6.15.23 ~ What a strange day



I woke up and felt so Light and happy – we all did.  My spouse had an amazing dream (and he very rarely dreams).  He was looking up at the vast dark sky – someone was off to his right.  Suddenly lights in the sky began to appear – Stars – all over the place – the man off to his right pointed out two Stars – one was me (which he called Brilliance – in gematria it also aligns with Awakening and Activated) and the other was our girl – whose Light was almost double in size of mine and mine was very large.  It is so interesting as the colors he saw in each of us align w/what we are naturally drawn to.

Anyway so the first part of the day was Light and energizing – but then late afternoon something came in and knocked us flat.  I spent about an hour in a reclining chair out back in the sun.

Doing breathing stretching moves.  Engaging in silly stuff (ez with a child) – and taking it slow and ez atm.

Here are some finds.




ON my cabinet……..hmmm……….


this is so cute……….GIMME THAT THING




Democrat DA in Westchester County, NY Drops Criminal Case Against Trump, No Charges Filed – TRUMP RESPONDS



Calling out the jabs…….




I had a sudden knowing she dropped:

SAN TAROT………..New Direction……….Knowings we’ve carried for Lifetimes………Something is awakening within………….Letting GO (overall energy)……..In a state of solitude for a long time – a nudging to move away from that phrase……….

Sagittarius – Your essential self.
