the Now

Defeated New World Order

A Plan To Save The World

The White Rabbit

End of Prophecy

Trump Train

November Three (11.3)



Well there ya go – it’s collective………



Black Monday was October 28, 1929 (the first one)…………Same date as the upcoming solar eclipse…….And the 6 year anniversary of the first 17 post………sealing of “their” fate?  Black Swan event?

Wall Street warns of ‘Black Monday’ repeat just in time for 36th anniversary (msn.com)




And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖








