9.22.23 ~ Check in, Finds……….An interesting Gematria


Hi everyone.  So it has come to my attention (and some of yours as well) that email notifications of new posts are not being received.  I haven’t received them the last 36 hours or so as well – so I’ve written the plugin tech department asking for help.  This isn’t the first time this has happened – usually happens after an update – which I just did 2 days ago.  Some little glitch that will get fixed.  For now – as always – ya’ll know I share here pretty much every day so even if nothing shows up in your email box (or has been the case for months – in the spam folder – my notifications go there as well 🙄)   just go to the main page and go to the Latest Posts category.  (and it looks like google ad sense is working – not sure i like where they’re placing them – i think i can change that……..)

The energies continue to feel fast and furious.  Nostalgic as well.  I get a few hours of energy before my body says “stop” – then I’m more or less getting bursts here and there for the remainder of the day.  Feeling dizzy.  Pretty much all in the house are feeling the same.  Spoken with others of you as well – and ditto.  Weird physical symptoms (itching rashes) as well.  And this sense that we’re all getting lined up for our own personal shift.

Let me know how you’re doing.  Please remember to comment share donate what you can and like/subscribe (if you haven’t).

Here’s what’s happening.




I would say this is the good actor.  This is how you get the shutdown.  Doesn’t it all have to happen on JB’s watch?  Stay tuned for As The Swamp Turns….

Biden would veto two House spending bills, White House says (msn.com)


Breaking Big in Wisconsin: Legislation Introduced to Eliminate ERIC System


Another one for those “still needing to see”……….o m g

As Migrants Pour Across the Border in Record Numbers, Biden Brags It Is By Design: “I’ve also directed my team to make a historic increase in the number of refugees admitted from Latin America”



My feeeeeeeeeeeeling for awhile has been PV was originally mossad…….

Project Veritas Serves James O’Keefe with Lawsuit One Day After Announcing It Was Suspending All Operations (VIDEO)


Polish PM Morawiecki Warns Zelensky ‘Never to Insult Poles Again’, as Grain Ban Feud Intensifies After Warsaw Decision Not to Send Any More Weapons


Common Core math:

Joe Biden: I Got Elected to the Senate When I Was 29 Years Old…That Was 827 Years Ago (VIDEO)


HAHA! Lula da Silva Calls on U.S. to End Economic Embargo Against Cuba






This is (possibly) interesting.  The date in the upper right is at 9.23 whereas the date in the lower right is 9.22.  And he keeps focusing on this cat.  Do they time travel?

Is he showing us Time Travel (w/the above – and now this – looping over and over to GET. IT. RIGHT.)  Interesting – the b-date reference in this clip is 9.17……


Only 68 up atm – 10pm est.  Quiet day……



Headed right for DC.  Interesting timing (9.TWENTY THREE):

Flooding DC shoreline on the 23rd (tomorrow)……..


I did a gematria on OPHELIA (which is 66 in simple gematria)….Another mirror event……?





Black Goo

M o l o (you know the rest)





This.  Feels. B I G.  Israel for last vibes/feeeeeeeeeeeels.  Controlled PM.  It won’t be violent – it will be peaceful.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu touts possible ‘historic’ normalization with Saudi Arabia – UPI.com

Netanyahu, who is presiding over one of the most conservative governments in the country’s history, made the remarks in an effort to close a four-way deal that would bring a United States-brokered normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel in exchange for Israel making concessions to the Palestinians.






Space Wars……


Viewer said “It Feels Apocalyptic” – “Frighteningly Beautiful!


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9.21.23 ~ End of Day Finds, Headlines & stuff



Friends.  Family.  Protection for us all.  




LH described today perfectly:  today felt like a sledgehammer.


Why walk when you can crawl, right?  lol


It was a new level today.  Sideways walking.  Dizzy.  Stopping to take in a breath.  No words to describe the fatigue.  So out of it – attempted to get some food – dropped an egg.  Thankfully I had changed out of my sandals into ma boots.  😂  The whole “SIT” thing still feels like a dang animal command – but there is something up with that energetic experience happening to many that I know.

There is a quiet too – I feel it.  Many of us just going and being with ourselves.  Quietly.

Whatever is happening – it feels like we are here:


Discernment with this account – but it’s interesting given what I experienced last night – which was an absolute first….


Had another “black out”:




That’s what “they” wanted……..


NASA saying this:

NASA’s $1 Billion Asteroid Sample Will Land In Utah On Sunday (forbes.com)







Interesting theory.  Perhaps “they” already had that goal all along……..?






32 delta’s today..…….some interesting ones including MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP and TIME TO UNITE………


No choice – must have to be due to military ops still happening (heard a good amount of military today way up high) – because you know if this waiting is because we still have people to wake up – attrition levels of truthers is maxed out.  Not consenting.  Never have consented to that theory.

Still CIC……….can do that……….


Project Veritas Suspends All Operations Months After Ousting James O’Keefe, Ongoing Lawsuits


Mainstream “Newsweek” Wakes up to Reality: “$113 Billion in Modern Arms Hardly Dented Russian Lines”


McCarthy Denies Zelenskyy’s Request to Address Congress


Many are announcing runs for congress.  Not participating.  Who would vote?  Until this clown show is over and sorted out – my opinion is don’t participate.



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9.20.23 ~ Headlines, finds and reflecting


There seems to be a lot of struggling/burden-carrying at the moment – in particular health issues.  Speaking with several of you who are currently dealing with something out-of-the-norm.  My thought was this is just another attack –  perhaps going after the feminine.

Continuing on doing what I always do.  Funds are low atm so if anyone has a few dollars to spare, please leave a donation.  Thank you so much!  And dayem some day food won’t cost so much right – or we won’t have to pay to live.  I know I’m in extreme conserve mode when I tell my girl we can’t go xyz as we don’t really NEED to go to xyz and the gas tank is a little low and we need to conserve.  She needs pj’s – and I told her that will just have to wait.  Some moments – are wonderful and (fairly) ez.  Other moments are too much.  I am so ready for the ez.  For now – I (try and remember to) focus on what I have which is more than many these days.

Here is what I’m seeing.  (oh and thank you for the prayers for my friend Laura – I hope she is receiving and they are working!)





This happened yesterday:

Biden and Netanyahu meet to discuss ‘hard issues’ as tensions simmer – POLITICO


“last chance”…………i’d say he knows what “they” are going to do – and if they don’t do the right thing – it’s truly over and out it all comes.  just my theory atm………..


may be some aligning w/17 posts?  808 doesn’t seem to signify anything much – but the date dropped is interesting – feb. 22 – 2.22………222




20 D’s………



My thoughts on this:  1:13 = 11.3………….and “C” in cat = C before D or Classified then Declassified………








Interesting……….showing us the creatures here all along too perhaps?








my sense too – (he will drop stuff – good stuff – and will become part of the court records):






Oh yeah – I remember listening to Mel……….


I don’t listen anymore…………I can’t.



that’s funny:


A little conversation from earlier……….

Serah Oceane ♡ @QueenEsther
20 September, 06:17
17 Whirlpool boxes 📦


Victoria ~ Z Skywalker @Victoria1144
20 September, 06:25
In response Serah Oceane ♡ to her Publication
wasn’t it late summer in 2020 trump spoke in Ohio at a Whirlpool factory – saying we may not see him for some time? we about to see the Real T return?



06:59 PM – Sep 20, 2023



This is how I feel these days hearing much of what I hear and seeing much of what I see……..

TLA's, buzzwords and gobbledygook - Has marketing really come to this?


Approximately 250 up atm (6:30pm EST)………and now at 10pm est it’s about 160 – still pretty heavy……….



more matrixy nasa stuffers here in ur(th)……..(i guess the KP went to 7 yesterday – i didn’t feel anything different….did ya’ll?)

Magnetic Field ROCKED by STRONG Shockwave!




More about this 10.4 EBS Test…………



It does indeed say “unique tone and vibration” (to ensure everyone, including those with disabilities receive it).  A sound/tone would be for those who are blind and cannot see, right?  What about those who cannot hear?  Ah, the vibration (which is still a frequency).  Any one of you in other parts of the realm who had your own EBS in recent days/weeks – how was it?  Let me know in the comment section.  The signal for cellular devices will go on for approximately 30 minutes.  I would think – since the signal is coming from cell phone towers – we won’t need to have the phones on to feel it.  Don’t know what to think about this – trusting it’s part of the plan for good – if not there will be something to interfere.  Starlink or something.  I don’t know – what are ya’lls thoughts?


9.17.23 ~ Check in, sharing and some finds




Flights up remain quiet as they have the last few days.  A lull, perhaps?  There have been some quake activities along the west coast of the states – many at the 10km.  Could explain why we saw the h a a r p activities in the skies today and recent return of the trails.

The energies were challenging – intense.  Cleared.  Purged.  Cried another round – similar to yesterday – one of those that come out of the blue and leave me feeling like “where the frig is this coming from?”  Also felt some of the nostalgia LMH spoke of last night.  Kept getting pushed to go into the sadness.  Gave that what I thought was an authentic release then moved away.  Music – the right kind – helps.  Have little interest in the spiritual stuff as in upgrades, etc.  I see most of what is happening in two ways:  spiritual war for our consciousness and getting unplugged/released/liberated.  Both going on.  My sense.  Saw more things on lessons and if your life has been extra difficult it’s because you needed the lesson.  I just – can’t.  So I don’t.  So. Little. Aligns. with me these days other than my freedom and finding little breadcrumbs that show me how close we are.  Markers in the maze out.  Today I felt that in a new way – sensed it – something outside of me.  To confirm I was nudged, in about a minute, to see 17, Q, Where’s My Mind and 11.11.23.

It’s a journey that can switch to something beautiful brand new at ANY MOMENT now, right?

As far as how I feel personally, physically – pretty strong overall – walking sideways/feeling like I’m on a moving ship and a little bit of clumsiness – walking into things, that sort of thing.  And so tired lately – as one woman put it she feels like she needs to sleep for a week straight.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  I haven’t ventured “out there” yet so I have no idea what will be posted below.





WTHeck……………….?  Those things just don’t go missing………..Single pilot plane………..Space War result?



Slowly getting there……….another couple of weeks…..



How about all 3?


I decided to follow.  What the heck, you know?





Wonder where we are on that roller coaster ride………


I’m feeling that for sure………..


This is what EM was responding to (something in which VK also gave a nod w/the . )



Pllllllllllease tell me the people are FINALLY seeing that every time this person speaks he always has on a dang fatigue green t-shirt.  Plllllllllllease tell me they have noticed this very. strange. pattern.  (btw – not seeing nearly as many sunflower signs around here – many have removed them and not replaced them with a newer or different one – also not seeing ANY biden 2024 bumper stickers):



We weren’t really paying attention much back then were we?  Just like Hunger Strike – Hair of the Dog.  :::anguished shiver:::  Alderaan is not far away………..space = hollywood move set…………they have been telling us all. along.



Very interesting delta’s for today – mostly PANIC IN DC…………..RIG FOR RED………FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT…………FIRE AT WILL………….WWG1WGA………and We Will Not Fail You……….


Patent for flying saucer……..



Those are. not. smoke. particles…………looks like some sort of a heavy metal………..let’s be honest friends – as this battle has raged they have been dumping heavy metals on us……they’re literally everywhere now…….we just gotta hold on detox as much as we can and pray and intend we leave this place………….or it gets cleaned up in a flash……….also looks like the removal of d.s. satellites so that’s good news………..


She looked up as they were FALLING from HIGH in in sky!



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9.16.23 ~ Finds


After this morning’s wonderful flow/aligning, I felt my physical body rather collapse into some mild exhaustion.  Anyone else experience this when you’re in the flow?  It feels amazing but on the other side is fatigue.  Or perhaps it’s a timeline thing – one timeline feels great – then we get pulled back into the “lower” one.  I definitely felt that – for after the aligning moments – I felt the lower whatever’s come in.  But the higher found its way in when I was out and about, listening to the radio, when the Universe answered my lamenting cry yesterday that there is nothing good on the radio anymore and all I was wanting to hear was some good old classic jazz and tunes from the 30/40/50’s.  That is exactly what I received – and it’s still continuing.

Went out alone tonight for some time and found my Center again.  Purged a lot – wrote – recorded – and just found It/Me again.

A nice place to be.

Here’s what I’m seeing.




LMH latest………..interesting – more than twice this week i have had a knowing and a deeper understanding how individual this is…….she triggered a memory for me i had – moment in the past week or so where i too yes had a moment of nostalgia for this place.  interesting too about the sky event – esp. considering what i put together/felt earlier today.  “original pairs” – torn apart.  i like the term……….feeeeeeeling into it brings about tension in my chest – deep breathing – sadness.  very interesting on this one topic as i know many are going through the same experience.

Egyptian Clean up





words matter……..








SAN TAROT:  Neo from the matrix stepping outside of time, able to make his plans.  (reference)  Golden energies – again.  “Not my circus”  – wheel of fortune connected to the “not mine”.  Initiating a new direction – a new path.  Feeeeeeeeeeeeeel at this moment – remain open.  An unfolding event that is exceptionally rare.  Future event.  All potentialities swirling around coming into space.  When we gather together and hold hands and sing together.  Sun moon eclipse?  Butterfly effect.  It’s as though time is stopping.  Hmmm…..I think she may be talking about The Event and how we go through it individually and collectively.  Moon card shows up as well.  Skywriting….. Collective becoming more psychic.

Remote viewer?



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9.15.23 ~ Finds and a Magical Experience/Share



So…………….WHEN are we friends?

It is the jewish new year.

We have their calendar.

We have the mayan.  The ethhiopian.  Gregorian.  Julian.

Which one, if any, is correct?

I take none of the above for a million dollars and easy quick exit out, Alex.

My spouse heard an interesting song about the great divide – or maybe it was about the great division.  I can’t listen to most music now.  This is me going through the radio stations these days (trying to find some cool jazz or classic 30/40/50’s)….


The musical finds may be a challenge, as is most everything else these days, right?  But now and then the Universe is able to find us inside this place and give us something truly Divine, reminding us to remember WE ARE MAGIC.  On a hunch I had, my girl and I went on a ride tonight.  She said maybe we’ll see our Falcon.  I agreed that is what I was hoping for too.  It has been a few weeks since we saw our Falcon friend.  Tonight – we saw three.  We saw the first one – sitting solo in a tree.  It seemed to be waiting for us and beckoned us to follow, which we did.  Turns out – there was more than one.  Here are the two that greeted us as we rode down one of the bike paths:


I can feel the lull – only 65 up atm (around midnight EST)……..


US Debt clock currently at 32 trillion 966 billion………


Impeachment Against Joe Biden: Possible Key Witness from Ukraine Makes Serious Allegations


Ford Lays Off 600 Workers Just as UAW Strike Begins


WATCH LIVE: Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speeches


DEVELOPING: French Ambassador to Niger Held Hostage in Embassy



YES!  What “they” accused me and millions of others of, is in truth what “they” did.

SHOCKING: PayPal Faces Scrutiny for Alleged Links to Palestinian Terror – Senators Take Action …Update: The Same Platform that Banned The Gateway Pundit



Oh she dropping it!  (and tell me the chick in the green dress isn’t a reppy)….





Good to revisit (and share with those who claim we are still waiting to be under military power here in the states – it happened – the storm began – on January 20, 2021):


these indictments just keep kinda fizzling out, don’t they?






This guy is awesome!


Little by little.  Any of you friends in other parts of this realm experiencing this?  We’re scheduled for 10.4 at 2:20pm EST (which as one of you mentioned can be put together as 4 10 20 – or DJT – which tells me WH are behind this).





I remember watching one of their little rocket machines taking off live on NASA Utube about 3 years ago – and there was little mouse on the rocket cone – doing just fine.  I took a screen capture and shared it here at the time….



That’s how we rolled.



Best for last:  SAN TAROT

Gemini – Accelerated awakening.


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Puzzle piecing and synchs – tying in with a dream: going down another Kennedy rabbit hole….and a brief check in


when it happens – it happens fast.

i  had a dream last night – i kept sensing VK in the world of the machines.  everything was black and white – no color.  i’ve had a dream like this before in recent months where i saw someone still lost inside the matrix – and there was no color.  in my dream last night i saw machines.  it didn’t feel evil – just – dark.  a bit lifeless.  i was only there for a brief period before i left.

i woke up wondering – who the heck is this person/AI really?  a bit of both?  AI outside operating out of an avatar here?  or a real person in both “worlds”?  who knows.  i don’t pretend to know sheot anymore until i KNOW.

you know?  lol

anyway – so i had this sudden sense sitting outside in the sun that he may just be patrick mcmahon – the soldier JFK rescued by carrying on his back after a Japanese warship hit their PT-109.  he died february 18, 1990 – the newspaper announcements came out on february 22 or 2/22 which i find interesting……anyway – i wonder if he returned to help – sending in intel from the outside.  i know – totally woo woo but remember where we are.  again – who knows – just going with it.  this happened on a PT-109 Patrol Torpedo.  i was nudged to look up 17 post 109 (of which there are 222 such posts btw – another 222 synch w/all of this).  check out the image.  look familiar?


Nov 05, 2017 8:06:36 PM EST
Nov 05, 2017 8:05:48 PM EST

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No. 148156518 


>>148154137 St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother. Q
i just found it interesting that given the kennedy road i travelled earlier – it ends up with this – dagger – which btw – doesn’t seem to have been permanent.  i had wondered that given the other pics showing him topless and there is no tatoo.  was that a message back then for JB who as we know had tatoo’s on his left arm but the one today – nada.


puzzle pieces inside the sim.

other than that, it feels like we’re in the thick of the invisible war/spiritual battle.  body mind soul all of me is letting me know.  fog of war is thick – mental battle esp. the past 12/17 hours i would say.  until next time…..eyes on the prize.




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9.13.23 ~ Finds, etc. (Including the US DEBT CLOCK jumped HUGELY today)




So – what do I think about YRFT’s latest statement about sitting….I think it’s a bit over-the-top and a wee bit threatening, which I find a bit offensive.  However, I am looking at this from my perspective/experience and logically.  Given many are doing anything but sitting (i.e. – living their lives, traveling, upgrading their assets, etc.) – does this statement only apply to a certain segment of the population – considering if it’s indeed true.  Is this only for those who are “going Home” (as in going ALL THE WAY – outside – back to our real experience)?  Remember there is the narrative that there will be more than one experience for all in the end – which makes sense – logically speaking.  Those going to the cleaned up version – still not really awake but at least seeing some of the things causing them to go “HUH?!” – they don’t need to be “sitting” – perhaps – because they don’t go ALL THE WAY (out).  At first.  You seeing what I’m saying?  I will say this – I cannot argue with her statement that implies there is a force present that has said to STAY PUT.  I absolutely feel it waxing and waning – and at the present moment it is quite strong.  I just want to sleep/rest.  However, I still do what I do and what I wish to create for myself – here in the now moment – and I use my discernment and question every. thing. presented to us as “truth”.  So I guess my answer is:  I don’t know and it depends but something IS up.  You will see below.  And Love will find a way to bring us what we seek – deep within – in those quiet moments where there is no one else but ourselves.  Something big is building – something HUGE.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to Share, Donate what you can and leave a comment telling me how you’re doing.

And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms (more to come). 💜💥💖











Had a hunch this would happen…….moves and counter-moves:

BREAKING: Federal Judge Blocks New Mexico Governor Grisham’s Gun Ban



THIS is how you change the system.  Do your own thing – united together with others (like myself hint hint lol) – and be FREE to share your gifts in a way that ALL can see/appreciate/experience without making the suits rich.

Oliver Anthony Concert Canceled After Furious Singer Sees Ticket Prices: ‘I Had to Pull Off on the Side of the Road’




Flip de do……..

Victor Reacts: We Knew it All Along – Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Warn Against Mask Mandates (VIDEO)








Still going on……

The Dangers of a Digital Age: Las Vegas Cyber Attack Cripples Massive Hotel Chain


Speaking of – Starlink and others down atm.


And in more happenings – about 250 up atm in the states at 10pm EST.







And wow wow W O W – the US Debt clock is now at 32 trillion 960 billion – did we jump time or something?  I took a screen capture.  (Remember T spoke of the magic number 33 referring to $$ as – and VK a week or so ago said what happens when it hits 33)….and RED OCTOBER = “their” bankruptcy……







Frigging totally.  Who of you can relate?  😂😜


San Tarot:

Taurus – Telling stories of the future.




Is Earth in the middle of a POLE SHIFT?



The Secrets of the Universe:

Scientists Announce a Puzzling Discovery At The Large Hadron Collider



Well there are small ones here………..




Some are saying the stuff from Mexico being presented in their congressional halls is off – maybe even fake.  Who cares.  It’s getting people to SEE and research.  Check it out:

Science · Trending
57.9K posts

9.12.23 ~ Some Finds, goodies, puzzle piecing and things to open the heart


today is a collective “fuch it this stinks” day.  but the clown show continues.  let’s see how close we are to the end of it shall we?  (gotta use my sarcastic- like humor sometimes to keep going esp. when i’m off sugar and that chocolate cake that is nagging me in my sleep needs to be replaced with something to get me through days like today).

please remember to like/subscribe/donate what you can/comment.  and thank you!

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love, v.



ooooh……..this is gonna get some twats all riled up………

An Explosive Meeting: Putin and Kim Jong-un to Convene in Russia (VIDEO)


Russia’s Putin Claims Charges Against Trump Are Simple ‘Political Persecution’


103 House Democrats Call Out Biden in Official Letter


another narrative flip……….when will it be, you know, constant?

CNN Host Stuns New Mexico’s Democrat Governor, Reads State Constitution Live on Air to Push Back on Her Gun Grab (VIDEO)



clown show – this is such b.s….

BREAKING: Speaker McCarthy Orders Impeachment Inquiry into Joe Biden


It Begins: Senior Washington Post Columnist Calls on Biden to Not Run in 2024



how about always a matrix (given our known experiences) and now a movie to SHOW the matrix for what it is?


we gonna see this delta (above)?


Sep 29, 2020 3:11:36 PM EDT




wakey wakey wakey to the fakey fakey fakey………..



Went on for an hour…….





well remember 9.23 was all over “their” movies, etc. as some cataclysmic day for humanity……….a good day to flip it back………..


the 64 could be flipped to 46 (JB)……….this is good – mirroring……….



vetted (9.1 on one side)…………..

also a 17 delta:


Sep 12, 2018 4:50:46 PM EDT
Nothing to See Here.
this one too:  (the swamp is much deeper than just humans……)


Sep 12, 2018 6:09:14 PM EDT




oh absofuchinglutely (excellent commentary, btw):


Crying as I watch this one………..it’s safe to talk………


US Debt Clock currently at 32 trillion 923 billion….  anyone else in canada, europe, NZ, asia, australia, etc. showing a similar happening?


btw – Senator Kennedy is reading excerpts from BO’s words about his lover at the time – it’s on twitter if you want to listen.  i can’t and won’t.  just letting those who are following this particular disclosure know it’s public.


Favorite topic around here:  Antarctica!


Top 5 MYSTERY locations in ANTARCTICA!
