Aaahhh…..this is more like it…..felt this one come in….In fact when this began, my mate and I were talking about feeling bliss – and I said “I just know that is our natural state”…
For me the best way to “feel” this is to go within – feels like it’s at a distance right now – it’s strange – it’s like I feel I am feeling this on the outside and it’s funneling inside to me here – but it is still there. Zero desire to connect with all of that “out there” atm. So I ain’t! Love, V.
5 hours worth. Some insist it is a timeline jump – some insist it is missing data. The truth is – NONE of us know the truth. All we have to go by is speculation – feels and little puzzle pieces/tidbits of info. I like the idea of timelines collapsing – THEIRS. So I will intend that one.
The schumann is still blasting away….Energy is not coming from the sun (again)….I am feeling it all over – that “hardly here/so tired I am walking sideways”. I am sharing this and then will be taking a nap. I will say this – this “ALL is being seen” is taking a very. long. time. (well for friends like us – I’m still not convinced anyone in my area is seeing – the local chatter is still pro-JB and “where can I get my vaccine?” UGH! Prayers for them to SEE please. I am ready to have that experience where just one says “WOW – how come I didn’t see this before?”
Well this explains the dreams I had and how rather relaxed and chill I feel. One of my dreams I was in TN talking with Heather Ann (Tucci Jarraf) – about her release – about what’s going on. She was calm and seemed in a place of knowing and acceptance. “Crazy knowing” I shall call it. I was the one saying “but you are still in jail” – but then I had this sense from her that her scheduled release date (1/22) was to be sooner. As I left the experience, I wanted to know about this emit scenario and I heard “EGT”. At first I thought “emergency broadcast signal” but then immediately knew – wrong letters. lol It was then that I heard her say “everyone goes together”. Very much aligns with 17 “WWG1WGA”.
Here’s the latest Schumann BOB – or byob – bring your own bliss. Thanks to my mate for adding the “Y”. Body feels light – if not sloppy in doing things………
I noticed this glow tonight. It was about 45 minutes after sunset – much to the north of where the sun currently sets. The moon is full but it hasn’t risen yet (it sets tomorrow at 8am). So what is it? I don’t know but right after photos were taken, my mate had on MrMBB333’s latest and he shows a “light source” that arrives about 30 minutes or so after sunset – to the north of the sun. Same thing? Something else to add – I have seen unusual glows coming from this same location at various times hours after sunset – sometimes in the middle of the night. Something’s there…..
Ok….so is it NORMAL to have the White House details on Zillow? Anyone ever check in the past? I just found it – perplexing….The square feet is interesting – 55,000. 17 talks of 5:5. I wonder if someone can step in and put it up for sale?
The sentencing of former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith got bumped to January 29 . 🍿🍿🍿 #thestormisuponus #MAGA#wwg1wga #EnjoyTheShow .
Given the drop above – I wonder if tomorrow begins the unfolding….I have had 3 days circled on the calendar and tomorrow is the last of the 3….given the “energetics” of the past 2 days (and how chaotic all over the place they were as compared to today….well, we will see…..
Also reading reports of blackouts in Pakistan and The Vatican as well as road blocks in Rome. The Vatican blackout and road blocks in Rome are still developing in terms of verification but I find it interesting given what I feeeeeel is happening (and it still feels different “out there”) and the recent intel on Italy and the U.S. election. Perhaps the schumann is showing us what is going on…..
I must say – this first one below – I agree. As I shared yesterday, the sun was different yesterday. Yellow. So bright I had to squint even w/sunglasses on. Today was the same – however taking shots later in the day the flower petal effect was back – and the energy felt different today – overall pretty calm feeling – but the poking came through later in the afternoon. My feel? Christmas is their holiday that they “gifted” to us – which includes Christmas Eve. Not judging the holiday or anyone who celebrates as we do as well in our own way. I am well in the knowing and feeling of their looshing games. My idea – our idea in this house – is have a similar type of holiday on our OWN calendar date. Unless of course they are fully removed then I see a lot of celebrations, holidays, etc. I am very much ready to dance. (been practicing).
Something did come through yesterday though that was visceral that also impacted this object we call our sun.
The first thing I think when I see this is: Wait for it. (The pause before the drop.) Just one more moment….(I know because I do this often in my house interacting w/my child. lol)
Former child actor Kirk Cameron organized a mostly maskless holiday gathering in a parking lot outside a mall in Thousand Oaks, California to protest the governor-imposed lockdown
@SidneyPowell1 Prez @realDonaldTrump 👉🏼If Iran is listed as an enemy of the UnitedStates🇺🇸 why is Nancy & her cronies giving an unspecified amount of money to Iran an enemy state? 👉🏼Isn’t that treason? 👉🏼A map of all the countries getting American Taxpayers money😡
Israel will hold its fourth elections in two years after the 23rd Knesset dissolved at midnight on Tuesday over a failure by the unity government’s parties to meet a budget deadline.
A really weird Schumann. I’ve never seen such a signature. Check out that strong squiggly line around the 34hz….and a fainter one around 25hz…They began on the 22nd and continued until the first part of the day. Very interesting…..
Venus’ track seems to be stuck. I’ve caught it hopping back and forth – but now? Something came through on the 21st (not the 22nd as I say in the video) – putting it in neutral before transiting again, this time at a slower pace. You also hear my daughter in the background who is supposed to be in bed reading quietly.
A beautiful vision in which I align. I have been reflecting on how we raise/guide our children here. We have it wrong in so many ways – and I have been tuning in to remember how this was once done before all of this nonsense/their game came into play. We are doing all we can to make sure she is just not some mass produced human – and I also know we need a whole new experience here – a truly supportive world in order to do that in the way I/we really want. It does take a village and if that village is still run and controlled by the village idiot, it makes parenting as someone like myself very challenging.
The Vision Alignment Project
A Vision for Our Children
Here is a Vision from Intender Trudy Scott of Eugene, OR. Trudy is a mother of four and has midwived the births of many babies. She is acknowledged for her love of children.
We see a world where children are heard for their wisdom, where we know they are one with the source, where we who precede them delightfully call out to the highest aspect of all souls as they enter life through conscious conception and sacred union. We envision a world where being a parent is a very holy occupation, where many are joyful in helping with the upbringing of our children. To honor the children, adults hold council with them on how to design their education and the creation of community that intends the highest good for all future generations.
We see the children having the freedom to explore nature, to spend great hours communing with the trees, the animals, the weather, the rocks, all aspects of their Divine Mother Earth. Our children easily absorb right action of respect, love of self, and love of all from the adults, as we understand that this gives us our greatest joy. As our children begin to blossom into adulthood, there are rituals to celebrate each of their passages, empowering them and us with true purpose. Celebrations occur freely and often, for all of their great accomplishments.
And we see all children being accepted for their talents, all of them having their inner light shining forth, a light that never needs to be dampened or hidden. All the children of the world sing their songs of freedom, and we are all blessed with the tones.
As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.
First we have the Schumann ~ which is givin’ us some Love. I felt this when it first came in for even though I felt that inner fatigue that is a pretty normal experience now ~ I felt this beautiful calm. Happy. Blissful (thus the Schumann Bliss as I like to call it). And it is also a very interesting signature – many different frequencies of energies incoming.
Here is a solar capture too. Notice what looks like a stargate on this one. That image on the right is too “perfect” to be the result of a cme. I am including in this an image of a variety of symbols. My daughter drew this out today – saying these were their symbols. I found it interesting one looked like a box with a big bow on top of it. She helped me see how they use gifts with bows as a way to put their “stuff” in our face. The bow can be seen – as she said – as both eyes and the infinity loop (which as we know is their symbol for saying “we have kept you in this endless looping cycle”). The cubes – the triangles – I am wondering of those symbols are used in their looping/time traveling tech. I recently finished The Time Machine and the illustrations of the machine he used has some similar symbols. Anyway – here is my next set of shares:
She has said their “gods” look like the image on the right. Squares above their heads. My mate has said he has seen the same in his dreams as well.
Things “feel” like we are in a pause. Or perhaps the schumann is helping split apart the realities for until today, I was feeling the chaos quite intensely and today -I am just not feeling it.
Lastly, here is a video I captured late last night on the Live Meteors channel. I was getting ready to go to bed when my mate called my attention to the image you will see below. That is a new signature. We theorized that it was a new frequency coming in thus giving the never-before-seen signature. It seems to have set the pattern for today in terms of “feeeeeeling” as well as my ability to have the experience I did last night.