Here’s the link again to the Jetson White video ~ the 3-6-9. There is good 17 link/reference to the SKY EVENT (signed by 17 plus – as I’ve said SKY EVENT is mentioned just four times – two each in the months of April & May). I also experienced that inner alignment on the ground hog day experience – we naturally as Souls EXPAND. As we gain NEW experiences we EXPAND. Always expanding. The experience here has absolutely blocked that. We all know deep within we can only do so much here. Blocks? Nonsense. The universe doesn’t BLOCK US – certainly when it is something we authentically wish to create. That goes against the Divine blueprint of Consciousness. The God/Universe within us NATURALLY wants to expand. We feel that within.
That being said, I can understand why we get “guided” by benevolence to keep us safe inside this rather dangerous playground. But truly wanting to do something different/new and get blocked at it? That’s the matrix saying “nope you be getting too big for your britches my little prisoner. back you go!” So………..the desire for NEW and the growing feeling of groundhog day tell us the only way to change that is total freedom TO expand which we do by creating/exploring intuitively/naturally/organically – which means “they” get taken out and we get freed from them.
As I watched and saw him reference an event on 2.21.2020 (and the 2-3 days before leading up TO this event) and how this created a timeline jump on 2.22.20. Look what showed up on 2.21.2020 on the schumann:
Found this…..interesting.