Reflecting and a few finds ~ 8.17.23


I saw the most beautiful post shared by a mama of a young child.  She shared the pain with her words of the lifelong feeling of not receiving the love she needed.  She shared the words of solicitation/advice she had received over the years – to get over it, grow up, move on – none of these words of course is effective.  So now – her healing – has slowly transpired as she gives her little one the love she didn’t receive herself.  And she remembers to tend to her own needs.  That is what a loving parent does – shows the child the importance of self care while providing the same for the child.

I loved these words best:  “I’m never surprised by how much a child wants and loves their mother.”  Absolutely.  Sometimes it’s a challenge to step up to that plate – sometimes I just can’t do it – but it has never. once. surprised. me.

I’ve been told over the years I coddle my girl too much –  or am too protective (throw her to the wolves – see if she sinks or swims) – co-slept/nursed “too long” – every one of those words stings and at times sparks a rage in me – but I have remained true to my heart which tells me when my child needs something from me whether it be my words my time or silence or a hug or just basic help – it is my purpose to give those moments to her.  That is how we heal this “lack of mama love” by giving to our children what we didn’t receive.  Children are children.  They aren’t little adults.  It’s insulting to my senses and heart when I see/hear these words.

So…..I’m far from perfect – my healing is a work-in-progress.  I have fallen and gotten back up again.  It is true – if we are conscientious parents – we heal as we raise our children.  The opportunity is always there.  Those little people trigger us – bringing up all of our sheot for sure.  Sometimes I am not aware of this – but then – seeing the words today of this beautiful mama – I see and remember.

Love is all there is – indeed all that matters.  As she said:  “I’ve come to just accept this as the most basic and vital of human needs. To be fed, loved, accepted, nourished, held, embraced, comforted and on and on.”

Absolutely perfectly stated.

It is long past time for us to return to that space – that “timeline”.  I’ve had enough f’ing trauma and pain.  Today I had something happened that brought up a wound/trauma from when I was 10.  Just one little otherwise insignificant happening had me right back there – in tears – lots of tears too.  But I took it – used it for healing instead of saying “ef this matrix for poking me”.  I released pain and tears that I had kept bottled up for decades.

There was an interesting program on talk radio – elders of many tribes coming together with a statement – saying we are in the last hour of our experience here – and to let go of everything and everyone.  And given what I’m seeing being shared – I agree.

Here are a few finds.











as i said – suddenly in japan………..simulation……….







so can’t we use the same rhetoric “they” threw at us w/the patriot act?  if you ain’t got nothing to hide, you ain’t got nothing to fear………













yeah – suddenly “elon” is in  Japan today………saw that (btw at 5pm EST there are 343 up)………..





I think this is the [P]……….from the 17 posts…..



Powder Keg Europe: Poland, Lithuania and Latvia To Shut NATO Borders With Belarus – Increasingly Militarized Poland Says Lukashenko Will Try To Disrupt Its Elections



8.16.23 ~ Finds, check in and goodies………..



aaahhh………… vision of peace, perfection and Home


I’ve been keeping a lot bottled up recently in an attempt to create the kind of personal space I want.  Now I am wondering if I forgot to include something in this process.  Does deep breathing really soothe inner words needing to be expressed?  The paradox of wanting to express truth when it’s in the face of adversaries who won’t want to hear it and who may turn it back on you in an attack is something I contemplate at this time.  Is the expression worth the (possible – likely) blowback?  If not – how to deal with those words and energies behind them needing to be expressed.  Aaahhh – cooler weather please and thank you so physical outdoor activities can resume.  Great way to move some of that energy.

Moving on to another issue on my mind atm.

Ya’ll can help me prove to this reality that what I do is important – it is needed and it matters.  My days of being questioned and criticized, dismissed, discounted for what I do are over for me.  Please help and share the ever loving love out of my work.  That’s what a tribe does – stands solidly and surrounds the one doing the speaking up and out – what I do for anyone doing the same.  Thank you.  🙏

Here’s what I’m seeing.






“Uncharted Territory” – Exceptionally Low Antarctic Sea Ice Observed by NASA (

Antarctica has a lot less sea ice than usual. That’s bad news for all of us | WUSF Public Media





17 posts w/the word tomorrow (33 of them)  #38 is standing out – it mentions increased military movement which has been happening the past few weeks – also mentioned the calm before the storm……..


JR says it – we’re at the precipice – and justice and the NCSWIC has to come fast – swiftly – quickly – with exact precision.


And all of this on National Roller Coaster Day


August 16

About 100 up atm (midnight EST) – about 8 hours ago there was about 300 up…….(state side)


i like that GEORGE retweeted this one (i dropped it here last night too):






I did indeed hear christmas songs in my mind last night……..









know it’s total b.s. – but i will say that where i live has far too many people……..for my own comfort…………each person can have 100 acres………more suitable to the necessary peace of the heart mind and soul than the energy of cities and subarbs……….give me a sleepy little town with some local agriculture and access to a beach and i will be just fine.



she’s trending on twitter too, btw……..i noticed the news spelling it with just one “L” and thought of 17 post about declass (below for someone else who had the same feel and shared the post/s):




San Tarot……Solitude………intuition………joy held up….however….sit in solitude to receive the clarity……….or not…….lol  happy accident………….wish granted……….my feel?  intuition comes in moments of solitude – happy accident is the lucky break……….something coming in “accidentally”……Be Open To Happy Surprises……then we do the happy dance, right?  🥰 Transformation (in process)………..”in the blink of an eye”………her words – interesting given how often i have used that phrase over the years here……..

Gemini – Happy dance!




Some Sleuthin’ with Finds ~ A check in….. 8.15.23


No photo description available.


Trying to tune in to the energies.  I can do that – but only if I am alone/in solitude – in quiet.  Usually – in water – some part of me.  Today I was able to feel a shift from 24 hours ago.  But then 3d life pulls me back in because, you know….

So I was multi-tasking a bit earlier – making lunch while scrolling through work-at-home opportunities.  Deep breath.  The one I found that I said out loud – hey I can do that – only. takes. paypal (i thought i had weeded those out).

Deep breath again.  Seriously.  Being denied the RIGHT to earn a living that WORKS FOR ME has gone on long. enough.  Being censored.  Blocked.  Nope – you can’t do this because we said so.




I’ve been patient – extraordinarily patient – and persistent.  I want two things – some may say they conflict – I say otherwise.  JUSTICE.  FREEDOM.  ABUNDANCE.  (ok – 3 – although my heart says i want and receive abundance and freedom – justice will take care of itself)

Here is what I’m seeing.  Please remember to donate and share.  Or just share if you aren’t donating.  That helps!  This kind of work is all a numbers game.









As I was saying above about trying to increase my income………ongoing…….yesterday i was feeling that trapped – it is an unnecessary and horrible thing to feel……no reason to EVER even have reason to HAVE thath experience….still feeling it in moments……….i have the right to live as i want without money being a hindrance.  P E R I O D.  we all do.  enough is really truly positively fully enough NOW.




I thought the same – weird number………the “laser focused” was a comm – so why not the number?


THIS.  YES YES & YES.  !!!!!



2020………..undoing……….you know – it is possible that was part of the time stuff – “they” were allowed to go only so far w/”their” agenda – only so far along that timeline – now it flips and the people get what they want – good wins.  ALL GET OUT and go where he/she wants.  those who are solely focused on T being in office – that happens.  many things to choose from, right?  we will know what to do.







underground work perhaps followed by the d’s?





This remains ABSOLUTELY My focus:


Did I hear the word “separating”?


they have already censored this little space – many of you still reach out and let me know my site is showing as down, etc. – each time it is your browser doing that.  just keep trying – eventually it loads.


San Tarot:

Taurus – Teach them your magical ways.



Laura’s View and Tarot, Too

Compare and Contrast #TMFINR



Click below to donate:


8.12.23 ~ Check in………Finds



going to work………going to the store…….errands……getting out of bed looking around and realizing it’s all. still. going. etc. etc……….


it’s a bit difficult atm to focus on what’s going on out there – finding things – when it’s hot and i am left wondering how and when people do things like laundry and vacuuming when they live in areas that don’t dip much below 79/80 at night.  i like my goldilocks temps, thank you very much.

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And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖










i remember when this was all going down.  even my most conservative peeps in my life were fine with this – saying “i don’t have anything to hide” to which i would say “according to who?”  🙄



spouse had a theory – we aren’t on a space ship – but more of a yellow submarine – the beatles told us that in the 60’s……..notice john giving the hand symbol……….the dome image…….finger points……..

Picture 1 of 1



good words to take in and use……….


we have guppies now……….bought them a bigger tank with a filter……….they are so much happier……..🥰


i either forgot or missed – but the question was already asked a few years ago……….



they’ve had some interesting headlines recently…..first one speaking of russia and china up against the american empire…..


Ted Cruz Goes There – Says if Biden is Guilty of Taking Bribes He Should go to Prison (VIDEO)


Beef Company CEO: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”


VIDEO: Eiffel Tower Evacuated Over Bomb Threat


any of you in the area………..?



Esper Discusses New Technologies Designed to Give Warfighters the Advantage > U.S. Department of Defense > Defense Department News


weather wars……….create heat out west to bring in cold and storms to the center…….


END: (timestamp 1144)………


And we all “jump” together…….



Laura’s View and Tarot, Too….apparently the official narrative is true…

E.T’s or Bad Guys With Jet Packs in Peru?


Lisa M Harrison……relating w/some of the symptoms the past few days…..having to stop and take deep breath – heavy in the center/chest area…although i have had a couple of moments where i was ravenously hungry and felt AMAZING……excited……hyped up like a kid – couldn’t stop smiling……..the guy talking about the astrologer talking about blah blah bad dark things next april (which is like fuch. that. sheot. NO) – nope – none of us are seeing that……….we. have. had. far. enough. of. that. c r a p………..

The Blue and Green Paths




8.10.23 ~ It’s Lion Season (a Personal Synch and some finds…)


This morning I woke up and had a thought hanging around – remembering The Gunner’s Wife lip read video of Barron during the August 2017 eclipse….where he was alleged to be discussing tilting the moon “just right” and when it was, we blast out of here and “leave them in our dust”.  I didn’t know why that thought was around me – but it was and I had a hunch I would figure out why later.  Naturally I forgot about it – as I always do with these start-of-the-day thoughts.  Then – later on – I feel pretty sure I received a confirmation.

I see this.  Russia sending a launch to the moon.  Why now?


That’s right – why now?  Is it because it’s Lion Season?

And is it also another synch that this image shows up on the web browser page today?  (and I just learned – it is WORLD LION DAY)  Some of my favorite people are Leo’s, btw……..Ok so my site won’t let me upload the photo so let me try something else.  ….  Ok again – can’t find it so I’m sharing the image that is most similar – a lone male lion lying in the savannah grass…….

Image result for world lion day 2023 image for BING microsoft


trumpo’s time stamp of 2:34 stood out for me:


Nov 29, 2017 2:21:16 PM EST
Snow White utilized/activated to silence. This was not anticipated. Control / protection lost. Routing through various networks (‘jumpers’) randomly has created connection/sec issues. Working to resolve. Select people removed.
Stay strong.
We are winning.
More to follow.



Moving on……….

JUST IN: House GOP Will Subpoena Biden And His Family Over Foreign Business Deals, Says Comer


Words matter…….

Rand Paul Says on Fox That Fauci Has Been ‘Caught Dead To Rights’ Lying Under Oath and Should Be Prosecuted


House Republican Says He’s Filing Impeachment Resolution Against Biden For ‘Prostitution’ – Among Other Charges



Half the Journalists at France’s Sunday Newspaper Quit – Is France Headed Toward a Media Crisis?


Difficult truths coming out……..


Crimes against humanity……




Soooo many people stepped up to offer insight as to how this was J Foxx – from lighting to camera angle to age (skull shrunk)…..when in truth, much of what we see is fake – every bit of it controlled to either deceive or reveal…



For my 80’s peeps:




GEORGE really coming in hot tonight/today.  It. Is. Time.








San Tarot (interesting title)……..planted seed causing a bit of overwhelm……..but we adjust and can handle it…… is our harvest (of manifestation and abundance) season…….shattering stagnation………not just something inner but also reflected in the outer – every day life……….a Benefactor coming in to shower us with abundance……….multi-dimensional energy surrounds…….hearts everywhere………receive and drink it in………

Aquarius – You’re being discovered.



8.7.23 ~ Finds, brief check-in



WHEW zzzzzzzzzzz.  How are you all feeeeeeeeeeeeling?

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And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖







Here is what I’m seeing.




Pinned too……..





Telling us where we really are?


We have it all………….


Hmm……XX to me says 10:10 (to win)?…………


Approx. 250 up atm in the states (5pm EST)….


Some days……….


20 sec. mark (TIME)………


Telling ourselves this has already happened – we’re just watching a movie – doesn’t really provide the lasting relief most of us truly authentically need now……..




I did not know this…….Time Travel w/friend T………

MICHAEL Jackson narrowly avoided becoming a 9/11 victim after a late night call with his mum prevented him from attending a meeting at the World Trade Centre.



YES IT IS.  Focused on this daily now but really need ALL interference REMOVED.


mebbe connected….


Oct 06, 2020 4:08:10 PM EDT
“Let’s see what happens.”

8.5.23 ~ More Finds and Puzzle-piecing and a Gematria



May be an image of ‎text that says '‎@wordsarevibrations د Hustling is cancelled. From now on we are relaxing our nervous systems and getting into energetic alignment with the intended outcome.‎'‎




If we had done it the traditional way………



Donald Trump Almost Over

Here To Help Build New Earth

A New Day Has Come For All

Here Comes The Son




What about being censored and having your websites shut down and funding source frozen?


Space age…..cures……….5 years or more though – fuch that.  If “they” can do warp speed vaccines – they can release what is ALREADY AVAILABLE.


First Energy (source of the above)………

Outrage is warranted at huge Ohio Edison hikes | News, Sports, Jobs – Tribune Chronicle (



One of the T actors, perhaps?




SAN TAROT…..squeezed by two different realities….going from completely empty to completely full – quickly……..timelines converging……life was one way now it’s the other way.  Incredible Quick Shift – struggling with it – doing it much better than we think we are – doing it with Grace.  RECEIVING.

Virgo – Apprehension turns to excitement.


Almost forgot – Lisa dropped….interesting about the take-over in 2013 – i think it was that guy – i cannot think of his name – former US Navy – worked with the PLG tech – said after 2012 “they” could not get their ending to stick……..

Anchored in 2023




8.3.23 ~ Finds, etc.




Energy and experience continues to feel heavy and chaotic at times.  War/storm amped up.  Narratives crumbling with Truth rising to the top.  As my sign says KEEP GOING YOU GOT THIS.

Over 160 atm.  10:30pm EST.


Election stuff:



So he says he was doxxed……..I saw this – found it…interesting………his host…..kinda the same as an avatar that the consciousness is residing within right?




Interesting perspective……..





Remember him………..?



Remember T talking about how we are returning the Diamonds?  I feel that isn’t just about the children – but about returning our Original DNA………pressure (frequency)………NCSWIC





Also happens to be day 223 (one day after :::ahem::: 222…….)…..





This happened today – as many know:


Donald J. Trump

Timestamp he shared this was 3:33pm
17 post 333:

Dec 11, 2017 2:31:03 PM EST
_          ]_y
Interesting underscore, bracket, spacing and the y.  Wonder what the missing word is………..
Watch Bedminster…….





8.1.23 ~ Checking in and Finds ~ maybe some puzzle solving/sleuthing


Well one thing I know for sure – we need each other.

Even if we’re halfway around the world – even if we’ve never spoken a live word to one another – if we are humans who, most especially, are on this awakening journey – we get the process and understand the ups AND downs of it.  One word – one act of kindness – can shift an otherwise cr@ppy day or moment.

Thank you to everyone who do just that for me.  🥰

As far as things out there – always seeing new stuff – including the toilet paper we use.  U G H  I don’t care what it costs, I’m switching to green products – those without the “forever” chemicals I have learned they put into most TP products.  The flavor of the day is Trump indictment.


Every month now, right?



I agree, grumpy cat.

Here’s what I’m seeing.






moving the pieces around?










Always stuff behind-the-scenes.  8pm EST – about 170 up.  (110 up at midnight EST)


Dutchsinse (or d):

8/01/2023 — Earthquake activity expected spread — BLACKROCK, Very Low Frequency, and NAME GAMES




7.31.23 ~ Finds, etc.


May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Every human being you know is facing an internal battle right now. Don't assume that everyone is okay just because they don't mention the demons they are fighting. Be the best friend you can be: call, listen, invite people to hang out, and always let people know that you have their back S. Mcnutt |TheMindsJournal'


Energy is weird.  This reality – weird.  At the store, couldn’t tell – at a new level – who was female and who was male.  Shared my story about account hack – how interesting it was it came out of the ukraine – esp. after all of this russia russia stuff – you’d think something like that would originate from russia – wonder what the sunflower sign people would have to say about that.  Let’s just show it all for the people already, ok?  An interesting note – I have to use checks until the new card arrives – and tonight at one store they ran my check like a debit card which means the bank declined it as the old card is doa.  I’ve never had this happen – something new?  Anyway so I had to separate out what the little amount of cash I had on hand would cover.  Old me would have been embarrassed.  Not this time.

Current synchs – music (we are the champions to keep me going – and a very personal one tonight at the store – one of those songs you don’t really hear anymore on the radio)….and last night my screen saver is suddenly showing an image out of Antarctica……..interesting timing.

Here’s what I’m seeing.

Please share, subscribe, comment and donate.  

And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖











70 up atm (1am EST).…..


BOOM! It’s Happening!… Chairman James Comer Spoke with Speaker McCarthy About Impeachment Following Devon Archer Testimony (VIDEO)


Devon Archer FLIPS on Biden Crime Family – Tells Congress Burisma Execs ‘Called DC’ to Get Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin Fired… So Joe Biden Got Him Fired


House Committees Launch Investigation Into Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Plea Deal Agreement


Comedian Pee-wee Herman Dead at 70




Well that could explain my dreams last night – i went elsewhere and was having fun – felt light – woke up with a smile……..quantum jumpin’ outta here!


I want to do this with mine………..i grew up playing a piano like this – 1890’s……….this kid is A M A Z I N G – genius………..



This is so sweet……….🤗


There’s Antarctica again………


YES!  I have noticed that over the years – the temp. sensors are always out at our airport where it’s wide open – no trees – and as such is often warmer than where most people live (you know, not next door to a hot airport with all that concrete)……….


speaking of………..

I see climate emergency signs in lawns here – have all year……….🙄

Energy Industry Fears White House Will Declare COVID-Like ‘Climate Emergency’ | ZeroHedge


Scoop: Israel’s Mossad chief secretly visited D.C. to discuss Biden’s Saudi initiative

