A synch/puzzle piece with one of Jetson White’s latest


Here’s the link again to the Jetson White video ~ the 3-6-9.  There is good 17 link/reference to the SKY EVENT (signed by 17 plus – as I’ve said SKY EVENT is mentioned just four times – two each in the months of April & May).  I also experienced that inner alignment on the ground hog day experience – we naturally as Souls EXPAND.  As we gain NEW experiences we EXPAND.  Always expanding.  The experience here has absolutely blocked that.  We all know deep within we can only do so much here.  Blocks?  Nonsense.  The universe doesn’t BLOCK US – certainly when it is something we authentically wish to create.  That goes against the Divine blueprint of Consciousness.  The God/Universe within us NATURALLY wants to expand.  We feel that within.

That being said, I can understand why we get “guided” by benevolence to keep us safe inside this rather dangerous playground.  But truly wanting to do something different/new and get blocked at it?  That’s the matrix saying “nope you be getting too big for your britches my little prisoner.  back you go!”  So………..the desire for NEW and the growing feeling of groundhog day tell us the only way to change that is total freedom TO expand which we do by creating/exploring intuitively/naturally/organically – which means “they” get taken out and we get freed from them.

As I watched and saw him reference an event on 2.21.2020 (and the 2-3 days before leading up TO this event) and how this created a timeline jump on 2.22.20.  Look what showed up on 2.21.2020 on the schumann:

Found this…..interesting.

Energies continue…………..


Solar?  CERN?  Both?  Something else – who knows – I’m really feeling something today – mate and child as well.  Body aches.  Exhaustion.  Chest pressure.  Very emotional.  Jesus how much more purging and moving of this unwanted at this point energy do we have to endure?  Some of us ain’t single or living without children – or in our youth, ya know?  I’d just like to be staying in bed at this point – being waited on – :::POOF::: the meals are made :::POOF::: the house is cleaned :::POOF::: the bills are paid  :::POOF::: the grocery shopping is done.  Etc. etc. etc.

Dreams.  Are they really ours?  Felt like I traversed a timeline last night to reconnect with some from long ago experiences of another incarnation.  Things felt light and pure until something intruded and energetically attacked my sacral area.  Woke up – again – clenched from my jaw to my ankles.  That could explain some of the body aches – but not all….

I am SO f’ing done w/this sheot.

Here’s what I’m seeing in the energetics.  Don’t much give a flying flip what’s going on on the world stage.

No photo description available.


X class said not to be earth directed.  Yeah, I beg to differ…………



KP giving us another “red” read….Some of that “solar” stuff did reach us….



So let’s talk about CERN.  It was “shut down” in 2018 – then fired back up again in recent weeks.  I was holding positive that good shut it down and then fired it back up.  Why?  I don’t know.  Maybe to help break down the matrix?  Take out more parasites?  Cleanse our bodies of what’s toxic/parasitic?  I don’t know – just know that these discomforts started after CERN got fired up again and I am not the only one observing this.

May be an image of text that says '小m H Schumann Resonance And Earth Magnetic F eld Being Blasted By Cern Test! Mazhar Mazhar Ahmed Latest analysis of CERN reactivation since yesterday and Schumann Spikes. (Link in comments)'

In conclusion:  SOMETHING IS HAPPENING.  What?  Fuch if I know for sure – just know how I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel.


Letter Typography Alphabet Calligraphy - V 1585*1496 ...




What’s up with the sun?


I saw this earlier tonight:

Our Ozone Layer is being removed. UVC radiation is ground level????! 🌞
UVC radiation is a detoxifier, a germ killer and a mutating wavelength!
Someone commented that her mother cares for agriculture and has noticing plants are burning.
Here is our personal experience and we’ve noticed it – slowly – over the last few years.  But now – whatever is happening is happening in the winter and early spring.  We have a tropical palm tree that typically loves the sun.  But now – many of the leaves that get the most sun are burned.  We also have some cedar trees and the 2-3 that receive the most sun are, and I am not exagerrating, 2/3 burned.
So something’s up.  Is it changing these vessels?  Is it a benevolent or otherwise agenda?  Why are some plants being fried in some areas and say down the street or next door – nothing weird is happening.
As I say pretty much most of the time these days:  I don’t know.

Space weather news………..


STRONG EARTH-DIRECTED SOLAR FLARE: If you round up, it was an X-flare. On April 21st at 0157 UT, Earth-orbiting satellites detected a strong M9.6-class solar flare. The source was sunspot complex AR2993-94, which is almost directly facing Earth.

Radiation from the flare caused a shortwave radio blackout over southeast Asia and Australia: blackout map. Remarkably, this is the second day in a row the same region of Earth has experienced a radio blackout. It happened yesterday, too, in response to an even stronger X2.2 flare.

Shortly after the flare, the US Air Force reported a Type II solar radio burst–a natural form of radio noise produced by shock waves in the leading edge of a CME. This means we can expect a CME to emerge from the blast site. Stay tuned for updates. Solar flare alerts: SMS Text

A couple of MEME finds………..One humor ~ One on the energies



First the humor:

May be an image of text that says 'He IS RISEN! He IS NOT! LONTON HAPPY EASTER! HAPPY PASSOVER!'


This one…………..What do ya’ll think/feel about this one?  I like it.  What a peaceful way to get everyone’s attention – put everyone in a restful, peaceful state where we have to rest – then show us where we are and liberate us all.  Honestly at this point, everything’s been released by now – in some way – somewhere – right?


KP hits 7


Don’t think I’ve seen it hit 7 before……Not coming from the sun from what I’ve read as there is no earth-facing CME’s………..Outside the Dome from the REAL SUN……….Or something that ain’t from this place……….







For why I have felt like this all day??


Or leading up to – this?  ???



17 booms timestamp: 11.03 => 11.3 devolution
ça se rapproche

Relentless Truth

Relentless Truth@Lebronsonroids



Friendly reminder…

The 20th Amendment states that the “terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January.”

So why was Biden “sworn in” as President at 11:48?

Why was the inauguration seemingly pre-recorded? (The weather was incorrect for that day)

Why was the fence put up beforehand?

Why were 25,000 national guard troops brought in? (There weren’t any riots or civil unrest near the Captiol)

Why didn’t Trump attend the inauguration? (First time in 150 years)

Why weren’t the military displaying any ranks or honors?

Why did Biden have to charter his own plane to fly to the inauguration?

Why hasn’t Biden ever used the AF-1 callsign when flying?

Why haven’t we seen Biden in the oval office since February 2021?

Why does Biden ALWAYS use a staged set or a green screen to fake being in or around the White House?

Why did Biden refer to Trump as “The President” last week? (Not “President Trump”)

11.3.2 (T-3)


Or the horrid weather here – low lying clouds for weeks and weeks – crappy air – and the spraying we’re pretty sure they’re doing above the cloud layer creating metallic smells and tastes……I am so ready to see the tide turn IN OUR FAVOR.